How to enable a second processor on a laptop. Bill2's Process Manager Application




Optimizing cores and memory using MSConfig

The advice is based on the assumption that Windows does not use all processor cores and megabytes when loading random access memory. Allegedly, you need to specify the required amount so that the computer turns on faster using a “secret” setting.

It's done like this: Start - Run(Windows 10 has a search field instead of Execute) - msconfig - OK.

The program will start system configuration(msconfig.exe). Tab :

You need to press Extra options, to open Windows boot options:

Until crazy hands get to the settings, nothing will be indicated here, no checkboxes will be ticked. Why would Windows developers limit system performance?

But people who are not familiar with critical thinking think differently: initially the checkbox is not checked, so the restriction is enabled. Allegedly, the absence of checkboxes prevents the operating system from knowing how many cores the processor has and how much RAM is installed. And supposedly you need to specify manually:

And after rebooting, the computer will begin to use all resources.

There are several options for this advice. I went through sites dedicated to Windows optimization by selecting several.

For example, a certain Yuri believes that the default is to boot from one core:

Others remember RAM. “PC Master Blog” claims that she has the same problem.

The beginning of the council

I cut off some of the text so it wouldn't long screenshot, but it’s clear that the author knows nothing about the loading stages operating system, nor in principle about how modern computing devices work. Here's what he advises next:

Here it is advised to specify not only the number of cores, but also the memory size. And in the end they say that it is possibletake off tick.

Where is the logic? An option is installed and then disabled, how can this affect anything in principle?

Where does the myth come from? I believe this is not only a matter of ignorance of the advisers’ equipment, but also the ambiguous official help for MSConfig. Check out the article MSConfig the System Configuration Tool on the official Microsoft website. The description of the options really leaves room for speculation if you don't know the context:

Translation: “If you click on Advanced Options (on any OS), you can set options such as the number of processors allocated to the operating system at boot or the maximum amount of RAM. (As a rule, usually not noted).”

The text does not contradict the myth: it is indeed possible to specify how many processors and RAM to use at boot. But these options are not intended to improve performance.

Actually Windows Always uses All processors and processor cores and all RAM. No one thought to limit the system, especially during boot.

Options in msconfig are needed by programmers to test programs so that limit available PC resources.

How crazy can you say that Windows does not use all possible resources when booting the computer? After all, in the interests Windows developers make sure the computer turns on as quickly as possible. Imposing restrictions is stupid.

Some "geniuses" are trying to prove that the "Number of processors" option speeds up the computer, because when set to 1 games start to slow down. There is no logic to be found in this. When the per-core limit is enabled, performance decreases (this is especially noticeable in games), but by default restrictions are disabled and programs are free to use all the cores as they please.

Fortunately, this advice is harmless. Installation maximum values does not affect the operation of the computer in any way, because the result is the same as with the settings turned off. When you add RAM to your computer or install a processor with more cores, you will have to change the settings to maximum again in msconfig.

Make the game use all CPU cores

The next myth is more difficult to explain. The fact is that programs do not work at all as it seems to PC users. Work of software with processor cores and multiprocessor systems- the topic of books that are of no interest to non-programmers.

So people just look at the CPU consumption in the Task Manager and engage in pointless attempts to optimize something. For example, they try to adjust parameters like the previous setting so that their favorite program loads 100% of all processor cores.

This is akin to using phone cases to protect your body from harmful radiation. People who know physics will only twirl their finger at their temples, while others buy the cases in packs and recommend them to their friends.

But let's return to running programs on multi-core processors. A crazy idea arose on the border of knowledge and ignorance use CPU program Control to assign all cores to games.

The council met ten years ago. For example, when discussing Gothic games 3:

In the screenshot above the user s063r I thought that the game did not use the second processor core. Encryption replied that you need to use the program CPU Control.

What kind of miracle beast is this? who gets into program code and forces the program to change the logic of its work? This is what the utility looks like:

Seeing this miracle Yudo, I grabbed my head: how could stupid the developers did, making it so that at startup everything running programs are automatically “assigned” to the first processor core!

See the "CPU" column when running CPU Control:

One and three zeros mean that only the first processor core is assigned to the program. And it happens after launch most utility. What before launch the situation was different, with using the CPU Control cannot be seen. You can, of course, before all the manipulations, launch the Task Manager and look at the assignment of processes to the cores, but who these days thinks critically and checks the operation of programs?

False advice goes like this: programs run on only one core, which can be verified by running CPU Control. And there you can assign the program to use all processor cores.

This is like shooting yourself in the foot and applying bandages to treat it. Or maybe you just don’t need to shoot at all and everything will be fine?

The myth is very tenacious because Sometimes it helps: if the running software heavily loads the processor (most often these are viruses), assigning it to only one core limits the resources available to the malware and allows the remaining processor cores to work for the benefit of the game. But this is treating the symptom, not solving the problem.

In fact, before the launch of CPU Control, there were no per-core limits. The program installs it at startup. Installing a separate program on all cores returns the default setting. That's all.

How should you actually configure it? But no way. Ask the authors of the program/game to rewrite their creation for multi-core systems. Not all software can use all processor cores; this cannot be influenced from the outside. Better get busy

Although Windows is considered the operating system for ordinary users, unlike numerous Linux distributions, still allows you to perform some operations, for which experienced users still prefer the latter. In particular, this refers to access to hardware components. The OS itself and installed drivers do this (or, according to at least, try) to ensure they perform at their best and provide the best user experience. First, you need to know how to enable all processor cores on Windows 10, and we will discuss this issue in detail in this article.

Find out quantity

If suddenly you don’t know how many there are in total and want to find out the kernel version in Windows 10 in your processor, then this is where you should start. The easiest way to do this is using Windows tools itself. Right click on the Start menu > Computer Management. In the left menu, enable Device Manager > Processor.
The number of points will indicate the number of processor cores that can be used when you know how to activate all processor cores in Windows 10.
Similar information can be obtained using third party programs:

  • CPU-Z;
  • AIDA64;
  • Everest.

The first one is free, the rest cost money, but, of course, in addition to the quantity, they tell you how to watch great amount information about the computer and system, starting from the list of components and ending. Of course, they only provide information and do not know how to enable and run all processor cores in Windows 10.

How kernels generally work and how to enable them

There is a common misconception that not everyone works on a computer. This is wrong. At any moment, in addition to turning on, all of them are involved, so of course, you will never know how to disable the processor core, because it is impossible. But there is another nuance - they can work with different frequencies, responsible for different tasks. Modern processors often equipped with several productive ones that will be launched during games, editing and other complex tasks; and simpler ones - for elementary processes. This achieves a balance of performance and energy efficiency, which is especially important for laptops. But there is no answer to the question of how to enable a second processor core in Windows 10, because they all work the same way.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that in some cases it is impossible to turn on and direct the power of everyone to process a specific task. It depends solely on the software developer. Only he decides whether to unlock the cores and whether to support multithreading or not. If not, only one will carry out the greatest load and all the work, while the rest work in a gentle mode.

How to enable all processor cores on Windows 10 at startup?

There is one moment in the operation of the operating system when in fact only one thing can be active - this is the process of turning on the computer. But even in in this case you can change the situation and find out how to enable 4 cores on Windows 10 using the built-in system tools and BIOS.

In the first case, you need to enable the “Run” dialog box or use the “Windows + R” hotkeys. After that, enter “msconfig” and click OK.
A window will open with basic settings systems.

Option with BIOS

The second option on how to use and configure all processor cores to work in Windows 10 is to use the BIOS. It starts when you turn on the computer using the F2 or Del keys depending on the device type.

In the BIOS itself, again, depending on its version, you need to find the item “Advanced Clock Calibration” or similar, and there enable the value “All cores” or “Auto”.

Again, it should be noted that these settings will only affect the computer startup process and will not work this way. Operation of the operating system in general or individual programs It depends entirely on the developers. Have they added this opportunity enable it, and how well it was optimized.

Even on multi-core computer In Windows 7, when the system is turned on, by default, only one core is used. This significantly reduces the PC boot speed. Let's figure out how you can enable all of the specified objects to speed up your work.

Unfortunately, in Windows 7 there is only one way to activate kernels. It is executed through the shell "System configuration". We will look at it in detail below.

"System configuration"

First we need to activate the tool "System configuration".

  1. Click "Start". Let's go to "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the directory "System and safety".
  3. Click "Administration".
  4. In the list of elements of the window that appears, select "System configuration".

    There is also more quick way activation of the specified tool. But it is less intuitive, since it requires you to remember one command. We are recruiting Win+R and enter into the opened area:

    Click "OK".

  5. The shell of the product needed for our purposes opens. Let's go to the section.
  6. In the area that opens, click on the element "Extra options…".
  7. A window will open additional options. This is where the settings we are interested in are made.
  8. Check the box next to the parameter "Number of processors".
  9. After this, the drop-down list below becomes active. You should select the option with the maximum number. It is this that reflects the number of cores on a given PC, that is, if you select the largest number, then all cores will be used. Then click "OK".
  10. Returning to the main window, click "Apply" And "OK".
  11. A dialog box will open asking you to restart the PC. The point is that the changes that were introduced in the shell "System Configurations", will become relevant only after rebooting the OS. So save everything open documents and close active programs to avoid data loss. Then click .
  12. The computer will reboot, after which all its cores will be enabled.

As you can judge from the instructions above, activating all cores on a PC is quite simple. But in Windows 7 this can only be done in one way - through a window "System Configurations".

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about how to use all processor cores in just a couple of steps. Increasing the number of working cores directly affects the increase in computer performance. Many users, having bought a brand new computer with a multi-core processor, have no idea how to make the processor work at full capacity. But all the money was paid for. In this article we will tell you in detail how you can increase the speed of your computer by simple manipulations with the processor. This is NOT an increase in the frequency of the processor, as a result of which it may burn out or overheat (this, of course, is the case if everything is done incorrectly).

All the steps below apply to both the operating room Windows systems 7 and for Windows 8. Well, let's start. Open on the desktop command line: Win+R. To begin, enter next command: msconfig. Then click “Ok”

The System Configuration management menu will open in front of you. Here you go to the tab.

And in the section we select the maximum number. This safe way performance enhancement that will not harm your computer in any way. Click the “Ok” button and restart the computer.

Let's summarize: Well, that's all. So simple and the easy way You have learned to use all processor cores. This method can be considered one of increasing the performance of your computer. How to further improve computer performance using programs and using Windows, read our articles and.

Don’t forget to comment on articles on our site, leave your wishes and suggestions. Your opinion is important to us!

Today there are computers computing power which will surprise few people. 4- or 6-core PCs and laptops do not surprise people, but there are also newcomers to this field who are interested in everything and want to know how more information. Today we will look interest Ask: How to enable all cores on a Windows 10 computer to increase its performance.

If you want to find out, you can find out, for example, using programs, a computer manual or standard Windows features. Now let's look at all the possible ways.

How many cores are on the computer

CPU Manual

If you have documents for your computer, then information about the cores can be found there, in the section on the CPU. You can do the same on the Internet by entering the model of your processor and see all the necessary characteristics.

Information about the CPU can be viewed by going to the corresponding menu. To do this, click right click mouse on the Start menu, select "System", look at the block "System". But only the processor model is shown there; the rest will have to be looked for somewhere else.

Windows 10 Tools

Let's open the device manager. This can be done by entering in the search field "device Manager".

Finding the tab "Processors" and open it. The number of points there are, the number of cores on your processor.

Special utilities

Now let's look at several third-party programs that will help us determine the number of cores in the processor.


Useful and free program CPU-Z displays many characteristics of the computer, or rather, its components. It is easy and not demanding.

In order to view information about the cores, go to the CPU tab and look at the line "number of active cores".

I have mentioned this program more than once in my articles. It contains full set information about all computer components.

Download the program, run it, then go to the tab « Motherboard» , Further "CPU". Block "Multi CPU" shows us the number of cores.

In the same program, you can go to the tab "Computer", Then "Summary information" in the block "Motherboard" click on the name of the processor, where the line "CPU type".

How many cores are used by the processor

Some people think that not all cores work in a multi-core computer; in fact, this is not the case; they all work always, but at different frequencies.

The point is that when large quantities cores, only optimization of work occurs, that is, data is processed faster. One more thing. If the program is not optimized for several cores, then no matter how many there are in the computer, the program will still only use a certain number.

How to enable all cores of a computer or laptop

No way. Cores for everyone modern computers always work without restrictions. Why should developers limit the processor and memory, especially when running Windows.

Please note that if the checkboxes in the MSConfig utility, which is described below, are turned off, this means that there are no restrictions. But you can do it yourself, since this utility is designed for testing software.

Even if you now try to change the settings to maximum, nothing will change; you can see this for yourself using the instructions below.

Everything is simple here, follow these instructions:

  • Click Win+R and enter in the window msconfig
  • , then go to "Extra options".
  • Put a tick on "Number of processors" And "Maximum Memory", uncheck the remaining boxes.
  • In the “Maximum memory” item, indicate the maximum value.

Once done, save the changes and restart your computer.

Enable all cores using BIOS

Everything is a little more complicated here. It's worth climbing only if unstable work computer. If no glitches or slowdowns are noticed, then everything is fine and the kernels are usually turned on automatically.

If you decide to try to enable kernels through the BIOS, then you need to go to the section Advanced Clock Calibration and set the value "All Cores", or "Auto".

The difficulty here is that in different version motherboards and on laptops, sections in the BIOS are called differently, I can’t say exactly where to go.

Thus, we looked at how to look at the processor cores, how to use all cores to reduce computer boot time, and the uselessness of this action.))

Authors of the article: Gvindzhiliya Grigory and Pashchenko Sergey