Landing: main advantages and disadvantages. What tasks should you order a landing page for and is it necessary?

The development of the Internet dictates new requirements for both website owners and users. Trade via the Internet has reached currently, unprecedented sizes and has become a very profitable business. Internet resources intended for selling products are constantly adapting to consumer needs and the modern market.

Comparison of landing page and regular website. What's better?

Internet users increasingly come across one-page websites that offer to order a particular product or service. This type of Internet resources is usually called target/landing pages. These are modern one-page websites, or individual pages of large websites (including online stores), which are designed to motivate the user to purchase any product or service. Landing pages also motivate a potential client to take the actions required by the seller (subscribe to e-mail, download a special software And so on).

The advantages of a landing page over a regular website are that a one-page website is designed for a narrow target audience. For this reason, landing sites are created with a strict focus on their potential client and have a higher conversion rate than the average regular site.

The advantages of a landing page also include clear specificity of the one-page content and focus on one product/service. While ordinary sites have vague wording and a lot of sales offers, which often confuse the user and do not satisfy his need to find the necessary information.

Landing page or landing page is a one-page website designed to perform one function - convert traffic. However, this is the main goal, and this type of site has much more functions and advantages. Landing pages have gained recognition and are very widespread throughout the world. Thus, statistics say that more than 60% of B2B companies that use landing pages simultaneously develop about 6 landing page options within one campaign. Moreover, almost half of leading marketers develop a separate landing page for each specific project. Well, we can’t help but remember that thousands of landing pages are created every day on the Internet, albeit not always effective ones. This state of affairs may give the impression that creating a profitable landing page is easy. In principle, this is not far from the truth, but it is not it either. Let's try to figure it out.

Why are one-pagers effective?

A classic commercial website contains a whole set of required or frequently encountered components: home page, product catalog, page with information about the company, news, contacts and other optional elements. There are several complicating aspects to this option. Moreover, this is not only information scattered throughout the resource, which is sometimes not interesting to the target audience. The main problem the complex structure of classic sites is considered. There is practically nothing stopping you from filling a multi-page website with catchy texts, adding blocks with benefits, attaching videos and high-quality photographs. True, such a site will be more “heavy”, but even this is not critical. The problem is that in a number of topics it will still not become more convenient than a landing page. Classic resources (again, in a number of topics or even queries) are characterized by a high percentage of refusals and abandoned carts. If you look at a correctly developed and optimized landing page, the opposite picture emerges.

A landing page is a concentrate of marketing tricks and conversion tricks. A high-quality landing page is filled out correctly necessary elements, which will ultimately gently and unobtrusively lead the visitor to conversion into a buyer. The principle of this approach to website development is simplicity, conciseness and concentration of attention. The user is not given many behavior scenarios here. As a rule, there are only two of them - either perform a conversion action or not do it. It has been proven that this approach shows more high conversion, of course, with correct development.

Who needs a Landing Page and for what purposes?

With a landing page you can successfully:

  • accept orders for the provision of services;
  • sell goods;
  • sell your information product (game, book, webinar, software, etc.);
  • engage in lead generation - for example, obtain contact information of an interested audience.

As we have already said, landing pages are often used as an addition to the main business, for a specific marketing campaign. But there are often cases when entrepreneurs use a landing page as an independent business. There are many examples of successful independent one-page websites.

This success in business circles is explained by a number of advantages:

  • operational development;
  • small assortment = ease of accounting;
  • quick demand analysis;
  • first sales in a short time;
  • easy and affordable split testing.

Advantages of landing pages

Landing page, as an independent platform, is optimal for small projects. Such projects should not require a lot of resources to start. Landing assumes flexibility and dynamism. For example, changing the name of a project or landing page domain is easy and inexpensive. A similar event for a large website involves a whole complex of complex work on site transfer and rebranding.

The information business on the Internet greatly values ​​landing pages. Statistics show that in this market segment, about 80% of sales are made through landing pages. What are they selling? All kinds of trainings, webinars, courses, etc. Imagine a classic website that sells training. Difficult? That's it.

Creating a one-page website does not require a lot of time and money. Accordingly, with the help of a landing page you can test out a new direction in business without any particular risks. Can add new page to a regular website, but this is not always possible, and you can wait a long time for natural traffic. Landing gives you the opportunity to analyze your niche in 1–2 weeks.

Landing pages are ideal for companies that sell 1-3 products. About half of all landing pages offer no more than three products. Conversely, if you work in an area with a wide range of products, then landing pages will not help you, except to create them great amount, but the question of feasibility arises.

Landing pages do a good job of collecting data to expand the target audience base. Such one-pagers are called lead generation or capture pages. Such a site does not sell on its own; it collects data that will be used in email or SMS marketing. What makes visitors leave their data? It's simple - bonuses. As a rule, in gratitude for filling out the lead form, they offer a discount, free shipping, sample, information with limited access and other bonuses.

Disadvantages of the Marketing Miracle

Let's try to identify Disadvantages of Landing Page. Among the main ones are:

Landing Page and classic website are absolutely different approaches To ecommerce, which, by the way, can perfectly complement each other. One thing is absolutely certain - by using only a landing page, you are missing out on many of the benefits of a full-fledged website. For example, you will not be able to promote your site information articles. , what gives information content what it should be and what it gives.

How to turn a landing page into a successful business tool?

As in the case of a classic website, success is built from two directions - internal and external work on the project being promoted.

For successful internal work based on a landing page, you need to be able to concentrate the attention of visitors on one goal - conversion. For this use:

  • Catchy headlines and selling text. Few people know that quality content on a landing page can increase conversion by more than 3 times;
  • USP (unique trade offer), describing your product from the point of view of its irreplaceability and necessity for your client;
  • Reviews. Not necessarily in text format- video reviews are also widely used;
  • High-quality photos and video materials. These could be examples of work or a video FAQ about your information product;
  • Call to action - in hidden or open form. Required element for any landing page.

The external work is to find quality traffic sources. Best suited:

  • Contextual advertising;
  • Banner and targeted advertising;
  • Email newsletter;
  • Paid traffic from social networks.

You will most likely find out which traffic source is right for you only through trial and error, because it greatly depends on the product and the characteristics of the target audience. Or you can order a comprehensive promotion with payment for visitors, which includes not only attracting interested traffic, but also increasing the conversion of both traffic and your landing page.

Increasing the efficiency of sales or promotion of your offer is one of the main tasks facing the customer of the target site. Such resources are distinguished by the fact that, unlike other sites, the advertising message in them is not vague, but is as specific as possible.

If it was decided to develop an individual landing page, then in most cases it is intended for a specific product or service. For this reason, the likelihood that the client will be interested in your offer increases significantly. In addition, navigation of such a site will be as simple as possible, which will simplify the use of customer offers. He won't have to waste time finding the right product.

Positive qualities of a landing page

Due to the fact that a specific service is presented on the site, it will be as simple as possible to find a product on it, which cannot be said about online stores or corporate sites. There is no need to switch between separate tabs, studying characteristics, warranties and contacts. Do not forget that to develop an individual landing page in the end it will be much easier technically, what to do with creating a catalog website. In addition, its simplicity makes it more convenient to use, in particular for changing data on the page, which does not require much time.

Similar sites are different fast loading, which is their additional advantage. It's just not on the page graphic elements, characterized by a large mass, which leads to an acceleration of the process. This feature should not be underestimated. The fact is that many users switch to other sites if the resource they choose takes longer than 3-5 seconds to load. Creating a landing page does not require a lot of time and resources. Therefore, you can receive a ready-made website within a few hours after ordering it.

Using a single domain today is a popular solution for companies with multiple websites. Landing pages also meet similar needs. This way, several pages can be placed on one domain at once. Landing page provides its owner with everything necessary tools in order to make it comfortable for him to monitor the efficiency of the resource. Replacing one of the content blocks will always be visible in terms of conversion, so the site owner will be able to cope with the assigned tasks more effectively. Form feedback, in which contact information is usually entered, allows you to quickly obtain additional benefits by obtaining customer contact information.

Landing Page (hereinafter referred to as landing page) is separate page, which was created for the purpose of familiarization potential buyer with a minimum amount of information in such a way that he not only becomes interested, but also takes some action, for example, clicks on a link (read in our dictionary). The advantages of a landing page over a multi-page site lie in the relatively easy and quick creation. Landing page development makes sense when in the process advertising campaign it is necessary to attract as much attention as possible to a product or service and sell it large quantities. Landing page significantly influences the upward conversion of traffic, because the potential Client has no choice: send an application, call or leave (there may also be landing pages for creating a database of email subscribers, etc.).

There is practically no point in promoting a landing page in organic search (not with paid traffic from contextual advertising or social networks). This should be taken into account when further development business.

Landing page task

As a rule, people reach the landing page (also called landing page) from various sources, for example, thanks to contextual or targeted advertising. In this case, the question is quite appropriate: why doesn’t any page on the site fit the definition of “landing page”? Partly suitable, this is a one-page site. The fact is that if we consider the landing page from a technical point of view, then despite the fact that it consists, like any page on the Internet, of html, css, test and graphic information(infographics, videos, different forms of lead capture), the purpose of a one-page site is to generate hot leads (or collect). the main task any landing page - collect as much as possible leads(customers who filled out the form provided on the page, left their contact information, i.e. they became interested and want to learn more about the product or purchase it immediately). To understand why, the price of which is not always lower than creating a business card website and a catalog website, copes with its task more effectively, let’s consider the main advantages.

Advantages of a landing page over a page on a regular website

  • The advertising offer (read in our article), which carries a landing page, is always specific and not vague (as a rule, it is one product or service), which increases the likelihood of client interest compared to a site where there are a lot of goods and need to be spent a certain amount of time to find what you need.
  • Landing page navigation is as simple as possible, which cannot be said about a site where you need to find a product, read about it, and then go to the contacts tab.
  • Creating a landing page is simpler from a technical point of view, the same applies to changing information on it, which does not require much time.
  • This page loads quickly, because... it does not contain heavy graphic or other elements that slow down this process.
  • Several landing pages can be hosted on one domain.
  • It’s convenient to monitor page statistics, and by changing one landing page you can track and control how content and graphics affect page conversion.
  • Thanks to a large number of different capture forms (also called lead magnets), which are created by our marketers based on the needs of your potential Clients, the landing page conversion can be 3-5 times higher than the conversion of a multi-page website. The conversion of a one-page website depends on the topic, competition, USP, target audience segment and type of traffic (different traffic sources may show different conversions, for example, contextual advertising most often involves working with generated demand).
  • If you need to sell now, but you don’t have a website, a one-page website will solve this problem. You can easily turn a landing page into a full-fledged website with a large number of landing pages.

Does landing page have any disadvantages?

Doesn't happen at all universal tools: everyone has specific tasks, limitations and disadvantages, knowledge of which will increase the effectiveness of website promotion on the Internet. Landing pages also have disadvantages. For example, if we're talking about about the company’s sale of goods from any manufacturer, that is, the likelihood that the buyer will go to the site of this brand and will order products there, not from you. This problem is usually solved by agreeing on a promotion with the manufacturer to avoid competition, or in other ways, for example, working only through a dealer network.

The second nuance that can be called a disadvantage is the limited information presented on the landing page. Not suitable for all topics. If customers value trust in the company or completeness of information when choosing a product or service, the landing page may lose to the site in conversion. In 2014-2017, one-page websites were popular in B2B; the trend in the second half of 2018 shows that companies began to convert them into full-fledged websites.

Landing page in GUSAROV - turnkey solution to business problems!

We create landing pages that sell. Some examples are listed below, but we would not recommend considering them from a design point of view (request a full portfolio from the staff). Each of the examples has already solved the problems, let's discuss yours!

GUSAROV - we promote a business, not a website!

Reading time:

Landing page, landing page, landing page, landos and even a sales plug - all these names, serious and not so serious, for a special type of sites that are created for a specific task. With a very high probability we can say that for your task. But first things first.


To understand what a landing page is and what it should look like, we need to understand what other sites exist and, of course, how they differ from our highlight of the program. And I’ll say right away that if we consider the concepts of “site”, “business card site” and “landing page” from a purely technical point of view, then these are all sites, but from the point of view of the task they are different.

1. Business card website

Business card website for vending machines

It is created to present the company on the Internet and provide some minimal information about it. It's like real business card, which we give away at important events important people. And most often, as in the case of a business card website, it is used once to contact you, and then thrown into a deep drawer.

2. Corporate website

Corporate website for the implementation of IT solutions

This is a more serious thing, intended for a full presentation of the company on the Internet. As a rule, there are always several main pages: portfolio, about the company, our team, services, contacts, and then individually. Although you may not have all of these points.

The main task of such a site is to create an image and inform about a large number of goods or services that cannot physically be placed on one page. This is why large large companies give preference to such sites instead of landing pages.

3. Online store

Online store selling equipment

The most complex website format, designed to demonstrate the assortment to visitors and receive orders from the client. However, you do this even without me clever description you know, since shopping in online stores has now become the norm.

The most ideal situation is when you have a lot (at least over 30 pieces) of physical goods and you need to arrange them somehow conveniently. And if at the same time you need to automate sales for your niche, then this is generally what the doctor ordered.

4. Landing

Landing page for online yoga classes for pregnant women

If we talk about the landing page, then it is only one page. And the task of the landing page is to force the visitor to take the target action. Which one exactly depends on the idea of ​​the marketers, and it will not necessarily be the purchase of goods and services. This can be classic - order a consultation or cost estimate. This is the main difference between a landing page and a multi-page website or online store.


The idea of ​​creating one-page websites began to gain popularity back in 2010 (approximately), and their popularity is still not subsiding. Or rather, it even grows. And mainly because from the point of view of business owners, a landing page should work something like this:

  1. The user lands on the page;
  2. Admires the sales and packaging of the business;
  3. Leaves a phone number and looks forward to the manager’s call;
  4. Runs to bring money to your company.

I don’t want to say that this doesn’t happen, it very much happens, but not in all areas of business and certainly not with every landing page. Therefore, let’s move on to the most appetizing part - why do you need a landing page and who is it ideal for? I will answer this question step by step: who is allowed and who is not allowed, and categorically.

Hooray! Hit.

I’ll start with someone who will probably benefit from a landing page that sells and will bring hundreds of thousands, and maybe even millions of dollars into their warm pocket. But remember that there are always exceptions and perhaps your project is just like that.

1. Simple and inexpensive products. The less time a person needs to make a decision, the more suitable a one-page site is in this case.

House decoration is a popular and user-friendly service

2. Complex and expensive products. If it is important for the client to present everything in a structured and consistent format for ease of digestion, then the landing page is also useful.

Apartment with an area of ​​380 sq. m can also be sold through landing page

3. Communication with you is important. Can’t the client make the final decision without you? Or do I need to ask him for details? Then this tool is right for you again.

It is clear that a serious project needs to be discussed for more than one day

Past! You missed.

And now a few points about those cases when the advantages of a landing page do not matter and you do not need a one-page website. Although if you have doubts (or you again consider yourself an exception), then write in the comments and we will give you free advice- “to do or not to do” from our 6+ years of experience.

1. Large assortment. For a business that sells over 20 different products at retail, it is better to choose a classic online store. There are exceptions, for example, wholesale. But still rare.

100,000 catalog items will be difficult to sell using a landing page

2. Clear product. If your product does not require a presentation, and the client is only interested in reading more about your company itself, then a multi-page website would be better in this regard.

The important thing here is not to sell an examination, but to build trust in the veterinary clinic

3. A very large company (you don’t sell anything). Let's say you are ROSNEFT, and it is logical that you do not need to sell anything, you need a website more to communicate with clients and a few other tasks.

For example, placement current news or offers for investors

In all other cases, the right landing page shows itself to be a popular and effective sales tool. This is understood not only by sellers, but also by buyers; people are accustomed to the one-page website format; they are ready to leave their contacts there, make requests and buy.

4. Outbound sales. No need to hope for too much leads through landing pages in areas where all sales are made through outgoing calls and meetings. Not in the sense that there won’t be any, but most likely the result will be so-so.

Another video that you should definitely watch before making a choice is a landing page or a website of another type.

Plus to Minus

Let's say you find yourself on the list of lucky ones who are suitable for a one-page website. But this does not mean that you necessarily need to do only this now. As you remember, there are always options. Therefore, let’s weigh the pros and cons and certainly bring this issue to its logical conclusion.

Pros of landing pages

The main advantage that I want to highlight separately is the opportunity to get maximum conversion from visitor to action. This is definitely not always good, especially when there is not much energy to process applications. But on the other hand, even if half of the applications are not mature, they can still be developed for the future.

Everyone's advantages are different

  • The landing page carries a specific advertising offer;
  • From a technical point of view, creating it is easier than creating a full-fledged website;
  • Using several landing pages allows you to segment your audience;
  • At proper preparation the landing page may not be changed for many years;
  • With the help of a landing page, you can quickly start and sell now.

Disadvantages of landing pages

If we talk about the disadvantages of landing pages, then, like any popular idea, many expect miracles from them. However, the general trend of Internet marketing, and indeed digital technologies is such that, becoming more and more simple and understandable to the end consumer every year, they become more and more complex inside. And the more complex the mechanism, the higher the qualifications of the person who develops it.

  • You can place no more than one or two (well, maximum 10) offers on the landing page;
  • Technically simpler does not mean cheaper, good landing page costs money;
  • Reveals just one sentence and a little about the company;
  • Landing pages are not applicable in every field of activity.

SHARP SALES. Wait or cry?

If the landing page is made by professionals, with a clear understanding of exactly what target action the visitor should take, then there will undoubtedly be an effect. Sites of this type are precisely intended for quick start sales, because a landing page visitor has only 2 options: close the tab or leave a request.

At the same time, it is also important to understand that for landing it is important not only the quality of the page, but the amount of traffic, moreover, targeted traffic. And with this, as a rule, many people have problems, but for some reason, precisely in the absence of results, everyone looks for flaws in the site, and not in the source of transitions.

Therefore, here you need to maintain a balance between the quality of the site and the amount of traffic. And for this it is necessary that advertising brings traffic that actually corresponds to the landing page. And in turn, the one-page website offered a solution to the problem of the user who switched to it.

And by the way, in our company it is customary to consider the conversion not of the site, but of the traffic. Suddenly?! I know, and we have a whole article about this “ Average website conversion: the myth busted" Or, you can just watch the video below and get a live demonstration of this idea:


Here, perhaps, it’s time to debunk one of the popular myths about landing pages, which, as you might guess, was created by the owners of these same constructors. And the myth goes like this: professional landing is easy.

Five, or at least ten minutes, and you will have a real landing page. But it is not exactly.

Moreover, it is not only advertising that helps form such an opinion. designers, but also numerous courses and video tutorials on creating landing pages. Indeed, why pay for something you can do yourself? I'll watch a couple of videos and move on. But in practice, for some reason, everything turns out differently.

They said that the site would sell...

Therefore, understand, to drive paid traffic to your landing page from contextual advertising it can be done quickly enough, but whether website visitors will be converted into clients is a big question.

The modern buyer is spoiled by convenient and fast websites that anticipate his desires. As soon as your potential client encounters something incomprehensible, you can say goodbye to him. He closed the tab and went to your competitor.

Landing is a sales tool, and in your business, as in any other business, good results can only be achieved by using quality tools. Which you need to either make yourself, having previously studied at least 3 areas of marketing, or buy from a master.

If you don’t feel like a Stradivarius from Internet marketing, and in fact you also need to manage a business and solve a bunch of other problems, then we order effective landing page on the side. Or as I already said, first of all study internet marketing well, starting with our article “ How to make a landing page yourself: a detailed guide”, and only then get down to business.

The cost of a selling landing page

Since we promote the idea that everyone should mind their own business, we by default believe that you will order work from professionals. And in this case there are three options:

  1. Freelancer;
  2. Inexpensive web studio;
  3. Marketing agency.

I won’t describe which is better; the pros and cons of each are already clear. I'll just give you the main idea for you to do. right choice: the higher the rate (earnings and risks of losing a client), the less you need to save. That is, if you are traveling far into the forest, then skimping on a car that will take you there will be considered suicide.

And here’s another reinforcing thought: developing a landing page is a task that requires an integrated approach. One person, and even without experience in developing selling websites, will at most skim through the top and, at best, make a template landing page.

To create an effective landing page and to achieve a tangible effect, you need the knowledge and experience of several highly qualified specialists: a copywriter, programmer, designer, marketer. To understand what a website should be like and make it well, they first need to dive into the scope of your business and understand the needs potential clients, and this takes time.

A freelancer or guys from a small web studio, riveting similar pages using the same template, and the landing structure for both a beauty salon and an oil company will be the same, are unlikely to find the desire to delve into the specifics of your business and come up with selling features for the site. They simply don’t have time for this; they earn money based on the quantity of work completed, and not on their quality.

Unique design? Marketing analysis? End-to-end analytics? What are you talking about?

Therefore, if you want to “Order a selling landing page for only 8990 rubles,” then know that it is too expensive. Simply because it smacks of a waste of money, because such a site will not sell. And why then create anything at all?

Still want a real landing page? The kind that “UGH”? Then get ready to pay, the cost of the landing page will be 10 times more. And our pricing is no exception -

We put it on the water

Okay, we figured out how much the landing page costs. Now I’ll tell you how to check that you really have a really selling landing page that will generate leads like a mad pirate on the ocean.

Traditionally it is believed that the most important indicator any selling site - conversion. This is the number of site visitors who performed a target action (purchased a product/service or filled out a feedback form), divided by the total number of site visitors.

Example: one hundred people visited your landing page per day, five of them took the target action. Conversion - 5%. This figure is quite acceptable, besides, there are many ways to increase conversion, and many business owners, and some marketers, believe that this is the most important thing.

Let me tell you a secret: this is not so. The main indicator of any business is profit. If the conversion on your site is 50%, and at the same time you have to pay 100 rubles to attract each buyer, and he buys goods for 90 rubles, then, most likely, such a site will soon cease to exist. It’s just that its owner will have nothing to pay for hosting.

Profit is the only correct criterion“selling” of the landing page.

And as you may have guessed, it will be practically impossible to understand before launch whether the landing page will sell or not. Only if you have knowledge in marketing and can evaluate by indirect signs. I will give you the basic principles and rules of a selling landing page, so that at least the direction of thoughts is correct:

  • Formulate precisely: one page - one sentence;
  • The landing page is made for one target audience;
  • Calls to action there are, and they are not always typical;
  • Landing structure similar to oral history;
  • The text for the landing page is connected in meaning and all blocks flow from one another;
  • After reading, there are a minimum of questions and objections left.

But most importantly, do not evaluate the final product according to your personal opinion based on knowledge, as it is usually subjective and only spoils the product. In fact, this is what we tell our clients: “If you want us to make your changes that we do not agree with, then you take full responsibility for the result.”

Other landing pages

I don’t want to go into too much detail, but even landing pages have different types. However, they all come from the task, although they still look the same as one page. But in order not to leave you completely broke, I will tell you the main and popular ones.

1. Multi-page landing pages

Our website is similar to a corporate one. But in reality, these are all landing pages.

In addition to traditional one-page landing pages, there is another type of landing page - multi-page landing page. This is almost the same one-page website, but only expanded, a kind of microsite, consisting of three to five to ten pages.

Why do you need a landing page of this type? Multi-page landing pages are created for execution different tasks. For example, this is when each page offers a separate product or service. Suitable for those companies that promote 3-5 thematically related offers. This is exactly our case.

Another subtype of multi-page landing page is additional pages that contain Additional information about the offered product. But it is important to understand that there will still be only one offer on the site.

Personally, we think this is the future of all websites. But there is one tiny and significant minus - the cost. It turns out that each landing page will cost as a separate page. This means the final figure could be over 200 thousand rubles. Although if you order a site from top company, then the figure will be no less.

2. Capture pages

Example of a page with free material

Landing pages are also often used as a way to capture client contacts for further mailing. In common parlance this is called a page lead magnet in the sales funnel. It works something like this:

  1. On the first page the visitor is offered free sample goods;
  2. Next comes the offer of inexpensive goods as part of the main product;
  3. On the third page, the visitor, already mentally prepared to purchase, gets acquainted with your main offer.

Developing this kind of landing page is not an easy or trivial task, and requires special experience. Each landing page is made according to a special structure and familiar triggers classic sales work here very weakly. But this is a topic for a separate article, which, by the way, we already have - “ Turnkey sales funnel. An example that will make you think ”.

Briefly about the main thing

If after reading this article you decide that you still need a landing page, then the quote from our landing page fits perfectly: “A good website is not easy Nice picture and wow features. These are thoughtful meanings based on analysis and fundamental knowledge of marketing. This takes more than one year to learn. And one person cannot cope with this amount of knowledge.”

And of course, don’t forget about analytics. Be sure to place counters on your website Yandex.Metrics And Google Analytics and collect information about your visitors. It may not be very clear at first what to do with the data received, but over time you will definitely figure it out. Good luck to you.