How to increase tits. Titz - thematic citation index

Greetings, friends! In connection with my new TIC, I want to talk today about how to increase this indicator. Very often, owners of small portals have a question: how to increase the website’s TCI on their own?

This is not so easy to do; there are many subtleties and nuances in this area. Let's look at the main methods that many people don't know about.

Some nuances

You can increase your TCI for a fee or for free. In the first case, it is proposed to simply invite a specialist, pay for his services, and the professional will do everything for you. Efficiency such a decision incomparably higher and succeeds in short time achieve a positive result.

But if you don’t have a huge budget, then it’s better to use ways to self-increase this indicator. But remember, in order to achieve a positive result, you will still have to invest money at different stages.

Free options for increasing TCI

You can start commenting on dofollow blogs and leave links to your resource. The method is not the most effective, but it can give positive result. Such links have little weight, because almost anyone can leave a comment.

Now search engines no longer pay attention to this option. But it can be used to dilute the overall link mass in order to eliminate possible suspicions of cheating.

Such materials can significantly increase the weight; you just need to agree with another resource on placement. It is better to entrust its creation to professionals, because efficiency largely depends on quality.

Minus this option- a lot of time spent, but the result justifies it.

You can use trust sites with high rates. They invite you to register, create new page with the address of your portal.

This way, a significant resource will link to you, this fact will significantly increase citations. But you will have to search for suitable sites for a long time, selecting really popular ones that can help you promote.

Exchange is a way of mutual advancement. You negotiate with other site owners and prepare links to each other. This option is quite effective, but it is necessary to monitor resources so that links are not deleted.

Announcing materials is another method. Although Yandex claims that this option is not taken into account when creating indicators, some addresses fall into the general mass and increase the weight of the resource. A specific text and a link to the article are prepared for further reading.

Paid options for increasing TCI

The first and simplest method is run. Usually small articles with addresses are scattered on forums to increase citations.

But the run also has some disadvantages, because you cannot predict the likely results. It must be used carefully so that the site is not punished by the search engine.

Cheat - the most dangerous option. By purchasing links and deceiving search engines, owners increase their importance and risk being permanently banned.

The quality of links is the main parameter when promoting and you should not purchase them on dubious sites. Moreover, do not cooperate with resources with inflated TICs; your portal may also fall under the filters if it is cleaned.

Renting links has its place, but you need to cooperate only with proven sites and resources. It is important that the site is not cluttered with many addresses, otherwise the potential harm may significantly outweigh the benefits.

When you rent, you pay a certain amount each month. It is very small and webmasters will not have problems with payment.

You can purchase eternal and high-quality links. Their cost is much higher than when renting, but you can maintain mass for a long time and increase it over time.

The average cost of one placement forever is up to 200 rubles.

Article promotion is a very effective way. You can order the preparation of materials with a link included in the text. If they are subsequently placed on reliable sites that the search engine can trust, then the maximum return can be obtained.

But this option is not so cheap; increasing the TIC by only 10 will require about 10 thousand rubles.

Be sure to add the site to search engine directories, this can significantly increase the weight of the resource and increase the TCI by two to three times. But placement can be paid, for example, Yandex charges about 15 thousand rubles from owners.

Only portals with an excellent reputation are included in the catalog for free.

Now you know about the main ways to increase yourself this parameter, both paid and free. If the article was interesting and useful for you, then recommend it to your friends on social networks.

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TCI is the only site ranking factor in Yandex.Catalogue. For sites that are not members of it, the TCI is not needed.

Where can I see the TCI page?

TCI cannot be raised

  1. internal links,
  2. several links from one web resource,
  3. from a site whose TCI is less than 10 (

Where to leave a link to raise the TIC for free to 10

An extremely uninteresting process to be faced with, leave a link to different pages your site wherever possible. Be sure to add the page with a link to your website to the Yandex addurilka.

  1. Forums and social services.
    On thematic forums, completely fill out your profile and give several answers, in one of which leave a link. Everything is to the point. Publish an announcement of an article at least once on networks such as and constantly on Google+
  2. Blogs.
    • Guest articles, when your publication is posted on another site with a link to the author, that is, to your web project.
    • Some blogs run contests where they don't require a backlink. Why not get involved?
  3. Other loopholes.
    A list of sites can be found in the Yandex.Catalog, preferably in a group of their subject. If you select an anchor by right-clicking and selecting " Source selected fragment", you can see
    anchor We do not consider options, of which the last one is the most useless
    >anchor onclick="location.href="http://site/"" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;">http://site/ sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCQQjBAwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2F website%2F&rct=j&q=%D1%88%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B0%20%D0%B1%D0% BB%. ank" class="l" onmousedown="return rwt(this,"","","","2","AFQjCNGB480F0Tgy9wHwSnAc2MSKuP4Fuw","PDeqciYKpUEcOQOg9na5Vg","0CCQQjBAwAQ")">Blogger cheat sheet On the page I try to add keywords, for example, in the "About Me" field. But the text should not be a set of unrelated phrases. The index is thematic, so it is desirable that the title resonates with the anchor and there is corresponding text around the link. It’s good when there are two or three links to your resource on one page.

    An illustrative example (as of 09/23/2011) -

    • h1, title - Photoshop from scratch - promoted request.
    • Relevant readable text containing keywords.
    • The link in "View site" is included in noindex tag, but not an attribute, which means it conveys weight.
    • Ads are moderated and in addition to transmission static weight, there were several transitions to this blog.
    • Such a document is indexed at lightning speed.

Links should be built up gradually and be as diverse as possible; work with blogs, forums, and portals at the same time. Otherwise, as a rule, they take a list of dofollow blogs and go through it all. A sharp increase in links of the same type indicates that they are spammy.

With geo-dependent promotion, when a site is assigned a region, regional links will be most useful.

Anchor selection

So that in addition to the static link weight, on the basis of which PR and citation index are calculated, your blog also receives dynamic link weight, which changes based on proximity search query to the link text, you need to think about the link. I’m promoting a blog on low-frequency search engines - it’s better for the article to be in the first position for a query that is recruited by 150 people than in the tenth position with 500.

Hi all. Today we will talk about how to increase the TIC of a website with free and paid methods. Let me make a reservation right away that I will not discuss any topics in this article. This article will be a kind of generalization of all those working on this moment methods for increasing the TIC of a website. In addition, I will give an answer to the question that torments many, namely: “How much do you need? external links in order to get a TIC of 10?” As an example, I will give 2 of my sites, which received a ten each in the last TIC update.

You have already read what a TIC is and why it is needed in this article: . For those who have read it but have already forgotten or haven’t read it, who are too lazy to follow the link and read (underline what is necessary), I will give brief information about what it is, and then we will immediately move on to methods for increasing the TIC.

What is a TIC and why is it needed?

So, TIC (thematic citation index) is an indicator that Yandex assigns to each site depending on the number and quality of external links to this site. The TIC does not affect the position of the site in the search results, however, it is very valuable because the prices for links on various link exchanges are directly tied to it. Therefore, the more TICs of the site, the more money he can make money by selling links.

How to increase your website's TIC for free

There are several free methods increase the TIC of the site.

  • Registration of the site in white directories. For quite some time now they have been shouting on all corners that this method doesn't work, however, it's not like that. It is possible to increase the TIC of a site by running through white catalogs, but finding such catalogs is becoming increasingly difficult, and they live less and less. In addition, you have to count on a large TIC. Search quality bases There is no point in catalogs in the public, since everything that ends up in the public does not last long. There are two ways out of this situation. Firstly, you can collect your own database of white catalogs. Secondly, you can order a run through catalogs on some SEO forum. Prices this service range from $10 to $100.
  • Registration in profiles. Many sites allow you to register your profile, which means you can leave a link to your site. The main problem is the same - to find unspammed profile databases. It is almost impossible to do this in public. The fact is that as soon as one or another profile with a high TIC appears in the public, this causes a rapid influx of visitors who register on the site, but do not show any activity. Immediately after this, all external links are usually closed in nofollow. That is why it is better to collect databases of trusted, unspammed profiles yourself. You have to spend a lot of time on this, and it is somewhat reminiscent of the work of a gold digger who has to sort through tons of dirt in order to find one gold nugget.
  • Link exchange. This, in my opinion, is the most effective method increase website ranks for free. I'm thinking of writing a separate article on the topic of link exchange in the near future, so subscribe to the RSS.
  • Commenting on blogs. To be honest, I don’t know if comments still bring in any TICs. People who have tried it, please respond, is there any effect?
  • Writing quality content. Probably the most effective, and at the same time, the most the hard way receiving backlinks. The main idea is that if you write very interesting and useful articles, then people will link to you. To do this, you need not only to competently express your thoughts in writing, but also to be a true specialist in your field.

How to increase the TIC for a fee

There are no secrets here either. So we go to the stock exchange, buy more links to our site and wait next update. I have never been involved in artificially inflating TICs and PR since selling links is not the main source of my income. Therefore, the TIC has always been more of a side effect of promotion for me. Besides, I really don't like monthly payments, so I promote all my sites eternal links, which I usually buy on Rotapost and GoGetLinks, as well as articles on Miralinks. In the last TIC update, 2 of my sites received 10 TICs. Here are screenshots from the webmaster's panel:

As you can see, it doesn't take much to get a top 10. All links from blogs on similar topics with TICs from 10 to 50. Approximate ratio: 60% posts from Rotapost and GoGetLinks, 40% articles from Miralinks.

In addition, you can simply not worry. The method is quite controversial, but it has its place.

That's it, I'm already tired of writing. Olivier and champagne are already waiting on the table. It's time to wrap things up. This is the last post in the outgoing year 2012, so I take this opportunity to wish all readers a Happy New Year. I wish you happiness, health, and also that all the goals set for next year were sure to be achieved.

Increasing the TIC (thematic citation index) of a website is a priority for many webmasters, especially if they plan to make money from links. After all, the price of the link, and therefore the income, largely depends on this indicator.

How to increase website TIC

Therefore, this topic is constantly discussed on SEO forums, blogs and other resources for webmasters, new ways are being looked for to increase the TIC of a site - how to get more links that are effective in this regard. But the simplest and most reliable has long been the correct purchase of links. And although, naturally, a certain amount will be required, the TIC will certainly increase and quite quickly, while with free links you can wait a year or more (while constantly working to get them).

How to increase the TIC: high does not mean reliable

Eat different ways increase the TIC indicator, from very cheap to expensive. The cost depends on what links you will buy. But the quality of the thematic citation index and its reliability also depend on this. So, for example, if it has grown due to runs through site catalogs or forum profiles, then there is a high probability that Yandex will understand this and the site will fall under the filter, that is, the TIC will be reset to zero.

That’s why resources with spammy TICs (low quality backlinks) are not accepted into some link exchanges. For example, GoGetLinks and Miralinks are very strict about this - moderators always check the quality of external links and if they are monotonous, from low-grade spammed resources, then the site will not be able to get into the donor database. So if you plan to make money on these exchanges, the TIC needs to be increased in quality, and not just in quantity.

If you need the TIC for other purposes and you don’t care about its quality, naturally, you can save money and choose inexpensive ways to obtain links. Methods for increasing TIC are discussed below according to their reliability and effectiveness.

How to raise TICs with links from

This exchange has established itself as one of the most reliable and quality sites to purchase links. Firstly, strict moderation of resources ensures that only really high-quality sites that will live for many years are included in the database. This means that when you buy a link, you can be sure that it will have a positive effect on the promotion of your site.

Secondly, has organized the work in such a way that you can easily select resources with the indicators you need, which allows you to quickly find suitable donors.

Thirdly, you only pay for useful links– if the site page where the link is located is not included in the index, the money is returned. In addition, it is possible to insure reviews - to protect yourself from unscrupulous webmasters.

Of course, all this costs accordingly - prices are slightly higher than on other exchanges. But, as they say, you have to pay for quality. Not everyone is ready to buy links from GoGetLinks to increase the TIC - the budget for an indicator of 50-60 points will be quite significant. But if you think about it, this has its advantages:

  • no need to spend a lot of time;
  • links are high-quality and eternal;
  • The TIC will rise quickly and will last a long time;
  • In addition to the TIC, thanks to the links, positions in the search results will rise.

Yes, this pleasure is not cheap, but nevertheless, you can save money here too if you purchase links correctly.

How articles with links in increase the TIC

Raising TICs with articles is more effective, but more expensive than with regular links. Although not everything is so simple either. In itself, posting an article on another site through Miralinks can be inexpensive - sometimes several times cheaper than a link in the same GoGetLinks. But keep in mind that you still need to write the article. And not at random - webmasters who offer their sites as donors often have quite serious requirements - length from 2-3 thousand characters, thematic images, 2-3 links written in a certain way.

Ordering such material from a copywriter will cost from 80 rubles. plus placement is about the same amount if the site is not of high performance and quality. That is, at least 150-200 rubles. for one article. And for a normal effect, you need to order at least 200-300 links, which will also take a lot of time. After all, you need to select the right queries for anchors, give tasks to copywriters, and then add the finished articles to the exchange. What if further improvements are needed? In general, if you are not ready to bother with all this, it is better to just buy links.

But Miralinks - perfect solution for those who have enough free time and who want and can write articles themselves. You'll spend less money and get great, high-performing links. After all, everything is in your hands:

  • the articles will be of high quality, specifically for your links;
  • links can be inserted so that they are interesting for visitors, which means there is an opportunity to receive additional traffic;
  • One article can contain up to 3 links, which allows you to effectively promote 3 sites at once for little money.

The last moment is the most interesting. Agree, it looks very attractive to simultaneously increase the TIC of several sites at once. The budget savings are significant, especially if the articles are written independently. So you should seriously think about how to spend your available funds more efficiently; perhaps you will be able to kill 2, or even 3 birds with one stone.

It is clear that writing a large number of articles requires not only a lot of time, but also desire, perseverance, and hard work, and not everyone can do this. But if you want to get a reliable TIC inexpensively, this is the best option.

Buying links directly

A labor-intensive, but very effective way to increase the TIC is to buy links directly from site owners (without the intermediary of exchanges). Its advantages:

  • the link will be cheaper (after all, exchanges charge a commission for their services);
  • a minimum of people (you and the seller) will know that the link was purchased, which means the likelihood of sanctions from search engines is very low, while sites on exchanges can be easily found by Yandex employees;
  • it is possible to buy a link from a completely “clean” site, which has no more selling links and generally a minimum of outgoing ones, which will give your resource more weight.

The easiest way to find people who sell links directly is on specialized forums for webmasters, social networks and communities. There is also the option of searching for suitable resources in Yandex or Google results. Select sites whose links will be useful to your resource and contact the owner through the form feedback, e-mail, social networks (usually each site has at least one contact).

Keep in mind that many of your letters and messages will remain unanswered, others will be refused, and others will be offered too high a price. And to buy at least 20-30 links you will have to send several hundred offers. But if this option suits you, go ahead, it is very effective.

Links from to increase the TIC

The RotaPost exchange, compared to GGL, has one important advantage for many - links here can be bought at 35-45% cheaper. There are simply more sites, higher competition, and therefore lower costs. Naturally, be prepared for the fact that you will have to reconsider great amount resources to select worthy donors. That is, time in exchange for money.

But raise the thematic citation index to 10 with a budget of even 3,000 rubles. is quite real. While in GoGetLinks this will require almost 2 times more.

In general, the system is a budget option, which should under no circumstances be ignored. And when you learn to easily identify sites suitable as donors, you will be able to quickly purchase effective links here too. - how to raise the TIC with temporary links

If you want to make money from links, then the TIC obtained from links from is not the best option. Firstly, you will have to constantly pay. Secondly, there are no guarantees of TIC stability - sites often fall under filters, change, and links will “blink” (you will have to periodically set up new purchasing filters). Thirdly, search engines easily identify such links, because most often they are located in separate blocks. This means that they simply will not take them into account (at best).

And yet, it is possible to increase the TIC with links from Sape, but this method is more suitable for those who have been working with this system for a long time and are well acquainted with all the intricacies. If you have “working” filters, proven methods for selecting sites and a certain monthly budget for website promotion, you can safely “shop” here. Of course, improve your approach from time to time, stay tuned for updates search engines, actions of competitors and leading optimizers.

Runs as a way to increase TIC

Almost every SEO forum has suggestions to run your site through directories, message boards, bookmarks, blog comments, trust site profiles, etc. Prices range from 10 to 50 dollars depending on the type of run (automatic, manual), the number and quality of sites in the database, the possibility of placing links (anchor links, number of urls).

Most often offered automatic runs, for example, using the XRumer program or similar. But if the database is small (for example, 50 sites with high performance), there may be a manual run (higher quality and cost).

For the simplest run, you only need to give the site address. More advanced “runners” can make links to any page and even with the necessary anchors, which, of course, is much better. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to indicate different urls and anchors, do not ignore it - prepare the list in the required form with high quality. In this case, the links will not be the same, which means there is less chance of receiving sanctions from Yandex.

Services for raising TIC – is it real?

Few people do this, but if you want, you can find people who offer a guaranteed increase in the TIC. Usually, full payment is made upon the fact, depending on how many points the indicator rises, but there is always an advance payment, for example, for 20 TICs. That is, if it’s 20, you don’t owe anything; if it’s 30 or more, you need to pay extra accordingly.

Whether it is worth using such services is a controversial issue: some people think this is the most in a simple way, others are more concerned about quality. Indeed, the developer is only interested in increasing the TIC of your resource and, as a rule, not in quality, but in quantity - which means that the sites are unlikely to be white and fluffy, as are the links from them. And for a large number of Yandex and Google won’t give you a pat on the head for spam links – filters, TIC resetting (if it manages to grow), lowering positions and even a complete ban.

Another factor “against” is the reliability of the TIC. Are you sure that it will last at least 1-2 years? Most often, the links that influenced this indicator disappear after a few months, and with them the TIC.

And lastly, finding a real specialist is not so easy. But “superentrepreneurs” (or scammers in other words) who simply collect money from those who want to quickly and inexpensively increase their TIC and disappear, are a dime a dozen.

How to buy links to grow your TIC

We already know where to buy links. The most popular, of course, are exchanges. But not all links are equally effective and it is not always possible to increase the TIC with their help. The whole secret is in the right purchase. Basically, you need to focus on general rules purchasing links, but consider a few more important points.

Selecting new sites. New - not just created, but recently added to the system. This is important because it is the “fresh” resources that have not yet been spammed, they contain a minimum of sales links, which means they will transfer more weight to your site. But it wouldn’t hurt, of course, to check the number of external links yourself. Perhaps the site participated in other exchanges or sells links directly and its “purity” is not so impeccable.

First quantity, then quality. The quality of donors comes first if you need to improve your position in the search results, since the weight transmitted through the link is taken into account to a greater extent. With a topical citation index, the first thing to think about is quantity. This does not mean that you can buy 1000 links from zero sites and get good TIC growth, no. Quality is definitely taken into account. The point is not to chase too expensive links from resources with a high TIC - it’s better to buy 50 links from sites with 1-20 TICs than 1 with a TIC of 100.

Unique anchor and link text. Link gluing is a very real and quite serious problem. You can spend a huge amount to no avail - links with the same anchors will be counted as one. Therefore, try to diversify link texts as much as possible, use non-anchor options. Also remember that the links must point to different pages. Even if promotion by queries is not important to you (as long as the TIC grows), you cannot purchase links only to the main page - this is unnatural.

Time factor. Link explosion never leads to anything good. Therefore, remember that you need to purchase links constantly and gradually - fewer for a young site and increase their number with age.

Also keep in mind that the TIC indicator is not updated very often - sometimes you have to wait 3-4 months. And all links will be counted only after 2-3 updates. That is, it may take almost a year before you see real results from purchasing links.

For many webmasters, the task often arises is to increase the so-called “bells” of the site - TCI and PR. For those who don’t know, let’s find out what kind of little bellies these are...

TIC- thematic citation index (TCI) This is an indicator that was introduced by the Yandex PS. It determines the “authority” of sites taking into account the qualitative characteristics of links to them from other sites. You can read more about TIC.

PR (Page Rank ) is an indicator that is used by Google to determine the “authority” of website pages. Unlike TCI, PageRank is calculated for each page of the site. Read more about what PR is.

Often, TCI and PR are increased specifically in order to sell links from the pages of your site at a higher price. After all, the higher the TCI and PR indicators of a resource, the more expensive the link from this resource. This means that many people immediately have a question: “How to increase TIC and PR?»

Here are a few ways I know to raise Tits and Pr:

1) Run the site through white directories + closed directories.
After registering in white catalogs, not only does Titz and PR increase, but also an additional small source is acquired targeted traffic. Therefore, no matter how much they say that this method has sunk into oblivion and has very little effect, the initial promotion of the site should be carried out precisely from this. Only carefully and efficiently. Choose only good directories in which you want to place your site. Also, after the run, the position in the search engine results may increase due to the link ranking factor.

You can order a run through the white catalog databases from one of the run-runners - people who specifically do this. The cost of their services usually ranges from $15 before $60 . I think it's better to run it yourself. Although it takes a lot of time, the result will be visible. Of course, if you don’t have the knowledge, time and a good database of white catalogues, entrust the matter to professionals.

Where can I get white directory databases?
It's in the public big number bases Their quality is not very good, but among them there are normal catalogs. Also, you can buy good bases

I am now little by little collecting my database of white catalogues. In it 4658 directories ( 3659 for auto-registration) I am posting it here. Might be useful to someone...
Download database for Allsubmitter 4.7 upd: There is no more directory database.
(Password for the archive: website)
Base code
Recently I ran a zero satellite on it, after the first ap Titz grew to 20, there was no PR ap yet.

For a fee, many people offer to place your site in closed directories.

2) Submit articles to article directories.
Everything is simple here. Write a feature article, not forgetting to include keywords, insert 1 to 3 links to your site in the text and place it in the article directory.

You can also exchange articles with resources related to the topic.

3) Submit in catalogs and press releases.
This is almost the same as publishing articles, but the form of writing press releases is slightly different.

4) Bulletin boards, forums, guest services, social networks.
There are many message boards on the Internet where you can post any ad with a link to your site. There are also many forums where you can insert your link in your profile and signature, and advertise or ask to “check out” the site in special. section dedicated to this.
(You shouldn’t use programs like Hrumer to spam guest posts and forums, otherwise you may get your ticks reset.) There are also a lot of social networks, which allow you to place your link on one of the pages.

5) Writing unique and interesting content.
If someone likes your article, he can post a link to it on the forum, his website, friends' blogs, etc. Then links to your resource will be natural.

6) Exchange links with resources related to the topic.
Thematic link exchange remains the most popular and effective way promoting the site and increasing TIC and PR indicators.
You can create a thematic directory of links on your website and exchange with high-quality sites on the same subject or exchange end-to-end links. Lately Yandex treats link directories very disrespectfully and constantly underestimates the weight of the transmitted link from pages that have a directory structure. Therefore, getting carried away with link directories on your website can be dangerous.

7) Commenting on blogs/websites.
Just don't engage in stupid spam. Comment only after you have read the post and have something to say about the topic. Also, do not write all kinds of anchors instead of your username, otherwise your comment will simply be deleted and you will waste your time.

8.) Run through RSS directories.
For those who are not familiar with RSS, read what it is. And also, download RSS directory database.(UPD: I deleted the link because the site on which the databases were closed).

Now there are not many RSS directories left that provide a direct link, mostly by redirect or text, but you can still get a small Titz.

9) Buying links.
Upd: You can buy posts on blogs. To increase your TIC, it has been noticed that it is best to buy links to internal pages, that is, for posts. This method is expensive, but it is effective. You can buy links on exchanges such as Sapa and Xap.

Who else knows ways to increase Tiz or Pr?

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