How to enable Windows 10 performance settings. Cleaning the registry, deleting junk files

Good afternoon.

The number of Windows 10 OS users is growing day by day. And Windows 10 does not always work faster than Windows 7 or 8. This, of course, can be for many reasons, but in this article I want to focus on those settings and parameters of Windows 10 that can slightly increase the speed of this OS.

By the way, everyone understands optimization differently. In this article, I will provide recommendations that will help optimize Windows 10 to make it work as quickly as possible. And so, perhaps, let's begin.

1. Disable unnecessary services

Almost always Windows optimization start with services. There are a lot of services in Windows and each of them is responsible for its own “front” of work. The main point here is that the developers do not know what services will be needed by this or that user, which means that you will also have services running in your compartment that you, in principle, do not need (well, for example, why do you need a printer service if don't you have it?) ...

To go to the service management section, click right click mouse on the START menu and select the link “ Computer management"(as in Fig. 1).

Rice. 2. Services in Windows 10

Now, actually, main question: what to turn off? In general, I recommend that before you work with services - do system backup (so that if something happens, everything can be restored as it was).

  • Windows Search - I always disable this service because... I don’t use search (and the search is “pretty” clumsy). Meanwhile, this service, especially on some computers, is very loading HDD, which seriously affects performance;
  • Windows Update- I always turn it off. The update in itself is good. But I believe that it is better to manually update the system yourself right time how it will load the system on its own (and even install these updates, wasting time when rebooting the PC);
  • Pay attention to the services, which appear when installing various applications. Disable those that you very rarely use.

2. Update drivers

The second problem that arises when Windows installation 10 (or when upgrading to 10) is a search for new drivers. The drivers that worked for you in Windows 7 and 8 may not work correctly in the new OS, or, more often than not, the OS disables some of them and installs “its own” universal ones.

Because of this, some of the capabilities of your equipment may become inaccessible (for example, multimedia keys on a mouse or keyboard may stop working, the brightness of the monitor on a laptop may stop adjusting, etc.) ...

In general, updating drivers is a pretty big topic (especially in some cases). I recommend checking your drivers (especially if Windows OS is unstable and slow). The link is just below.

Checking and updating drivers:

Rice. 3. Driver Pack Solution - search and install drivers automatically.

3. Removal junk files, registry cleaning

A large number of “junk” files can affect the performance of your computer (especially if you haven’t cleaned the system of them for a long time). Despite the fact that Windows has its own garbage cleaner, I almost never use it, preferring third party software. Firstly, its quality of “cleaning” is very questionable, and secondly, the speed of operation (especially in some cases) leaves much to be desired.

Programs for cleaning “garbage”:


A free program for cleaning your PC from various types of temporary files. In addition, the program will help eliminate errors in the registry, delete history and cache in all popular browsers, remove software, etc. By the way, the utility supports and works well in Windows 10.

Rice. 4. CCleaner - Windows cleaning window

4. Editing Windows 10 startup

Probably, many have noticed one pattern: once you install Windows, it works quite quickly. Then time passes, you install a dozen or two programs - Windows begins to slow down, loading takes an order of magnitude longer.

The whole point is that some of installed programs, is added to the OS startup (and starts with it). If there are a lot of programs in startup, the download speed can drop very significantly.

How to check startup in Windows 10?

You need to open the task manager (press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc buttons at the same time). Next, open the Startup tab. In the list of programs, disable those that you do not need every time you turn on the PC (see Fig. 5).

By the way, sometimes the task manager does not display all programs from startup (I don’t know why this is...). To see everything that is hidden, install the AIDA 64 utility (or something similar).

Cool utility! Supports Russian language. Allows you to find out almost any information about your Windows and about your PC in general (about any of its hardware). For example, I have to use it quite often when setting up and optimizing Windows.

By the way, to view startup, you need to go to the “Programs” section and select the tab of the same name (as in Fig. 6).

5. Setting performance parameters

Windows itself already has ready-made settings, when enabled, it will be able to work somewhat faster. This is achieved through various effects, fonts, operating parameters of some OS components, etc.

To turn on " best performance" - right-click on the START menu and select the "System" tab (as in Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. System

Rice. 9. Visual effects

For those whose games are slow, I recommend reading the articles on fine tuning video cards: , . Besides this, there is certain programs, which can tweak parameters (hidden from view) to maximize performance:

That's all for me today. Good luck and fast work OS :)

Not long ago, the Windows 10 operating system got its start. Its main difference from previous versions it will be that it will be the last, although the updates will not stop. As Microsoft announced in April 2017, the OS will continue to receive new updates in a timely manner approximately twice a year.

Despite the rapid development operating system, cars with installed Windows Over time, they begin to work slower and slow down because they become clogged with all kinds of programs and files. If you use a computer or laptop under Windows control 10, it is likely that you periodically visit Internet resources in order to find all kinds of guides on speeding up your operating system.

You may have found this information before, but it would be great to not only mention something new, but also combine that “new” information with what you already know so that you can have a comprehensive guide to improving Windows PC performance at your fingertips.

How to speed up Windows 10

Method 1. Prevent programs from starting at system startup

Typically, on the computers of most Windows users there are a lot of applications that automatically launch when the system is turned on. It's mostly factory software installed by the manufacturer, and others whose autorun was not canceled or was turned on intentionally.

The decrease in performance is especially noticeable when the computer starts, when it loads the desktop and at the same time tries to launch a lot of other applications. This significantly slows down the operation of the device, therefore it is necessary to reduce the number of autorun programs as much as possible. Disable feature automatic start you can use Task Manager.

If you use Windows 7 or Windows XP, then a good utility for disabling autorun would be msconfig.

Useful articles

Method 2. Use fewer applications at once, reduce RAM load for better performance

Using several applications simultaneously can increase your productivity if, say, you work as a designer and need to open Adobe Photoshop With Adobe Illustrator at the same time, but this creates additional stress on your PC. In most cases, the processor (CPU) does not suffer as much as the RAM (RAM), because RAM— the main resource used.

Try launching Task Manager and monitoring memory usage in the tab Performance > Memory. If statistics show that programs are loading RAM, you can easily track down the software responsible for this in the tab Processes, which will allow you to improve the performance of your Windows 10 device.

Note: Make sure you are not resetting an important system process.

When system memory becomes full, the computer slows down accordingly. Adding more operating memory is one of the options that can solve the issue of low productivity, but this will require certain financial costs. Less effective means To help the “slow” Windows 10 system can be an increase in size Swap file.

How to change Swap file? Below are detailed instructions.

1. Follow the path My Computer > Properties.

2. Select Extra options systems.

3. In chapter Performance click Settings and go to the tab Additionally.

4. In chapter Virtual memory click Change.

5. Uncheck Automatic control paging file size for all disks. Select the drive you are interested in and enable the function Custom size. Set the initial and maximum size file. Click OK to save changes.

Note: If you have excess memory, say 16 GB, there is no need to increase the page file size. However, disabling it is not an option worth considering as it may cause your computer to experience certain problems.

Method 3: Check if your operating system is damaged

Damaged data can cause your Windows 10 computer to run extremely slowly, and in the worst cases, crash completely.

One of simple ways to fix corrupted data on Windows 10 is to run the scan utility system files. It's likely that you're already familiar with it if you've previously used it to try to recover your hard drive or USB drive. Correcting such damaged files, undoubtedly, can speed up Windows operation 10.

How to start System file check(System File Checker) in Windows 10?
Use for this command line and after opening it, enter the following command:

sfc /scannow

This process may take some time depending on the size of your hard drive. Alternative way launch the above tool: My computer > Windows Disk > Properties > Tools. Now click Check.

Method 4: Scan your PC for malware

This should be the most expected item that you could see in our article regarding speeding up Windows 10. All kinds computer viruses have been around for decades, and fear of how they might affect the operating system led Microsoft to include them in the list basic programs antivirus software; it is called Windows Defender.

It is likely that there may be some application hiding behind the poor performance of your Windows 10, disguised as some system updater or something else.

You need to regularly check your computer for malicious software using Windows Defender or any other third-party antivirus software, which will not only speed up Windows 10, but also avoid a number of other unpleasant situations associated with viruses.

Method 5: Shutting down and restarting Windows is not even an option. This is a necessity

Unfortunately, some users neglect this rule and their personal computers may be in active state day and night, even if their owner is already sleeping for five hours, forgetting that his device also needs to “Shut down” or at least“Reboot.”

Keep in mind that your computer can survive several days without restarting or shutting down the system, but this is absolutely not advice and does not mean that you need to keep it in working order at all times.

Restarting or shutting down your computer at certain intervals allows it to clean up system memory, which in turn is gradually consumed during operation, and kills all erroneous processes that opened automatically or due to a problem when starting any of your programs, which allows you to speed up your computer with Windows 10.

Method 6: Prioritize Sleep Mode on Your PC

If you put your computer into sleep mode, it will take much less time to turn it on than if you start the system from a disabled state. This is due to the fact that the current state of the system, since your last work with it, is saved on the hard drive and loaded again when the device starts.

Give your PC some sleep.

Putting your computer into sleep mode is commonplace for anyone. Mac user, since these devices are capable of surviving almost a month working in this manner. Now and Windows users can use this mode more confidently when keeping their computer in sleep mode for long hours.

When sleep mode is active on your PC, only RAM continues to perform its full-fledged work. It will be important to note that although sleep mode puts the computer into a resting state, it still consumes some battery power, albeit in small quantities. Thus, although it is energy-consuming, sleep mode allows you to speed up the system to a certain extent.

Method 7: Make your Windows as ugly as possible

Eliminate animations and all special effects.

Our modern PCs have an operating system in which the developers have tried to make everything look great, filled with various animations and effects, because this makes the process of working with the device much more pleasant. Everything good usually has another side - these visual improvements consume system resources sometimes more than we would like. Not all PCs have powerful enough components to allow them to function effectively while maintaining all the visual delights on the screen.

Sometimes it happens that users do not use their device properly; they install random applications and make several other mistakes that make their computer suffer.

Now let's figure out how to enable or disable animations in Windows 10?

In the settings you can easily switch to the mode better performance, disabling all animations. Follow the path below:

My computer(right click on the icon) > Properties > Advanced system settings > Settings(In chapter Performance).

In the window Performance Options select item Provide the best performance. If it doesn't suit you in any way, you can always ask Custom settings and enable/disable certain effects as you wish.

Turn off transparency.

Availability of a taskbar, beautiful menu“Start” and a transparent action center may be pleasing to your eyes, however, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice and, in in this case, you have to pay with the resources of your computer. You can turn off transparency by visiting Settings > Personalization > Colors. Click the switch in favor "Switch off" near the point “Transparency Effects”.

Method 8: Make sure Windows always has the latest updates

IN work environment Windows has a lot of updates and new fixes are released with a certain frequency, which can be installed either independently or forced-voluntarily when the operating system itself begins to install them. Don't forget that regular update systems on your computer can improve the performance of Windows 10 in addition to protecting your device from unwanted threats in the form of recently discovered vulnerabilities from Microsoft.

Starting with Windows 8, Microsoft began providing universal drivers For huge amount third party hardware. Updates for such devices are delivered through Windows Update. In case one of third party devices does not support the driver provided by Microsoft, you will have to update everything manually.

If you are using the latest Windows versions 10, updates will be installed much faster than before. The changes are due to the fact that Microsoft has optimized the operating system update process and now most of the installation takes place in background, while the user goes about his business.

Method 9: Launch apps quickly

This is one of the ways to speed up Windows 10 during daily use. You can set your own keyboard shortcuts to launch apps in one click without having to search for them on your device.

Method 10: Prioritize your PC

In the same performance window that we mentioned just above in point 7, go to the Advanced tab. There you can determine what exactly your computer will give priority to: programs that are actively used or services running in the background. This setting will help significantly improve system performance to suit your needs.

Method 11: Disable Cloud Sync to Speed ​​Up Windows 10

Windows 10 offers integrated service support cloud storage Microsoft OneDrive. You can save absolutely any data simply by uploading it to the cloud, where it will be safe even if for some reason cause hard the disk will stop working prematurely due to a physical problem. Many users already have their own storage in Google Drive; there is a chance that they will not be able to use the Microsoft cloud.

If you prefer OneDrive and have synchronization enabled, don't forget about it. It will definitely consume your computer's resources and slow down Windows 10. In fact, this may affect not only OneDrive, but also a number of other services.

To turn off OneDrive syncing and speed up Windows, go to My Computer > OneDrive(right click on it) > Select storage folders to sync. In the next window, uncheck Sync all files and folders in OneDrive and press OK.

Method 12: Use Fast Startup to Reduce Your Computer's Boot Time

One way to speed up the process Windows startup 10 - Enable the sleep mode feature, which is disabled by default. Fast startup (enabled by default) is another feature that reduces the startup time of the operating system.

You can check if it is enabled quick start on your computer by selecting Power > What the Power Buttons Do. Click Change settings that are currently unavailable to unlock the shutdown configuration. There you will see an option to enable or disable the Quick Launch feature.

Method 13: Use ReadyBoost to Boost Windows 10 Performance

ReadyBoostWindows function, which can increase the speed of your system by using free space, so-called caching. You may observe a noticeable difference in system performance between positive side, especially if you use low-quality equipment. Keep in mind, ReadyBoost does not work with SSDs as they are faster than regular USB drives.

Method 14: Disable Live Tiles

First Live Tiles was launched in Windows 8. This function in the Start menu or on the start screen provides the user with information about a particular application either from the Internet or from local network. Unfortunately, like any other background service, it consumes computer resources, slowing it down, and drains battery power.

Let's look at how to disable Live Tiles in Windows 10 to increase system performance.

If you are using Windows 10 Pro, you can use the editor group policy. Open in editor User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Start Menu and Taskbar > Disable Tile Notifications.

Otherwise, you will have to disable tiles on a per-app basis manually. Open the Start menu > right-click the animated tile of a pinned app > More > Disable live tiles.

Method 15: Use High Performance Mode to Improve PC Performance

Mode High performance power modes will allow you to get the most out of your computer. In this state, the processor can use its full potential.

Don't forget to connect Charger when performing resource-intensive tasks.

Have you ever wondered why power users prefer laptops desktop computers? One reason is that they have permanent source power supply, significantly increasing productivity. In the case of a laptop, we recommend connecting the charger when you run games or use “heavy” software that takes up a lot of resources.

Method 16: Use the built-in troubleshooting tool

With the release of the Developers Update, Microsoft has provided users with a section for various troubleshooting tools. Windows problems. Visit Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot.

Here you will find options to fix errors related to Bluetooth, BSOD, audio, Windows Updates, keyboard and many other system equipment. Elimination possible problems can cause your Windows 10 PC to run faster and without errors.

Method 17: Improve app performance in Windows 10

If you are using April update, Windows 10 now has new page settings, allowing you to customize advanced graphic settings For individual applications(both UWP and classic). This may come in handy if you are facing performance issues specific application and you blame the computer, which is not to blame for this at all.

Open Settings > System > Display. Scroll down the window and select Graphics Settings. On the next screen, select the desktop or UWP app you want to customize and click Add.

Now click on the app name and click Options. Here you can choose between different graphics options such as Default, Energy Saving and High Performance. High-performance setup allows the application to use discrete GPU systems.

Method 18: Free up space on your system drive

The computer may run slowly due to a simple lack of physical memory on the hard drive. Check that system disk there was enough free space for normal operation operating system. Free space should be at least 10% of the total volume of drive “C”.

Free up space on your system scratch disk and clear your desktop of unnecessary elements. Also, it will be much more useful in case of lack of space, reassign the storage location for user documents to another logical partition. This will significantly relieve the system disk.

You can move the following system folders user:

  • Downloads
  • Documentation
  • Images
  • Video
  • Music

Method 19: Disable third-party Antivirus application

Antivirus applications greatly affect PC performance. If you do not practice visiting unverified or suspicious Internet resources, then while performing any complex tasks third party antivirus can be disabled. Use the built-in windows defender 10 — Windows Defender.

Method 20. Restoring your computer

If all previous methods were powerless to help you, the last option to resolve the issue of low system performance is system rollback. You can do this by visiting the section Recovery in the Settings menu. Reinstalling Windows 10 will correct all the errors made, and you will again be able to fully use a working operating system.

If necessary recover deleted files and folders, recovery tools will help you Starus Recovery. You can try and download data recovery programs completely free from our Internet resource.

Every user always wants his computer to work as quickly as possible, but he has absolutely no idea how to do this. There is a risk of downloading to your PC virus programs for overclocking or cleaning, but they will not speed up the equipment, but, on the contrary, will only cause harm. Let's look at how to configure and improve the performance of a computer on Windows 10 using already proven methods. Popular methods to help increase PC performance.

Overclocking to full speed: setting up Windows 10 for maximum performance

Computer startup

When you start your PC, in most cases the programs you installed start working. Some of them may be completely unnecessary and harm your operating system. Programs greatly slow down your computer when running in the background. You may not even realize that some of them are enabled, and the speed leaves much to be desired. To improve performance, you just need to disable some programs in the startup menu.

Clearing the Temp folder

In the Windows 10 operating system, which stores files both temporarily and intermediately, a lot remains unnecessary files. In other words, it slows down your system due to the large presence of services and various programs, which fill the Temp folder.

How to clean up a disk

How to turn off services that are not needed

These are the main ones quick ways speed up your computer. Disabling services and programs that are not useful, but only slow down the system.

How to correctly configure the settings in Power Options

How to increase computer performance on Windows 10: professional tips

  1. Be careful about what you install on your computer. Sometimes some programs do not connect together and they very often turn out to be antiviruses. Especially if there are two of them on the computer, otherwise the entire operating system may crash.
  2. Sometimes the problem may not be hidden in dangerous programs or even viruses, but in the contamination of the computer components themselves. You should carefully clean the PC from dust with a dry cloth. Try not to touch small parts. After cleaning, the computer runs faster and overheats significantly less.
  3. Keep in mind that performance improvements are not always good for your computer. For example, the “High performance” setting entails high battery consumption. This applies to laptop owners. It is better to use such functions on a computer that does not need to be charged.
  4. Reinstalling the operating system, as a rule, always has a good effect on the performance of the computer. Will be completely deleted unwanted programs, ones you don't use, viruses undetected by scanning or various applications which only slow down the operation of the system itself.
  5. Must select correct components for PC. If something is chosen incorrectly, or, for example, the RAM does not match the data, and sometimes it is completely loaded. In this case, it is better to purchase new components.
  6. You can use special programs to clean unnecessary files, cache and other garbage. They increase the speed of the computer several times in all cases. The main thing is to download from a trusted source. And never forget to check the list of what the file cleaning program wants to remove!
  7. Updating drivers is a great help for your PC. Especially the update for the motherboard chipset. New versions are also relevant for other devices.
  8. Regularly scan your computer for viruses. It's best to be in your hands reliable antivirus. In this case, you will not risk losing all your data and information.

Setting up desktop graphics

Visual effects in the Windows 10 operating system use a lot of resources. If the user old computer, then disabling the effects will speed up the PC somewhat.

We continue the series detailed instructions on setting up and optimizing the operating room Windows systems 10. We recently looked at basic and and also learned how to. In this material we will learn how to increase the performance of a computer or laptop running under Windows control 10.

How to adjust performance in Windows 10: detailed instructions

To do this, we first need to go to “Advanced system settings.” To do this, on the “Start” button in the lower left corner, click on the right mouse button and select “System”.

Go to "Options".

Set up here visual effects, you can disable unnecessary ones to unload the system or check the box next to the preset settings. Below in the screenshot we have set the parameters at our discretion.

In the same window, go to the “Advanced” tab and configure the paging file.

The item is enabled by default automatic selection paging file size. If you uncheck this item, you will be able to self-configuration this parameter. In particular, you can specify the size of the paging file, set it to "System choice" or completely refuse to use it. The latter is relevant for computers whose RAM is above 4 GB.

It is worth noting that this parameter is set separately for each disk, in our case it is “C” and “E”. After configuration, click “OK” and reboot the system.

After the reboot, go to "System Properties" again and select the "tab" Remote access". If there is no need, turn it off.

The next step is settings in the section "Safety and Maintenance". To get there, you need to do the following:

Here you need to go to "Change settings for the Security and Maintenance component."

We go back and select the item "Change User Account Control settings", where you need to lower the slider all the way down. This will disable notifications about parameter changes.

I would like to immediately make a reservation that all settings are absolutely individual and you can skip some points.

How to improve Windows 10 performance: disk optimization

Go to “Start” - “Explorer” - “This computer”. Select the first disk and right-click, select "Properties".

Select the "Service" tab and click on "Optimize".

Select the disk, then “Change settings”, uncheck “Run on schedule”. Click "OK". We repeat the procedure for all disks.

Thus, we unloaded our disks from the built-in scheduled defragmentation. For this operation, it is better to use third-party software and perform it manually rather than automatically. We talk about this.

After all operations have been completed, you may need to restart your computer. Let's move on to the next step.

How to speed up computer boot time on Windows 10: setting the number of processors

To optimize and speed up the system, it is recommended to set the actual number of processors in the settings. The fact is that by default, during boot into Windows, only one processor core is used. To distribute the load and thereby improve performance, you need to tell the system the number of available cores.

How to find out how many cores your processor has?

This is easy to do - press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del and go to the "Task Manager". In Windows 10, this window will appear:

In the "Performance" tab we see the number of cores. In this case there are 2 of them.

Now enter in the search msconfig and go to "System Configuration".

This completes the next stage towards achieving our goal - to configure and optimize Windows 10 for maximum performance. Other instructions and useful tips you will find in .

Microsoft Company introduced an option in Windows 10 called “ULTIMATE Performance Mode”, also known as Maximum Performance. It sounds quite strange and intriguing. So we'll talk about what this new mode.

In short, this is a new power mode. You probably know that Windows 10 and every other version of Windows has power settings. Eat different modes, such as balanced, energy saving, high performance mode. Now in certain versions Windows 10, such as Windows 10 Pro for Workstations, will feature a new Maximum Performance mode. What is it and how is it different from High Performance Mode? Wasn't it already believed that maximum performance could be achieved? Obviously not. The idea is that the new mode will remove the so-called microdelays. This can be done because when creating Windows 10 developers have made compromises in terms of power consumption and efficiency for the sake of performance. Then they decided that 99% of people don't notice the difference in speed, but the difference in power consumption can be big. Now Microsoft has decided to simply remove all restrictions and make an uncompromising mode. Yes, energy consumption may increase, but few will care.

This mode has not yet been released, it is in a pre-release state, so if you are a participant in the program Windows testing Insider, you can download a preview Windows assembly 10 and see it here. But it’s unlikely that you have the Windows 10 Pro for Workstations edition, since it is only available to MSDN subscribers and OEM partners. Essentially, Microsoft introduced a new edition of Windows on Windows based 10 Pro where there are some functionality, unnecessary for most people. They are more for those who can be called professionals and who need corporate functions. Let’s close this topic for now, we can talk about the version of Windows for workstations at the end, but now we’ll discuss why Microsoft released this mode, whether it plays an important role and whether it makes a big difference. Personally, I have not tried this mode yet, but judging by the stories, according to the words “squeeze out the last drop of performance”, promises to remove microdelays, there will not be a big increase in performance, despite the name. The idea is that you can get the maximum, but it's not much more than what you get now. The timing is also not coincidental: a few weeks ago, major processor exploits called Specter and Meltdown became known. This forced many manufacturers and Windows developers release patches and change the way the processor uses the operating system. Because of this, some optimizations had to be removed because these functions could be used by attackers. As a result, many processors experienced reduced performance.

The developers had to remove processor optimizations, which caused the speed to drop. It wouldn't be surprising if the new maximum performance mode is intended to undo the changes made and reduce performance central processor. The developers may have decided that people who notice a difference in speed could at least get a placebo in the form of this new regimen to get their speed back a little.

It's unlikely there will be a big difference in speed, but there shouldn't be any harm, especially if you have desktop computer. You just need to remember that this mode is this moment not available on mobile devices with battery. It is unknown if this applies to plugged-in laptops. I think overclocking can improve performance much more than this mode. If you have a processor that can be overclocked and good system cooling, it is quite possible to get a speed increase of 20-30% by increasing the frequency. If you really need this performance and you have Windows 10 Pro for Workstations installed, you probably know how to overclock your computer. If you're like me, who doesn't have Windows 10 Pro for Workstations or even Windows 10 Pro, you won't be missing out on much. It's easy to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro for Workstations if you're on the Home or Pro editions. You can open the Microsoft Store on Windows for an upgrade price of $125. You'll get some additional functions, but again, you are unlikely to ever need them. One of them will be new file system Resilient File System. It’s unlikely that anyone even knows what this is, otherwise you most likely already have Windows 10 Pro for Workstations. There will also be support for multiple processors, like on server motherboards. If you buy one motherboard, you should know what you are doing and most likely you don’t need this video. Some other features include hardware components for corporate systems, such as network adapters that support special protocols to minimize latency, but you need to specifically look for such equipment; it is almost never found in consumer devices.
I guess main conclusion from this: yes, this is cool new feature, if you can use it, but if you don't already have this Windows edition 10, you shouldn't upgrade to it just for the sake of maximum performance mode. You can simply overclock the processor and the performance will become much greater.

What do you think about this mode? You may want to upgrade and get this maximum performance, or you may already have this edition of Windows. Tell us about it in the comments.