Copying damaged disks. Rating of programs for copying laser CDs and DVDs

You will need

  • -Computer;
  • -disks;
  • -several drives;
  • -SuperCopy program;
  • -BadCopy program;
  • - Nero program;
  • -Alcohol program;
  • -cleaning wipes;
  • -freezer.


A disk is a fragile thing; it only needs a couple of scratches to become unreadable. First, make sure that your drive can actually read the detected disk. Optical media information comes in the form of CD-ROM, CD-RW, CD-R, or DVD-ROM, DVD-RW. All these formats are different, the drive must match the storage medium. Test your existing drives on other hardware.

If the drive shows up but on the PC, try the following:
- use special programs. For example, SuperCopy, BadCopy. Please note that basically this software can only skip damaged areas. This helps if you are trying to recover a disk with movies or music; it won’t work with games.
-polish the disc with a silk or cotton cloth. Make sure that no new scratches appear. Make movements starting from the center, smoothly moving to the edges, but not along.
- wipe the disc with a special cloth. These antistatic wipes are sold in computer stores.

Place the disc in freezer, about thirty minutes. Wrap it in a bag to prevent moisture from collecting. This is why it helps: a cooled disk takes longer to heat up, so the drive has time to read the information. The main thing is not to overexpose the disc in the freezer, the disc will become more fragile and may break.

Create a disk image using programs such as Alcohol or Nero, copy files from the image. Virtual system will force disks od treat information more carefully. Try it from the disc using Slow CD, Nero Drive Speed. Discs can be read on different speeds, these programs are used to determine the speed.

Wipe the disc with a soft cloth and detergent. This helps if the disc is very worn. Remember, do not wipe discs with acetone or gasoline. After such wet cleaning, the disc must dry completely.
Wipe the dry disc with a cloth soaked in vegetable oil. Oil does not conduct electricity, is not as liquid as water, and will also remain in the scratch. Even damaged data can be recovered.

Video on the topic


Try inserting the CD into another drive; it happens that one drive reads the information, but the other does not.

Helpful advice

Use a combination of all disk recovery methods.

Perhaps everyone who stores any information on disks, sooner or later they encounter a problem when the computer cannot open them due to numerous scratches and other damage. Often, such disks are immediately sent to the trash bin, but there is no need to rush, you can try to recover the lost information and rewrite it to another medium. Several simple ways will help you do this.

You will need

  • - damaged disk;
  • - cotton or silk fabric;
  • - special antiseptic wipes;
  • - soft cloth and detergent.


The first step is to check whether your drive can even open and read the detected disc. If not, then don’t panic right away; check this disk on another computer. Next, check the media for damage such as scratches. If you find cracks, chips or other serious damage on the disk, do not try to open it on the computer. Otherwise, due to the speed of unwinding, it may simply crack in the drive, and you will have another problem in the form of fragments that will then need to be removed from the drive.

If the computer detects the disk but does not open it, try using special programs such as BadCopy or SuperCopy. But keep in mind that they can only skip damaged areas of the disk. This property will help in restoring audio and video files. As for games, this method is ineffective.

Try polishing the media with a cotton or silk cloth. This should be done in the direction from the center of the disk to its edges, but in no case in a circle. Try to do everything very carefully so as not to damage the disk even more. Instead of fabric, you can use special antistatic wipes, which are sold at any computer store.

Another somewhat unusual way is to put the damaged disc in the freezer for half an hour, after wrapping it in a plastic bag, which will prevent harmful moisture from entering. The media cooled in this way will take longer to heat up and during this time the drive will have time to read all the information you need from it. However, be careful not to keep the disc in the refrigerator, otherwise it will become brittle, which will subsequently lead to its failure.

To open an unreadable disc, wipe it using a soft cloth and a gentle detergent. This will help clean the disc from fingerprints or smudges. After this procedure, wait until the disc is completely dry.



  • how to open a disk if it won't open

Reading, restoring and copying data from damaged data is one of the most common tasks when working with removable media. The number of proposed solutions is huge, but when trying to systematize, they all come down to a limited set of action algorithms.


Try using a soft cloth (silk or cotton) to polish disk. It is not recommended to use circular movements; movements from the center to the edges are considered correct.

Wipe the disk with a special antistatic cloth and insert it into another drive (if possible).

Place the damaged dik in the freezer for 30 minutes, after wrapping it in a bag. Repeated attempts to read a bad sector cause heating disk, which causes a change in the refractive index. A cooled disk is less susceptible to heating, which may help resolve the problem.

Try using software(SuperCopy, BadCopy) to replace values bad sectors zeros or try to create an image disk by using specialized applications(Alcohol, Ahead Nero).

Use utilities like Nero Drive Speed ​​or Slow CD to change (slow down) the reading speed disk or download specialized program Non-Stop Copy, which does not require installation and is freely distributed on the Internet.

Unzip and launch the Non-Stop Copy application.

Follow the procedure quick copying damaged disk. At the same time, unreadable sectors disk are marked as broken without stopping the copying process.

Proceed to the detailing process, during which the program determines the exact boundaries of the unreadable sector of the damaged disk or select the fine detail option if there are multiple damaged sets.

Complete the recovery procedure for the damaged disk performing the procedure for copying bad sectors. By default, the application makes five attempts to copy each damaged fragment.

Use the option to restore an entire directory containing one or more bad sectors using the specialized nscopyd.bat script included in the Non-Stop Copy program.

Call up the main menu of the operating system by clicking the “Start” button and go to “Run”.

Enter the value "name_ disk:Program Files
scopyd.bat" "name_ disk:folder_to-be-copied" "name_ disk:path_to_location_of_copy_saving" and confirm the execution of the command by pressing the OK button.


  • How to copy a damaged disk in 2018
  • bad sector on disk in 2018

A situation where it is not possible to normally play a compact disk or copy data from it, is familiar to many users. It is especially unpleasant if the disk contains some unique files - for example, an archive of photographs. You can try to restore an unreadable disk.

You will need

  • - soft cloth;
  • - toothpaste;
  • - information recovery programs;


Most often, the readability of information is affected by scratches on the disk and various contaminations. Cheap drives are the most susceptible to failure; low price is explained precisely low quality protective coating. If the disk is no longer readable or you cannot read all the information, carefully inspect its working surface. Remove any existing dirt with a soft cloth slightly moistened with water.

To remove shallow scratches, use simple method, giving good results. Apply to a damp cloth toothpaste and polish the damaged area. There are subtleties here: you need to polish across the scratches. Most often, scratches go along the recorded tracks, so you need to polish using movements from the center of the disc to the edges. If the disc is severely scratched, this work may take up to half an hour. Then rinse off the paste, rinse the disc, dry it, wipe with a soft cloth and try to play it.

If the disc is still unreadable or you have no desire to polish it, seek help special utilities. One of the best in this regard is the AnyReader program; you can find download links on the Internet. After downloading the program, install it and run it. In the program window that opens, recovery options will be indicated, usually the first one is needed - “Copying files from damaged media.” Select this item and click the “Next” button.

The program will open the disk, check the boxes in the list provided for the files that you need to save, and click “Next” again. In the new window, specify the folder where the recovered files will be saved. Click Next. The file will begin copying. After it is completed, the report that appears will indicate whether it was possible to copy the file in its entirety.

To recover data, you can use other utilities: Max Data Recovery, File Salvage, NSCopy. Good results provides the IsoBuster program, which allows you to extract information from the most problematic disks. Its disadvantage is slow work. It is convenient to run this program overnight - by morning the disk image will be created.

Video on the topic

Almost always, to maintain privacy when entering passwords, the corresponding programs display unreadable characters - “asterisks” instead of the entered characters. However, if you see these same asterisks in the password entry field, this does not mean that the password is actually placed in this field. password. Often, such asterisks do not hide anything, but have a purely informational function - to let you know that when you enter password will be hidden from prying eyes.


Discard the asterisk intent in web pages retrieved from the server. In the vast majority of cases, passwords are not transmitted by the server to the user's browser. You can verify this by opening the received file in your web browser. source page - it will not contain a password in any open form, nor encrypted. Passwords are transmitted over the Internet in only one direction - from the browser to the server.

Use any specialized application program, which can read passwords in open windows other programs. There are no such tools as part of the service components of the operating system. It would be strange if a decryption program were included in the same package as programs that ensure password security. The desired program easy to find on the Internet - for example, it could be Pass Checker. The program consists of six files (including a help file) with a total weight of only 296 kilobytes and does not require installation. Immediately files on HDD or removable media it can be launched double click by file Password.exe.

Open the program whose stars you are interested in. Then place the Pass Checker window above open program and with the left mouse button drag the image of the skull onto the field with the hidden asterisks password. This field will be highlighted with a blinking frame, and in the Pass Checker window opposite the window text the decoder will place password in its unencrypted form. This password you can copy and use as you wish.

Click the Help button in the bottom row of buttons if you want to use more complex ways decryption of passwords. In addition to the simplest one, described in the previous step, the program provides two more options. Despite the English-language interface, Pass Checker help is written in English, so there will be no problems.

Video on the topic

It happens that important documents, dear photographs, videos and other information stored on a DVD are inaccessible for reading or viewing. There may be several reasons for this: for example, your disk is physically worn out, made of poor quality material, or scratched. And read or copy the necessary files from damaged disk does not work, even though they are displayed in the operating system explorer.


Take advantage special programs, which directly, without using standard means Windows reads information from DVDs. These utilities repeatedly try to read the damaged part of the disk, continuing this process even after reading errors occur, and as a result, they “pull out” the information in its original form. And if it doesn’t work out, then many of similar programs they simply change unread sectors to zeros (although some defect may appear at this point in the document). Of course, you most likely won’t achieve perfect recovery, but it’s still better than losing your data forever.

Download, for example, CDCheck. This is one of the popular and simple programs. By checking DVDs in detail, it identifies damaged files and restores them. To ensure the program works, select the corresponding document, and then click on the “Check” button and specify the folder into which you want to copy the information.

Damaged or lost data from unreadable (hard to read) disks can be recovered using the BadCopy Pro utility. By selecting desired mode(it depends on whether the file is displayed in operating system, but it is not readable, or the data in Windows Explorer invisible at all), click on the “Next” button and the process will start. True, this will take a lot of time, because the information will have to be restored separately in each folder.

Another program - IsoBuster - will help you recover lost data stored on a broken DVD. To do this, run the utility and insert the disk into the drive, after which its layout will appear in the panel on the left, and the files on the right. If you cannot find them, you need to run the search command for missing files and folders.

Video on the topic

Very often as a result of mechanical wear or various damage disk becomes unreadable, and the computer categorically refuses to open it. To deal with this problem, you can use several in simple ways, which will restore damaged media and help you save important information from imminent death.

In such cases, programs for copying damaged disks come to the rescue. There are many of them. I want to tell you about the best one I have encountered - Non-Stop Copy. The program website is, author is Dmitry Sergeev. The program does not require installation, the archive size is 58 kb, and is distributed free of charge.

This is what the main program window looks like.

Non-Stop Copy, for all its simplicity, implements an effective algorithm for copying files from damaged media. First, the program performs a quick copy. If during the fast copying process an unreadable sector is encountered, the program marks it (a whole block of sectors with a capacity of up to 1 MB, for floppy disks - 64 KB) as broken and continues copying further. The copying process is visualized. The read data is marked green, uncounted - in red.

After quick copying, if bad sector blocks were found, the next stage begins - detailing. Each previously marked broken block the program starts copying by sector. Copies from the first sector in a bad block, moving forward until it “runs into” an unreadable sector, and then copies from the last sector in the block, moving backward until it reaches an unreadable sector again.

An attentive reader will say: “What if this most unreadable sector is more than one in the block? If, moving forward, the program found one bad sector in the block, and moving backward, it found another. What if there are surviving sectors between them.”

Right. But as a result of detailing, this entire “picture” of damage on the disk is clarified. Often you can limit yourself to the detail stage, for example, if the damaged file is a video, audio, picture, etc. But if the copied file is executable, for example, a program distribution, then you need to copy the damaged file as accurately as possible.

Therefore, after detailing, the third stage begins - precise detailing. At this stage, Non-Stop Copy tries to copy every sector in all bad areas. At the end of this stage, an accurate picture of the bad sectors in the file is obtained.

And the last, fourth stage of copying - copying bad sectors. The program tries to copy every bad sector. Several attempts are made to copy the bad sector, five by default. It happens that it is possible to read information from a bad sector the Nth time. This is the longest copying stage and is not always necessary. It is needed if data needs to be copied as accurately as possible from a damaged file. Sometimes this stage can take a very long time.

Non-Stop Copy has many features despite its simplicity. All possibilities are listed on the website. I would like to emphasize, from my point of view, the most important:

the ability to continue copying a file that was not completely copied using other means;
The copying process can be interrupted at any time, and then if necessary, continue;
opportunity automatic shutdown computer upon completion of copying; if there is a lot of damage, the user does not have to sit and wait for the copying to finish - copying may take several hours, after which the computer will turn off;
low resource intensity.

It is also possible to copy directories. This is in case you need to copy an entire folder that contains one or many damaged files. For this purpose, the archive with the program includes special script. Called nscopyd.bat .

Go to Start→Run..., specify the path to the nscopyd file in quotes. bat, then, separated by a space in quotes, specify the path to the directory with damaged files, then another space and in quotes the path to the directory where to copy. Let's say you need to copy a directory with damaged files located on the F:\Music drive to a directory on the D:\Copy drive. You will get something like this: “C:\Program Files\nscopy\nscopyd.bat” “f:\Music” “D:\Copy”. Approximately - because you can place the directory with the program not in C:\Program Files, but in another place.

I have been using the program for more than a year, and during this time it has proven itself to be just great. I recommend to all!

Have you ever encountered situations when, in the process of copying files from external media(CD or DVD disc) did the computer interrupt the process and give an error?

Unfortunately, this happens quite often, especially if the disk is constantly in use.

Over time, such a disk becomes worn out (in minor scratches) and therefore it is quite obvious that while copying or opening a file we may see a message like this:

Sometimes in such a situation, simply wiping the disc on the transparent side helps, but if the disc is very worn, this does not help. But it happens that the disk contains unique information that we would not want to lose... What to do in such a situation?

In such a situation, it can help us quite a lot interesting program SuperCopy, which allows you to copy information from damaged media (you can download the program). During copying, the program identifies damaged sections of the file (which cannot be restored) and replaces them with zeros, while maintaining the structure and size of the file, which in turn allows the file to be launched later.

If you believe the author of the program, then we can copy files even from disks in which a hole is drilled!!! I personally have not experimented in this way, but I can assure you that the program quite often helped me out when no other methods helped.

It is important to keep in mind here that when replacing damaged code with zeros, we end up with a partially damaged file, which, of course, will differ from the original, and the likelihood of opening it depends on the degree of damage to the media. This applies to copying documents. If we copy a film, then in the end we will hardly notice any violations during viewing (except perhaps small image shifts in some areas). But it's still better than just throwing away the disc, right?

Another example: our favorite disc with a huge collection of music may simply not be copied by the disc burning program due to an error in one single file. In this situation, we can sacrifice one song to save all the others by copying all the files to the hard drive using Super Copy and then burning them to a new drive.

All in all, this program can help us out even in seemingly hopeless situations, so let’s immediately begin to master it. The program is quite simple, so it won’t be difficult for even a child to understand it.

File readme.chm This is a small help file that describes the principle of operation of the program and the subtleties of its configuration. In principle, you don’t have to touch the program settings (it will work anyway), but keep in mind that sometimes by using other copying options, we can achieve a better result. Therefore, I still recommend that you read this file (especially since it is small), because... These points are not covered in this lesson.

The second file is the program itself, which, by the way, does not require installation - just click on the file SuperCopy.exe and run it:

Let's try... Click on the menu item File and select the top item:

After this we find required file on our CD drive and select it. Next we click File – Select a file to save to specify the copy location:

Having selected a location on the disk, press the button Save:

As a result, we will get the filled fields Source And Receiver and we can start copying by clicking the appropriate button:

After this, the copying process will start. If for any reason we need to interrupt it, this can be done through the menu item Copy – Start/Stop:

While copying to the area Indication blue color indicates good (working) areas of the file, red color indicates “broken” areas, and green color indicates an area that is in this moment processed:

The copying process can take quite a while long time(depends on the file size), so starting the copy large file be patient.

When copying is complete, the program will display a small report on the work done:

    • The author of the program is Andrey Vladimirovich Vereshchagin.
    • Type – reader damaged disks.

Super Copy 2.1 is a program for reading damaged disks and floppy disk-type magnetic media. I checked it on CD and DVD discs. Theoretically, copying from BD is also possible. The advantages of this program are that it is: free, works without installation, its size is 408 KB, it is simple and intuitive clear interface(picture below), yes reference system(but you won't need it).

Super Copy is a very easy to use program for reading damaged disks.

To run the program, you need a computer with a processor of at least P-166MMX, 32Mb random access memory and above, 408 KB on hard drive, optical drive, disk drive, OS Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7. Work under Windows control I checked XP/Vista/7 myself. You may need Administrator level access rights to run. When copying large files (4.4 GB) in Windows 7, the program may crash. The developer declares compatibility with Windows 98/NT/2000 on its website. I think he can be trusted. However, it should be borne in mind that the better your Hardware(processor, RAM, HDD (“hard drive”), optical drive, and so on), the faster the copying process will occur. The following factors also influence the copying process time: the size of the copied file, the degree of damage to the media, and the program copy settings.

I saw the “highlight” of this program when I tried to copy from a scratched CD-R disc movie. Before that, I tried to do the same thing using IsoBuster (paid and disproportionately more functional program). IsoBuster never worked. The copying process is stuck at 30%. The CPU load was about 100%. As a result of fifty minutes of copying the thirtieth percent, I interrupted the task.

The Super Copy program (then still 2.0) coped with the task with a bang. At the same thirty percent, she “thought” a little, skipped it (replacing it with zeros) and continued copying further. After 20-25 minutes I received a copy of the film on my hard drive. When viewing, somewhere at the unfortunate thirtieth percent, the player Windows Media flashed a black screen, the sound cut out for a couple of seconds and the film continued.

Super Copy 2.1 interface overview

Let's look at the main window of the program for reading damaged disks Super Copy 2.1 (picture below).

  1. Button for selecting a file to copy (duplicated in the File menu).
  2. Button for selecting a directory to save the copied file (duplicated in the File menu).
  3. Button to start the copying process (duplicated in the Copy menu).
  4. Button to open the settings window (duplicated in the Settings menu).
  5. Button to open the program website in the browser. Internet connection required (duplicated in the Help menu).
  6. Button to open the About window (duplicated in the Help menu).
  7. Path string to the damaged file (can be edited manually).
  8. Path string to the directory to save the copied file (can be edited manually).
  9. Progress indicator.
  10. "Legend" of the copying process. Visually displays which “file blocks” have been read/damaged.

Setting up Super Copy 2.1

To open the settings window, click the button Tune in the main program window. Or go to menu Tune and select Program parameters(picture below).

The super-copy-2.1 program can carry out the copying process using several methods. Which one to use depends on the specific situation. You can set the reading area (the entire file or up to the first error). You can also set the direction of reading the file. If you check the " Read from older addresses", reading the block will begin not from the beginning, but from the end, which will significantly slow down the process of reading files, but will reduce the number of errors. If you check the " Abort reading after... seconds.", the program will monitor the reading process from the outside and interrupt it after a specified amount of time. This is very useful feature, because Some device drivers take a very long time to process errors. Those. when a program tries unsuccessfully to read the same section for a long time, the reading process will be forcibly interrupted after the time you set. If this does not happen, without interrupting the copying process, you must remove the storage medium from the reader and, after the message appears, insert it back.

Copy methods

  • A method for reading an entire file forward. The file is conventionally divided into blocks. Blocks are read only sequentially in the forward direction and without exception. Reading in the block occurs before the first error occurs. For example, this method is suitable for reading small files or for detailed analysis damage.
  • A method of reading an entire file in reverse. The file is conventionally divided into blocks. Blocks are read only sequentially in the opposite direction and without exception. Reading in the block occurs before the first error occurs. For example, this method is suitable for reading small files or for detailed damage analysis. If the " ", the block is read backwards, i.e. from large addresses to smaller ones. This allows you to reduce the number of errors.
  • A method of reading an entire file first forward and then backward. The file is conventionally divided into blocks. Blocks are read only sequentially in the forward direction and all without exception, then the program will try to read those blocks that could not be read when reading forward. Checkbox " Read from older addresses" must be installed. This method is suitable for reading small files or when there is minor damage to the media.
  • A method of reading a file until the first error occurs in the forward direction. The file is conventionally divided into blocks. Blocks are read only sequentially in the forward direction until the first error occurs in the block. This method is suitable for reading heavily damaged media.
  • A method of reading a file backwards until the first error occurs. The file is conventionally divided into blocks. Blocks are read only sequentially backwards until the first error occurs in the block. If the " Read from older addresses", the block is read backwards, i.e. from large addresses to smaller ones. This reduces the number of errors. This method is suitable for reading heavily damaged media.
  • A method of reading a file forward, then backward until the first error occurs. The file is conventionally divided into blocks. Blocks are read sequentially, until the first error appears in the forward direction, then until the first error appears in the reverse direction. Checkbox " Reverse reading when reading backwards" must be installed. This method is suitable for reading heavily damaged media. (Points " Setting up Super Copy 2.1" and "Copy methods" are taken from the program help).

During the copying process (picture below), the copying progress indicator begins to change and the “legend” is filled in

I give you screenshots of the task manager and system utility Resource Monitor in Windows 7.

PC hardware and software:

  • Processor – Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz.
  • RAM – DDR2 4 GB (800 MHz).
  • Motherboard – Asus P5Q SE2.
  • HDD – Western Digital Caviar Black (WD5001AALS-00L3B2).
  • Optical drive – ASUS DRW-20B1LT ATA Device.
  • OS version – 6.1.7600 (Win7 RTM).

To my great regret, the program has not been updated for a long time. Super version Copy 2.1 is the latest on the developer's website. But so far Super Copy 2.1 is one of the best free program for reading damaged disks that I have come across.

Please check the size of the downloaded file with the data indicated on the site. The download link is at the end of the article above the comments.

All downloaded files, before and after archiving, were scanned by Norton Internet Security with the latest virus databases.

Scratched your CD/DVD disc? Can't read? Well, why are you so careless about storing them? Now we will restore the disk, or rather the data from it.

Are you surprised? Are you taking the disc to the trash can already? Stop! You can get most of the information back from it. How to recover an unreadable disk?

There are many ways. I'll tell you about some of them now. And we will be helped by a wonderful program for recovering data from damaged disks - AnyReader. She is one of the best in this field.

The first thing I advise is to lower the reading speed of your drive. Sometimes it helps. If it still doesn’t read, then we move on to harsh actions.

Personally, I have brought more than one disc back to life simply by polishing it with regular toothpaste and a handkerchief. A little water and paste, plus patience for 30-40 minutes and the result is amazing.

The only thing that is important is that the movements should not be too fast, but always from the center of the disk to its outer edge and back. Otherwise, you will only lengthen the scratches. After all, the drive reads disks in a circle. Also, a flat surface under the suffering disc is important. At the end of the torture - copious rinsing under running water and wiping dry, poor fellows.

While preparing this material, I saw several more ways to restore damaged, worn-out disks. Who is ready for what?

Some polish jeans, without paste. Others rub scratches with teaspoons and then treat them with felt. Still others, they cover the damaged areas with green paint so that the laser does not go astray. In short, they go to great lengths just to save the data.

And we use the utility AnyReader, specifically designed for our purpose - to recover an unreadable disk.

Download AnyReader

Download the most new version you can always with manufacturer's official website. Or using the search.

Unpack archive and copy the file... a pre-created folder. In the future, do not move it anywhere. Now we click on this shortcut and another one appears in our new folder...

Don't worry - that's how it should be. You can look into it, but there is nothing interesting there - although you won’t have time. AnyReader program started...

Choose the option that suits you best and press the button indicated by your finger...

...and mark the file that you want to extract from the damaged media (I show the example of the first point - in others everything is also very simple and clear).

Specify the location where to save the recovered file... was I who mistakenly chose the location in previous action- no problem…

That's all. Now you know how to recover an unreadable disk.