Where to sell your old tube TV for money. Promotions when purchasing new equipment

In the century high technology Models of equipment such as televisions change very quickly. Today, almost everyone strives to acquire a new “miracle of technology”, after which the happy owners begin to think about where to rent old TV.

IN in this case There are several options for the development of events:

  • give it to “good” hands or give it to friends;
  • throw old equipment into the trash bin;
  • hand over to a specialized company or private buyers of non-working household appliances.

Give it to good hands

Of course, if a person has friends, relatives or just acquaintances who show interest in an old TV, then this option is the most optimal. If there are no such people, and the equipment itself is in good condition, then you can try to sell it using an ad. Today there are many low-income families and students who do not have the opportunity to purchase an expensive model. They will happily buy an old TV at a low cost, and they will come and pick up the equipment themselves. In addition, in almost any city there is a a large number of charitable foundations created to help refugees, orphans, families affected by various disasters, etc. Helping your neighbor is a good thing, especially since practically nothing is required from the owner himself.

Throw it in the trash

Most often, when the thought arises about where to put the old TV, its owner very quickly realizes that the best option is to throw it in the trash. Especially if the equipment is already out of order. It should be noted here that this option can be discarded immediately. Of course, today you can increasingly see huge warehouses of old household appliances near city garbage cans, but this is an unacceptable option to part with unnecessary TV. Similar solutions lead to very serious environmental problems. Thus, old picture tubes contain many toxic substances (lead, barium, strontium). Their entry into the soil can have a detrimental effect on the health of people and animals. These metals lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, vascular system, etc. Therefore, picture tubes require specialized disposal.

In addition to this, for environment Plastic poses a great danger. The casings of old TVs are made of special polymers that do not pose a threat, but during combustion they release a huge amount of toxic substances, including strong carcinogens (chlorine, dioxides). Chlorine atoms dramatically increase the harmfulness of plastic when burned, which poses a huge danger to the digestive and respiratory systems.

The wires of an old TV, containing phenol formaldehyde, polyvinyl chloride, etc., are also dangerous. Also, many elements of these devices include mercury, arsenic, lead, antimony, which do not need any introduction. Therefore, if you don’t know what to do with your old equipment, you can forget about this method.

Moreover, it is illegal to send your TV to the trash. Legislation Russian Federation prohibits the disposal of household appliances that have reached the end of their service life, including televisions. Most of our compatriots neglect this law, hoping that their crime will go unpunished. In reality, very often vigilant neighbors can find out about an offense and report it to the appropriate authorities. The result of such a situation will be a lot of problems and banal shame in front of the neighbors for what they have done. Also, for such actions you can pay a serious fine. Therefore, the option of throwing the old TV into the trash can is simply unacceptable.

Video: where to sell your old TV

Donate a “valuable” TV

Often, owners of old non-working TVs take wrong decision- throw away equipment because they do not understand its value. In fact, even an “antediluvian”, seemingly useless TV contains elements and materials that cost some money and can be used to produce other products. When a person realizes value old technology, he abandons his intentions to throw away the TV and begins to think about where to sell the old TV.

There are a number of materials that are found in the products described above that are of some value. TVs are almost half made of metal. In addition to the previously mentioned metals (lead, cadmium, antimony), which are part of electronics, modern liquid crystal models contain indium. All these materials are of some value. Also, there are elements on which are applied in minimum quantity silver, gold, and other precious metals. Therefore, if you find a specialized company or individual who accepts old household appliances, you can get a small reward. Such entrepreneurs come, take out the equipment themselves and immediately pay the money. As a result, the owner is completely freed from big problem and receives a small amount of money.

A mandatory attribute of leisure time for many people in our country is television. But unfortunately, this type of equipment breaks down quite often. In addition, every year more and more improved models appear, which are even more practical and high-quality. Sometimes they decide to change this type of equipment due to a breakdown or because a new device has appeared on the market. What should I do with my old TV? What to do with it so as not to harm the environment? In reality, there are a lot of places where to put an old TV, which, in addition to getting rid of unnecessary trash, will also bring a small monetary reward.

Do not throw away electrical appliances and household appliances in a landfill! This is prohibited by law

The main rule is that it is strictly forbidden to throw old equipment into the trash. This is very harmful to the environment. The fact is that the parts of the TV contain various heavy metals, and plastic releases toxic substances when burned. Simply put, such garbage will lie in a landfill for a long time and will not decompose under the influence of external factors. An old TV cannot be disposed of in a general landfill according to the law. Since it has a third class of environmental hazard.

Among other things, throwing an old TV into a landfill can result in a hefty fine for violating the law. And yet we need to get used to taking care of the ecological state of the world and the area in which we live. Therefore, do not consider any garbage containers, landfills or simply places where household waste is buried as a place to dispose of equipment.

Reception of old TVs

Where to put a TV that has become unusable? The first option is a special bureau. You can simply hand over your equipment to it. In such bureaus, old televisions are accepted for recycling. These companies are engaged in purchasing devices for the purpose of further disassembling them into components. Some of the parts are used by specialists for repairs, while others are recycled. By the way, not only large companies, but also small workshops are buying old televisions and other equipment. Skilled specialists can remove many parts from devices and use them in their work.

other methods

What to do with the old TV? Very old equipment, which was inherited from parents, can be handed over to a museum or to a company that creates real quests, where they make interiors for games.

Another option is to contact the owners slot machines. They will happily accept such technology. It just needs to be equipped enough big screen. Also, owners of small cafes will accept an outdated TV to place it in the hall. But remember that it must be a flat screen model.

Disposal of devices and equipment

TV recycling takes place in several stages. First, you bring your equipment to the master. Then the specialist removes all valuable parts. After which the remaining elements are disassembled into parts. They are then sent for processing. All glass parts, as well as metal ones, are crushed. After which they will be further used in the processing industry. All plastic components, including the TV case, are melted down. This is exactly how TVs are recycled.

Where can I return a device with a kinescope in the housing? Such TVs are found in Lately rarely. But there is still a demand for them. They are also collected by recycling companies for recycling. Moreover, sometimes such a TV brings more profit than a regular one. This is because such household appliances contain more parts that are made of valuable metals. Silver and gold from the parts are used to make new parts for computers, televisions, etc. household appliances. Ferrous metal products are simply melted down. LCD screens handed over for recycling are used to make gadgets and new modern equipment.

Buying TVs is a fairly common type of business. Therefore, even in a small town you can find a place to send your old device.

Many companies that deal with equipment recycling post their advertisements in local areas. By calling the specified number, you can find out the conditions for recycling old equipment. After which you can order a master who will come to you at a convenient time. Representatives of the company will remove your equipment themselves with the help of workers. At the same time, they will also remove all the garbage themselves. This method of disposal is much better than getting rid of equipment yourself.

Advertisements for sale

What to do with an old TV with a picture tube that is in working condition? It can be sold. For example, by placing it on one of the online trading platforms. You can also advertise in the newspaper. Believe me, there will definitely be those people who will want to buy your household appliances for their home or cottage. Often, old TVs are bought at a low cost by either young families or students. Also, such equipment is purchased by companies of people who live together in the same living space. They usually have little income. Therefore, purchase new TV Unfortunately, they don't have the opportunity.

Give to children or elderly

What to do with an old TV of a newer model that can still work for a long time? A good option- nursing home or orphanage.

In such places there are usually not enough household appliances. For this reason, residents of such houses will gladly accept useful things.

Just remember that when handing over household appliances to a municipal institution, you must be completely confident in their integrity and in working condition. After all, everyone who donates an item to such places is responsible for it. Of course, in this case there is no point in talking about benefits. But, despite the fact that you will not receive money, you will be able to please those in need, which means you will do a good deed.

Exchange of old equipment for new

Where can I sell my old TV in exchange for a new one? Many hardware stores hold similar promotions. You can learn about them from advertising. It is usually shown on TV. By the way, many stores still help with the delivery of old equipment to the site. Therefore, such an exchange can be considered a very advantageous offer.

An old TV is most likely a rather bulky thing that cannot simply be removed from its place on the balcony or top shelf closet In order to get rid of it, it is worth considering several types of offers and choosing the most cost-effective one.

Although you can simply donate such equipment to a low-income family. This way you will get rid of technology and do a good deed for the people around you.

A little conclusion

An old TV is something that, if necessary, can be both profitable to sell and easy to recycle. After consulting with your household, you can choose the appropriate way to get rid of the device as quickly as possible. short time. And it doesn’t matter at all what condition your equipment is in.

Note that buying TVs is a fairly popular and in-demand service. There are many such companies in every city. Every year there are more and more of them. Therefore, you can quickly get rid of this technique.

Every home has old, unnecessary things that accumulate uselessly in garages and closets. Old washing machines, TVs and refrigerators are pointlessly occupying free space. But you can earn good money by selling them. We will tell you where to sell your old TV for money in this article.


The easiest option where you can sell your old TV for money is to sell it through advertisements in the media or on the Internet. Take a few photos of your rarity in the on and off state, write a short description and post the ad on the Internet. You must also make sure that your offer is shown in the feed in the most visible place for a certain period of time. In addition, you can offer used equipment in in social networks. Public pages is viewed by a huge number of users per day, so in any case there will be a person who will be interested in your offer.

Used TVs are always in high demand. They are bought for children, for dachas, for rented apartments and student dormitories. If you are thinking about where to sell your old TV, first of all try to sell it through advertisements. The advantages of this method are that you will receive real money in your hands and save yourself from the problems associated with its transportation.


Another option where to sell an old TV is a pawnshop. Such organizations accept used equipment in good condition and with documents. Experts evaluate the item and give you a certain amount.

Typically, pawnshops greatly reduce prices for used equipment in order to buy it as cheaply as possible. Therefore, if you are not in a hurry, look for other, more profitable options where to sell your old equipment for money.


Large retail chains often hold promotions in which they offer the exchange of an old TV for a new one. This looks like a regular discount, but only on the condition that you take your old TV to the store for recycling. In this way, retail chains attract the attention of consumers to their products, although sometimes the cost of equipment intended for exchange is practically no different from buying it without a promotion. But, in general, this is a good way that allows you to trade in your old TV in exchange for a new one and at the same time get rid of unnecessary junk.

Scrap metal collection point

The easiest way to sell old equipment for money is to sell it for scrap. Almost every device contains a certain amount of expensive non-ferrous metals, but the amount that will be offered for a TV at a scrap metal collection point will clearly not please you.

Nowadays, scrap metal is accepted in almost every yard. If you don’t have the free time to look for options where you can profitably sell your old equipment for money, take your TV to a scrap metal collection point. In this case, you will get some money in your hands and save yourself from the problems associated with its disposal.

By the way, buying old household appliances for scrap is an excellent option for men who are looking for...

Most expensive parts:

  • Chips:
  • Various transistors;
  • Connectors;
  • Relay;
  • All kinds of switches and stuff.

Few people know that one kilogram of capacitors of the KM5 N30 series can be sold for 80 thousand rubles. Agree that this is a decent income, considering that you will buy old TVs for pennies. One microcircuit costs 100-1000 rubles. Price depends on specific model. Resistors are bought in bulk for 15–20 rubles per piece. Dismantling TVs for spare parts is a fairly profitable idea. If you find a regular buyer for radio parts, your business will flourish.


Antique lovers often buy household appliances for collection. It can hardly be called an antique, since the equipment, which has been preserved from Soviet times, is only 30-40 years old. But some devices were produced in limited quantities, so they are valuable to collectors. Antique lovers are willing to pay good money for an old dusty TV a certain model. If you have something truly unique, place an advertisement for its sale on a thematic portal for collectors. Before you decide on the price, consult with a specialist about how much you can sell an old TV of a particular model for.

For parts

Now let's talk about where to sell the TV for spare parts. First of all, call several repair shops and ask at what price they buy old non-working TVs.

Theoretically, if a person sends in a TV for repair, he should be supplied with new spare parts with a guarantee. But many service centers They try to save money, so they buy used equipment, disassemble it, and use the resulting parts for repairs. If you want to sell your old TV for parts, you shouldn't expect to get a decent amount for it. Any equipment has its own service life, so sometimes it is much easier to give a used device for free to people who really need it, for example, a large family or pensioners.

Commission shop

If you don't have time to deal with selling old household appliances through an ad, take them to a consignment store. Commodity experts will determine how much the TV can be sold for and put it up for sale. Since most of the customers in such stores are poor people, you should not expect to sell your TV for good money. In addition, if the device is bought, you will have to pay 30-50% of its estimated value for the sale.

As a rule, all consignment stores indicate in the contract the period for selling things. Usually it is 30-45 days. If the TV does not sell during this time, you will have to pick it up or pay a certain amount for storage.

How to make money by reselling household appliances?

Experts believe that this is the most best idea to start a business activity. Any person can do this kind of work, without special education and any special skills.

If you do not have start-up capital, in order to start such a business, look into the attic or closet. There will definitely be some old things that no one has used for a long time. But they can bring enormous benefits from a financial point of view. A decent “arsenal” of rare household appliances can be found in your grandmother’s apartment or with relatives living in the village. People will be happy to give you such things to finally get rid of unnecessary junk.

Reselling old household appliances is great idea, . During periods of economic instability, the purchasing power of the population decreases sharply. In this regard, the demand for used equipment is increasing significantly. If you can organize such a business competently, it will bring a decent, stable income.

Goods for resale can be purchased through advertisements on the Internet and in the media and offered to clients at special online auctions or other trading platforms. If you don't know, be sure to take a look at this promising home business idea.

What to do with an old TV?

Where to look for used equipment?

You can earn your first money by selling your own old equipment. In the future, they can be used to purchase goods. Some people give unnecessary equipment free, but there are also those who need to be offered a nominal fee. As a result, you will receive valuable parts for subsequent resale, and the person will be able to get rid of excess junk.

Used equipment in huge quantities can be purchased at rural areas. Elderly people are in no hurry to throw away old equipment, so in any village you can buy the required amount of used household appliances. Before you get into this business, you need to carefully study this market segment in order to understand what equipment you can make good money on.

Reselling things on online auctions

Young mothers often wonder,? If you have a computer with Internet access, you can resell used items on special online trading platforms. Such a business brings in a good, stable income and does not require serious financial investments. Its essence is to find on the Internet cheap goods and resell it at a higher price.

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