Where did the free app of the week go in the App Store? Find all the apps you've ever downloaded on your phone

Sometimes when you turn on the computer and start operating system the user notices that the main menu or some folder is missing a program that was previously installed there. As a rule, fix this problem can be done immediately and without the help of specialists.


Make sure that the program you need is actually not on your computer. To do this, go to the Start menu, open Control Panel and select Programs and Features. Wait until the entire list is loaded installed programs V alphabetical order. Search for the program you need by name. If it is not in the list, most likely it is not on the computer either.

Remember all your latest actions with the program. Usually, the folder with the application also contains its uninstall service, the icon of which users often click on accidentally. This action could lead to the program being uninstalled. Also accidentally deleted necessary files could be another computer user, so you should ask him about this and limit access to the operating system in the future.

Inspect the Trash folder, which is usually located on your desktop. Sometimes when accidentally pressed Del key or selecting the appropriate function in the properties of a file or folder, the program is moved there. Once you find it there, restore the folder by selecting this function in the basket".

Use the system recovery service if you are unable to restore the program on your own. You will find this service in the Utilities section of the Start menu. Select a restore point from when the program was still running and wait for the operation to complete. After the system restarts, the application will reappear on the computer.

Check your system for viruses, since one of them could cause the program to be uninstalled or even replaced with virus files. Most often in in this case You will not be able to restore the program yourself. Remove the virus from the system, then roll back to desired point recovery. This way you can return the program, while protecting it from being deleted again.

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Fall Creators Update without unnecessary hatred, we can call it the strangest update in the entire history of Windows 10. Not only was the update severely cut in terms of functions, but instead of the promised innovations, it was simply filled with some wild amount of bugs. One of them is seemingly installed, but at the same time missing applications. An unpleasant bug appears for those users who updated their computers with the Creators Update. Microsoft has published a temporary solution to this problem on its official technical support forum.

So far, the developers are investigating the problem and trying to find and eliminate its cause. The bug itself manifests itself in a very unpleasant way when the user cannot find a previously installed application. When it seems that the application has simply been uninstalled, the store begins to say that it is actually installed. Neither the search nor the application list helps. You can launch such an application only from the store, which is not very convenient, as you understand

Microsoft now offers users three methods to solve the problem.

Method 1

  1. Open Options and go to the section Applications.
  2. Find the right application and open advanced options.
  3. Restore the program if this option is available. If not, press the reset button. After that, the disappeared application should again appear in the application list and as a tile on the Start menu.

Method 2

  1. Open Options and in the section Applications Find and remove the desired application.
  2. Then open the Store, download the application again, after which it should appear in the general list.

Method 3

It allows you to re-register disappeared applications via PowerShell. This method is for those who have faced loss large quantity applications. Here it is only necessary to note that if the first two methods did not work, this one will not help either.

Run PowerShell as Administrator. The best way to do this is through the menu Win+X. Then paste the following commands into the console window:

  • reg delete “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\TileDataModel\Migration\TileStore” /va /f
  • get-appxpackage -packageType bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + "\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml"))
  • $bundlefamilies = (get-appxpackage -packagetype Bundle).packagefamilyname
  • get-appxpackage -packagetype main |? (-not ($bundlefamilies -contains $_.packagefamilyname)) |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + "\appxmanifest.xml"))

Each of these commands may take some time to complete, so please be patient. After this application theoretically should appear again.

Please note that no one can guarantee that these methods will work. For some, these actions successfully restored lost applications, but for others, they did not. We have not encountered these bugs, so we cannot verify the reliability of the published instructions on our computers, but you can try them if your device has suffered from a bug from the developers. Guidelines published official support Microsoft, so it makes sense to try it.

In the meantime, let's hope for a speedy fix. Let us recall that similar problem observed when updating to build 16299.15. Part additional components, like Windows Media Player, simply disappeared from the system, forcing users to reinstall them.

I've been testing iOS 11 for three months, but I'm just now encountering this problem. I rarely go to App Store, that I didn’t immediately notice the catch. Readers helped - and dozens of comments with the same question.

I'll have to answer it here, definitely upsetting some people.

What's the free app of the week?

Every week, Apple selected two in the App Store good apps– one game and one program- And made them free. The selection changed steadily and went through several redesigns of the system and the store in particular.

There was almost always something really interesting among them. For example, they repeatedly gave away an awesome photo editor Pixelmator. And the games there were often good.

Where did the free app of the week go in iOS 11?

There has been no official statement from Apple, but the facts speak for themselves. 99.9% that no more free apps of the week.

The practice of giving away games and software ended with the release of iOS 11 and the restart of the App Store. The new design could easily accommodate two blocks of this promotion - but Apple thinks differently.

Instead of this promotion home page App Store are now displayed initially free applications. That is, there is no longer a magical “Apple request” and a 100% discount on international software. There is simply good game or a program that was and remains “free”.

To keep track of hot discounts on interesting software, now you’ll either have to rely on us (seriously, subscribe to our daily newsletters), or use specialized services like AppShopper.

Why did Apple remove the free app of the week?

This is hardly an accident, but the reasons elude me. Same illogical.

For many free application it was a week the only reason to open the App Store at all. Basic set We all have the same software, and after installing it, most users don’t need anything. I know this from myself, because I stopped opening the application store at all, not to mention random downloads.

Several years ago in iTunes Store Same gave away free weekly tracks. Yes, imagine there was a time without Apple Music, and the tracks had to be purchased or downloaded from iTunes.

Thanks to free tracks I discovered more than two dozen cool performers and expanded my musical horizons. Although Apple selected such tracks for the audience of specific store countries, this means that nothing Russian could be counted on there.

This practice was abandoned a year before the launch of Apple Music. I then thought that applications would be next. But since then I forgot about it. And then I stopped looking at the App Store altogether, and I’m not alone.

They even used to draw banners for this cause.

Taking away the reason to look at the App Store purely for fun, Apple demotivates remaining active users.

Less interest in opening a store means fewer applications shown to potential users and fewer downloads. Which means even less chance small developer fly to the top without investing in intrusive advertising and other “pre-rolls” on YouTube.

A strange decision, in short. Well, okay, a warm place.

Every weekday Roza Syabitova appears on the Channel One program “Let’s get married!” helps lonely people find happiness. Her precise, witty comments and wise advice add a special flavor to the show.


However, what was the surprise of TV viewers when, at the usual time, they... Especially for website Syabitova spoke out that the program “Let's get married!” is shifting in the ethereal grid and will now appear much earlier.

“I don’t know the motives of the management of Channel One, I can’t comment on its decisions, but I hope that the departure from the usual time of release of the program is a temporary phenomenon,” the country’s main matchmaker reassured everyone. She also talked about the cost of her participation in this project.

“Our work is very hard,” she admitted to the correspondent. website the country's main matchmaker. – The program is filmed in pools, 3-4 episodes per day for several days. All this time we are in a stuffy, dusty room without windows, practically not moving. And this is fraught with thrombosis and problems with the spine, so I put a cushion on my chair, get up and walk as soon as possible. At the end of the filming block, I sit at home all day - tired and exhausted. My blood pressure is rising, I feel like I’m in some kind of prostration, I might just not get somewhere if I put my mind to it.”

Ideal appearance presenters on screen - hair, makeup and dress - the fruit of hard work and sacrifice. “For filming, 3-4 millimeters of television makeup are applied to the face,” said Syabitova. “Basically, this is a mask that does not allow oxygen to pass through and does not allow the skin to breathe, clogs the pores - because of this, the face deteriorates greatly. The makeup is selected taking into account anatomical features of the face and age. Professional make-up artists know that the camera always visually ages a person and makes him ten kilograms fatter."

“And we are dressed by the same stylists who work in the “Fashionable Sentence” program. Since our program is top-notch, our outfits are always different, tastefully chosen. You must understand that television clothes are different from those that we wear in everyday life - on the screen, for example, black color, striped, checkered fabrics are not allowed. But even after filming, I cannot go outside in sneakers, jeans, or a simple blouse. Even just to walk with the dog, I have to carefully get ready, after all, people recognize me, approach me, and I simply have no right to disappoint them - this is part of the public profession,” says Rosa.

Sometimes, when turning on the computer and starting the operating system, the user notices that the main menu or some folder is missing a program that was previously installed there. As a rule, this problem can be corrected immediately and without the help of specialists.


  • Make sure that the program you need is actually not on your computer. To do this, go to the Start menu, open Control Panel and select Programs and Features.

    Wait until the entire list of installed programs is downloaded in alphabetical order. Search for the program you need by name. If it is not in the list, most likely it is not on the computer either.

  • Remember all your recent actions with the program. Usually, the folder with the application also contains its uninstall service, the icon of which users often click on accidentally. This action could lead to the removal of the program. Also, another computer user could accidentally delete the necessary files, so you should ask him about this and limit access to the operating system in the future.
  • Inspect the Trash folder, which is usually located on your desktop. Sometimes, when you accidentally press the Del key or select the corresponding function in the properties of a file or folder, the program is moved there. Having found it there, restore the folder by selecting this function in the “Trash”.
  • Use the system recovery service if you are unable to restore the program on your own. You will find this service in the Utilities section of the Start menu. Select a restore point from when the program was still running and wait for the operation to complete. After the system restarts, the application will reappear on the computer.
  • Check your system for viruses, since one of them could cause the program to be uninstalled or even replaced with virus files. Most often, in this case, you will not be able to restore the program yourself. Remove the virus from the system, then roll back to the desired restore point. This way you can return the program, while protecting it from being deleted again.


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