How to make money on YouTube. How to make money on YouTube from scratch - a complete guide

In this article we will look at 6 specific ways, which will allow you to earn money on Youtube from scratch, both on your channel and your videos, and on other people’s content. You only need to promote your video in search once, and you will receive a ton of free traffic DAILY, both from Youtube itself and from Google search.

    • 6 options for making money on Youtube using your channel
    • Earning money on Youtube on full autopilot
    • How much can you earn from your Youtube channel?
    • Making money on YouTube using other people's videos
    • Instead of a conclusion - golden button“BABLO” for making money on Youtube

Video from Youtube search results appear next to regular pages, through which you additionally receive powerful traffic from search engines.

6 options for making money on Youtube using your channel

Placing advertising info inserts directly inside your videos

Grow your YouTube channel wisely:

This way of making money is only gaining momentum in Russian Internet To use it, you need a really promoted and visited channel.

For each episode you can receive from 5,000 to 100,000 rubles on average, depending on how many views your videos get when you publish them on the channel.

Earning money on YouTube using built-in channel monetization via AdSense

To start making money this way, just go to your channel settings and enable channel monetization on Youtube and you will start earning more and more from your videos every day. All you need to do is gain views And subscribers on the channel.

Explore complete guide on making money on YouTube HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON YOUTUBE FROM ZERO

It should be remembered that you will earn money not for views, but for clicks on ads, although it is often customary to calculate how much you can earn from views. Looking ahead, we will say that for 1000 views you can approximately earn from $0.5 to $0.8 through built-in monetization.

  1. Display ads - displayed to the left of the video in the form of banners.
  2. Overlays are pop-up advertising blocks in the style of standard Adsense advertising, but for video.
  3. Advertising Tips - Comparatively new tool, because and the tips themselves appeared quite recently.
  4. Ads that can be skipped are analogous to standard advertising on TV at the beginning of the video, at the end. Additionally, you can add additional ad breaks as you watch longer videos.

Earning money on YouTube through the VSP Group alternative affiliate program

The VPS affiliate network works with a large number of advertisers and top video bloggers work with it. Opportunities when working with this affiliate program:

  1. You get a premium account on Youtube (!)
  2. Payouts up to 80% of advertisers' money
  3. Library of 350,000 songs for musical accompaniment of your videos
  4. Referral system for attracting new partners and YouTube channels
  5. Training on optimization and promotion of videos on YouTube

Requirements for connecting to affiliate network VSP:

  • Age from 18 years (minimum from 14, but payments are made to older relatives and partners).
  • Channel age from 1 month.
  • You produce good original video content.
  • Your channel has existed for more than 1 month.
  • You have a positive reputation on YouTube.
  • From 10 videos on the channel.

Promoting your products and services through Youtube

The method is quite simple if you or your partners and friends have a physical business. Most business owners don’t bother making videos; at most they post optimized info articles on the website.

At the same time, videos on business topics immediately fall into the main Google search and Yandex and you will have practically no competitors. Considering that people will first watch the video, and only then read the articles, and even if they don’t find anything on YouTube, you can make good money from this.

Custom lead generation

Perfect for a thematic channel, especially if you don’t have your own business. You receive a fixed payment for each subscriber or per click that comes from your YouTube channel. It is important to note that in the case of YouTube, it is much more profitable to work on a pay-per-sales model and receive a percentage of sales. And that's why.

Don't sleep - promote your account: 7 simple ways promote your YouTube channel for free

Chip - Visitors from Youtube subscribe and buy much better

  • Visitors from YouTube come to the site already “warmed up”; they have watched a video that has built trust and interest in the topic.
  • More than 50% of visitors immediately subscribe to the free newsletter.
  • Visitors from Youtube buy approximately 2 times more often than from other advertising channels.

Affiliate programs with payment per action (Cost Per Action) and affiliate programs of info courses

About different kinds We will definitely talk about affiliate programs and how to choose them correctly in a separate article, but for now I will say that making money on affiliate programs + using your YouTube channel to get traffic is a combination that allows you to practically make money on autopilot.

Earning money on Youtube on full autopilot

As we said earlier, if the video is optimized correctly and the keywords are well chosen, each video on your channel will bring DAILY free traffic, both from the Youtube channel itself and from organic Google search.

Watch the video on how you can make money with affiliate programs:

Free PDF book - 10 secrets that rich people are silent about

In the case of affiliate programs, it is enough to select 2-3 affiliate offers with payment per % and agree with the owners of the affiliate program about the commission. All sales and delivery of goods are organized with the help of partners, and you will receive regular money from each video on your channel.

Unlike pop methods like maintaining a public account on VKontakte or promoting your Instagram account, the video does not require the daily publication of a bunch of hackneyed quotes and incomprehensible semi-entertaining info-content.

Each new video will give you everything more money, and the effect of earning money on YouTube will be cumulative.

How much can you earn from your Youtube channel?

Everything very much depends on the specific model chosen. Let's give a few starting points from which to build:

  1. See how much top video bloggers earn
  2. Select related channels on Youtube and find out how much do these channels earn?
  3. Look, how much does YouTube itself pay for 1000 video views?

From this information, select channels on the topic and do some simple research:

  1. How many videos are posted on the channel.
  2. How much does a YouTube channel earn (see above).
  3. How many videos are posted per week on the channel.
  4. How are videos optimized (for keywords or viral titles).
  5. How much does a channel earn with 1000 views (on average from $0.5 to $0.8).
  6. How many views do new videos get in the first week?

Here is an example of statistics from one of the channels that makes money from affiliate VSP program Group:

Download the free checklist: 18 ideas on what you can sell on Avito right now to make money

Using this information, you can easily calculate how much you can earn on YouTube if you become a video blogger. In addition, these statistics do not take into account work with direct advertisers, as well as monetization through affiliate programs, so the real income of YouTubers can be much higher!

Making money on YouTube using other people's videos

  1. You find video content in large quantities.
  2. You upload it en masse to your channel.
  3. Get more views or buy video seeding (paid views) so that your video reaches the TOP for trending or large low-competitive requests (see below).
  4. Enable monetization from Youtube and embed advertising videos every 5-7 minutes.

Watch our free master class right now - 5 ways to make money on Youtube:

How to increase views on your YouTube videos

Where to get content to make money by watching other people’s videos (a few examples):

  1. Cutting records and full versions TV shows (KVN games, Once Upon a Time in Russia, National Geographic videos, etc.).
  2. News about Putin with viral headlines, like in teaser networks.
  3. Speeches by other popular personalities (Psaki, Obama, etc.).
  4. Old Soviet films.
  5. Cartoons - Masha and the Bear, Peppa Pig, and so on.

In some cases, there may be a problem with the copyrighted content, so this method requires quite a lot of body movements with a constant risk of getting banned. We advise you to take a closer look legal ways earnings.

Instead of a conclusion - a golden button “BABL” for making money on Youtube

Now think about which method, in your opinion, is the most profitable, when you are paid only once for advertising or an eternal 25% of each sale?

That's right, you remember that there is a hotter audience on Youtube, so it is much more profitable to work for a % of sales.

By the way, on affiliate programs information courses You will receive money for the first 100 clicks from the first sale +% from subsequent purchases.

The famous video hosting YouTube belongs to Google, created on February 15, 2005, and by the end of 2013 it has more than one billion active users. The success is so great that everything more people V Lately start creating their own videos and blogs in video format.

For some it is just a hobby, but for others it is a way to make money, because in addition to entertainment needs, YouTube can also satisfy financial needs.

Earning money on YouTube

A logical question arises: how to make money on YouTube? The answer is quite banal - ubiquitous, universally unloved advertising. If you have used this service at least once, you probably started watching a video with a 15-second commercial and encountered “pop-up” advertising.

It is the placement of third-party advertising that allows video authors to make a profit. Another one arises logical question: How much can you earn on YouTube this way? Average earnings range from $5 to $20 per thousand video views, but it is quite difficult to determine the exact figure.

Naturally, the more videos you upload to your channel and the more people see them, the more money you will earn.

In order to start receiving money from your video, you need to complete several steps:

  1. Register for YouTube service. Registration is completely free, so there should be no difficulties with this;
  2. Shooting original videos is the most difficult and important step. Earnings assume a large number of subscribers, views, positive or negative ratings. The video material should be interesting and original. Allowed to post only own video or those people who grant permission to do so. Filming can be done with a camera, video camera or monitor screen, telling and showing something. The picture and sound quality must be at high level, do not contain interference and noise, no matter what format your video blog is;
  3. Monetizing your YouTube account. Without taking certain measures, it will be impossible to make money on YouTube video hosting. Without a large number of subscribers and views, you cannot join a special affiliate program, but this is not necessary. In order to monetize your YouTube channel, you need to go to the settings of the “Video Manager” section and enable the monetization option. If this option is not available in your country, you will need to change your country of residence to the United States.

    To monetize you need:

    • Pass the free registration in advertising Google network AdSense, which will place advertising in videos and pay a reward for a certain number of views;
    • Age Restrictions: If you are under 18 years of age, parental consent will be required.
  4. Regular and systematic video shooting. By filming and publishing 1-2 times a week at the initial stage, you can already attract thousands of subscribers to your channel. A channel where new videos appear once a year is not of interest to people and this must be taken into account. All posted material must be optimized for key queries, which can be found in the Yandex.Wordstat service. Exactly according to key queries search system sets the positions of your video.
  5. Without following these basic rules, you won’t be able to make money on YouTube.

How much can you earn with YouTube?

A billion-dollar audience brings YouTube creators multi-million dollar income. However, how much can you earn from watching copyright videos? YouTube pays video authors 50% (or even more) of advertising revenue.

For example, if out of 10,000 people who watched a video, 10 people clicked on an advertising link, the click on which costs $0.6, the total income is $6. The site takes $3 for itself, and gives $3 to you. Thus, for 100,000 views you can get $330, and for a million - $3,300.

However, not every click costs $0.6: the minimum bid is $0.01, and the maximum is not limited. If you want to receive more than 75% of your income from advertising, you need to join a special affiliate program.

Of course, the creators of videos with millions of views receive the highest income. On average, it is about $500-1000 from just one video.

There are already quite a lot of such users on the site, whose income reaches millions of dollars. A striking example is the well-known Ray William Johnson, who at the time of writing had 10,684,442 subscribers.

Thanks to entertaining videos, the total number of views of the Ray William Johnson channel is 2,625,166,374.

With 854 videos on the channel, 1-2 more are added every week. The channel's approximate earnings for its entire existence are $0.6 x 2,625,166,374: 1000 = $1,575,099, monthly income - $262,516. Thus, after 6 years of activity on YouTube, the author of the channel is a millionaire, doing what he loves.

In addition to the huge income, there are several additional advantages: firstly, posting Ray William Johnson videos is additional PR for his comedic talent, and secondly, the passiveness of the income received. The videos collect an increasing number of views, bringing new subscribers to the channel without much intervention from the author.

The most important advantage of making money on YouTube is that a business that started with an interesting innovative idea can develop and generate considerable income without your constant intervention.

The greatest demand is for entertaining videos, but this is not prerequisite popularity. For any topic there is its own audience: popular “let’s plays”, video reviews, instructions, training videos, etc.

By focusing on the trends of the YouTube site, as well as analyzing their ideas and capabilities, any user can create a successful video channel completely free of charge.

It is quite possible that in a few years you too will have millions of subscribers and earn millions, but it’s worth starting now. We wish you success!

Hello dear readers of the blog about making money website. Most people who visit video hosting sites do not think about the fact that the owners of the video they are viewing make some kind of profit from it. The topic of today's lesson is not simple and is again about making money. Today we will talk about how to make money on YouTube.

Often owners make profit not only from their own, but also from someone else’s video. Yes, this also happens. But you should always be aware of copyright infringement. Because if the real owner of the video is found, you may be blocked. And everything you earn will go to waste.

YouTube is the most popular hosting in the world, it can truly provide an opportunity to earn huge amounts of money. Ordinary people we are just very happy that their video has many viewers and a large number of views. At the same time, they don’t even think about how much they can earn on Youtube.

I would like to immediately make a reservation: if you do not have time for systematic and strategically balanced promotion of your channel, you are used to receiving everything at once, then it is better to turn to professionals. These are the specialists of the now quite well-known online promotion and promotion service – Socprka. Here you can order views, comments, likes for videos, subscribers to the channel, and also get extremely useful tips from online consultants. All methods used by the service are relevant, effective and safe! We use it.

The first veil of secrecy on how to make money on YouTube has been lifted. And here are the instructions for you. In order for the profit to be large, video views are necessary in very large quantities, you need to achieve high rating video.

To answer the question of how to make money on YouTube for views, we need to consider several things. The first thing is what we need to cooperate with YouTube. The second is how to create a popular video. And the third thing is how to monetize this whole thing.

There are quite a lot of viewers on YouTube - more than eight hundred million people. In the spring of 2012, YouTube opened up earning opportunities for residents of Russia. So now no one forbids us to earn money too; until now it was possible to earn money only in foreign countries. This type of income is not required at all, you only need to spend your time on video shooting.

How to start collaborating with YouTube?

First you need to register. Registration is free and will not take much of your time. We go to the service and register.

Look at those videos whose views are off the charts, and analyze for yourself why they get so many views. Once you have finished studying all the questions and understand what kind of video you need to make, upload your video.

Before downloading video files, please read the FAQ. To do this, in the lower left corner there is a link with the rules of use.

I think you shouldn't upload a video that isn't yours. Because in any case they will find you and block you. You can, of course, try to use not the most popular video files, but you won’t be able to earn much from such files.

Don't forget about the length of the uploaded video. It is advisable to have a video at least 5 minutes long.

Basic moments

After your popular video is ready, click the video upload button. As you can see in the screenshot, this is very easy to do; you can drag the video into the work area. You can also shoot a video from your own webcam online. For example, this could be some kind of training video.

Now we can get money for views. It seems easier than ever, but the most difficult thing is to promote the video itself, although of course if you have a very interesting, funny or valuable video, then users themselves will spread it across the Internet.

By the way, it’s on YouTube special system security that can determine the authorship of a video file. Can't load a popular movie. But even if it works, you will still be punished by serious YouTube moderators.

What do we need to earn money?

How to make money on YouTube. To earn money we will need:

  • A video camera or device with a video camera, for example mobile phone or ;
  • Great desire and patience;
  • Video recording of a funny moment or educational video;
  • Entry and advertising using the YouTube affiliate program;
  • Placing links on popular resources.

Let's go in order. To make money on YouTube we need a video camera or a mobile phone with a camera. Even a camera will do with what we will be shooting video with. The video should be interesting, funny or educational. The more interesting or necessary the video, the faster it will be found and the more you will earn.

When your video reaches a large number of views, you can register to collaborate with YouTube. Here is the link where you need to apply

Very important! You should have several popular video files. And it’s very important frequent updates your channel. Otherwise you will not be accepted as a partner.

To achieve greater popularity, you can try posting a link to your video in various in social networks, forums and blogs. It's good when you have your own website where you can post your own videos. , you will receive a large number of views.

So is it possible to make money from YouTube videos?

Is it possible to make money on YouTube? The answer is yes, it is possible. The popularity of your video and the topic matter. The most popular is a training topic, and any video that is useful or interesting. How much can you earn on YouTube? If we consider the overall profits, then earnings on YouTube depend on the cost of clicking on ads.

Let's take average price 0.4 cents. You will receive 0.20 from it - half is taken by the service. Now let's count

  • 100 clicks- 20 dollars
  • 1000 clicks- 200 dollars
  • 10,000 clicks– 2000 dollars
  • 100,000 clicks– 20,000 dollars

And ad infinitum. We gave these figures based on a per-click calculation of 0.5, taking it as the average price. Perhaps someone will have much less, but someone will achieve very large incomes.

Another way to earn income from YouTube

It consists in the fact that you are looking for direct advertisers. Let's say you were denied a partnership. But don't be upset. You'll have to sweat and find it.

It all depends on the topic. If you are talking about a vegetable garden, please look for sponsors in. Increase your income.

The advent of computers, and in particular the Internet, has largely changed the way people live: new opportunities, new professions and, consequently, new ways of earning money. Even a video shot on an amateur camera or even a mobile phone, once posted online, can bring profit and sometimes fame to its author. How to make money on video on the Internet?

Previously, there were many sites on the World Wide Web that paid the user a certain amount for watching advertising videos. Today there are few such Internet resources left, and the payment they offer is quite low. But another option works well - the user uploads a video to a certain resource and receives money for viewing his video by site visitors. Examples of such sites are,, foreign or By registering, you can upload videos – both those you filmed yourself and those belonging to other authors. Naturally, in compliance with copyright. Typically, payment is set for 1000 views and ranges from $3 to $5. Once you receive the code for the video you uploaded, you can distribute the video online by leaving a link on forums, social networks, or posting the code on a page on your website or blog. In addition, if desired, the video can be sold by specifying a price. The most popular video hosting (that is, a resource where you can upload your video files), with which you can make money on videos - YouTube. There are much more opportunities for creativity and profit. By registering on YouTube, you will be able to create your own channel, by subscribing to which other users will be able to watch the videos you broadcast. Since you will receive income through advertising from Google Adsense, inserted into your video, you first need to create and link it to a YouTube channel. Don't forget to join the video hosting affiliate program by filling out and submitting. For your channel to become a member affiliate program, it must be popular. Therefore, to start making money on videos, first start promoting your channel. Study what stories are in demand, come up with an attractive title and advertise your work among friends and acquaintances. Various funny stories, reviews of technology and educational videos are of interest. By constantly updating your video library, you will attract more users. And when they click on contextual advertising, money will start flowing into your account. Available features include linking your website to a YouTube channel. This results in an increase in the number of visits to the site due to additional users video hosting.

A little patience, a little luck, a lot of perseverance - today anyone can become a Youtube star. Some people promote themselves on gaming channels, others on beauty blogs, or by putting their lives on display. And the number of people who want to get their own channel and make themselves known to the world is growing every day.

After all, in addition to popularity, you can also earn very good income from this. The earnings of famous bloggers on YouTube are calculated in 5-digit, and sometimes 6-digit amounts, and in dollars. Therefore, such zeal is not surprising.

There are many ways to make money on YouTube. We will discuss how to make money on YouTube through views on your channel or using other people's videos. Let's consider different types advertising on video hosting and let's talk about how much bloggers get paid for watching their videos.

Earning money from your YouTube channel

If you are studying a topic from scratch, then you will need to first, then, so that your creation looks attractive, start filling it with content and only after that learn the basics of making money.

If you have a channel and viewers are actively subscribing to it, then it’s time to connect monetization. But first, let’s determine what the income on this popular video hosting depends on. After all, there are often situations when the number of subscribers and views of channels seems to be similar, but the profit received from them differs by an order of magnitude.

What affects earnings on YouTube?

The first question that is most often asked when it comes to making money on video hosting is “How much does YouTube pay for 1000 views.” If we take the average temperature in the ward, then 1 thousand views is 1 dollar. This is exactly what the answer most often sounds like. The figure is actually very approximate and may vary depending on many factors. That’s why it’s difficult to say right away how much bloggers earn on Youtube.

Niche profitability. This is the first and important nuance. It is logical that there is much more money in the automotive or financial fields than in the entertainment or culinary industries. Therefore, if your main goal is not to express yourself creatively, but to seriously earn money, before creating a channel, we make sure that the niche is financial.

Number of subscribers. The more subscribers, the more views - every schoolchild understands this truth. Therefore, it is worth paying close attention to the promotion of the channel. We work with keywords, fill out the description correctly, create an attractive name. And of course we do our best to promote the channel to the masses.

Stability. For a channel to successfully generate money, you need to work hard on it. New videos should be released constantly. This will retain your existing audience and attract new subscribers.
Quality. Clear sound, bright, rich picture, clear video structure, competent text - all this plays an important role. To do this, you need to get a good camera and microphone and make a plan for your future video in advance.

Much depends on the country. As you know, channels aimed at English-speaking audiences earn much more than those aimed at Russian-speaking audiences.

Luck- yes, yes, you heard right, it was luck. No matter how much they talk about creativity, hard work, and so on, there are many examples when a channel that seems to be nothing mega outstanding has taken off. And others bend over backwards to surprise viewers, but the number of subscribers stubbornly refuses to grow.

How to find out how much a YouTube channel earns

To have at least an approximate idea of ​​how much they earn on youtube channels, you can use special services, which offer to view statistics and approximate income figures. For example,

Types of earnings on YouTube

Channel monetization can be approached in different ways. You can choose one of the methods and stay with it, being content with the income it brings. Or you can combine different variants, achieving the maximum.

Advertising from Google AdSense

As you know, YouTube belongs to the Google search engine. Therefore, you can cooperate with the service directly through AdSense. To do this, create an account on the AdSense network and connect to the channel. In this case, while your videos are playing, advertising advertisements appear on top of them or next to them. You get your share of the views or clicks on them.

Youtube offers the following ad formats to choose from:

  • Overlays are translucent rectangles at the bottom of a video with graphic or text content.
  • Short 15-30 second ads that appear at the beginning, middle or end of the video. There are options both with and without the ability to skip 5 seconds after the start.
  • Media - displayed primarily at the top of the list of recommended videos, to the right of the main video.
  • Short 6-second intros before the main video.
  • Hints about products that were mentioned in the video.

Affiliate media networks

Cooperation with YouTube through media networks is the same as Adsense only through intermediaries. Such companies are more loyal to new YouTubers, help develop the channel, resolve issues on controversial issues, and complaints about your content.

Each of them has its own requirements for minimum quantity subscribers on the channel and other parameters. There are even networks that are ready to work with beginner channels that have zero audience. For their services, affiliates take a portion of the income - from 10 to 40% on average.

Popular media networks:

  • VSP Group;
  • QuizGroup;

Direct advertising

The main rule is to try to advertise products and services that at least somehow resonate with the theme of your channel. For example, if you are doing reviews technical innovations and suddenly you are advertising baby diapers, your viewers may not understand you. The exception is broad-based channels, vlogs - here you can advertise whatever your heart desires.

If you have already accumulated a decent audience and advertisers are increasingly starting to drop by, get a personal manager who will resolve advertising placement issues on your behalf. This immediately raises the status of the channel in the eyes of advertisers and, accordingly, you will be taken much more seriously.

There were examples when channel owners created a fake page on social networks and passed off this character as their manager.

How to enable monetization on Youtube

To enable monetization on the channel, follow the simple instructions. First we go to the “Creator Studio”. In the main menu on the left, select the “Channel” tab and in it the “Status and Functions” submenu. In the center we find the “Monetization” section and click on the “Enable” button.

  • we accept the terms of the affiliate program;
  • link AdSense to the channel;
  • We set up advertising formats that we will show to our viewers.

You can monetize individual most popular videos, or you can make sure that advertising is automatically connected to all downloaded videos. Only videos that belong to you and for which you can confirm the copyright will generate income. Moreover, this applies to any fragments of the video, background music.

We attract traffic to our web resources using the channel

If you have no desire to become famous, you can find many other uses for the YouTube channel. For example, using a channel to attract traffic to your sites. If you sell goods or offer services, create a channel and shoot videos on the relevant topic. Make reviews, video tutorials, step by step instructions and redirect viewers to your online store, company website or third party resources that you want to advertise.

Earning money on YouTube from other people's videos

If you are not a creative person, you do not have the opportunity to shoot original videos, then the question arises: “How to make money on YouTube from other people’s videos.” Ethics and Morality this process Let’s leave it aside, since we don’t recommend blatantly stealing content. YouTube has a Content ID system that monitors any copyright violations. As a result, sooner or later the channel with such videos will be banned anyway. Secondly, copyright holders can also sue.

However, there is a way out. On Youtube you can absolutely legally add licensed videos to your channel Creative Commons. The easiest way is on the right top corner click on the video download icon (1), then go to the video editor (2)

Here we find the Creative Commons icon, click on it and enter into search bar topics that interest us. For example, “funny animals.” YouTube will display videos that you can add to your channel absolutely legally.

If you absolutely don’t want to develop your channel even on other people’s videos, you can stop at these small earnings, as performing certain actions on other people’s channels. A striking example is leaving comments or liking videos for money. You can find similar tasks on freelance exchanges, for example, on Advego. There are also services on the Internet where you will be paid for watching other people's videos.