How to replace a search engine. Changing the search engine of the Opera browser

Default search is very important and useful function. Thanks to it, the user can quickly and conveniently find information on any request in his favorite search service. The largest representatives of the search market in the world and the CIS region in particular understand this. The companies Yandex and Mail.Ru are behaving quite aggressively here. They are constantly trying to change the default competitive search in the browser to their own in not entirely honest ways. However, many people prefer search from the world leader in this segment - Google. Having completed simple steps you can change the search in Firefox to the one you like. Today we'll look at how to do it Google search default in Mozilla Firefox. Please note that it is better to first remove [email protected], Yandex.Bar or other add-ons, if you have them installed, of course, as they can block these changes.

In the search bar (easy option)

In most cases, you just need to click on the arrow on the left side of the search bar and select Google. Quite simple.

In the search bar (a little more complicated)

If in Google list is missing, it can be returned. To do this, click on the above arrow and select the menu item Search engine management....

A new window will open. Click on the button there Restore default set. After this, Google should appear in the list. Click OK and carry out the procedure from point No. 1.

In the address bar (the so-called “smart line”)

In addition to the search bar, there is an address bar. You can also enter in it search queries. To change its settings you need to enter the command into it and confirm your desire to change settings with the button I promise I'll be careful!.

It is necessary to change the values ​​of some variables. To do this, enter the value in the Search line . A variable with a description and value will appear below. Double-click on it and a window with an input prompt will open. Enter it there and click “Ok”. After this, you need to assign to the variable in the same way meaning , and the variable keyword.URL meaning
For prevention, you can reload the browser (although it should work without this).

Hello to everyone who has visited our website. Today we will look at how to set or change the search system in Google Chrome. You probably know that in modern browsers The address bar is also a search bar. We calmly enter our search query there, and the system gives us the results. IN different browsers this system may differ: in one, Yandex is installed by default, in the other - Google.

Each of us has our own preferences for working with one or another search service. And so sometimes there are times when the default search engine does not attract our sympathy. In this case, it can be changed.

How to change the search engine

To do this, go to the main menu Chrome browser and select the item “ Settings»

Then in the section " Search» select from the drop-down list required service, which will process our search requests.

As you can see, you can choose Yandex, Google by default. Select any one from the list and now the selected system will answer your questions.

If this is enough for you and you have learned how to change the search service in your browser, then thank you for your attention and further success. You can move on to view another page.

However, the current article would be incomplete if we overlooked managing search engines and adding your own.

For additional settings click on the button " Set up search engines...»

A window will open in which we see the installed search services. And below are additional ones, from various sites on which we once looked for something. Just below there will be fields for entering data of the search engine you want to add.

Let's start with the top block (main). Do main system You can also search here, we point at the desired one, the button “ Use as default", click on it. If you need to delete a service, then click on the cross on the right.

Adding a search engine

As an example, let's add a search from the site free ads- Avito. This can be quite useful if you often look for inexpensive products and buy through this portal. But first, look at the previous screenshot. To add, we need to specify a link with parameters in the third field. Where can I get it?

Go to Avito (or another site that you want to add to the list of search engines), select your city, region in which you will search.

Now let's find ads with a sofa for sale. Enter the word “sofa” and press search (you can just press Enter)/

We are not interested in sofas, we need to see how a link is formed, which we can then use. Let's look at the address bar and look carefully. Let's take it apart

So, first comes (, then the name of our region or city is indicated (in our case - angarsk), and then it is followed by a search parameter (?q=), equal to our query “sofa”. We need to copy the entire link except the searched request ( and paste it into the third field

In the first field we indicate the name of our search system, in the second field for quick access. Once all the fields have been filled in, click anywhere on the screen and our service has been successfully added.

Let's set it as default. After which it will move to the upper block.

Now let's check how it works. Let's enter any request and see that our created system processes it.

The search results will be on Avito from your city or region.

We can finish here. Today we learned how to change search engine in the browser and how to add an additional one.

Congratulations to everyone on the upcoming May 1st!!! I just want to wish you all Have a good mood and have a nice weekend. All the best, see you again!

Why does the listener fall asleep, but the speaker does not? He gets more tired.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky

Damn Firefox, then you know that changing the default search engine is not so easy. I want to clarify right away, I mean searching directly from address bar browser. In fact, how to change the default search in Mozilla Firefox will be discussed in this article.

The fact is that the search can be done using two methods:

On the right top corner Mazila has a special search window, where the desired search engine can be selected from the drop-down list.

You can also search by entering a query directly into the address bar of the browser, this is where we will change the search engine.

Of course, you could not bother and just use the first method, but habit decides everything here. For example, it is more convenient for me to use the address bar of the browser.

By the way, this article may be useful to you in the future, even if you are completely satisfied with the default search engine. The fact is that some programs are embedded in the browser when installed, and can easily replace your favorite search engine with “it’s not clear what.”


1) Launch your browser, write “about:config” in the address bar and press Enter. After which a message will appear saying that incorrectly changing the settings can lead to disastrous consequences (I retold the meaning of this message in your own words).

If you haven’t changed your mind about continuing, then feel free to click the “I promise I’ll be careful!” button.

2) It will appear on your screen great amount settings, but don’t be afraid of this, as we will use the search to make it easier to find the item we need. Let me clarify one point right away, this is not the search that is called by Ctrl + F, the page will have its own search line.

Enter in this search bar"Keyword.URL". There will immediately be only one item left in the list (you don’t even need to press Enter).

3) Click on this line right click mouse and select “edit”.

After which you will need to enter the value and click Ok.

This is what these values ​​look like for the two most popular search engines:

For Yandex: “”.

For Google: “”.

If you update your browser regularly (this usually happens in automatic mode), then you will not find the line “ Keyword.URL.” The fact is that in new versions of Mazila the search engine changes differently.

On this screenshot You can clearly see how, where and what to press. There is a window to the right of the browser's address bar; when you click on the small triangle, a drop-down list appears. Select your desired search engine from this list.

Modern Google version Chrome has enough convenient function– you can enter search queries directly into the address bar. You don't have to open or every time you want to surf the Internet. By default, this browser has a search engine installed from the program developer - Google. If you are used to another search engine and want to change it, you can do this through the browser settings menu. In this article we will consider the following topic: “How to change the default search engine in Google Chrome?”

In order to change the active search engine or add a new one, users will need to enter the browser configuration menu. If you don't know how to do this, follow a few simple steps according to the instructions provided:

Additional features

If you want, you can control search in Chrome using your voice. To do this, you just need to connect a microphone or webcam to personal computer or change Google settings Chrome. Let's look at this topic in more detail:

Learn more about Smart Search

This interface element is called an omnibox. With its help, you can enter both website addresses for subsequent navigation and search queries in one field. In this case, the system will analyze the already entered part of the request in real time and provide you with hints.