Who is a moderator: Overview of the profession. What does Moder mean? Who is a Moderator? What is a moderator

0 Many people like to communicate on forums, and have often come across the unfamiliar term Moder. So some people ask who is Moder or what does Moder mean?? I would like to recommend you several interesting articles on the topic of Internet jargon, for example, who is Freak, what does Force mean, how to understand the word Follower, what does the term Flood mean, etc. The word “Moder” or, as it is more often called, “Moderator” comes from the Latin word "moderor", which can be translated into Russian as "I restrain", "I moderate". Each resource has its own strict set of rules, powers and responsibilities. The general task of the Moderator is to ensure that users respect the rules of the site. In particular, Moder can:

restrict site visitor rights (prohibit leaving messages);

Delete user pages;

Edit other people's messages;

Delete other people's posts.

Moder(moderator) is a privileged user who has broader powers compared to ordinary users of the site (echo conference, forum, chat)

What does it mean to moderate?

After being given permission Moderator, to a specific forum or chat, then you should constantly read the messages that users leave. You must delete posts with offensive content, and send the person who published it to Ban. You need to take the initiative and try to find new ideas for developing the resource. It may be worth creating new topics that should interest many, and finding optimal solutions specifically for this section.

A moderator is someone who is capable creative think in the good sense of the word, help the admin, come up with original ideas, keep order on the forum or portal. The modder is needed to make the work of the admin (resource owner) easier.

To become Moderator, you need to be aware of all the topics presented that are discussed in this thread and provide assistance to visitors. Perhaps your efforts will be noticed and you will be offered to become Moderator, but do not forget that now you bear full responsibility and they will ask you very strictly.

Who is a moderator? How to become a moderator?

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Most users of Internet resources are convinced that the moderator is an evil bore, endowed with unlimited power on a forum or in a chat and who enjoys constantly being handed out bans.

They are partly right, but this is a very narrow view of the essence of the moderator’s work, because in the same way one can blame a traffic light for impeding the passage of traffic.

Moderators are different...

We use the English term moderator, which is derived from the Italian moderare or Latin moderor, and literally translated as one who restrains/slows down/weaken.

This term appeared much earlier than the Internet and used very widely, therefore, the correct answer to the question: what is a moderator or who will it be:

  1. in music - a device that muffles the sound of keyboard instruments;
  2. in nuclear physics - substances that moderate neutrons, but are not capable of capturing them;
  3. in mechanical engineering - devices for reducing travel speed;
  4. in agriculture - a mechanism used when harnessing horses and reducing the impact on them from the uneven movement of a cart or other equipment;
  5. in sociology - a person conducting opinion polls;
  6. in the Anglo-American media - the host of a program (performances, discussions, quizzes, conversations);
  7. on network resources – a user responsible for order and compliance with the rules of communication.

Below we will look at who a moderator is solely in relation to communication on the Internet.

The work of an Internet moderator

Regardless of the scale of a particular Internet resource and the problems solved by its users, the moderator is responsible for maintaining order there, compliance of messages in the topic under discussion or forum thread, as well as compliance with the rules and restrictions approved by the administration.

A network resource will be interesting to users and useful to visitors only when interactive communication is purposeful and structured.

For this purpose the moderator has the right and opportunity:

  1. delete or close topics and sections that violate the rules of the resource;
  2. highlight important messages and raise them in search results;
  3. check the text of messages and all types of content posted by users for violations of current legislation;
  4. ensure that each forum thread remains relevant;
  5. edit user messages;
  6. do not allow spam (?), and other violations of generally accepted rules that impede normal work;
  7. temporarily limit the ability of violators to communicate on the forum or chat, up to member ban;
  8. encourage users who actively participate in the work of the resource.

One of the most important tasks of a moderator is to resolve conflict situations that constantly arise between users, with minimal reputational losses for them.

Every person has the right to express his opinion, but in the heat of a discussion he can get personal, start being rude or threaten other participants in the discussion (the one who is doing this constantly).

Good moderator should stop it in a personal message or with a short block. In most cases, the participants quickly cool down and continue to communicate normally.

The main value of any Internet resource is its users. Each of them brings his own vision of the world and the topics discussed, argues with others, shares sore points and helps solve other people’s problems.

Any discussion implies the presence of different points of view, and the moderator who understands this will make every effort to conduct it peacefully.

The main requirements for a person appointed as a moderator of a forum or other resource are:

  1. authority among users. As a rule, during communication, leaders are quickly identified, whose opinions are listened to by everyone, which greatly facilitates their work as a moderator;
  2. psychological sustainability and the ability to remain neutral when discussing issues. The moderator cannot use his position to the detriment of the right for users to express other opinions;
  3. ability go into conflict to maintain order, because you will have to punish often;
  4. Availability a large amount of time to complete the work of moderating the resource;
  5. good possession issues under discussion.

The problem of regulation and freedom of action of the moderator deserves special attention. Detailed regulations are great, but who can guarantee that it provides for all options for the development of events on the resource, types of punishments and rewards?

On the other hand, excessive freedom of the moderator in determining the severity of the violation and the punishment for it may cause arbitrariness, which will negatively affect relationships in the team.

There is no clear solution to this problem, therefore, when appointing a moderator, the administration can rely solely on his common sense, experience in forum communication and authority among users.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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A moderator is a person who keeps order in online conversations, communities and public pages on social networks. He has fewer rights than the owner or administrator, but more than an ordinary user.

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For example, on a forum about art, one of the users decided to advertise his Instagram page with photographs of his beloved cat. Such posts are off-topic and should be removed by the reviewer to prevent other users from being distracted from the discussion. This is the task of the moderator.

What is the job of a moderator?

The reviewer must promptly eliminate non-compliant content and provide feedback to participants. Each moderator has his own list of rights, which are assigned by the account owner or administrator. Most often they include the following:

  1. Deleting messages that do not correspond to the topic, containing obscene language, insults, links to third-party resources, etc.
  2. Ban - restricting access to a conversation or account to certain users for inappropriate behavior.
  3. Removing bots and fakes from conversations.
  4. Adding new content and editing old posts.

In addition to rights, the moderator also has responsibilities. Let's list what a website inspector should do:

  • Know and follow the rules together with all resource participants and set an example with your behavior.
  • Maintain neutrality and resolve conflicts.
  • Review incoming complaints and take appropriate action.
  • Be polite and correct when communicating with users.
  • Maintain order in the topics for which he is responsible.

Users can file a complaint against the inspector if they consider his work to be of poor quality and ineffective. Special sections or forms are created for requests. You can also write to the administrator and complain about the moderator.

Why do you need a moderator?

Moderators are appointed to work with various projects on the Internet.

Forum moderator

Appointed as the forum administrator, he cannot delegate his powers to other persons unless he is an administrator himself. His responsibilities include monitoring topics: adding priority, merging, dividing, editing, closing, and also checking messages for thematic relevance, absence of swear words, insults.

VK group moderator

Adds its own news and monitors those offered by users. If they fit the format, the moderator publishes them. Similarly, it checks comments for advertising, flooding, and spam and takes the necessary measures. Manages the community blacklist.

Chat moderator

Keeps order in the chat, and in case of violation of the rules, removes you from the conversation temporarily or permanently, depending on the offense committed.

Site moderator

Responsible for clear navigation on the site, monitors the correct description of goods and services, understands the brand’s products, and can answer user questions related to it.

Types of moderation

  • - checking the message before publishing. The moderator checks the text for errors, edits if necessary, and decides on placement. This way, resources are not cluttered with spam or unconfirmed information. On the other hand, messages appear slowly, only after verification, and may be rejected due to the subjective opinion of the reviewer. Content can also be machine-checked for language or multiple registrations.
  • Post-moderation is a more efficient method than pre-moderation. Verification occurs after publication. The advantage is fast interactivity, but the reviewer must constantly monitor to avoid spam, flooding, offensive messages, etc.
  • Automoderation. For publications, special filters and programs are created that monitor quality. Voting is often available where users rate the usefulness of the content. Pros: quick publication, no subjective opinion of the reviewer. Cons: Additional software. It is possible to find weaknesses in the system and work around it, so it is necessary to constantly improve the software.

Types of moderators

There are two types of inspectors:

  1. Ordinary (ordinary).
  2. Chief moderator. Has more rights, some of which are already administrative. Monitors the entire project.

How to become a moderator and what qualities are needed for this

Before appointing a moderator, the resource owner or administrator must check whether he has the necessary qualities:

  1. Availability of knowledge on the topic of discussion. You need to have a good understanding of the topic to respond to comments, spot misinformation, or keep up a flagging discussion.
  2. Ability to resolve conflicts. A good moderator should not ban everyone and delete all comments that he does not like. Instead, you need to try to resolve the conflict peacefully, clearly explain your point of view, be polite and patient. Banning and deleting comments is a last resort.
  3. Ability to quickly respond to situations. Users won’t want to wait a week for a response to their question; they want an answer right now. Also, if a dispute breaks out in a conversation, it needs to be settled quickly, otherwise it can develop into a large-scale scandal.
  4. Basic knowledge of working with the interface of social networks, website engines, initial programming skills.

Types of moderation

Moderation can be carried out in several ways:

  • Pre-moderation- monitoring content before publication. A published message from users of the resource first goes to the moderator, is checked, punctuation and spelling are possibly corrected, formatted properly and supplemented, and only then is it published or rejected. This type of moderation is common on the official resources of various companies, in thematic online communities, etc.
  • Advantages:
the content and quality of the resource is under control; absence of vandalism and “garbage” information - “pollution” of the resource is possible only due to the presence of technical problems that allow an attacker to publish messages bypassing the moderator.
  • Flaws:
low efficiency - messages appear publicly available only after verification; subjectivity - the moderator may refuse to publish a message based on his own subjective judgment about the published information or the participant.
  • Post-moderation- content control is carried out after the publication of messages.
  • Advantages:
efficiency - all messages appear immediately after publication.
  • Flaws:
the possibility of flooding, spam and vandalism; the need for the constant presence of a moderator.
  • Automoderation- a type of post-moderation in which content quality control is determined by the participants themselves by voting “for” or “against” a message, as well as by creating automatic rules and filters.
  • Advantages:
efficiency - all messages appear immediately after publication; there is no subjectivity of the moderator (one person or group of people).
  • Flaws:
the need for additional software to allow filtering and voting; the ability to bypass automatic rules; the possibility of flash mobs - “minus” or “plus” of individual participants and messages.

Disadvantages in the moderation system

  • Banning a user account, including by IP addresses.
  • Display information in the user's profile about his violations and behavior.
  • A system for recording user violations, followed by a ban.
  • Subjectivity of moderation.

In fact, the purpose of the moderation system is to maintain order on the site and control the content (including cleaning the resource from various types of spam), and not the behavior of users. But very often moderators can neglect this. Therefore, the above functions of the moderation system are very often used ineffectively, in addition, the above functions are easy to bypass. For example, if a violation is detected or a ban is imposed, the user can easily register a new account. Therefore, a number of resources use “soft” content control rules, which are often more effective. In this case, violations by users are not recorded, only content is edited. And in the event of periodic violations by a particular user, temporary pre-moderation is introduced for him, after which the user can again freely post his content.

Forum moderator

The forum moderator is appointed by the forum administrator. A forum usually has more than one moderator.

A moderator is assigned to the entire forum or to some of its sections. In his sections, the moderator usually has the right:

  • delete messages or topics;
  • edit any messages;
  • see IP addresses;
  • divide a topic into two or combine two topics into one;
  • declare the topic closed. Only moderators and administrators can leave messages in closed topics;
  • mark a topic as “announcement”, “important” or “sticky”, and it will always be at the beginning of the list of topics;
  • move the topic to other sections.

On some forums, moderators have only part of these rights. But the right to delete messages and/or topics is mandatory; someone who does not have this right is, by definition, not a forum moderator. On some forums, any user can see IP addresses.

A forum moderator (unless he is also an administrator) usually does not have the right to appoint other moderators or transfer his authority.

You can complain to the administrator about illegal actions against the moderator, but, as a rule, administrators ignore complaints or support the moderator according to the principle “the moderator is always right.” There is no one to complain to the forum administrator (but you can leave the forum and arrange anti-advertising for him).

Types of moderators

There are two main types of moderators:

  • Moderator
  • Super moderator (options: chief moderator, global moderator, moderation curator)

Super moderator- a user selected by the administrator from among the moderators. The super-moderator is “responsible” not for a specific section of the forum, but for the entire forum. Super moderators are subject to much stricter requirements than regular moderators. The super moderator is obliged to continuously monitor order on the forum, as well as take immediate action against users who violate the forum rules. Usually there are several super-moderators on the forum. On some sites, the super-moderator has certain administrative functions (for example, blocking IP addresses, transferring a user to a pre-moderation group, deleting users).

Echo conference moderator

Newsgroup moderator

On Usenet, some newsgroups are moderated. Only moderators can post to these newsgroups. When an ordinary user sends a message, it goes to the moderator, and he decides whether to forward it to the newsgroup or not.

The moderator is appointed by the person who creates the news group at the same time as its creation.

Some newsgroups are retro-moderated. These newsgroups have retromoderators who have the right to delete messages previously sent there (In this case, we are talking about the right, not the technical ability. Technically, on Usenet, any user can delete any messages, but with the exception of spam and a few other special cases , deleting other people's messages is prohibited).

Chat moderator

The chat moderator has the right to exclude users from the chat temporarily or try to exclude someone permanently. In some chats, any message must be accepted by the moderator, and only then it appears in the chat. However, this is rare.

Network resources where there is no moderator

Some resources do not have a person keeping order, for example:

  • There is no moderator in systems where people communicate one-on-one, such as instant messaging programs, since there the user can simply stop communicating with an unpleasant interlocutor.
  • There are no moderators on blogs (for example, on LiveJournal), since in his own blog everyone is the absolute owner who does not need other moderators. However, LiveJournal has a conflict commission ( abuse team), which deals with cases such as insulting one user in another's journal. In LJ communities, the person who keeps order is called not a moderator, but a caretaker.
  • Wikipedia also lacks moderators. A number of their functions (adding and deleting new information) can be performed by any participants (and some functions - even by anonymous participants); other functions of moderators (maintaining order, deleting articles, blocking participants) are assigned to administrators.

Related links

  • SilentSmart.ru - the first site in RuNet dedicated to moderation

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I have already written about how you can make good money by creating groups on social networks. You can read:

After creating a group, at first you will have to lead and promote it yourself, wasting your time and energy. Over time, the amount of work increases, you will have to hire an assistant - a moderator of a group of social networks.

With an increase in resource traffic, it will be difficult for the administrator to keep order. This is precisely why such an assistant as a moderator is needed. You can often see this vacancy on various resources.

Who is a group moderator and what does he do?

It becomes interesting, who is the moderator and what does he do? The answer is quite simple. The moderator is the same user of the site or group, but he is endowed with certain rights and responsibilities.

These include:

  1. Distribute topics by category;
  2. Monitoring compliance with the rules for using the resource;
  3. Timely response to user complaints and resolution of the issue, without the involvement of an administrator;
  4. Using personal messages, warn the user about violating the rules for using the resource and what punishment may follow for this;
  5. If the user has been sent more than 5 notifications about violation of general rules, provides information about this to the content administrator;
  6. If unusual situations arise, soberly assess the situation and quickly make the right decision;
  7. Can create conversation topics, edit and delete them;
  1. Should not violate the established rules;
  2. Transfer your rights and obligations to a new person who will perform them in the future.

Requirements for moderators

Depending on which resource the moderator is responsible for, his rights and responsibilities may vary.

Requirements for moderators may vary, but the most important thing is to have constant access to the Internet. As a rule, the administrator selects it from among active users who do not violate the current rules. But you can also get this position through freelance exchanges.

How much does he earn

In fact, the work of a moderator is not particularly difficult, and accordingly, the fee for performing duties will not be high. Therefore, you should not consider such a profession as your main income. This position can be held on several resources, i.e. combine. The most important thing is that you cope and fulfill your responsibilities properly.

Who is a group moderator, rights and responsibilities

First of all, in this case, most often the work is not paid, since there is always a large number of people willing to fill such a position.

The rights and responsibilities are as follows:

  1. Sending small advertisements;
  2. Notify group members about various competitions and events;
  3. Monitor and remove spam;
  4. Delete comments containing obscene language and insults from users;
  5. Delete topics created by users;
  6. Deleting users for violating the rules, but not more than 100 people per day;
  7. Delete photos, videos and audio recordings if they are in the public domain;
  8. Can delete all uploaded photos, videos, audio recordings or comments from one user for a week;
  9. Deals with the blacklist by including and removing from it;
  10. If the group is closed, it can send invitations to join and approve applications;
  11. Must respond to user complaints;
  12. Do not engage in fraudulent activities.

What his rights do not apply to:

  1. Does not have the right to delete topics or content added by group leaders;
  2. Cannot delete comments or topics on behalf of a group or community.

That is, quite a lot depends on the moderator, and before deciding whether to become one or not, you should think carefully.

Who can dismiss and for what?

Only the resource administrator can dismiss from office in the following cases:

  1. Based on numerous user complaints;
  2. If a person holding this position fails to cope with his direct responsibilities;
  3. When filing an application to request removal from office.

Other areas of work of a moderator

Such a vacancy as a moderator is in demand on various resources, not only in social network groups. Vacancies for this position can be seen:

  1. On sites where his responsibilities will include monitoring compliance with certain rules by visitors, as well as removing advertising;
  2. On various forums, he is responsible for moderating the section for which he is responsible or for the entire forum. Can also erase and edit any topics and messages;
  3. In news feeds, it can also serve as an editor. Since the posted news can become a “bone of discord” among readers, especially aggressive ones, the moderator is obliged to block it. In addition, he can evaluate the proposed story or news for the need to post this material;
  4. In an online store, he is responsible for removing old products and adding new ones. Monitors comments;
  5. On portals, moderators have the same powers as an administrator. Those. controls polls, comments, etc.

Thus, the specialty as a moderator of various services is very convenient and, in some cases, can be a good part-time job.

Pros and cons of being a moderator

One of the advantages is that the work is remote, and that the work is not difficult. The disadvantages include stress from communicating with conflicting users, and not very high wages.

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