How to manage a closed VKontakte group. How to manage a group in contact - detailed instructions

Greetings, dear visitors of the start-luck blog. Administration of VKontakte is not like that simple task and therefore we often turn to friends, acquaintances or colleagues for help. In general, it is a rare case when a public is run by only one person.

The “Administrator” has the most important advantage. He can appoint and remove other admins, including you. How did I go wrong? I gave these rights to an unreliable person, and he went ahead and removed me from leadership. I created the group from a fake account, from which I lost access, as well as the group itself a little later. In an instant and forever. Be more careful about who you appoint as chief leader.

In addition to the role, here you can choose whether the person will be displayed in the group’s contacts. Believe me, people write to this account most often, even if you have a button: “Write a message to the community.” It is best to put your main account here. Sometimes they offer very useful things: cooperation and asking questions.

Don't worry about being pestered. They write not so often, but almost always to the point. This is the easiest way to win people over to your group. Again, be careful about who you push into Contacts.

If a person starts being rude, he will turn the participants against the group, and you won’t even know about it. In general, it is very difficult to control how a person communicates with others. I know that many public page owners often check their administrators and if they do not answer correctly, they quickly get rid of them.

In my opinion this is correct.

Adding from phone

Adding an admin via phone can be done in less than a couple of minutes. Again, go to the community. Next, press the nut located in the upper right corner.

Well, here is the already familiar panel, through which you will only have to determine the role of the participant, which I already talked about in the previous chapter, and also whether to add him to your contacts or not.

By the way, you might also find the article useful for posts, sections and the VK group itself. Well, if you want more now, then you need a course “ From zombie to internet entrepreneur " It will make you look differently not only at social networks, but also at the situation that has developed in the Internet business today.

You won't find this information anywhere. I took this course and see no point in citing facts from it. Some readers will be offended, others will be upset, and others will not understand. I can’t say everything in my blog, and snippets of information definitely won’t lead to anything good.

To become an entrepreneur you need to change some of your views, even your character. You need to be shocked. It is possible to achieve results. It is enough to delve into a large number of new information immediately. Even if you don't always like them. This is the key to real transformation.

Unfortunately, experienced psychologists work with only 1% of the population and actually achieve complete change. You've all probably seen similar shows on TV. No one will force you to change. It’s easier to brush it off and say that the reason for failure lies in laziness.

I've been thinking about this question for a long time. Every administrator knows how much time it takes to create content, work with pictures, search for new information for the group, work with comments, respond to personal messages, and so on. What the hell is laziness?

The Internet is plowing like nowhere else. Sometimes I look at people who just go to work and drink tea there. On social networks, no one will pay for time, for eating cake. Everyone wants results. Even more so if you work for yourself.

Hello friends!

In today's article I will talk about the settings of the VKontakte group. Where to find them and what needs to be indicated in them in order to promote more effectively in VK. In general, the information will definitely be useful, so read below.

What are the settings for and where are they located?

Initially, when you create communities, you immediately go to the VKontakte group settings and there you need to set all the necessary data. In addition, usually the group settings constantly change depending on the tasks, and I’ll tell you where to find them later.

In the screenshot below, I showed where you can get to the settings of your community, namely by clicking the “Manage Community” button under your community’s avatar (in the case of a public page, it will say “Manage Page”.

Basic settings of the VKontakte community

Let's go through the basic settings of the VKontakte community.

Other community settings

Now let's look at the other tabs. “Participants” tab. Here you can see who is in your community, and also, if necessary, remove someone from the community.

These are, in principle, the basic settings of the VKontakte community. You can easily figure them out yourself, but if suddenly you don’t work in social networks at all and you need promotion, then you can safely contact us.

I provide consultations and also help promote VKontakte communities.

I hope you found this article helpful and will share the link on social media. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates to stay up to date with all the events.

That's all, bye everyone!

Developers of the popular social service changed at the end of February 2013 functionality management of public pages and brought them as close as possible to managing groups.

Installed in absolutely all communities unified system powers of managers, which includes the following three levels: “administrator”, “moderator” and “editor”. The rights and capabilities of each of them will be discussed in detail below.

Please read the instructions below very carefully before you decide to register other users as leaders of your community.

Competence of the “Moderator”.
The “moderator” has the least rights of all levels of management. His direct responsibilities include monitoring compliance with order. All “moderator” rights can be combined into the following three groups:

1. The right to delete comments and entries in discussions.

The “moderator” has the right:
– Delete absolutely all comments of a specific user for the last week.
– Delete topics in discussions that were created by users.

The “moderator” does not have rights to:
– Removing comments on behalf of the community.
– Removing topics in discussions that were created by managers.

2. The right to delete photographs, videos, audio recordings, and information content.

The “moderator” does not have rights to:
– Deleting photos, videos, audio recordings that were added by other managers.

3. The right to a “black” list and inviting new members to the community

The “moderator” has the right:
– Invite and approve new participants.
– Add to the “black” list and remove members from the community.
– Remove participants from the “black” list.
The “moderator” does not have rights to:
– More than a hundred participants were blacklisted and removed from the community within 24 hours.

“Editor” powers:

In addition to all the above rights of the “moderator”, the rights of the “editor” are also added to the rights to manage information content, on community design and working with the community wall.

1. The right to external design of the community:

– Fully manage the community avatar, as well as edit the community status.
– View and edit community “wiki pages” that are protected by privacy settings.
– Pin community posts.

2. Right to publish and manage content:

– Upload, edit and delete community photos and photo albums.
– Fully control all audio and video recordings of the community.
– Work with documents.
– Manage topics in discussions and the ability to edit participant comments.

3. Right to the wall:
– Create, edit and delete entries on behalf of the community.
– Work with the news that is offered.

In addition to all this, the “editor” has the rights to view community statistics and change their privacy settings.

Prerogative of the “Administrator”.
“Administrator” is the highest level in community management. He already has absolutely all the powers of a “moderator” and “editor” at his disposal. Try to be extremely careful when assigning other users as “administrators”.

The “Administrator” has rights to:

– Appoint and remove community leaders.
– Edit absolutely all information about the community, including the short address and name of the community.
– Configure RSS feed formats and Twitter client synchronization.
- To Work with various applications: add applications to the community or, conversely, specify the community as official group applications.

By assigning a user as a “manager”, you also have the right to choose whether or not to display the “manager” in the contact block.

Some more changes in managing public pages:

1. It is now possible to remove members of public pages from the list of subscribers. Previously, this could only be implemented by adding a user to the “black” list.
2. Introduced himself instant search by subscribers, which can only work in those communities with more than one thousand members.

Well, that seems to be all for now.)))

Today we will look at how to create a group in VK and how to configure it step by step to suit the needs of your business, so that the community brings maximum benefit. It will take about 10-15 minutes to do everything.

Creating a group on VKontakte is a very profitable investment of time and effort for several objective reasons:

  • The network’s audience itself is large and almost reached 100 million monthly active users according to 2017 data.
  • VK attracts people different ages and views, which, unlike Odnoklassniki, where the lion's share of users are women of the older generation, allows you to promote any line of business.
  • Many VKontakte users literally live within the community - they search for information and make purchases without going to external sites. The consequence of this is the uniqueness target audience(little overlap with traffic from Yandex and Google search engines).
  • The technical functionality of the groups themselves allows you to conduct not only information projects, but also directly create showcases with goods and make sales through a special module, without investing in the development of an online store on a personal website.

A VKontakte group (community) can be not only an addition to your main website, but also an independent tool for promoting your business or making direct money.

What types of communities are there in VK and what to choose?

Before you start creating a group, it is worth exploring the possibilities presented by Contact for this. There are 3 options, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

The choice of group option is available during the process of its creation; it is possible to change the type of an already existing project, but not more than once a month. If you immediately misjudge your desires, then nothing fatal will happen in this, but it is better to plan everything correctly right away.

Option #1. Group

This is the most democratic form of community, suitable for projects that involve the active participation of members in its life. Only the group allows all members to write on the wall, add photo albums and videos (if you allow them).

You can define access rules for a group; it can be:

  • open - everyone can join,
  • closed - each application requires approval from the administration,
  • private – access only by personal invitation.

In groups you can see the entire list of participants.

Main advantage: You can invite up to 40 friends every day by sending out invitations.

This option is ideal at the start, when you need to recruit a primary audience.

Option #2. Public page

This format is not conducive to communication and discussion. Participants cannot publish topics on the community wall and have the right only to suggest news to the moderators, which will be posted on behalf of the community upon approval.

There is no option to make a public page private. So, if you have something secret or not for everyone, then the option public page disappears.

There is no list of participants. In fact, the very concept of participant does not apply here. Invite someone using opportunities social network, also no.

A public page is suitable for a project with rarely changing information, as well as in cases where, due to its specificity, the list of participants (subscribers) is not available for viewing.

Option #3. Event

The name implies the purpose of this type of community. When it is necessary to quickly notify and gather people for some event, event pages are created.

In terms of capabilities, the event is similar to a group, but:

  • Has a date and reminds participants of themselves;
  • Allows you to invite up to 5,000 people per day from the subscribers of your communities.

For example, if you have a regular group with a large audience dedicated to your services, and you are planning an interesting discount promotion, create an event and quickly invite all readers to it.

Features of the event: There is no way to attach a block with products to the main page.

When choosing an event is obvious, but when deciding between a group and a page, you need to take into account many factors, for example, the topic of the community - it’s better to pack something intimate into the page, since not everyone interested in treating impotence will want their avatars to be displayed in the list of group members .

How to create a VKontakte group: step-by-step instructions

To create a group on VK you must have an account on this social network.

Log in with your username/password, select the “Groups” item in the menu on the left with the icon of two people. In this section at the top right there is a button “Create a community”:

Name, topic and type of community

The first community data is entered in the pop-up menu (you can change it in the next step):

  • Group name;
  • Community type(group, page, event);
  • Subjects– the hierarchy for selecting topics is multi-stage and involves selecting suitable sub-items from drop-down lists.

Clicking on the “Create Community” button opens a detailed menu where you can configure your VKontakte group in detail.

Basic group settings

Some of the data is automatically transferred from the previous step, they can be adjusted, and all that remains is to enter the following from scratch:

  • Group Description– make it short but concise, so that a second glance is enough to understand who this VK group was created for.
  • Group type– open, closed, private (features are described above).
  • Cover– this is a picture at the top of the community, acting as a header. To make a cover for a VKontakte group, you need a picture measuring 1590*400 px. You can take any suitable larger image and crop or compress it in a graphics editor.
  • page address– the default set of numbers is set, it is better to change it to something simpler and more understandable.
  • Web site– if your project has a website on the Internet, link it to the community, it will be listed in the group menu.
  • Location– regional reference is indicated if necessary, you can select from country to exact address.
  • Room in Snapster– this is an application similar to Instagram, please indicate if there is one.

Additional settings are divided into categories and placed in a separate block on the right.

Setting up group sections

Here the structure of the group is determined - which sections will be placed on the main page, as well as rights and opportunities different participants communities. The choice is great, from complete democracy, when everyone adds anything and anywhere, to a complete ban on new content even for administrators.

You can add a photo album, video and audio recordings, attach arbitrary documents and flexibly configure the rights to fill each block.

To create an online store within a VK group, you need to connect the “Products” item; go through the rest of the options yourself. Clicking on each item provides a clear hint.

Enabling the comment filter

This is done through the “Comments” settings section. There is a ready-made database of obscene expressions, to which you can add additional words. Any comments containing objectionable content will not be published.

If you need to display a widget with recommended links on the main page of the group in the form of a separate block, open the “Links” tab and indicate the necessary ones URL addresses. Can work like internal links to VKontakte pages and links to external sites.

How to add an application to a VK group

Through the “Applications” block, you can add new functions to your group, for example, interactive tests or a widget for collecting donations (analogue). List possible applications large and periodically expanding.

To install, click the “Add” button next to the desired application.

At this point, the process of creating a VKontakte group can be considered complete, but it’s worth adding a few words about its administration.

How to change group settings

You can change most of the settings you made when creating your community at any time.

All this is done through the “Community Management” section, the link to which is located at home page, on the right under the header in the icon with an ellipsis (“…”):

How to manage group subscribers

In VK you can manage all members of a group that belongs to you.

Go to “Community Management”, select “Participants” on the right:

In the list, find the accounts you need to take action on and by clicking on the appropriate links, either appoint them as commanders or kick them out.

Creating your own group in VK is useful, but this is only the first small step. Next, you need to invest a lot of effort and time into filling it and promoting it.

  1. Before the beginning active promotion completely set up the group and post a couple of dozen posts so that new users have something to watch/read.
  2. Post regularly, choose your optimal schedule for this.
  3. Post only content that is interesting to your target audience.
  4. Involve members in your community through competitions and promotions.
  5. Study analytics to understand the degree of audience activity by day of the week and time.
  6. Do not overuse advertising, free educational and entertainment content should be at least 70-80%, otherwise there will be a lot of unsubscribes.

That’s all for today, and let the VK algorithms be favorable to your groups.