Which program to download to overclock the processor. The best programs for overclocking PCs and laptops

Sooner or later there comes a time when the computer processor stops responding. system requirements programs and even more so games. This problem, of course, can be solved by replacing outdated hardware, but not everyone can afford such radical method. That is why many users increasingly prefer not to buy expensive components, but to so-called overclocking.

Fortunately, CPU overclocking programs have been around for a long time. open access. Moreover, now similar utilities So many have already been released that an uninitiated user can simply get confused in them. To prevent this from happening to you, read this article. Here you will find a list of the most current programs for overclocking the processor and can use them to give your computer a second life.

A little theory

First, you need to understand what the essence of overclocking is and why it is not as dangerous as is commonly believed. The fact is that all processors by default operate at only 60-80% of their maximum power. Thanks to overclocking you can bypass this limitation and achieve a noticeable increase in productivity.

Of course, it is almost impossible to obtain the maximum possible increase in power at home and without proper knowledge. However, you can easily expect a 20-30% increase in performance, which in most cases will allow you to achieve acceptable FPS in modern games on a relatively outdated computer.

At the same time, by overclocking the processor through the program, you reduce the risk of burning something in your computer to a minimum. The main thing in this matter is to choose a utility specifically for your device, so pay attention to this Special attention.

ASRock OC Tuner

This is a program for overclocking Intel processors, different user-friendly interface and excellent functionality. It is important that ASRock OC Tuner has tools not only for overclocking, but also for monitoring the system status. Even if the processor temperature rises to a critical level, you can immediately notice it and take appropriate measures.

Another advantage of the program is its ease of use. To overclock, you just need to open the Overlocking tab and set the desired values ​​for the bus multiplier and processor frequency. After this, all you have to do is press the GO button and wait until the utility makes all the appropriate changes.

By the way, in ASRock OC Tuner you can not only increase processor performance, but also calibrate the PCIE bus frequency. This is done approximately according to the same principle.


This utility suitable for owners of modern computers who want to squeeze even more power out of their machine. Therefore, SetFSB is simply an excellent program for overclocking other devices from the same series, the frequency of which is limited by default by the manufacturer. In addition, the utility is compatible with almost all modern motherboards, which makes it truly universal.

Another benefit of SetFSB is that any changes you make will be reset when you restart your computer until you save them. This way, you can test the operation of the processor after overclocking and only then, making sure that it is functioning without failures, confirm the changes made. Simply put, even if you overdo it and your PC reboots without being able to withstand increased load, all settings will be reset to factory settings.

MSI Control Center II

This utility is designed to monitor the status and configure chipsets manufactured by MSI. you can use this program to overclock the processor installed on the motherboard of this company.

The application interface is divided into two categories: Overclocking and Green Power. As you might guess, it is the first one that is intended for overclocking. Here you can not only change the processor frequency, but also change the voltage supplied to it, thereby increasing the stability of operation at maximum loads. In addition, in the same menu you can see the current temperature of various components of your PC, find out the rotation speed of coolers and calibrate

As for the Green Power section, it is monitoring the efficiency of energy consumption. There are also various options that allow, for example, to turn off the LED indicators on the motherboard.

By the way, if you don’t want to bother with manually overclocking the processor (and the entire system as a whole), you can use one of preset modes MSI work Control Center II. Just select one of them (Default, Cooling, Game or Cinema), and the program itself will make all the necessary changes.


CPUFSB is a program for overclocking a processor in Russian, which immediately sets it apart from many competitors. The utility is designed to work with devices made by Intel and allows you not only to increase their frequency, but also to save several modes for different situations, and then switch between them. As with SetFSB (and many other applications), any changes you make will be reset when you reboot the system until you finally approve them.

Also, the advantages of the program include support for even the most exotic motherboards. If no other utility can work with your chipset, then you should definitely try overclocking using CPUFSB.

The disadvantage of the program is the need to manually enter the PLL of your processor. Of course, this information can be previewed in third party application or disassemble it altogether system unit and read the meaning on the sticker, but all this is not very convenient.


An application similar in its functions to MSI Control Center II, but for chipsets from ASUS. As you probably guessed, ASUS TurboV EVO is also a processor overclocking program with an excellent set of additional features.

Essentially, the utility gives you access to BIOS settings directly from your desktop. At the same time, all options that in one way or another can harm the performance of the computer are carefully hidden, which allows you to use the program without unnecessary risk, even without specific knowledge.

Interesting feature ASUS TurboV EVO allows you to adjust not only the overall frequency of the processor as a whole, but also perform the same operation for each core. Not to say that there is a serious need for this, but still sometimes such a function can come in handy.

Again, like MSI Control Center II, the ASUS program has an automatic overclocking function. With the press of one button, you can select the ideal timings and voltage for your processor, thereby increasing its frequency.


And this utility is suitable for the “lucky” owners of very outdated computers. You can easily use this program for overclocking Pentium processor or other antique devices.

The SoftFSB interface is very modest. Here you will not find a temperature sensor, cooler monitoring, or any other bells and whistles. But the program does its job quite well main task, that is, it allows you to overclock the processor to higher frequencies.

Now about the cons. SoftFSB is very old utility, so it is highly likely that it will not work normally with modern hardware and latest versions operating systems. Moreover, the developers have long stopped releasing updates for their brainchild, so don’t expect anything to change for the better in the future. Thus, the application can be recommended only to owners of rare computers and to no one except them.

AMD OverDrive

As its name suggests, AMD OverDrive is an overclocking program AMD processors. The most interesting thing about it is that you can independently choose your level of overclocking awareness and thus gain access to a different set of settings. For example, inexperienced users will only be able to monitor the state of the system, while professionals will have the ability to change the bus frequency and clock multiplier.

In addition, the program allows you to test an overclocked processor. This opportunity, together with different access levels, reduces the risk of harming the operation of the computer to a minimum.


Small but very useful program for overclocking AMD processors. Despite the simple interface, the utility allows you to perform overclocking, as well as monitor the state of a computer operating at higher frequencies. In addition, the application practically does not load the system and takes up very little space on the hard drive.

Unfortunately, ClockGen does not support the Russian language, but this is by no means the worst thing. Much worse is that the developers have stopped supporting the program, which means it will not work properly on modern computers.

Overclocking without a program

It’s worth saying a few words about overclocking using the BIOS. Of course, this method is not as convenient as the software one, but it is still worthy of a little mention. Overclocking the processor through the BIOS is carried out by changing the bus multiplier, as well as the value of the supplied voltage. The problem is that these options are not open on all devices and not in all BIOS versions.

Another disadvantage of this method is that you will have to increase the processor frequency in small steps. Each time, after increasing performance a little, you should restart the computer and wait full launch operating system. As soon as instead of the usual Windows icon will appear blue screen, you will have to go into settings and return the frequency to the previous step. In general, it’s still a hassle.

Be aware of the risks

Despite the fact that processor overclocking utilities make the overclocking process as safe as possible, you should still not forget about the risks associated with this procedure. Here are some tips to help you avoid burning your computer:

  • Use only applications that are compatible with your computer. If the description indicates that this program is for overclocking Intel processor, don't try to make it work with an AMD device.
  • If the utility you choose does not have a temperature monitoring tool, then you should use a program from third party developers. For example, CPU-Z will do an excellent job with this task.
  • Don't panic if something goes wrong and the computer reboots itself. Just reset the settings and everything will be normal again.

Also, do not forget to periodically check the temperature of the overclocked processor. It is best to do this under load in games or demanding programs.

Perhaps many people know, but for those who don’t, we’ll tell you that the performance of any computer can be significantly increased not only by replacing the existing hardware to a new one with higher performance, but also as a result of overclocking the old one.

Overclocking or overclocking involves increasing the performance of PC hardware components such as the processor, video card, RAM, motherboard by improving their nominal characteristics. In the event that the processor is overclocked, we will increase it clock frequency, multiplier coefficient, as well as supply voltage.

How to increase frequency

So, how to overclock an intel processor? When talking about methods of this type, let's start with increasing frequency characteristics. Where does this opportunity come from? The fact is that manufacturers microprocessor technology They always supply their products to the market with a certain safety margin, the value of which ranges from 20 to 50% of the characteristics stated in the passport. For example, the Intel 2.5 GHz installed in your PC has maximum value clock frequency, the value of which is 3 GHz.

In other words, during a properly executed overclocking process, you can achieve an increase in its characteristics to 3 GHz. However, this does not mean that in this mode it will work longer than at its nameplate frequency. When the processor gets very hot, the peak frequency is reset to minimum values. In addition, there is absolutely no guarantee that you will be able to increase this figure, but some simple manipulations will easily increase it by 20-30%.

Each processor is characterized by the presence of such a parameter as a multiplier. If you multiply the value of this parameter by the FSB bus frequency (BCLK), we find out the frequency. Therefore, the simplest and absolutely safe method Intel overclocking is to increase the frequency value of the FSB system bus (BCLK).

The accessibility and simplicity of this method comes down to the fact that changing the FSB (BCLK) can be done directly in the BIOS, as well as programmatically, using a step equal to 1 MHz for this purpose.

In more “ancient” models, the use similar method could lead to dire consequences - the processor could simply burn out. Today, in order to “kill” modern multi-core Intel only by increasing its clock frequency, incredible efforts will be required. But we do not set such a goal, and, therefore, this method is completely safe.

In the event that a novice overclocker even overdoes it with the settings, the system will instantly reset installed settings, will reboot and function in its normal mode. To change the bus frequency, go to the BIOS, then find the value of the CPU Clock value, press the “Enter” key within this value, and then enter the value of the bus frequency.

Attention! It is recommended to overclock only desktop processors. It is better to leave processors in laptops in their current state, because... they cannot cope with the increased heat generation of processors under overclocking. To enter the BIOS, you usually use the “Del” key when booting the PC. Read this article: . But only to familiarize yourself with the frequency and other parameters.

So, we enter the BIOS, open the information about the CPU and see:

Set new values ​​in the FSB or BCLK line settings. On this screenshot BCLK is equal to 100 MHz, which when multiplied by a factor of 33 gives a processor frequency of 3300 MHz. If you set the BCLK value to 105, the final frequency will be 3465 MHz. Remember that most modern Intel processors are sensitive to changes in this value. It is better to overclock them by increasing the multiplier. Read about multipliers below.

In order for the overclocking result to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to replace the existing cooler with a more efficient one. To determine the efficiency of a particular fan model, you should measure Intel temperature at its maximum load. Programs such as Everest and 3D Mark will help with this. If the temperature at maximum load is 65-70°C, it is necessary to either increase the fan performance to the maximum value, or reduce the FSB bus frequency (BCLK).

How to change the multiplier

Also, increasing productivity can be achieved by changing the multiplier. This is only possible if the existing “stone” is unlocked with a multiplier. As a rule, such devices are labeled “Extreme”. If the version of your existing Intel does not belong to this category, you should not be upset, since using the first option will be enough to obtain it. Or you cannot do without increasing the voltage.

Changing the multiplier in big side from the standard one, as in the screenshot.

There is no need to set large multipliers right away. Try adding 2-3 units to start. Save and restart your computer. If it works stably, you can add another unit. And so on until stability is disrupted. Let's assume that the computer freezes when turned on after setting the multiplier to 45. Then it is better to set the Final multiplier to 43. This way the computer will work stably.

If the motherboard cannot reset the settings on its own, help it. You need to remove the round battery on the motherboard. If you don't know what it looks like, it's better not to overclock your processor!

How to increase the supply voltage

How to overclock an intel processor by increasing the processor voltage? The principle of increasing productivity by increasing voltage is quite simple. To implement it, you just need to increase the power supply of the device. In order to make your dreams come true, you must:

  1. install a more efficient cooler;
  2. do not increase the voltage value higher than 0.3 V from the nominal value.

In order to increase the voltage, you need to go into the BIOS, find an item called “Power Bios Setup => Vcore Voltege” or something similar, increase the supply voltage by 0.1 V. Then, you need to set the cooler to the maximum value and install more high frequency FSB (BCLK) or multiplier.

Any equipment tends to become outdated over time and, accordingly, it ceases to satisfy the user’s needs. In such a situation, you can simply replace the outdated processor with new version or go the other way, using overclocking programs. Using such utilities you can significantly improve the performance of your device.

There are two methods that can help overclock your processor. The first is changing the settings in the BIOS, and the second is using specialized programs. This article will discuss the latter method.

SetFSB utility

This type of program is primarily used by owners of fairly new computer models, but which have very little power. Modern processors do not use all their resources to the fullest, but similar application will be able to speed up your PC as much as possible. Another advantage of this program is the large list of motherboards that it supports.

Among other things, the utility helps determine the existing PLL. Without knowing your own ID, it will be simply impossible to accelerate the processor. You can find out the PLL in another way, but to do this you will have to completely disassemble the computer in order to read the inscription on the chip. This procedure is quite simple for desktop PCs, but laptop users will experience great difficulty during disassembly.

After the computer restarts, all customizable acceleration settings are lost. On the one hand, this causes difficulties, because every time all the work has to be done anew, but on the other hand, you can be sure that no irreparable failure will occur in the system. Then when you are sure that you are indicated optimal settings overclocking, the utility can simply be added to autorun when the computer boots.

Unfortunately, this application is paid. In order to take advantage of its functionality, you will need to pay a subscription costing about $6.

CPUFSB program

This utility almost completely repeats the functionality of the previous application. But, it also has its own unique features. One of the invaluable advantages is the presence of a Russified version, which greatly simplifies working with the program. The functionality of the utility also allows you to set a variety of additional settings and change frequencies for work. Moreover, the frequency changes in just a few clicks, which allows you to overclock the processor only during certain required periods of time.

The application has a huge list of supported motherboards, much larger than the previous utility reviewed. Therefore, users of rare and rarely found devices also have the opportunity to overclock their processor.

A significant drawback is the lack automatic possibility define PLL. Because of this, laptop owners will face great difficulties if they decide to use such a program.

SoftFSB application

Today there are still quite old devices for which there is practically no software. It is for owners of such computers that this program was created. It supports almost all little-known types of motherboards.

This application independently figures out the existing PLL, eliminating the need to disassemble the computer. The utility can be added to autostart, which will greatly simplify the work, since there will be no need to re-set the parameters every time the PC boots.

Unfortunately, this program has been abandoned for a long time and no updates have been released for it. In this regard, users who use modern computers, most likely will not be able to use this application.

The article discussed the most optimal programs, which will help to maximally overclock the processor and significantly speed up the computer. The main thing when carrying out such a procedure is to choose the utility that supports your specific type of motherboard.

Using the experience of other users, we can confidently say that the universal and most commonly used programs for overclocking the system are:

  • setFSB;
  • SoftFSB.

We will talk about them, but at the end of the article, but first we will study the theory and carry out preparatory work.

What is important to know before overclocking an Intel processor?

Of course, you can immediately go to the end of the article, download the software and get started. But thoughtlessly, without understanding the process itself, pressing the “pedals” in the program can lead to a somewhat unexpected result. Yes, and the instructions say that this software Intended for "experienced users". Therefore, for now we just read and delve into it.

Frequency increase

So, an increase in system performance can be obtained by increasing the clock frequency central processor(CPU) or system bus (FSB - front system bus). But most modern CPUs do not allow increasing the clock frequency, because this limitation is imposed by the computer manufacturer. In this case, it is necessary to increase the FSB clock frequency. At the same time, you need to understand that changing the system bus parameters will entail a change in the operation of not only the CPU, but also other modules personal computer- memory, video card or network card.

Changing the multiplier

The frequency at which the processor operates or system bus- this is directly the clock frequency of the generator, multiplied by some number, a multiplier. You can determine the multiplier using specialized computer testing software, such as CPU-Z. In essence, “overclocking” is an increase in this particular parameter. You can change it both in the BIOS subsystem, before loading the operating system, and using programs launched already under the Windows operating system.

Increasing supply voltage

Increasing the clock multiplier often results in unstable work system as a whole and does not give the expected effect, without increasing the supply voltage. This is especially noticeable with a significant increase in multipliers. Consequently, it is necessary to increase the supply voltage of both the processor and the bus itself. However, when changing the voltage, care must be taken not to exceed the permissible limits. Also, you should be aware that increasing the supply voltage inevitably entails an increase in the CPU temperature and the need for effective cooling.

Preparing to overclock the processor

We have studied the theory and finally move on to practice.

We go into the BIOS and see if the manufacturer allows changing the frequency multiplier, processor supply voltage, etc. We are not changing anything for now, we are just studying the situation. We also find a jumper with the inscription “clear cmos”. It will be useful to us if, by changing the parameters, we cannot start the computer.

Boot the computer and run CPU-Z program. This is free software and can be easily found and downloaded online. We study the system in detail, the current values ​​of frequencies and multipliers. There, on the Internet, we find another program - HWMonitor. Using it, we determine the current readings of the system temperature.

We try to load the computer with a stress test from the first program and measure the temperature with the second program.

If the temperature values ​​exceed 60 degrees without “overclocking”, you can stop there. Unfortunately, this system cannot be overclocked.

If the temperature test passes, you should search the Internet for information about the processor and motherboard installed in the computer. In addition, you need to determine which PLL chip - frequency generator - is installed on the motherboard. We need this information when using specialized software.

Overclocking an intel processor on a laptop

Let's take a short break and talk about laptops. The situation here is not very good, because laptop hardware systems are the worst to overclock, and there are several reasons for this:

  • an “overclocked” processor generates more heat, and cooling a hot chip in the limited space of a laptop case is quite a task;
  • The laptop power system is not designed for the increased power consumption of an “overclocked” processor or bus;
  • find the necessary data (find out the frequency generator chip and select software) to overclock the processor or laptop FSB programmatically It doesn't always work out. And if it succeeds, then the practical implementation fails - the system freezes for one reason or another: either the laptop memory cannot operate at the specified frequency, or the built-in video card fails.

Therefore, laptop manufacturers limit as much as possible the possibilities of increasing the processor or bus frequency, as well as voltage values, using the BIOS subsystem.

Despite all this, sometimes it is possible to increase the performance of standard laptops, but at the same time, as side effects, we get an increase in fan noise and a decrease in time battery life laptop.

Overclocking the processor via BIOS

Let's continue! The simplest method, used since the days of the first Pentiums, is to increase the frequency values ​​directly in the computer BIOS. Modern BIOS subsystems do not always allow you to change set parameters, but if the manufacturer provides such a possibility, then a wide field for activity is open to the user. The screenshots below show an example BIOS settings before and after acceleration.

Changed parameters are marked in red.

In the event that, after adjusting the values, the system freezes and access to the bios setup is impossible, you should reset the default settings by short-circuiting certain contacts on the motherboard or by removing the battery.

Programs for overclocking Intel processors

If the motherboard manufacturer has limited overclocking capabilities by changing settings in the BIOS, you can try to overclock the system using special programs.


A very popular program among overclockers. Allows you to set the bus frequency, contains a large PLL database. It’s easy to work with the program, but it’s just as easy to crash the operating system. Therefore, we change the frequency values ​​smoothly, in small steps.

An unpleasant nuance. Starting from version 2.2.134 - the program is paid, the setfsb button is inactive, mode command line does not work. There are two solutions to the problem: either use older versions of the software, or look for ways to register later versions.

So, step by step:

  • select “our” clock-generator
  • press the “get fsb” button
  • smoothly move the slider a couple of steps
  • press the “set fsb” button

We determine the stability of the system using stress tests. We repeat until we get BSOD or satisfaction from overclocking. Since all manipulations are performed only at the time the program is launched, after restarting the computer, the original settings are returned. To permanently use clock frequency settings, you must enable command mode programs. Details are specified in the setfsb.txt file in the program folder. The same file contains a list of supported motherboards and frequency generators.


Similar in its functionality application. IN in this case, there is a correct translation into Russian.

Essentially, CPUFSB is a dedicated CPUCool software module - a utility for monitoring and overclocking the processor. The program includes support large quantity motherboards from various manufacturers.

The operating procedure is similar:

  • select the type of motherboard;
  • select the PLL chip type;
  • “take frequency” - get current values;
  • change the current frequency values ​​- “set frequency”.

Frequency settings are saved until the system is rebooted.


Another application for changing the clock frequency of the bus or processor. Unfortunately, the program is not currently supported by the author. Therefore, on modern systems may not start because it “does not know” about the latest PLL releases.

The principle of operation of the program is the same - select the correct motherboard and clock generator, read the data, smoothly change the current settings and write them.

Consequences of overclocking are the user's responsibility

As a result, we have the following:

  • overclocking a computer involves increasing frequencies and voltages;
  • You can change the frequency values ​​both in the BIOS and programmatically;
  • Overclocking software operates in the same way. The differences between the utilities lie in the ability to support particular equipment;
  • not every equipment can be “overclocked”;
  • increasing frequencies and voltages should occur step by step.

And the most important thing -

Responsibility for all actions taken related to changing the standard settings of the equipment rests entirely with the person who made these changes.

The ability to overclock Intel Core series processors may be slightly lower than that of competitors from AMD. However, Intel places its main emphasis on the stability of its products, rather than performance. Therefore, in case of unsuccessful overclocking, the probability of completely destroying the processor is lower than with AMD.

Unfortunately, Intel does not produce or support programs that can be used to speed up the CPU (unlike AMD). Therefore, you have to use third-party solutions.

There are only two options for improving the performance of CPU cores:

  • Using third party software, which offers the ability to interact with the CPU. Even a user who is familiar with the computer can figure this out (depending on the program).
  • Using BIOS- an old and proven method. With some models of the line Core programs and utilities may not work correctly. In this case, the BIOS is the most the best option. However, untrained users are not recommended to make any changes in this environment on their own, because they affect the performance of the computer, and it is difficult to roll back changes.

Finding out your suitability for overclocking

Not in all cases can the processor be accelerated, and if it is possible, then you need to know the limit, otherwise there is a risk of damaging it. The most main characteristic– this is a temperature that should not be higher than 60 degrees for laptops and 70 for desktop computers. We use software for these purposes:

Method 1: CPUFSB

universal program, with which you can without special problems increase the clock speed of the CPU cores. Compatible with many motherboards, processors different manufacturers And different models. It also has a simple and multifunctional interface, which is completely translated into Russian. Instructions for use:

Method 2: ClockGen

- a program with even more simple interface, which is suitable for accelerating Intel processors and AMD different series and models. Instructions:

Method 3: BIOS

If you have no idea what it looks like working environment BIOS, then this method is not recommended for you. Otherwise, follow these instructions:

Overclocking Intel Core series processors is a little more difficult than performing a similar procedure with AMD chipsets. The main thing when overclocking is to take into account the recommended frequency increase and monitor the temperature of the cores.

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