How to block an emergency call on your phone. Tele2 emergency calls only – what to do and why it doesn’t work

Lucky girl

03.01.2010, 01:08

At least somehow! And then my grandfather gave my daughter a cell phone on New Year’s Eve, and she’s 4 years old. And I’m wildly afraid that she will call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and I don’t have enough money for fines :(


03.01.2010, 01:09

cell phone at 4 years old...
can put it aside for a while, why does she need it?

Lucky girl

03.01.2010, 01:16

Well, they gave it already. I can’t take it away from a child! It’s just that my grandfather and I communicate only on a cell phone, because he doesn’t have a landline one. And my daughter is ready to call him around the clock. And he doesn't mind. And I, such a bad person, sometimes also use MY phone! And I don’t interrupt my conversation at the child’s first request! Apparently, it was for these reasons that I gave it :)
I don’t think we’ll take it to kindergarten!

03.01.2010, 01:43

I don't know how to block emergency ones. In general, your phone should have a list of “banned numbers”. Or you can ask your network operator. Another option is to teach your child to use a notebook on their phone. Kids are much smarter than we think. Your baby will master the telephone and will not disturb the Ministry of Emergency Situations :)

03.01.2010, 01:49

if the phone is not the most simple, then it has the function “block calls to the following numbers”... look for it.
In general, the people who work in all services are not fools, and if a child calls there and asks to call his grandfather, then they won’t send you a fine)))

Lucky girl

03.01.2010, 01:53

No, my cub knows how to use it, but emergency calls You can even do it without a SIM card, that’s why I asked myself a question... Just, what if I’m fooling around...

03.01.2010, 01:55

Well, if you don’t say that this can be done, or rather, it can’t be done, she won’t.

03.01.2010, 12:13

Mine can use my phone, but speed dial only, she still can’t master the address book, and sometimes I watch her dial a number out of nowhere, just to dial and call someone, so I try to keep track of her calls, otherwise she called my boss once without me - fortunately that young girl and with talked to my daughter and laughed

03.01.2010, 13:13

My son had a phone. Old, without a SIM card, of course. He regularly called 112:065: They didn’t answer the phone even once, only the answering machine said “you called the service...”. No fines have been sent, more than a year has passed.

03.01.2010, 13:58

Let them be firemen just in case.

03.01.2010, 14:01

But in general, it is believed that talking without a headset is fraught with oncology, and in general you need to somehow figure out how to keep the mobile phone away from the child, because the phone is constantly communicating with transmitters.

03.01.2010, 14:37

03.01.2010, 14:49

Some people find it easier with prayers. And some rely on knowledge of physics.

03.01.2010, 14:54

03.01.2010, 15:07

Uti Iggipopovna

03.01.2010, 15:12

warm up their cars by turning the exhaust pipe towards the playground
and on purpose:ded:

03.01.2010, 15:20

a couple of hundred thousand years ago, people finally didn’t live to be 30-40 years old. because they ate raw meat and did not know fire.... yesterday everyone was dying from typhus and cholera, today from radiation... take everything easier... already during pregnancy, my child gets used to EM radiation. And to the contents of the periodic table in the air too!
Without radiation there would be no life on Earth; of course, the whole question is in the dose of any exposure. In a small amount everything is useful, in a large amount everything is poison.

03.01.2010, 15:22

and on purpose:ded:

03.01.2010, 15:35

Without radiation there would be no life on Earth; of course, the whole question is in the dose of any exposure. In a small amount everything is useful, in a large amount everything is poison.

Well, what am I talking about? No one is agitating to get into a nuclear reactor! A telephone will not turn a child green!

Zura(Green Viper)

03.01.2010, 15:40

In general, you can configure the “Call only numbers from the phone book” function on your phone or something like that. Those. just type it into the book required numbers- that's all. Also, if it is a megaphone, you can turn off data transfer (Internet) and something else in the service guide. And to dial an emergency number, you need to know it :)) Or take out your SIM card.

03.01.2010, 16:02

Well, what am I talking about? No one is agitating to get into a nuclear reactor! A telephone will not turn a child green!
And I mean that scientists are always warning about evidence of tumors from mobile phones. :(Physicists always say that the radiation is too strong when talking on them. Therefore, it is better for children not to talk on them at all, only when necessary. But we are all off topic, may the author forgive us, I won’t bother anymore.

03.01.2010, 16:11

Lucky girl

03.01.2010, 17:25

It seems that in order to call rescuers from a mobile phone, the number must be dialed somehow differently, because... two digit numbers are not recognized as a number, so don't worry
for example, to call an ambulance from a megaphone you need to dial 030303
112, I think. There's already an ambulance and a fire department...

03.01.2010, 17:25

It seems that in order to call rescuers from a mobile phone, the number must be dialed somehow differently, because... two digit numbers are not recognized as a number, so don't worry
for example, to call an ambulance from a megaphone you need to dial 030303
Thank you! What other emergency numbers are there? otherwise children of 4 years old can type, but I didn’t know this:008:

03.01.2010, 18:56

And I mean that scientists are always warning about evidence of tumors from mobile phones. :(Physicists always say that the radiation is too strong while talking on them.
Will there be links to studies?

03.01.2010, 18:57

Or take out the SIM card.
112 should work without a SIM card.

Zura(Green Viper)

03.01.2010, 19:50

112 should work without a SIM card.

I meant that with a SIM card you also need to dial the correct number :)) but without a SIM card it seems to be direct. button :)) That is with a SIM card it’s just more problematic :)

03.01.2010, 20:08


03.01.2010, 20:14

block your phone from accidental pressing- and dial 112 - dialing will be allowed! Emergency call works both without a SIM card and on a locked device.

05.01.2010, 15:30

We all will die

Nasturtium Petro

05.01.2010, 15:34

05.01.2010, 15:50

At first I didn’t want to write...Well, it’s none of my business, of course. It’s just that, in fact, it’s still too early for 4 years old... A child can talk on a landline phone.
In general, sorry for interrupting, but I couldn’t pass by.
I support

05.01.2010, 15:53

At first I didn’t want to write...Well, it’s none of my business, of course. It’s just that, in fact, it’s still too early for 4 years old... A child can talk on a landline phone.
In general, sorry for interrupting, but I couldn’t pass by.


05.01.2010, 15:57

I worked with the kids at a children's camp in the Leningrad region. I had kids from 5 to 7. Half of them had mobile phones, so they could immediately call home with all their problems! this way everyone is calmer.... (the first couple of days, and then it starts “I saw a butterfly!” “What did you have for lunch, but here we are...” “It’s 13 o’clock for us now, what about you?”

05.01.2010, 16:24

We all will die
This is what the fire inspectors who inspected the Lame Horse and others like them think the same way...
And I don’t understand why. My second grader sometimes needs a mobile phone. Before this, he was lying around idle for a year.
I think a mobile phone is very necessary! The child may get lost, or other force majeure circumstances may occur when the child is in kindergarten or at a development center. But this high-frequency impact, even when they are not talking on a mobile phone, scares me personally. Although usually only me, I'm aware. :)’s calmer for everyone.... (the first couple of days, and then it starts “I saw a butterfly!” “What did you have for lunch, but here we are...” “It’s 13 o’clock for us now, what about you? "
I immediately remembered first or second grade, when my parents gave me a watch. Completely ordinary, childish ones, but for some reason no one else in the class had them, and the teacher primary school was such a dictator that we all walked almost toe the line, without naturally starting to respect her. :(In general, half the class in class asked in a whisper when the next abuse of children would end and the long-awaited bell would ring. Naturally, the class dictator forbade me to wear a watch to school and we ran from the third to the second floor during after-school hours to find out how long time... (Needless to say, more than half of the class became criminals and alcoholics and drug addicts, but this is not at all related to the topic, rather to the dictatorial habits of the class and non-class teachers...)

07.02.2010, 13:02

Will there be links to studies?
I was going through my bookmarks and finally found it.) 60
Of course, there are no links, but why would they lie to them so that they would give them money for research? Don't know.

07.02.2010, 14:13

The article is about nothing, from the OBS category.
Please provide links with calculations, observations of control groups and statistical information.
Otherwise, we can just as well say that the current epidemic (well, so be it) of oncology is associated with the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant more than 20 years ago (which is more logical, IMHO) and with regular (after all, our newspaper is a source of reliable information?) emissions at the Leningrad NPP .

08.02.2010, 10:38

08.02.2010, 10:41

Yes she can do without emergency numbers dial by poking any number buttons! :)) She will be interested in where she ends up.

It's still too early, of course. Sorry!

08.02.2010, 10:47

NO, a mobile phone is convenient and cool... but also harmful. And as a gift to a child...

08.02.2010, 10:49

and the headset has neither a receiver nor a transmitter, and even electromagnetic waves got around it electronic device! haha!
You need to watch TV in a special spacesuit, and walk past the counter in the house after reading a prayer)))))
And on the instructions for the microwave they write “move away when you turn it on!”... those are fools, right?:073: We thought of that...:065:

08.02.2010, 10:52

Honestly, I'm too lazy to look,

Then there’s no need for everyone to blame Moscow for the fact that it’s confirmed scientific research. If this were the case, you would know where to look and what to look for. Or they had a couple of articles on their computer - just for argument's sake.

Moreover, my special skills have nothing to do with this; I’m not good at it at all, unfortunately.

I hope you are smart in your special skills.

But it is enough for me that the opinion of my physicist relative coincides with the opinion of scientists dealing with these issues.

OPINION and FACT are two different things. And it’s a shame for an “experienced accountant” NOT to know this.

At the same time, of course, I am aware that opinions even in one field of science can differ by 180 degrees.

Most often they cannot, but they differ. Therefore, even in one field of science they often look for irrefutable evidence of their opinion. So that it becomes a fact.

And about the oncology epidemic... Oncology has always been there. But when it concentrates mainly where people live among traffic jams with one stunted tree for many hundreds of meters around, and those who leave a large industrial city for a remote village overcome cancer, then these facts are also enough for me.

Your logic is funny. Let's start with the fact that in villages people also get cancer... Perhaps less often than in the city (although I don’t have reliable statistics. Yes, thank you, I remember the saying about lies and statistics.)
But... Where did you get the idea (having listed some of the city's problems - which, by the way, did not include EMR, we note - that cancer in cities is caused by EMR?
What about nicotine tars, which are carcinogens? Alcohol, which is poison for the whole body? Other unfavorable conditions of the city? Not the healthiest food? (I read the composition of minced meat in the store... I immediately changed my mind about buying... Well, the fact that chickens (in particular) are injected with antibiotics almost from the moment of birth is no secret to anyone).. Doesn’t all this count? Only EMR and only mobile phones are evil?
Not serious.
And finally - do you have statistics on people who left the city with cancer and beat it “in a remote village”? Preferably, with extracts from medical records, photographs and other evidence?
No? Then there is no need to lalya.

You don't KNOW, you GUESS. It is an unforgivable mistake for a “seasoned accountant” to confuse such different concepts.

08.02.2010, 11:19

08.02.2010, 11:25

Allow yourself to talk to people more formally; it suits a modernist more. Haven’t you been bullied yet with complaints that your posts can’t be ignored?)

First of all, it’s hard to bully me. (Good saying:073: especially in light of "communicate more formally")
secondly, in this section, I am a user.
Well... thirdly, statements like “I know everything, but I won’t tell you the source” are annoying... I don’t like unconfirmed rumors... V.V. Vysotsky also sang about them...

08.02.2010, 12:02

no one will issue you any fines. because fines are provided only for KNOWINGLY false calls. That is, your child must call, wait for the operator aunt to answer, tell her that there is a fire, the address is such and such. The aunt must believe her in this case and really send the firefighters.... and only in such situations there will be a fine.

08.02.2010, 12:52

08.02.2010, 13:05

But the option of storing the phone with you and issuing it on demand (a call from your grandfather) cannot be considered? Maybe you can agree with your daughter that you will give her the phone to talk to, but let it be in a visible (but not accessible to her) place

08.02.2010, 13:09

Yeah, but a child can just type “a lot of numbers” and get somewhere abroad! The fine will not be removed, but the account will be empty! :))

To do this, he needs - at a minimum - to start dialing with eight - the probability is 10%. then accidentally guess the code of a country - the probability drops to 1%, then the city code - even less, and the subscriber's phone number. This is a very small probability. but even this can be eliminated if you limit outgoing ones. let's say, only by phones from notebook. This is possible in many mobile phones. The easiest way, of course, is for the child to dial the emergency number - a very low probability, but it is possible. but then to get a fine you just need a virtuoso child.

In short, the danger is exaggerated.

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What to do if the phone says: only emergency calls/not registered on the network (Not relevant)

Reasons for the "emergency call only" message

The main reason that may cause a lack of dialing and receiving calls is that the subscriber cellular communications is located in the place that is considered borderline for the repeater operation. This means that the device practically does not pick up, but is ready to make only those calls that fall into the “priority” category.
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It is also possible that the subscriber is located in a place that belongs to the coverage area of ​​the repeater, which has low power, which allows only calls to be made to the rescue and emergency services. These include calls to numbers such as 01 to 04, 08. The appearance of such a message on the phone screen quite often occurs in places such as metro stations.

What to do if you receive an "emergency calls only" message

Sequence of actions when the “emergency calls only” message is detected on the screen.

1. Reboot the cellular device. The simplest and affordable way To get rid of this kind of message, turn off and reboot the device. One of the mandatory actions after turning off the phone is the procedure for removing the SIM card from the slot where it is located. At the same time, it is important for the owner of the gadget not to find himself in a situation where he now does not know what to do.

2. Change of subscriber location. If rebooting the phone does not have the desired effect, then you should change the location of the user mobile communications. That is, move from the zone that is the border zone of the repeater.

3. Checking the device settings. Be sure to check your phone settings. An emergency calls only message may appear if the mode is set to offline. In this case, you should select a different mode, then the ability to make and receive calls will be restored.

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Sometimes users of various types are faced with the problem of not being able to make calls or receive calls.

This happens, but there can be more obscure problems.

For example, many people do not understand what this means and what to do if the phone says “emergency calls only.”

Reasons for the "emergency call only" message

The main reason that can cause a lack of dialing and receiving calls is that the cellular subscriber is located in a place that is considered borderline for the repeater operation.

This means that the device practically does not pick up, but is ready to make only calls that fall into the “priority” category.

It is also possible that the subscriber is in a place that belongs to the coverage area of ​​a repeater, which has low power, which allows only calls to be made to the rescue and emergency services.

These include calls to numbers from 01 to 04, 08. The appearance of such a message on the phone screen quite often occurs, for example, at a metro station.

What to do if you receive an "emergency calls only" message

Sequence of actions when the “emergency calls only” message is detected on the screen:

The easiest and most accessible way to get rid of this kind of message is to turn off and restart the device.

One of the mandatory actions after turning off the phone is the procedure for removing the SIM card from the slot where it is located.

At the same time, it is important for the owner of the gadget not to find himself in a situation where he now doesn’t know what to do.

  • Changing the subscriber's location.

    That is, move from the zone that is the border zone of the repeater.

  • Checking the machine settings.

    Be sure to check your phone settings. An emergency calls only message may appear if the mode is set to offline.

    In this case, you should select a different mode, then the ability to make and receive calls will be restored.

  • Contacting the salon mobile operator .

    If the above steps do not help, then the reason for the lack of network is probably the demagnetization of the SIM card.

    To eliminate this defect, you should contact the mobile operator and replace the SIM card with a new one.

  • A lot of owners modern phones have the ability to use several SIM cards from one or more operators. Some phones are equipped with two slots for installing SIM cards. Using multiple numbers allows you to separate personal and business contacts, minimize the cost of calls and Internet, provide mobile communications and stable internet in areas where the work of one of the operators is impossible and difficult. Using 2 SIM cards does not always occur without problems.

    Difficulties when using two SIM cards

    Using multiple SIM cards in one phone comes with some complications and difficulties. The most important thing is the impossibility of communicating simultaneously using two mobile cards, that is, during a conversation on one number, the second mobile number will not be available for incoming calls. If during a conversation you receive one SIM message incoming call to the second mobile card, the caller will receive a message stating that the subscriber is unavailable. In addition, you configure which SIM card to use as the main one for voice calls, text messages and mobile data transmission. If you need to use a second SIM card, you will have to manually activate the use of Internet traffic from this SIM card. This can be done simply in the mobile phone settings.

    Emergency calls only or not registered on the network. Why?

    Very often, users are faced with the fact that the second SIM card cannot access the network. In this case, it becomes useless. When trying to make a call, the owner of the mobile phone will receive a message “Call not being made”, “not registered on the network” or similar.

    Why am I not registered online?

    Let's figure out why the user receives similar message and cannot make calls from the second SIM card. Although sometimes similar problem It also occurs on single-SIM devices.

    This problem often appears on Samsung phones, why they suffer and budget models and flagships, as well as tablets. But a similar problem occurs on phones of other brands. This oddity is due to the fact that the operator cannot obtain the IMEI identifier of the device. That is, the operator of the main SIM card receives the IMEI, and if the second SIM card belongs to another operator, then for unknown reasons it does not receive the communication module identifier and cannot register the SIM in its network.

    How to fix not registered on the network?

    Let's look at the most popular and effective ways solutions to this problem. I would like to note that each case is individual and your device may not have some settings, so you will have to use alternative methods.

    Activation and deactivation of the "Flight" mode.

    "Flight"/"On an airplane" mode/" Offline mode» allows you to disconnect from mobile network, turns off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi adapters, allows you to save battery power. Inclusion this mode for a few seconds/minutes and then turning it off will allow the phone to deactivate the mobile communication module and reconnect to the operator’s network. The operator will ask for the IMEI of the device and the problem may disappear.

    To enable Airplane mode, you need to pull the top curtain of the device and press the corresponding icon. Alternative method— go to settings, then to the “Network” section, and select “Offline mode”. A warning will appear that you will not be able to use voice calls, send messages and the mobile Internet will be disabled. We confirm our decision to go offline.

    After a few minutes, click on the “Offline mode” item again to turn it off. The phone will connect to the operator’s mobile network and the problem of not being registered on the network will disappear.

    This method does not always help, since the problem may lie in the SIM card itself.

    The SIM card is not registered on the network. Emergency calls only.

    Very often the problem occurs due to a malfunction of the SIM card when purchasing and installing a new SIM card. Perhaps reinstalling the SIM card will help. Depending on the phone model, you will need to turn off the device, remove the battery, remove and reinsert the SIM card, or remove the SIM card tray - in some phones it can be removed without removing back cover and battery. After completing this procedure, we start the phone and check whether the error remains. Did not help? We check the operation of the SIM card in another device. If the SIM card turns out to be working, we still have options. If the SIM card does not work, we need to replace it with a new one at the mobile operator’s salon (the number will be saved).

    Online registration software update

    Sometimes such an error with registration in the operator’s network is caused by problems in the mobile phone software. In this case, updating the device software to the latest version will help.

    1. We check the charge level - it must be at least 80% so that during a software update the phone does not become “bricked”.
    2. We connect the phone to WiFi (if possible). Go to the “Settings” menu in the “Software information” or “Update” section software».
    3. Click the “Update” or “Search for the latest software version” button. If the device has the most latest version software, the message “ Latest updates installed." If the manufacturer has a new firmware version, it will start downloading and then be installed on the device. Never turn off the device while installing the software - the phone may break!
    4. After installing the updates, reboot the phone (or it will reboot itself) and check whether it was possible to connect to the operator’s network.

    If the “Not registered on the network” error remains, we still have options on how to fix it.

    SIM card from another operator

    Sometimes it turns out that the operator does not provide coverage in the area where you are located. In this case, you will have to change the SIM card to another operator. If you know for sure that there is a connection, it will help fine tuning phone and selecting the mobile operating mode.

    The last way to get rid of the “Registration failed” problem is to configure the GSM, WCDMA frequencies

    Many modern Cell phones support work in GSM networks and WCDMA. On some devices, installing GSM operator SIM cards is only possible in one of the SIM card slots. Check your device and its specifications. If everything is correct, but SIM card Only emergency calls are available and the network registration error is still present, we will try to fix it by adjusting the network operating mode. Some phones have network mode settings and you should change "GSM/WCDMA (automatic)" to "GSM only". To do this, go to settings - other networks - mobile networks - network mode and select the GSM only tab. After this, you should restart your phone. Very often, this solution allows you to get rid of problems with registration in the mobile operator’s network.

    To be honest, when I had an old Lenovo dual-sim, everything worked fine on it, probably I was just lucky. But the phone itself was so-so. Later, having changed the device to an HTC with support for two SIM cards, everything also worked without problems, although the HTC was on a Lenovo-like MTK platform, but it worked much faster and I liked it because the GPS on it did not glitch, unlike...

    So, I'm going off topic. On a fresh Samsung device, I encountered the fact that the SIM card of the second operator refused to register on the network. Trying to select a network manually led to a long, tedious wait for the device to respond, and then I received the message “Registration failed.” I swapped the SIM cards, but nothing changed, I checked the SIM card of the operator that was faulty, but it works in another device. I left one in Samsung - it works. Through trial and error, I found a solution that helped in my case. Perhaps it will help you too.

    My main SIM card was in the first slot and worked perfectly. It is selected as the main one for voice calls, SMS and mobile internet. Sim 2 was in the second slot. After turning on/off the “Airplane” mode, it was able to register on the network, but after 3-5 minutes it was no longer registered and I could not make calls from it. Since my Samsung did not have a choice of GSM/CDMA mode, I paid attention to the choice of operating mode in the LTE/3G/2G network available for each SIM card. Through trial and error, it turned out that for the first SIM card I set LTE/3G/2G. And for the second I set “Only 2G”. In this case, it registers and works fine. Any other combinations did not help. I hope it helps you too.

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