How to improve wifi coverage in an apartment. Using a wi-fi parabolic antenna

Living in a spacious apartment is undoubtedly good, but the problem is that the larger the room, the more difficult it is to ensure that the Wi-Fi signal covers it entirely. The main “evil” here is concrete walls. It is they, the insidious interior partitions, that prevent you from freely using the Internet.

Do you want to solve the problem radically? Set aside the sledgehammer and hammer drill. Today we’ll talk about how to boost your router’s signal using twelve proven methods without destroying your home.

The first group of methods: fast, simple, without risk

Updating the router firmware

A low Wi-Fi signal level may be a firmware bug. To solve the problem, it is often enough to install a more recent version by downloading it from the manufacturer’s website.

Select a free channel

In apartment buildings and large office centers, the channel wireless communication that your network is using may be overloaded. This is indicated by dips and frequent dropouts of the Wi-Fi signal, as well as repeated failures when trying to connect to your own access point.

Changing the channel in the router settings will help solve the problem.

You can select the most free one either experimentally or with the help of free application inSSIder which shows everyone Wi-Fi users within the computer's visibility range and on which channels they are “sitting”.

Optimal placement of the router in the apartment

The question of where it is best to place the router cannot be answered unambiguously. The layout of the rooms, and the appliances themselves, are different for everyone. The optimal location is considered to be the center of the apartment, but not always and not for everyone, so it will be better if you experiment a little.

You definitely shouldn’t place the router close to heat sources. The reason for the deterioration of the performance of some models, especially those prone to overheating, is an excessively hot “climate”.

Wi-Fi signal can be turned off Appliances(electric stoves, microwave ovens, cordless phones, “frost-free” refrigerators) and power cables (even those laid inside the wall), so try to make sure that on the path between the access point and the “dead” zone in the apartment (the place where the signal does not penetrate) there was nothing like that. It is also advisable to remove mirrors, aquariums and other objects with reflective surfaces from there.

Blocking access to the network to arrogant neighbors

Too simple - a temptation for not too honest people to use your network. If some cunning “hacker” has connected to your access point and hacks into network games(watches movies, downloads torrents, sits in video chats), problems with Internet speed are guaranteed.

To check if this is the case, look in the router settings. The presence of uninvited guests on the list is a reason to immediately change the password to a more complex one and prohibit unauthorized connections by filtering MAC addresses.

If a “particularly advanced hacker” is interested in your network, then bypassing a tricky password is not a problem for him, nor is masking the MAC addresses of his devices. In this case, it is best to create a filtering rule that allows only your PCs and gadgets to connect to the access point and denies everyone else.

Some routers have one unpleasant property: the longer they work, the more the Wi-Fi signal level decreases. After a reboot, the signal is restored, lasts 1-2 days and drops again.

If the device is in an accessible place, simply reboot it as often as necessary. For those who do not have such an opportunity (or desire), methods have been invented to automatically reboot routers on a schedule. Scripts designed for this are often posted on forums dedicated to networks and network devices. However, they are not created by device manufacturers, but third party developers, so I can’t guarantee their performance.

There are also hardware solutions to this problem. For example, adapters for sockets with a timer (they turn off the power to the connected device in specified time) or IP sockets (“pingers”), which monitor the availability of network devices and, if any of them do not respond, restart the access point. The price of such devices is approximately $5 to $50.

Transition to 5 GHz frequency and 802.11n/ac standard

If your access point operates in two bands (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), switch to the 5 GHz frequency. Few people use it yet, so it is practically free.

Also, if possible, disconnect devices that operate according to 802.11a/b/g standards from the network - their low speed reception and transmission slows down the entire network.

Increasing transmitter power

Most modern routers support changing the transmitter power. On some, it is set to medium by default. Switching to high often solves the problem of short radio range.

Second group of methods: with moderate costs and effort

Replacing access point antennas with more powerful ones

If your router is equipped with removable antennas (or non-removable ones, but you are “friendly” with a soldering iron, and the device is not under warranty), you can replace them with longer-range ones. The antenna gain of the majority of home routers is 2-5 dBi. Instead, you can set it to 7-10 dBi.

Making a homemade amplifier

A tin can, a little wire, foil and the ability to work with your hands is almost all you need to create homemade amplifier Wi-Fi. I don’t know for sure how much such devices amplify the signal, but many craftsmen claim that it’s not bad. If you don’t mind that the device will not look very aesthetically pleasing, why not try to make it? Manufacturing instructions are easy to find on the Internet.

Third group of methods: with significant costs or risk

Installing alternative DD-WRT firmware

The DD-WRT firmware can significantly expand the capabilities of a home router, including increasing the transmitter power to the permissible maximum and strengthening the Wi-Fi signal. DD-WRT supports, but its authors do not guarantee that the device will remain operational after installation. If you bet, do so only at your own peril and risk. And with loss of warranty.

Buying a Wi-Fi signal repeater

A repeater is a distance of several tens or hundreds of meters, receiving a signal from the access point. The solution is convenient and simple, but not at all budget-friendly. The cost of such a device is approximately 2/3 the price of an average router, and sometimes more.

By the way, you can use another router as a repeater if you have one.

Buying a more modern and powerful router

This method is the most effective, but also the most expensive. Choose new router of the 802.11ac class models with support for two bands - they are by far the fastest and will be relevant for at least 5-7 next years.

I hope at least one of the 12 methods will be useful to you. Happy experimenting!

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“A step beyond the possible”: how to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi router updated: January 11, 2017 by: Johnny Mnemonic

Each router has its own maximum range, initially set by the manufacturer. But usually the router does not work at full capacity for some reason. Its capabilities can be increased not only by reconfiguration, but also by additional equipment.

What determines the strength and range of the signal?

Everyone has modern models routers have the same operating principle. There are two main characteristics of the signal:

  • force - maximum speed receiving and sending bits per second;
  • range - the distance from the router at which you can catch a stable Wi-Fi signal.

For all routers, the signal strength and range are affected by the following factors:

  • speed of the supplied Internet connection. It affects the maximum possible speed of the Wi-Fi network. The router cannot transmit data to the Internet faster than an Internet cable or Internet modem. At the same time, the maximum Wi-Fi speed is sometimes lower than the maximum Internet connection speed;
  • maximum throughput. The router is a router, that is, it redirects incoming and outgoing data to the desired stream, but the speed of sorting information is limited. In most cases, it is higher than the maximum Internet connection speed, but in cheap or older models it may not be sufficient;
  • router settings. There are several characteristics, discussed in a separate paragraph, that affect signal quality;
  • antenna. It plays the most important role in signal propagation. It determines how far and in what direction the signal will be heard;
  • receiver. Each device has a built-in Wi-Fi receiver and a small antenna. If you don't have enough signal strength, it may be the device and not the router. It may have a receiver installed that is too weak or an antenna that is not powerful enough to receive an average Wi-Fi signal.

Internet connection speed and maximum throughput There is no way to change the router without replacing the equipment. But other parameters can be adjusted manually, thereby achieving maximum effect.

Video: how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal

How to improve your signal without buying equipment

There are several ways you can change signal characteristics for the better without having to buy new equipment. Let's consider them in order of increasing complexity and time-consuming implementation.

Moving the router

If you have the opportunity, move your router to the place where you spend the most time on the Internet. Since most routers have a circular antenna installed, they distribute the signal over a certain radius around themselves. And the further the distance from the center, that is, from the router, the weaker the signal. It does not stop abruptly, but decreases gradually until it becomes too weak for stable transmission of information.

The signal is heard in all directions

Changing the location of the router can also help if the Internet connection is via a modem. Perhaps in a new location the modem will catch the signal better, which means the connection speed and Wi-Fi network will increase.

Setting up the router

The network distributed by the router has two characteristics that can be changed in any router model:

  • a channel is a specific frequency at which the network operates. If you live in an apartment building or are in an office with several routers, they may coincide, several routers will work in the same channel. As a result, the signal speed will drop due to the fact that the router will have to filter signals intended for other routers;
  • frequency - modern routers can operate in two types of frequencies (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz). Most often, the first version is used by default, but some models allow you to switch to the second. Since most routers operate in the 2.4 GHz band, after switching to another mode the amount of interference will decrease. It should be taken into account that 5 GHz is suitable for distributing a signal to long distances, but in a small room, especially if there are obstacles, they may lose in quality. Only by experience, by checking the speed and range of the signal at both frequencies, can you find out which option is better in your case.

Some models allow you to manually adjust the signal strength. Sometimes this parameter is set as a percentage, and sometimes in three values: low, medium, high.

Search for used channels

In Russia, you are allowed to use 13 channels (from 1 to 13 for 2.4 GHz), in America - 11. Therefore, the channel number available to you will be limited by your country of residence. Be sure to check this information before changing the channel. After setting a prohibited value, the device will not be able to connect to the network.

Before changing the channel, you need to understand whether it is worth doing and which channel you can switch to. To do this, follow these steps:

Change channel

Having found out which channel is least loaded, you can proceed to setting up the router. It will be carried out through the control panel, accessible from any device connected to a Wi-Fi network or via a LAN cable to the router:

Frequency change

If your router supports frequency change, then in the control panel this function can be found in the settings wireless network. To activate a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network, you need to switch to one of the following channels: 36, 40, 44, 48 (data for Russia, may differ in other countries).

Choosing what frequency the router should operate at

After switching to a new frequency, check whether the Internet has become more stable and faster, and whether the range of access to the network has increased.

Power change

Some models allow you to change the signal strength in the router control panel. If this item is in the settings of your model, then set the maximum available value.

We indicate the maximum power

After changing the settings, save the entered information and reboot the router.

Disable Power Saving

This item concerns setting up a device connected to the network. If the battery saving mode is activated on a laptop, phone or tablet, this may affect the stability of signal reception.

Since working with a Wi-Fi network requires a lot of energy, when energy saving is activated, the device tries to stop exchanging information over the network at any convenient opportunity. Because of this, Internet speed may drop.


To deactivate the power saving mode in Windows 10, click on the battery icon located in the lower right corner of the panel quick access. In the expanded block, move the slider towards maximum performance. Optional to install maximum value, the main thing is that the maximum long operation mode is not activated.

Moving the slider towards performance


Swipe down from top to bottom of your device screen. Find the battery icon. If the mode is activated, the icon will turn red or turn into a battery with a plus (depending on the firmware version). Click on the icon to deactivate the mode.

Click on the battery icon to deactivate the power saving mode


To deactivate the mode in the operating room iOS system you need to do the following:

How to improve your signal with new equipment

To solve the problem, you can resort to replacing some components or purchasing additional devices.

Replacing the receiving device

Study the characteristics of the device from which you connect to the Wi-Fi network. Information can be found on the developer's official website or in the documentation that comes with the device.

The manufacturer may have installed a bad Wi-Fi receiving adapter or weak antenna. By reading reviews, you can find out if anyone has encountered a similar problem. If the model has a problem with the adapter or antenna, it will be possible to replace these components by installing higher quality components.

You can replace the device antenna

But you should only replace components if you have sufficient experience in this. Replacing the internals will void the device warranty. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact the service center.

Antenna replacement

The antenna's job is to distribute and receive a response signal. The distribution range depends on the power of the antenna, and the sector into which the signal will be received depends on the direction. There are two types:

You can buy a more powerful one circular antenna, if you want the signal to be heard in all directions. This is convenient if the router, for example, is located on the second floor, but devices are connected to it from the first floor, and from the third, and from rooms located across different sides from the router.

If you have the opportunity to position the router so that all devices are located in one line relative to it, then you can purchase a directional antenna. This way you will achieve a high signal propagation range.

Antenna modification

If you don’t want to buy a new antenna, you can remake an existing one or make a new one yourself. There are instructions on the Internet for different models and descriptions of how to make an antenna from scratch. Universal method no, since it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each router, the conditions in which it will be located, the tasks it faces, as well as other characteristics of the antenna: length, width, material of manufacture, shape.

For example, you can make a special nozzle from pumpan foam or a wooden plank and nails. This attachment turns a circular antenna into a directional one, so the signal in a certain direction is amplified and weakened in others (see paragraph “Replacing the antenna”).

The antenna can be modified

The distance between the nails will increase in proportion to the distance from the antenna: 19, 24, 29, 33 mm. These distances are suitable for a router operating at 2.4 GHz.

The nozzle should be made, observing the dimensions

Purchasing repeaters

A repeater (or repeater, or access point) is a device that forwards a Wi-Fi signal sent by someone. The repeater catches the signal from the router and distributes it around itself with increased strength, that is, it relays it further.

It is convenient to use a repeater if the distributed network does not reach some point in your home or office. By installing a repeater at the extreme edge of the Wi-Fi signal, you will extend the range of the main Wi-Fi network. Setting it up is simple: one button is pressed simultaneously on the router and on the repeater, after which the devices are connected, and from that moment they begin to work in pairs.

Some routers have a “Boost” feature that turns the router into a repeater. If you have two routers, you can make one a Wi-Fi point, that is, leave it as a router, and turn the second into a repeater.

When buying an access point, you need to consider the compatibility of the router with this repeater model. It is recommended to purchase a repeater and router from the same manufacturer. For example, if you have a TP-Link router, then it is better to buy a TP-Link repeater.

Video: how to strengthen the signal through a repeater

There are many ways to improve your wireless network signal. If you don’t buy equipment, you can achieve results by changing the router settings, moving the device, or turning off the battery saving mode. With a small investment, you can replace the components of the receiving device, the router antenna, or purchase a repeater.

Wi-fi is a technology that allows you to transfer information between devices on short distances. Devices connected using this technology form a network. Initially Wi-fi devices were intended only for corporate networks to save hundreds of meters of cable. Now the network has become widespread. Therefore, Wi-fi is one of the most promising wireless technologies today. Millions of users use it every day in their homes, work and public places.

You can connect to Wi-Fi in shopping centers, parks, at any major events. No wonder that modern laptops, tablets and smartphones are equipped Wi-fi module. For outdated devices, it is important to use a Wi-fi adapter.

Low speed wired internet- a common problem for many users. A bad connection can greatly ruin your mood and prevent you from working right moment or relax while watching a movie. Therefore, ways to increase Wi-Fi speed are now very relevant.

Reasons for slow Wi-Fi speed may include:

  1. Poor location of the router. For example, he may be standing too close to the wall.
  2. Use of inexpensive equipment. If you purchased one of the most inexpensive routers, then you should not expect high speed and stable work Internet.
  3. Bad tariff. It's possible your ISP is limiting your speed on purpose because of a cheap data plan.
  4. If you are not satisfied with the Internet speed on your laptop, then do not worry. There are many ways to correct this situation.

How to increase internet speed

There are two main methods that can be used to increase speed. This is software and physical ways. The first is various programs and tricks within the system that can help you achieve more high speed. Physical methods mean improving your equipment by adding antennas to it. Whatever method you choose, there are many ways to increase your Internet connection speed.

Advice! For greater efficiency It is recommended to use several methods at once.

Many users in our country are quite ready to put up with slow Internet and do not want to do anything to strengthen it.

Option 1

If you are not satisfied with the Internet speed, then the first thing you need to do is update your drivers. In half the cases, this will help you achieve the desired Internet connection speed. In order to ensure that the drivers are up to date and, if necessary, install new ones:

If updating the driver this way did not work, then try updating it by going to the website of the official manufacturer of your equipment. For this:

The latest drivers will be installed on your laptop, and you can count on increased Internet speed.

Option 2

The easiest way that can radically solve your problem is to change your tariff plan to a more expensive one. Typically, those who complain about Slow internet, have one of the cheapest tariff plans. To fix this, you need to select more suitable tariff. For this:

On a note! It is not necessary to choose the tariff of the provider that you currently have. Perhaps competitors offer much more favorable conditions.

Methods with physical intervention

It is simple and suggests itself. Replacing the router with a more powerful one. If you are the owner of a cheap router with one antenna, then it is not surprising that you are not satisfied with the connection speed. The fact is that such routers rarely cover a wide coverage area and distribute fast Internet on it. Actual speed figures and those indicated by the manufacturer on the box may differ greatly.

How to choose a good router

First of all, potential users are interested in how to choose a router with the largest possible range. The question is very simple and understandable, but it is impossible to give a definite answer to it. It all depends on the walls and the materials from which they are made, on the devices that create interference, and only then, on the power of the router itself.

Choose a device with at least two antennas, and also read reviews about different models. If you live in an apartment building, your neighbor's routers may interfere with your device. The consequence of this will be a deterioration in the signal and information transmission speed. To prevent this from happening, buy a router that operates at 5 GHz. Most devices, especially inexpensive ones, operate at 2.4 GHz. Therefore, neighboring routers will not interfere with you in any way.

An important factor when choosing a router is the area where you want to use it. For a small one-room apartment, any router, even the most inexpensive one, is suitable. For buildings that are large in area and number of floors, it is better to use more expensive and high-quality devices. In some, especially larger homes, it is necessary to install at least two routers.

But what to do if buying a new router is too expensive. There is a solution - replacing the antennas on your device. To do this you need:

Instead of buying a new good antenna, most users prefer to improve it themselves using foil, aluminum cans or other reflective surfaces. You shouldn’t go this route, you will not only not get an adequate increase in speed, but you will also spoil appearance your router. It would be much more correct to use other methods, which will be described below.

Buying a repeater

Repeaters or repeaters are devices that serve to amplify the Wi-Fi signal. They are usually used in large rooms. Repeaters are needlessly deprived of attention, because they are cheaper good routers, at the same time, they cope well with their main task.

Installing the router in a favorable location

If your router is installed on the floor or very close to the wall, then perhaps the problem of slow Internet lies precisely in this. Guess where the center of your apartment or house is. Install the router in this place. From the center it will be able to provide a more user-friendly coverage area.

External antennas

How to strengthen the signal of someone else's router? What to do if you can’t interfere with its work? There are situations when it is convenient to often use someone other than your own Wi-Fi. For example, if an unprotected signal from your neighbors reaches your home. Or when you are sitting in the yard or park, and there is work on the territory free Internet. As a rule, in such cases, the speed will not be enough, because the Internet source is located at a considerable distance from you. About the solution similar problem little is said. Nevertheless, there is a way out.

The laptop has a rather weak internal antenna. To strengthen the signal, you need to purchase an external antenna specifically for your laptop. It connects to the laptop port. After this, the signal is amplified several times.


Large, massive phone cases can greatly degrade the signal not only Wi-fi networks. It is especially worth paying attention to cases with a reflective back surface. Perhaps such a small thing as a case has been spoiling your signal from wireless networks for months. It's very easy to find out. Remove the case from the device and check if the signal has improved. To do this, you can use any speed testing application or website.

How to boost the signal on a smartphone

Not only laptop owners are faced with the problem of slow Wi-Fi connections. Owners of smartphones or tablets are no less susceptible to this problem. They may also be unhappy with their speed. To increase Internet speed by mobile device. Check for firmware update.

Note! This is a very simple and not always effective method. However, in some cases it can significantly increase the speed of a wireless Internet connection.

It turns out that it is not at all necessary to endure slow Internet and refuse to watch movies in the middle of nowhere. high quality or from modern online games. There are many ways that will help you speed up your Internet and forget about slow loading pages.

Video - How to strengthen the Wifi signal on a laptop

In June 2007, a record was set: the longest wireless connection(382.9 km) using a WiFi connection. It would probably be unreasonable to hope to replicate this within a private WiFi network, although it is a tempting idea. Here are some simple tips to help you maximize signal quality and minimize interference with a little wireless feng shui.


Improving WiFi reception at home

    Place bulky furniture along the exterior walls of your home. If signals no longer have to fight through large, bulky furniture, the level of communication quality will only increase.

    Minimize the number of mirrors. All metal surfaces reflect WiFi signals, including the thin metal coating that most mirrors have.

    Place it correctly network router in order to maximize its effectiveness. The performance of a router mainly depends on its correct location. The best location for the router is:

    Improve your reception quality with a repeater or wireless bridge. If your main workplace located far from the wireless access point and you constantly have to move to the edge of the room in order to have better reception, then install a repeater wireless signal. A wireless repeater allows you to increase your coverage area without the need to add additional wires or other unnecessary hassle. In order to quickly and effectively improve the quality of communication, place the repeater halfway between the access point and your computer.

    • A wireless bridge (also sometimes called an Ethernet converter) is used to improve the reception quality of wired devices. If you have problems with the reception quality on your wired devices, then use an Ethernet converter to get an additional speed boost.
  1. Instead of WEP, start using WPA/WPA2. WEP and WPA/WPA2 are security algorithms that prevent hackers from hacking into the network. The only problem is that WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is significantly less secure than WPA/WPA2 (Wireless Protected Access). . So if you're still using WEP rather than WPA/WPA2, consider switching to prevent your network from being hacked.

    Limit the number of devices for which your WiFi will support MAC addressing. How fewer devices supports your network, the higher and more reliable the transfer speed (usually). Limit the number of devices that can access the network by creating an allowed list of MAC addresses. Device MAC addresses are identifiers for “Media Access Control” and are used by all participants in your network.

    • Create a list of allowed device MAC addresses. First, determine the MAC addresses of the devices, and then go to the configuration window of your wireless access point and configure the allowed addresses.
  2. Don't leave in open access the name of your network. If you don't want other people to try to get into your network, then don't give them any way of knowing it exists in the first place. (Even though there is software, which is capable of finding "hidden" networks, you still shouldn't leave your network name publicly available.) Go to your access point's admin page and uncheck "allow SSID sharing." You will still be able to access your network, but it will not appear on your computer in the list of available networks.

    Using kitchen foil

    1. Use aluminum foil to reflect radio signals away from the router.

      Before you start, go to the network connections settings on your computer. Click on the name of your WiFi network. Another window will open. Note the speeds /Mbps and write down the number displayed (for example, 72.2 Mbps). Once you've done this, tear off a sheet of foil the size of regular format A4.

      Carefully bend the sheet of foil. This is easier and faster to do if you wrap a 2-liter plastic bottle in the place where the label is glued and hold the sheet in this position for about 5 seconds. Expand the sheet; it should retain its curved shape.

      Place a curved sheet of foil on the side of it (so that it remains horizontal) behind the router.

      Return to network connection settings. Check Mbps/speed. It should increase compared to the speed it was before adding the foil.

    Improve WiFi reception on the road

    • If all else fails, then you can think about buying a WiFi repeater, which is necessary to strengthen the signal between the router and the device.
    • You can also use reflectors. Use NetStumbler to help you position the reflector correctly. You can use a CD as a reflector, as well as anything that looks like a parabolic reflector. The reflector, of course, must be placed behind the receiving device or antenna. As a result of its use, a large increase in signal strength can be expected. This trick also works with mobile phones.
    • Depending on the make and model of your wireless router, you may be able to replace the firmware with another one - with open source code, which will add much more options for customizing and increasing the power of the wireless antenna
    • The computer case itself can become a significant obstacle to the Wi-Fi signal - try to place the case so that it does not create a barrier between the network card and the router antenna.
    • Adding an external "high gain" (higher dBi) antenna will often result in improved signal quality and increased performance. It should be noted that the higher the dBi value, the stronger the signal propagates in the horizontal direction and weaker in the vertical direction. If you need to cover multiple floors, then a higher dBi level probably won't help you. In this case, you should consider purchasing a Wi-Fi booster that will boost your signal.
    • If you still require a larger range of coverage, then consider upgrading to the version you are using. wireless standard to Wireless N or Wireless G with MIMO. These two technologies significantly increase the range of existing 802.11g or 802.11b networks.


    • Replacing your router firmware may void your warranty. If the replacement is not done properly, it may cause irreparable damage to your router.
    • If you supply too much power to a wireless router modified in this way, it may become permanently damaged.


First, try strengthening your Wi-Fi signal reception. It's better without technical intervention. Disable the functions that allow you to enable the adapter's energy-saving mode. Open the Control Panel menu and go to System and Security. Now find and open the Power Options menu. Select the plan you are using when connecting to wireless hotspots.

Click the "Set up power plan" button. Now select "Edit" Extra options nutrition." Find the Wireless Adapter Settings menu and expand it. Now open the "Power Saving Mode" menu. Select the option " Maximum performance» when operating on battery power or mains power. Save your power settings.

Now try increasing the power Wi-Fi work router. Naturally, the easiest and most logical way is to purchase a more powerful device. Unfortunately, this approach requires large financial costs. So start by purchasing a better quality antenna. Most routers have their own antennas that are fairly easy to remove.

Examine the type of antenna mounting to the equipment. Buy a device with a similar mount and connect it to your router. If you are not satisfied with the result obtained, then try using available means to enhance the signal. Bare top part antenna in order to be able to connect a wire to it.

Take a piece of metal cable and solder it to the bare part of the antenna. Connect its other end to the computer system unit. In this case, it is better to connect with back block so that the signal propagates in the direction opposite to the wall. As an alternative to the system unit, you can use a metal curtain.


  • how to strengthen wifi signal reception

The quality of television and radio signals does not always satisfy viewers and listeners. Moreover, there may be interference even in the case when there seems to be powerful antenna. In order to improve quality reception, the antenna must be configured correctly.

You will need

  • coaxial cable, portable radios or cell phones.


If the antenna is directional, try repositioning it so that there are no obstacles between it and the signal source. Such obstacles can be high-rise buildings or other structures, power lines, and so on. You can try the exact direction to the signal source. To do this, you can use the help of an observer monitoring the signal at the receiver. To communicate with it, you can use portable radios or.

If you have a directional antenna with flat polarization (type “Wave channel” and similar), check the polarization of the received signal. Adjust it according to the received data. To do this, you need to rotate the antenna relative to the axis directed towards the signal source. Most often, just trying to rotate the antenna 90° is enough.

Efficiency antennas can be increased using an antenna amplifier. But in this case, the gain limit is set by the level of interference. To reduce their level, use shielded reduction, that is, the antenna is best using coaxial cable.

Efficiency antennas, especially when receiving on long, medium and short waves, can be increased by installing additional grounding. It should also be borne in mind that the antenna must be impedance matched with the input circuit of the radio receiver. That is, it must be connected with the type and cable recommended in the instructions for the receiver or.


Long, medium and short wave antennas can be long lengths of wire. It is also recommended to install the mounting points of such antennas based on the highest reception volume of the desired stations. That is, it is necessary to change the position of the antenna.

Helpful advice

If we're talking about about indoor antenna, then the best solution There will be installation of a stationary external antenna. This will dramatically improve the quality of reception. Also to external antenna It is recommended to connect portable mobile receivers and televisions during their operation in stationary conditions.

The coverage area of ​​the Yota provider is significantly smaller than that of operators cellular communications. For a subscriber living on the border of the confident zone reception, you have to take measures to increase the signal level at the modem input.


Do not attempt to connect any amplifiers to the modem. Output power of any wireless equipment, including the 4G (WiMax) standard, is limited by law. In addition, the amplifier may produce out-of-band harmonic emissions, which is also a violation.

Radio waves at frequencies used for data transmission in the Yota network are delayed, capable of conducting current. In a house whose walls are reinforced concrete, it makes sense to bring the laptop along with the modem to the window. Even if it does not go towards the base station, the signal strength may increase. You can simply walk around the room with a laptop - due to the presence of interference maxima and minima of the point with high level signals can be located anywhere.

Move the laptop to find places confidently reception not always convenient, and even more so if the computer is stationary. An extension cord will solve the problem, allowing you to carry the modem from the USB port to a distance of up to 2.5 meters. It must comply with the USB 2.0 specification, otherwise the data transfer speed will be reduced. Move the modem slowly because quality information is updating reception occurs with a delay.

To focus microwave radio waves, you can use parabolic mirrors similar to those used in satellite dishes. Best results provide reflectors precisely from such receiving devices. Place the modem at the focus of the mirror instead of the converter. You can also use surrogate reflectors in the form of ordinary metal cans, including painted ones. The modem cannot be placed outside the room, since it is not sealed. The entire structure will have to be placed directly in the room. The antenna must be directed to the nearest base station of the Yota network. If you don't know where it is, find out the best direction through experience.

Installing and configuring a Wi-Fi router in your own apartment is not difficult. But sometimes this is not enough because the standard coverage area of ​​the wireless access point is not enough.

You will need

  • metal wire, soldering iron.


To enhance signal Wi-Fi there are several proven methods. Some of them require purchase additional equipment, others - technical intervention in individual parts of the device.

Let's look at the boosts signal Wi-Fi router, changing it. You can simply purchase a similar device in a different format. If you carefully study the structure of the router, you will see: it is attached to the device through a threaded bushing, i.e. replacing it is not difficult.

If you need to significantly increase the range signal, then you will need an existing antenna. Release its upper part from the insulating layer. Solder a metal wire to the open part of the antenna. Pull its other end out into the open.

If this was not enough, then solder the free end of the wire to the indoor television, having previously disconnected the latter from other devices.

Connect both Wi-Fi routers with a network cable. Connect one end of it to the LAN port of the device that you have already installed, and the other end to the Internet (WAN) port of the second equipment.

Open the settings of the second router and create wireless point access with parameters similar to the first network. In settings network connection to the Internet select transfer type signal WAN.

Be sure to enable the DHCP function in the local network settings of the first Wi-Fi router. If you did everything correctly, then laptops connected to any of the two wireless ones will be able to access the Internet.

Related article


  • how to strengthen wifi signal

Tired of low Internet speeds, but don't know how to strengthen your Wi-Fi signal? Take advantage simple tips on setting up and installing equipment to bring the Internet speed closer to what is stated by the provider.

A low signal is not necessarily associated with network problems and technical work by the provider. Internet speed can be affected by the settings and location of the router, electronics operating in the house, especially garlands of light and microwave ovens. To strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, just follow the following recommendations.

Update your router. The capabilities of the device could become outdated over time, which means that the signal reception and transmission rates will be lower than those declared by the provider.

Change the router location. The higher the device is installed, the stronger the signal you will receive. You should not place the router on the floor, behind a load-bearing or insulated wall, a metal door, or in the far corner from the computer. Try to move the router away from the power cable. You will not be able to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal if there is an aquarium, a large mirror, a cabinet with glass shelves or doors, a mirror on the way to the router, and halogen lamps are used as lighting.

Change the frequency of your router and you will immediately notice Wi-Fi boost signal. To do this, choose instead of 2.4 GHz frequency at 5 GHz. This way you will reduce the impact of all electronics on Internet speed. This is especially important if you have a nanny radio on all the time, are running video surveillance, or often use Bluetooth.

Don't forget to update the software on your computer and smartphones. Developers are trying to improve the performance of devices, including when working with a wireless network.

Repeaters can become an effective Wi-Fi signal amplifier. The routers you have used before may also be suitable for this. It is enough to update the antennas in such a router and use it as a repeater.

If you have a common router in your house with your neighbors, you can configure Quality of Service (QoS) by setting a certain priority for traffic. This is true if your neighbors are streamers, gamers, or families with several children. Without prioritization settings, they will take up most of the speed.

Change the protocol network protection to WPA / WPA2 instead of WEP or limit the number of possible gadgets for simultaneous connection. If you have a checkmark on the Enable SSID Broadcas item in the router’s wireless network settings, then it is better to uncheck it. This way you can hide your Wi-Fi. Don't forget to set a password for your network.

Many users also wrap with foil rear housing router and place shields made of metal objects behind it. In some cases, this method allows you to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal without any additional settings.

Great amount users abandoned wired Internet in favor of Wi-Fi technologies. Even some computer owners prefer to use a Wi-Fi adapter to get rid of network cables.

You will need

  • indoor antenna, USB extension cable.


There are several ways to improve Wi-Fi quality. This applies not only to routers, but also to the equipment that receives . The fact is that most Wi-Fi routers and similar devices have a very poor coverage area. Sometimes it is not enough even for a medium-sized house.

If you need to provide high quality signal over a large area, then it is best to use several routers to achieve this goal. They can be combined with each other, thereby creating several access points. In this case, you will still use only one cable with the Internet.

If this option you are not satisfied, try increasing the coverage area Wi-Fi adapter. To do this, replace its antenna(s). Find a better analogue or strengthen the antenna yourself. Select the equipment with which you will increase the antenna. For these purposes, both regular wires and a small indoor antenna are suitable.

Ideally, you should use an antenna "". Remove part of the router's antenna protective layer. Solder a metal wire to the exposed part. Connect its other end to the grille indoor antenna. This method allows you to enhance the signal by 20-30%. At the same time, you have the opportunity to hide the Wi-Fi router without losing signal quality.

If you want to strengthen the Wi-Fi of the USB adapter, you will need an extension cable. More often system units put away under the table or in hard-to-reach places. Naturally, reception and the signal in such places will not be the best. Buy a USB extension cable the right size. Connect it and plug in Wi-Fi. Place the adapter in an open space, such as on a table.

Every country has its own craftsmen, inventors and simply inventors. It would seem that for improvement reception wifi signal equipment, you will need to buy the appropriate equipment or move to the best places reception signal, but you can enhance the signal quality using improvised means. No need to run to hardware store for these materials, you most likely have them at home.