How to charge your phone without a charger: top unique methods and useful tricks. Is it possible to charge the battery without a phone?

Unfortunately, even modern technologies do not allow you to “keep the life” of your favorite gadget without recharging for too long, so it is important to take care of the battery. To do this, you need to know how to properly charge the battery immediately after purchasing the device, as well as during its operation.

How to properly charge a new phone?

The question of how to properly charge a new mobile phone worries many smartphone owners. But not everyone knows that the method of charging the phone and the need to “overclock” the battery depends on the battery itself. Today, three types are used:

Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer

Such batteries are the most common in modern devices. This is due to their ease of use, as well as greater energy efficiency. They do not require complete discharge and charging at the beginning of operation, but still some rules in their use must be followed:

  • When purchasing a new phone with lithium battery no need to immediately connect it to the network. You should wait until the battery charge level drops to 10-12% and only then plug it into a power outlet.
  • This cycle must be repeated 2-3 times.

As a rule, the charge indicator will show after 2-3 hours that the phone is 100% charged, but this is not the case. In fact, the battery is only 70-80% charged, so you should leave the phone in the socket for another couple of hours.

Nickel metal hydride

Nickel-metal hydride batteries are quite rare today. If you become the owner of a smartphone with such a battery, remember that it requires more careful and careful attitude to yourself. There are 3 basic rules for their operation:

  • Do not overheat.
  • Do not recharge.
  • Do not overdischarge.

Nickel-metal hydride batteries, unlike lithium batteries, must be “discharged” after purchasing the device. For this, 3-4 cycles of full charging and discharging will be enough. It is worth remembering that it is better not to interrupt the charging process before the indicator shows 100%. This may reduce the battery's performance and energy capacity.

How to properly charge your phone while it is in use?

So, the first test of the battery has already been completed, and you are entering the operating mode of using your smartphone. What are the rules for charging it? at this stage? Let's consider them further:

  • Charge your device regularly. Studies have shown that a battery that is regularly discharged by more than half begins to lose its energy efficiency after 1500 charging cycles, and with a discharge rate of 25% - after 2400 cycles. Therefore, try to recharge your phone as often as possible. It is most effective to keep its charge between 60% and above.
  • Once a month, discharge and charge to 100%. It would seem that such a procedure may contradict the rules described above. In fact, it is carried out not in order to increase the efficiency of the battery, but in order to calibrate the charge indicator. As you use your phone, it may produce some errors and display inaccurate information. After full charging and discharging, this problem is eliminated.
  • Try to prevent your phone from overheating. A large number of running “complex” applications, direct exposure to high temperatures, etc. – all this negatively affects the performance of the battery. Various covers made of foam materials provide excellent protection from overheating. Also keep an eye on the quantity open applications and do not leave the device in the sun.

About charging rules Li-ion battery You will also learn from the following video:

No matter how carefully you treat your phone, its battery will lose its efficiency over time, so it is recommended to replace it every 1-2 years.

Current parameters for charging a mobile battery

Any USB connectors are designed to transmit current with a voltage of 5 Volts, so they can be connected to any devices via a USB cable without any fear. Second, but more important question– current strength provided by the charging unit. It is measured in Amperes and the charging speed depends on this indicator. Standard charging units are usually configured to provide the required amperage at which the battery will be “charged” most efficiently.

To make this question more clear, let's look at a small example. As a rule, the required current for Android tablets is 2A, for smartphones – 1A. If you connect the laptop to a phone charger, it will charge more slowly than with the original unit. In the case of a smartphone, on the contrary, the charging speed will increase slightly. However, this does not affect the quality of the battery.

If we talk about charging a phone from a laptop, then this also has its own characteristics. As a rule, a standard USB socket is designed for a current of 0.5A, despite the fact that even the simplest smartphones today require 0.8A. This will not negatively affect battery performance, but charging will be much slower.

Myths about charging phones

Among users there is great amount various myths and statements that are not always true and effective. Let's look at the most basic misconceptions that occur today:

  • Any battery requires several discharge-charge cycles. In fact, this is not true. As mentioned above, in almost every modern gadget or mobile device lithium-ion or lithium polymer batteries. They do not depend on the charging-discharging cycle.
  • Do not leave the device connected to the network for a long time. This myth is only partly true. Most devices are equipped with special controllers that prevent the battery from being “overcharged,” but some do not have such functions.
  • Installation special applications can extend battery life. In fact, the vast majority third party applications, which are installed by users, do not have any impact on the quality of the battery, much less its duration. You can increase the “survival” of a gadget only using preset means – reducing brightness, turning off mobile internet, enable energy saving mode.

For more information about the myths associated with charging batteries, watch the video:

Modern batteries mobile phones not as demanding as before, but still need special care and maintenance. Given that their service life is already relatively short, if you do not adhere to the rules described above, you can reduce it even further. Therefore, treat your battery with care and it will last you longer.

In contact with

  • People who spend a lot of time traveling, or for other reasons are forced to use communication devices a lot, without being able to charge their phone battery as often as they need, are forced to look for ways out of this situation. Many people find a solution to the problem by carrying several phone batteries with them at once (we’re not talking about smartphones with). But sooner or later they will all run out and become useless. Charging each one separately inside the gadget takes too much time; it would be much more convenient to power one battery while the second is charging. In this regard, the question arises - how to charge a phone battery without a phone? You can make the device yourself, or you can buy a special device in a store for relatively little money. If you don’t really mind the battery of your smartphone or tablet, but you need the gadget urgently, there are handy ways to quickly charge the battery.

    Box with batteries

    It is possible to charge your phone battery directly by building some semblance of the now popular mobile storage charge for gadgets - (this, by the way, the best way, ).

    To do this, take a special box for installing batteries, which are connected to each other and have contact leads outward using wires - you can get it at radio flea markets or in electronics stores, perhaps you have it somewhere in the house. Several ordinary AA batteries are inserted there. You can remove the contacts and connect them directly to the phone’s battery, paying attention to the polarity, or solder a connector to the output hole and charge the mobile phone itself directly.

    Using chargers

    How to charge a phone battery at home separately from it, directly from the charger?

    Make a universal battery power device from any old device for powering gadgets:

    1. Find some charger lying around the house.
    2. Cut off the connector that fits into the socket and carefully expose the wires. They usually come in blue and red colors. Blue carries a charge with a minus sign, and red, respectively, a plus.
    3. Connect the metal ends of the wires to the phone battery, making sure that the polarity of the contacts matches - they must be labeled on the battery, secure the connection with tape or tape.
    4. Wait about an hour until the battery charges, then you can insert it into the gadget and use it.

    How else can I check the polarity of the wires?

    Some chargers may not have these wiring standard colors, and some others. In such a situation, you also need to somehow determine which sign is which. It's very easy to do. All you need is a glass of water in which you need to dissolve a little regular table salt.

    1. The exposed ends of the wires must be lowered into this glass.
    2. Connect the device to the network (the main thing is not to touch the water or the wires themselves, otherwise you may get an electric shock).
    3. Observe which wire the water began to seethe and bubble. He is negative.

    Charging from pieces of metal

    It happens that you need at least a slightly charged phone battery somewhere in nature, where there are no old chargers or other similar devices. Is it possible to charge the battery in such a situation? Quite if you find more metal objects - pipes, corners and the like.

    1. Take the found objects and stick them vertically into the ground.
    2. Wrap it with wire, preferably copper.
    3. Take out the ends of this wire like wires and connect them to the battery.
    4. Pour the metal part of the structure with an alkaline liquid, which is needed as an electrolyte. As alkali, you can use solutions of salts or soda, or some chemicals, if it is known that they contain alkaline compounds. The more metal there is in the structure, the stronger the current.

    To ensure that the battery lasts at least for a call, you can wrap its contacts with thin transparent tape or other adhesive tape. When you return to your place, this will give you a charge for a couple of minutes of work.


    With more high temperature the reactions that take place when the battery is charging begin to occur. Therefore, you can try to replenish a small part of the charge this way - by applying the element to something hot or just rubbing it with your hands for a few minutes.


    The most risky method, which in almost all cases leads to further battery malfunction, was seen by many in childhood. Some bit AA batteries so that they can earn money. The principle is the same here. If you lightly throw the battery against a stone or hit it against some other hard object, a small charge will accumulate, which will be enough for a couple of quick action or short conversations.

    Homemade wireless charger

    To make it you will need:

    • thin, no more than half a millimeter in diameter, metal (ideally copper) wire;
    • diode;
    • some knowledge of physics.

    What then:

    1. Make a flat coil of three dozen turns of wire.
    2. Secure it with electrical tape or special glue to the telephone battery.
    3. Take a diode and connect the battery contacts to the coil through it.

    Use a ready-made device

    Of course, manufacturers of accessories for gadgets did not stand aside and took care of those who like to recharge batteries separately from their equipment. For such cases, there is a charger for the battery of a phone or tablet that powers it directly, which is popularly nicknamed because of its characteristic shape.

    It's quite simple to use:

    1. Disconnect the device and remove the battery.
    2. Determine where the positive charge is on the contacts and where the negative charge is.
    3. Press down on the edge of the frog lid to open it.
    4. Inside the device there are two terminals with marked polarity.
    5. Place the battery with the contacts facing the terminals so that the “pluses” and “minuses” match.
    6. Close the cover, which will automatically lock the position of the battery.
    7. Connect the device to the network and check if the red light comes on. If this does not happen, the battery was placed incorrectly and its position must be corrected.
    8. When everything is connected correctly, all you have to do is wait until the red indicator changes to green - this means that the battery is charged and the “frog” has turned off the power.

    There are many ways to charge the battery from any gadget, but it is better to be prudent and have something with you that will allow you to safely replenish the charge, and not resort to extreme methods at all or only in emergency situations.

    Batteries on smartphones and phones have their own service life, but most often due to misuse, including chargers, fail ahead of time. To extend the life of your battery, you need to remember a few simple rules.

    Use only the original charger. They have a special fuse that turns off the power supply after the battery reaches 100% charge. Cheap and universal chargers do not have it, and overcharging significantly reduces the life of the battery. If original charger If you don’t have it at hand, you shouldn’t leave your smartphone charging all night. Usually the battery reaches 100% in 3-4 hours, but even in a sleeping state, the phone consumes a certain amount of energy and the rest of the time, charging recharges the gadget from time to time. This very quickly reduces the actual battery capacity and after a while the phone begins to discharge much faster.

    It is best to remove the device from the charge when it is 90-95% charged. This will help avoid the negative effects of high voltage.

    No less harmful to the phone complete discharge, try not to take it to extremes. One discharge to complete shutdown may reduce battery life by half.

    You should not use a device that is charging. This also kills the battery.

    Nowadays, modern smartphones use lithium-ion batteries. They do not require pre-launch preparation when first used. If ten years ago, after purchasing a new phone, the user needed to discharge it to zero three times, and then charge the battery to 100%, but now a brand new gadget can simply be charged once.

    In general, manufacturers make smartphones with the expectation that after two or three years the user will replace the device with a new one. Therefore, even if you sometimes do not follow the above tips, nothing bad will happen.

    There are several ways to charge your phone battery without charger. A similar need may arise when it is not possible to connect the gadget to the network or the charger was damaged for some reason.

    The problem is especially acute with Chinese drives, which are discharged within a short period of time. Despite the fact that it takes less than an hour to fill the charge, in fact during this time only about 70% of the total volume is filled.

    If a person does not have any devices to use them to replenish electricity, he will have to charge the phone battery directly. There are several ways to do this:

    Another charging option - direct connection to the network. If you use this advice without proper skill and preparation, you can literally explode your battery. To begin with, you will need any two wires, for example, from third-party power supplies, which need to be exposed.

    An important step is correct connection, for which you need to determine where the positive and where the negative charge is. To do this, the wire is lowered into a glass filled with salt water; whichever wire starts to “blow” bubbles is negative. Now you need to lean the minus against the minus, and the plus against the plus.

    In exactly the same way, ordinary batteries can be used as a source of electricity.

    Via usb

    You can use USB to charge the battery. This is how everyone is charged modern smartphones, and an adapter is used to connect to the network. If you lose the adapter, the gadget can be charged directly to a USB port, which can be found in a computer, car, or next to an outlet. This trend is increasingly found in advanced European hotels.

    From car charger

    In some situations, you will need to know how to charge the battery without a phone directly in the car. If a person is often in his vehicle, then the question of ways to replenish the level of tension is relevant for him. To do this, you need to connect it to the cigarette lighter using an adapter.

    Using power bank

    Power Bank- This is a popular and very simple way to replenish your charge. Are considered universal Chinese goods, which work with any phone model. Using a Power Bank, you can charge your smartphone several times, depending on its volume. But such assistants have disadvantages:

    • Takes up space. It needs to be stored somewhere, and it is often larger than a phone.
    • Heavy weight, which does not allow you to comfortably carry the PB in your pocket.
    • The need to charge the Power Bank.

    With the help of a frog

    By “frog” we mean a universal charger for mobile phone batteries that will fit any model. The name was received due to its external resemblance to an amphibian. To use this method you will need:

    1. Remove the battery.
    2. Determine the poles of the contacts. Usually there are “+” and “-” symbols next to the metal inserts.
    3. Open the frog.
    4. Lean the battery so that the frog contacts coincide with the battery contacts.
    5. Plug the device into a power outlet.
    6. A specific light will light up as a signal to start charging.

    The good thing about this method is that it allows you to replenish electricity without a cable. The downside is that the properties of the charged item may be lost.


    There are plenty of ways to charge your phone battery directly. Everyone just has to choose the option that suits their situation. It should be noted that all the proposed alternatives harm the drive in one way or another, so constantly charge using a frog, cigarette lighter or homemade device not worth it.


    Many of us are familiar with the situation when the phone is so discharged inopportune moment that there is not even a charger at hand. Very often this can happen during a trip or a country picnic, when the charger is forgotten at home or for some reason it breaks down.

    Is it possible to charge a phone without a charger? Certainly! There are several simple ways, including using additional devices, with which you can “wake up” a dead phone.

    Method 1: Charge your phone via USB

    The easiest way is if you have a computer or laptop at hand, which can become a source of energy for mobile gadget. Any smartphone comes with USB cord. Keep it close to you, and in case your phone is left without charging, connect one end to the charger connector and the other to the USB port of your laptop or computer.

    Once connected, the USB connection menu will appear on the smartphone screen. Ignore it, the smartphone will still charge in any mode.

    Method 2: Charge your phone using a car charger

    The the method will work for those who spend a lot of time on the road driving their car. Be sure to take care of purchasing a special car charger that powers the phone through the car cigarette lighter.

    Method 3: Charge your phone using Power Bank

    Power Bank is external battery for charging mobile gadgets. Represents portable device with two connectors: the smartphone is charged via micro-USB, and the Power Bank itself is charged via a regular USB connector.

    Nowadays you can find a variety of Power devices Bank. First of all, the user must select the capacity external battery. For example, with a 20,000 mAh Power Bank you can charge your phone at least five times.

    The price of such devices depends on capacity, compactness, as well as additional “chips”. This may be a charge indicator or built-in solar battery, which charges the Power Bank.

    Other Fly smartphones
    On our website you can find a catalog with other Fly smartphones on Android.

    Method 4: Charge your phone using the frog

    You can charge your phone without charging using a special “frog”. To do this, you need to remove the battery from the phone and connect it to the contacts of the device. If the indicator lights up, the polarity is correct. On full charge Batteries through the "frog" may take about 2-3 hours. In this case, the “frog” itself automatically stops powering the battery when it is fully charged. After this, the indicator on the device should turn green.

    Method 5: Charge your phone without charging using X-life phone

    Some push-button phones have the X-life function, thanks to which such a phone can be used to charge a smartphone or other mobile gadget. X-life phones have a large battery capacity and are quite cheap. An example of such phones is available.

    We talked about the most common ways to charge a smartphone without a charger. Do you know any other similar tricks? Tell us about it in the comments to this article.

