How to reduce the font on a computer in Yandex. There are several ways to increase font size on pages, and in different Internet browsers

Any browser, after installation on a PC or mobile device, works with basic settings, designed for the average user. Not all people are comfortable using the browser with default settings. One of these settings is to increase or decrease the font size. This post will talk about how to increase the font in Yandex in several ways.

Since different people use the Internet, there are differences between them due to their age characteristics and existing diseases. It is not always convenient for people with visual impairments to use a browser with standard settings. The only way for them to fully use the functionality of the browser and the capabilities of the Internet is to enlarge the font.

The readability factor of web pages is very important for the user. The task of a web programmer is not only to create a functional website, as required by the customer, but also to adapt the resource to any user. The programmer takes into account the features of the screen on various devices, background color, font type – this is the color, style and size (the size of the character determined by its height).

In Yandex, as in all other browsers, there are several ways to change the settings for viewing Internet pages. For example, you can click certain combination keys on the keyboard or, using the mouse, manually change some browser settings. There is also the opportunity to customize your PC system or use system program"Screen Magnifier"


Each of us knows that the same page may look fine on a laptop, but when viewing it on a phone, some difficulties arise. If on modern mobile devices And on tablets you can enlarge the screen image by simply touching your finger, but with a laptop and desktop PC this number will not work. Here hotkeys can help the user:

  1. Hold down the Ctrl 1 button on the keyboard with your left hand and, without releasing it, press with your finger right hand button with the “+” symbol 2 is a combination that enlarges the font on your PC screen.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl 1 button on the keyboard with your finger with your left hand and, without releasing it, press the button with the symbol “-” 3 with your right hand - this is a combination that reduces the font on the screen of your PC.

A similar effect can be achieved by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down Ctrl key. moving forward will enlarge the picture, moving backward will reduce its size. In the settings menu of some mice, you can set this option and specify the required scrolling “step”. If you work without a mouse, then you will have to use the keyboard buttons.

Browser settings

To increase the size of the picture and text characters in Yandex you need to change its settings or use the buttons to instantly zoom in on the page.

In the first case, use the mouse or keyboard to launch your browser, then on the browser toolbar, find the settings menu icon (a symbol with a pattern of three horizontal lines):

Click on this symbol with the mouse, in the window that opens we are interested in the following symbols:

  1. To zoom in on the page;
  2. To reduce the page scale;
  3. “Settings” item to change browser settings.

To instantly zoom in on the screen at the top of the menu that opens, click the “+” symbol (1) several times and see how much larger the size of the characters on the page becomes:

Clicking on the “-” symbol (2) will zoom out the image on the screen:

The “Settings” menu item (3) opens the opportunity to change the default browser settings. On home page, at the very bottom of the window, find settings and click “Show additional settings»:

Click on the picture to enlarge it.

In the “Fonts and Encoding” window that opens, you can also change the default font type and size:

Using this method, you will “in one fell swoop” solve the issue of convenient display of your favorite pages. Regardless of what resource you are on - whether you communicate with friends on VK or play online game, whether watching a video or working with text.

Changing these settings is available in any browser, both on a PC and on a tablet or laptop, except that the path to them will be slightly different. Changes to the display of the content size of loaded pages can also be seen on your e-mail, on news sites, movies and music portals etc.

Enlarge the font in Yandex Browser on Android

To increase the font scale in the Yandex browser on Android you need to:

  1. Open your browser and go to settings. .
  2. Find the item “Scale and text wrapping”. Go to this section. .
  3. Adjust the font in the browser using the slider. .

Everything is very simple. The main thing is to find these settings.


Today we looked at several ways to increase font size in Yandex. I hope I helped answer your question. Subscribe and share this post. Bye everyone.

Best regards, Alexey Antropov.

The vast expanses of the Internet capture an audience of millions.

You can find relevant information on various resources.

Many users like to keep abreast of the latest news and they, in turn, carefully monitor events.

Each person has his own interests. Therefore, the sites present great amount information. Basically, most people are interested in obtaining diverse financial, social and political information.

To read information on the Internet, you need to adjust the zoom. In frequent cases, users are not satisfied with the size of the text, which is why they cannot read books and informational articles. Therefore, in this case, it is extremely important to correctly configure the function that displays the font.

Everyone knows that citizens of our country use the Yandex browser. This modern browser has many interesting features, which can be used very easily and simply. In this article, experts will tell you how to properly configure and install the font on your computer.

Step-by-step instructions - setting the font

Font size directly affects the speed of reading text. Therefore, it is very important that the reading process does not cause unnecessary trouble.

After all, in modern conditions many users complain about poor eyesight. However, today this problem can be solved instantly in a matter of minutes. To change the page configuration, you need to go to the Yandex browser settings.

To ensure convenience and comfort, specialists managed to create a page where a huge number of parameters are presented. With these features, users can easily change appearance browser, set the appropriate text size, manage personal data, and work with any search engine.

The ease of use really appealed to many users. And that’s why the Yandex browser is very popular.

Customizing the font is quite simple. First of all, you will need to go to the section of your web browser to launch this program. Icons with three white stripes will appear in front of you. These images are located on the left side of the standard controls. After this, a menu will open and, accordingly, you need to use the first item “Settings”.

Scrolling through the list, you will have to go down to the very bottom and select “Show additional settings”. As a result, the category of interest with the name “Web Content” will appear. Configurations will open before you various types. Among them, you need to select the appropriate size and set it as default.

How to change the font - basic steps

In the drop-down list, you must use the first item indicating a change in size. However, it is not recommended to touch other items that are displayed in the menu. Otherwise, there is a chance that you will change your browser settings. As a result, certain problems will arise. Therefore, you must act strictly according to the specified requirements and recommendations.

The “Customize Font” tab offers several font options. Each user can use:

  • standard font;
  • with serifs;
  • sans serif;
  • fixed width;
  • encoding;
  • minimum size

If desired, you can change the scale of the web page. To do this, you will have to use the “Page zoom” item. It should also be noted that changing the scale is carried out using the “Control” and “Plus” hotkeys.

A lot of questions arise on the topic - How to increase or decrease the font in the browser, so I decided to make this a separate lesson.
Often, when visiting the blogs of friends and acquaintances, the pages of their blogs open very stretched in width. Although on other sites and media the scale is normal. In the browser settings, in the computer too, everything is fine. What to do in such cases.

All popular web browsers ( Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox,Opera, Internet Explorer ) are equipped with a function to reduce or increase the scale of the displayed page. The zoom feature allows users to enlarge or reduce the font and images of the page they are viewing in the browser. This can be useful for people with low vision, or in cases where the screen resolution is excessively high or low.

Someone may have accidentally changed the size, and now he doesn’t know how to get it back. There are three ways how you can change the size of the font and images in the browser: using a keyboard shortcut, sharing keyboard and mouse, and by changing the settings of the browser you are using. Below I will describe all the methods in detail.

1 way. Using the keyboard

Standard keyboard shortcuts for increasing and decreasing font in any popular web browser:

Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press the "+" key to zoom in.
Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press the "-" key to zoom out.

Method 2. Using the keyboard and mouse

Also the same for all browsers:

Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel up to zoom in.
Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel down to zoom out.

3 way. Setting up the image

Decrease or enlarge the font in the browser:


1. Click on the wrench icon and select the “Options” menu item
2. In the left sidebar, select the tab "Additional".
3. In the "Web Content" section, change "Page Scale".


1. Click the “View” option in navigation menu at the top of the browser window.
2. From the “View” menu, click the “Scale” option.
3. Click the “Zoom Out” or “Zoom In” option. The page content will change in size.
4. Click the option "Text scale" in the "Scale" menu to display text modification settings. Move the slider to the left to make the font smaller or to the right to make it larger.

1. Open the Opera browser and go to the desired web page.
2. Click the “View” button on the status bar in the lower right corner of the browser window.
3. Drag the slider to a value less than 100 percent to reduce the page display size, or greater than 100 percent to increase it.

"Internet Explorer"

1. Open a web page in the Internet Explorer browser.
2. Click on the arrow next to the setting "Change scale", in the lower right corner of the browser window.
3. Click on the required scale level, selecting it on a special scale, or click the “Special” option, and then indicate the required scale in the line "Scale as a percentage." To reduce the size of the displayed page you need to enter a value less than 100 percent, to increase - more.

A huge amount of information has been collected on the vast expanses of the Internet. Many users view news articles and technology reviews, take all kinds of courses directly in the Yandex browser. Some even read books in their browser, which is facilitated by the ability to play the popular Fb2 “book” format. This article presents detailed guide, how to change the font, zoom in on the page and change the encoding in the Yandex browser.

Choosing the right font for yourself is very important. It can significantly influence the speed of reading text, the ease of its perception and eye fatigue. Many users have discovered their favorite settings through experience and would like to use them wherever possible.

Path to settings

To change the configurations you need, there is special page Yandex settings It contains many options, such as the bookmarks bar, appearance, working with search engines, synchronization and many other elements. Including management of fonts and encoding.

There are several configurations here that you can use to customize the display of texts as you wish.

Changing the font

The first point you can work with is “ Font size" ("Font size"). It can be quickly changed using the drop-down list without affecting other settings. In this way, you adapt the browser to the specific current text. It can be increased if you are sitting far from the monitor, or decreased if you want to fit a large number of text on one page.

You can now open the “Customize fonts” tab. There are several various parameters, which allow you to change several font variations.

  • Standard font ( standard font) – is responsible for the overwhelming amount of information on the pages. Most content will appear this way. The slider below the list allows you to increase or decrease the size (the default is 16 pt).
  • Serif (with serifs) – is responsible for blocks of text that, according to the site style, must be displayed with serifs.
  • Sans-serif (sans serif) – similar to the previous paragraph, only in reverse.
  • Fixed-width ( fixed width) is the content of various columns and, sometimes, image captions.
  • Minimum size ( minimum size) - This smallest size characters that the browser will display. Smaller letters will be automatically enlarged to this value.
  • Encoding (encoding) – a set of characters used in given language. It is not recommended to change it without understanding the matter.

Finally, you can change the zoom of the entire web page using “Page zoom”. For example, set the value to 125% to make the displayed objects slightly larger.

Each site has its own design and settings. Often we are not satisfied with the size of the text: sometimes it is small so that nothing is visible, sometimes it is too large. In Yandex Browser, we can customize the settings for ourselves.

To deposit necessary changes we need the "Settings" section. Login is easy and simple:

  1. We launch the Yandex browser itself.

  2. Open “Settings” (on the right in top corner).

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page that opens and click on “Show additional settings.”

  4. Next, look for the “Web Content” section. You need to scroll down the page until the name of the required block catches your eye.

  5. You can immediately change the size of our font (make it smaller or larger), as well as the page scale. If you don’t need all this, click the “Customize fonts” button.

  6. A window opens in which you will configure the parameters convenient for you.

Setting font parameters in Yandex Browser

  • standard font – by installing a specific font, almost all information will be written in this style on all sites. Next, use the slider below to change the font size (standard – 16 pt);

  • the next two points are responsible for displaying any blocks on sites with or without serifs. If you don't know what serifs are, take a look at the picture;

  • Next, you can set a fixed-width font to display mainly columns or photo captions;

  • Sometimes picture captions are so small that they can barely be seen, so you can set a minimum font size, after which all characters smaller than this size will be automatically enlarged;

  • The last point is responsible for encoding, but you shouldn’t do this without understanding the essence. In case you need this, remember that you may need to install additional fonts on your PC in order to display texts in rare languages;
  • click “Finish”.

These settings will be applied on every page. In order to change the scale of a specific page, just click on the menu icon in the upper right corner and select the size (“-” - reduces, “+” - increases, it is also possible to expand the page to full screen) or use hotkeys.

Changing the scale using hotkeys

For convenience, the font size (i.e. page scale) can be changed by pressing the hotkeys:

You can use the mouse in the same way:

  • “Ctrl” + scroll the wheel “away from you” - increase;
  • “Ctrl” + scroll the wheel towards you – decrease.

Removing settings for individual pages

  1. Open “Settings”, scroll through the page and click on “Show advanced settings”.

  2. We are looking for the “Personal Information” section.

  3. Next, click “Customize” in the “Scale” item.

  4. Next, a list of sites will appear; you just need to delete those addresses where you do not need to apply your settings.

  5. Click “Finish”. Close settings.

Without spending a lot of time and effort, you can customize Yandex.Browser “to suit you” so that you can feel comfortable and confident later.

Video - How to change the font in the Yandex browser