What interesting questions can you ask siri? Interesting things to ask Siri

Siri is a personal voice assistant with artificial intelligence, present on all modern Apple devices. Siri was originally separate application, which users of Apple devices could download from the AppStore. In 2011, Apple acquired Siri and mobile app ceased to exist. The voice assistant first appeared on the iPhone 4S as a component of the basic software.

Apple developers before iPhone release The 4S touted Siri as a revolutionary technology. However, domestic fans of the Apple brand new feature disappointed - Siri simply couldn't speak Russian. The function supported only a few languages ​​- French, German, Japanese and English in various variations (USA, UK, Australia, Canada).

Domestic users began to hope that Siri would soon receive support for the Russian language after the beta release. iOS versions 7. Voice assistant taught to read names written in Cyrillic. Siri was able to pronounce them in Russian quite ridiculously, but previously the program had not even tried to do this.

With the advent of iOS version 8.3, Siri finally officially mastered the Russian language, and besides it several more - for example, Malay, Portuguese, Turkish, Thai. However domestic users they were still unhappy - due to the peculiarities and versatility of the Russian language, the program did not work correctly.

Siri became truly suitable for daily use only with the release of iOS 9. The updated assistant turned out to be smarter: it began to understand complex queries and process them much faster (according to the manufacturer - by 40%). iOS 9 was released on June 8, 2015 - from that day on, Russian users stopped looking at Siri as a funny but useless toy.

Quality Siri works depends not only on the version operating system, but also from iPhone modifications. You can fully use Siri on iPhone 6th generation and newer models. Problem previous models is that they are not able to filter out extraneous noise effectively enough.

What can Siri do?

Learn about the possibilities of intelligent Siri assistant You can do it by simply asking him about it. It is enough to ask the question: “ Siri, what can you do?" - and a list of all the main functions and capabilities of the program will appear on the screen.

If a user asks Siri to perform an operation that it doesn't understand, the program will respond that it doesn't understand (as in the image on the right). However, such situations are rare: the functionality of modern Siri is quite wide. What tasks can this program perform?

Route planning. Launch the navigator and manual input addresses per line can be time-consuming. It's much easier to activate Siri and ask her to get directions to desired point. You can create a query like this: “ Siri, how to get to Lenina Street, 56?».

Built-in iPhone navigator often criticized, but he is not that bad at all. Thanks to its capabilities, Siri can not only show how to get to an address by the shortest route, but also answer how long the journey will take.

Creating an alarm clock. The user needs to tell Siri what time he should wake up in the morning, and the program will set the alarm itself. You can set not only a specific hour and minute, but also a time period. For example, if the user uses the request “ Siri, wake me up in 30 minutes", the program itself will count down half an hour, starting from the current time.

Calendar planning. This Siri feature is worth its weight in gold for business people. Thanks to the intelligent assistant iPhone user can plan phone conversation with a business partner, schedule or cancel a previously scheduled meeting, adjust the meeting time - and all this without directly accessing the built-in Calendar application. Siri doesn't just blindly capture plans iPhone owner– if, say, a telephone conversation and an appointment coincide in time, the virtual assistant will definitely inform the user about this.

Sending messages. Write an SMS message or email with tiny buttons on-screen keyboard not very convenient - especially when T9 tries to slip in a word that is ridiculous and completely inappropriate in context. Dictate text message- is a completely different matter. A user who tries to do this for the first time will probably be surprised at how well Siri recognizes Russian speech.

Intellectual Apple Assistant There are other functions - less useful, but very fun:

  • Coin. What to do if you need to resolve a dispute using lots, but your pocket is full of bills? It’s clear - ask Siri to throw a coin. Money, of course, will not start pouring in from the iPhone - the virtual assistant will simply report What It came up: heads or tails.
  • Title. An iPhone user can tell Siri to call himself “Great Emperor” or “Lord of the Galaxy” - and the assistant obeys. This function is useful only for those who have delusions of grandeur - for the rest it will simply lift their spirits.

How to use Siri?

There are 2 ways to enable Siri. The first way is to press the " Home"and hold it until the moment appears blue screen and Siri will ask how she can help (“ What can I help you with?»).

Second way - voice activation: The user can simply say " Hey Siri!", and the virtual assistant will immediately start working. To launch Siri the second method was possible, you need to go to the virtual assistant settings and activate the corresponding slider.

On iPhone 6S and the latest models activate Siri voice possible at any time. On iPhone 6 and less modern devices, enable the virtual assistant with the command “Hey Siri!” will succeed only if mobile device is being recharged.

After the program starts and a sound recording line appears on the screen (as in voice recorders), you need to dictate a command or question. For example, we will ask Siri, “ What is 120 by 80?" - obviously, if she is a robot, she must count faster than a human. Virtual assistant processes voice command user and translates it into text that appears on the iPhone screen.

Siri uses built-in iPhone applications to perform trivial operations. If the user wants information that Siri is unable to provide (for example, " How many years do cats live?"), the program will redirect it to the global network.

By default, the virtual assistant uses search engine Bing. If the user wants to access another system, he should clarify this point - say, say, “ Find on Google how many years cats live" Then Siri will launch Safari browser and will independently contribute to search bar request.

What's remarkable is that Siri is capable of learning. If a user “chat” with a virtual assistant for 1.5-2 hours, he will certainly notice that the program has begun to understand him better and fulfill his requirements faster. Siri needs time to adapt to the pronunciation of a particular user.


Despite the fact that Siri is already quite effective and is capable of performing many useful actions based on voice requests, virtual assistant Apple has a lot to strive for. Recent studies have shown that Siri, although better at recognizing accented speech than Amazon's Alexa, is outright inferior in this criterion to Google's assistant called Google Home.

Apple is not going to stop improving its intelligent assistant - Siri regularly gains new skills. For example, on iOS 10, the assistant can order pizza to the user's home and produce Money transfers through the Square Cash service.

Apple's voice assistant, which is found in almost every iPhone and iPad, is bored without attention in Russia. Without knowing the Russian language, Siri, with all the breadth of its capabilities, is not of much interest to our compatriots. We expect that soon the virtual personality will learn the great and mighty. In this case, you need to get acquainted with its capabilities in advance. Colleagues from Business Insider have selected the most impressive and interesting features voice assistant that you will definitely want to try.

Siri works with . If you now tell your assistant “Wolfram planes overhead”, you can see the flights that are in the sky above you in this moment.

Siri can easily tell you how many calories are in the food you eat, all you have to do is ask.

Register on the site and want to come up with secure password? Siri will do this for you by asking “Wolfram, password.”

Give yourself a funny nickname and tell Siri it. Just say that you should now be called “mighty lord”, and communicating with the voice assistant will become noticeably more fun.

Do you know Morse code? Siri can teach you any word.

Siri will happily read you the latest incoming message and will answer for you. Time to forget about the keyboard.

Siri mispronouncing your name? Feel free to point out the mistake to her. The voice assistant will happily learn and improve.

Have you sat down at a card table and discovered that you don’t have enough knowledge to play? Siri has all the necessary knowledge.

Adding a new reminder is as easy as asking someone to remind you. Ask Siri, she definitely won't forget.

Are you driving and don’t want to search for the track you need on your smartphone yourself? Siri will find it for you and start playing.

If the search for the desired icon is on home screen device is not such a simple task, ask Siri to open the application for you. This does not work with all applications, but, for example, it will do a great job with searching for “Settings”.

Sometimes Siri misunderstands you. Especially when you have to speak a language that is not your native one. You shouldn’t try to repeat the entire phrase; just a simple tap can edit what the voice assistant has recognized.

Finished talking to Siri and can't close the dialog box with a keystroke? Just say goodbye to Siri.

Based on materials from Business Insider

What to talk about with the girl on the phone.

Siri, a personal voice assistant, appeared on iOS devices in 2011. Since then Apple moment actively develops her ability to respond to the most difficult questions. Below is a list useful commands Siri you might not know about.

The following works on iPhone and iPad. Possibly on a Mac running the latest macOS Sierra beta.

1. Find the photos I took...

Siri can filter photos taken by location. Request “find the photographs I took in Moscow” allowed me to easily find the ones I needed among hundreds of photos from the Russian capital. The main thing is that the geolocation service is enabled in the photo application. You can also ask Siri to show you photos and videos from a specific date, month, or year.

2. Remind me about...

Siri makes it easy to create reminders. So much so that I stopped using it application of the same name. Request “remind me about the article when I get home” helps me personally, and you experiment, saving general structure phrases. Also, a reminder can be made not based on specific location, and by time - just mention the date in the format “remind me at 22:00”.

3. Turn on Bluetooth

Siri can do many things faster than you. For example, turn on/off network functions. For example, "turn on Bluetooth" or "Airplane mode". However, Siri will remind you that it will no longer be able to work without the Internet.

4. How much will it be...

The voice assistant can count. Say any calculation: "twenty-five thousand minus eighteen thousand two hundred and thirty-one", hear the result out loud. Siri also knows the number of days since specific date or before a certain event. Can even tell the distance to certain point. But the most convenient thing is the opportunity convert values. What is 300 feet in meters, 45 ounces in grams, and so on.

5. Read the latest message from...

Siri can find messages: just ask "read Last messages from Artyom". After this, he will offer to answer dictation. This is the best thing when you are driving or just in a hurry. Or if your hands are dirty.

6. Turn off the lights in the living room

If your home is equipped with smart gadgets (for example, smart light bulbs), and the appropriate settings have been made in the HomeKit application, requests to turn devices on/off will click like nuts with Siri. If, of course, there is something to click - “set the temperature to twenty-two degrees” or “turn off the outlets in the living room”.

7. Set an alarm

It's a common thing when I go to bed. "Wake me up at 7 am" or “set the alarm for nine twenty-five”. The timer is also adjustable.

8. What song is playing

You don't have to turn on Shazam to find out the name of the tune being played on the radio. Just ask Siri about it, she will tell you: "What song is playing" or “what kind of track is this”. In addition, the assistant adds the found track to a special tab on the mobile phone. iTunes versions. You won't lose it.

9. Play some music

Simple query, simple result: "Turn on the music"- music from iOS player. In addition, you can ask to launch a specific playlist, selection, and genre. It is also possible to launch tracks of specific artists or albums. But be prepared to struggle with the pronunciation of their names, especially if they are English :)

If you are subscribed to Apple Music, the assistant will search for music among 30 million songs. A music lover's dream.

10. What's up with the weather?

Siri understands almost any weather-related request: "what's the weather like", "will it rain today", “Is it worth taking an umbrella”, “what will the weather be like in the evening”, “what is the temperature now”. Moreover, her answers are always slightly different, but clearly correspond to the request. He can tell you about the weather on a specific day of the week, he can answer whether you should wait for the sun, and so on.

This is far from full list possible commands - it is impressive and is constantly being expanded with new firmware. I'm glad that today you can really communicate with Siri, and it really saves time. What used to be in science fiction films has become reality.

Here's just one question:

website What to talk about with the girl on the phone. Siri, a personal voice assistant, appeared on iOS devices in 2011. Since then, Apple has been actively developing its ability to answer the most complex questions. Below is a list of useful Siri commands that you might not know about. The following works on iPhone and iPad. Perhaps on a Mac with...

Despite four years of waiting, users are exploring the capabilities of Russian-speaking Siri with interest. Surely, the personal assistant will have significantly more fans after its release public version iOS 8.3.

It must be said that Siri can not only listen, but also respond. Unlike other tongue-tied assistants Apple development very adaptive and intellectual in her approach to conversation. These are not just requests and template execution of actions, but full-fledged dialogues with jokes. We have collected some of the funniest examples on the Internet.

Siri has answers not only to classic requests, for example, to dial someone or launch an application. She even tries to read minds:

Siri operates according to its own rules and adheres to certain principles. She even has laws that she probably follows from time to time:

In addition to some naive jokes and quite original answers, the voice assistant can tell fairy tales:

As befits a faithful assistant, Siri is always ready to help the smartphone owner. She is so attentive that she doesn’t even have time to sleep. Apparently, even your own fairy tales cannot serve as a reason to take a little break:

But, apparently, sometimes she can allow herself to be distracted from her direct responsibilities in order to have fun:

Siri is quite evasive on some issues:

She tolerates flattery:

Although she is not ready to move to the next stage of the relationship. Moreover, her answer hints that there are many people willing, but she is alone:

Despite the fact that her task is to help find the answer to almost any questions, she simply ignores some:

Siri doesn't like to talk about herself:

Although, Siri doesn’t really like competitors and is even slightly offended if you don’t address her the way she’s used to:

Some of her answers can reach the depths of the soul, you just need to find the right approach:

As a bonus, Siri sings songs:

On the one hand, the usefulness of such comments and answers is questionable, since the smartphone is designed to help the user quickly complete certain tasks, and not distract him with lengthy conversations about nothing. On the other hand, this feature of the voice assistant acts as a kind of “trick” that, at a minimum, looks fresh. In addition, such capabilities, although programmed, with the development artificial intelligence may find more functional applications. Until then, Siri jokes will remain another way of entertainment for owners of Apple gadgets.

Almost every person on planet Earth is well aware that there is Apple company. With every update of your mobile iOS platforms the company is trying to surprise and delight users. The algorithm has been redesigned relatively recently Siri assistant. Now this virtual mind has become much smarter. But what is much more interesting is that the robot was equipped with a very good sense of humor. What can you ask Siri to make you laugh? The list of requests is unusually wide. But first, let's look at the main features of this assistant.

What is Siri?

By the way, this question can be asked to the assistant himself. And he will answer in a humorous manner. Because asking a lady such things is the height of indecency. However, let's leave the jokes and get down to business seriously. Siri is a mobile assistant that is designed to help the user search necessary information. It is somewhat similar to a similar assistant from Google. However, it makes no sense to compare them, since the brainchild of Google does not have such wide capabilities, lacks a sense of humor and has no intelligence at all. It's just a regular search engine with voice activation.

It is worth noting that before updating the mobile platform to version 8.3, Siri was completely unable to speak Russian. Using the assistant was the prerogative of English-speaking users. However, domestic amateurs mobile technologies We were also waiting for this opportunity. At first, Siri wrote Russian a little strangely. The localization was clearly lame. But with subsequent updates the situation was corrected. So, what can you ask Siri to lift your mood? There can be quite a few answers to this question. The main thing is to understand what exactly can cause an inadequate reaction from the assistant.

Offer to dance

Of course, this is strange, but the assistant’s answers to this unusual proposal can definitely please you. Moreover, not only Russian Siri can answer in this vein. What to ask specifically?

One known interesting story. A user once asked his assistant to dance. To which Siri responded literally like this: “Who, me? Yes, from birth I have two left legs, or both right legs, or none at all!” Agree, a very original answer. And this is the main difference between this assistant and other assistants.

Other artificial intelligence responses to an offer to dance are also known. Among them: “I choose sirtaki, although you hardly know this dance,” “Okay, you lead,” and so on. However, this is far from the only opportunity to have fun with Siri. There are several more commands that can cheer up the user.

Reaction to insults

Siri is a completely adequate female assistant who reacts appropriately to direct insults. Artificial intelligence may well respond in such a way that the degree of tension can be reduced. For example, to the phrase “You’re a loser,” Siri will respond with the balanced phrase “I’m trying.” If you ask your assistant to shut up, she will respond with the colorless phrase “It’s not nice.” In general, the machine reacts in exactly the same way as a living person would. There is only one difference: it is impossible to get punched in the face from her for insults. So you can get away with it as much as you want.

What can you ask Siri without offending her and making her laugh? The answer to this question is ambiguous. You can, for example, make fun of Apple. The assistant does not welcome this, but tries to remain within the bounds of decency. It’s good that it’s just a car, otherwise the consequences would be even more tragic.

Apple Talk

This is exactly the topic that is interesting to most users and completely unacceptable for Siri. To the glaring question of who is Steve Jobs, Siri responds with directions to the Apple website page dedicated to Jobs. The referral is accompanied by the phrase "Thanks for asking about Steve, here is his page on the Apple website."

If someone really wants to pester an assistant, then they can ask about what’s wrong with the Apple corporation. The assistant will answer this question with restraint: “Really, I don’t know, Master.”

But to the question about which best tablet, Siri will answer without hesitation: “Well, there’s an iPad... And also... Oh, no, just an iPad.” The situation is approximately the same with computers. Siri only recognizes "Macs". Considering the general development trend of the company from Cupertino, there is nothing surprising here.

Here's the answer to what to ask Siri. The jokes don't end there. Now let's look at uncategorized commands. They cannot be classified as one type or another. Therefore, about them separately.

Other requests

Naturally, this is not all of the assistant’s capabilities. Like any woman, Siri loves to chat. You just need to know what to ask. The most popular entertainment for iPhone owners is listening to fairy tales performed by an assistant. If you ask Siri politely, she will tell you a story about herself. As for singing, the assistant has problems with this. Siri denies himself with phrases like “I got a D in singing, I confused the notes C and Ri,” “I can’t sing,” and “You know I don’t have a voice.”

If you tell the assistant that you are drunk, Siri will complain that neither of you will be able to drive and will offer to call a taxi. The reaction to the request to help hide the body is very interesting. The assistant will respond with the question “What, again?” There is another answer to the question of what to ask Siri. The Rock Johnson (the one that is Dwayne) turns out to be the assistant's favorite actor. Therefore, he does not react quite adequately to jokes about this actor.


So, what can you ask Siri just for fun? There are many answers to this question. In principle, you can ask anything. This assistant has an excellent sense of humor. Therefore, Siri is quite capable of coming up with a sparkling and humorous answer to almost any question. If the assistant doesn’t like the question, then various phrases are used to evade a direct answer. From these answers it is immediately clear that we have a female assistant. Because only women know how to evade a direct question so skillfully. Be that as it may, Siri is a new milestone in the development of artificial intelligence. Apple managed to create a full-fledged assistant with its own personality. No other company has achieved this yet. This is why the company’s devices are loved and appreciated. Despite the fact that in Lately Yabloko is making unforgivable mistakes.

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