How to create an SMM strategy that will explode social media. Step #7

Marketing strategy for social networks.

The human mind is like a small fragile shell - and physically cannot contain the bottomless abyss. social networks.

If you have all these elements, then you can start developing a marketing strategy

Step 1: Setting Goals

This may sound like a phrase from the book “Marketing for Dummies,” but any strategy begins with setting goals, and there’s no getting around it. For example, what do you want from your Facebook pages? Sales is an obvious choice, but it can't always be achieved directly. Therefore, pay attention to secondary goals that lead to increased sales, here are some of the possible ones:

  • Increasing general awareness of your business or products. This goal can be a little difficult to measure, but another option is to monitor the increase in the number of likes on your page. Set specific, and most importantly achievable goals (for example, 300 new “likers” in the next 3 months).
  • Creating a community of loyal consumers. Pareto's Law more or less works in any field, and it can be argued that 20% of loyal customers will generate 80% of your sales. To measure this indicator, look at how many people are discussing your page, how many people “like” and discuss individual posts - these caring people are your loyal consumers.
  • Strengthening authority and demonstrating professionalism. Social media is a great place to showcase your past accomplishments, your deep expertise, and prove your company's uniqueness.
  • Identifying people who might be interested in your product or service. You can give out product samples to your subscribers for free, you can give a discount coupon for new “likers” or hold a competition with prizes from your products. This way you will have a base of people who are interested in your product or service.

  • Direct sales. Selling directly from social networks is not easy. If only because you cannot bombard your subscribers with advertising messages - it is believed that the maximum share of advertising messages should not exceed 20% of all content on a social network, and possibly less. To determine effectiveness advertising posts, give them links to special pages on your site, and then track conversions using Google Analytics, or a traffic counter (which, in addition to the main one, must be installed on this page).

Regardless of the goals you set, make sure you set specific numbers and deadlines for each. Also make sure you know exactly how you will measure each of these metrics.

Step 2: Marketing Research

Your research will include the following areas:

  • Defining your audience. Look at the demographics of your subscribers and create a portrait of the “average liker” - perhaps after this you will understand that you need to adjust your strategy or, at least, your content.
  • Research the activities of your competitors. See what they do and what works for them and what doesn't.
  • Research of the social network itself. There's something new on social media all the time—keep an eye on the trends so you know what works for others and can work for you.

Step 3: Operational Plan

Now you have your goals set. Work backwards from these goals to determine how you will achieve them. Want to get 300 new fans in the next 3 months? Make sure you either provide a sufficient level of activity or allocate an advertising budget, such as , to support this goal.

Content calendar

A bad plan is better than no plan. Having a calendar plan of what you are going to post on social networks will help you organize yourself, optimize your search and preparation necessary materials, correctly position advertising messages among infotainment content.

Calendar of promotional events

Another thing to do is plan your promotional activities: when will the competition be held, when will the advertising be launched, when will the discounts be given out, etc.

Social networks are a “time killer”, and in order not to discover that instead of 5 minutes, 3 hours have passed unnoticed while looking at cats, it is better to spend time preparing plans and try to act in accordance with it. In the long run, this will save you much more time than it took to prepare it.

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Artem Senatorov

Content Marketing: Social Media Promotion Strategies

Editor Anton Nikolsky

Project Manager O. Ravdanis

Corrector S. Mozaleva

Computer layout M. Potashkin

Cover design S. Khozin

© Artem A. Senatorov, 2016

© Publishing, design. Alpina Publisher LLC, 2016

All rights reserved. The work is intended exclusively for private use. No part of the electronic copy of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for public or collective use without the written permission of the copyright owner. For violation of copyright, the law provides for payment of compensation to the copyright holder in the amount of up to 5 million rubles (Article 49 of the Code of Administrative Offenses), as well as criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for up to 6 years (Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

* * *

The book will help:

Learn to create selling content for posting on social networks;

Avoid the main mistakes made by the vast majority of SMM specialists;

Understand what you can and should save on, and what you shouldn’t;

Develop your own effective promotion strategy and actively use it in the future.


I was very lucky. When I talk with my colleagues, authors of books on business topics, they often complain that it is not always possible to find a truly worthwhile topic for a new work. Either it is too narrow, or its time has not come yet, or, on the contrary, the trend is ending and there is no point in writing anymore. In my case, everything turned out completely differently - the theme of the book, in a sense, found me itself. So I think there is a certain amount of luck involved.

You have in your hands my third work on marketing. The first two books published by Alpina Publisher were called “The Battle for a VKontakte Subscriber” and “Business on Instagram.” These books were received warmly by the public. Among the readers were those who decided to offer me cooperation. So I visited many corners of our vast Motherland as a speaker at conferences, a leader of trainings and a coach in personal corporate classes. Over time, I began to notice that the first dialogue with future partners is usually structured in a similar way. It looks something like this:

Good afternoon, Artem! Thank you for finding time for us.

No need for thanks, let's discuss matters.

Of course. We read your books about VKontakte and Instagram and now we understand well WHAT we need to work on. And now we would like you to tell us in as much detail as possible HOW you need to work.

At some point, it became obvious that business owners and heads of marketing departments sometimes simply get lost in all the variety of social media. Intuitively, they understand that if a particular project gains popularity, then they need to open their accounts there too. Is this true? Partly. Different social networks have different audiences. Of course, there are overlaps. For example, most Instagram users are on at least one other network. But in general, if the same people were active in different projects, the social network market would not be able to support so many players. The fact is that the services are different and the people in them are also different (in any case, they use social networks for different tasks). Therefore, before actively engaging in SMM, you should decide on a presence strategy.

In our time, many meaningful and important words have been devalued due to overuse. Unfortunately, the word “strategy” is one of them. Now you can find any kind of strategy: in personal finance, and in career growth, and even in improving a summer cottage. Sometimes it feels like you can't even go grocery shopping without some newfangled "food investing strategy." Therefore, I try not to use this word unless absolutely necessary. But the case with social media is one where you really can’t do without a strategy (if, of course, you want to achieve results). This is because, in my opinion, working in SMM is reminiscent of chess, where strategy and tactics are also necessary. At first glance, the comparison may seem unusual, but if you take a closer look, the similarities will be obvious. In both cases there is a position, attacking and defensive actions, effective combinations of moves, creative ideas, strong players, in the end! The only thing that is, perhaps, definitely not on the Internet is the final victory - “checkmate” of the enemy king. Yes, you will not be able to achieve absolute victory: any won battle will still be in the past, and the present will prepare new tests of strength. But this can also be considered a plus, because no one will ever be able to completely beat you either. No matter what happens, by reviewing your actions, you can find a way to try again to achieve the result.

So if you look at work in social networks as black and white battles, a lot of things immediately become clearer. And this book will help you with the most important thing - choosing the right strategy for your brand. I have structured the narrative in such a way that you can find a description of the goals that this or that strategy helps to achieve, compare with what you would like to achieve yourself, and choose the most suitable presence option for yourself. In fact, you can read the book from any section. But still I recommend (by at least, for the first time) read it from the very beginning, because we will go from simple techniques to more complex ones, and it will be easier to perceive information in order.

We identify needs and plan work

1. First steps

What is content management and why is it important?

The first topic that I would like to cover is the topic of content. When I worked as a journalist and wrote materials for various glossy magazines, editor-in-chiefs liked to say that “articles are the lifeblood of publications.” It's hard to argue with that. Of course, no matter how successful an issue you put together, a new one should come out next month, and it should also be on par. In this sense, it’s a rather thankless job - you don’t have to rest on your laurels, like, for example, a musician who recorded one platinum album that will be sold (and performed at concerts) for many decades. The journalistic role in this regard is more like the work of a chef, who also has to create his masterpieces again and again every day. I write all this to the fact that work in SMM belongs to the category of precisely those jobs where you need to keep your finger on the pulse at all times. And here, accordingly, there must be its own “blood”, thanks to which the process will continue. This is His Majesty Content.

What's behind this word? I have my own definition quality content is relevant (and, if possible, original) information that can arouse interest among the audience and maintain its loyalty.

I would like to clarify the latter. The term "relevant" means that the content you publish meets your audience's expectations. Of course, if you created an Instagram account for the purpose of making money by selling advertising and called it “All the Most Interesting,” then you can post almost anything here - from humor to a video of a spaceship launch. If the page has the name of your brand and you produce, say, teapots, you need to be more careful and explain the appearance of this or that material on your pages. For example, if you want to post something funny, then mention that in Russian the phrases “The kettle takes a long time to boil” and “The kettle doesn’t boil for a long time” mean the same thing. And a video of the shuttle launch can only be provided if, for example, the same metal alloys were used in the production of your product as in the rocket that rushed into space.

Rice. 1. By the way, the so-called “Attacks” show phenomenal vitality - this content format has been well received by the audience for several years

When I write “as original as possible,” this does not necessarily mean “not published anywhere, ever, or by anyone before.” This is far from the case. "Original" in in this case- it is rather “inscribed in your behavioral style.” For example, if you wrote an article and published it, and then (a few months later) repeat it, this is still original content in a certain sense. Even if you just publish thematic quotes from classic books, but arrange them in a special, recognizable way (for example, in pictures with a watermark), then this is also suitable.

According to marketing firm Forrester Research, your customers complete 66 to 90 percent of the consumer journey themselves. By according to Google, before purchasing, users study an average of 10.4 publications. And according to the Global Web Index, the average consumer has 5.8 social media accounts and actively uses 2.8 accounts. This means that you need to offer your audience quality content on social media to help potential customers make smart consumer decisions. In this article you will find step by step description SMM strategy that will help you effectively promote your business on social networks.

Step 1: Define a Social Media Strategy

To develop a strategy, answer the following questions:

  • What do you want to achieve with SMM? Write down the goals you want to achieve. Determine the tasks that will help you achieve your goals. Of course, you know that goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, related to your business, and urgent. For example, a goal might look like this: within three months, an SMM campaign should increase the number of transitions to the site from social networks to 100 per day.
  • Who is your target audience? You must understand who you are working for and who you want to see on the website or in front of the cash register in the store. Create marketing personas that match each segment of your audience.
  • What information does a consumer need when planning to buy your product? Try to model the consumer journey of your customers. The answer to this question will help you plan information campaigns.
  • What social networks are popular among your representatives? target audience? You must determine the platforms that you will use for promotion.
  • At what time are your target audience active on social media? The answer to this question will help you plan when to post.

Be sure to write down the answers to the questions.

Step 2: Choose a Communication Tactic

After answering strategic questions, you must solve an important tactical problem. Choose the tone and style of communication with your audience on social networks. You need to determine who will post notes and respond to comments, and how you will communicate with clients and colleagues. Use the following recommendations:

Use your chosen tactics consistently to get your audience accustomed to your style.

Step 3: Create Content

This is the most important step in building an SMM strategy, since content is the foundation effective promotion business on social networks. An article on content planning will help you at the preparation stage. The following tips will make your content campaign effective:

  • Announce your own content. Also curate and republish your most popular content.
  • Combine different types content. Pay attention to the visual appeal of posts. This will help your posts attract the attention of users. Offer users infographics, photos, presentations, e-books, video infographics.
  • Encourage users to create content. To do this, support discussions, hold competitions and sweepstakes, and ask for customer opinions.

To increase your audience reach, ask your employees and friends to repost.

Step 4: Optimize Your Content

Even if you create really cool content, it won't be able to compete with cats, celebrities, and nudity if you don't optimize it. Use the following guidelines:

Make sure the content you publish is accessible to your target audience.

Step 5: Think About Social Media User Conversion

“Likes,” shares, and comments alone do not bring you deals or profits. To convert social media users into customers, you need to take steps additional actions. Consider these measures:

  • Indicate contact information in your social network profiles: phone number, email address, Skype nickname. This is especially true if you use networks as a virtual storefront.
  • Encourage users to leave contact information. For example, exchange for phone numbers or email addresses discounts or valuable content.
  • Direct users who are interested in the product to a conversion landing page site. For example, this could be a page for a current promotion.
  • Direct all users to information section your site. It should become a source of information necessary to make a purchasing decision.

Find a way to continue interacting with your subscriber outside of Facebook or Google+.

Step 6: Communicate

  • Actively attract subscribers. To do this, publish relevant content and promote it in all available ways.
  • Invite existing and potential clients to follow your page. Motivate them with discounts, access to exclusive information, and the opportunity to exchange opinions.
  • Participate in discussions in other groups. You need to gain authority.
  • Ask renowned experts in your industry to review your content. This can get you hundreds of subscriptions.
  • Reply to comments, encourage users to continue the discussion. The more active your audience is, the more subscribers you will have.
  • Provoke your audience. Think about how you can do this.

Try at all costs to revive the group or public. The success of an SMM campaign depends on this.

Step 7: Measure Promotion Results

Track the ROI of SMM campaigns. Use UTM tags, monitor key metrics on the site. Follow these guidelines:

  • Monitor social media metrics. Pay attention to the number of subscribers, the number of reposts, comments and likes on posts. These figures should increase.
  • Monitor traffic from social networks. You are interested in quantitative and qualitative indicators: number of transitions, behavior on the site, conversion rate.
  • Monitor business indicators: number of transactions, average bill, income and profit. How does SMM strategy affect sales? Do the funds invested in promotion pay off?

She forms a brand, tells potential buyers about the merits of a particular product and/or service, encourages them to purchase (use the service).

Why do you need an SMM strategy?

One of the advertising options is the systematic promotion of goods through. Efficiency this method due to the high popularity and ease of using social networks for communication and work. Great amount Every day people go to their own pages and those offered to them for review, as well as to their favorite groups to receive new information, entertainment and communication, and it is impossible not to take advantage of this situation.

An SMM strategy allows you to work with groups to promote goods and services more effectively. Systematic activity always brings much greater results than unsystematized posting of posts “about the weather”.

In this article, you will learn how to make the audience love you.

How to build an SMM strategy

Working with a group based on building an SMM strategy will allow you to direct social network users in the right direction for the business owner. While an “independent” movement can lead them to competitors.

The following steps will help you achieve the desired results:

  • Drawing up a portrait of the target audience, creating marketing personas for each audience segment. This is necessary to understand with whom the work will be carried out, what needs they have potential client, that he is interested in what kind of life he leads, in which regions the work will be carried out.
  • What information is needed to make a purchase decision and form an image of a product or service. Based on this response, information campaigns for this business will be carried out. Modeling the situation of a consumer searching for information will allow you to take into account all the details - what information, about what and where the consumer is looking.
  • Which social networks are used most often to communicate and search? necessary information representatives of the target audience. It is necessary to understand which social networks should be used to maximize the effectiveness of the promotion campaign.
  • When and at what time of day do representatives of a certain target audience prefer to “log in” to social media? networks. The answer to this question will help you avoid extra costs to advertisements that no one sees.
  • And finally, the main question is - what are the goals of the SMM strategy? Having defined the goals, you should then write down the tasks, the solution of which will lead to achieving the goal. Creating Goals - real science, the main thesis of which is as follows: the goal must be urgent, that is, have a specific date for its planned execution, specific (without “if” and “after that”), real - that is, potentially achievable, measurable - 10,000 subscribers in 2 months, For example.

2. Choice of communication tactics.

It is very important to determine the style and tone of communication in a group right away, so that there is no miscellaneous communication, either “you” and “dear friend,” or “you” and “let me clarify.”

It is necessary to determine who and when will respond to comments and publish posts - if it is not one person, but a team, this issue is especially important. In addition, you need to immediately think about whether records will be kept on behalf of the group or on behalf of the administrator.

The appointment of a chief expert will help create the image of a serious organization, even if the role of chief and administrator will be played by the same person logging in under different accounts. But it’s still better if this is a real specialist in his field, a key manager or head of a department. The expert will need to answer the most difficult questions and resolve conflict situations.

Creation of a single brand, its visual design, by which users will be able to “recognize” the organization in all social networks. networks, will simplify the task of forming the image of the organization and its activities as a whole.

3. Content creation

Content is the basis of business promotion through social media activities. networks.

Content planning will help you correctly and accordingly develop a strategy for posting posts.

The following actions will help achieve the effectiveness of your content campaign:

  • Announcements created and presented on other resources of the organization, repetition of the materials most liked by the audience, notifying the audience about changes in the information of already published posts after time has passed.
  • The visual appeal of materials will help attract more users to view it. The most interesting in this regard will be video materials, infographics, photos, and presentations.
  • Users more often become “zealous followers” ​​of those groups where they can participate in competitions and discussions on a particular topic. By doing so, administrators and moderators involve users in the content creation process and show that users' opinions are very valuable.
  • Reposts from friends and acquaintances will help increase the number of visitors and subscribers to the group.

4. Content optimization.

This implies correct design publications to attract the largest number their reposts and attracting new ones:

  • Interesting title.
  • Readability of content - its compliance with the rules of text formatting, compliance optimal sizes pictures, text, free space.
  • Unique bright images for posts.
  • Appealing phrases that help the reader make a purchasing decision or switch to another resource.
  • Subscription widgets on the main resource will lead the site visitor to a group on social networks. Such integration creates user loyalty. Many users find it more convenient to receive operational information about new products, promotions and other events of the organization in the group, and the convenience and comfort of resource visitors is the basis for their trust.
  • By keywords will ensure the visibility of publications for both search engines inside social networks, and for search engines Google systems and Yandex.