The spinner is in contact. How to get real VK likes for free (likes from real people)

Getting followers and likes on VKontakte for free and quickly online allows the owner of a page, group or community to attract people as quickly as possible and create their own audience.

The consequences of being caught while cheating are blocking for a long time.

To prevent your page from being blocked, you should use services that work using new methods that are still unknown technical support site.

The purpose of getting likes and subscribers

It's no secret that the owners of large groups and communities on the VKontakte network earn a lot of money from their audience by placing advertisements on the walls.

Today great amount users spend almost everything free time V in social networks, looking through various groups and publics.

The price, as a rule, depends on the duration of the post on the group wall.

Thus, boosting subscribers is necessary to attract an audience to a page or group.

The more active users who view the page daily, the greater your chances of becoming the owner of a large-scale community.

Important! If you are the owner of a simple page, it is impossible to view detailed activity; it is determined only by the presence of likes and comments under posts, as well as the number of subscribers. If you are the owner of a community or group, detailed user statistics are available to you. Through it, you can track the influx and outflow of users, their main age, gender, region of residence, time of activity and other data.

As a rule, after properly increasing subscribers and likes, activity in statistics increases several times.

An example of a group statistics window is shown in the figure below:

Online services for cheating

Online services allow you to quickly order a service to increase likes or subscribers. Services can be either paid or free.

This indicator depends on the order parameters and the number of attracted active users.

Let's take a closer look at today's most popular services for cheating on the VKontakte social network:

  • Ad-social This service is the most popular site that provides promotion services on the Vkontakte social network.
    The resource also works with most modern services. All you need is to log in to the service and create a task for its users. An example of a task is shown in the figure below.
    If you want to carry out free promotion, you need to work as a performer yourself in order to get the required number of points to create free order;

  • Likes. Official link to the service website: To start working with this resource, log in and select the service you are interested in.

The best utility for increasing subscribers and likes

Vkduty. Official link to the developer's website: This program is the most popular for cheating on the VK social network.

There are several promotion modes available in the application: for subscribers, likes, reposts and others.

You can use the program for free for 30 days after installation.

Social networks have long been a part of our lives. They are used as ordinary users for personal purposes, and by many popular organizations to attract the target audience. The more subscribers a channel, blog or page has, the higher its popularity, which, in turn, creates a platform for profit. And where there are benefits, there are special tricks, for example, services for boosting subscribers.

However, the time when it was easy to capture the attention of the audience has long passed - in order to be at the top of the popularity list, most applicants have to resort to clever machinations or paid methods increasing your own fame.

It is for this reason that they are now widely used various programs and services used to increase VKontakte subscribers for a fee. They are mainly designed to work with such social resources, How:

  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • In contact with
  • Classmates, etc.

Get paid subscribers or increase their number yourself through advertising and interesting content– everyone decides for themselves. Some consider promotion services to be an outright scam, but now they are an integral part of promoting an account on any social network. They are very convenient to use, and at the same time they provide a real opportunity for a start-up project to quickly gain popularity for a fee.

Why are such services needed?

Suppose someone decided to promote the popularity of a recently created VKontakte page (be it Instagram, YouTube, Odnoklassniki or any other social network). But why is this even necessary and what benefits does it provide for the owner of an account with an increased number of subscribers?

Cheating VKontakte subscribers for a fee most often pursues the following goals:

  • Increasing account popularity
  • Owner's personal interest
  • Making a profit (to win a competition, event, etc.)

One of the most common reasons The reasons why users resort to getting paid likes, reposts and subscribers on VKontakte are personal ambitions. Popular online account in modern conditions- this is a sign of the success of the person to whom it belongs, and a reason for personal boasting.

Users also resort to artificially increasing the number of VKontakte subscribers for commercial purposes. For example, to attract the attention of customers to a store organized on a social network or to increase the popularity of a brand, attract attention to an event or competition. After all, a large number is in the subscriptions of a group or account for ordinary person– this is another reason to look there and find out the reasons for such popularity.

earnings in social networks much more pleasant than working in the twisting and winding shop of an ironing and spinning factory. Young people and simply thinking people are creating new pages and groups. To competition today growing like a snowball...

A promoted group or visited VKontakte page allows its owner to simply earn money on social networks:

  • advertising
  • publishing paid posts
  • sale of third party goods and services
  • sale own goods, services, information products

And this income is much more pleasant than working in the twisting and winding shop of an ironing and spinning factory. Young people and simply thinking people, Internet lovers, creating more and more new pages and groups. Competition today is growing like a snowball, and even when simply posting interesting materials, promotion takes more and more time. This is where services come to the rescue, helping to quickly gather a core audience.

What are the pros and cons of getting subscribers?

No one argues that attracting a target audience using services for a fee is very convenient, but it is also worth assessing what pitfalls may be hidden behind receiving such benefits. As in any other business, there are positive and negative sides to getting paid subscribers.

Pros of getting VKontakte subscribers for a fee:

  • Save time
  • The initial impetus for further growth in popularity
  • An alternative to methods that require increased communication skills.

Of course, the main benefit when using artificial means increasing popularity means saving time. After all, the process of natural account promotion can take months, while the goals for which it was started may lose their relevance, and all efforts will be in vain.

Initial push. It is often quite difficult for newly created accounts to gain popularity due to increased competition, and promotion services do a good job of helping to gain a certain number of subscribers to awaken the interest of the target audience. Simply put, they help create the appearance of movement, and then the people will join in. It takes a long and slow time to gather an audience into an empty group.

Sometimes situations arise when the account owner, due to his internal qualities It is difficult to negotiate to advertise your brand, product, store - or even yourself in the Internet space. Getting subscribers through websites allows you to bypass this barrier.

Disadvantages of boosting VKontakte subscribers:

  • Risk of account blocking
  • Most often, financial investments are required.

Sudden surges in the popularity of an account can be tracked by the resource’s moderators and regarded as unfair advertising. Such pages are usually blocked, so you need to use subscription boosting carefully.

To effectively and quickly promote an account, free resources are often not enough, so you need to be prepared to pay a certain amount for using paid sites.

What options are available for gaining followers?

Follower is a subscriber to account or page updates who is interested in your topic or you personally. Does not pretend to be reciprocal at least, obviously. Follower, adherent, moderate fan.

In general, services for artificially increasing the number of subscriptions can be divided into the following groups:

  • Free
  • Paid


Services or programs for VKontakte that offer to gain subscribers for free, as a rule, require additional and frequent user participation in various events. As a rule, such resources offer a variety of tasks, for the completion of which a certain amount of internal currency is given (stars, hearts, likes, etc.), for which you can buy subscriptions. This method allows you to save some money, but in most cases it is ineffective due to the following reasons:

  1. Non-target audience or bots are attracted.
  2. The risk of account ban increases.

Best to use free resources at the initial stages of promotion (up to 2-3 thousand subscribers) in order to understand the mechanism of working to increase the number of followers, and then move to sites with the ability to purchase subscriptions.


Most the best option will be the use of paid resources. The established prices for promotion services are usually quite acceptable, and the rate of increase in the popularity of an account is much higher than when using free sites and programs. In this case, it will be better to charge for money.

How to increase the number of subscribers - proven methods

If you need to quickly and without special financial investments increase your popularity Instagram account, you should pay attention to the following services for getting paid and free subscribers:

    1. . The service offers services for increasing subscribers on the Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte, YouTube, OK, Twitter and Google Plus networks. The service is very, very simple, made entirely for smartphones and tablets. The disadvantages of the service include the presence of a certain percentage of bots. But those who don’t have them, even you and I have bots as friends.
      We tested likemania recently (February 2018), we got likes on YouTube - we got it in 1 day, with a bonus of +2%, there was no rollback.
    2. . A universal service for increasing the popularity of most well-known social networks. TO positive aspects site can be attributed to an open price list with reasonable prices and minimum amounts for replenishment. Simply the perfect resource for beginners. Convenient tools will allow you not only to increase subscriptions, but also to analyze efficiency.
      Tested (February 2018), increased likes on YouTube - increased in 2 days, rollback -8% (for every hundred likes, then 8 disappeared), but for 100 likes +100 views and 8 subscriptions were added! Our experimental YouTuber was delighted)
    3. . This is a convenient, and most importantly, free site for those who want to increase the number of followers on Instagram. Requires mandatory registration, after which you will have access to a variety of tasks, after completing which the account will be directly promoted. Users can also independently create their own tasks for other service participants.
      Tested (February 2018), increased likes on YouTube - increased in 2 days, rollback of more than 50% (for every hundred likes, more than 50 then disappeared according to our statistics, but not according to service statistics), no views were added, but there were a couple of offensive comments ! Our experimental YouTuber was furious)
      We planned tests on VK and Insta. If it happens again, we will replace it.
    4. . A convenient platform for quickly increasing the popularity of your Instagram account. The Pamagram team is very sociable and friendly, which indicates a focus on benefit, and not just “rip off money” from users. Powerful automation against getting banned; the service itself is more aimed at serious work and large incomes. Not for those who are content with 100 rubles a day :)

    5. . Service, like


For the average user of Instagram, Vkontakte, YouTube, etc. popular resource If you want to brag to your friends about the number of followers or likes on your avatar, free and cheap programs and sites are suitable, with the help of which you can increase your popularity in a fairly short time.

If there is no regular daily work to post content for your subscribers, neither promotion services nor anything else will help you. Everything will quickly wither away without the soul of a living person, turn into dust and decay...

Beginning or established entrepreneurs who want to expand their sphere of influence via the Internet should definitely find one or more services for promotion with an emphasis on live subscribers.

For results, for the return on any activity on social networks, daily regular work for posting interesting content. You need to give your subscribers, your audience, what they came for, and what you invited people for. When such work exists, you can use services that help you get subscribers and other excellent tools. If such work is not carried out, then no amount of cheating will help.

Social networks themselves are not very welcoming to the activities of cheating services and, if they work rudely, they can block your account, often forever, but with a careful approach you can get off to a very good start. Facebook especially does not like cheating and manipulation, so if they use additional promotion tools, it is at the start of the project in order to quickly pick up speed from the start. Therefore, we use everything described above at our own peril and risk, and for reliability it is better to hire a professional admin and pay him for promotion.

Active audience to you, friends!

Internet services for business.
A link to the material is required!

On the ad-social service you can get likes and subscribers on VKontakte completely free of charge. To do this, you will need points - the internal currency of the service. Points can be earned by completing tasks of other users or winning in special games. Also, a service for promoting social accounts, ad-social provides daily bonuses to regular visitors.

Getting likes and subscribers on VKontakte is carried out real users. Our special filters block approximately 97% of bots.

Creating a task to get likes

To create a task to increase likes, you will need to log in through one of the social networks or use your username and password. Next, go to the “Add task” section - “Vkontakte” and select “Like”. You will see a screen like the image below

Filling out the form is intuitive and should not cause difficulties. If you encounter any difficulty, please write to our caring support team and we will be happy to help solve your problem.

Carrying out tasks to increase likes and subscribers of other users

Since the ad-social service is designed for mutual completion of tasks, in order to earn points you may need to complete tasks of other users. It's very easy to do. To do this, you need to go to the “Earn” section and select “Vkontakte”. A screen will appear like the image below

You can select the task category you want to complete, such as "Like", "Tell Friends" or others. If you need to order a lot of tasks to complete, but you do not want to complete tasks from other users, then you can top up your balance using the “Buy points” section.

Today, VKontakte community administrators are looking for free ways to increase their audience. There really are such methods, but almost all of them offer cheating by first completing tasks, receiving points for it, and only then submitting your task. Fortunately, it is possible to increase VKontakte subscribers for free and without tasks. Sounds cool, let's get started then.

Unfortunately, not everyone can use paid services for one reason or another. Therefore, in our article we will talk about free ways cheats that do not require the completion of any tasks.

Free boost of VK subscribers without tasks

Most people who promote on social networks believe that promotion can be either paid or free, but requires the completion of certain tasks.

There are quite a few online online service ov that offer free promotion without completing tasks. And finding these is not easy. But we know about a couple and today we will talk about them.

There's no catch here. You really won't be asked to pay, complete any tasks, or anything else. Just come in, place an order and wait for it to be completed.

It’s worth noting right away that since the services are free, you shouldn’t expect high speeds cheating. Therefore, if you are not in a hurry, then the material below is for you.

Services for free promotion of VK subscribers without completing tasks

So, today we will talk to you about the following two services:

  • LikeNaAwu.

Both of them offer free boost of followers and likes without completing tasks.


An excellent online service that allows you to easily gain subscribers to your profile or group. The project is already enjoying some popularity among VKontakte users. And in addition to subscribers, he can also gain:

  • Likes on your profile photo;
  • Likes on posts in a group;
  • Friends;
  • Removing dogs from a group;
  • Buying followers/likes.

The main rule of the site is that a request can be made no more than once every 30 seconds. That is, you can order one like and one subscriber once every half a minute.

There is also a queue here. Once you have made a request, your job will go to the front of the queue. Each new task (left by other users) will move yours down 1 position. And to raise it back to the top of the queue, you can press the “TO TOP!” button. (once every 5 minutes).

As a rule, new subscriptions and likes begin to arrive after 5-10 minutes.

So, how to use the service:

When you click on the “Position in the TOP” button, you will see what place your task occupies in the queue. To improve your position, click “TO TOP!”
Another plus of this service is the presence of an Autobot that allows this cheat automatically. For example, if you don’t have time to visit the site every half minute. To activate the Autobot, you need to log in to the site and click the corresponding button in the left corner.


The second online project is called LikeNaAvu. It was created for the same purpose - to gain likes and subscribers for free and without tasks.

The service has the following functionality:

  • Likes on photos;
  • Subscribers to the page;
  • Buy likes/followers.

The principle of operation here is the same as the previous one. You just provide the link desired page and press the button once every 10-20 seconds to order a subscription or like.

The tasks here are completed immediately and you do not have to wait in any queues. But there is one important limitation here - the number of subscriptions per account per day. Having reached a certain value, the button will become inactive and cannot be pressed. And to continue cheating, you will need to wait until tomorrow.

How to use:

As you can see, such services really exist. Yes, they have some limitations, but we don’t pay anyone anything and don’t waste our time on completing any tasks. We went in, clicked and got the desired result.

Pros and cons of getting subscribers without tasks

Like any other cheating method, it has its pros and cons. Let's talk about them.

The main advantages of such promotion are reflected in the title:

  • Free – we don’t pay a single penny for using the above services, and we still get the desired result.
  • Without tasks - we do not waste our time on performing certain actions in order to receive a reward, which we later spend on promotion. We just went to the site, clicked a button and got a subscription.

Now the disadvantages:

  • Speed ​​is probably the biggest disadvantage. Using only the described projects, you will not be able to quickly gain an audience of several thousand people. Simultaneous use of Chronostok and LikeNaAvu will give you about 20-30 subscribers per day.
  • Bots - all accounts that will be cheated in this way are either bots, fakes, or alive, but not active. In general, here you will get the same audience as in the case of services where you need to earn points. Therefore, if you want to get real subscribers, then this method will not suit you.
  • Various restrictions - order no more than once every 30 seconds, a certain number of subscriptions per day, queue, etc.;
  • A small number of services - so far we have only been able to find two similar projects. This can be called a minus because simultaneous use many projects would give greater results. Let’s say that 5 such services would provide up to 100 subscriptions per day, and this is already the recommended speed, which should not be exceeded so as not to arouse suspicion on the part of the VK administration.

Cheat programs for PC

Since we are talking today about free promotion without tasks, then we can’t help but tell you about another method - trial versions various software.

Unfortunately, such versions are limited, either in their functionality or in time. All of the following programs must be downloaded and installed on your PC. And already from your computer you can carry out cheating.

Below is a list of the most popular software:


Quite simple and effective program. It automatically recruits friends to your page. All you need to do is launch it.

The disadvantage of the program is that you cannot select the audience. That is, she cheats everyone.

You can use the demo version constantly, but only for one account.


Another software that automatically attracts friends to your page. It works according to the VK10000Friends principle.

The free version can be used for only 30 minutes, but this time is enough to recruit at least a certain number of people. Also, in the demo version you cannot select an audience based on criteria (in the paid version you can).

Quick Sender

You can use the demo version all the time, but its functionality is limited (it is quite enough to increase your audience).

This software does not automatically generate subscribers, but it helps to parse target audience and work with it in the future (for example, do a newsletter).


It works on the principle. But the functionality is not reduced in any way. The limitations of the demo version are that you can only add 1 page.

Possible problems

With a competent approach to promoting a VKontakte group using free programs and services, there should be no problems. If you wind it up gradually with constant addition good content, then in 80% of cases everything will be normal. It is better to gain the required number of subscribers in a month than in a day, of course, if you are going to work for results.

Bottom line

Today we talked about quite current topic: free promotion VK without tasks. Now you know several ways and services to do this. We hope the article was useful to you.

The popularity of your photos added to your VKontakte profile page is assessed by the number of positive comments (see), reposts (see) and likes. As a rule, users most often put hearts, thereby showing their interest and approval of your photo. Many even set themselves the goal of getting as many hearts as possible for their avatar.

If you have few friends, or the photo is not very good, then it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve your goal naturally. But you can use special methods. Now we will tell you how to make likes on VKontakte for free.

How to get actions on your page

Users constantly need someone to take one action or another on their page. As we have already noted, this could be a comment on some post, repost beautiful photography etc. There are 3 options for obtaining this action.

Free increase of likes on avatars and photos

We need to find people who also need to get likes. The easiest way to do this is on the corresponding public pages.

Let's use the search. Dial "Mutual likes", and go to the list of communities.

Based on the name of the community, we need to select where users exchange likes. Look, in the picture above we see the first two options.

  1. Group “Mutual likes on ava”- exactly what is needed
  2. Group "Instagram mutual likes"- that’s another matter, Instagram doesn’t interest us yet (see also)

So we will use the first community. Open it.

Here everyone leaves their requests online. You can first fulfill the request of any participant, and then write to him that you also need a mutual favor. Tell him that you would like to get a like on his profile picture.

We go to the topmost entry for which comments are allowed. Here we see all the requests.

We see that a certain Vasilisa Yudintseva asks to like her ava. And in return, he promises to do the same for you. This is exactly what we need. She even attached a photo directly to her request - you don’t have to go far. Just open it and put a heart.

After this you should wait a few minutes. If she doesn't reciprocate, then write her a message saying that you liked her ava and would like to receive a response from her. In case she ignores you again, you can.


This is a simple algorithm of actions that will help you get free user activity on your page. You can easily get likes on your avatar, comments and reposts (see). The only drawback of this method is that real interest users to your information will not be as high. But for a start, that’s enough.


In contact with