How to create a group in new VK. How to create a group on VK - step-by-step instructions and tips

And tell me how to create a group on VKontakte. On the one hand, creating a group in a given social network is not particularly difficult, but for beginners our instructions will certainly be useful.

Why? Simply because we will explain step by step how to create a group on VKontakte. That is, it is clear and accessible. Since you are on this page of our website, you probably know that usually a group on VKontakte is a separate community of interests.

Creating a group in VKontakte

Let’s immediately answer one popular question about what kind of group you can create on VKontakte. You can create any group. The main thing is that she does not violate the rules of Contact. More precisely, so that you, as the creator, do not violate them. This is especially true for spam and invitations to new group members. For such violations, network administrators can not only close the group itself, but also delete your page. But let’s not think about sad things, let’s start creating our group in VKontakte!

In order for you to have the opportunity to create a group on VKontakte, your page must be linked to the number mobile operator, that is, to the SIM card number mobile phone. To start creating a group you need to follow the link "My Groups", which is located on your profile page.

Next you need to name the group. We advise you to choose a concise and memorable name that will attract attention and reflect the essence of the group itself. This simple technique will increase the group’s audience and retain its members. After entering the name, press the button "To create a group«.

After this we get to the group creation page. Everything is simple here. We advise you to clearly describe the group, choose the appropriate topic and type of group. It is not necessary to indicate the website, as well as the country and city. The last two fields are needed rather to indicate the local location of the group, for example, if you want to promote a product in a specific city or country. True, often visitors to VKontakte groups do not look at this.

After you have selected all the necessary items, proceed to "Settings". There is a whole list of different blocks that are responsible for appearance, that is, for how the VKontakte group will look. We recommend turning it on various settings, to see how the group's appearance will change.

Separately, we note that the main part of the group page is controlled by the setting "News on". Some users do not know how to make a VKontakte group menu. It is in this block that you can create a VKontakte group menu. News is main block, where all the helpful information. Let's go through the points of which settings are responsible for what in the group:

Here you can set the privacy settings for your group in contact with. If you want group users to add photos, videos, create albums, discussion topics, then we open access to certain group features; if not, then we limit the circle of those who can do this. Press the button " Save”.

Below are the settings that are responsible for displaying a particular block. And also for privacy and access to the group. Open access to such group settings as “Audio recordings”, “Photo albums”, “Videos” and “Discussions” will allow group visitors to independently create the appropriate desired setting material.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. We hope you were able to create a group on VKontakte. By exposing required level access, save the settings and move on to the next chapter of our article.

Setting up a VKontakte group after creation

We need to get into the newly created Contact group. To do this, click on the name of the group, as shown in the picture.

Immediately after this, we will be taken to the page for editing group data. If you did everything correctly before, then you don’t need to touch anything. The VKontakte group administrator has access to various management resources. Using these links, you can always change the composition of the group, add or remove a group member to its leadership. This is where the link to invite new members is located. You need to invite new participants with an eye to the rules of the VKontakte social network. That is, don't overdo it. The best way to start is by inviting your friends, and friends of friends, using " word of mouth" If the group is really interesting, then it will certainly find admirers. Let's go through the points this menu to make it more clear:

Be sure to post pictures or even videos, this should help promote the group on VKontakte.

We are interested in the column "Latest news", start leading your group with them, filling them with several interesting news for users.

The following management resources are available to the VKontakte group administrator. Using these links, you can always change the composition of the group, add or remove a group member to its leadership. This is where the link to invite new members is located. You need to invite new participants with an eye to the rules of the VKontakte social network. That is, don't overdo it. In general, understanding how to make a VKontakte group popular comes with time, you just need to work on the group.

It's best to start by inviting your friends, and friends of friends, using word of mouth. If the group is really interesting, then it will certainly find admirers. Let's go through the items in this menu to make it more clear:

  • “Edit information”—re-edit the group data.
  • “Edit Guide” - using this option, you can assign administrators and moderators of the group.
  • “Edit composition” - if you need to remove someone. A list of invited group members is available at this link.
  • “Invite to group” - distribution of invitations, as mentioned above, it’s better to start with friends.
  • “Group Statistics” is an informative link that will become most useful when the group grows.
  • “Leave the group” means saying goodbye to the group.
  • “Add to bookmarks” - if the “My bookmarks” option is enabled in your profile settings.

Be sure to post pictures or even videos when publishing news, this should help promote the group on VKontakte. We also recommend that you immediately add a main photo for your group. It must be attractive.

To make a VKontakte group popular, you need to interest a potential participant. To do this, we recommend posting not only interesting, informative and colorful news in the group, but also customizing the appearance.

In order to do beautiful group VKontakte set up your group using wiki markup. This special system from the Contact developers, which will help make your group recognizable and attractive. Using this system, Group Members can create additional pages With backlinks. Wiki markup allows you to create a group menu, place photos and videos as needed.

We hope our instructions on how to create a group on VKontakte were useful. All you have to do is decide which group to create on VKontakte and make the group design attractive. Read website!

Hi guys. Today on the agenda is the question of how to properly create a group in contact. In today's article we will try to figure this out.

In fact, it’s not possible to create a VKontakte group correctly, because no matter how you try to do it, the public will still appear. There will be an error only if you want to do it about teddy bears, but if you do it about airplanes, it’s quite easy to fix.

And so, in today’s article we will finally decide on creating it correctly, without errors and rework. To do this, we need to log into the social network and go to the MY GROUPS tab to see the list and select the CREATE COMMUNITY button. Exactly this magic button and will help us create the VKontakte community for which you are reading this post.

After you click this button called create a community, a window will appear in front of you in which you need to give a name and select what it will be, a group, page, or event. In our case, we leave it unchanged. In case you want to change the type of community, you can do this at any time after creation.

Title - here you need to enter the name of the page; if you entered it on the previous one, you can leave it alone. Page address - at this point you can change the address so that it does not just consist of numbers, but has readability so that people can read it URL address public Description of the community - this point should be given a lot of attention, because the description will make it clear to your subscribers and readers what the page is about and what good it will do.

Community topic - choose by topic, website - fill in if you have a site, filters - customize as desired, location - write if you wish, community messages - turn on if it is important to you that subscribers can contact you.

Next you need to fill out the settings. Wall - close it if you plan to have only your records. Photos - put limited, if you will only add, open, if you want users to add photos themselves, videos - optional, audio recordings, documents, materials - optional, type - put the same as desired, open - everyone can join, closed - entry must be confirmed by the administrator, private - no one can find it, only you can invite people.

After you fill out and configure, click the save button and you're done.

But, there is not a big BUT. All that remains is to add an avatar - the face of the community.

This will not be difficult, after the save button you will be taken to home page, where the group will need to be further refined. Using the Upload photo button, you can add a face (avatar); also, under the avatar you can see control buttons:

Community management - by going there, you can completely rewrite the settings that you made in the first step of creation, Advertise a community - using this button you can create an advertisement that will help people find out about your group (advertising is paid), community statistics - here you can see an activity graph participants (how many came, how many left, likes, etc.), add to bookmarks - adding to bookmarks, for quick access, translate to page - will help translate to a public page.

There are also several other functions that may be useful. One thing that will come in handy for sure is that when you click on the small notification called You are in a group, you can see a drop-down menu that has several items: Invite friends, hide news and exit.

If the last two don’t make any sense to you, then the first one is undoubtedly necessary; using this button, you can invite your first participants.

That's all, after you have read this article, you can safely create a public page for yourself, now you know the basics of creation without difficulty. What is described above will take no more than five minutes in practice, so go for it.

Good luck in creating and promoting. Speaking of promotion, you can read the article -

Subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss new articles. ATTENTION!!! When entering an address Email, please check your spelling. This is important because you will receive an email containing a link that you need to click to confirm your subscription intentions.

Also, take part in the commentator competition, absolutely any visitor can participate in it. At the end of the month, I will sum up the results, in which the three participants who receive the most comments will be selected and will receive cash prizes.

That's all for today, thank you for your attention.

Sincerely, Sergey Vasiliev

Finally, video recording

Do you want to know how to create a group on VKontakte in 2018? And not just design it, but do it yourself correctly and beautifully! If your answer is “Yes,” then this article is especially for you!

The social network “VKontakte” is one of the most popular. Accordingly, here you can find more communication, like-minded people and just friends, as well as promote your services and products. Thanks to the created communities, you can quickly find everything about an event, product, service, etc. that interests you.

On the management page, click “Upload” and select an image. It looks like this: group name, then avatar thumbnail, status.

Unfortunately, mobile doesn't support it yet this function. But since this innovation happened not so long ago, it will be just as relevant for promotion as everything else.

For more easy access You can create a menu for the materials offered. And we’ll tell you how to make it yourself next time.

Pinned post

Secrets of creating a VK group

As a bonus, we share the secrets of creating a VK group and our personal experience, which will allow you to complete the design immediately at an advanced level yourself. For example, you can configure something like this beautiful block from various applications, which increases engagement several times!

Free apps. Go to community management and go to "Applications" to edit settings.

Here you can choose to add an application that will become great addition to the functionality of the group. For example, as in our group, which creates for free useful content, there is a button “Support the community”, by clicking which you can donate for the benefit of the community any amount from 100 rubles. It could also be a product store, a questionnaire, tests, online chat, a newsletter subscription, etc.

Other useful widgets and applications:

  • questionnaires;
  • tests;
  • registration for services;
  • sending messages;
  • goods store;
  • and so on.

Discussions. Make several topics at once on the main issues that will be of interest to clients or subscribers. If this is a commercial community, then these are reviews, frequently asked questions, information about payment, guarantees and delivery. If the community is informational, then the main discussion threads should be devoted to topics that the group addresses.


If you want to succeed, then be sure to take the time to do it correctly and beautiful design. The more thoroughly you approach this issue and think through all the scenarios of user behavior after going to the group page, the higher the conversion to subscription, and subsequently to purchase, will be.

Good day, my dear readers. If you came here from a search engine, then you are probably interested in creating a VKontakte group

Today I will answer questions, namely:

How to create a VKontakte group for free

What is it for?

A VKontakte group may be needed for different purposes: someone creates it for entertainment, someone comes up with the idea of ​​selling through social networks, some promote their brand, their products, and projects.

If you came to my blog, then you are interested in the question of how to create a group in contact and completely free of charge. There is a solution to this issue and it simply cannot but exist, because the social network in contact is free, with the exception of some functions that are not useful to us.

vk com create a group

And so, it’s time for us to start creating a public page on the social network VKontakte.

The first thing that needs to be done is an account in the system; if you don’t have one, then first you’ll have to register it. This is done simply, after clicking the registration button, send your phone number and you will receive an SMS with confirmation, then fill out the proposed data entry fields and you're done.

Creating an account in contact is as easy as shelling pears, especially since there will be hints along the way, so there is no need to describe the process of registering a personal page.

For those who already have a page on social media. The network is a little bit simpler, first you need to log into it and click the my groups button. There you can see the entire list, and on the right side near the search there is a button to create a community. This is what you need to click to start creating.

In the window that appears, options for the type of community and name will be offered. We must fill in the name; you need to take the choice of name seriously, since this is the main key that will be found in the search.

Proposed to choose from three types communities: group, public page, event.

group - has its own properties for limiting content. That is, you can make it open or closed, then entering users must be accepted by the administrator.

the community can be personal, then you will have to invite members to your group, such groups do not participate in the search and are not displayed anywhere, and if you repost to a group, the group icon will be under a question mark and with the signature private group.

A public page is something like a blog; users must join it themselves; there is no way to invite people.

Also, you will not be able to hide the content of the community, the public does not close and is always open for entry, that is, they can look at the content and if they don’t like something, then there is a chance that the user will not subscribe to you and will never return.

Event - Done to gather a certain number of people by a certain time. When the time approaches, the user will receive a notification in the list of groups.

Not suitable for promotion, only for some specific reminders, or to attract attention.

We created the group, chose a name, and chose a type. Now we have to configure it. I will tell you the example of creating a group.

And so, the first thing you need to do is choose a short and clear address. I would advise doing this, since groups in contact participate in google search and yandex, but how do we know that robots search engines We welcome sites with clear links to them.

And so, what does this mean, a clear address is an address that will be written in a word in Cyrillic, I’ll give you an example. For example, the standard name has the following format: VK Com/club109901477, well, you probably already understood after the example, but for those who are in the tank, read on.

We need to change this set of numbers to something more understandable, for example, we have a group for recipes, and we can choose a short address, for example, vkusnie_recepti_tolko_tut. And you get the full address VK.Com/vkusnie_recepti_tolko_tut.

This is exactly the kind of Human-Understandable address that should be. I hope it is clear how and why this is done.

The topic of the community should suit the content; in this column you will find a lot of topics to choose from.

Website - this field can be left blank, or you can insert a link to the company website, or personal website and blog, if you have one.

You can set age restrictions if the topic is for a certain age.

Comment filter: Check the box for obscene words so that obscenities and other obscenities are not visible to visitors.

You can put the location in Russia or a specific place, depending on the topic of the proposal.

Turn on community messages so that members can contact administrators directly without wasting time searching for your contacts.

Cover the wall to avoid being bombarded with spam messages and advertisements. Well, or limit it so that the proposed news needs to be confirmed.

Post photos, videos, documents, discussions as you wish, depending on the topic of the community.

Select public type: open, for full view without introduction, closed so that users first enter, and after confirmation they can watch the content.

Products - depends on offers. Put it on if the community is for selling goods. With this option enabled, it will appear new blog at the beginning of the page, where you can create a product showcase.

That’s it, my dear readers, it’s not that difficult to create a public VKontakte page, the main thing is to fill it out correctly and fill it with quality content.

For today I will finish, I hope you got the gist, you created a group in contact and you are going to run it efficiently, for earnings, for entertainment, for suggestions, you choose what kind of community you will have.

See you soon, Sergey Vasiliev was with you

Lastly, watch a short video parody

If you are well-versed and knowledgeable about a specific topic and spend a lot of time on the Internet, then over time you will want to create your own group, for example, on VKontakte. What is it for? The group will help you find people of your same interests. You can share information with group members and discuss various issues related to the group’s topics. The group will also help you promote your online business, here you can make good advertising. This article will answer the question - “How to create a group in contact?” and the issue of promoting the group in contact will also be touched upon.

Instructions on how to create a group on VK

First of all, you need to log in to your VKontakte page, on which you will create a group.
Next, go to the “My Groups” section.

Since we are creating a group with all the attendant capabilities, we select this particular item. Now we come up with a name for the group. It should include keyword. Has a successful name in search engines good frequency. It will be possible to change the name of the group, but when the group gains popularity, changing the name of the group will be inappropriate. Therefore, it is better to immediately give a thoughtful name to your group.

Settings and created VKontakte group

We can say that the group has already been created, that is, the foundation has been created. Now you need to deal with its main settings.

In the “Information” tab, indicate any page address in Latin.

Very important stage is a description of the community. This is the first thing a guest sees when looking for the required group. The text size in the description should not be too large. It is necessary to enter into the text the most important points your topic and be positive.

In the group settings form, select the group type: open group, limited or closed. Also, if you have your own blog page, you can add its address. You can also add the name of your site. After filling in the required data, click the “Save” button.

The VKontakte network is quite well thought out and organized specifically for the needs of people social system. If you entered something wrong when you first filled it out, don’t worry. You can always change mistakes made and edit information by selecting the “Community Management” section.

Filling content and promoting the VKontakte group

Let's move on to the no less serious part. further development group, this is its filling and promotion. To popularize, you need to upload videos of your interests, audio recordings, and photographs to the group. Set your home page to bright and beautiful avatar. To attract the numerous attention of Internet residents, try to always upload fresh and verified information on your topic. If these rules are followed, the number of guests on the page will increase. In addition, guests of the page will begin to “repost” your interestingly selected content, thereby starting the promotion of the group.

Set your home page to bright and beautiful picture groups

In addition to the help of friends, the number of video views, group visits and subscribers, promotion will also increase with the help of their friends or neighboring partner groups. You can share posts between groups. And carry out how free exchanges(provided that there are no more than 3000 people in this community), and paid (if there are more than 5000 people in the community).

You must understand that promoting a group in a short time will not work. This is a fairly lengthy process and should be kept in mind. One of the conditions for the progressiveness of the group is constant update content. The more often you upload new information, the better. Another condition is the quality of the information uploaded.

A professionally designed group will be a strong advertising boost in promoting your topic. If you are selling goods, then the group will help increase demand for them. Also, the created group can help increase traffic to a particular blog or your website. Here you can make useful contacts for life.

Promotion of a group in contact - video

With this, we believe, the answer to the question posed at the beginning of the article on creating a group has been received. On this moment you have learned how to create and fill group content. In addition, now you know some secrets for promoting a group in contact. We hope it has become clear to everyone that this is a very useful and profitable tool on the network.