What city by number. All regional telephone codes of Russia

Der große bedeckte Kuchen ist der Zar unter den russischen Nationalgerichten. Selbst auf einer reich gedeckten Festtafel hat eine Pirogge in Russland immer einen Ehrenplatz. Es gibt ganz viele verschiedene Variationen von Piroggen. Sie werden aus Hefe- oder Blätterteig gemacht und mit diversen Füllungen kombiniert.

Es ist einfach, Blumen nach Russland zu schicken. Lokale Blumengeschäfte liefern frische Blumensträuße in Moskau, St. Petersburg und in vielen anderen Städten aus. Auf Wunsch ist die Lieferung am selben Tag möglich. Blumen und Osterkörbchen können auch eine nette Überraschung zu sein.

Russische Sprüche: Bin mir sicher, Soviel ich weiß, Vollkommen richtig! Alle wird klappen. Russische Vokabeln: zweifeln, studieren (an der Uni), entscheiden, aussehen, Prüfung bestehen, etc.

Das Große Fasten beginnt sieben Wochen vor Ostern (11. März bis zum 27. April 2019). Eine strenge Diät ist nur ein Teil des Fastens. Das Fasten soll Körper und Geist entgiften. Man sollte nicht schimpfen, nichts Böses tun und nicht lügen.

Anrede, häufige Formulierungen, Verabschiedung und Grüße. Wie im Deutschen, gibt es im Russischen auch keine festen Regeln für das Schreiben von privaten Briefen, Emails, Postkarten, etc. Generell werden private Briefe locker formuliert und ähneln einem Gespräch, wobei natürlich die Nähe zwischen den Personen bei der Wahl der Ausdrücke eine große Rolle spielt.

Das russische Wort für Date wird vor allem mit romantischen Treffen assoziiert. Es kann aber auch eine geschäftliche Verabredung bezeichnen. Ausdrücke mit dem Wort DATE, VERABREDUNG. Ideen, um auf Russisch zu einem romantischen Date einzuladen.

Für Reisen nach Russland ist ein Visum erforderlich. Es gibt drei Möglichkeiten, ein Russland Visum zu beantragen: im russischen Konsulat, bei einem Russischen Visazentrum oder über eine Visa Agentur. Vor- und Nachteile für jede der drei Varianten, Infos zu Einladungen, Visa-Arten, erforderliche Unterlagen, Tabellen mit Preisen. Ein Touristenvisum gibt es schon ab 90 Euro.

Warum Russisch lernen? Wir geben fünf gute Gründe, die dafür sprechen. Im Video gibt es auch interessante Fakten zum Frequenzbereich und mehr. Russisch trainiert das Gehör, ist beruflich sinnvoll, für Reisen nützlich und einfacher als viele denken.

Die offizielle Währung in Russland ist der russische Rubel. Bei Reisen nach Russland ist es besser, gleich Rubel abzuheben als Euro in Rubel zu wechseln. Tipps zum Einsatz von Kreditkarten und girocard (EC-Karte). Info zum Währungsumtausch und der Einfuhr von Bargeld nach Russland.

Structure international number subscriber His: Ks-ABC-abx1-x5. Maximum length international number is limited to 15 characters. The first three digits (Ks) indicate the country code. The maximum code length is three digits. The length and structure of the national number is assigned by the communications administration of the country itself. For example, the code for Japan is 081, China – 086, Russia – 7 (007), Ukraine – 380.

Taking into account the current regulations, for Russian subscribers the national number has a ten-digit format with the formula: DEF-avx1x2x3x4x5 or ABC-avx1x2x3x4x5, where avx1x2x3x4x5 is the zone number. For those residents cities, which have seven digits, the last characters and numbers – abx1 – x5 – is internal, for example: 953-9856.

Communications throughout the country are divided into zones (geographical and non-geographical). Each zone is assigned its own code, thanks to which you can determine where the call was made from. The first 3 digits are considered to be the area code ABC (geographical area) and DEF (non-geographical area). With numbering of geographical zones. For example, the code for Moscow is 095, for St. Petersburg – 812. A number of regions have in stock additional codes, for example, Moscow - 499, Moskovskaya - 498. Non-geographical numbering zone (code DEF) helps organize a single whole number space already for corporate networks, which operate throughout the entire country or only a number of federal subjects. DEF codes are called federal codes.

To determine which region a particular code belongs to, go to the Rostelecom website and enter the full subscriber number or just the telephone code into the search engine. The system also works in reverse mode: you can enter the name of the city (region), and you will be offered all the codes assigned to this subject.

For some time, telephone phones were produced en masse to determine by phone, use its printed edition. Often, on the endpapers of modern diaries, a list of codes for the largest cities. You can also use them.


It is useful to know that telephone communication in Russian Federation uses 2 numbering plans - closed and open.

Open plan designed for local calls (3-7 digit numbers). The closed plan is designed for long-distance and intra-area calls, but it can also be used for local calls. To make a call within your city network, you need to dial the subscriber's city number (3-7 characters).

If you need to make a long distance call, dial 8 then, and then.

If you need to call another country, dial 8-10, then the country code, the area code in the country, then the city code in the area and the telephone number of your subscriber.

In small populated areas, villages and villages use 3-4-digit phone numbers. To make a call to such a number, you need to know the intra-district prefix code and the code of the district center.


  • city ​​telephone numbers

There are situations when you need to find out someone's address by phone number. How to do it? In fact, as always, there are several options. The simplest of them is to call the subscriber and ask him personally. But if this is unrealistic, then you can find the address by number home phone and full name. It is possible without your full name. It’s more difficult if you only know mobile number. Let's take it in order.

How to find out an address using your home phone number

In order to find out the address by home phone number, and even if the person’s last name, first name and patronymic are known, you can simply open the online directory of the desired city (there are a great many of them) and enter the known data in the search lines. Most likely, you will have to go through several sites, but after several attempts you will find the address. Although many reference books, unfortunately, do not have the necessary information.

The task becomes somewhat more complicated if the full name is not known. Some cities have a paid help desk. For a little money, the operator will give you the address. To do this, you need to call from a landline phone, to which you will then receive an invoice for the service. If there is no such service, you can search on the Internet electronic databases online or programs that are downloaded and installed on a computer.

How to find out the address if you know the mobile phone number The task becomes even more complicated if you need to find out the address by the mobile phone number. This is not entirely legal and not necessarily everyone can get the desired result, but it’s worth a try.

  • - You can buy a hacked database on the radio market mobile operators and try to find it in it.
  • - You can try to find it on the Internet.
  • - You can find it on the Internet paid service, who will promise to provide the required data.

You just need to be aware that all these methods do not at all guarantee that by paying a certain amount, the user will receive the information he is looking for. Often there are simply scammers hiding behind such services.

If search the right person not just a whim, but the citizen in question has seriously caused trouble, for which he can be brought to justice, then they can take part in the search law enforcement agencies. At their request, any operator mobile communications must provide information about the location of the subscriber.

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