How to ask a question to Steam technical support. How can I contact Steam support directly? Do I need to register to get help on Steam?


Purpose of support

Steam Support, also known as “Steam Support”, “Steam Support” and “Steam Support”, can help you recover your lost or stolen account, solve a problem with any Valve game, return stolen items from your inventory, and provide payment assistance games and much more.

Steam support account

You cannot use your Steam account to log into your support account.

Account from Steam Support - this is an account from Steam support.
Your Steam account is an account from Steam.

If you want to ask support a question, you must register on the technical support site.

If your account has been hacked, then create a new email and register from it!

Everything is in English! What to do?
At the very bottom of the page there is a list of languages. Click there and select "Russian".

Support site

Have you registered a support account? Great!

Contact support

If you still haven’t found the answer to your question in any of the sections, then feel free to click on the “Contact support” button, which is located in both sections.

Contact support

Describe your problem as clearly and distinctly as possible.
Be sure to include proof that this is your account.

  • If you made purchases from the Steam Store using a credit card, please confirm the card type (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express), the owner's full name, and the first and last four digits of the number.
  • If you activated a game purchased in the disc version, please handwrite your request number in the technical. support: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX (your request number) on a card or sticker with the key and send a digital photo or scan of this key in .jpg format.
  • If you made purchases in the Steam store via WebMoney/Yandex, please provide a screenshot of the full receipt with the transaction number from this purchase in your WebMoney/Yandex account. The transaction number consists of 16-18 digits. In Yandex, it is indicated in the “Client ID” field, in the transaction details, in WebMoney - in the “Note” field.
  • If you made purchases from the Steam Store through Qiwi, please provide a screenshot of the full receipt with the transaction number from that purchase in your Qiwi account.

Below are examples of how you should and should not contact support.

Have you written a question? Now submit it by clicking "Ask a Question"!

The reply is in process

Support receives tens of thousands of questions, and there are less than 50 employees, so be patient and wait for an answer. And they will definitely answer you.

Support responds depending on workload. As a rule, the response time takes two days up to one month. You should not add messages to your question like “When will you answer?”, “Have you forgotten about me?” And so on.

If they don't answer you, then do not close the question or create a new one, otherwise you will wait even longer.

If insoluble problems arise with the operation of a Steam account or games purchased through this service, many users prefer not to waste time searching for information on the Internet, but to immediately contact technical support. This is primarily due to the theft of accounts, items and other situations in which a number of actions should be taken immediately. In this article we will talk about an accessible way to contact Steam support.

Previously, writing a letter to the specialists of this service was much easier than it is now. In recent years, the service has significantly redesigned its help section, and now instead of available buttons, it is suggested that you first read a series of information that can help in troubleshooting the problem. However, from time to time this is not enough, and users decide to personally contact support by sending them an email. Let's consider the available methods of appeal.

Method 1: You can log in to your account

Having the ability to log into your profile greatly improves the situation and makes it easier to communicate with Steam representatives in the future.

Steam client

Using the program running on your PC, you can easily access all help sections of the service, where you can also start a correspondence with the support service.

The text of the question does not need to be translated into English, since the company also has Russian-speaking support representatives. However, according to some users, the Russian-language department processes requests more slowly.


If it is necessary to access via a web browser (for example, in situations where the client cannot be started), all actions will be exactly the same, with a few exceptions. To go to support, you will need to go to any Steam page and click on at the top of the page "Support".

A page similar to the one that can be launched through the Steam client will open. Further actions are no different from those described above.

Method 2: Account login is not possible

Due to hacking, forgotten passwords, problems with the mobile authenticator and other difficulties, the user cannot even log into his account. In such a situation, the range of solutions to problems for him is greatly narrowed, which, however, is obvious: it is unlikely that any other problems will be of interest to a player who cannot even log into his profile. If through a web browser window "Support" will always redirect you to the authorization form, through the same window, opened with the help of the client, the list of available solutions to problems is reduced in advance.

Additional Information

Users who previously contacted technical support may remember that in the service it was possible to create a special support account through which a dialogue was conducted with a Steam help representative. Now this function is not available, and the capabilities of communication with the support have been significantly reduced. However, you can still contact assistance on various issues, and the answer will come to your request page and will be duplicated to your contact email.

Now you know how to contact Steam technical support to solve problems related to games, payment or account in this gaming system.

The Steam service is a popular online gaming platform that contains a large number of popular computer and console games. Here you can play both completely free and for money. Most free products have built-in stores that sell character items, interface decorations, sound theme changes, and the like.

Many players are faced with the need to contact technical support for the Steam service. This happens for various reasons: someone had things stolen from their account due to the owner’s negligence, someone cannot figure out how to correctly perform certain actions, someone else’s account was hacked and they lost access to it. By contacting the steam support department, you can quickly fix such problems and restore justice.

Do I need to register to get help on Steam?

If a person is an active player of the service in question, then by default he can use the support service and no special registration is required for this. As soon as a person has created an account on Steam, he automatically gets the opportunity contact the technical department and ask for help with its difficulties.

Registration on this site is carried out completely standardly and without problems - the first thing you need to do is download launcher Steam, which takes up literally a couple of megabytes. Next, it starts downloading and installing the entire application, which ultimately needs to be launched. The next step is to select the registration point and enter the required data. After confirming your account by email, you can safely use it.

Steam technical support section

To contact technical support representatives in order to get any help or clarification from them, just search in the running Steam program button called“Contact support”, or follow the links or

The system will immediately prompt the user to select the topic of his request, as well as clarify information about the product with problems. Here it is important to accurately indicate the data so that it is adequately processed by the appropriate specialists.

In a special field, you need to describe your problem in detail and in clear language, it is advisable to confirm it with additional information - screenshots, receipts for the purchase, etc.


Since the number of users on Steam amounts to tens of millions, it is quite natural that the administration is often asked very similar template questions. In order not to answer the same thing every time, I created special section called "Frequently Asked Questions". Here are the most important answers to problems that players often encounter.

You can find this section on the Steam website quite simply - you just need to go to the community website, find the section “ Management", then select the sub-item regarding support and find there the sub-item with the most frequently asked questions. You can also find a search bar on the site and enter a request for frequently asked questions there. This way you can find not only the official one, but also many useful user manuals.

Where to write to support service

In order to safely receive answers to your questions in Steam Help, you need to log in to the service’s website, select “ Support» and fill out the form provided. It must indicate topic of the appeal, select the product and category, the question you are interested in, and also in the special “Your question” field, enter detailed information about what happened and ask for specific measures of assistance.

Everything is quite simple, but many beginners will not be able to take advantage of this opportunity - for starters need to spend have at least $5 in your account.

Can I contact you by phone or Skype?

When examining the Steam website in detail, no mobile number or Skype address for asking for help can be found. Most likely, at the moment there is simply no such opportunity, although it is possible that there are some American numbers where you can call, but you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to speak English there.

Using communities and groups

With the current development of social networks, almost every major service strives to be present in them, create its own large community and try to maintain an active life in it. In the case of Steam, this is completely true - there is an official group of the site even in Russian In contact with. It is available at

To contact us here with your question, you just need to correctly compose your message and send it to one of the administrators listed on the page. You can also write a question in one of the existing discussions and user conversations that admins often view.

How long will it take to wait for an answer?

If you have successfully sent your message to the moderators for consideration, then a logical question arises - how long will you have to wait until they deign to respond to you. Russian steam support service – complete unpredictability and it is impossible to answer exactly how long it takes for them to respond. The answer can come in 20 minutes, in a day or in 3 days - it all depends on how it ended up in the queue for consideration, whether it was compiled correctly and whether the problem is relevant.

When can Steam return things?

If a player falls victim to trouble and loses items on his game account, he can expect them to be returned. But only in some cases.

If there was a deception

If a person was blatantly deceived and his items were stolen, you need to immediately contact Steam support and tell about what happened, confirming your story with some facts (screenshots, etc.). If the administration considers the story to be true, then the player will have his things returned, and the deceiver will be blocked.

Cases of non-payment

If the player was required to certain payment, after which he gained access to enhanced content, then after he falls behind on the required payment, his capabilities will also be reduced. Fixing the problem in this case is extremely simple - you just need to pay for the selected game.

Account hacking

If a player’s account has been hacked, then when contacting support it will be definitely restored and all the things that were stored on it will also be returned. This is a typical procedure that many people encounter.

Can they not return it?

Quite a few scammers try to defraud the administration of items for free, posing as victims of theft and deception. Naturally, they are calculated very quickly and do not get what they want. If you want to join them, then rest assured that you won’t get much from Steam this way.

Also stolen or otherwise lost items may not be returned, if a person has not provided enough evidence in his favor and the administration simply cannot verify the veracity of his words.

What is VAC protection

VAC stands for Valve Anti-Cheat and is the company’s own development, created to combat dishonest gamers. This protection appeared back in 2002 and has been constantly improved since then. If a man trying to cheat in a VAC-protected game, he will most likely be identified and his account blocked forever. Valve is very critical of cheaters. And if even a suspicion arises, the account is blocked without the possibility of recovery:

This is the information you should know about Steam and how, if necessary, to defend your rights here. Usually, contacting the support service gives the desired result, and administrators restore the violated justice.

Players may encounter a myriad of problems when purchasing, installing or using digital products such as software and games. The support services of a particular game, as well as the trading platform where the purchase was made, should help resolve any issues that may arise.

First of all, I would like to note that if a problem has arisen with a specific game, it has nothing to do with its purchase, gifts or other products, then it is best to find its own technical support. In most cases, it works quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, not all companies provide such a service, and sometimes the problem is so unusual and rare that it is really difficult to attribute it to a specific product. It is in such cases that it would be most reasonable write to Steam technical support.

Where and how to find Steam technical support?

Steam technical support can be found in the top panel on the main page of the service. In order to ask your question, you will have to create a separate account, which will not be linked in any way to your game page. This is necessary to maintain anonymity, as well as for security reasons. You can come up with a completely different nickname and link your account to a new mail. It all starts on this page:

Before write to Steam service support, carefully study the existing sections. It is very likely that one of them will answer your question. The page has not been translated into Russian, but understanding the translator will not be difficult. Everything is intelligently divided into topics, games and problems.

How to write about a unique problem?

It is very important to understand how to write to Steam support correctly in order to receive an answer to your request at least within a week. First of all, mentally formulate your question and assign it to one of the existing categories. By selecting the green button on the right side of the site, which will redirect you to the request completion page, you will proceed to the main part of the application process.

Let's say you wanted to buy the game EVEOnline, paid for it via WebMoney, but did not receive the goods. You won't be able to solve this problem on your own. In the first step, you need to indicate the product with which you are having problems. Once you start typing the name, you will see hints from the system in the form of pictures with game logos. Click on the appropriate one to confirm your choice. Then select a category, in our case it will be “Purchase and payment” - “Item not received after payment”.

Step 2 will require basic knowledge of English. If you do not speak this language at all, try to formulate your thought in the simplest possible language, without turns, abbreviations or other specific language forms, and then translate the resulting text into Google Translate. The “Subject” field indicates a general problem, for example: IboughtEVENonline, butIdidn’tgetit.

In the large field below you can specify the details: date of purchase, card or WebMoney details, participation in the promotion, and so on. In the field to the right your Steam account and payment method are indicated, and at the very bottom is your email. The application is then sent for processing. The average response time, provided that the request is sent to the correct section, is about a week.