What are the characteristics of the router? Key parameters of WI FI router a.

Find information about what the range is WiFi router, is actually not that simple. Information about the transmitter power is usually provided, and you can also find out how the intensity of radio waves will change when installing a particular antenna. The problem is that you can use a more advanced antenna, or even an amplifier, only on the router side, but not on the subscriber device. A device such as a smartphone has an internal wifi antenna, and it cannot be replaced. Therefore, by the way, there is no point in increasing the power of the router’s transmitter - the latter will still not “hear” the signal coming from the low-power emitter of the smartphone. Let's try to determine what the range is wireless communication for devices of different classes.

Wi-Fi network construction diagram

According to the current law of the Russian Federation, the transmitter power in the subscriber device cannot exceed 100 milliwatts. It is also stipulated that for access points, including those built into the router, this value should not exceed 250 mW. On the dBm scale (decibel per 1 microvolt), these values ​​are expressed in other numbers: 20 and 24 dBm. Officially, equipment whose transmitter power does not correspond to these figures has never been and will not be imported into Russia. We will be interested in how the speed depends wireless connection on the distance between the router and a standard subscriber device, provided that the legal requirements are met. We also proceed from the condition that the subscriber antenna is a single-link whip (as in most smartphones).

Methodology for calculating effective distance

Let's say wireless communication works when the distance between the access point and the smartphone is N meters and there are no obstacles in the signal path. A table from which you can find out how many times the intensity decreases when passing a particular obstacle is available on several sites (for example, ZyXEL). At the same time, it is known that a decrease in intensity by 2 times (by 3 decibels) is equivalent to a decrease in the effective distance N by the root of two times. It's simple - the square of the distance is inversely proportional to the intensity.

What does the number N mean?

When a signal passes through a glass window, the intensity decreases by just 3 dB, which means effective distance decreases by the root of two. Using this technique, you can calculate at what distance Wi-Fi connection will still work in one situation or another:

  • Glass window – reduces intensity by 3 dB (2 times)
  • Window with tinting – 6 dB (4 times)
  • Wooden wall – 9 dB (8 times)
  • Panel interior wall, concrete floor - 15-20 dB (32 times or more).

The factor by which you divide the distance value is equal to the square root of the intensity reduction factor. Let's look at an example.

Concrete walls make adjustments

Let's say N is 400 m. Now we “place” one panel wall and one wooden wall between the router and the smartphone. Adding up the decibels (15+9 dB), we get 24 decibels. On a logarithmic scale - 24, and on a linear scale this is equivalent to a decrease in intensity by 251 times. Now, let's calculate what the root of 251 is (this is 15.84). Divide 400 meters by 16, we get 25 m. As you can see, everything is simple and similar to the truth.

Effective distance without obstacles

The reader is probably interested in what the value of N is equal to complete absence obstacles depending on the selected Wi-Fi band. If the router’s transmitter power is 40 mW, and its antenna “amplify” the signal in the horizontal plane by 3 dB (it is multi-link), then, according to ZyXEL information, the value of N is 400 meters. Look: the router has a less powerful transmitter than a smartphone, but it uses a multi-link antenna. So, we get: the connection between the two Wi-Fi devices with a transmitter power of 100 mW and a conventional whip antenna, it is confidently supported at a distance of up to 400 m. Here we were talking about the 2.4 GHz range.

Now you have a technique that allows you to calculate the effective wireless communication distance using a theoretical method.

Here we're talking about about the 2.4 GHz range, but for higher frequency waves there is now simply no information about the level of influence of certain obstacles. It is clear that for the 5 GHz range the value of N will be smaller, and the degree of influence of obstacles will be greater. If you know that the transmitter power of a smartphone is noticeably less than 100 mW, you need to do this: you need to divide 100 by the actual power in milliwatts, and calculate the square root of the resulting number. You will have a correction factor by which you need to divide the distance, the value of which was obtained using the discussed method.

Results of practical observations

Let's evaluate the penetration power of Wi-Fi in practice. To do this, let's take a set of access points that support communication in the 2.4 GHz band: these are TEW-411BRP+ from TRENDnet, DWL-2100AP from D-Link, and USR 805450 from US Robotics. We will use a smartphone as a subscriber device, the transmitter power of which is 100 mW. We will install standard antennas on the access points, and they themselves will be located on the fifth floor of the panel house.

Maximum distance, confident reception

Already on the third floor of the building where our equipment is installed, there is no Wi-Fi network. The wave crossed 2 reinforced concrete floors, that is, we lost 30 dB - and that’s it, there was no connection. In fact, consider that 35 decibels are lost when passing two floors. Here we must add attenuation, depending on the length of the distance, then we will get approximately 36-38 dB. This means that exactly this attenuation for 100 milliwatts is critical.

Emitter line of sight area

We are trying to catch a signal on the street. At a distance of 150-180 meters, the presence of a network can be noticed, but this is true if you are located opposite the window of the room where the equipment is installed. And the connection remains stable at a distance of 100 meters. As we can see, theory corresponds to practice with a sufficient level of reliability. For reliability, it is better to divide the theoretically obtained result (one window -> 200 meters) by 2.

What not to do

Everyone understands that it is hardly worth increasing the power of one of the transmitters when the second, that is, the “subscriber” one, remains unchanged. The same can be said about the use of antennas, which increase the intensity of the wave, but narrow the diagram. However, the use of sectorial and multi-link antennas will still be effective, and here’s why. Routers and other radio wave emitters can be found not only in your apartment, but also in your neighbors, etc. And by narrowing the capture sector, you can rid your router of extraneous radio frequency noise.

When setting up a wireless network in a router, you need to choose not the maximum, but optimal value power. The interface of many devices has a similar adjustment. Start with the maximum and lower the value step by step:

Settings ZyXEL router Keenetic

It’s worth stopping when, at the farthest point, the smartphone stops “seeing” the network. By increasing the power by one division, you can use Wi-Fi network for your own pleasure.

Sectoral antenna - from a regular one

At first glance, all Internet routers look the same - sort of flat boxes with antennas and blinking indicators. But in reality there are a lot of different WI models FI routers with certain characteristics.

At the moment there are routers on the market with an ADSL connection (Internet via telephone line), and there are also compatible with 3G/4G modems. In some cases, a router with support mobile internet may be the only option, since summing up wired internet may not be feasible for one reason or another.

Sellers often write “access point,” pointing to a router (WR), which distributes a signal wirelessly (not to be confused with a WI-FI adapter - a device for those devices that do not have a WIFI module), although an access point is fundamentally different from WIFI -router (Wifi-Router)

Below we will provide an educational program on the right choice router - specifically tailored to your requirements.

A Wi-Fi router can organize traffic (data transfer) between different network segments. With its help, regardless of the Internet service provider, you can register different network devices- create your own internal network. This is valuable in the aspect that many devices connected to a specific router (PC, for example) will be “visible” to everyone on the Internet and to the provider - under the same IP address, that is, the user does not have to pay for connecting to the Internet for each of his devices.Routers have 2 or more LAN interfaces. Created by routers internal network completely independent from the service provider.
These same access points - wireless access points - do not have these powers. They are just a link between wired network and wireless, devices for creating a Wi-Fi network or for repeating Signal loss.

Key parameters of WI FI router:

Data transfer rate

Wireless routers usually attract users with this parameter - speed. How many megabits per second can they transmit? Outdated models offer 11 Mbps, mid-budget 802.11g - 54 Mbps, and the most modern, 802.11n standard - 450 Mbps. Of course, the highest speed ones are attractive, but the actual performance you can get will be slightly lower than the maximum indicated by the manufacturer. Why? Because the capabilities of the router are one thing, and what your Internet provider offers is another. Typical offers from mass providers are 50 Mbit/s, or even less. In addition, you need to take into account advertising tricks from vendors - understand that if a speed of 150 Mbit/s is indicated, you need to understand that this is only in theory. In practice, the speed is within 100 Mbit/s.

Please note that 15 Mbps is 15 megabits per second, not megabytes, and this value will be equivalent to only 2 megabytes per second. Distance also affects the data transfer speed. Therefore, the parameter is also important range:

Radius of action

The router must “finish” the Internet to all your points where you would like to be located with your device. The range may be stated to be quite large - but this is under ideal conditions. For example, there are models with a range of up to 150 meters. But there may be some interference indoors that can shorten the signal range. And at the exit the speed will lose 40-50%. Therefore, power parameters are also important transmitter and antenna:

Transmitter power and antenna type

The main thing you should know regular user router - good power starts at 20dMB. If there is more power, you should not overpay, since the power will still be reduced in accordance with the permitted ranges, which border 2.4 GHz, that is, 20 dBm. A power of less than 17 dBm can be considered if there are no walls and you will be using the router in one small room without partitions. The number of antennas only affects the stability of the signal, but not its amplification. 2 antennas are preferable to one. The presence of three antennas is necessary for the signal to reach the floors.

The signal amplification itself is determined by the antenna signal gain characteristic, which enhances the signal transmission to the sides, “taking away” the signal propagation up and down. That is, the signal range at one level will be ensured by a high antenna coefficient, but it will not spread to floors (up and down). That is, for a house with 2-3 floors, each floor needs its own router signal amplifier. Or a router with three antennas.

Router class

This means that the selected router must be compatible with your PC, where the signal will be transmitted. This is important because WIFI data transmission standards are behind Lately have changed, and now, for example, 802.11n is used, although 802.11g was widespread recently. Before choosing a router, check what class your PC or laptop has. If your laptop supports G - class, there is no point in paying more and buy a router latest generation with class N – the router will reduce the speed, “adjusting” to the capabilities of the laptop.

Number of ports and inputs

Modern routers are equipped not only with several ethernet- inputs, but also USB ports, and sometimes SD card inputs. The USB connection is valuable in the case that you can directly distribute a t the contents, for example, of a hard drive to one of the devices “over the air”. With, of course, the appropriate software on the router. But this is most often implemented on expensive models. If you need such functionality, then also take into account this parameter on the router.

So, brief conclusions:

For a one-room apartment with a minimum of partitions, you can choose a single-antenna router with an average gain, preferably class N, theoretical speed 150 Mbit/s, power 17 dBm.

For an apartment with several rooms - a two-antenna one, preferably with a power of 20 dBm.

Remember that cheap models have one significant drawback- they are very unstable and often break the connection. The solution is to simply restart the router every time.

Read in the specifications whether the router can be used outdoors and what the range will be. The location of the router is very important - with a good location, even a simple class G router can output a signal to all rooms, for example, of a 2-room apartment.

Standards in routers:

802.11ac designed for speeds of up to 1300 Mbit/s, this is the same 5G WiFi

802.11n— speed up to 450 Mbit/s

802.11g— speed up to 54 Mbit/s

Therefore, before choosing a WIFI router, check the speed from the provider and the level of modernity of your laptop.

For many who are just starting their acquaintance with WiFi, technical specifications wireless equipment may not seem entirely clear. Especially if the specification is on English language, how in MikroTik case, Ubiquiti and other vendors.

Let's try to look at some of the most important parameters - what they mean, what they affect, in what cases and what you need to pay attention to.

Transmitter Power (Tx Power, Output Power)

Various units measurements. Some manufacturers indicate power inmW, some - in dBm. Translate dBm to mW and vice versa, without bothering yourself with recalculation formulas, possible using .

It is worth noting that the relationship between these two power representations is non-linear. This is easy to see when comparing the ready-made values ​​in the correspondence table, which is located on the same page as the above calculator:

  • Power increase at 3 dBm gives an increase in mW 2 times.
  • Power increase on 10 dBm gives an increase in mW 10 times.
  • Power increase by 20 dBm gives an increase in mW 100 times.

That is, by decreasing or increasing the power in the settings by “only” 3 dBm, we actually decrease or increase it by 2 times.

The bigger, the better? Theoretically, there is a direct relationship - the more power, the better, The further the signal “beats”, the greater the throughput (the amount of data transmitted). For point-to-point backbones with directional antennas raised in open spaces, this works. However, in many other cases, things are not so straightforward.

  • Interference in the city. Cranking up the power to maximum can do more harm than good in urban environments. Too much strong signal, reflected from numerous obstacles, creates a lot of interference, and ultimately negates all the advantages of high power.
  • Air pollution. An unreasonably strong signal “clogs” the transmission channel and creates interference for other participants in the WiFi traffic.
  • Synchronization with low-power devices. It may be necessary to reduce TX Power When connecting to low power devices. For good connection quality, especially two-way traffic, such as interactive applications, online games, etc., you need to achieve symmetry in speed for incoming and outgoing data. If the difference in signal strength between the transmitting and receiving devices is significant, this will not have the best effect on the connection.

There should be exactly as much power as needed. Even if it is recommended to first reduce the power to a minimum and gradually increase it until best quality signal. Wherein remember the nonlinear relationship between the power expressed in dBm and the actual energy power, as we discussed at the beginning of the article.

It is also important to consider that range and speed depend not only on power, but also on the antenna gain (gain), receiver sensitivity, etc.

Receiver sensitivity (Sensitivity, Rx Power)

WiFi receiver sensitivity is minimum level incoming signal that the device is capable of receiving. This value determines how much weak signals the receiver will be able to decipher (demodulate).

Accordingly, you can select equipment for the conditions in which you want to increase your wireless connection.

"Weak" in in this case not necessarily “not powerful enough.”A weak signal can be as a result of natural attenuation during long-distance transmission (the farther from the source, the more weaker level signal), absorption by obstacles, and as a result of a poor (low) signal-to-noise ratio. The latter is important because high level noise drowns out and distorts the main signal, to the point that the receiving device cannot “select” it from the general stream and decipher it.

Sensitivity (RX Power) is the second important factor, affecting the communication range and transmission speed. How absolute value The more sensitivity the better (for example, a sensitivity of -60 dBm is worse than -90 dBm).

Why is sensitivity displayed with a minus sign?Sensitivity is determined similarly to power in dBm, but with a minus sign. The reason for this is the definition of dBm as a unit of measurement. This is a relative value and the starting point is 1 mW. 0 dBm = 1 mW. Moreover, the ratios and scale of these quantities are arranged in a peculiar way: with an increase in power in mW several times, dBm power increases for several units(same as power).

  • The power of radio transmitters is greater than 1 mW, therefore it is expressed in positive values.
  • The sensitivity of radio transmitters, or more precisely, the level of the incoming signal, is always much less than 1 mW, so it is customary to express it in negative values.

It is simply inconvenient to present sensitivity in mW, since it will contain numbers such as 0.00000005 mW, for example. And when expressing sensitivity in dBm, we see more understandable -73 dBm, -60dBm.

Sensitivity is an ambiguous parameter in the characteristics of access points, routers, etc. (however, like power, in fact). In reality, it depends on the signal transmission speed and in the equipment characteristics it is usually indicated not by one number, but by an entire table:

The screenshot from the specification lists various parameters transfers WiFi signal(MCS0, MCS1, etc.) and what signal power and sensitivity the device with them shows.

Here we run into another question - what do all these abbreviations mean ( MCS0, MCS1, 64-QAM, etc.) in the specifications, and how can we still use them to determine the sensitivity of a point?

What is MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme)?

MCS in English stands for "modulation and coding schemes". In everyday life it is sometimes called simply “modulation”, although in relation to MCS this is not entirely true.

To coordinate spatial flows between various devices and increasing transmission efficiency, signal modulation has been used in radio engineering for quite some time. Modulation is when a signal with information is superimposed on the carrier frequency, modified in a certain way (encryption, changing amplitude, phase, etc.).

The result is a modulated signal. Over time, more and more new ones are invented effective methods modulation.

But the MCS index, which is established by IEEE standards, means not just signal modulation, but a set of parameters for its transmission:

  • modulation type,
  • information encoding speed,
  • number of spatial streams (antennas) used during transmission,
  • transmission channel width,
  • duration of the protective interval.

The result is a certain channel speed obtained when transmitting a signal, taking into account each of these sets.

For example, if we choose from the above specification the best combination of power (26 dBm) and sensitivity (-96 dBm) is MCS0.

Let's look at the correspondence table and see what kind of transmission parameters MCS0 has. Frankly speaking, sad parameters:

  • 1 antenna (1 spatial stream)
  • Transfer speeds from 6.5 Mbit/s on a 20 MHz channel to 15 Mbit/s on a 40 MHz channel.

That is, the point provides the above signal power and sensitivity only at such low speeds.

When determining sensitivity (and power), it is better for us to focus on the MCS indices in the specification (datasheet) with more effective, standard parameters transfers.

For example, in the same specification for Nanobeam, let’s take MCS15: power 23 dBm, sensitivity -75 dBm. In the table, this index corresponds to 2 spatial streams (2 antennas) and a speed from 130 Mbit/s on a 20 MHz channel to 300 Mbit/s on 40 MHz.

Actually, it is precisely these parameters (2 antennas, 20 MHz, 130/144.4 Mbit/s) that Nanobeam works in most cases (MCS15 in the Max Tx Rate field in AirOS is usually set by default).

Thus, the standard, that is, most often used, sensitivity is: -75 dBm.

However, it should be taken into account that sometimes it is more necessary not to high speed, and link stability, or range, in these cases in the settings you can change the modulation to MCS0 and other low channel rates.

The MCS index table (or speed table as it is sometimes called) is also used to reverse lookup: they calculate what speed can be achieved at a certain power and sensitivity.

Bandwidth (Channel Sizes)

WiFi uses the division of the entire frequency into channels to transmit data. This allows you to streamline the distribution of radio frequency air between different devices- each equipment can choose a less noisy channel for operation.

In simple terms, this division can be compared to a highway. Imagine what would happen if the entire road was one continuous strip (even one-way) with a stream of cars. But 3-4 lanes already bring a certain order to traffic.

Add and divide. The standard channel width in WiFi is 20 MHz. Starting with 802.11n, the possibility of combining channels was proposed and regulated. We take 2 channels at 20 MHz and get 1 at 40 MHz. For what? To increase speed and bandwidth. Wider bandwidth means more data can be transmitted.

Disadvantage of wide channels: more interference and shorter data transmission distance.

There is also a reverse modification of channels by manufacturers: reducing their width: 5, 10 MHz. Narrow channels provide greater transmission range, but lower speed.

The modified channel width (reduced or increased) is The width of the line.

What does it affect: on the throughput and “range” of the signal, the presence of several bands - on the possibility of fine-tuning these characteristics.

Antenna Gain (Gain)

This is another one important parameter, which affects signal range and throughput.


    Each range has its own characteristics. Thus, the 5 GHz band has a smaller coverage area, but at the same time greater throughput compared to 2.4 GHz. IN different countries Yes, there are restrictions on the use of the frequency spectrum and transmitter power. This is how different regulatory domains emerged. Here are the main ones:

    The manufacturer has an obligation to produce products that comply with the laws of different countries, that is, certification in certain regulatory domains.

    There are three sub-bands in the 5 GHz band:

    1.Band 5150-5250 MHz has the following channels:

    2. Band 5250-5350 MHz has the following channels:

    3.Band 5650-5825 MHz has the following channels:

    149: 5745 MHz

    153: 5765 MHz

    157: 5785 MHz

    161: 5805 MHz

    1. Basic terms and quantities

    dB (dB). A decibel is the logarithmic ratio of a signal to a conventional unit. For example, the table below compares with 1 W

    dBm. A decibel milliWatt is the logarithmic ratio of a signal to 1 mW

    With an increase in power by 9 dBm, the indoor coverage area increases by approximately 2 times. Accordingly, when the power decreases by 9 dBm, it decreases by approximately 2 times.

    dBi (dBi). A unit of measurement for antenna gain relative to a “reference” antenna. The so-called isotropic emitter is taken as such a reference antenna - an ideal antenna, the radiation pattern of which is a sphere, the gain of which equal to one and whose efficiency is 100%.

    The total radiated power is equal to the sum of the transmitter power and the antenna gain.

    This raises the answer to one of the questions that interests many: why Cisco Systems supplies access points to Russia with a power limit of 18 dBm (63 mW). The answer is this. The antenna gain varies from 2 (for built-in antennas) to 6 dBi (for directional external antennas). That is, the resulting output power will be from 20 dBm (100 mW) to 24 dBm (250 mW).

    When planning, one should not forget the feature of the emitter of the client device: as a rule, the transmitter power network card client does not exceed 50mW. Accordingly, the client device will “hear” perfectly, but its power will not be enough for the access point to “hear” it. Thus, in general, setting the power at the access point to more than 50 mW (17 dBm) is not advisable.

    In addition to the transmitter power, the sensitivity of the receiver is also measured in dBm, the values ​​will be negative numbers. Receiver sensitivity is the minimum signal level at which communication will still be established at a minimum speed.

    RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicatio)– this is the value of the received signal power converted into integers (from 0 to 255). For each manufacturer, translation can be carried out differently.

    SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio)- ratio of signal level to noise level, in dB. Typically, the signal-to-noise ratio should not exceed 5 dB for data transmission and 25 dB for voice transmission.

    2. RF Wi-Fi scheduling

    When unfolding wireless network There is no general template, everything is individual in each installation. However, there are a set of basic rules that should be followed. Below are the basic inputs for RF planning.

    When planning RF, you should consider the following key characteristics of a wireless network:

    1. Selecting the network type (data, voice or positioning)
    2. User Density
    3. Coverage and data rate requirements
    4. Features of client devices (transmitter powers, supported bands and channels, supported data rates)
    5. Network security requirements

    These characteristics can be achieved by manipulating the following physical quantities:

    1. Band (2.4 GHz or 5 GHz)
    2. Used channels of the selected band
    3. Transmitter power
    4. Antenna type and gain
    5. Allowed data rates

    In the 5 GHz band there are a larger number of non-overlapping channels and greater throughput, but at this moment Not all client devices support this range. In the 2.4 GHz band there are only 3 non-overlapping channels: 1, 6 and 11. Accordingly, RF planning must be done with this in mind. You should not place two access points nearby that will operate on the same frequency, this will lead to a high signal-to-noise value. In places high density users (for example, a conference room), you can install up to three access points in order to increase network throughput; they will work on different channels and not interfere with each other. It should be noted that the coverage radius in the 5 GHz band is significantly smaller than in the 2.4 GHz band.

    For a data transmission network, it is necessary to determine the minimum data transmission rate at the edges of the coverage area and plan the network taking this data into account. So, for example, for the same office, you may need 6 access points to cover at a speed of at least 11 Mbit/s and 12 access points to cover at a speed of at least 24 Mbit/s. If you need to limit the range of the access point, but not reduce power or lose speed, you can prohibit a number of speeds, for example, from 1 to 11 Mbit/s on the controller. Then at the edges of the network the speed will be at least 11 Mbit/s.

    For a voice network, it is necessary to overlap the coverage areas of neighboring access points by at least 15-20 percent with a signal level of at least -67 dBm, this will ensure continuous communication while roaming. In this case, the recommended power values ​​of access points are in the range of 35-50 mW.

    For positioning systems, a more complex approach to network construction is used, since here the basis is not optimal radio coverage, but optimal location access points.

    Antennas allow you to increase the communication range without increasing the power of the access point transmitter, as well as the client transmitter. Thus, if there is a problem covering enough large space or a long corridor with low user density, you can use external antennas with a high gain, both directional (for corridors) and omnidirectional (for large rooms).

    It is important to remember that you should plan the placement of access points with the condition that it is not recommended simultaneous connection more than 25 clients to one access point. In case of high client density or high throughput requirements, it is necessary to reduce the transmitter power and install access points more densely.

    3. Radio interface settings in WLC

    Let's move on to the practical part.

    On the WIRELESS tab, 802.11b/g/n menu, Network item, you can enable, disable, and make data transfer rates mandatory. In the case when it is necessary to limit the range of the network, which would not extend beyond the office, you can prohibit a number of low speeds, as in the example below.

    On the WIRELESS tab, menu 802.11b/g/n, TCP item, you can set the minimum and maximum transmitter power if automatic setting power. You can also change the Power Threshold parameter, which is involved in calculating the transmission power of the access point. The Power Threshold parameter specifies the maximum power level at which access points can listen to each other on overlapping channels from three access points. Accordingly, the power of the access point will increase until it hears a neighbor with the power specified in the Power Threshold parameter. This was done for reasons of building the largest possible coverage area with an optimal signal-to-noise ratio.

    On the WIRELWSS tab, menu 802.11b/g/n, DCA item, you can control automatic channel assignment. With careful planning and a small network size, you can assign channels manually at access points. With large network sizes, it is much more convenient to delegate this task to the controller. The figure below shows that auto channel selection occurs every 10 minutes, and the list available channels: 1, 6 and 11. Don’t forget to enable CleanAir technology, which will automatically rebuild channels at the hardware level in case of interference with third-party devices.

    For the 5 GHz band it will look like this. There is also the ability to select channels allowed for use. For example, this will be relevant for OUTDOOR solutions, where there are restrictions on the channels used. Here it is recommended to contact legislative framework RF to clarify permissions for the bands and channels used.


    Increasing transmitter power will not always lead to increased coverage due to the client's limited transmitter power. The client will see the network, but will not be able to send packets to the access point

    Installing an antenna with a b O a higher gain will increase the coverage area

    Increasing the coverage area, as well as the number of clients in it, leads to a decrease in the capacity of the wireless network

    Increasing the capacity of a wireless network is achieved by reducing power and increasing the number of access points (reducing the size of micro cells)

    Coverage radius in the 5 GHz range is approximately 2 times smaller

    Limiting the cell range is achieved by prohibiting the use of minimum speeds

    Increasing the number of SSIDs leads to a significant decrease in network capacity. For example, 8 SSIDs will occupy 50% of the network capacity, while 2 SSIDs will occupy less than 10% of the network capacity. The reason is that the SSID is broadcast on minimum speeds. For this reason, it is not recommended to create a large number of SSID

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