How to remove noise in adobe audition cs6. Enhancing sound in Adobe Audition editor

Adobe audition: how to remove noise from an audio recording.
We wrote it for the next competition and wanted to voice it. To record audio, we used Adobe Audition 3.0, but after listening to it we found there was too much extraneous noise, i.e. The recording was made using the laptop's built-in microphone. You can solve this problem using the same program, Adobe Audition, now I’ll tell you how.

Noise can be removed using the “noise editor” or “ Noise Reduction" It will help remove noise while maintaining sound quality. Maximum effect achieved on 16 and 32 bit records. The tool will help remove hissing, background noise from the microphone, etc. (At the end of the article you will find video instructions).

How to remove noise from an audio recording?

1. We need to show the program an example of noise, for this we select a piece of the track without your voice, which contains only noise, it is advisable to select the longest period. Although 2-3 seconds is enough. Select it with the mouse.

Listen to the selected piece again, make sure that the necessary elements or voice particles are not there! Otherwise it may ruin the recording.

2. Go to the “effects” tab, select “restoration” and the “noise reduction” tool. As the picture shows.

3. Click on the button “ Capture profile“, our noise is unloaded. A similar picture will appear, with a noise graph.

The “Load from file” button allows you to load previously obtained noise profiles, i.e. if you have the same type of noise, you can save it and use it later. Or if you specifically collected a more complete full spectrum of noise. The “Save” button allows you to save the noise profile. I didn't need this feature.

Press the button " Close", close. Attention namely “Close”, not “Cancel”.

4. After this, select the entire file, to do this, click on it 2 times with the mouse or simply select it, again go to our tool ( Effects → Noise Reduction Process ).

With adjustment, we look for a suitable noise/quality combination by scrolling the slider left and right. Then click the button apply to file “ Select Entire File". Using the button " Preview» You can listen to the preliminary result. When you are completely satisfied with the result, click OK and our file is ready.

All that's left to do is save it! File Save. The whole operation will not take you more than 5-10 minutes.

After eliminating noise, I usually listen to the recording again, remove unnecessary elements, silence, repetitions of words, etc., and adjust the volume.

Here's a short video tutorial!

For the next competition we wrote a fairy tale and wanted to voice it. To record the audio, we used Adobe Audition 3.0, but after listening to it we found too much extraneous noise, i.e. The recording was made using the laptop's built-in microphone. You can solve this problem using the same program, Adobe Audition, now I’ll tell you how.

Noise can be removed using the “noise editor” or “ Noise Reduction" It will help remove noise while maintaining sound quality. The maximum effect is achieved on 16 and 32 bit recordings. The tool will help remove hiss, background noise from the microphone, etc. (At the end of the article you will find video instructions).

How to remove noise from an audio recording?

1. We need to show the program an example of noise, for this we select a piece of the track without your voice, which contains only noise, it is advisable to select the longest period. Although 2-3 seconds is enough. Select it with the mouse.

Listen to the selected piece again, make sure that the necessary elements or voice particles are not there! Otherwise it may ruin the recording.

2. Go to the “effects” tab, select “restoration” and the “noise reduction” tool. As the picture shows.

3. Click on the button “ Capture profile“, our noise is unloaded. A similar picture will appear, with a noise graph.

The “Load from file” button allows you to load previously obtained noise profiles, i.e. if you have the same type of noise, you can save it and use it later. Or if you specifically collected a more complete full spectrum of noise. The “Save” button allows you to save the noise profile. I didn't need this feature.

Press the button " Close", close. Attention namely “Close”, not “Cancel”.

4. After this, select the entire file, to do this, click on it 2 times with the mouse or simply select it, again go to our tool ( Effects → Noise Reduction Process ).

With adjustment, we look for a suitable noise/quality combination by scrolling the slider left and right. Then click the button apply to file “ Select Entire File". Using the button " Preview» You can listen to the preliminary result. When you are completely satisfied with the result, click OK and our file is ready.

After eliminating noise, I usually listen to the recording again, remove unnecessary elements, silence, repetitions of words, etc., and adjust the volume.

Here's a short video tutorial!

To remove noise you need to:

0. Select the entire file and run Effects\amplitude\amplify and select the "center wave" preset.

1. Copy areas that contain noise to one place (for example, if the cassette was digitized). Usually one area is sufficient; It’s a little better to take the section from the end and from the beginning of the work. The resulting fragment should not be less than 1 second, the norm is 10-20 seconds, and better - from half a minute to several minutes. The larger the area of ​​pure noise, the higher the quality of noise removal.

2. Select the resulting or selected area of ​​noise. Make sure that it does not contain unnecessary sounds (scrolling texts, microphone impacts, clicks from pressing buttons on a tape recorder).

3. Select Effects\noise\noise reduction.

4. Install following parameters: number of samples 9999 (if the noise section is less than 20 seconds) or 20000 - of course, these numbers are approximate. Sample size - 24000 (largest). Accuracy - 9.

5. Adjust frequency response noise. If you know that the signal has an upper cutoff frequency, then set the noise cutoff to maximum. For speech, the range of frequencies required will be from 160 to 16000 hertz.

6. Click Close.

7. Select an area with a signal (it is advisable to take a fairly quiet place) and play around with the overall noise level. Turn Noise Reduction back on. Set the level at which the noise is significantly reduced, but the sound has not yet lost its naturalness. The “leave only noise” option can help a little - listen and check that too much signal does not get into the noise being killed. Don't forget to return "Remove Noise".

8. Click "select entire file" - in older versions of the program this button is not available, so you will need to click close again and select the entire file ctrl+A.

9. Click OK and wait for the program to finish.

10. Check the quality of results achieved in different places.

Spectral decay rate. Try playing with this function. I didn’t like it, so I always set this parameter to 0%.
Using this function reduces noise in quiet areas, leaving it virtually unchanged during loud sounds - as a result, the noise seems to follow the rhythmic pattern of the sound. This function also adds reverberation, which limits the ability to customize it.

And one more general piece of advice: don’t get carried away with removing noise. The first priority should not be “make less noise”, but “remove noise as much as possible, minimally damaging the signal itself.” For music, residual noise often does not play a particularly important role; it even adds a little realism to the sound. But “indistinct muttering into a jar with eaten quiet parts” will damage the sound much more.

There are more professional program for working with noise: Dart XP pro (commercial). It does not allow you to isolate the specific noise inherent in your equipment, but it works much more accurately with “standard” noise and, with the same damage to the original signal, it usually allows you to reduce the noise more, and also, thanks to the dynamic noise function, level the level of residual noise the same throughout the entire recording .

I wrote it for the next competition and wanted to voice it. To record audio, I used Adobe Audition 3.0, but after listening to it I found there was too much extraneous noise, i.e. The recording was made using the laptop's built-in microphone. You can solve this problem using the same program, Adobe Audition, now I’ll tell you how.

Noise can be removed using the “noise editor” or “ Noise Reduction" It will help remove noise while maintaining sound quality. The maximum effect is achieved on 16 and 32 bit recordings. The tool will help remove hiss, background noise from the microphone, etc. (At the end of the article you will find video instructions).

How to remove noise from an audio recording?

1. We need to show the program an example of noise, for this we select a piece of the track without your voice, which contains only noise, it is advisable to select the longest period. Although 2-3 seconds is enough. Select it with the mouse.

Listen to the selected piece again, make sure that the necessary elements or voice particles are not there! Otherwise it may ruin the recording.

2. Go to the “effects” tab, select “restoration” and the “noise reduction” tool. As the picture shows.

3. Click on the button “ Capture profile“, our noise is unloaded. A similar picture will appear, with a noise graph.

The “Load from file” button allows you to load previously obtained noise profiles, i.e. if you have the same type of noise, you can save it and use it later. Or if you specifically collected a more complete full spectrum of noise. The “Save” button allows you to save the noise profile. I didn't need this feature.

Press the button " Close", close. Attention namely “Close”, not “Cancel”.

4. After this, select the entire file, to do this, click on it 2 times with the mouse or simply select it, again go to our tool ( Effects → Noise Reduction Process ).

With adjustment, we look for a suitable noise/quality combination by scrolling the slider left and right. Then click the button apply to file “ Select Entire File". Using the button " Preview» You can listen to the preliminary result. When you are completely satisfied with the result, click OK and our file is ready.

All that's left to do is save it! File Save. The whole operation will not take you more than 5-10 minutes.

One of the most common defects in audio recordings is noise. These are all kinds of knocks, creaks, crackles, etc. This often happens when recording on the street, with the sound of passing cars, wind, etc. If you are faced with such a problem, do not be upset. Adobe program Audition makes it easy to remove noise from a recording by applying just a few simple actions. So, let's begin.

Correction using Noise Reduction (process)

First, let's add a low-quality recording into the program. This can be done by simply dragging.
By double-clicking on this recording, we see the audio track itself on the right side of the window.

Let's listen to it and determine which areas need correction.

Select the poor-quality area using the mouse. Let's go to top panel and go to the tab "Effects-Noise Reduction-Noise Reduction (process)".

If we want to smooth out the noise as much as possible, click on the button in the window "Capture Noise Print". And then "Select Entire File". In the same window we can listen to the result. You can experiment by moving the sliders to achieve maximum deliverance from noise.

If we want to smooth it out a little, then just press "Apply". I used the first option because at the beginning of the composition I only had unnecessary noise. Let's listen to what happened.

As a result, the noise in the selected area was smoothed out. You could just cut this section out, but it would be rough and the transitions would be quite abrupt, so it's better to use a noise reduction method.

Correction using Capture Noise Print

Another tool can also be used to remove noise. We also select a passage with defects or the entire recording, then go to "Effects-Noise Reduction-Capture Noise Print". There is no need to configure anything else here. The noise will be smoothed out automatically.

That's probably all there is to it regarding noise. Ideally, to obtain a high-quality project, you also need to use other functions to correct sound, decibels, remove voice tremors, etc. But these are topics for other articles.