Which key in the far program calls for help. Russian interface language

Far Manager is a free console file manager in Russian and English language(has a multilingual interface). Its functionality is similar to any other file manager, for example, Total Commander. Has a built-in editor text files like a notepad, but with syntax highlighting. It is possible to change file encoding, as well as many other useful functions.
The interface is simple, columnar, like the Norton Commander file manager from MS-DOS, the forefather of Windows.

Where to download Far Manager

Far Manager is distributed free of charge, you can download the program version on the official website: http://www.farmanager.com/download.php?l=ru. Below we will describe how to change the interface language to Russian.

Installing and configuring Far Manager

Does not require special settings or assembly. You simply download the installer and install Far Manager as a regular program. However, you can always make your own adjustments. For example, by default, the font in the interface is quite small.

List of abbreviations and their meanings:

To increase it, you need to go to the properties of the shortcut on the desktop, find and increase the font (RMB( right click mouse) by the shortcut - Properties - Font)

  1. Selecting the font Lucida Console
  2. A new font size scale will appear. Choose the size according to your taste, for example, 20

As a result, the interface will become more convenient

Now you can change the interface language to Russian. To do this, open Far Manager and press F9 - Options - Languages. In the window that appears, select Russian language

In general, at this stage initial setup completed. Next, we will learn how to use this program, or rather, read and perceive the interface.

How to use Far Manager

To begin with, about the interface design of this program.
The interface consists of columns in the central area, a control panel at the bottom and an information panel at the top. The speakers in the center are two global compartments. Each compartment can have one or more columns, by default two.
A bay is a file-level system of a specific disk. To move higher in the level, you need to move the cursor using the arrows on the keyboard or the mouse to the highest position on the symbol.. and press Enter. To go to a subdirectory of the current directory, move the cursor to it and press Enter. You can also use your mouse; double-clicking on the catalog will take you to it. To change the drive, you need to use the hotkeys Alt + F1 or Alt + F2. Now in more detail about the interface and with illustrations:

About the control panel - the numbers are indicated there. Each number means a panel index with F1-F12 on the keyboard

  1. F1 - help - reference for Far Manager. At least briefly study the reference book, many questions will disappear by themselves
  2. F2 - user menu. An unnecessary option at first
  3. F3 - view file contents. Catalogs show their size
  4. F4 - edit files. On directories, calls up a menu for changing attributes
  5. F5 - copy selected files and folders (directories). Selection is made using the Insert, Ins or RMB button (right mouse button). Also, you can copy files by dragging and dropping
  6. F6 - transfer selected files and folders (directories). Selection is made using the Insert, Ins or RMB button. Also, you can hold Shift and transfer files with LMB (left mouse button)
  7. F7 - create a directory (folder) in the current directory (folder)
  8. F8 - delete a folder or file. You can delete several files and folders at the same time by first selecting them with Insert or RMB
  9. F9 - mentioned this command. Calls up the options menu at the top. Study it, it may be useful
  10. F10 - close Far Manager
  11. F11 - brings up a list Far plugins Manager with the possibility of further customization, as well as some other additional functions.
  12. F12 - built-in screens. Far Manager allows you to use multiple copies of the file viewing and editing program. This button allows you to quickly switch between them, displaying a complete list open screens. Use F1 to learn more about this feature. This option is for advanced users

By the way, it is worth noting that Far Manager has the ability to control the mouse. Thus, the entire control panel below is easily controlled by LMB. Personally, I don’t use this option, because I find it more convenient and faster to use hotkey combinations, but I admit that for some people it will be more convenient to control the mouse.

Also, if you hold down Alt or Shift, additional buttons will appear in the control panel. Thus, the hotkeys are collected, additional commands in Far Manager.

Far Manager Commands

Or, as it would be more correct to say, the hot keys on the keyboard that you most often have to use:

  • Ctrl + O - show or hide the panel and console contents
  • Tab , Shift + Tab move between left and right compartments
  • Shift + 2 - change the number of columns in the global compartment. Instead of 2, you can use any button from 1 to 9. Default is 2
  • Alt + F9 - switch from windowed mode to full screen and vice versa
  • Home — move to the beginning of the list of files and subdirectories of the current directory
  • End — move to the end of the list of files and subdirectories of the current directory
  • PageUp - move to the top of the list of files and subdirectories of the current directory
  • PageDown — move to the bottom of the list of files and subdirectories of the current directory
  • Ctrl + PageUp - move to the directory 1 level higher
  • Ctrl + F1, Ctrl + F2 - move to the directory 1 level higher in the left (Ctrl + F1) and right (Ctrl + F2) compartments
  • Ctrl + A - shows the properties of a file or folder (directory, directory). You can immediately change and save changes. For example, you can change the file creation date

  • Insert, Ins, RMB - selecting files one at a time for mass manipulation of them (transfer, copy, delete)
  • Shift + PageUp, Shift + PageDown - selecting files for subsequent mass manipulation (transfer, copy, delete)
  • Alt + F6 - create a symbolic link
  • Shift + F1 - pack selected files and directories into an archive

  • Shift + F2 - unpack the selected archive into the specified directory

  • Alt + F1 , Alt + F2

    A dialog box opens with suggestions for selecting a disk, as well as other options; as a rule, the list is compiled by plugins (NetBox, WinSCP, registry editor, folder for temporary files, network access, list of processes)

  • Alt + F7 - search among files in the current directory

    It is better to leave the file mask free *.*, then the search will take place in all files. If you need to search, for example, only among php files, that is, those with the .php extension (for example, index.php and db.php), use the *.php mask.
    You can change it at your discretion.
    You can also select the Insert button on the keyboard. necessary files and folders (directories), then place the cursor on one of them to search only within them.

  • Alt + Insert - useful if you want to copy text from the console

    While in the console, you simply press the hot keys Alt + Insert (the cursor will change its shape), then use the mouse or use the arrows and hold down Shift to select required fragment text and copy it using Enter

Plugins for Far Manager

Plugins can quite significantly expand the functionality of Far Manager, turning it from a file manager into a multifunctional processor.
A complete list of plugins can be found in Far Manager PlugRing
First of all, we need . This plugin allows you to connect to servers on Linux OS: Ubuntu, Debian, Freebsd, Centos via SCP (obsolete), SSH (SFTP), FTP, WebDav protocols.

NetBox - plugin for connecting to a remote server via SSH, FTP, WebDav

NetBox is a plugin for Far Manager, a successor to the traditions of WinSCP, which implements the client part of the SCP (Secure Copy Protocol, obsolete), SFTP (SSH) protocols File Transfer Protocol), FTP (Files Transfer Protocol) and WebDav. Designed to connect to to a remote server on Linux OS: Ubuntu, Debian, Freebsd, Centos - via , FTP or WebDav and managing it: creating, editing, copying, deleting files using the above protocols, transferring them between your computer and servers that support these protocols, in our case, servers website hosting. With its help, we will interact with the hosting file system where your sites are located: upload and download files, .

How to install NetBox

Currently Far Manager comes with Netbox pre-installed, but you can Download NetBox in Plugring Far Manager.
Unpack the downloaded file into the plugins folder
(Start - Run - %ProgramFiles%\Far Manager\Plugins)
At this point, the installation of NetBox in Far Manager is complete, you just need to restart the latter.

Connecting to a remote server via SSH, FTP, WebDav using NetBox, WinSCP

Press the key combination Alt + F1 or Alt + F2, in the menu that opens, select NetBox, it is numbered 2.

Now we need to create a connection to our server. Let's say you have information for connecting via SSH:
Login: root, password: pass, server IP:, port 22
As suggested to create a new session, press Shift + F4 and enter the data:

Connect to the server. Now we can copy files from the computer to the server and back (using F5, described in more detail above), change them (F4), and also, if you have your own server, use the console to manage it.

If you need to connect via FTP or WebDav protocol, simply select the one you need from the drop-down list in the Protocol field

Far Manager is a text-based file and directory management program for Windows that handles long file names and has a wide range of advanced features. FAR allows you to work with archives. In this case, files in archives are processed similarly to files in folders. FAR provides a significant number of service functions.

The file used to launch the program is far. exe. After starting the program, two equal panels with different information appear on the screen. At the top of the screen, above each of the panels, there is a line indicating the path of the current location. At the bottom of each panel there is a status bar containing information about the selected file or directory (or group of files) - name, date and time of creation or last modification, as well as the size (in bytes) of the files and the word “folder” ) for catalogs. Below is a DOS prompt and a row of F1-F10 keys.

Directory names are located in panels at the beginning of the list of directory contents. In order to enter the directory, you need to place the cursor on the position with its name and press Enter key. To exit a subdirectory, place the cursor at the position with two dots (..) and press the Enter key.

The program interface allows you to work using English or Russian. To switch from English (default) language to Russian, you must perform the following steps:

F9 – Options – Languages ​​– Russian (main language) – Russian (help language)

General commands for managing panels:

    Change active Tab

    Hide/show both panels Ctrl-O

    Hide/show left panel Ctrl-F1

    Hide/show right panel Ctrl-F2

    Change current drive in left panel Alt-F1

    Change current drive in right panel Alt-F2

    Edit new file Shift-F4

  • Function key assignments

F1. Help.

In the table of contents help system There are links that point to sections with more detailed information. To move between links you can use Tab and Shift-Tab. Pressing Enter will bring up the page corresponding to the selected link. The same result can be obtained by clicking the mouse button on the required link. Pressing Alt-F1 or BS takes you to the previous page. You can use F5 to switch between full-screen help and text in a window.

F2. Main menu.

The User Menu is designed to make frequently used operations easier. It contains user-defined commands and command sequences that can be executed using this menu. The user menu can include submenus.

To edit or create a main or local user menu, use the “User Menu” command from the Command Menu. There can only be one main user menu. The main menu is called up if there is no local menu for the current folder. The local menu can be located in any folder. You can switch between the local menu and the main menu at any time using SHIFT-F2. You can also call up the local menu from the parent directory using the BkSpace key.

To execute a command from the user menu, select it using the cursor keys and press Enter. You can also use the menu assigned to this item hotkey.

You can delete a submenu or menu item using the Del key, insert a new submenu or menu item using Ins, and edit an existing submenu or menu item using F4. Press Alt-F4 to edit the menu as a text file.

Numbers, letters and function keys (F1..F12) can be used as hotkeys to access menu items. If F1 and F4 are used, their original functions are lost. In this case, Shift-F4 can be used to edit the menu.

When editing or creating a menu item, you must enter a hotkey for quick access to this item (“Hot Key”), the title of the item that will be displayed in the menu (“Label”) and a sequence of commands to be executed if this menu item is selected (“Commands”) "). When editing or creating a submenu, simply enter a hotkey and the title of the submenu.

F3. View file.

Calls the built-in file viewer. To select a file, you must place the cursor on its position.

Viewer commands:

PgUp - page up; PgDn - page down; Home - to the beginning of the file; End - to the end of the file;

F2 - Line wrap (on, off);

F4 - Switch text/hexadecimal mode;

Alt-F5 - Print file;

F6 - Switch to editor;

F7 – Search;

F8 - Switch DOS/Windows text viewing mode;

Go to next file

– - Go to previous file

F10 - Exit.

F4. Editing a file.

Call the built-in, external or associated editor, depending on the file type and editor settings.

Far Manager - daily tool system administrators and computer geeks. But it can also be useful for ordinary people Windows users who need free and effective tool to manage folders and files. Listed below are some Far functions and the hotkeys to access them.

1. Display modes

Change the width and number of columns in the active interface panel in which files and folders are displayed.

  • Ctrl + 1 - set short view mode (three narrow columns).
  • Ctrl + 2 - set standard view mode (two middle columns).
  • Ctrl + 3 - install full mode viewing (one wide and three narrow columns with service information).
  • Ctrl + 4 - set wide viewing mode (one wide and one narrow column with service information).
  • Ctrl + 5 - set detailed viewing mode (one as wide as possible and several additional columns with service information - occupy the entire program window).

2. Sorting elements

Sort files and folders on the active interface panel.

  • Ctrl + F3 - sort by element name.
  • Ctrl + F4 - sort by extension type.
  • Ctrl + F5 - sort by date modified.
  • Ctrl + F6 - sort by size.
  • Ctrl + F8 - sort by creation date.
  • Ctrl + F12 - display a menu of sorting elements.

3. View the size of files and folders

View the size of a selected file or folder using the F3 key. The value appears in the Size column or at the bottom of the active panel, depending on the selected view.

To select a single item, press Shift and the down or up arrow on your keyboard. To make a mass selection, use Shift with the left and right arrows.

4. Simultaneous work with elements located in different folders

Add files and folders from different directories to the Temporary Panel if you need to work with all of them at the same time. This will allow you to perform with elements group operations as if they were in the same directory. However, their actual location will not change.

To open the Temporary Panel, press F11 and select Temporary Panel. To add files and folders, simply drag them onto it using the mouse cursor. You can also find the files you need using the Alt + F7 combination and add search results to the “Temporary Panel” by clicking Panel in the search window.

5. Filter files by type

Filter the list of files by extension to temporarily hide from the panel extra elements. To enable the filter, use the combination CTRL + I, select the desired extension in the list that appears and press Spacebar. A plus sign will appear next to the selected file type. When you press Enter, files with other extensions will disappear from current panel. To cancel filtering, press CTRL + I again and remove the plus with a spacebar.

6. View the list of processes

View the list of active processes directly in the Far Manager window. To view it, open the drive selection window (ALT + F1/F2) and press 0. In this list, you can sort processes by size by pressing CTRL + F6. To delete a process, select it and press F8. To view detailed information about the process, use the F3 key.

7. Folder navigation

You can quickly open the root folder of your local drive using the CTRL + \ combination. ALT + F12 keys - display folders that you have opened previously

8. Folder Identity Comparison

If you want to check two folders to see if they are identical, open one of them in the left pane and the second in the right pane. Then press F11 and select Advanced Compare. In the window that opens, specify the storage parameters and click OK. The program will display the sizes of both folders and highlight their files that do not match.

9. Record macros

Use macros to automate routine program operations.

To create a macro, press Shift + Ctrl + "." (dot) and perform several actions in Far. Then use this combination again and select a convenient key in the window that opens. Now, when you press it, the program will perform these actions automatically.

For example, when creating a macro, you can right-click on a file and select “Properties” from the context menu, and then assign these actions to the J key. After that, you can quickly call up file properties using J.

10. Recoding in the built-in editor

Change the encoding of text files directly in the built-in Far Manager editor. To open the selected file in the editor, press F4. To change the encoding, press SHIFT + F8, select the new encoding from the list and press F2 to save the changes.

4.1 Theoretical information

File managers are shell programs for working with the operating system. With the help of a file manager, users can view, copy, delete and create directories and files, run programs, etc. One of the first file managers is Norton Commander for working with DOS OS, created by Peter Norton. It uses a two-panel interface for the first time.

In the file manager, the screen is divided into two separate areas or panels, each of which displays the contents of directories and files on disks. File manager Norton Commander is the founder of a class of programs - classic file managers. Classic file managers include: DOS Navigator, FAR Manager, Volkov Commander, Windows Commander, etc.

Classic file managers inherited the Norton Commander key combinations. Currently, experienced PC users prefer to use FAR or Total Commander. Many users prefer to use FAR Manager due to the availability huge amount additional modules or plugins that allow you to expand the functionality of the file manager.

Let's take a closer look at the FAR Manager program, which is free for non-commercial use by citizens of the CIS countries (author Evgeny Roshal is a Russian programmer), and for other users it is distributed as shareware.

A new version: Far Manager v2.0 build 1086 x86

Rice. 1.

Far Manager - console file manager for operating systems Windows family. The file manager provides user-friendly interface user to work with files, i.e. to view files and directories, edit, copy, rename files, etc. Far Manager handles files with long names.

Basic keyboard commands: Panel control commands; File management and service commands; Command line; Other commands.

Let's look at Panel Control Commands.

General commands file managers Far Manager
Team Command Description
TAB Change active panel
Ctrl-U Swap panels
Ctrl-L Hide/show information panel
Ctrl-Q Hide/show panel quick view file
Ctrl-T Hide/show folder tree
Ctrl-O Hide/show both panels
Ctrl-P Hide/show inactive panel
Ctrl-F1 Hide/show left panel
Ctrl-F2 Hide/show right panel
Ctrl-B Hide/Show function key bar
File Panel Commands
Ins, Shift-cursor keys Mark/unmark a file
Gray+ Mark group
Gray- Unmark a group
Gray* Invert mark
Shift- Mark all files
Shift- Uncheck all files
Ctrl+M Restore previous marking

Commands "File management and service commands" (function keys F1 - F10 are located on the bottom line Far windows manager)
Team Command Description
F1 Help
F2 Call up custom menu
F3 View file
F4 Editing a file. Calls a built-in, external, or associated editor
F5 Copying. Copies files and folders
F6 Rename or move folders and files
F7 Creating a new folder
F8 Deleting files and folders
F9 Show horizontal menu
F10 Quit FAR
Alt-F1 Change current drive in the left pane
Alt-F2 Change current drive in the right pane
Alt-F5 Printing files
Alt-F7 Execute file search command
Alt-F8 Show command history
Shift-F4 Create text file
Alt-Del Destruction of files and folders

Teams text editor file manager Far Manager
Cursor Commands
Team Command Description
Ctrl-Home To the beginning of the file
Ctrl-End To the end of the file
Home To the beginning of the line
End To the end of the line
PgUp Page up
PgDn Page down
Del Delete character
B.S. Remove character from left
Ctrl-Y Delete line
Block Operations
Shift+arrow Select a simple (line) block
Ctrl-U Deselect block
Shift-A Select all text
Shift-Ins, Ctrl-V Paste block from clipboard
Shift-Del, Ctrl-X Move (cut) block to clipboard
Ctrl-C Copy block to clipboard
Ctrl-D Delete block
Ctrl-P Copy block to current cursor position
Ctrl-M Move block to current cursor position
Other operations
F1 Help
F2 Save file
Shift-F2 Save the file under a different name
F7 Search
Ctrl-F7 Replace all occurrences of a word with another
Shift-F7 Continue search/replace
F8 Switching DOS/WINDOWS (character encodings)
F10, Esc Exit the editor
Shift-F10 Save and exit
Ctrl-Z Undoing the last action (rollback)

4.2 Purpose of the work

Familiarization with the basic capabilities of the file manager FAR Manager - a program for managing files and archives in operating systems of the Windows family and acquiring skills in working with file managers.

4.3 Problem statement

When working with FAR Manager, do the following:

  • Create a folder structure with the FAR Manager file manager in accordance with the folder and file structure shown in Fig. 2.
  • Create text files lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt by entering text from the keyboard.
  • Create the favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt files by copying the lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt files.
  • Create the files article1.txt and article2.txt by copying a group of files and renaming them after copying them in the E:\LIBRARY\ARTICLE folder.
  • Move the files book1.txt and book2.txt to the E:\LIBRARY\BOOK folder from the E:\FAVORITE folder, where you create them by copying and pasting text from other files.

Rice. 2

4.4 Step-by-step execution of work

4.4.1 Turn on PC

Click Power button on system unit PC.

4.4.2 Launch the FAR Manager file manager

After full load Windows OS, click the Start button and in the Main menu select the Programs command, in the submenu that opens select FAR Manager, and then click on the shortcut FAR Manager, the application will start. File manager can be launched in another way by double-clicking the left mouse button on the shortcut FAR Manager, placed on the desktop.

4.4.3 Installing a USB flash drive

Install a clean flash into USB.

4.4.4 Familiarize yourself with the control commands of the FAR Manager file manager

File manager control commands:

  1. Change the drive in the left panel and then in the right panel using the Alt-F1 and Alt-F2 commands respectively.
  2. Change the active FAR panel Manager key TAB.
  3. Enable/disable the function key bar using the Ctrl-B command.
  4. Swap the information panels using the Ctrl-U key.
  5. Turn off/on both information panels using the Ctrl-O command.
  6. Turn off/on the right panel and then the left panel using the Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-F2 commands.

4.4.5 Create a folder structure with the FAR Manager file manager

According to the folder and file structure shown in Fig.1, create a folder structure.
To do this, run the Alt-F1 command and make the root directory of the E: drive active. Next, using the F7 command, create the FAVORITE and LIBRARY folders. Then go to the LIBRARY directory and create ARTICLE and BOOK folders. Check the created folder structure by pressing Alt-F10. To exit the directory tree, click on the F10 function key.

4.4.6 Create files lesson.1 and lesson.2 from the keyboard using the file manager FAR Manager

Create the files lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt using the Shift-F4 command. To do this, go to the root directory of drive E: and press Shift-F4, a dialog box will open. In this window, enter the name of the file to create, for example lesson1.txt and press Enter.

A text editor window will open (edit lesson1.txt), in which enter text (the text is arbitrary, the file size must be at least 800 characters, i.e. 10 lines of 80 characters). To save the file with the same name, press F2, to save the file under a different name, press Shift-F2. After saving the file, exit the editor and navigate to the file and directory listings by clicking F10 (Exit).

4.4.7 Create files favorite.1 and favorite.2 with FAR Manager

Create the favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt files by copying the lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt files. To do this, you need to open the E:\FAVORITE folder on one of the panels, and on the other panel, open the root directory of the E: drive, which contains the files lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt. Using the F5 copy command, copy the files lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt to the E:\FAVORITE folder, changing the file names to favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt.

To do this, on the active panel, select a file with the mouse manipulator, for example lesson1.txt and click on function key F5, in the dialog box that opens, enter the full path and new file name, for example favorite1.txt. Then click Copy or press Enter and a file called favorite1.txt will appear in the E:\FAVORITE directory.

4.4.8 Create files article1.txt and article2.txt with FAR Manager

Create the files article1.txt and article2.txt by copying the group of files favorite1.txt, favorite2.txt and renaming them after copying them in the E:\LIBRARY\ARTICLE folder. To do this, you need to open the E:\LIBRARY\ARTICLE folder in one of the panels, and open the E:\FAVORITE folder in the other panel, which contains the favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt files.

Then, on the active panel, use the Ins key to mark the files favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt (the file names will be colored in yellow) and click on the F5 function key. The Copy dialog box will open. The line will indicate the full path to copy, press Enter.

After copying the favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt files to the E:\LIBRARY\ARTICLE folder, rename their names. To do this, select a file in the active panel (for example, favorite1.txt) and press F6. In the Rename/Move dialog box that opens, specify the full path and new file name (for example, article1.txt), click Rename or press Enter. As a result, the file favorite1.txt will be renamed to article1.txt.

To view the article1.txt file, select it with the mouse and click on the F3 key. Using the cursor keys and Home keys, End, PgUp, PgDn view the text of the file.

To switch from viewing mode to editing mode, press F6. In edit mode, add text to the file and save it by pressing F2. Exit the editor by pressing F10 (ESC).

4.4.10 Moving the files book1.txt and book2.txt to the E:\LIBRARY\BOOK folder using the FAR Manager file manager

Create the files book1.txt and book2.txt in the E:\FAVORITE folder, and then move them to the E:\LIBRARY\BOOK folder. To move the book1.txt file, you need to open the E:\FAVORITE directory in one of the panels, in which the book1.txt file is located, and open the E:\LIBRARY\BOOK folder in the other panel. Then, in the active panel, select the book1.txt file and click on the F6 key. In the Rename/Move dialog box that opens, specify the full path to move the file and press Enter. The book1.txt file will be moved to the E:\LIBRARY\BOOK folder.

4.4.11 Completing the lab with the FAR Manager file manager

Tell your teacher about your completed work. After allowing shutdown, you can delete the created files and directories using the delete command (F8 key). Next close the file FAR manager Manager by clicking on the F10 key, you can then extract USB flash drive.

Whenever you use a computer, there is an aspect of working with files. File managers are designed to help in this sometimes difficult matter. Each user has his own “favorite” from all their diversity. User uses specific program more often than others and, as a rule, its functionality suits him quite well. But there are situations in which the user’s desires remain unfulfilled. Some people lack convenience, some lack beauty, some lack speed, and some lack something else. In most such cases, a person resigns himself to the “shortcomings” of the file manager used, considering them inevitable. The purpose of this article is to show that sometimes a favorite program is fraught with ways to fulfill the user’s wildest desires. We will talk about one of the most common file managers, FAR. At the time of writing, the latest version is FAR 1.70 beta 5 build 1634, and we will talk about it. The author does not intend to increase the number of fans of this software product. The article will use examples to examine some possible user desires and ways to satisfy them. Practical conclusions must be made by everyone personally.

Note. The potential possibilities of FAR are almost endless, due to the support of external modules and macro commands. Therefore, we will consider only the standard composition and its capabilities. Everything related to additional plugins and add-ons can be found on the official website of the add-ons: http://plugring.farmanager.com/.

List of standard plugins

Before moving directly to problematic situations, it is necessary to express a general recommendation for the entire article: “More detailed information about all the things described can be found in the standard FAR help (called contextually by pressing the F1 key), help on external modules (Shift+ F2" in the help window), as well as on the official FAQ pages ( http://plugring.farmanager.com/faq/echo/ And http://plugring.farmanager.com/faq/). The article only describes the main ideas and directions for further research."

Wish 1. I have set up FAR parameters and I want to use them on another computer.
Execution. You can save the current settings to the files "Far\FarSave1.reg" and "Far\FarSave2.reg" using the command file "Far\SaveSettings.bat". To restore the settings, just import the reg files into the system registry (you can use "Far\RestoreSettings.bat").

Importing a reg file into the system registry

Wish 2. I want to get more information at a glance on the file panel.
Execution. The information content of file panels will be significantly increased by enabling the "File Coloring" option in the "Options -> Panel Settings" window and setting this same coloring in the "Options -> File Coloring" window. You can set a specific color and even a special symbol icon in order to immediately see the presence of groups of files and folders that interest you.

File coloring settings window

Wish 3. I have configured the FAR colors in "Options -> Colors" and "Options -> File Colorization" and want to use them on another computer.
Execution. Exporting and importing color settings can be done using the command files export_colors.bat and import_colors.bat from the "Far\Addons\Colors\" directory. In addition, in the "Custom Highlighting" and "Default Highlighting" directories you will find additional color schemes.

Directory "Far\Addons\Colors\"

Wish 4. In Windows, I can very quickly get to any of the frequently used directories (for example, "My Documents", "Desktop", etc.). I want the same thing in FAR.
Execution. FAR implements the "Folder Links" system ("Commands" menu). It allows you to quickly access frequently used folders. You need to create a link to the current folder either from the "Folder Links" dialog box or by pressing "Ctrl+Shift+0..9" in the file panel. After this, you can use "RightCtrl+0..9" in the panels to navigate to the folder recorded in the link. Also, “RightCtrl+0..9”, when pressed in the edit lines, will insert the link path at the cursor location.

Additionally, FAR can handle the "cd" command for the current panel. By calling it with the appropriate parameter when you need to go to a directory, you can achieve even greater flexibility than in Windows. You can invoke commands in FAR in three ways: in the console, in user menus and in macros (to be precise, a macro only automates the entry and execution of a command in the console). The first method does not provide the required convenience. But the second and third reduce the problem of going to pre-defined folders to pressing hot keys. The main user menu can be used and edited using the "F2" key. You can record and assign a macro command using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+." (the first click is to start recording, the second is to end), in this case it is necessary to correctly set the macro parameters “Empty command line” and “On the plugin panel”.

Edit Custom Menu Window

Wish 5. I work with three types of files: texts, images and audio recordings. They are stored in directories of the same name. I want to be able to launch from the user menu while in the text folder word processor, in the folder with images there is a graphic editor, and in the folder with audio recordings there is a sound mixer.
Execution. Similar structure can provide local custom menu. You can create it using the command "Options -> User Menu". You can also edit it in the "FarMenu.ini" file of the corresponding directory.

Creating a Local Menu

Wish 6. One of the editors installed on my computer creates *.bak files (backup copies of modified documents). I want that pressing "Enter" on one of them in the current directory will delete all these temporary files.
Execution. To do this, just set the association for the mask "*.bak" using the menu item "Commands -> File associations". Where as a command executed by "Enter" specify "del *.!`". Here "!`" is a metacharacter that is replaced by the file extension.

Creating a Local Menu

Wish 7. I want to create a directory with my documents based on virtual disk, whose name is unknown in advance, i.e. it is entered during creation.
Execution. To determine the parameters of a command directly during its execution, FAR provides the metasymbol "!? ?<init>!", which is replaced by the data entered by the user. Here " <title>" And " <init>" - the title and source text of the edit line. Thus, it is enough to create a menu command of the form "subst !? Which drive? Z!: "C:\My Documents"", and when executing it, change the default parameter (in <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/chto-takoe-vneshnie-mehanicheskie-vozdeistviya-trenie-vneshnee/">in this case</a>"Z") to the required drive letter. <br><br><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28902.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Create a menu command to mount a virtual disk</i></p><br><b>Wish 8</b>. I would like to automate the execution of identical commands for several files at once. <br><b>Execution</b>. The "Apply command" command ("Ctrl+G") from the "Files" menu is used specifically for this. In this case, file names must be designated using the same characters as in the "File Association". <br><br><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28881.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Apply Command Dialog Box</i></p><br><b>Wish 9</b>. Every time I go to my "Unsorted" directory, I make sure that the files work fine <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/htc-desire-x-tehnicheskie-harakteristiki-smartfon-htc-desire-x-obzor-harakteristiki/">different types</a> more than thirty in one place is impossible. I would like to be able to avoid sorting them by directories, without sacrificing convenience. <br><b>Execution</b>. Indeed, sometimes it is very difficult to properly classify and organize files into folders, so as not to get lost in the multi-level structure. It’s much easier to throw everything into one directory and use the FAR “File Panel Filter” feature. By pressing "Ctrl+I" you can create a very flexible compound filter for the current panel based on the files present (by extension) and custom masks. It is convenient to set both inclusion and exclusion masks. <br><br><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28891.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Setting up file panel filters</i></p><br><b>Wish 10</b>. I often copy files onto a floppy disk to transfer them to another computer. And, in order to protect myself from troubles with damage to some sectors, I create copies on the same floppy disk. This process takes a lot of time: you need to copy the first time, then create the directory "A:\Copy\" and copy the second time. I would like to simplify all these actions. <br><b>Execution</b>. Of course, this problem can be reduced to a simpler one in various ways. But the most interesting thing for the author is the use of the copy dialog option “Process multiple file names” for this. When enabled, the destination string can contain more than one target. The symbols ";" are used as separators between them. And ",". It is also recommended to enable the options “History in dialog input lines” and “Auto-completion in input lines” in the “Interface Settings” dialog - this will significantly increase the speed of completing the task considered. <br><br><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28883.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Saving to floppy disk <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/skachat-programmu-dlya-sozdaniya-subtitrov-v-ob-avtomaticheskom/">automatic creation</a> copies</i></p><br><b>Wish 11</b>. I want to have quick and convenient access to the numbers of free and maximum available space on my disks. <br><b>Execution</b>. Free space on the current disk (in bytes) is shown in the file panels when the "Show" option is enabled. <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/operacionnaya-sistema-mac-os-el-kapitan-raschishchaem-svobodnoe/">free place</a>". The volume and utilization of the disk (in bytes) can also be viewed in the information panel ("Ctrl+L"). But the most convenient is to display <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/bilain-vse-za-500-bezlimit-stoimost-i-usloviya-izmeneniya-tarifnogo-plana/">additional information</a> in the "Disc selection menu". The key combinations "Ctrl+5", "Ctrl+6" and "Ctrl+8" respectively switch the display modes of total and free space on the disk (hard), parameters of removable disks and parameters of CDs. True, with slow access to some of <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/vosstanovlenie-dannyh-s-vneshnih-zhestkih-diskov-vosstanovlenie/">external drives</a>(for example, floppy) it is not recommended to keep the display of removable disk parameters constantly on. Since the request for information occurs every time the disk menu is called up. <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28886.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Disc menu with additional information</i></p><br><b>Wish 12</b>. I find it awkward to reach for the "Eject" button on the CD-ROM. I would like to perform this action using the keyboard. <br><b>Execution</b>. The FAR drive menu allows you to use the "Del" and "Ins" keys on the appropriate lines to open and close CD-ROMs (and other similar drives). In addition, the "Del" key allows you to disconnect a network drive and delete a SUBST drive. <br><br><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28887.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Disc menu</i></p><br><b>Wish 13</b>. When working in <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-vyiti-iz-polnoekrannogo-rezhima/">full screen mode</a> I really miss the Windows taskbar. I would like to have access from FAR to active ones on <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/na-dannyi-moment-net-v-nalichii-kak-obespechit-seo-dlya-stranic-s/">this moment</a> tasks. <br><b>Execution</b>. The FAR provides a “Task List” specifically for these purposes. By calling it either from the "Commands" menu or using "Ctrl+W", you can switch to the task window ("Enter" on the required line) and/or immediately complete the task ("Del"). <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28905.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Task list</i></p><br><b>Wish 14</b>. I've been using FAR recently, and I still need to perform some operations using <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/ne-zagruzhaetsya-provodnik-windows-7-prekrashchena-rabota-programmy-provodnik---chto/">Windows Explorer</a>. I want more integration between the two programs. <br><b>Execution</b>. This desire can be divided into two parts: launching FAR "in the right place" from Explorer and launching "in the right place" Explorer from FAR. To ensure the first, there is a file "FARHere.inf" in the "Far\Addons\Shell\" directory. Once installed (select “Install” in the Explorer context menu for this file, check the last line of the file, it should contain the path to FAR on your computer), it will add the “Far Here” item to the Explorer context menu for any directory (or drive) ). This will open the current directory in FAR. Besides, <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/pochemu-na-klaviature-ne-rabotaet-kaps-lok-kak-sdelat-klavishu-caps-lock-na/">additional features</a> adds use of parameters <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/komandy-dlya-komandnoi-stroki-windows-spisok-osnovnyh-ispolzuemyh-komand-dlya/">command line</a> FAR. You can use the commands if necessary: ​​"far /e[<строка>[:<позиция>]] <filename>" - to open a file for editing (optional, specifying the line and position in the line); and "far /v <filename>" - to open a file for viewing. Launching Explorer from FAR does not require any special preparations. Simply by pressing "Ctrl+Enter" on any folder you can open it in Explorer. The same is true for disks in the disk selection menu. If the described options are for you not enough, then see Wish 22. <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28889.gif' height="358" width="210" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><br><b>Wish 15</b>. I sometimes forget to switch keyboard layouts and discover this when I've already typed a lot. I don’t want to constantly retype the text. <br><b>Execution</b>. To solve QWERTY switching problems<->YTSUKEN" in the directory "Far\Addons\XLat\Russian\" there are reg files, one of which ("Qwerty.reg") contains translation tables <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/punto-switcher-programma-dlya-avtomaticheskogo-pereklyuchenie/">English letters</a> into Russian, and the remaining files will allow you to assign hot keys for the function of transcoding the file under the cursor. So, having imported, for example, the file "CtrlShiftX.reg" you can press "Ctrl+Shift+X" in the editor, command line and <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/skrupuleznyi-confirm-html-zamenyaem-dialogovoe-okno-s-podtverzhdeniem/">dialog boxes</a> fix the consequences of typing with the wrong language. <br><br><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28900.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Directory "Far\Addons\XLat\Russian\" and use of QWERTY conversion<->YTSUKEN"</i></p><br><b>Wish 16</b>. I know about the ability to switch character encoding using "Shift+F8" in the editor and FAR viewer. But I’m missing those encoding tables that are presented by default. I want more. <br><b>Execution</b>. In fact, the standard delivery includes quite <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/maksimalnoe-kolichestvo-repostov-v-kontakte-bolshe---ne/">a large number of</a> coding tables. This is probably why they don't all connect to FAR at once. But you can always select the one you need in the "Far\Addons\Tables\" directory and import the corresponding reg file into the registry. After that, it will be available in the symbol table selection menu ("Shift+F8"). <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28904.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Using different character encoding tables</i></p><br><b>Wish 17</b>. In Wish Fulfillment 4, I read about macros. But I don't want to bother with the appointment <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/zarabotat-na-tvitter-akkaunte-moi-zarabotok-na-tvittere-vypolnenie/">simple actions</a> to keys that are obvious to them. <br><b>Execution</b>. Especially for people with different habits for hotkeys, some common, but not implemented in FAR by default, combinations are presented in the "Far\Addons\Macros\" directory in the form of reg files. You will find their description in the file "Descript.ion". <br><br><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28898.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Directory "Far\Addons\Macros\"</i></p><br><b>Desire 18</b>. I often have to view and edit a large number of text files at the same time. It is inconvenient to constantly go to the file panel, closing the current viewing/editing and looking for the next file to work on. I want more convenience. <br><b>Execution</b>. FAR contains a number of functions that can provide <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/mobilnyi-telefon-xiaomi-mi-max-3-32gb-obzor-xiaomi-mi-max-ogromnyi-tonkii-i-udobnyi/">comfortable work</a> with several files at the same time. Switching between screens using the Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab, and F12 keys allows you to open multiple copies of the built-in viewer/editor. In addition, pressing "F6" switches between the editor and viewer for the current file. The “+” (go to the next file) and “-” (go to the previous file) keys in the viewing window generally eliminate the need to go to the file menu if you are working within the same directory. <br><br><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28888.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Screen List Window</i></p><br><b>Desire 19</b>. I don’t want to remember which files and in which directories I edited or viewed recently, but to have quick access to them. <br><b>Execution</b>. FAR stores the history of changing folders and the history of viewing and editing files (whether to store the history within one session or not is determined by the corresponding options from the dialog <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/nastroika-yazykovyh-parametrov-os-sistemnaya-konfiguraciya/">system parameters</a>). To access the "Folder Change History" window, use "Alt+F12" in the file panels or in the console window. To access the "Viewing and Editing History" window - "Alt+F11" on the file panels, in the console window, in the editor or viewing window. <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28894.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Window "Folder change history"</i></p><br><br><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28895.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>"Viewing and editing history" window</i></p><br><b>Wish 20</b>. On their own <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/metka-toma-dlya-diska-s-chto-takoe-metka-toma-metka-toma-dlya-diska-pri/">NTFS drives</a> I use hard (HardLink) and symbolic (SymLink) links. I would like to have the opportunity to work with connections at FAR. <br><b>Execution</b>. FAR can create both hard and symbolic links on local disks, <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/failovaya-sistema-dostupna-tolko-dlya-chteniya-linux-failovaya-sistema-dostupna/">file system</a> which supports these capabilities. Hard links have been implemented in NTFS since NT 4.0. Symbolic links, known as "directory junctions", are supported in NTFS since version 5.0 (Windows 2000/XP). To create the appropriate link, use the combination "Alt+F6" for a file or folder. In addition, FAR is able to display the number of hard links for each file in a separate column (by default, this is the last column in the 9th panel mode ("LeftCtrl+9")), as well as sort files by the number of hard links. <br><br><br><b>Wish 22</b>. I want to execute commands from the user menu of FAR itself, and not just external programs. <br><b>Execution</b>. FAR is capable of processing commands from external modules. The standard package includes a special plugin "FAR Commands", which, among other things, provides work with the editor, viewer and macros. <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/winrar-iz-komandnoi-stroki-obshchii-sintaksis-komandnoi-stroki/">General syntax</a> external module commands for use on the command line (as well as in the user menu and file associations) looks like this: "<префикс>:<команда> [<параметры>]". In this case, the prefix will be "far", the commands respectively: "view" - for the viewer, "edit" - for the editor, "macro" - for working with macros. We will consider the parameters in each specific case. For the command " view" the only parameter is the name of the file to be opened for viewing (general view: "far:view FileName"). The "edit" command has similar parameters. The difference is that, if desired, you can specify the line or position at which you want to open the file for editing (general view: "far:edit FileName", or "far:edit[line] FileName", or "far:edit[line,column] FileName", <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kvadratnye-i-figurnye-skobki-v-vorde-kak-postavit-udarenie/">square brackets</a> required). The "macro" command is used with the following parameters: "load" - loads macros from the registry, "save" - ​​saves macros to the registry, "post <sequence>" (<sequence>- sequence of key names as FAR stores them in the registry, for example “c d Space c:\Enter”) - execute commands corresponding to the key sequence. Accordingly, the general form is: “far:macro load”, “far:macro save” and “far:macro post” <sequence>". To fulfill a wish, the most interesting command is "far:macro post <sequence>", which makes it possible to perform almost any FAR action. In addition, you should pay attention to the use of other plugins from the command line ( <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/skachat-kanaly-trikolor-na-telefon-plei-trikolor-tv-podrobnaya/">detailed information</a> You will find information about this in the help for a specific plugin). <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28903.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Creating a menu command for the action: “go to drive “C:” in both panels and exit FAR”</i></p><br><b>Wish 23</b>. I want to use the Explorer context menu in FAR. <br><b>Execution</b>. To work with the Explorer context menu, the standard FAR package includes the "EMenu" plugin. It is capable of displaying text and graphical context menus for files and directories under the cursor, for selected files and/or directories, as well as for disks. EMenu is launched in two ways: from the menu "Commands of external modules" ("F11") and using command line prefixes (rclk: [files] - show context menu, rclk_txt: [files] - show text context menu, rclk_gui: [files] - show graphical context menu, rclk_cmd:<команда>[files] - execute <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/komanda-na-avtovyklyuchenie-windows-7-kak-vyklyuchit-kompyuter-v/">given command</a> rclk_item:<название>[files] - execute the specified menu item). For convenience of calling the menu, keyboard macro commands are stored in the file "Far\Plugins\EMenu\Hotkey.reg". After importing it into the system registry, the following functions will be available: "Apps" - show a text menu, "Shift+Apps" - show a graphical menu, "Ctrl+Apps" - show a menu for choosing between a text and graphical menu. <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28907.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Text context menu</i></p><br><b>Wish 24</b>. I want to work with groups of files and folders located in different places on my disk as if they were in the same directory. <br><b>Execution</b>. These and other features are provided by the standard FAR "Temporary Panel" plugin. You can call it either from the “External module commands” menu (F11), or from the disk panel, or using the appropriate command line prefix. The panel is also called up from the “File Search” window to place search results on it. By default, the plugin settings allow you to use up to ten temporary panels. To switch between panels, use the keys "Alt+Shift+F12" (show a list of all temporary panels), and from "Alt+Shift+0" to "Alt+Shift+9" (direct switching). Saving and subsequent return to the contents of the temporary panel is carried out using so-called file lists (by default, “*.temp” files). The "Alt+Shift+F2" keys create a list file based on the contents of the current temporary panel. You can load saved data by pressing "Enter" or "Ctrl+PgDn" on the list file. <br><br><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28906.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Saving the contents of the temporary panel to a file</i></p><br>In conclusion, I would like to say that the tips discussed do not cover all the possibilities of FAR. It is worth paying attention to the use of file colorings, associations, and custom menus. Among the unaddressed issues, the following plugins are of great interest: " <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/skachat-programmu-ftp-klient-putevoditel-po-besplatnym-ftp-klientam/">FTP client</a>", "Network Browsing", "Print Manager" and "Module for working with archives". Remember, even the standard package contains a lot of opportunities to make your work easier. This article is only trying to say about their availability. 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