How to create a simple photo gallery. How to create a gallery in WordPress? Useful instructions for beginners

In this tutorial we will walk through the process of creating a responsive thumbnail gallery. Let's look at how to achieve solutions to certain problems and work around problems that may arise in the context of a large project.


Before we dive into the process, let's consider what we will get as a result of the work. When displaying the demo page, we need to change the width of the browser window to see how our code reacts.

Container style

Let's start creating our CSS code by setting the width of the container and centering it on the page. This way we get a nice, wide space to work with the gallery:

Note that the width is set to a percentage. This way we get the use of all available space and a flexible template. We need the design to look not only at a few specific points, but to adapt to any viewing window.

Basic gallery styles

Now let's move on to defining styles for the class galleryItem. Let's set the text color, font size and move elements to the left.

GalleryItem ( color: #797478; font: 10px/1.5 Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; float: left; ) .galleryItem h3 ( text-transform: uppercase; ) .galleryItem img ( max-width: 100%; -webkit- border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; )

Styles for images are also set here. By setting the images' max-width property to 100%, the result is that the size adapts as the viewport width decreases. Also for pictures the corners are rounded.

Working with columns

This is the most an important part our lesson. You need to figure out how to set the width and margins for each element in the gallery. Since all the elements are located in a container, you need to use percentage dimensions so that they adapt to changes in the viewport.

We will use five columns in our demo page design. Let's figure out the math to calculate fields. There will be a 4% margin between the columns. Multiplying by 5, we see that 20% of the width goes to the margins. Only 80% remains for maintenance. That is, each column will be 16% wide.

Now we can insert these values ​​into the CSS code. Every class galleryItem represents one column, so the width would be 16% and the margin 2% for each side, for a total of 4%.

GalleryItem ( color: #797478; font: 10px/1.5 Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; float: left; width: 16%; margin: 2% 2% 50px 2%; )

This set of styles will create a great five-column template that will look good on screens 13 inches and larger.

Where will the template look sloppy?

Unfortunately, this template will break when the page size is reduced. When the width is less than 500px, it becomes completely unreadable and clumsy.

To solve the problem, we will use media queries to override the appropriate column size.

Determination of critical points

There are many solutions for identifying critical points to focus on when developing a design. The market is full various devices With different sizes screen, and it is very difficult to take into account all possible options.

To simplify the task, let's discard thoughts about what screen size is most popular, and let our template itself determine the critical points. If we analyze the points where the template breaks, we can fix these areas and make our template adapt to any device.

How to determine critical points?

Most The best way- open the page in the browser and reduce the window size. Technically, our template will never break as the scale will change. However, with a window size of around 940px, the text column will become too narrow to fit the text harmoniously:

To correct the situation at this point, you need to make four columns instead of five. By changing the column width to 21% we will solve the problem. Since both the “max-width” and “max-device-width” properties are used, the design will change when the browser window changes and on devices with a screen size smaller than the set values.

@media only screen and (max-width: 940px), only screen and (max-device-width: 940px)( .galleryItem (width: 21%;) )

Adding this style solves the problem. Our five-column design works great on screens wider than 940px, and turns into a four-column template for narrower ones.

Repeat the operation

Now we repeat the above process again and again. We reduce the size of the window and see when the design stops functioning. The next point is found at 720px. You need to change the column width to 29.33% to get a three-column template:

@media only screen and (max-width: 720px), only screen and (max-device-width: 720px)( .galleryItem (width: 29.33333%;) )

We continue the process until we get one column (the size of the window is approximately equal to the size iPhone screen). Here full set media queries.

/* MMEDIA QUERY*/ @media only screen and (max-width: 940px), only screen and (max-device-width: 940px)( .galleryItem (width: 21%;) ) @media only screen and (max- width: 720px), only screen and (max-device-width: 720px)( .galleryItem (width: 29.33333%;) ) @media only screen and (max-width: 530px), only screen and (max-device-width : 530px)( .galleryItem (width: 46%;) ) @media only screen and (max-width: 320px), only screen and (max-device-width: 320px)( .galleryItem (width: 96%;) . galleryItem img (width: 96%;).galleryItem h3 (font-size: 18px;).galleryItem p, (font-size: 18px;) )


We now have a great responsive thumbnail gallery that looks great on any device or browser window.

Instead of developing a template for a specific, most popular media request, we analyzed the functioning of our design when the browser window was reduced and made changes at critical points to restore the appearance.

WordPress has a built-in gallery, which for some reason many users do not know about. Today we want to tell you how you can implement this without resorting to plugins. The purpose of this article is to teach you how to present images on your website in a nice and neat manner. We'll also show you how to open images in a carousel or lightbox, which allows you to present images in a more efficient way and even expand them to full screen.

The first thing you need to do is make a new post on the site. On the other hand, if you want to add it to an existing publication, then simply go to post editing mode. Once you are on the editor page, click on the “Add Media File” button.

This button will open the media downloader for you. Now you need to click on the “Create Gallery” link, which you can see on the left side of the screen. To add pictures, you can either upload them from your computer or select already uploaded ones. You can simply select the photos that should be featured in the gallery. They will be marked special sign, which can be seen in the screenshot below.

Once you have selected all the photos you want, click “create new gallery” in the media uploader. The media loader will show you the selected images in the Edit window. Here you can add captions, change settings and sort images by simply dragging them to the desired positions. Once you're done, click on "Paste."

Clicking the button will close the media loader and insert the gallery code into the article. If you are visual editor, then you will see a block, but if you are a code editor, you will simply see the gallery code. In simple text editor when writing, you will see the shortcode of your new gallery. Something like the following:

You can check the functionality by clicking the button preview records. If you're not happy with the result, you can always click on the "add media" button to edit the settings. You can change the display order, increase or decrease the number of columns, add or remove new pictures or descriptions. Once you are happy with the result, you can publish this post and your work will be visible for everyone to see.

Note: Yes, this technique can be used for individual pages as well. If you want to add a gallery to your pages, you will need to do the same.

Now that we've done that, let's see how we can make it simpler and easier to use.

Displayed as a carousel

The principle of displaying images in a carousel is similar to the functionality of viewing photos on Facebook. Initially this function was available as part of the Jetpack plugin, which is a set convenient tools. However, the problem is that it requires the site to be linked to even though it is not necessary. Some time ago, it was released as a separate plugin that can be used by anyone who wants to.

First you need to install and activate the Gallery Carousel plugin. Once you activate it, it will be ready to go straight away without you having to configure anything. Simply open your gallery post and click on an image in the gallery to see the carousel in action. Or you can check out the image gallery below:

You can make some changes to the plugin settings. To set it up, go to Options > Media, and scroll down to Image gallery carousel. Here you can set black, or White background for carousel viewing mode. Either disable the data or even the carousel itself.

There are several other options, however, for most website owners the standard option is ideal. If you don't like digging into code, then be sure to check out this interesting example of how you can extend the functionality of the standard gallery in WordPress. If you find yourself publishing quite a lot of images, or work as a photo blogger, then we recommend that you check out our selection of the best photo templates.

We hope you found this article helpful, if you have any questions or recommendations, please share them in the comments.

The Cincopa media platform offers a photo gallery creation program that is compatible with almost any website or blog. Create a photo gallery using a step-by-step wizard and embed it into any web page that accepts HTML or publish it as an RSS feed. It is also fully compatible with several CMS systems, such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, TypePad, MediaWiki, Ning, Blogger, vBulletin, Weebly, WordPress MU and Buddy Press.


Cincopa photo gallery app is free and very easy to use and install. Register for a free account and use our online web application to create luxurious and dynamic photo galleries within minutes, three simple steps:

How it works

1 Choose one of our amazing skins

2 Upload your files to the cloud” Cincopa

3 Get a simple code and paste it on your website


Over 40 skins to choose from, including Flash, Cooliris 3D, Lightbox, jQuery and many more. Adjust settings and view photo galleries in another window.

Upload your photos

Automatic change photo sizes. Upload several photos at once to a cloud drive and distribute them into folders using grag-and-drop. Open them later from any device.


Add files to your photo gallery and Cincopa will automatically generate the necessary code for you to place it anywhere on the internet. Add additional photos or edit your photo gallery at any time and those edits will be automatically and instantly updated on your site.

Cincopa is the most
complete multimedia platform



Check out these amazing demo photo galleries:

  1. Responsive HTML5 Photo Gallery

    New adaptive design photo galleries compatible with any HTML web page with all popular CMS systems and hundreds of social networks.


    Create a flash photo gallery and add background music. Look on Iphone or other mobile device. Cincopa will automatically convert your photo gallery into the most suitable format for any device, such as .mp4 and 3gpp.


    Amaze your audience with Cooliris 3D Wall photos. Cincopa will add a link to your photos, allowing your visitors to view them in a stunning Cooliris 3D view.


    Auto-promotion, click or hover effect to view your photos. This is a JQuery based gallery with Lightbox zoom functionality and a floating control panel.


    Display a list of thumbnails to showcase your photos. Control the size of your thumbnails for automatic preview. Enlarge, auto-scroll, view in any order or view full screen.

  6. Transitional PHOTO GALLERIES

    The variety of transitions available for your photo gallery will add a unique touch to your presentation. Set the transition time between photos to 1/1000th of a second. Choose from auto scroll, image rotation, fade in/out, loop, etc.


    Lightbox is one of the most popular ways to showcase your photos and applications on the Internet. Lightweight and elegant are two words often used to describe the Lightbox photo gallery.


    It's easy to add background music to any slideshow to create a deeper, more visual experience for your visitors. Create a photo gallery with music with the same customizable options as any other slide show.


All your photos are completely private. Cincopa servers use two sets of public/private keys, 1024-bit key encryption and MD5 hashing algorithm, and also a Token mechanism. No one can access your photos without your permission. Additional reasons why you should use Cincopa servers for file hosting:

  1. 44 skins to choose from
  2. Full backup to keep your photos safe
  3. Cloud computing - reliable access to files from any computer or other device
  4. Storage and Bandwidth Usage Metrics
  5. Automatic photo resizing
  6. Fully scalable - from personal blogs and small businesses to large enterprises
  7. Full support for IPhone, iPad, Blackberry and other PDA and smartphone technologies
  8. 100% free account gives 400 MB online storage and 200 MB data usage per month, much more than most photo galleries need
  9. Purchasing an enlargement package disk space and traffic, at any time, without risk
  10. Free trial versions of professional packages!

We looked at how to add a photo to a page in the last lesson. Now we will learn how to create a photo gallery in WordPress.

A photo gallery is needed so as not to place several images one at a time on a page.

These could be examples of your organization’s work, a photographer’s or artist’s portfolio, or photos from your last vacation, news from the world of gadgets and software, and much more. You can still put two or three photographs one at a time, but what to do if there are more than thirty of them? The process will take a long time and problems may arise with photo alignment.

Create a gallery

The beginning is the same as when adding images to the page:

Select the place where you would like to place the photo gallery by placing the cursor there.

Then, on the toolbar, click on the “Add Media” button.

Drag and drop image files from your computer into the window that opens. After downloading them, you now need to select the “Create gallery” option.

Once multiple images are uploaded, they will be automatically marked and selected. By checking or unchecking photos (clicking on them), you can edit which photos should be excluded or added to the gallery. When you have completed your selection, click on the button Create a gallery.

Afterwards the gallery editing window will open. You can change the order of photos by dragging them across the screen with the mouse, you can add a caption, a description of each picture, and also set a description for the entire photo gallery (this is for search engines).

It is important to configure the way the new gallery is displayed, choose the action that will occur when you click on the image: open the photo on a separate page, or open a large photo for viewing. Some themes do not support the preview feature large photo from the gallery, there is a plugin to correct this annoying drawback.

Number of columns - decide for yourself how many photos in a row are suitable for the width of your site.

Editing a photo gallery

Editing a gallery is based on the same principle as editing images, which we covered in the lesson ““.

You posted images, but, let’s say, you forgot to indicate some parameter or decided to change it, add or remove some photo.

Click on the image, 2 icons will appear: the first one is to edit, the second one is to delete it. We need the first one :)

Clicking on it will open an editing window where you can change the order of images, the number of columns, title and link. After making changes, be sure to click the Update button.

(Last update: 01/18/2019)

Hello, dear colleagues! Today our topic is - Photo gallery (image gallery) in WordPress. On an information site, in order to beautifully design interesting material, I sometimes have to use a lot of pictures, images or photos in the text of the article. After all, the use of pictures and good photos in a news web project, this is perhaps its main highlight.

Photo gallery on the WordPress website. Gallery Plugin NextGEN

Without high-quality and sufficient illustrations, the article may simply be ignored by readers. But inserting large pictures that follow each other into an article is not the case. The page will be very long and the visitor is unlikely to like scrolling to the very end to admire the photos. What can be done in this case? You just need to place it more compactly, that is, organize a photo gallery or, best of all, a slide show, with various special effects.

The WordPress system itself will only help us make a photo gallery, but we won’t be able to create a beautiful slide show. To do this, we will need to call on our faithful assistants for help - special WordPress plugins. Find them yourself necessary plugins I managed with difficulty. IN Google search and Yandex, in the first places, unfortunately, there are old posts with outdated material, that is, such plugins either no longer exist or they have not been updated for a long time (two years or more). I spent a lot of time searching for plugins, but I still managed to find something, and it was not in the place I was looking for. Today I will introduce you to a selection of popular WordPress plugins for working with gallery images and will show novice users how to create simple photo gallery in WordPress using the standard method.

In the CMS itself, creating a gallery is very simple. Write your masterpiece (post), select a place in the text where the photo gallery will be located and click the “Add media file” button. As usual, when uploading a picture, a media file downloader will open in front of you. You need to further click on the “Create gallery” button on the left:

You can select pictures for your gallery from those already existing on the site by checking the boxes you need, or upload new ones from your computer. Next, once you have selected the pictures, click "Create a new gallery." The "Edit Gallery" window will now open. Here, you can add captions to them, sort the pictures, that is, by simply dragging them to the right places, and also select the number of columns in the gallery:

Edit photo gallery

Once everything is prepared, click “Insert”. You can publish your post with a built-in gallery:

Ready image gallery

If something doesn't suit you, you can go back and edit the image gallery.

Don't forget that you can also create a photo gallery on a separate blog page. If you have a Lightbox connected, then viewing photos from your gallery will be a pleasure. Now, dear friends, let's move on to plugins with which you can create magnificent galleries, slide shows, various photo albums, and so on. I won’t take up much of your time, I’ll just list their names, without instructions.

Photo gallery plugins (image gallery), WordPress slideshow

A photo gallery on a WordPress website is a good chance to present your photos, pictures, beautiful images etc.. Increased Engagement visitors - images and photographs attract attention and make sites more attractive. Using images in your posts and pages will increase visitor engagement and can increase page views on your posts.

And adding relevant content to your images can improve SEO performance and provide greater visibility to relevant search results in Google and Yandex.

1. Plugins NextGEN Gallery

NextGEN Gallery plugin

NextGEN Gallery is perhaps the most popular plugin for creating high-quality photos- galleries, slide shows, compact photo albums in CMS WordPress. Photo galleries and albums that can be beautifully placed on the pages. On this moment it has already been downloaded more than 10 million times. NextGEN Gallery allows you to choose the style of viewing your photos, create a slideshow, add your own watermark to your photos, and much more.

NextGEN Gallery is very functional, easy to use and intuitive to work through the site's administrative panel. You can see an example of a gallery of thumbnails in the first screenshot at the beginning of the post. The main thing is that the plugin supports the Russian language.

2. Tribulant Slideshow Gallery plugin

Tribulant Slideshow Gallery Plugin

Tribulant Slideshow Gallery - as the name implies, is designed to create a slideshow of images in a message or on a separate page of the site. main feature This plugin is that you can create a slide show directly from the post editor by clicking the "Add Files" button:

TinyMCE Editor

3. Photo Gallery plugin

Photo Gallery plugin

The Photo Gallery module has support for the Russian language and therefore there should be no difficulties in working with it. With it you can create: compact photo albums; extended image albums with descriptions, slide shows, photo galleries with thumbnails on message pages and separate pages. The list of Plugin Photo Gallery functions is very long, it’s impossible to list everything.

Grand Flagallery is a very feature-rich plugin. With its help you can create not only photo galleries, but even video and audio galleries. With Grand Flagallery you can decorate your website by adding a free mp3 player, video player and much more.

Photo Gallery plugin by 10Web - Responsive Image Gallery

Photo Gallery - Responsive Image Gallery

Installed more than 300 thousand times. If you are looking for a convenient and feature-rich plugin to add adaptive galleries and albums to your website, the Photo Gallery - Responsive Image Gallery plugin can be the best option for you. It is easy to use, but at the same time has powerful functionality that allows you to create anything. Photo Gallery comes with stunning layout options, gallery and albums, many widgets and a number of extensions that further enhance its functionality.

WordPress Photo Gallery - great choice for photography websites and blogs, as well as sites that want robust image galleries with easy navigation.


It turns out there are a sufficient number of plugins for creating various image galleries for WP. Some are very popular and some are little known. I hope, dear friends, you will choose for yourself what is right for you. All the plugins presented above can be installed through the admin panel - Plugins - Add new. Enter the desired name in the search field. Install, activate, configure and work. All.

One more thing, what if the presented plugins are not suitable for you? various reasons, then take a look and choose the one you need yourself. Just enter the tags in the plugin search field - gallery, image, slideshow (one at a time) and click search. It’s good that now you can visually view and receive necessary information about plugin update, how many times installed and compatible with yours WordPress version or not:

If you need a translator for plugins and themes (templates), use this one. And I’m not saying goodbye to you for long. I really hope for a new meeting. Good luck.