The best horizontal CPU coolers. Rating of the best cooling systems for the processor

Choosing a high-performance CPU cooler

The home personal computer is that element consumer electronics, which you always want to improve at least a little. Add random access memory, install another one HDD, upgrade the video card and many other different “improve”, “increase”, “expand”, etc. One of the simplest (at first glance), effective and inexpensive ways to increase computer performance is to overclock the central processor. In computing, this process is called a beautiful word"overclocking", since in most cases it consists of increasing the frequency at which the processor operates.

One of the side effects of overclocking is a significant increase in power consumption. electric current and, as a result, an increase in the amount of heat generated by the processor. Those who are a little familiar with the physics of semiconductors are well aware that the performance of any semiconductor element is highly dependent on temperature. The higher it is, the less more stable work There is a microcircuit, and when a critical point is reached, the semiconductor turns into a conductor, energy consumption and release increases abruptly, and the processor burns out or turns off. On the contrary, the lower the temperature of the silicon crystal, the more stable it operates and the higher its performance.

From what has been written it follows that the better the central processor in the system unit of a personal computer is cooled, the higher its performance and the more stable its operation. The more powerful the cooling system, the higher the processor can be overclocked, thereby increasing the overall performance of the PC.

Scythe Rasetsu - small and efficient

To cool the processor while the computer is running, a wide range of different devices are produced, the operation of which is based on different principles. We talked in detail about the physics of heat removal in the article “Theoretical foundations of cooling system unit elements. Processor coolers,” so now we will focus on the practical side of selecting a cooling system whose performance is optimal for your system.

Step one - defining the socket

Central processors of personal computers (like any other components) change quite noticeably with the development of their production technologies. Moreover, these changes concern not only improved characteristics and changes in the internal structure of the crystal, but also purely geometric and electrical parameters of the chip. The dimensions of the case change, the number, height and shape of the legs, the distance between them and the method of fixing the processor to the motherboard change. The entire listed set of parameters together is standardized for each type of processor and is called a processor socket.

Socket FM2 and plastic mounts for cooler

There are quite a few types of sockets (for Intel processors there are more than three dozen of them and almost the same for AMD), and each of them has its own unique mechanical and geometric parameters. Each socket also has its own method of attaching the processor cooler to the motherboard. Therefore, when choosing a cooling system, you should first find out the socket of the processor installed in your system and limit your choice to the appropriate type of cooler.

Socket 1150. Mounting holes for attaching the cooler are visible

The choice is made somewhat easier by the fact that last years There is still some unification of the cooler mount for various sockets. This is especially noticeable on motherboards for AMD processors. The mounts have not been modified since the release of socket AM2 and the same cooler can be installed on any modern processor with sockets AM2+, AM3, AM3+, FM1, FM2 and FM2+. For Intel processors, two types of mounting are currently available - one for LGA2011 and the other for LGA1150, LGA1155 and LGA1156. Older generations of processors require different mounts.

All manufacturers must provide information about the compatibility of a processor cooler with various sockets both on the box and on their website. Many coolers come with several types of mounts, which makes them universal in relation to the socket.

Step two - choosing a manufacturer

The total number of companies producing cooling systems for personal computer processors is very large. Fortunately, there is a certain table of ranks that allows you to divide cooler manufacturers according to the quality, reliability and efficiency of their products (note that this rating largely reflects the subjective opinion of the author of the article, but at the same time takes into account the average objective data on the test results of various devices of the brands mentioned below).

Brands of the first magnitude can without hesitation include the Austrian company Noctua, whose coolers are quiet with excellent efficiency, the Japanese Skythe, which produces high-performance and original devices, the Taiwanese Thermaltake and Cooler Master, as well as the South Korean Zalman. Let us immediately make a reservation that there is a fairly large number of devices from other manufacturers with excellent characteristics, but it is the high-quality products of these companies in a wide range that are available on the domestic market, which is why they are preferred.

Step three - determining the required performance

There are several different methods for calculating the required performance of a processor cooler, taking into account the amount of heat generated by the processor, the effective dissipation area of ​​the radiator fins, the amount of air flow created by the cooler fan(s), the material of the cooler base or heat sink, and other parameters. In this article, we will not delve so deeply into the theory and overload the text with formulas. We will select a sufficiently efficient cooler according to the characteristics available in the specifications specified by the manufacturer in several steps.

First of all, determine in which mode your computer will operate. If you are not going to overclock the processor, then the selection process is greatly simplified. It is enough just to find in the cooler specifications that it matches yours or a more powerful processor of the same type, and you can safely install this cooler into the system. To operate in normal modes, most modern classic coolers with direct contact between the radiator and the processor are sufficient. In this case, the choice of a specific model must be made according to other criteria - low noise level, design, air flow direction, etc.

If overclocking the system is not excluded, then the cooling system should be selected more carefully. First, determine how seriously overclocking you are going to subject your system to and what result you want to get in the end. Extreme fans who strive to squeeze everything possible (and impossible) out of the best components available on the market and set another performance record for a personal computer use cooling systems with liquid nitrogen as a refrigerant. There is no point in writing anything in more detail for such enthusiasts in this article, since all of them, as a rule, are very savvy in technical side question.

Cooling the system with liquid nitrogen

For everyone else, we can recommend a simple algorithm for choosing a cooling system. For those who plan to subject the overclocked processor to heavy loads constantly or most of the time (for example, in demanding game modes), it is worth paying attention to the systems liquid cooling. Now their cost is no longer exorbitant, although it exceeds the price of high-quality air coolers. The performance of various life-support systems varies quite widely, so it is worth first reading the relevant reviews and tests in search of a compromise between efficiency and cost.

The life support system can be so large-sized

Those PC owners who overclock the processor to improve overall system performance and subject it to serious loads only from time to time can be content with air cooling systems on heat pipes. Cooler efficiency can be assessed based on visual signs:

  • number of heat pipes - the more, the better;
  • radiator size and weight - large massive radiators with a large number of thin plates are more efficient;
  • fan size and number - Large diameter fans not only provide more airflow, but are also quieter when cooling an unloaded processor.

Scythe Katana 3 - both the processor cools and the memory cools

From those coolers that you think are suitable for your purposes, you can choose the most suitable one by referring to the test results of various online laboratories. Now there are similar tests for almost any cooling system produced by more or less well-known brands.

Step four - determining the compatibility of the cooler with motherboard and body

Unfortunately, even if the cooler you like has a mount that matches your processor socket, this does not guarantee that it will be compatible with your system. The reason for the incompatibility may be a purely geometric discrepancy between the overall parameters of the cooler and the arrangement of the elements motherboard, power supply and case walls.

The easiest way is to check the possibility of installing a cooler in a case based on its vertical dimensions. To do this you can simply take regular ruler and measure the distance along the back wall of your case from the left cover to the hole for the connector panel plug. To the obtained result you need to add 37.5 mm (standardized distance to the contact plane of the cooler base) and subtract a couple of millimeters by the thickness of the lid. The result obtained will be the maximum allowable vertical dimension of the processor cooler. Please note that for cooling systems with a top-mounted fan, you need to leave a couple more centimeters between the lid and the end of the cooler, otherwise you will need to cut a ventilation hole in the lid (many cases already have such holes).

Tall radiators often interfere with the cooler

It is more difficult to find out the compatibility of the lower part of the cooler with the elements located around the processor socket on the motherboard. Most often, conflicts arise with radiators for cooling voltage stabilizers and with radiators installed on RAM. If you suspect that such a conflict may arise, then it is best to purchase a cooler after directly checking its geometric compatibility. To do this, you can take your own system unit to the store where you plan to buy the cooling system and perform a trial installation.

Step five - protect your hearing and nerves

Almost any processor cooler during operation is a source of quite audible noise, consisting of the hum of fan bearings, air noise in the fan blades and radiator planes, noise of the fluid pump and air in the radiators for the liquid-liquid system. The only absolutely silent option (not counting passive radiators) known to the author is a liquid cooling system based on liquid metal, in which the coolant is pumped by an electromagnetic pump.

Danamics LM10 - cooler with liquid metal as a coolant

All other coolers during operation produce a noise level in the range from 15 to 45 dB(A) or more. A sound level of up to 35 dB(A) is comfortable for humans, and a level of up to 22 dB(A) can be considered silent.

Information about the “noise” of any cooler is necessarily provided both on its packaging and on the manufacturer’s website, so choosing a quiet device is not a problem.


The modern market for processor cooling systems is so vast and diverse that it is difficult to give a sufficiently complete description of it in one article. The material, shape and size of radiators, the material of the sole or heat sink, the size and power of fans, the direction of air flow and other parameters differ very significantly in various devices. But it is precisely this diversity that allows us to confidently assert that, with some effort, you can always choose exactly the processor cooler that is optimal for your system in terms of price and efficiency.

How to choose a CPU cooler | Basics (why bigger is better)

Any electrical circuit has resistance, and it is the principle electrical resistance built into both the CPU and toasters. U electrical semiconductors An unusual feature is that they can change resistance from low to high when electrical current is applied in a certain way. These states are represented in a logic circuit as ones and zeros. Although CPU logic circuits are not designed to heat anything, we are essentially using small hotplates in computers.

Groups logic circuits, performing data processing, become very hot. Therefore, the developers are faced with the task of preventing the melting of small pieces of glass on which these circuits are etched. For this purpose, they came up with heat sinks in the form of massive metal radiators - these are the key elements of the processor cooling system.

Yet the term heat sink means something that absorbs heat. Radiators are helped to dissipate a large volume of heat into relatively cold air by their fins, which increase the dissipative surface area. These fins turn a standard CPU heatsink into a special type of heatsink, if you ignore the terminology. Like most radiators, their main principle of heat transfer is convection (and a little - thermal radiation), this is when heated air rises upward, being replaced by cold air from below.

The heat output of a processor depends on its clock speed, voltage, circuit complexity, and the material on which the circuit is engraved. Few fin-count heatsinks are sufficient to cool some low-power processors, but most desktop users want more performance, which results in more heat that needs to be dissipated.

When natural convection does not replace warm air with cold air quickly enough, the process must be accelerated, which is achieved by installing a fan. The photo above shows a rare, all-copper cooler. Copper transfers heat faster than aluminum, but it also weighs more and costs more. To achieve best ratio Price to Cooling and Cooling to Weight Manufacturers often use a copper rod surrounded by aluminum fins.

Additional fans and increased heatsink surface area improve the efficiency of the CPU cooler. Liquid cooling allows you to install huge radiators that are attached not to the motherboard, but to the computer case. A so-called water block is installed on the CPU, which transfers heat to the liquid. The pump is installed on the side of the radiator (as in the photo above) and pumps water (or coolant) through the channels of the radiator and water block.

Any of the solutions described above will maximize contact with circulating air, but they will not work effectively without good contact surfaces of the CPU and cooler. Used to fill the space between surfaces thermal conductive material, it displaces air, which acts as an insulator. Most CPU coolers come with it. For many models it is immediately applied to the contacting surface. But instead of factory materials, enthusiasts often choose third-party thermal conductive compounds, although our tests have shown that the difference between them is quite small .

For extreme cooling, refrigerant compressor units are used. Such systems are able to reduce the CPU temperature much lower than the ambient temperature. But, as a rule, they use much more energy than the processor itself. There are versions that compress and cool air to produce liquid nitrogen. However, condensation around cold components is a serious concern, so even the simplest “refrigerators” are usually used only at exhibitions and competitions.

The “bigger is better” rule applicable to coolers, in in this case limited by the size of your case, but there are several other factors to consider as well. Since this article is written for beginners, we will only consider models from our list of the best processor coolers. It includes large air coolers (height over 150mm), low profile coolers (up to 76mm), mid-sized coolers (from 76 to 150mm), and pre-built fluid systems cooling.

How to choose a CPU cooler | What about "boxed" coolers?

"Boxed" or "boxed" coolers are coolers that are supplied by CPU manufacturers with their products. Typically, they are not designed for the increased heat dissipation of the processor during overclocking or for installation in confined spaces of narrow computer cases. Motherboard, typically reduces fan speed to reduce noise and is the first to respond to rising CPU temperatures by increasing fan speed up to maximum. If, at maximum fan speed, the cooler is unable to reduce the CPU temperature to an acceptable level, the system reduces clock frequency and CPU voltage. We call this process thermal throttling or throttling. In the worst case, you can see a picture when a humming computer is not able to provide the required level of performance.

Third-party coolers usually have a larger dissipative surface area, as well as larger fans, which allow them to pump larger volumes of air with less noise. The photo above, from left to right, shows a water cooling system with a radiator for two 140mm fans, a large air cooler with two radiators, two generations of stock or boxed Intel coolers, and a wide, low-profile cooler designed primarily for HTPC systems.

Included with the FX-8370 processors, AMD provides Wraith cooler, which is another attempt to increase the cooling efficiency of box coolers.

Temperature change during processor heating process

Despite good performance new AMD cooler, buyers are still sometimes forced to buy third-party coolers, since some high-end CPU models ship without them.

IN Lately AMD and Intel have begun shipping compact liquid coolers that meet the cooling demands of very hot processors without the need for customers to turn to alternative brands. The growing popularity of mounts for 120 mm fans in modern cases makes it possible to install small fan coolers in cases of different shapes and sizes, which distinguishes them from air coolers of similar dimensions.

The processor is the main element in the operation of a computer and is responsible for all calculations occurring in the system. When the "stone" operates, some amount of heat generation or TPD occurs. Cooling systems help prevent overheating and keep the processor in working condition. Currently, coolers and liquid cooling systems are mainly used - liquid cooling systems, or in common parlance - dropsy, although there is no water there. Cooling with liquid nitrogen has become somewhat widespread, but it is extremely expensive.

A standard cooler consists of a radiator and a fan, the number of which may vary depending on the model. The purpose of the radiator is to transfer heat from the processor cover to all its surfaces, greatly increasing the surface area with which the air comes into contact. The fan brings in cooler air, displacing hot air. Liquid cooling systems are more compact, more expensive, and remove heat better. The working fluid is initially distilled water with many additives and impurities that increase the bactericidal and galvanic effect.

We have selected the top 15 for you best coolers and liquid cooling systems for processors and motherboards.

Best Liquid Cooling Systems

Let's start with five best systems liquid cooling. If you want to get low temperatures, immediately pay attention to the 3-section options. It is worth noting that in Russia, unfortunately, prices are greatly inflated and it makes sense to pay attention to foreign sites. The section is represented by both serial and custom models.


Budget option for last resort
Country: China
Average price: 3782 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.2

If you have very little money, but really want a liquid lubricant, you can take FROSTFLOW+ 240. However, we would not advise taking risks and recommend saving some money and installing a tower cooler as a stopgap. Despite the ability to cool Intel i5/i7/i9 processors and the latest Ryzen from AMD, taking a two-section system with an RPM of 700-1800 is not the best idea.

The maximum power dissipation here is only 200 W with a pump output of 96 liters per hour. Everything would be fine, but its bearing is not hydrodynamic, but ceramic, which affected the price and overall reliability in general. According to the manufacturer, the bearing is guaranteed to work for its factory 50,000 hours at a noise level of 25 dB, which is not bad for this model.

4 Alphacool Eisbaer LT120

The best single-section life support system
Country: China
Average price: 6438 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.4

A copper radiator with thermal conductivity is almost 2 times higher than that of aluminum, and all this happiness will cost you only 6,500 rubles. This is definitely top, and considering that it has a mechanism quick lock for AlphaCool HF, which will allow you to expand the dropsy by adding, for example, a video card outline. However, in this case, the LT120 simply will not be able to cool both components simultaneously, so it is not recommended to take risks. There is no talk of overclocking here.

The system will fit all modern sockets, including Intel i5/i7 and AMD processors along with the new AM4 socket. The rotation speed of the turntable ranges from 550 to 1700 rpm, depending on the mode of use. The noise level is 29 dB, and the pump capacity is 70 l/h.

3 Cooler Master Liquid ML240R RGB

Great looks
Country: China
Average price: 8930 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Those who like to have a rainbow in their body will definitely like it Cooler Master Master Liquid ML240R RGB. For special purposes, there are 3 types of fans with different speeds, allowing you to combine components for better effect. The company has learned from the mistakes of the past and the model in the latest revisions leaks only in case of disregard and lack of care in terms of cleaning, and it is better to buy an additional filter altogether.

According to customer reviews, there is no difficulty in installation, which should also be added to the list of advantages. A nice addition will be the tube of thermal paste included. Parts of the turntable fasteners are completely rubber and are separately screwed to the body, creating minimal background noise.

2 NZXT Kraken X62 (RL-KRX62-02)

Buyers' choice
Country: China
Average price: 12172 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

NZXT Kraken X62 (RL-KRX62-02) is one of the leaders in sales, but frankly speaking, 12 thousand is an overpayment, albeit for a beautiful appearance. By installing it in the case, you will get a real mirror inside, since the pump is made using the latest technologies. The radiator length is 240 mm, which eliminates the need to worry about the temperature of the “stone” under heavy loads.

Paired with the radiator are 140 mm fans with good speeds - 500-1800. The contact area with the block itself is rubberized, which significantly helps reduce noise levels and eliminate rattling. The contact pad of the pump is completely copper, and with reverse side There is a microchannel structure for rapid heat dissipation. All hoses are braided, which is good news, and the connection with the pump has an angle adjuster to adjust it to the features of your unit.

There are several global types of coolers:

Boxing. The radiator is small in height and is made mainly of solid aluminum. The fan acts as a cover. The main advantage is low cost of production and manufacturability, which has a beneficial effect on cost. Manufacturers often use similar designs when selling kits with processors. For “stones” with a heat release of up to 65 W, this solution is considered acceptable. “Boxed” options cannot cope with large indicators. Is a dead-end branch.

Tower. By increasing the height of the fan and adding copper heat pipes to the aluminum bar, heat dissipation can be significantly improved. There are “towers” ​​with both vertical and horizontal fan locations. The first option has become more widespread, but there are no fundamental differences in effectiveness. The effectiveness of such a system depends on the diameter of the tubes, their number and indirectly on the size of the turntable. The more, the better the system will cool the air.

1 Arctic Liquid Freezer 360

6 fans – the best serial LSS
Country: China
Average price: 11,705 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Having bought this dropsy for a very reasonable price, you will, in addition to a pleasant appearance get 6 coolers in a set at once. Such a colossus will not fit into every box, so before purchasing, carefully measure the dimensions of your system unit.

The water block is made of copper and has impressive dimensions of 82x82x40 mm. The air is driven by 120 mm fans, creating an air flow of 74 CFM. The radiator is aluminum and does its job well. The maximum power dissipation is 350 W, and the Freezer 360 itself will fit perfectly on any modern processor. There is no backlight or speed control.

The best boxed coolers

Inexpensive, with low power dissipation and allowing you to save a lot of space in the case, boxed coolers. For processors such as i5-8400, i3-8100, i7-7700, they are quite sufficient, because there is complete silence even at night and stability does not suffer.

5 Deepcool CK-11508

For office PCs
Country: China
Average price: 290 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The cheapest and weakest Deepcool CK-11508 in our top is suitable for office machines without overclocking, since it dissipates no more than 65 W of energy, but for such a price you shouldn’t expect more. The 92mm fan produces a modest 40.9 CFM. The noise is appropriate - only 25 dB.

According to customer reviews, the model will easily fit on LGA1150/1151/1155/S1156 sockets. The small contact surface is compensated by a good screw fastening and clamping force, but you should be careful not to overdo it, as it can be easily broken.

4 AeroCool BAS

Lowest noise level
Country: China
Average price: 595 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Received the status of AeroCool BAS gaming cooler. The maximum power dissipation is 100 W; you can’t really drive 95 W processors on it, but it can handle the new Ryzen with a TDP of 65 units. The spinner is unregulated and the number of revolutions is only 1200 per minute. It's not much, but it's enough to complete all your tasks. The noise level is minimal – 19 dB, thanks to the wide 120 mm cooler.

Due to the compact shape, air intake comes from the side cover of the case, creating air sweat up to 55.6 CFM. The radiator is made well, the fins do not spring.

3 Cooler Master C116 (CP6-9GDSC-0L-GP)

For lovers of Intel processors
Country: China
Average price: 590 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

According to customer reviews, for 590 rubles you get an analogue of a boxed cooler, which has a copper core and is standard for Intel processors. Only LGA 775/1151 sockets are supported, but 1151 is compatible with 1150/1156/1155. The model can cope with cooling 95 W processors and below, its compactness and component base are excellent and do not need criticism. The kit includes an additional mounting plate, and the cooler itself is secured with screws to the motherboard.

The only thing is that the plate itself is made of plastic, which is why it can sag and eventually crack. Adjusting the speed is possible only with the help of a rheobass. Thermal paste has already been applied to the contact surface itself, which means you don’t have to shell out money for a tube.

2 Cooler Master CK9-9HDSA-PL-GP

Easy installation, high speed
Country: China
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

“The more complex the system, the greater the chance of it breaking,” thought Cooler Master and released an extremely simple model CK9-9HDSA-PL-GP. Despite the modest size of the fan (95 mm), this option can spin up to 4200 rpm, creating a powerful air flow of 64.1 CFM. When using it, several nuances should be taken into account.

This “baby” is only suitable for AMD processors with sockets AM2, AM2+, AM3/AM3+/FM1, most of which are outdated. The presence of high speeds has significantly reduced the durability of the bearing and the guaranteed operating time is only 40,000 hours, and under maximum loads it begins to resemble an airplane turbine.

Liquid cooling systems consist of the following elements:

Water block - heat exchanger;

  • water pump
  • Storage tank
  • Fans
  • Hoses and tubes

When choosing a liquid cooler, focus on dropsy coolers with 3 or more blocks, in which case the differences with conventional tower coolers will be visible. If you are assembling a small gaming PC, then you can purchase a single-section version.

Many people take such systems for beauty, often buying dropsy for 4-5 thousand, which is a waste of money. Such models not only cope poorly with their tasks, but also quickly begin to leak. Cheap options have a higher percentage of defects, but even the most expensive model can leak. The only correct solution is proper operation.


The best solution for stock processors
Country: China
Average price: 955 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

We recommend Deepcool ARCHER BIGPRO as an inexpensive box. A simple and successful design with support for the new AM4 socket from AMD allowed the cooler to establish itself in the market as a popular one. Installation takes about 30 seconds with straight hands. The copper core greatly enhances heat absorption, resulting in a maximum power dissipation of 125W.

A nice bonus is the multi-directional fins of the radiator, which is why the heat is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the radiator. The turntable can accelerate to 2000 rpm, delighting low level noise both at high and low speeds. For your money - definitely top.

The best tower coolers

The most popular and in-demand segment.

5 Deepcool ICE EDGE MINI FS V2.0

The most budget tower
Country: China
Average price: 717 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Install ICE EDGE MINI FS V2.0 in your computer and ensure low temperatures for any Intel and AMD processors without overclocking. However, if the overclocking is weak, for example on the new Ryazhenkas, then the cooler can be used, but with extreme caution. In this case, V2.0 will be slightly more efficient than a standard box turntable.

Buyers in their reviews praise the versatility and this is completely deserved, since the delivery set includes fastenings for everything. modern processors. The low noise level is also pleasing, although the diameter of the turntable is only 82 mm. 2 copper heat pipes transfer heat to the radiator, which needs to be cleaned frequently, as it clogs quickly. The connection is made via a 3-pin connector. It is recommended to approach the installation carefully, since the fastenings, especially for AM3+, are a bit tight.

4 PCcooler GI-X6B

Best cooler for Ryzen overclocking
Country: China
Average price: 1700 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Beauty, silence, low temperatures - this is just a small list of the advantages of this model. There are already two fans here, both with a diameter of 120 mm. This is enough to dissipate 160 W of heat, since 5 heat pipes cope with it at once. The only problem is the staple is a bit tight.

The coloring of the blades, heat pipes and lighting caused the price to increase; if beauty does not bother you, you can choose an alternative. In stress tests on the Ryzen 1800x, the temperature slowly rises to 85 degrees over half an hour, after which it does not rise at all. In general, we recommend it for connoisseurs and aesthetes.

3 Thermalright AXP-100R

Top solution for low profile systems
Country: China
Average price: 3770 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Option for low profile systems. It's simply not better now. 6 heat pipes with a 100 mm fan are capable of dissipating 125 W of heat. There is no backlight or speed control. Optionally, it is possible to install a 120 mm turntable. Its height is only 6 centimeters, which greatly saves space inside the case.

The rotation range is also impressive - from 900 to 2500 rpm. This is not a standard, but for everyday tasks and slight overclocking it is quite suitable. The noise level at maximum speed increases to 30 dB, which is basically tolerable.

2 be quiet! DARK ROCK PRO 4

Liquid Cooling Buster
Country: China
Average price: 6700 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

2 fans and 7 heat pipes produce a killer 250 W of dissipated power. He sets records and competes with dropsy, showing the closest, and even superior, results of life support. The equipment is rich, it matches price category. A heatsink, turntables, mounting brackets, instructions, a screwdriver, thermal paste and mounts for Intel and AMD - you will find all this inside the package. The body is completely black, there is no hint of backlighting or other frills.

Compared to the 3rd generation, the “four” has become much easier to install without breaking your fingers and motherboard, Ryzen owners will be especially pleased. Each module consists of 42 aluminum plates, the distance between which is only 2 mm, which is the standard. According to customer reviews, this is an excellent device, but the price and weight of almost 1 kg greatly narrow the circle of fans of the model.

1 Thermalright Macho 120 Rev.A

The best professional model for overclocking
Country: China
Average price: 3160 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Very quiet (25 dB), compact and convenient for installation on all modern processors. It will definitely withstand overclocking on all i5 and i7-8700K at 5 GHz. If you are going to buy it for Ryzen, then do not forget about the mounts that you need to buy separately for the AM4 socket. They cost about 225 rubles. There are also Alternative option. Write to the company's Taiwanese support and provide a photo of the receipt and documents, after which the missing elements will be sent to you free of charge.

It has almost standard speeds in the range from 600 to 1300 per minute. The number of heat pipes is 5. The massive radiator has Negative influence by weight and now it is 754 grams. Be careful when installing it on the motherboard, because PCB is now very thin. A small nuance - there is a “Direct” version on sale with a 140 mm fan, which provides better cooling and costs only 200 rubles more. There is also revision B, already with 6 tubes.

How to choose a cooling system for a processor?

When choosing a cooler, rely on several important points:

  • Dimensions. Before purchasing, measure the width of your case if you are going to buy a “tower”. Many powerful models coolers are large in size and may simply not fit into the case.
  • Processor heat dissipation. Choose a cooling system that can handle the heat generated by your stone. If the TDP of the “stone” is 95 W, then you should pay attention to models with a power dissipation of about 110 W. When overclocking a similar processor, you need to consider options from 120 W or more - it all depends on how hard you are going to “drive” the processor.

Let's touch on some nuances when purchasing:

  • Distance between plates. The larger it is, the less pressure is needed for air circulation. The optimal distance is 1.5-2 mm.
  • The larger the radiator area, the higher the heat dissipation efficiency.


  • If the processor is not overclockable, then choose a radiator 4-5 cm thick, with 3-4 pipes and 120-140 mm fans with a maximum low-speed fan. From 300-400 rpm.
  • When the heat dissipation is more than 120-140 W, you need to go with the width of the radiator and no wide radiator can be quieter than a thin one, but this condition is leveled out with larger fan sizes.

If you are going to replace the cooler that comes with the processor, then you need to pay attention to the type and manufacturer of the processor, since not all coolers are suitable for every processor.

The cooler is not attached directly to the processor. Between them there should also be a radiator, which can also be purchased separately. Pay attention to the material from which the radiator battery of the cooler you like is made. A radiator with copper plates (reddish-yellow metal) removes heat from the stone better, but will cost you more. Aluminum radiator (white metal) is cheaper, but has lower thermal conductivity. In addition, radiators are different: parallel plates or fan plates. Strong radiators and the size of the plates. On the one hand, the radiator copes more effectively with heat removal, but on the other hand, it is heavier, more massive and creates an overturning moment for the entire radiator-cooler system. This is especially critical when the motherboard is located vertically in the case.

Adjusting the floor fan – important point. Adjusting the height of the leg or the tilt level of the top of the fan should be convenient and not difficult.

IN good fan There are several modes of rotation of the blades, usually three, which allows you to select the optimal blowing power.

What to pay attention to

Check the stability of the floor fan; it should not wobble on a flat surface. The blades must be covered with a durable grill on both sides. It is important that the cells are as small as possible - this way the fan will be safe for children who like to explore everything.

The timer is a very convenient function; not all models have it. It's better to pay a little more and buy a fan with a timer. This way you can set the time to turn the device on and off and go to bed peacefully without the risk of freezing at night and getting sick. This is especially true in children's rooms.

There are models with a remote control, but they are more expensive and are not budget ones. Although the presence of a remote control greatly simplifies the use of the fan.

During operation, the fan should not knock, creak or make other extraneous sounds. Check the build quality; for this it is better to go to a regular store rather than buy online.

And of course, the fan must have a quality certificate indicating its safety and durability. Make sure that the selected model has a warranty card with the address of the service center where you can contact in case of breakdown.

You shouldn’t chase well-known brands and overpay for a brand. After all, there are less “promoted” companies that produce excellent products.

Taking into account the above criteria and parameters, you will be able to select high-quality and budget model fan that will serve you for many years. Good luck with your choice!

To cool the processor, a cooler is required, the parameters of which determine how high quality it will be and whether the CPU will overheat. For the right choice you need to know the dimensions and characteristics of the socket, processor and motherboard. Otherwise, the cooling system may not install properly and/or damage the motherboard.

If you are building a computer from scratch, then you should think about what is better - buy a separate cooler or a boxed processor, i.e. processor with integrated cooling system. Buying a processor with a built-in cooler is more profitable because The cooling system is already fully compatible with this model and this package costs less than buying a CPU and radiator separately.

But at the same time, this design produces too much noise, and when overclocking the processor, the system may not be able to cope with the load. Replacing a boxed cooler with a separate one will either be impossible, or you will have to take the computer to a special service center, because... Changing at home is not recommended in this case. So if you are collecting gaming computer and/or plan to overclock the processor, then buy the processor and cooling system separately.

When choosing a cooler, you need to pay attention to two parameters of the processor and motherboard - socket and heat dissipation (TDP). A socket is special connector on the motherboard where the CPU and cooler are mounted. When choosing a cooling system, you will have to look at which socket it fits best (usually manufacturers write the recommended sockets themselves). Processor TDP is a measure of the heat generated by the CPU cores and is measured in Watts. This indicator is usually indicated by the CPU manufacturer, and cooler manufacturers write what load a particular model is designed for.

Main characteristics

First of all, pay attention to the list of sockets with which it is compatible. this model. Manufacturers always provide a list suitable sockets, because This is the most important point when choosing a cooling system. If you try to install a heatsink on a socket that is not specified by the manufacturer in the specifications, you may break the cooler itself and/or the socket.

Maximum operating heat dissipation is one of the main parameters when choosing a cooler for an already purchased processor. True, TDP is not always indicated in the cooler's specifications. Minor differences between the operating TDP of the cooling system and the CPU are acceptable (for example, the CPU TDP is 88W, and the heatsink is 85W). But with large differences, the processor will noticeably overheat and may become unusable. However, if the TDP of the radiator is much higher than the TDP of the processor, then this is even good, because The cooler will have more than enough power to do its job.

If the manufacturer has not indicated the TDP of the cooler, then you can find out by Googling the request on the Internet, but this rule applies only to popular models.

Design Features

The design of coolers varies greatly depending on the type of radiator and the presence/absence of special heat pipes. There are also differences in the material from which the fan blades and the radiator itself are made. Basically, the main material is plastic, but there are also models with aluminum and metal blades.

The most budget option is a cooling system with aluminum radiator, without copper heat-conducting tubes. Such models are small in size and low price, but are poorly suited for more or less powerful processors or for processors that are planned to be overclocked in the future. Often comes bundled with a CPU. It is noteworthy that there is a difference in the shapes of the radiators - for AMD CPUs the radiators are square, and for Intel they are round.

Coolers with radiators made from prefabricated plates are almost obsolete, but are still sold. Their design is a radiator with a combination of aluminum and copper plates. They are much cheaper than their counterparts with heat pipes, but the cooling quality is not much lower. But due to the fact that these models are outdated, it is very difficult to choose a socket suitable for them. In general, these radiators no longer have significant differences from their all-aluminum counterparts.

Horizontal metal radiator with copper tubes for heat removal - this is one of the types of inexpensive, but modern and effective system cooling. The main disadvantage of designs that use copper tubes is their large dimensions, which do not allow installing such a design in a small system unit and/or on a cheap motherboard, because it may break under its weight. Also, all the heat is dissipated through the tubes towards the mother card, which, if the system unit has poor ventilation, reduces the effectiveness of the tubes to nothing.

There are more expensive types of radiators with copper tubes that are installed in a vertical position rather than horizontal, which allows them to be mounted in a small system unit. Plus, the heat from the tubes goes up, and not towards the motherboard. Coolers with copper heat pipes are great for high-power and expensive processors, but at the same time they have higher requirements for sockets due to their size.

The efficiency of coolers with copper tubes depends on the number of the latter. For processors from the middle segment, whose TDP is 80-100 W, models with 3-4 copper tubes are ideal. For more powerful processors at 110-180 W, models with 6 tubes are already needed. The specifications for a radiator rarely indicate the number of tubes, but they can easily be determined from a photo.

It is important to pay attention to the base of the cooler. Models with a through base are the cheapest, but the radiator connectors get clogged with dust very quickly and are difficult to clean. There is also cheap models with a solid base, which are more preferable, although they cost a little more. It’s even better to choose a cooler that, in addition to a solid base, has a special copper insert, because it greatly increases the efficiency of inexpensive radiators.

The expensive segment already uses radiators with a copper base or direct contact with the surface of the processor. The effectiveness of both is completely identical, but the second option is smaller and more expensive.
Also, when choosing a radiator, always pay attention to the weight and dimensions of the structure. For example, cooler tower type, with copper tubes that extend upward, is 160mm tall, making it difficult to fit into a small system unit and/or small motherboard. The normal weight of a cooler should be about 400-500 g for medium-performance computers and 500-1000 g for gaming and professional machines.

Fan Features

First of all, you should pay attention to the size of the fan, because... the noise level, ease of replacement and quality of work depend on them. There are three standard size categories:

  • 80x80 mm. These models are very cheap and easy to replace. They can be installed even in small cases without any problems. They usually come with the cheapest coolers. They produce a lot of noise and are not able to cope with cooling powerful processors;
  • 92x92 mm is already standard size fan for an average cooler. They are also easy to install, produce less noise and are able to cope with cooling mid-price processors, but are more expensive;
  • 120x120 mm – fans of this size can be found in professional or gaming machines. They provide high-quality cooling, do not produce too much noise, and are easy to find a replacement in case of breakdown. But at the same time, the price of a cooler equipped with such a fan is much higher. If a fan of this size is purchased separately, there may be some difficulties in installing it on the radiator.

Fans of 140×140 mm and larger sizes may also be found, but this is for TOP gaming machines, whose processor bears a very heavy load. high load. Such fans are difficult to find on the market, and their price will not be affordable.

Pay special attention to the types of bearings, because... the noise level depends on them. There are three in total:

  • Sleeve Bearing is the cheapest and most unreliable example. A cooler that has such a bearing in its design also produces too much noise;
  • Ball Bearing - a more reliable ball bearing, it costs more, but also does not have a low noise level;
  • Hydro Bearing is a combination of reliability and quality. It has a hydrodynamic design, produces virtually no noise, but is expensive.

If you do not need a noisy cooler, then additionally pay attention to the number of revolutions per minute. 2000-4000 rpm make the noise of the cooling system clearly audible. In order not to hear the computer operating, it is recommended to pay attention to models with a speed of about 800-1500 per minute. But keep in mind that if the fan has small size, then the rpm speed should vary between 3000-4000 per minute for the cooler to cope with its task. The larger the fan, the less revolutions per minute it must make to properly cool the processor.

It is also worth paying attention to the number of fans in the design. IN budget options only one fan is used, while more expensive ones may have two or even three. In this case, the rotation speed and noise production can be very low, but there will be no problems in the quality of processor cooling.

Some coolers can adjust fan speed automatically based on the current load on the CPU cores. If you choose such a cooling system, then find out if yours supports mother card speed control via a special controller. Pay attention to the presence of DC and PWM connectors on the motherboard. The required connector depends on the type of connection - 3-pin or 4-pin. Cooler manufacturers indicate in the specifications the connector through which the connection to the mother card will occur.

In the specifications for coolers, the item “Air flow” is also written, which is measured in CFM (cubic feet per minute). The higher this indicator, the more efficiently the cooler copes with its task, but the higher the level of noise produced. In fact, this indicator is almost similar to the number of revolutions.

Attaching to mother card

Small or medium-sized coolers are generally secured using special latches or small screws, which avoids a number of problems. In addition, attached detailed instructions, where it is written how to fasten and what screws to use for this.

Things will be more complicated with models that require reinforced fastening, because... in this case, the motherboard and computer case must have the necessary dimensions to install a special pedestal or frame on the back of the motherboard. In the latter case, there should not only be enough free space in the computer case, but also a special recess or window that allows you to install a large cooler without any problems.

In case of large system cooling, what and how you will install it depends on the socket. In most cases these will be special bolts.

Before installing the cooler, the processor will need to be lubricated with thermal paste. If there is already a layer of paste on it, then remove it with a cotton swab or disk soaked in alcohol and apply a new layer of thermal paste. Some cooler manufacturers include thermal paste with the cooler. If there is such a paste, then apply it; if not, then buy it yourself. There is no need to skimp on this point; it is better to buy a tube of high-quality thermal paste, which will also have a special brush for application. Expensive thermal paste lasts longer and provides better CPU cooling.

List of popular manufacturers

The following companies are the most popular in the Russian and international markets:

Also, when purchasing a cooler, do not forget to check whether there is a warranty. Minimum guarantee period must be at least 12 months from the date of purchase. Knowing all the features of the characteristics of computer coolers, it will not be difficult for you to make the right choice.