How to remove the inscription personal blog on Instagram. How to make a personal blog on Instagram? How to create a personal blog on Instagram and gain subscribers from scratch

The article will be useful to those who are taking their first steps in Instagram blogging.

In this review, we will talk about the rules for maintaining a personal account on Instagram. Business accounts have different priorities.

To start managing your Instagram:

  • install free application Instagram on your mobile device;
  • register. At this stage, you can go through the standard registration procedure by filling out all available fields of the questionnaire. Or shorten the procedure by logging into your Instagram account from your existing Facebook page;
  • After the registration procedure, the application will automatically create a list of your friends, focusing on the friend list from FB. You can subscribe to them immediately, or you can look around a little and familiarize yourself with the rules of the game;
  • do not forget to allow the application access to photos that are in the memory of your device;
  • start creating your virtual IG chronicle.

How to properly and competently manage your Instagram profile to make it interesting?

  • Interesting IG says interesting story. Ask yourself: what will your story be about? You can tell other users about your travels, your hometown, or your hobbies. In the end, your profile on IG can be a kind of jar of happiness where you will put memorable moments of your life.
  • Many IG users try to “maintain” their profile in the same style: light or dark photos, uniform color accents. Tips on what color you can use for Instagram and how to stick to one color scheme can be found below.
  • In addition, it is recommended to choose a general theme for your account. It could be stylish looks, travel, delicious pastries, old doors, stairs, windows, or just life as it is.

  • Don’t forget: IG is, first of all, a photo editor, who, quite unexpectedly for everyone, has outgrown his original incarnation. Accordingly, a new Instagram account can gain popularity, first of all, thanks to high-quality and beautiful photographs. This means that you will have to familiarize yourself with the basic rules mobile photography and learn how to use photo correction programs.

The modern reader is so spoiled quality content, that along with a beautiful picture, he wants to get an interesting, literate text. Therefore, a successful IG blogger must be able to clearly and correctly express his thoughts.

What and on what topic to blog on Instagram: list of topics

Below you will find several topics that will not leave your IG blog readers indifferent.

So, 20 topics for 20 days.

  • Description of your favorite walking route.
  • A thought or idea that haunts you.
  • If you were doing charity, what would you pay attention to first?
  • What events in your life inspire you?
  • What new things have you learned in a day/week/month?
  • What applications for mobile devices make your daily life easier?
  • What would you talk about at an entertainment conference?
  • Which habit of yours has made you a better person?
  • Tell us about your favorite book or movie. Make a personal thematic rating of books/films. For example, the 5 best books/films about love, autumn, etc.
  • Talk about phobias. Each of us is afraid of something, but not everyone finds the strength to control their fears.
  • How do you fight depression or blues? Your recipes for a good mood.
  • Try to conduct an online consultation on a specific topic: work/study, raising children, quick recipes, what to take on the road, etc.
  • Tell me which one new experience you purchased on that day or during the week/month.
  • Tell us about your favorite singer or music group.
  • If you had the chance to go on your dream trip, where would you go?
  • Tell us about your rules of life.
  • Share your favorite places in your hometown.
  • What gift would be the most desirable for you and why? And for your readers? Be sure to answer the question yourself and ask it to your subscribers.
  • How do you prioritize routine tasks? What exactly is important to you and what is of secondary importance?
  • Where would you look for friends if you found yourself in an unfamiliar city or foreign country?
  • What are you doing now? And what would you like to do in the future?
  • Make your own music playlist. What compositions will be included there? Be curious about what kind of music your readers listen to.

This is a sample list of topics for your IG blog. The main purpose of this list is to give you the right thoughts. In addition, the necessary inspiration can be found on the pages of already popular bloggers.

Color schemes were created long before the advent of Instagram. They were actively used by artists, photographers, designers, architects, florists, etc.

It was they who jointly formulated an important rule:

The optimal color scheme palette should consist of five colors. No more!

Below you will see examples of color schemes that are quite suitable for an Instagram profile.

You can choose color schemes.

The more photos you take, the more clearly you will see “your” frame and “yours.” color scheme.

Look around: what colors surround you? Gray walls of a metropolis or bright greenery of a park? Red brick of old houses or wood dark with time?

Start from the color you live in. Or add the color you love into your life.

For example, looking at the photo below, pay attention to the cozy little things that set the overall turquoise mood for the entire profile.

Of course, your profile can change color scheme depending on the time of year or your mood, but try to make such changes look like small chapters of one novel.

As a rule, using the same photo editor filters helps to create a profile in the same style. In addition, when editing photos, try to set the same levels of contrast, sharpness, brightness, etc.

For example, to process the photos you see below, the A6 filter of the VCSO mobile photo editor is used. In addition, these photos follow the same color scheme.

How to maintain Instagram in the same style?

It will help to combine all the pictures into one story and some interesting detail present in each photo.

It could be a cute soft toy, a beautiful accessory (such as a backpack), a pet, or even a skeleton.

Skeleton Skellie has 266 thousand followers on Instagram

How to maintain a cool, interesting, beautiful, classy, ​​successful personal Instagram: tips

  • It’s impossible to think through an IG account down to the smallest detail. But you can come up with a catchy name, decide on a color scheme, and think about the overall theme of your profile.
  • Your feed should contain only high-quality and beautiful photos! Pay attention to photos of top Instagrammers, learn from them, and be inspired by their ideas. Remember, it’s better to post one, but worthwhile photo than to spam news feed unprincipled pictures of dubious quality.
  • If you accompany the picture with a text comment, write about what you are good at. Everyone is quite fed up with motivational statuses from the Internet.
  • Each individual post is one separate and complete thought. Sample Topics for a blog on IG you will find above in the text.
  • Learn from popular Instagram bloggers. Pay attention to their photos and texts.
  • Find your niche! If you think that only celebrities can gather thousands of followers, you are mistaken. In the photo below you can see an Instagram account telling about life in the village. The number of subscribers is 10,000. And their number is constantly increasing.

  • Take an active part in competitions, SFS and discussions on the pages of other bloggers.
  • Don't forget to use hashtags and mark your geolocation.
  • Don't miss the opportunity to do beautiful photo. There may not be another opportunity. And the text will definitely come with the photo.

Video: Instagram: how to successfully manage your account

And once upon a time we didn’t even know about the existence of social networks. Well, okay, it feels like it was in the last century, although it is... Now the situation is completely different - some parents are already creating accounts on social networks for their children, but what can I say - children themselves register their profiles on social networks networks and create personal blogs. And this is very cool!

There are no restrictions on self-expression - you can become popular at any second! Note that now there is an increasing emphasis on personal branding.

A personal brand is based on identifying yourself among people like you. Selection personal qualities occurs on a detailed study of one’s personality - determining the strengths and weaknesses, talents and abilities. Each person is born in this world for a specific task, each has his own individual abilities - you just need to identify them and concentrate on their development. After that, start building a personal brand.

Since the topic of this article is still about creating a personal blog on Instagram, I will continue this topic further.

So, to promote your personal brand, creating a personal blog on Instagram can help you. This social network is now very popular and I don’t think it will slow down its pace of development. The functionality of Instagram is constantly expanding, but initially you could only scroll through photos, like and write comments. All this still remains, but now there are stories and people specializing in promoting personal blogs and company blogs on Instagram.

Some people use Instagram for fun, but for others it has become a job and the main source of income. Of course, I’m now talking about bloggers on Instagram.

If you decide to join a team of bloggers, then you need to create your own personal blog on Instagram.

To do this you need to do the following things.

Once you have decided on the topic of your personal blog on Instagram, you need to create this blog.

Create a personal blog on Instagram

Register in social network Instagram, linking your profile to your email and phone number - save this data so as not to forget. Your blog may gain popularity and if something happens, you need not to lose your access from your profile.

Congratulations on your successful registration!

Now you need to come up with a Name for your profile. By the way, this name is indexed search engines, so you can include it key query. For example, your blog is dedicated to cakes, and you live in St. Petersburg and your name is Ekaterina - try a name like Cakes in St. Petersburg from Ekaterina. That is, you need to keep it within 30 characters. You can be more creative.

You also need to come up with an Instagram username - this is a link to your Instagram profile, for example, my profile looks like this - @katarina_vais . Since Instagram’s audience now numbers millions of users, the number of the most delicious names remains ever smaller. So use creativity in your case! You need to make the name as short as possible, for example, for the same cakes in St. Petersburg from Ekaterina you can take the following - @katintort. I don't know, maybe this name is already taken - it's just an example.

Next, you need to fill out the profile description section on Instagram - limited to 150 characters. Here you should describe the topic of the Instagram blog as briefly and at the same time as informatively as possible. Very often they use emojis that attract attention, and also use line breaks - this way the description of your account looks much more attractive.

The name was written, the username was indicated, the description was made.

Ready! You have created your personal blog.

There is also such a nuance as an Instagram business profile, but this will be discussed in a separate article. In short, a business profile allows you to see traffic statistics for your blog.

Before you start posting, try to work out uniform style your photos - see how other bloggers do it. But don't copy, take the idea and improve it. You can attract the attention of Instagram subscribers thanks to an interesting and even unusual presentation of content - photographs and text.

I wish you success in promoting your personal blog on Instagram and subscribe to my profile @katarina_vais .

Every year, social networks provide more and more different functionality for companies. And Instagram was no exception. Starting in 2016, he launched a special type of account specifically for companies, which was called business profiles. They provide functionality that allows you to better know your audience and provide new ways to connect with them. This profile will be useful and ordinary users, because people can do it based on it. How this can be easily accomplished and what advantages a blog provides will be discussed in this article.

Benefits of a personal blog

Visually, a personal blog on Instagram differs little from a regular user profile, but it provides quite a lot of opportunities for communicating with its owner. The profile of a user who has connected a blog looks something like this:

The main advantages of this type of account are:

But, perhaps, one of the main advantages of designing your profile as a personal blog is that by doing so you kind of let users of the social network understand that you take your account seriously, consider it as your means of self-expression and are always open to any feedback communications.

How to make a personal blog on Instagram?

Now that we have understood all the advantages of creation, it’s time to understand. Technically, this is quite simple to do; there is only one condition: you must have your own Facebook account. Since both services have the same owner, it was done so that contact information from one (FB) can be exported to the other (IG).

So I’ll write below detailed instructions on turning a regular Instagram account into a blog:

1) First you will need to home page application, click on the “wheel” and find the menu item “Switch to company profile”.

2) After this, click on the “Next” button several times and a screen will appear in front of you asking you to link your account to Facebook so that the application can manage your pages.

3) Now that you have authorized it, you will need to create a new page or select from the list of existing ones. If you already have a blog on Facebook, then select it, and if not, then on the creation page from the list of categories, select “ Personal blog”.

4) Then, when the category is selected, we will need to set up contact information (this will determine which buttons appear on our profile). For example, if you want to make a contact button on Instagram, then you will need to indicate your phone number here, after these simple actions people will be able to call you with just one click.

All! Did you think there would be more steps? We did too, but the social network thought otherwise and, in fact, allows minimum quantity efforts to everyone who wants to make inscription “Personal blog” on your page, and, of course, get all the functions that come with it.

How to remove “Personal Blog”?

If over time you change your mind and want to return everything “as it was,” that is, remove all the functionality of the business profile, then go to the already familiar menu and click on the “Switch back to personal account” and answer affirmatively to the question that appears from the system.

After this, the gray inscription under the name, communication and analytics buttons will disappear and your account will return to its original state.

If you did everything correctly, then now make a personal blog on Instagram– no problem for you, since it’s as simple as . If not, then re-read the article again or ask your question in the comments.

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A personal blog on Instagram is a popular platform on a social network for expressing your thoughts, communicating about interests and promoting your products/services.

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Today, more than 800 million people are registered in it. Some people simply share their impressions and news with friends and acquaintances. And some people prefer to present for a large audience. Such people are called .

If you are not yet a member, but you want to expand your target audience’s reach, show and sell your products, and earn money from advertising, we advise you to register right now. The promotion process takes a lot of time and the sooner you start, the better.

How to make a personal blog on Instagram

It's very easy to create. You can work from a smartphone or laptop or computer. It will be more convenient to use your phone while maintaining a social network. Anything you need - Email. Enter it, the name by which you will be known and the password. Or log in using your account Facebook post, if you have it.

Then the system will ask you to post a photo and connect the page to Facebook. Skip this moment or do it. If you tie it right away, you will save yourself from unnecessary actions in the future. So, everything is ready, you can talk about your life, hobbies, post beautiful pictures, look for readers and even become popular. But still, your profile at this moment is deprived of some opportunities for development.

What does a personal blog on Instagram mean for a company?

There are two types of accounts: simple and commercial. The second is more functional and allows you to recognize and attract more target audience. What is the difference? Externally regular page Instagram is almost no different from a personal blog, except for the gray mark under the username and a few advantages that it provides.

Why is this necessary?

  • Choose the appropriate category and name. Click next.
  • Add your contacts (one is enough).

If you later decide to return to regular version, just go to the menu again and click “Switch to account”. Gray mark and all options will disappear.

Themes for Instagram for personal blog

To attract people and gain thousands of subscribers it is not enough just beautiful photos. It is necessary to develop a promotion strategy and profile concept. One of the components of a successful Instagram is. Postings must be published regularly and certain time. Marketers advise posting no more than 1-2 posts a day, morning and evening. Try to make the page lively and in the same style.

If you're creating an account to make money from advertising and don't have a theme chosen yet, stick with the one you like. Second important factor– you must understand what you want to talk about if we're talking about about serious areas (nutrition, sports, medicine). The most popular are invariably blogs about the beauty industry, travel, lifestyle (about life), cooking, fitness, and handicrafts. But you can develop your niche. If they are interesting, you will find your audience.

What posts to include in your content plan

There are several varieties. Often one note combines two materials.


They are needed to increase your engagement rate. They show how many likes they give you and comments. What does this include:

  • Polls.
  • News.
  • Humor.
  • Competitions and promotions.
  • Motivational stories.
  • Congratulations.
  • Collections of films and books.
  • Texts from users.
  • Distracted thoughts or ideas that you want to talk about.

You can add commercial elements to them. For example, in surveys, find out about customer preferences, arrange a draw for your products.

Useful (educational)

Such materials are suitable for Instagram advertising services. Let's say you are a psychologist or designer. In this case, you need to build trust with your audience since they don't know you yet. Such posts will also be useful for goods. Tell us about new products or how to maintain the quality of an item for a long time. Write a short, meaningful text. If it takes up a lot of space, be sure to break it up into blocks.

  • Adviсe.
  • Instructions.
  • Interview.
  • Comparative reviews.


What to write? Your proposal should be readable (paragraphs, graphic elements). Complete it with a beautiful, appropriate photo. Style and presentation depend only on your target audience and what you are advertising.

  • Description of the service or product.
  • Reviews.
  • Story about the company.
  • Work with objections.
  • Presentation of a new product.
  • Announcement of competitions and promotions.

Where to get ideas

If your muse has left you, don't be upset. Finding a topic is easy. One of the most common ways is to ask account visitors. By the way, this can even become an entertainment and commercial post. Ask your audience what they would like to read about. There are several other ways to get out of creative stagnation:

  • Competitors. Look through them, but do not copy, but tell us about your view of the events.
  • Groups on other social networks and YouTube channels.
  • Your old texts. Rework them, write how your point of view has changed.
  • Meeting newly arrived users.
  • Interview.
  • Show off your favorite places in your city.
  • Visit a park, botanical garden or animal nursery and film a mini-report.

How to create a personal blog on Instagram and gain subscribers from scratch

Before leaving the shadows new page, it needs to be filled out. Friends, relatives and acquaintances will be your first visitors. If you already have a business and are developing it, add Instagram to business cards, flyers, and website. In order to increase your audience, come up with some beautiful, meaningful notes that will interest your target audience.

Do this even if you don't have a single reader. No one will pay attention to an empty account. Be sure to fill out the profile header. It is important to write down who you are and what your personal blog is about. List the main topics – there shouldn’t be too many of them. Choose one, two, three. Use emojis, but in moderation. Add links to other resources if you have them. Good example in the screenshot. The craftswoman indicated that she makes jewelry and loves wildlife. Indeed, both themes can be seen on her Instagram. Added contacts that make it clear where the order will come from and a link to the Etsy store.

Subscribe to pages that interest you, leave comments, participate in (). Follow the statistics. Which texts and photos are responded to most often, at what time. Experiment. For example, if you see that there is no user response during the recommended morning hours, try early evening. Communicate with those who read you, respond to comments. Instagram Promotion requires daily involvement.

  • Take photos in good light. The best is during the day, without direct sunlight.
  • Use filters third party applications. For example, VSCO, Snapseed.
  • Don't post just photos, no text. Today, this social network is becoming increasingly popular text format. Often people subscribe because of interesting thoughts.
  • Do not put the most popular ones, only those relevant to your topic. Come up with your own.
  • Make a video. There are also statistics on it and they say that short posts are liked by other users.
  • Be yourself. Don't copy famous accounts or competitors. Add humor and zest to your posts.

So, you have learned what a personal blog on Instagram is, how to create and connect it additional functions. With its help, you can promote your products and services and earn money from advertising. The key to success is a well-thought-out strategy and lively, entertaining content. Instagram is not easy. In order to achieve your goals, you will need patience, regular work over texts and photographs. However, nothing is impossible, make a content plan, watch the statistics, be inspired by successful accounts and you will succeed.