How to register on Facebook

At the moment, social networks are the most powerful tool for communicating, doing business or spending your leisure time. By creating your page on one of these sites, a person will discover the endless possibilities that such resources provide.

One of the most popular social networks are considered to be Facebook, which is especially in demand in the West, but we are still inferior. This article will help you understand all aspects of the registration process on this resource.

To start the registration process, you need to go to the site from a computer. Now you will see the main page in Russian. If for some reason another language is set, or if you want to switch from Russian, then you need to go to the very bottom of the page to change this setting.

The main information is filled in on this page, so carefully monitor the correctness of the entered data. So, in this form you need to enter the following data:

  1. Name and surname. You can enter either your real name or a pseudonym. Just note that the first and last names must be in the same language.
  2. Phone number or email address. This field must be completed in order for you to be able to securely use the social network. If the page is hacked or if you forget your password, you can always restore access through a phone number or email.
  3. New Password. The password is needed so that outsiders cannot enter your page. Pay special attention to this point. You don't need to set a password that is too simple, but it should be memorable for you. Or write it down so you don't forget.
  4. Date of Birth. Properly stating the age will help protect children from adult-only content. Also note that children under the age of 13 cannot have their own Facebook account.
  5. Floor. Here you just need to enter your gender.

You just have to press "Create an account" to complete the first registration step.

Registration confirmation and additional data entry

Now you can use the social network Facebook, but in order for you to open all the possibilities of this site, you need to verify your profile. At the very top of your account page, a special form will appear where you need to click "Confirm Now".

You just need to log in to your email to confirm your actions. After logging in, a sign should pop up in front of you, which will notify you that the profile has been successfully verified, and you can use all the functions of the site.

The first thing you can do is add a photo that your friends can recognize you from, or that will be the main image of your profile. To do this, just click "Add a photo".

Next, you can simply go to the section "Information" to specify any additional options you see fit. You can provide information about your place of residence, education or work, you can also fill in information about your preferences in music and cinema, provide other information about yourself.

This completes the registration process. Now, in order to enter your profile, you just need to provide the data that you used during registration, namely your email address and password.

You can also log in to the page that you have recently logged into on this computer, just click on your main profile picture that will be displayed on the main page and enter the password.

Problems with registration in the social network Facebook

Many users are unable to create a page. There are problems for which there can be several reasons:

Incorrectly filled information entry forms

Incorrect input of certain data is not always highlighted in red, as it happens on most sites, so you need to check everything carefully.

  1. Make sure that the first and last names are written in the same layout. That is, you cannot write the name in Cyrillic, and the surname in Latin. Also, only one word can be entered in each of these fields.
  2. Don't use underscores, characters like «@^&$!*» and the like. Also, you cannot use numbers in the input field for the first and last name.
  3. This site is restricted to children. Therefore, you will not be able to register if you indicated in your date of birth that you are under 13 years old.

Confirmation code not received

One of the most common problems. There can be several reasons for this error:

  1. Incorrectly entered email. Check again to make sure it's correct.
  2. If you registered by entering a phone number, please note that you need to enter numbers without spaces and hyphens.
  3. Maybe Facebook doesn't support your carrier. With this problem, you can contact technical support or register again using e-mail.

Problems in the browser

Facebook is built on JavaScript, which some browsers may have problems with, in particular, this applies to Opera. Therefore, you can use another browser to register on this resource.

These are all the nuances and rules that you need to know when registering on this social network. Now you can fully appreciate the capabilities of this resource and use it for your own purposes.