How to find out who is connected to my laptop. How to find out who is connected to my WiFi

The first sign that some kind of “guest” has connected to the network is a drop in speed. This is expressed most different ways, but most often:

How to find out who is connected to my wifi

Find out exactly who is currently connected to wifi router, quite simple. There are several options for this. A program designed specifically for such purposes will help you find out who has connected to the network. In the same way, you can find out who connected to wi-fi using the router control panel.

Both methods are good and correct. The program, for example, allows you to find out that someone has just joined the network. And the router’s web interface not only “sees” the connected device, but is also able to block unauthorized access forever.

Overview of connected devices in the router settings

So, the first way to know that someone is connected to a wi-fi router is to look at the control panel of the router itself. To do this, you only need to make a few clicks and know some basic things:

  1. you will need to find out the address to log into the control panel;
  2. you must be connected to a wireless network;
  3. know the login and password to access the router responsible for distributing the Internet.

Obtaining this data is easy. Just find out the model and look on the manufacturer’s website necessary information. And also take a look at back cover router, where the sticker with all the technical information. In order to find out who is unauthorized connected to a wifi router in this moment time, you should take the following steps:

  • Launch the browser in address bar Enter the numbers specified in the documentation. Many companies use as the default router address, but you can change it yourself.
  • Enter the appropriate data in the “Login” and “Password” fields. A window will open after the page loads.

  • You now have access to the control panel. It differs depending on the manufacturer, however common features are present. For example, the location of the section the user is interested in is Wireless statistic.
  • Open the Basic settings tab - " Basic settings" Go to Wireless - “Wireless Network”. In the list that appears, select Wireless Statistic - “Statistics” wireless connection».

  • On the loaded tab, view the list of devices currently connected to the network. And also analyze what kind of devices they are, based on the available information:

IN specific example It's easy to know that one user is connected to the network via cable. This is indicated by the AP-UP status. Consequently, this is the PC from which an attempt is made to find out who is currently connected to Wi-Fi. And, in fact, by looking at the number of connections with this status, the answer to the question of how to find out how many devices are connected to the network at the moment when viewing is done is ready. With laptops it’s a little more difficult because they end up in the same category as smartphones. Identifying these devices will require direct access to them. But it’s a little easier to determine “your” and “other people’s” gadgets; to do this, turn off the connection on “yours”. As a result, only “foreign” gadgets and the one from which the viewing is performed will remain on the network.

It is enough to look at the MAC address of the device to compare it with the response from the router interface. And if they match, it means the device is on the network legally. This is just the first way to view devices. There are other options to find out who is “sitting” on our router.

Programs for viewing a list of devices connected to Wi-Fi

Naturally, in addition to the way to determine who is connecting to wi-fi using the control panel of your router, there is also the opportunity to do this through a program. For this purpose, there are developments for both PC and phone. But we will only talk about PC programs. There are several types of them, but they all work according to general principle. There is a call to the router, where the information is taken from. That is, the program for viewing connected devices performs the operations from the list above, saving the user from unnecessary actions.

This program is used to view devices connected to the router, the first of its kind. When it comes to Wi-Fi Guard, you should remember that its pioneer developers decided to exclude the router from viewing the list of active connections. This is due to the simplicity of the interface and functionality. There is no option to quickly disconnect a user in the program. But it is present sound signal, notifying about an active connection. True, in order to find out that the “extra” person has just connected to the network, you need to hold the program background process. It minimizes to the tray, from where it conducts monitoring.

Essentially no different from the previous version. Performs the same function: the program is used to find out who else is connected to my wifi router. Also allows you to notify about new connections the moment they are established. It should be noted that the development of this program is ongoing at this point in time. Therefore, the first difference is the interface, adapted to latest versions Windows OS. Alas, Network Watcher does not yet “know how” to break active connections. Although this function is stated to be under development. It is possible that Network Watcher will soon be added to the program. In the meantime, it is possible to find out who is connecting to wi-fi while it is running. There is a function for logging and displaying a list of devices connected while the program was running.

Disabling foreign devices from Wi-Fi

Once you have found out who is connected to my WiFi, you should move on. Now we have to take action without harming other users connected to the network. Or be able to freely connect to it. In theory, everything looks simple: just turn off the device. But in practice this is not enough. After all, a banal disconnect will allow a third-party “client” to reconnect to the network almost immediately. This means a more radical solution will be required.

When analyzing the question of how to determine who is connecting to our network, we already looked at the router control panel. But it serves not only to see active connections on the computer. Also, using the web interface (this is essentially the same thing), it is possible to make changes to the router settings. This will allow you to find out and see who is connected to the network, as well as block further access for “left” users. The following steps need to be taken:

  • Log in to the router control panel (see above). This feature has previously been used to check connections.
  • In the Wireless section, find the Mac Filtering item. The necessary operations are performed through it. It is also possible to configure a Firewall on the router. But it's a little more complicated than setting up access rules through address filtering:

  • Select the rule to use. The difference is that in the first case, access is blocked for all devices except those specified in the list. In the second case, “listed” devices will be blocked. Which solution to apply depends on the user.
  • Having made your choice, click Add new so that the following window appears:

After this setup unwanted caller manages to instantly disconnect from wi-fi. Of course, this method is very complicated and it is easier to change the password. But this does not mean that the “freeloader” is not able to learn a new one and connect again.

In general, the access denial method is imperfect. If you simply change the MAC address, there is a chance that you will be connected to someone else's network again. Which means we should move on. And the next logical action is to change the wireless network password. And this leads to the next question.

How to protect your Wi-Fi network from hacking

It's actually quite easy to defend yourself. Enough to have strong password, and ideally also change it with some frequency, which will ensure high safety. Changing the password helps if someone manages to find out Old Password and connect using the code. After changing the password, any connected user will lose connection until they enter New Password. In some ways this solution is more in a fast way protecting your Wi-Fi than blocking by MAC address.

How to make fun of freebie lovers

After you can see who is connected to my wifi, you can resort to non-standard solution. The user can actually be punished in a funny but unusual way. And it differs from the previous ones in that it will not prohibit access to the network, but will make it unbearably painful.

The point is that a rule is created when we do not disable foreign devices, but greatly limit their access speed. However, the availability of this function depends on the router model. The examples above show a model that “cannot” do this. But the most common ones, like the TL-WR740n and RT-N10E, have a similar option, and its setting is in the same place as MAC address filtering. As a result, a person who manages to find out the network password will regret connecting. After all, it’s unpleasant to find out that you, the cunning one, are connected to neighbor's wifi, you can use the Internet at a speed of 5 kb/s. It’s not always worth turning off those who like free “bait”; sometimes you need to act cruelly and make sure that the cheese really lies in the mousetrap...

Even if you protect the router with a password, this cannot guarantee that it will not be hacked and Wi-Fi will not be stolen. In this tutorial I will tell you how to find out who is connected to your Wi-Fi networks. There are 2 ways: go to the router settings or scan the network with a special program.

Method 1: go to the router settings

I'll show you how to log into the router interface using an example D-link DIR 300. But this method is also suitable for other models, only the interface differs.

To get to the interface, type the router address in your browser. The default is .

The standard login and password is admin. They are shown on the router sticker or in the instructions.

If the standard login/password does not work, reset the router to factory settings. To do this on back side The router has a RESET button. Press and hold it with a sharp object for a couple of seconds. All Wi-Fi settings will be reset, reconfigure the access point.

Now let's go to WiFi settings. In D-link this is done through the menu “Configure manually - Wi-Fi - Station list”. Or “Configure manually - Status - LAN clients” (all connections are displayed there, including wired ones and the router itself).

The table shows the MAC addresses of connected devices by wireless connection.

How to find out MAC address?

To find out the MAC address on a Windows laptop, run the command line (Start and search " Command line"). Run the command ipconfig/all. We look for the MAC address in the “Physical Address” line.

On your smartphone, the MAC address is specified in the settings. On Android it is “Settings - About phone (About tablet) - general information- Wi-Fi MAC address."

Method 2: using the program

This method is easier, but you need to download the Wireless Network Watcher program (link to the official website). It is free and does not require installation.

Launch WNetWatcher and wait a couple of seconds for it to check the network. It will show Internet connections, including wired ones and the router itself.

If you notice other people's devices, put them on Wifi is difficult password and blacklist unwanted addresses, or allow connections only for your addresses. This can be done in the router interface. On D-link it is “Configure manually - Wi-Fi - MAC filter”.

Quickly determine the number of people connected to the network WiFi devices(in two different ways), set up rules for limited and secure access to the wireless network, and also understand programs that make it easier to carry out the above actions.


Signs of unauthorized connections

First sign quite often you can encounter sharp drops bandwidth connections. Most often, the problem lies in the work of providers at different levels between you and remote server, but it is quite possible that your channel’s traffic will be consumed by unauthorized persons. Second sign, making you think about controlling access to your Wi-Fi channel- these are sudden access restrictions for your IP address for some sites. In addition, pay attention to the behavior of the wireless connection indicator on the router case - when all devices are disconnected from the network, it should not blink, much less be lit almost constantly.

How can I find out how many devices are connected to my wifi?

How to find out who is connected to my wifi? The simplest way do this in the control panel of your router.

To enter it, enter the IP address of your router in the address bar of your web browser. local network(if no one has changed it, it will correspond to what is indicated in the instructions and on the router case; usually this is ) and enter the credentials in the request window (by default in many routers - admin/admin). Further actions depend on the manufacturer of your router, but there are no fundamental differences, so let’s look at the steps using the example of the shell of Asus routers.

In the control panel of your router, you will see the number of all devices connected to the router in the “Clients” section. Clicking on it opens a detailed list of devices. For example, in the screenshot below we see two connected devices: a laptop and a phone.

Behind detailed information you can go to the “System Log-Wireless Communications” menu, it does not display the network names of the devices, but only their MAC addresses network interfaces. Since they (MAC addresses) were also indicated in the list of clients (which we looked at earlier), it will not be difficult to figure out who is who. In our example, we see that the phone has been connected to the network for a long time, while the laptop has just been connected.

If for some reason you do not have access to the router, you can get by with third-party programs. The simplest option is a program made freely available by the developer. After pressing the F5 button (or selecting the appropriate item in the menu), the program will scan the entire range of addresses on the local network and display a list of detected devices.

How to see who is connected to a wifi router

More precisely, this question should have been formulated not “how to see who is connected to my wifi,” but “how to see which devices are not mine.” With phones and tablets everything is simple: temporarily disable the radio module on them wireless communication, and they will disappear from the list of connected devices. To know network name and the MAC address of the computer can be done by pressing the Win+R keys on the keyboard and typing in the window that appears cmd command to call command console, in which you need to enter the following: ipconfig /all

In our example, the Notebook device found earlier turned out to be our own laptop. Simply put, all the devices found in the example earlier belong to us, and no third party connections.

How to disconnect unknown users from your Wi-Fi

Through the router control panel you can prohibit wireless transmission data for any device on the network. Since they are identified by unique MAC addresses, in fact - serial numbers their network interfaces, turning on the “Reject” filter for a device will mean that it cannot work in your Wi-Fi network, no matter how its owner tries to connect.

How to secure your Wi-Fi? We prohibit connecting to wi-fi unknown devices.

From the previous example you can understand how to protect yourself from connecting unknown devices: enable the MAC address filter “Accept” and add to the list all gadgets and computers that will be allowed access to the network. In addition, do not forget about the security settings: use a password protection of sufficient length with the WPA2 authentication method (unlike the outdated WEP, which can be easily cracked by a wifi sniffer, this will force an attacker to spend quite a lot of time hacking your network).

Programs for monitoring everyone who is connected to wi-fi

As you have already seen, the most convenient way to monitor the status of your network is through the router’s control panel - this way you can quickly identify an uninvited guest and block his access to the network. However, the router cannot warn the owner about new devices appearing on the network. For this purpose you can use third party programs, for example, already described above: set in its settings the periodicity of network scanning and the appropriate type of notification about a new device, and you will always be able to find out about new connections in your wireless network.

Another program has similar functionality - . But, unlike the previous program, it can automatically launch in the system tray along with Windows.

Most users resort to Internet distribution Wi-Fi assistance router. Some people put a password on it for security purposes, and some, not seeing the need for this, leave the router in open access. But in practice, it turns out that neither the first nor, especially, the second solution ensures the security of your grid from unauthorized access.

So, for example, if the Internet suddenly began to, as they say, “slow down,” then how can I find out using Android who is connected to my Wi-Fi, and in general, is this possible? Yes, this is possible, and we will now tell you in detail how to do it.

If you use your Internet connection alone, then all the speed goes only to your device, and as you connect other gadgets to your network, the channel gets clogged and opening, for example, a web page quickly becomes problematic.

Typically, enough security is used to protect wireless networks. reliable protection- protocols WPA encryption and WPA2. And it must be said that, using strong passwords, you can be confident in the security of your wi-fi. This was the case until recently. But use modern technologies and new equipment have made breaking such protection not very difficult. Today there are services that can crack any password for a fairly modest amount.

And not only freebie lovers can use your connection, but also those who want to commit any illegal actions, shifting the responsibility for them onto you. And, if the integrity of your network is already in question, then it makes sense to find out whether it has been hacked and who is using it so shamelessly.

It should be said right away that the status will display devices connected to your network and active on this moment. So, it’s worth catching the villains when, for example, the Internet speed begins to drop sharply. Well, if you just want to look at the information, then you can start right after reading this article.

Using a computer

IN in this case we'll use a small one free utility SoftPerfect WiFi Guard, which you can download from the official website:

The application will scan the WiFi network for all connected devices. If an unfamiliar device is detected, the user will be warned that an intruder has been detected. If the found device is known to you, then you can simply add it to White list and after that the program will not pay attention to it.

Using an Android device

You can find out who connected to your Wi-Fi through your Android. For this you need download Wifi Analyzer app - Home Wifi Alert, which will turn your smartphone into a Wi-Fi analyzer.

Once the installation is complete, launch the program and click on the “scan network” button. After a minute of waiting, the program will show all devices connected to your Wi-Fi network. Those that are connected without your knowledge will be marked in red. If you are sure that these are your devices, then you can add them to the verified ones:

WITH using Wifi Analyzer can also be found for wireless router the least crowded channels and even strengthen the signal of your network. The program will be of interest to specialists who often deal with setting up these networks, as well as ordinary users.

Some features of the application:

  • View graphs by signal level ratio
  • Display the number of channels for each network, Ad Hoc properties, encryption
  • Sorting channels by rank
  • Display information about the connected network: IP, Local Mac, DNS, Link Speed, Gateway, ServerIP, Hidden SSID.

Manually checking third-party connections

Open the browser and enter or in the address bar. Enter the login and password requested by the system. After this, the router settings menu will open. Here it must be said that all routers, depending on the manufacturer, will have a different menu, but everywhere there will be a tab like Wireless (Wireless Settings or something similar). We go through it and see the line Wireless Statistics (or Station List, etc.). We click on it and see the display of a list of all devices that are connected to this network.

What to do if an unauthorized connection to my Wi-Fi is detected

  • First, we change the password, coming up with a more reliable one.
  • Secondly, if the outdated WEP encryption type is installed, then replace it with WPA and WPA2.
  • Third, if there is a MAC address filter in the router settings, turn it on. Here we set a list of those MAC addresses that can have access to your network, then everyone else will not be able to connect just like that.
  • Fourth, turn on the firewall (if your router has this function).
  • Fifth, we change the communication identifier (SSID) and make our Wi-Fi network invisible, which will complicate the possibility of unauthorized access. For greater security, it is better to come up with a more complex name for the identifier.

Today, Wi-Fi exists in almost every home and office, as well as in various entertainment venues. This will allow users to easily connect to the Internet when the need arises.

Of course free wireless access is a significant convenience, but router owners are concerned about the following question: “How can I find out who has connected to a specific WIFI?” This problem is quite common today, so it’s worth understanding all the nuances.

The router may keep a log of activity, depending on specific model. However, finding information there that may be useful is quite problematic. The easiest way is to see the current status in currently and determine how many connected devices there are. Is it true, this method not reliable enough, because it displays information in a specific period of time.

What should be a cause for concern?

Router owners should be wary if the following problems appear:

Reduced data transfer speed (there are many reasons for this, but the most common is connection by other people’s devices);
vigorous flickering of the indicator (usually similar phenomenon observed when data is exchanged with the Internet).

If the devices are not currently working and the indicator is on, this is a cause for concern.

Table of connected equipment

Users are willing to use many methods to find out who has connected to their WIFI. After all, this reduces the quality of the owner’s work. To check whether the Wi-Fi connection is being made by unscrupulous users, you can use the method of viewing the equipment table. To implement it, you will need to enter the IP address into the browser line, and then launch the command interpreter.

Thus, the following actions are performed:

1. Go to the Start menu.
2. Select the “Search” section.
3. Enter “cmd” and press “Enter”.
4. The “ipconfig” command is executed. Near the Default Gateway inscription you can see the router address.

When the login and password are specified, a list of devices connecting to the router will be displayed in the window that appears on the screen. In cases where unknown IP and MAC addresses are observed, it is necessary to block these users. You can also limit their priority by certain period time.

How to find out who is connected to Wi-Fi when using router settings?

This method is quite simple. When you suspect that someone has connected to WIFI, you should check this guess. To do this, you will need to go to the settings and specify the appropriate tab where all the information will be displayed. To visit the settings panel, you need to enter the numbers in the address bar of your browser, which can be found on the back of the router. They may differ, depending on the router model, but basically they are or In addition, these numbers, as well as the login and password, can be seen in the technical documentation.

After entering all the data, you will need to click on the “OK” button and go to the device settings. First you need to go to the “Basic Settings” section, and then visit the “Wireless Mode” menu, selecting “Statistics” there wireless mode" On the right in the window that opens, you can find the number of stations connected to the Wi-Fi wireless connection.

In these statistics you can also see the MAC addresses of the devices, the total number of packets, and the encryption type. Router owners who have enough experience know that they can check the connection of other equipment to their wifi using a cable. For this purpose, use the “DHCP” tab, where you need to find the “List DHCP clients" If there are connected devices, not only their MAC address will be displayed, but also their IP address.

Blocking someone else's MAC address

When the owner of a wireless connection detects other people's connections, the MAC address should be blocked. This is quite easy to do, you just need to filter by third party devices. To implement such goals, you should visit the “MAC Address Filtering” section and select the “Enable” item. After this, you will need to set the button on the first parameter. Then you are prompted to add someone else's address and save changes made. This makes it possible to block access to the Internet for third-party devices that will no longer be able to use Wi-Fi.

Setting a Wi-Fi password

To protect your Wi-Fi from other users, you need to set a password. After this, access to the Internet will be limited, and the owner of the router will get rid of various problems, associated, for example, with low data transfer rates. It is recommended to choose your password very carefully. This is necessary so that unauthorized persons cannot decipher it. If you use a simple and predictable cipher, it will not become a barrier to other users connecting to the wireless network. It is advisable to use a combination of capital and small letters, numbers and punctuation marks. It is also recommended to make it longer.

Conducting a local network scan

There is another option for how to find out who connected to WIFI. It consists of scanning the local network. First you need to enter the computer's IP address and select the required range. When the check is completed, two addresses will be displayed:

— connected device;
- modem.

If there are more of them, this indicates that third-party devices are connected to Wi-Fi. Sometimes users install WEP encryption, but this method is unreliable. Today there are programs that allow you to hack the security and connect to the Internet. WPA is a stronger barrier, but not all older router models support this protocol.

Wireless Network Watcher

There is a program designed to test third-party WIFI connections. It's called Wireless Network Watcher. The program should be downloaded from the official website. This will avoid all kinds of fakes. The program must be launched from the device that is connected to the router, otherwise no benefit will be obtained from Wireless Network Watcher.

When the scan is completed, you can see not only the number of connected devices, but also the MAC addresses. In addition, the name of the manufacturer will be visible. However, it will not be possible to deactivate unscrupulous users when using the program. You need to go to the device settings and block addresses. Experienced users use special program, which makes it possible to determine the location of the connected device, with an accuracy of up to several meters.

There are many ways to find out who is connected to WIFI. Each user is able to choose the one that suits him best.