Which mail is the most secure for the year. The most secure email services with strong encryption

Which mail is the best and safest? Today it is simply impossible to be negligent about the security of data transmission, especially if we're talking about about confidential personal or professional information. Your email can be hacked, but the risks can be minimized if you know how to correctly create passwords and use reliable services. Which mail is the most reliable and secure? Let's look at several email services, taking into account their features, advantages and disadvantages, and also talk about security rules that will protect your data from theft.

The most secure mail: rating

Let's move on to looking at specific email clients. What is the most secure email on the Internet? It is quite difficult to compile a rating, because common services are usually not well protected from hacking. The most reliable are foreign services; users especially highlight Swiss and German email clients. If you choose between popular and Russian-language options (Yandex.Mail, Mail.ru, Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo), then it is better to choose Gmail, but even there the encryption is far from ideal. Therefore, you additionally need to think about the security of your email password.

The most secure mail, according to many users from all over the world, is the Swiss service Proton Mail. However, when registering, confirmation is required from a phone number or a spare email address. The developers assure that they will not save this data, but you should be on the safe side by using virtual number or other email where you do not need to provide such data when registering. Next in the ranking are Mailfence, ConterMail, Tutanota, Posteo, VauletMail, and so on.

Common Mail.ru and Yandex.Mail

It is not advisable to use Mail.ru and Yandex.Mail for work correspondence and receiving/sending important documents, but these services are quite suitable for personal mail. You can use these email clients to read news and newsletters, but do not link e-wallets (except Yandex.Money), websites or hosting to them. These services are not included in the ranking of the safest email services at all.

Gmail: The Most Popular Email

Of the “regular” (that is, common and popular on the Russian-speaking Internet) email clients, the most secure is Gmail. There is an account link to a phone number, and also two-factor authentication. If you try to access your mail from a different geographic address or even from a different browser, then even after entering the password correctly, you will need to confirm your identity and rights to use the email address from the phone that was linked to your account during registration. On this moment Gmail is called the most secure email even by many programmers.

Minor failures with authentication can sometimes occur, but the client is completely free, so users shouldn’t complain about it. In some cases, the code does not immediately arrive in the SMS message, but then it does voice call. You need to answer and listen to the code that the computer “tells”. The mailer is also quite good at skipping spam. Of course, the protection is not 100%, but if you mark a letter as spam once, the mailbox will automatically learn and in the future will send all messages from this recipient or with similar content to the appropriate folder. But in order not to miss an important letter, for example, an invitation to a webinar or useful free materials, you should add the sender to White list and check your Spam folder from time to time.

Yahoo and Outlook Cooperation with the NSA

Email services such as Mail.ru, Yandex.Mail, Outlook, Yahoo and Gmail are relatively safe, but do not protect the privacy of their users well. It’s difficult to call these services the safest email services on the Internet. Yahoo, for example, has developed special software that allows the National Security Agency to secretly check the correspondence of individual users. Google admitted during the trial that it reads emails, and with Microsoft things are even worse. As part of the PRISM project, the corporation helped the NSA monitor users of Skype, Hotmail and Outlook.

Proton Mail: secure mail from Switzerland

The service was developed in 2013 in Switzerland by Proton Technologies; all servers are located there, which means that user data is protected by national laws. The idea belongs to Koltech and Harvard student Andy Yen. Swiss privacy is about ensuring maximum data security and neutrality towards users. The development company has extensive experience and has earned good name, journalists interested in high level privacy.

The mailer is designed with double encryption of user messages. All emails are encrypted and only the recipient has access codes. This means that the information will not fall into the hands of third parties. Proton is anonymous mail. To create an account, you need to enter personal data, but the service does not save it. Additionally, developers do not store any IP log records that may be associated with the recording. At the same time, no one complained about the data transfer speed. The service is open source. The developers claim that Proton will always be free. But those who wish can support the project with a voluntary donation or upgrade to a paid account. There are practically no differences between free and paid accounts. Mail works well and meets user expectations in any case.

Proton can be used on any device without the need to install additional software, but a stable internet connection is required. Accounts are compatible with other email clients. Nice bonus- well designed modern design and special optimization for high performance. Externally, the mail is somewhat reminiscent of Gmail, but it still looks very stylish and fresh. Reading, organizing and sending emails with Proton is very convenient, and Russian-speaking users can use the Russian-language interface, which makes using the client even easier.

Secure Email Mailfence

Which mail is the best and safest? The Mailfence service appeared in 2013 after the story about Edward Snowden and the NSA, which caused widespread public response. Open encryption based on OpenPGP technology. This ensures that sent emails will not be read by anyone other than the sender or recipient of the message. In addition, thanks to IMAP or SMTP technologies, the user can access the account through any convenient mail client.

The service works without advertising, you can connect Mailfence is fully compatible with OpenPGP, and also offers its users the latest anti-spam technologies and a sender blacklist. There is an integrated key storage. The only drawback for Russian-speaking users is the lack of a Russian-language interface.

Secure Swiss service CounterMail

What is the most secure email on the Internet? The Swiss service CounterMail also (like the previous two email clients) provides double encryption, which makes it impossible for third parties to access messages. The developers used more than 4 thousand types of keys to protect user data. Data is not stored on hard drives or servers, which means that attackers cannot track emails, that is, there is no question of leaking confidential information.

CounterMail provides protection from government interference in your privacy. But one of the disadvantages of the email client is that encrypted emails cannot be sent to other users, but you can communicate with anyone who has an OpenPGP-compatible email. There is no Russian interface. But there is a USB key option, applications for Android and Apple, and MITM protection.

Tutanota with end-to-end encryption

Which email is the most secure? Tutanota mail from German developers encrypts letters with Security based on Freemium technology, which protects user correspondence. The development of the email client is happening faster than other services of this kind. The company also offers paid accounts for users. Currently, the mail service has more than two million active users.

Encrypted email service Posteo

What is the most secure email? Posteo is an encrypted email service based on German. Postage is paid for basic package you need to pay one euro per month. This option enables access to POP3 and IMAP support. When registering you do not need to provide personal information, so that the level of confidentiality and personal security remains at a sufficient level. There are no ads, you can use mail on all devices. There's also a notes and calendar feature that integrates with other clients, attachments up to 50MB are supported, and 2GB of email storage is available initially but can be increased.

Desktop program VauletMail

Which mail is the most reliable and secure? The desktop program VauletMail encrypts user emails, but SpecialDelivery technology can be used to send messages to users of other email clients. VauletMail has many features. You can set the time when the letter will self-destruct or send messages from anonymous addresses. True, theoretically, a program installed on a PC, rather than a browser version, is more vulnerable if the computer is lost or becomes inoperable.

Enigmail plugin for email programs

Enigmail is an extension for "Mazila". There are similar plugins for other accounts. To get started, you need to install the corresponding extension in Thunderbird, you will also need GNU program Privacy Guard for operating system. After installation is complete, a new menu with a setup wizard (OpenPGP) will appear in the extension.

With the help of the wizard, the setup process will be easy and fast. During setup, the user will create or import public and private keys to ensure the security of correspondence. By default, messages are signed only with an electronic signature, so that the recipient can identify the sender. To enable encryption, you need to select Encrypt This Message when writing a letter in the S\MIME section.

The setup procedure can be difficult because to start communication you need to exchange keys with the user. You can use the plugin in combination with other email services. Previously, it was possible to combine mail with Gmail, but now such a combination is no longer available to users.

Safe work rules

The most secure mail will cease to be so if you do not follow the rules safe work in the Internet. To maintain confidentiality for especially important letters It is advisable to choose email programs where personal data (telephone, other existing mailboxes) is not indicated during registration. Many users choose to work through Tor browser, but, for example, in the case of Yandex.Mail this is irrelevant, because you will constantly have to deal with errors, and some letters will not be sent at all.

How to choose a complex password?

The most secure email can be regular Gmail, if you choose a very simple and interesting way- use a children's rhyme as a basis. It’s better to choose something less common. The password will consist of the first letters of each word (for example: turtle, the first letter is "h", corresponds to "x" on English layout, that is, the password symbol is the letter “x” and so on). If the letter is the first in a sentence, write it in uppercase. Replace some letters with numbers similar in spelling (“o” to 0). Don't forget about punctuation marks - periods, commas, exclamation marks and question marks, dashes and colons can also be entered into the password.

Using the same scheme, you can create a password from your favorite saying or aphorism, a memorable phrase from thinkers or movie characters. To make your life a little more difficult, you can replace letters with numbers other than those they resemble (for example, “h” is not 4, but 8, and so on). For the password, you can use a complex medical definition or a hospital discharge. Is the term too long? You can simply throw out every other vowel and write some consonants in upper case. The main thing is that you should not use password generators, because attackers use similar technologies, generating combinations for hacking an account.

Letters are not arriving? Do Ukrainian letters disappear from the text? Running out of space in your mailbox? - If you are familiar with these problems, then this article is for you.

In this post, I tried to briefly review the email services popular among my colleagues, friends and acquaintances in order to outline their advantages and disadvantages. I've compiled a ranking of seven popular email services in ascending order, starting with the worst.

Rambler mail - “mail to nowhere”

Rambler was once one of the best search engines in RuNet, but now he has unconditionally surrendered his position. The once popular Rambler mail is hopelessly outdated and is an extremely primitive mail service. To somehow stay afloat, Rambler shows its users a lot of advertising.

By registering on Rambler you receive a mailbox of 20 (!) megabytes in size, which theoretically can be increased by 50 megabytes per day. The maximum possible size of “pumped” Rambler mail is 1 gigabyte and not a byte more. However, if you are not in the habit of sending photos by mail, then you can still put up with such stinginess of Rambler.

The web interface of the mailbox is quite simple and clear. To protect against spammers, Rabler-mail requires a complete check number (captcha) every time you send a letter. It is possible that Rambler is simply distrustful of new users, but in my case, when I have to send up to fifty letters a day, such paranoia is extremely annoying.

The maximum allowed size of an incoming/outgoing letter in Rambler mail is 25 megabytes. Considering that when sending the letter size increases by about a third, actual size letters including attached files - about 16 megabytes. As for uploading files, in Rambler mail they can be attached to a letter only one at a time, and they are uploaded to the server only after clicking the “Send” button. I’ll note right away that there are much more convenient ways to download files, but more on that later.

Based on experience of correspondence with owners mailboxes On Rambler I will say that they often have problems when sending letters with attached files.

I finally gave up on Rambler mail after less than half of the dozen test letters I sent reached the recipient (!), the fate of the rest remained unknown - they were on the list of sent ones, but I did not receive any error notifications.

MetaMail - primitive in Ukrainian

META - Ukrainian search portal was created back in 1998 and is aimed exclusively at Ukrainian users. The only thing I like about META is its name, there is something patriotic in it.

Like Gmail, Yandex Mail allows you to conveniently view sent documents directly in a web browser. In addition to regular letters, Yandex Mail allows you to send video letters recorded using a webcam. The Yandex Mail mail interface has a function for sending and drawing postcards.

By default, the Yandex mail interface displays a small banner and a news block. But, oddly enough, both can be disabled in the settings. It is not clear why, but according to Yandex statistics, few people use this opportunity.

You have decided to change your mailbox. How to do this painlessly?

If someone has read this article to the end and decided to switch to a new email account, then I will hint how this can be done almost painlessly. Changing your email is almost like changing your mobile number - they will write to you for a long time old address. Therefore, I recommend paying attention to the functions of forwarding incoming letters as well as the mail collector, which is available in almost all mail services.

With mail forwarding, everything is probably obvious - you indicate your new mail address and all incoming correspondence is forwarded to the new address.

Mail collector - very convenient function if you have multiple email addresses. You indicate the addresses and passwords of other mailboxes in your main mail, and it will automatically download new letters from them. Different email services may implement this function differently, so for detailed information I recommend checking out the help section.

As a rule, many approach the choice of a mailbox for their e-mail lightly - they rack their brains for a long time over what account and password to come up with, but at the same time do not attach any importance to which service to choose. Often, when registering free email, they are guided primarily by the domain name. Some people want this domain to reflect their location, like [email protected], while for others it is important that the address is simple and very easy to remember, such as [email protected]. Meanwhile, you should pay attention to completely different features of mail - what tools are used to combat spam, whether mail clients are supported, how stable the service is, etc.

Many users have a mailbox provided by their provider. However, for those who lead an active life on the Internet, it is not enough. An email address is required when registering on various services and forums, and using a mailbox from your provider for these purposes risks the fact that after a while it will turn into a spam collection box. Therefore, many users always have at their disposal not one, but several mailboxes at once - one for correspondence, and the rest for registering in various online stores, communities, etc. This approach is good because it is always easy to refuse “extra” boxes if the need arises.

So, what email services are best to use for receiving and sending correspondence? Read our review.


If you try to come up with the simplest version of a domain address for mail, then imagine something more trivial than the address [email protected], difficult. If you try to follow this link in your browser, the free email service of the same name will open. Upon closer examination of this service, it turns out that it is not so simple at all. Alone domain addresses for mail, this service offers about three hundred - that’s where there really is a lot to choose from. Offered in a huge number email domains are sorted into categories to make it easier to navigate this variety. Thus, the list of suggested names for mail contains the names of cities and countries, for example, paris.com or singapore.com. You can also choose a domain for your email based on your hobby, for example, elvisfan.com or bikerider.com. And what professions are not on this list! From archaeologist, sociologist and orthopedist to engineer and politician. There are also domains for fun people who want to stand out with their originality (this group was especially amused by the domains humanoid.net and tvstar.com), as well as domains with the names of countries and those related to religion.

As for the domains themselves, there are no sites at these addresses and, what is especially strange, there are no forwardings from these addresses to mail.com.

Mail.com offers users a paid email option with unlimited space, no advertising and a number of other advantages. The free three-gigabyte mailbox has a system of customizable anti-spam filters. You can also set five email addresses in your account settings, from which the service will automatically download incoming correspondence to your mail.com account.

The mailbox web interface includes a notepad. This notepad is convenient for making various notes, any text entries no more than five thousand characters long. Notes can be classified, sorted into groups, etc. For example, you can leave yourself a reminder that you need to send someone a letter of congratulations, or about some other important event. The idea of ​​such a tool seemed to be quite interesting, but our attempt to leave a message in Russian did not lead to anything good - the text immediately turned into gobbledygook. The lack of support for the Russian language is undignified for such large service, especially since in the list of domain names there is an option for selecting an email address russianmail.com. Agree, it’s quite strange to have an email account with such a domain, and at the same time not be able to work with email tools in Russian.

In conclusion, we note that for some reason we were not able to register on the Mail.com service right away. This is probably due to the picture with the confirmation code, which is supposed to provide protection against automatic registration - on Mail.com it didn’t want to let us through. Apparently, we were simply unlucky - maintenance work was carried out on the site, and after just a few hours, it was possible to register accounts without hindrance.

Registration on one of the most popular email services in the world has significant drawback- Having filled out the name form for an account, it is impossible to immediately check whether such a user already exists. In addition, even if you try again, the service does not offer guaranteed free options for your email account, but simply states “This login is not available.” If you consider how many users use mail on this service, it becomes clear that finding an unoccupied, concise and understandable name will not be easy.

After registration mail account, you can work with all services Yahoo! using the same account. The mailbox on Yahoo!Mail includes a chat, so by logging into the web interface of your mail, you can exchange instant messages with everyone who uses a similar service Yahoo! or Windows Live.

The mail interface is available in both English and Russian. Despite this, you should not place high hopes on the translation of email tools - some phrases are frankly baffling in their meaninglessness.

The size of the mailbox on this service is not limited, but the size of sent attachments should not exceed 10 megabytes.

Yahoo!Mail has two interfaces - classic and updated. The user can quickly switch between these options without terminating the current session on the server. More a new version mail is reminiscent of working in an email client - you can simultaneously view the list of letters and the text of the selected message, and loading messages occurs almost instantly and does not require refreshing the page. However, the new version of the interface does not work in all browsers. For example, Opera is not officially supported.

The mailbox contains an address book. You can copy contacts from various email clients into it - Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape/Thunderbird and Palm Desktop. You can do the opposite - address book export to these applications.

For an additional fee ($20 per year), users can expect an expanded set of features. Paid option Yahoo!Mail Plus mail service has a number of advantages - support for mail clients working with the POP3 protocol, a larger attachment size - up to 20 megabytes - and some others. However, the most interesting feature of the paid version of the service can be considered the AddressGuard protection system against unwanted correspondence. Its essence is as follows. Let's assume the user already has free account on Yahoo!, let's say [email protected]. He uses this mailbox both at home and at work, so the likelihood of a spam attack is quite high. The easiest way to protect yourself from the invasion of advertising and junk letters is not to give your address to everyone. Let's say a user decides to register in an online store. To do this, using the AddressGuard system, he creates a so-called one-time mailbox, say [email protected](name for this disposable box the user comes up with it himself). The user uses this address when registering in this store. Any correspondence that comes to [email protected], automatically goes into the box [email protected]. After some time, to the address of the disposable box [email protected] spam starts to arrive. The user deletes a specially created disposable address, created using the AddressGuard system, after which the flow of spam stops. It would be a good idea to adopt this anti-spam system for other popular services.

One of the advantages of the Rambler Mail mail service is its support for the IMAP protocol, which is an alternative to the POP3 protocol (the latter is also supported by the service). The maximum size of an attachment that can be sent in one letter using this mail is up to twenty megabytes. This is one of the best “indicators” among the test participants.

Especially for mobile phones and other portable devices, such as PDAs, the mail service provides a simplified version of the service mobile mail, available at mobile.rambler.ru.

Initially, the mailbox size is 50 megabytes. This volume can be increased to 1000 megabytes, although not immediately. The free space for letters provided by Rambler Mail can be increased by an additional 50 megabytes once a day. If you do the math, it turns out that this “sub-gigabyte” is reached in as many as twenty days, unless, of course, you get tired of increasing the box every day. Of course, 50 megabytes for mail is quite a sufficient amount, but only if you do not send large attachments or conduct active correspondence. If you start a mailbox for work, then we believe that sending documents and communicating with business partners will pretty quickly exhaust free space.

The information about the maximum allowable letter size looks somewhat confusing. The maximum size of a sent message with attachments is 25 megabytes. The rules for using the service contain a warning that the file is encrypted when sent, and therefore its size increases by approximately 30 percent. This, in turn, means that the actual maximum file size that can be sent will be no more than 18 megabytes. The maximum volume of received letters can be up to 25 megabytes.

If you access your mailbox from a region where a keyboard with a Russian layout is very rare, you can use one of the useful tools service - virtual keyboard.

This popular email service does not require advertising. Many people still remember that when Gmail first started operating, registering accounts on it was possible only by invitation, and the size of the mailbox at that time seemed simply huge - a whole gigabyte. But time is running, today the Gmail mail service is one of the most popular on the Internet, and the volume of the free mailbox provided is regularly increasing. It’s easy to see this with your own eyes - on the start page of the service there is a counter that constantly runs forward and “increases” the size of the mailbox on Gmail. At the time of writing, this number exceeded seven gigabytes.

Please note that, despite the fact that the maximum attachment volume for one letter is 20 MB, the message being sent will not be delivered if the total volume text message and investments will exceed this volume.

Large mailbox volume, provided to Gmail users, gives some people ideas about using it for other purposes. But you shouldn't speculate on your account. It is enough to start actively sending or receiving via Gmail account large batches of data, and the service will immediately block the account, first on short term, then for a longer period of time, and if the user does not change his behavior, his account will be completely closed for violating the rules of using the service. The same thing can happen if the service detects any “unusual use” of mail, for example, when the service sends mass mail, including many undeliverable messages that are bounced back. Also, the service may be suspicious of a large number of connections to the web mail interface in a relatively short period of time. At one time, we were “lucky” to test this situation for ourselves - when the “Enter” key stuck on the keyboard, the service quickly responded to numerous reloads of the mail page and temporarily limited access to the mail account.

Sorting letters in a mailbox Gmail has distinctive feature- all sent letters are grouped with replies to them. These groups are called “chains” and are very convenient for keeping track of your correspondence history.

Fighting spam In general, Gmail implements it quite well, but it is not without its shortcomings, and from time to time the service does not allow completely harmless messages to pass through. By marking an incoming email as spam, you can rest assured that next time the junk message will end up in the Spam folder, bypassing the Inbox. But if Gmail incorrectly identifies one of the correspondents as a spammer, then even if his address is marked as trusted, there is still a chance that the message will be mistaken for spam the next time. This issue will likely be fixed in the future, but if you use a mailbox on this service, we would advise checking the contents of your spam folder from time to time. There is no, no, and there is an erroneously filtered letter.

Gmail pays a lot of attention to security. The bottom of the page displays information about when you are last time logged in using your account, and whether it was open on some other computer. In addition, Gmail shows the IP address where the account is opened. This feature is especially useful for those users who often check mail from different places and may forget to log out of their account. If desired, you can quickly end all sessions except one. If desired, you can get more detailed information about using your account. So, by clicking on the link " Additional Information", which is located next to the IP address, you can see which IP addresses you recently accessed Gmail from and in what way (means mobile phone, via POP3, etc.). This is a very useful feature that will help you make sure that no one else is using your account.

If you decide to use the Gmail service, we advise you to pay attention to advertising, which is unobtrusively displayed on the page with received messages. The fact is that, unlike other services, where the abundance of advertising only causes irritation, advertisements from Google may well interest you. Firstly, there is little advertising on the mail page, and secondly, the topic for advertisements not random, it is selected taking into account the words that appear in received and sent messages mail messages. For example, after you send a letter to a friend saying that you have always dreamed of having a car, an advertising message from a company selling this particular product may appear on the page.

The Gmail email service allows you to search by key phrase in all correspondence. The search results will be displayed on the screen, and the requested phrase will be highlighted in yellow.

One of interesting features Gmail, which became available to users relatively recently, has colorful themes for inbox design. Users have 30 themes at their disposal that can make Gmail, for example, sparkle with chrome or look like a retro notepad. You can choose "nature" themes that change depending on the time of day, or "weather" themes that can make your Gmail window rain. In addition, funny characters can now live permanently in the mail. The new Gmail themes even include an old-school ascii-style Terminal interface that was created as a result of a dispute between two engineers. To choose a theme you like, go to the "Settings" section and select the "Themes" tab.

The name of this service confuses many; most mistakenly assume that this service may have something to do with postal service from Google. Even the Gmail.ru logo is made in a rainbow palette and resembles the logo of another service from Google. But, nevertheless, this is a completely different project that has nothing to do with Gmail. The number of domain names for mail registration on this service is steadily increasing. The fact is that Gmail.ru’s policy is to attract owners of any domain names who want to organize a free mail service. The only requirement put forward by the resource is that the website must have a daily traffic of at least 500 visitors. This is where the entire activity of the service ends - registration for none of the proposed domains does not take place, due to which the pseudo-service ends up on our black list.

Users who decide to have a mailbox like [email protected], will be quite surprised when they see its interface.

Doesn't remind you of anything? There is no doubt - the web interface of this mailbox is practically no different from the web mail interface Gmail. The similarities are visible in everything - the same menu, text editing tools, set of tools. The fact that mail on bigmir.net runs on the engine of an advanced email service from Google is also evidenced by the fact that if you open the mail management help, you can find yourself on the Gmail mail help page. The secret is revealed simply - in 2007, bigmir.net took advantage of the affiliate program Google Apps Partner Edition and replaced the mail engine with a module similar to Gmail. At the same time, users benefited - they received stable operation of the service, the ability to automatically sort letters, and protection against spam. And also - the constantly growing volume of the mailbox (on the bigmir.net page there is even a spin-up counter for the current mail size, the same as on Gmail). The only difference between the services is a different domain in the name.

Almost every email service is developing its own anti-spam technology (it really is a headache for the entire Internet!). The KM Mail service, which uses a special anti-spam tool called “Quarantine,” was no exception. This method the fight against spam is that an incoming letter is placed in the Inbox folder only in one of two cases. The first is if its sender is on the recipient’s “white list”. The second is if the sender confirms the automatic request sent to him when receiving a message from him. To confirm, you must either follow the link provided in the letter, or reply, leaving the letter unchanged.

Each message sent can have several files attached with a total volume of no more than 7.5 megabytes.

All incoming correspondence is scanned by Dr.Web anti-virus, which blocks mail worms from entering your mailbox, Trojan programs and other viruses.

In your mailbox settings, you can set up an SMS notification about the arrival of a new letter, so that every time new messages arrive you can quickly respond to them. Unfortunately, not all operators mobile communications support this function, so before configuring you should familiarize yourself with the list of available operators. This function works both in Russia and in other neighboring countries, for example, in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Belarus, etc.

The first thing that pleases you when registering for this service is your mailbox. unlimited size. The service rules indicate that after registration the mailbox takes up 100 megabytes, but the counter free space in a mailbox has a maximum mark of 512 megabytes, so it is difficult to judge the exact size of a mailbox immediately after its creation. In general, the space in the mailbox can be as large as needed - as soon as the free space is less than 10 megabytes, on the folder list page, to the right of the mailbox full indicator, an “increase” link will appear, allowing you to increase the mailbox size by another 100 megabytes. You can increase the size of the box many times, but not more often than once a day.

Registration of a postal address is available in the following domains: pochta.ru, fromru.com, front.ru, hotbox.ru, hotmail.ru, krovatka.su, land.ru, mail15.com, mail333.com, newmail.ru, nightmail. ru, nm.ru, pisem.net, pochtamt.ru, pop3.ru, rbcmail.ru and smtp.ru.

You have to come up with a secret question that must be specified when registering a free mailbox and type it into the appropriate field yourself. As is usually the case, this service does not offer pre-prepared questions, and it seems to us that this is in vain - why waste time filling out a question if the main thing is the answer typed by the user.

When you access the mail web interface, the service shows not only the time of the last access to email via a browser, but also the last access by SMTP protocols, POP3 and IMAP4.

Antivirus and antispam are used to protect correspondence. The service supports spell checking and allows you to translate typed text from English into Russian and vice versa. If necessary, you can use the autoresponder function. In this case, you can create a number of rules according to which the response will be automatically sent. This opportunity is very convenient to use when you go on vacation - everyone who sends letters can receive a notification, for example: “I’m vacationing in the Maldives, I forgot my phone at home, it’s useless to call. I won’t be home until the 21st.”

If within six months the service has not recorded a single authorized access to this account (via the web interface or using an email client), the mailbox may be closed.

From additional features Service Pochta.ru should be noted free hosting. The conditions of this hosting are very modest; there is no support for CGI, PHP, ASP, JSP and other scripts that require execution on the server side. And the amount of space for a website is only suitable for a business card website - in total, up to 256 megabytes of data and up to 1000 files can be stored on the FTP server.

In addition, the service offers the use of its own file storage with the ability to restrict access using a password. The maximum file size, as well as the total size of all uploaded files, should not exceed 16 megabytes.

The most popular Russian service free mail is immediately provided with a box with a capacity of 10 gigabytes. Mail sizes can be increased many times, with the mailbox size increasing by 2 gigabytes at a time.

This email service is fighting not only spam, but also spammers who are trying to use the [email protected] service for their own nefarious purposes. However, this does not mean that using a mailbox on Mail.Ru you cannot carry out mass mailings. Newsletter advertising messages by e-mail is possible, but only on the condition that the company or individual who is engaged in this receives confirmation of consent to receive such mailings from the addressee. All mail passing through the servers of the Mail.Ru mail service is automatically scanned for viruses by Kaspersky antivirus.

For those who work with e-mail via a browser, [email protected] gives the opportunity to use a diary. This tool is a convenient organizer in which you can store various reminders about scheduled meetings, business contacts etc.

Another convenient function of the service concerns file transfer. Any letter sent from this service can contain up to twenty attachments, with a total volume of up to 30 megabytes. However, if you need to send larger files, this is not a problem. In this case, they will be automatically uploaded to the [email protected] service and sent as links in the message. Using this feature, you can send 20 files with a total volume of up to 20 GB with one letter.

If a letter received in a Mail.Ru mailbox contains a lot of attachments, you don’t have to waste your time downloading each of them separately, but download all the attachments at once, in the form of a single archive.

For those who are concerned about data confidentiality and who fear that an attacker will find out the password to their email and gain access to correspondence, the service provides the ability to protect data with a password. Created in the mailbox new folder, all important messages are moved to it, after which access rights to this folder are limited by a password. In case your password is lost, you can come up with an additional password to recover it. Secret Question, the answer to which the attacker, of course, will not know. The folder itself with “hidden” data can be made invisible to email clients.

And finally, another advantage of this service is the wide possibilities for formatting messages. You can use up to 136 in the text of letters various emoticons, use bulleted and numbered lists, use different fonts, background colors, etc.

It's no secret that many people use email to receive notifications from various social services- forums, communities, etc. For such users home page In the Yandex.Mail service, in the block of the same name, you can see a counter of notifications from several social services at once - Livejournal.com, vkontakte.ru and Odnoklassniki.ru.

The size of the mailbox on Yandex.Mail is unlimited. After registering a mailbox, its initial volume is 10 gigabytes. When it is more than 98 percent full, the service prompts the user to increase the storage capacity for letters by an additional gigabyte. And so on ad infinitum.

A typical attachment when sending letters from Yandex.Mail can take no more than 20 megabytes, but larger files can also be sent, but using another service - Yandex.People, which can be used free of charge by anyone with a mailbox.

Anti-spam mailbox protection is implemented in several stages. First, when a new message arrives, the postal service filters out obvious garbage, i.e. messages that are easily identified as spam. A characteristic sign of spam, by which service control identifies such letters, is an unadministered sending server. If this fact is detected, the Yandex service will reject the incoming letter and send a notification to mail server sender, indicating the reason for the denial of access, so that in case of misunderstanding the problem can be resolved. At the next stage of verification, the letters are scanned for viruses and other unwanted attachments. Check in progress antivirus program Dr.Web.

In the process of sending a letter, an unpleasant situation may arise when the sender himself does not suspect that the letter he sent contains a virus. Some mail services, if a virus is detected in such a letter, do not allow it to pass through. If this letter contained nothing other than a virus, such an action by the postal service could be considered justified, but in in this case the sender provides some useful information, so after deleting the letter with the attachment, not only the virus, but also the useful information provided in the text will not reach the owner of the mailbox. The Yandex.Mail service takes this circumstance into account and acts differently - the message will be rejected only if the letter does not contain text. If there is text, the mail service will mark this letter as infected.

After the letter has passed the antivirus scan, the filter begins to work, which processes new signs of spam - a large number of recipient addresses, the presence keywords and phrases, etc. Messages that are transferred by the service to the Spam folder can be deleted after two weeks.

The postal service provides flexible setup filters - by sender, by message subject, etc. Incoming letters can be sorted and automatically forwarded to other mailboxes. To save traffic, in the service settings there is an option to disable the display of images in messages.

If you use a mail client to check correspondence, then when downloading messages via the POP3 protocol, an additional mail header X-Spam-Flag: YES will be added to each spam message identified by the protection, and the phrase will be added to the Subject field. To cancel the insertion of such a header, go to the “Personal Settings” section and select “unmark the subject line”.

One of the shortest names mail domains- this is the email address on the Ukrainian service i.ua. Incoming mail on this service is protected by Kaspersky antivirus. Incoming correspondence is monitored by our own anti-spam filter. Developers postal service It is strongly recommended to “train” this filter by pointing it to messages with unwanted content. After some time, the filter will be able to work independently, making fewer and fewer errors in identifying mail junk.

The mail service works with the POP3 protocol. Working with alternative IMAP protocol By for some unknown reason is not provided, and the resource rules even indicate that such a possibility is not planned in the future. The SMTP service is provided only to VIP users, for an additional fee.

To work with the web mail interface, you must have installed component Flash 9 (or higher). If for some reason this is not possible, for normal functioning You need to enable the “turn off advanced mode for adding files” option in the mail interface settings.

Received messages should not exceed 15 megabytes in size, and you can send a message not exceeding 10 megabytes. There is a restriction on i.ua servers that is aimed at combating spammers. Therefore, even users of VIP accounts cannot send a large number of letters using this service in a short period of time.

Mail on i.ua does not last very long - 90 days after the mailbox has not been contacted, it stops receiving messages, and after the same amount of time the mailbox is completely deleted. If after 180 days there is no login attempt from the user, his Account will be canceled and his account will be available for other users to register. If you try to log in to an “abandoned” mailbox, mail operation can be restored, but letters deleted by the service by this point, will be lost forever.


Providing free email is perhaps the most common service on the Internet. Every second major portal today offers to create a free mailing address. However, there is no need to rush in this matter. You should approach the choice of an address for your email carefully - sometimes the convenience of web interface tools hides unstable work web service, lack of support for the POP3 protocol or poor anti-spam protection. We hope that this test will allow you to avoid mistakes when choosing free mail, and you will not need to open a second and third mailbox just because the first one is filled with spam or does not accept messages.

Hi all. In order to fully enjoy all the benefits of the Internet, you cannot ignore such popular services, like email. But the question always arises: which email to choose? And today in this article I will introduce you to the 5 most popular email services and tell you about their advantages.

Which email should I choose?

What could be more pleasant than receiving letters and being in contact with your close relatives living so far away from you. Find out how your friends are doing, share photos that show the most happy moments of your life.

Nowadays we cannot do without email; we need it for everything, whether we want to register on a website or in a game, subscribe to an interesting newsletter, or buy some product in an online store. We need to enter an email address every time, but which one should we choose? Which of all is the most convenient and safest? These are the questions I will try to answer.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the mail interface and its functionality, so that it will be convenient for you to work with it in the future.

Secondly, pay attention to the volume of emails and how much space you are given to send files. This is also an important point, since sometimes it is necessary to send letters with several documents.

And thirdly, choose secure email, but you won’t be able to check this yourself, so I recommend taking one of the 5 presented below.

The Internet is simply replete with all kinds of mailboxes that you can register for free and at the same time receive amazing bonuses. But to understand which service is right for you, you need to understand all the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Benefits of the Top 5 Emails

That's all, you have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular email services. Write in the comments which email you chose for yourself and for what advantages?

Thank you for your attention, see you on the blog. :)

P.S. Don't forget to leave comments, and be sure to watch the video. :)

Good day, dear readers of the blog site. Today we'll talk about email.

I have been using email for over 10 years. I had the opportunity to use all the services that existed before and that remain and still exist.

In my opinion, the best email is one that is simple in design, easy to use on a daily basis, and has reliable protection from hacking and good spam protection. Everything else, as they say, is a matter of taste and color.

Today there are TOP 3 clear leaders that are worth considering. All other services are no good.

In addition to mail, you will also have access to very useful services from Google. For example, if you work or plan to work with documents, spreadsheets and presentations, then you will need Microsoft program Office.

The cost of such a program ranges from 4,000 rubles and above. Google will provide you with such a product absolutely free! You don't even need to install anything on your computer. All work will take place online.

The next thing you will get by creating a Gmail account is automatic registration on YouTube. Now you can start your YouTube channel and post a video on it if you suddenly want to.

Another bonus will be “ Google Drive" This free storage for your files and documents.

What is most important about all these services is their reliability. Two-factor authentication(protection) will not allow attackers to hack your email. Be sure to install it.

As I said above, this best mail, which exists today. Google is one of the largest companies in the world, and you can be sure that your data will be reliably protected.

If you only need mail and nothing else, then feel free to register and use this service. Everything is good with the defense here too. Two-factor protection will provide you with reliability.

3. Mail mail

Whether to use this service or not is up to you.


Just be sure to write down all passwords in a safe place. Don’t forget to link your account to your phone, this will protect you from hacking almost 100%.

Come in and see how everything is arranged there and how everything works. Where you like it most, stay there.

I have all three emails, since I use them all free services, but my main email is gmail.

2024 gtavrl.ru.