Is it possible to use an NTV set-top box for tricolor. Overview of satellite companies

Satellite television clients who are connected to one or another provider are often interested in how to make sure that Tricolor and NTV Plus are on the same plate. To do this, you need to purchase a special device: an offset plate and a mount for 2 heads (converters with two outputs). let's consider detailed instructions further.

Many users believe that the NTV Plus package must include a satellite dish. And the last one, by the way, is only one part of the entire set of equipment for watching TV. The same applies to the operator Tricolor TV. It follows from this that the main component of the transmission package for a particular operator is not the dish, but the receiver. Since NTV Plus has a satellite signal in Viaccess encoding, the service can only be activated with the “native” receivers of this provider. Therefore, a justified choice would be an NTV Plus receiver, and not an NTV Plus antenna. And although there is no special antenna for viewing the channels of a particular operator, there is still a slight difference between the dishes. But more on that later.

Antenna Features

The Tricolor and NTV Plus antennas have several features:

  • converter polarization;
  • antenna diameter.

If we connect another package of services to an existing Tricolor satellite dish - TV channels from the operator NTV Plus, then for this we need a head (converter) circular polarization and an antenna with a diameter of 60 cm. But if you are going to use the antenna all year round and be sure that neither a thunderstorm, nor snow, nor strong wind will interfere with viewing some channels, then it is worth purchasing a dish with a diameter of 80-90 cm.

Another feature satellite dish NTV Plus and Tricolor is their polarization. It is circular for both. Heads with linear polarization are not suitable for viewing NTV Plus or Tricolor TV channels. Thus, the satellite dishes of these operators can be considered interchangeable. The only difference is the Tricolor operator. Its official representatives recommend installing an antenna with a diameter of 55 cm. But this implies the lowest coverage. If you want to watch programs in any weather, then it is better to play it safe and buy a larger dish.

Broadcasting from these providers allows you to connect to Tricolor and NTV Plus television simultaneously through one satellite.

How to connect two operators at the same time

Do you want tricolor and NTV plus to be on the same plate? Then remember what to do:

  1. We install a satellite dish with a diameter of 60 cm.
  2. We attach a converter with 2 outputs to the antenna.
  3. Setting up the plate satellite signal Eutelsat W4 36.0°E.
  4. From each output of the converter you need to run a cable to the receivers of the operators.

If you connect to satellite television from two providers at once, do not expect that you will save much. You do not have to pay for only one antenna out of two complete sets, as well as for installation additional antenna, which, by the way, is not so cheap - 3 thousand rubles. In addition, you will save space, which means the aesthetic appearance will be better with one antenna than with two. So there are still advantages. But the agreement will have to be concluded with two network operators at once.

Can I install an additional network myself?

If you want to install additional channels personally and, suppose, you already have a satellite dish with broadcasting from Tricolor TV. When purchasing an additional circular polarization head with two outputs for your antenna, you need to purchase tv cable RG6 and two connectors on it to connect it to the head. You don't need any special knowledge or antenna retuning. All that needs to be done is to secure the converter clockwise, focusing on the readings of the quality scale on the receiver.

Instructions from Tricolor

There is such a TV channel as “Teleinstructor”, which is broadcast by the operator Tricolor. There you can hear clear instructions on how to connect NTV Plus channels.

As you can see, broadcasting tricolor and NTV plus on one dish is possible. And for this you need neither more nor less - just an additional head (converter) with two outputs and new agreement on additional network with an incomplete set of equipment (without a plate).

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For many years now, the market in Russia has been dominated by two satellite operators. For about the same amount of time, the dilemma of which is better – Tricolor or NTV Plus – has been worrying their actual and potential subscribers. There is hardly an answer to this question for the simple reason that every consumer is looking for something different from television. Still, the choice will be helped by a realistic assessment of the features of the proposals from competing companies.

By what criteria should we compare?

How to get more channels of better quality for less? It is worth comparing NTV Plus and Tricolor TV precisely according to these parameters:

  • signal quality and technical support;
  • cost of subscription fee;
  • number of channels in the main and additional packages.

It is also necessary to take into account the functionality and capabilities of the equipment, since this is an invariable component of comfortable TV viewing.

Where is the best picture?

In this parameter, the pioneer of satellite television in our country is literally half a step ahead. A more stable signal is the result of the fact that the recommended equipment includes a larger antenna and more reliable receivers. The lag of Tricolor TV is minimal, but the difference is noticeable on big screens and when the weather worsens.

The more experienced operator is also ahead in terms of the quality of technical support. It is easier to reach its branches (which are located in many regions of the country), work with official representatives is organized more easily high level. In turn, Tricolor TV subscribers often complain that it is usually difficult to get help from an operator.

How much do the leaders of satellite television pay?

It is no secret that many consumers solve the problem of what to choose - Tricolor TV or NTV Plus from a position of economy. In this parameter, the younger and more progressive operator is ahead. For its main package “Unified” you need to pay 1,200 rubles per year for one TV or 1,500 for two (as an option - 2,000 rubles with the ability to connect additional packages).

NTV Plus currently has a monthly subscription fee for the “Basic” package of 149 rubles. It is easy to calculate that the amount for the year is more, while special offer The company does not have two screens. You can pay for a year at once with a good discount, then you get 100 rubles per month - the total is the same 1200 rubles.

On the other hand, it is the possibility of monthly payment that makes the offer more attractive for summer residents and those who are not used to planning a year ahead. You can also interrupt your NTV subscription without charging a subscription fee and resume it at any time (for example, in the event of a sudden long business trip).

Advice: for new subscribers who do not want to overpay for unnecessary channels, NTV Plus offers to activate the “Economy” package for 50 rubles per month (you need to pay immediately for a year).

What are they showing?

Often the decision to give preference to one company or another depends on the content of the main (required for subscription) packages. At the beginning of 2018, the leadership belongs to Tricolor TV: 218 channels in its “Unified” look more solid than 190 in “Basic” from NTV Plus.

At the same time, the operators have a slightly different general focus in their main packages. Tricolor TV has more channels with films, among which you can find literally any content - from domestic TV series to masterpieces of world cinema. NTV Plus has a more diverse range of sports-themed channels, but movie lovers will have to pay for additional packages.

Equipment capabilities

The functionality of the equipment is another cornerstone in the “Tricolor TV or NTV Plus” debate. In this regard, the “younger” operator is trying to make progress towards progress. They rely on the fact that members of the same family are interested in channels of different thematic areas, and today many homes have more than one TV. The company offers its own solutions:

  • most tricolor receivers are dual-tuner models that can be used to watch television on two screens;
  • you can take advantage of the economical offer for two TVs, which includes a set of two set-top boxes and a package of discounted services;
  • additional allows you to watch movies good quality at any convenient time;
  • By order of the company, the first Russian one was created with a TV viewing function, which is positioned as a family one.

Important: attempts to improve the equipment of the Tricolor athletes are not always successful. Forced modernization often does not please, but rather irritates subscribers.

In this regard, NTV Plus is distinguished by conservatism. They are in no hurry to “hang” on receivers here. additional functions and opportunities. So it turns out that the operator adds channels in UHD quality to the broadcast, but subscribers have practically no opportunity to watch them. And the progressive viewer has no choice but to switch from NTV Plus to Tricolor TV.

How to change operator?

Subscribers who are disappointed in one operator sometimes want to connect to the services of another, but do not know how to do this. In this case, the advantage is that both companies broadcast from the same satellite and use circular polarization converters in the antennas.

That is, there is no need to change either the plate or its direction. But some things still need to be replaced - the receiver and the smart card. You will also have to enter into an agreement with another operator and pay for a subscription.

Advice: many service centers they work with both Tricolor TV and NTV plus - they are, as a rule, ready to change equipment with a certain surcharge.

Is it possible to watch NTV Plus and Tricolor TV on one dish?

There are situations when subscribers do not want to choose: they want to watch television from both operators and not bother installing a second antenna. There are two ways to solve this problem. The first is pirated, the second is legal, but more expensive.

The first option is the so-called cardsharing. To implement it you need:

  • satellite dish tuned to Eutelsat W4 36.0°E satellite;
  • a special receiver that will decrypt the signal, with an external wi-fi receiver;
  • Internet - to connect to a pirate server, which will provide keys for decoding the signal.

Important: initially you will have to invest in cardsharing, but subsequent TV viewing will cost less than two subscriptions. However, the method has one big drawback - it is illegal, and in case of problems with the display there will be no one to file a claim with.

In order to watch Tricolor and NTV Plus on one dish legally, you must:

  • antenna of sufficient diameter - experts recommend using a dish from 80 cm;
  • a circular polarization converter with two outputs - one connects to the NTV receiver, the second to the Tricolor receiver;
  • two receivers (one for each operator);
  • subscription to NTV plus and Tricolor services.

Next, they follow the standard algorithm - they set up receivers one by one with connections to one or two TVs. It turns out to be a small saving on the purchase and installation of one plate, and the aesthetics of the facade are not spoiled.

Television has not lost popularity since its inception and remains a relevant way of spending time. Question for choosing a satellite television operator: “Tricolor or NTV plus: which is better in 2019?” relevant for many subscribers who have not yet made their choice. Both representatives are the largest and most sought-after companies covering the entire territory of Russia. Although NTV was the first to enter this business, Tricolor successfully competed and offered users unique opportunities for more low price. The race of technologies and services between companies continues to this day. This material will help you objectively decide on the choice of whose services are better in 2019.

How to switch from Tricolor to NTV plus for free and vice versa

In order to decide on the choice of satellite operator, you need to compare the services offered according to the following parameters:

  • basic cost of service, quantity free channels And paid packages for connection;
  • free equipment and models of receivers offered by the operator for everyday user use;
  • signal coverage area and delay in signal exchange between the receiver and satellite;
  • image quality and additional features;
  • current promotions and discounts;
  • user reviews on popular resources.

Moreover, both operators have special program to proceed to using the services. The transition is free, and all offers are accompanied by additional promotions and offers. Let's look at the main points and compare them.

Subscription fee - key parameter for many users. Basic package Tricolor TV costs more than 1,200 rubles per year, while NTV is required to pay 149 rubles per month for the solution.

However, the use of NTV can be paused at any time, which makes this solution beneficial for dacha use.

This way you can activate services in certain time, which will save money.

Both operators offer free service support and expanded personal account. The number of channels for both representatives is the same. Availability additional packages will allow you to expand your viewing capabilities for a small financial investment. A more detailed list of available offers can be found on the operator’s official website.

The basic Tricolor TV package includes more channels than the NTV analogue.

An analysis of the quality of content and standard equipment of both operators allows us to draw a conclusion based on user reviews: the image quality, even in remote regions, is better with NTV. The quality of the signal received from the satellite to the Tricolor TV receiver is lower than that of its competitor. However, the basic Tricolor kit includes 20 channels high definition, and the analog NTV offers a package of 5 channels. You can always expand this list additional offers.

In the question of whether to choose Tricolor or NTV, the quality of service can play a key role. Tricolor TV offers:

  1. call the ethereal 24/7 hotline;
  2. by calling or leaving text message to the company's official Skype contact. If the line is not busy, you will be connected to a specialist;
  3. using the ticket system in personal account user, offering advanced capabilities for working with Tricolor TV;
  4. by calling or leaving a message in the operator’s free text or voice chat available on the Tricolor website;
  5. by writing an e-mail, having previously formed your request. Indicate the name of the error, its nature, and the action taken to resolve it. The message will be reviewed as soon as possible.

NTV has similar solutions. Noted intuitive interface in the control panel, which is very popular among subscribers. The process of mounting and installation is the same in both cases, since the work process of both operators is the same.

Installation and configuration can be done either independently or by company specialists.

Users independently developed a unique solution - “cardsharing”, which allows them to use smart cards from several satellite television operators on one receiver at once, by signing up for a third-party subscription. Official operators It is strictly not recommended to use this decision, indicating poor quality of broadcast and service. Registration of cardsharing will help not only expand access to satellite television, but also significantly save on services.

Everyone chooses the method of receiving channels in digital quality, this is what I proceeded from when choosing:.

Terrestrial digital television did not suit me, due to large quantity channels.

Cable television - everything is more complicated here, the operator who provides television through coaxial cable without the use of coding (no set-top boxes are needed) does not serve my home, and the operators that provide television through the set-top box did not suit me either, since I had to pay subscription fee for connecting one TV 300 rubles or more, in my opinion expensive. Based on this, I chose satellite television. The disadvantage of this method is that to use it you must initially have an amount of about 10 thousand rubles. for the purchase of equipment. But you can always save money, for example I had old receiver NTV+, according to the promotion, I exchanged it with an additional payment for new receiver NTV+ - I’ll immediately clarify that this was a temporary event, I was just lucky to meet the deadline for it. But stocks change and there is always an opportunity to buy satellite kit cheaper. So, choose between satellite operators I didn’t have to, because I got an NTV+ set with a contract and a card for cheap. All that was left to do was set the plate and enjoy digital channels, even channels in HD quality.

A little theory about satellite television.

For those who are not at all aware of the installation of satellite equipment, I will explain that the dish must look strictly at the satellite broadcasting signal. It’s worth telling a little here learn more about the technology satellite television.

The television signal is broadcast from a geostationary satellite hovering above the Earth. If you go a little deeper, the satellite rotates in the plane of the earth's equator at an altitude of approximately 35,000 km above the earth's surface. The period of revolution in this orbit is one day. That is, a satellite moving in a geostationary orbit does not change its position relative to the Earth’s surface (it constantly “hangs” above the same point of the equator).

By using satellite dish we focus the signal from the satellite to the point where the converter is located.

Converter is receiver, which is attached to the focus of the signal reflected from the satellite antenna and converts this signal into electrical, after which it transmits it to the receiver.

A receiver is a device that converts the signal coming from the converter into a “understandable” signal for the TV. The receiver connects to the TV using HDMI interface, SCART, "tulip", etc. depends on the model of the receiver and the connectors on the TV.

The general diagram is presented below.

Installation of NTV+ dish

So, let's move from theory to practice. Below I will describe how I installed and configured NTV+ (for those who set up Tricolor, the connection diagram will be similar).

I climbed onto the roof of my house and saw the following picture - two satellite dishes hanging, there was a place left just for mine.

If you pay attention, one dish is used for Tricolor (judging by the inscription on the plate, although this may not be the case), this is good, since Tricolor and NTV+ broadcast from the same satellite, which means they are directed to the same point in the sky, adjust the direction accordingly antennas will be easier, since the sample will be nearby. When installing a satellite dish, you can also look around, since most people use either Tricolor or NTV+, accordingly you will understand in which direction you need to turn the antenna. If there are no dishes nearby, turn the dish to the south (since the satellite “hangs” on the equator), it should be taken into account that there should not be any trees or buildings on the path between the satellite and the direction of the dish, since they will not allow the signal to reach the dish.

The first step is to fasten the antenna bracket using anchor bolts (usually they come with the antenna). To do this, attach the bracket to the wall, mark the places where you need to drill holes, and use a drill to make holes with a depth and a radius the size of an anchor bolt. Then insert the bolts there.

Then attach the bracket to the wall and screw it.

As a result of all actions, check that the bracket is firmly secured and does not wobble.

After this, assemble the plate and attach it to the bracket.

Next, you need to run a coaxial cable from the receiver (where the TV will be) to the satellite dish converter. If the cable exceeds 10 meters, you can buy a high-quality 75 Ohm coaxial cable of the required length.

After this, using HDMI cable, SCART or "tulip" connect the receiver to the TV. Then turn on the receiver, select AV mode (corresponding interface) on the TV. You will see the receiver menu, select the satellite in the settings (let me remind you, for NTV+ and Tricolor it will be the same satellite), for the European zone it will be EUTELSAT W4/ W7 or EUTELSAT 36A/ 36B (they have been renamed).

The next step is to set the dish strictly to the satellite. What not to use additional devices helping to set up channels, which cost quite a bit of money (and there is no need if you want to set up one satellite dish for yourself), you will need an assistant who will monitor the signal level, while you turn the dish. You can use a cell phone for communication.

You should rotate the plate millimeter by millimeter in order to catch a good signal. The antenna rotates not only horizontally, but also vertically, do not forget about this.

In the end, I set up an NTV+ dish (I decided prematurely).

I managed to achieve a signal of more than 70 percent; it was cloudy, so perhaps the result was no better. Coming down after setting up the antenna, I quickly tuned in the channels using auto search and was quite pleased. BUT, when I turned on the HD channel, an information sign “No signal” appeared in front of me.

How so?! All channels work normally, but all HDs write “No signal”.

Call to service technical support did not bring any results. I decided to spin the plate some more to achieve at least some signal level (as you can see in the picture below, the signal level of HD channels is 0%). To do this, in the menu I selected List TP - 11823/27500/V (it is responsible for some of the HD channels).

I climbed onto the roof and again began to slowly turn the antenna; my assistant remained near the TV and told me the signal level. After literally 10-15 minutes I managed to set up the HD channels; they showed a signal level of about 73%. Having gone down, I could already see the channels in HD quality, the other channels were also excellent.

The bottom line of this whole story is, do not believe people who say that only specialists with special equipment can install and configure satellite television. Almost anyone can do this!!!