Which nickname is better? The shortest encyclopedia of pseudonyms

Pseudonym translated from ancient Greek means “false name.” Previously, pseudonyms were mainly used by representatives of creative professions - artists, painters, writers and musicians. They did this for several reasons. Most often, they took a pseudonym in an effort to replace their long and sometimes dissonant name with an original, short, beautiful-sounding and well-remembered one.

Among writers and poets, elegant, romantic pseudonyms were in use - Alexander Green, Yanka Kupala, Igor Severyanin, Lesya Ukrainka - this is not a complete list. Times have changed, and so has the fashion for pseudonyms. During the years of the revolution, ideologically correct pseudonyms emphasizing the correctness of the proletarian origin, such as Maxim Gorky, Demyan Bedny and Mikhail Golodny, were especially popular. Then the fashion for pseudonyms was picked up by Hollywood stars and pop performers.

But until recently, pseudonyms were of little interest to anyone in everyday life. Everyday life. Everything changed with the advent world wide web. Now any self-respecting Internet user is simply obliged to have his own pseudonym. Everyone who registers on a dating site, forum or chat for the first time wonders how to choose an original nickname. If you are also tormented by similar doubts, perhaps our tips on how to come up with a pseudonym will help you make the right choice.

First of all, think about where you will use it, a lot depends on this. Judge for yourself: the pseudonym “Vampire Armand” is unlikely to be appropriate for the author of books or newspaper articles, but it is perfect for online games in the fantasy genre or communication on similar forums.

Having understood the general concept of the future pseudonym, feel free to move on to choosing it. Try to play up your own first and last name in every possible way, trying to achieve a beautiful and unusual sound. You can swap the first letters or syllables of your first and last name, read them backwards, and make an anagram out of them.

If everything is already clear to you with the rearrangement of letters (Sasha Perov - Pasha Serov), then the last two points probably need to be explained in more detail.

To write an anagram, take all the letters that add up to your first and last name and put them in a different order to make something meaningful. Remember the main villain from the Harry Potter books. He made up his dark name Lord Voldemort from that given to him at birth - Tom Marvolo Riddle. An antionym is obtained if you replace the word underlying the surname with the opposite in meaning: White - Black; Grandfather - Grandmother, etc.

If you can’t make anything interesting out of your own surname, and you still don’t know what pseudonym to come up with, it’s time to remember mythological heroes and favorite literary characters. The only drawback of this method is that it will be very difficult for you to achieve originality.

Pay attention to place names. Based on them, it is often obtained beautiful nicknames. Remember Alexander Nevsky, Alexander the Great and Dmitry Donskoy, and you will certainly agree with this statement.

Still don't know what nickname you can come up with? Try translating your first and last name into another language. Thus, Lena Chernova will turn into Helen Schwartz, and Liza Kameneva into Elizabeth Stone.

Remember that your options when choosing a nickname are unlimited, you just need to give free rein to your imagination and show a little ingenuity. I wish you good luck in choosing a nickname!

Nick (short for nickname- pseudonym) is a fictitious name that is most often used on the Internet, and can also be used in literature, music, cinema and other forms of show business. " How to come up with a nickname?», « How to make your nickname truly original“- these are the first questions that every person faces when tormented by the problem of choosing his pseudonym. Today we will look at this problem inside and out, and also get acquainted with tips and examples that will help you choose a nickname and make it truly impressive.

How to come up with a nickname. Step one. Goals and objectives

Before you come up with a nickname, you should decide what you need it for. The goal will largely determine how to create a pseudonym. It is not recommended to skip this step, since the nickname must correspond to the environment in which you will use it. For example, if you wrote a detective novel, then the options “Kisulya”, “Hellen devil” or “ArchDemon” are unlikely to suit you as a pseudonym.

A variety of areas can encourage you to come up with a nickname:

  • Online games
  • Dating websites
  • Show Business
  • Literature, etc.

And in each of these areas, a nickname needs its own zest, which will be discussed below. The general wish for all pseudonyms, of course, is uniqueness. Non-unique nicknames are funny when there are only a couple of them, because it leads to funny things (especially if these people overlap with each other), but when there are thousands of users, the excessive abundance becomes simply banal and dull.

How to come up with a nickname. Step two. Highlight

The highlight is distinguishing feature nickname that:

  • Attracts attention
  • Associated only with you
  • Arouses curiosity

The highlights of a pseudonym are largely determined by the scope of use of the nickname, and can be different depending on the context.

General rule:

The highlight should arouse curiosity, interest, or pose the question to the interlocutor (reader): what the nickname means and why you chose it. It is highly desirable that the pseudonym be associated specifically with you.

Regarding associations, this is one of the most powerful highlights that “burns” your nickname into the memory of others. For example, in one animated martial arts film, each character had a nickname that described him, directly or indirectly. One of the heroes had poor eyesight and wore glasses, but when he took them off, his blows never missed. He was called Odin because, according to Scandinavian legend, Odin was blind in one eye, but possessed a legendary spear, Gungnir, which always hit its target accurately.

How to come up with a nickname. Step three. Methods

There are a lot of ways to come up with a nickname. Depending on the context, certain nicknames may or may not be appropriate. The author of this article leaves the right of choice to the reader, offering only a set of ways to come up with a nickname.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 1 One letter

Just one letter adds a considerable amount of mystery to your nickname. This nickname is easy to remember and can be interpreted in any way you like. The main problem is that there are about three dozen letters in the English and Russian alphabets, and there are millions of people. In addition, if you plan to use such a nickname in a chat, then the system itself may introduce restrictions on the length of the nickname.

In order to get around these restrictions, you can duplicate the same character. For example, one Japanese animated film used the aliases C.C. and V.V. As for the rest, everything depends only on your imagination.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 2 Changelings

Reversals are words read backwards. For example, Seldom-Modles, Dynamo-Omanyd and so on. Most often, people write their names backwards. If the word turns out to be not very beautiful, then you can change it a little by adding one or more letters. For example, in the word Modles from the example, you can add the letter S to the end, creating a new full word Modless, which can have several meanings.

You can also add articles, particles and other elements known to you. For example, at one time I used exactly this method to create my nickname, which you can see in my email address. I reversed the word "Danyl" (my name) to make Lynad, and then simply added the German article Der to make the nickname sound tougher.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 3 Verbal nouns

Another simple one, but nonetheless effective method come up with a nickname. Everything is simple here: you decide which action you like best and add the ending –er to it (relevant for the English language). In the Russian equivalent, you simply create a verbal noun. There are countless examples: Skater, Reader, Traveler, etc.

This way, you immediately arouse curiosity among people with similar interests.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 4 Word play and specials. inserts

This method is especially popular on the Internet. Its essence lies in the fact that in words elements that are identical in pronunciation are replaced with numbers or other words. For example, I personally took the word copywriter and created the consonant nickname Copyrider from it. This is a play on words. As for replacement, you don’t need to look far for examples: Sk8ter, 4Fun, 2zik, etc.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 5 mythology and literature

This method of coming up with a nickname will come in handy if you plan to give the impression of being well-read and educated person. Mythology, no matter whether it is ancient Egyptian, ancient or Scandinavian, is simply teeming with sonorous names that you can successfully use as a pseudonym.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 6 Appeal to male instincts

One of my favorite methods of misleading representatives of the stronger sex (just shhhhh... don’t say a word to anyone... =)), which will be very, very relevant for girls. The secret of this method is that any pseudonym that passes through a man’s consciousness causes a certain response in him based on instincts. This reaction may either not be expressed at all, or may be due to a number of psychophysiological processes.

So, for example, the pseudonyms “Delicious”, “Kislenkaya”, “Kisunya” are imbued with femininity and are tinged with naivety, in a word, the whole mixture of qualities that are inherent in prey for a man’s subconscious on an instinctive level. As a result, and this is especially true for online games and chats, such nicknames will be more successful among men than “Lady Foam Rubber” or “Augean Cleanser”.

By the way, this method can also be used in reverse, causing a negative emotional reaction and a feeling of disgust.

Way to come up with a nickname No. 7 Objects, phenomena, sounds, etc.

An alias can be obtained from anything: both from objects and from phenomena and sounds: Buzz, Flash, Cleaver, Plane, Protractor - anything. You choose any nickname depending on your goals and objectives.

A similar method has already been discussed in the article “”. Many of the approaches described in this article can be successfully used to create a nickname.

Summary: you can come up with a nickname using many different approaches. Some work better, others worse. In any case, before you come up with a pseudonym for yourself, decide why you need it and what tasks it should solve for you.

Obviously, this article does not list all the ways you can use to come up with a good nickname. If you have your own thoughts on this topic, your opinion is always welcome in the comments below.

Coming up with an original and sonorous nickname is not at all difficult. But first, you should decide for what purposes you will use it. This can be a name for communicating on the Internet. If this creative pseudonym, it will be significantly different from the previous one. How to come up with a nickname so that it is beautiful and memorable? There are several rules that will help you quickly and with interest “make” a new name for yourself.

Where to begin?

First, let's find out what kind of nickname you can come up with. Anything, as long as you like it and sound good. However, there are rules and they are worth sticking to if you want to create a truly interesting nickname that will last you a long time.

  • So, the first rule: it must be unique. Of course, it is difficult to achieve one hundred percent uniqueness, however, try to avoid banal words like: Angel, Flower Kitty, etc. And in general, it’s better not to use already existing words, but to create something of your own by playing with rearranging syllables and letters. For example, everyone famous name Ani Lorak is just Caroline, written in reverse order and divided into two parts.
  • The nickname should not be too long or, on the contrary, too short if you use it on the Internet: as a rule, when registering on the site, you can enter a maximum of 4-7 characters.
  • If you are creating a name for chats, websites and forums, translate it into English, because Latin characters are most often used on the Internet.
  • You can come up with a beautiful phrase for English language, although there is a high probability that someone equally resourceful has already noticed this name. However, you can choose a non-standard combination of words by changing their order or even replacing them with other letters. Remember that when creating a pseudonym it is not at all necessary to adhere to spelling standards - here you can show your imagination without fear of judgment!
  • You can come up with a pseudonym based on your type of activity, for example: writer (that is, a writer), but even here you will not be able to achieve one hundred percent uniqueness unless you come up with an interesting phrase. You can play with words, partially changing their letters, without changing the sound. For example: Ghost Rider – Ghost Writer, Falling Angel – Calling Angel.
  • To create your nickname, you can use the names of your favorite characters from books and films. But do not forget that you are creating YOUR pseudonym, so here it is better to experiment with the sound and spelling: Rose Tyler - Rose Syler, Doctor Who - Doctor Oh.
  • To come up with a pseudonym, you can use the names of mythological and mystical creatures. For example: Hercules, Hermes, Isis, Iris, Hydra, Ghoul. But first, study the meaning of a particular name in order to avoid unpleasant associations with it.
  • Many people take their name as the basis for a pseudonym, altering it in a Western way. For example: Natasha - Natalie, Nika - Nicole, Andrey - Andrew, Alexander - Alex. You can do this, but still think about how many such “Natalies” or “Alexes” already exist! If you want to be original, don't use standard names that look sophisticated but sound like a broken record.

Now you see that coming up with a pseudonym is not at all difficult. You don't need to have the imagination of a bestselling writer to do this. All you have to do is open a dictionary, use your wits and go ahead – fantasize to your heart’s content!

The history of creating pseudonyms goes back a long way. The word itself has Greek roots, and can be translated as “false name.” Famous people often changed their surname, but their motives were radically different from each other.

What is a pseudonym for?

In ancient China and Japan, great poets took on new names when they achieved fame. They wanted to be sure that their fame was not just a fad, but a recognition of true talent. Many authors have passed creative path again several times.

Often the motive for hiding a name was fear - since the 17th century, actors and writers hid under pseudonyms so as not to disgrace the noble family and not bring the wrath of society upon their heads. In Tsarist Russia, revolutionaries seeking to avoid persecution carried out underground activities under fictitious, transparent nicknames.

Another motive for changing the name is the cacophony of the sound. Singer Krivorotov could hardly win the hearts of female fans in the 80s of the 20th century, but Andrei Razin coped with this task the best way. Modern movie stars also prefer bright and sonorous pseudonyms to their rustic surnames - a well-chosen option quickly becomes famous in all corners of the planet.

The Internet also dictates its own rules to people who want to be in the center World Wide Web. Every second site offers to come up with a second name or nickname (nickname), and users have to use all their imagination so as not to get lost in the vastness of the web. How to choose a nickname for yourself different cases, let's try to figure it out in this article.

A nickname with a twist

The most important thing in a pseudonym is its originality and memorability. The name should arouse the curiosity of the interlocutor and the desire to solve the riddle. It is desirable that the nickname be associated with its bearer and be easily perceived by ear.

It is important to consider the circumstances in which the pseudonym will be used. It is unacceptable to use the nickname Milashka in business communication, but on a dating site its presence will be justified.

Of course, you can always take advantage of the fruits of someone else's mental labor and assign yourself a name from some online directory. However, coming up with original names that do not repeat anyone is always more interesting.

Know yourself

Quite often, people take the problem of choosing a name too seriously. In that
In this case, fictitious nicknames sound too pretentious and cumbersome. How to come up with a nickname so that it is easily perceived and does not cause irritation or a bewildered smile? The best thing to do is look back at your past and think about what your friends and family called you. Often close people very subtly notice character details and come up with an accurate comparison. It may happen that you don’t have to come up with anything, since a good nickname has already been stored in your memory for a long time.

How to come up with a last name-pseudonym?

People of creative professions have always sought to change the boring surname they inherited. A bright name on a poster or TV screen attracts the attention of the public and makes them take a fresh look at the personality of the actor or musician. Let's look at several ways to create this type of nickname and try to use them in real life:

Female nicknames

Dear girls, before you come up with an original nickname for communicating on the Internet, think carefully about what goals you want to achieve! What nickname can you come up with for a girl living online? It all depends on the task at hand.

  1. Seduction. Such affectionate nicknames as “Lapulya”, “Sweet” or “Pussy” will come in handy in this situation. However, you should not count on serious attitude to your person from the male side. Nicknames of this type are designed for a quick instinctive reaction, which can lead to indecent proposals, insults and ridicule. Sometimes these pseudonyms cause the opposite effect - disgust and negativity.
  2. Online Games. What nickname to come up with for a girl, an amateur network games? Brave ladies are not shy and proudly call themselves “Lady Hammer”, “Warrior”, “Queen of the Night”. The disadvantage of such nicknames is that other players may want to test the strength of the armor of their owners. If you are ready to repel all attacks, then the decision has been made correctly.
  3. Acquaintance. For those who want to build personal happiness with the help of dating sites, it is recommended to choose romantic names that will demonstrate the girl’s femininity and charm. For example, this could be the name itself, written in Latin script. The design of a nickname will help enhance the effect, when instead of one letter there is a graphic icon (a heart or a flower).

Nickname for a man

Men, as representatives of the strong half of humanity, always strive to demonstrate strength and confidence in all aspects of life. And here it is important not to overdo it. Nicknames like “Sex Machine” or “Ladies’ Man” can only cause not only bewilderment, but also laughter.

You need to understand that women value intelligence, a sense of humor and the ability to make money. How to come up with a nickname for such a man? It’s very simple - use a mythological dictionary and a history textbook. A name borrowed from an ancient hero will show the education and erudition of its owner.

Which nickname should I choose?

How to come up with a nickname for “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki” and Facebook? Lovers of communication in social networks like no one knows about the difficulties of choosing a pseudonym. And this is not surprising - thousands of people are racking their brains over how to present themselves former classmates and current colleagues in the most favorable light. For teenagers communicating with their peers in chats and groups, it is very important not to get lost among the original nicknames and attract maximum attention. To solve this problem, let's try to use the most original ways her decisions.

How to come up with a nickname for social networks?

Results of using an alias

As a result of creative efforts, a lot of variants of pseudonyms are born and new problem- problem of choice. You don’t have to settle on just one word; it’s better to try out all the options you like. After communicating online for some time under a new nickname, you can understand its pros and cons. If there are more interlocutors and popularity is growing, then you are on the right track. If things got worse, then you should think about mistakes. Perhaps this nickname is inappropriate for this resource and only interferes with the completion of the assigned tasks. There is no need to despair - a negative result is a good reason for new achievements, and a creative approach will help you get the desired result.

In turn, we hope that the article helped answer the question “How to come up with a pseudonym?”, and our tips showed you new ways to form an original name.

The success of a work depends not only on its content. A potential reader is primarily attracted by the bright, sonorous title of the book and, of course, the name of the author, albeit little-known. Does your real name and surname seem boring, inexpressive or even dissonant to you? Or do you just not want to provide your real data? Let's come up with a beautiful, sonorous nickname together that will immediately captivate a wide audience.

5 ideas for creating an interesting nickname:

  1. Brevity is the soul of wit. Do not use too long words or alternate a short first name with a long last name and vice versa. This form is better perceived visually. For example, Alexandra Volya, Nick Slavsky, Dina Dorosh, etc.
  2. International format. Try to choose names that are more familiar or familiar to the representatives. different countries. Female names Anna, Maria, Alice, Ella, Victoria, Natalie and male names Alexander, Roman, Albert, Alex, Adam, Den are known almost all over the world. The combination of a foreign name and a Russian (Ukrainian) surname looks original: Simon Erofeev, Inga Ilyinskaya, Regina Osina, Albert Kravtsov, Eric Danilenko.
  3. Theme of creativity. If you write exciting romance novels or historical dramas, then a gentle, sophisticated aristocratic pseudonym will probably suit you. But for the author of exciting crime detective stories, it is better to choose something mysterious, daring, intriguing, such as Felix the Wild, German Darkness, Rem Zybin, etc.
  4. Anagrams. Modify the real data at your discretion: swap letters and syllables, remove and add them, move them in any order. You will see, it will turn out to be a very interesting option.
  5. Celebrities. Will definitely attract readers famous surname or its word form. Ivan Groznov, Ilya Shevchenko, Anna Pugacheva or Lilia Bjork sound familiar and original at the same time.

Advice for the lazy. Are you in the midst of a creative crisis and need to come up with a pseudonym as quickly as possible? Then use online generators names Set the necessary parameters of the required first or last name (number of characters, origin, gender, etc.) and after a few seconds the system will give you a lot of options. Choose according to your taste.

Registration of an alias

Some authors, in order to avoid controversial situations, register their pseudonym as a trademark through Rospatent. The procedure is quite long and not cheap. For this pleasure you will have to pay at least 1000 USD. If you are a novice writer and large fees are in the very distant future, then for insurance, simply indicate your real name along with your pseudonym in the contract with the publishing house, and it should also appear in the payment documents.

A simpler and less expensive option is to register an alias through . In this case, you will be able to prove that the nickname is registered to you and you started using it before your opponent, but legal force such registration will not have.

Some useful links:

  • We recommend trying ours. With its help you can come up with beautiful name for a boy or a girl, or choose a consonant first and last name for a nickname.
  • You can learn about the origins of names from the article.
  • Article about.
  • For details on how to choose a nickname for a girl, read the article.
  • A lot of useful tips can be gleaned from the article.
  • Also try ours.

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