How to save to a folder from Word. Saving a Word Document

One of the main functions of the program. This is an action in which typed text is converted into a media file, which, in turn, can be stored and viewed on a computer, as well as moved to other media and transmitted over the network. Fixing data is necessary in order not to lose the changes made when editing the document. It is advisable to use this function as often as possible - this will reduce the risk of data loss when the program or computer is turned off.

There are two types of recording a media file in Word:

  1. “Save” - using this function when editing, you will update the document so as not to lose progress. This is necessary when working with one text.
  2. “Save as” - will be created new document, which will be a copy current version original. The source, in turn, will remain untouched.

There are many ways to protect text from loss, which differ in complexity and functionality. They are united general recommendations by use:

  • Do this before exiting the program. When you close the editor, a window appears asking you to commit the changes. The answer options are “Yes”, “No” and “Cancel”. When you press the first button, the text will be written (the computer will prompt you to select a name and directory), but users often make mistakes and click “No”. In this case, the document will simply close and everything will be lost. Clicking “Cancel” will not close the program and you will be able to continue working with the file.
  • Record changes as often as possible. This will prevent accidental loss large quantity entered data in case of accidental closing or malfunctions with the program or computer.
  • Write text in a format that is suitable for further use. For example, if you plan to view and edit in older versions of the program or on other devices.
  • Before sending a document to a friend, use the “Document Inspector” - with this function you can remove confidential information and increase the security of use.
  • Do not save two documents of the same format with the same name - only the last one will be recorded, and the first one will be deleted.

The name consists of two parts - title and extension. When you first save text in Word, you can specify them in the form “Name.docx” (name before the dot, format after). This feature is available when using any method of committing changes. In addition, you can specify the data after re-editing by clicking “Save As”. The media file with the new name and extension will appear separately. Use a format that is suitable for all devices on which you plan to read and edit the text. The most universal for Word - .doc

First save (creation)

Every Word user should know how to create a document in it. This is quite easy to do - there are 3 ways:

  1. Click “Save” or “Save As” the first time you edit a new media file;
  2. Press Ctrl + “S” - this function duplicates the first one;
  3. Try to close the window - the program itself will offer to commit the changes.

Regardless of which option you use, a recording window will appear. You can select the directory and name. Configure these settings as required.

Save as new

Already pops this document can be recorded as new. In this case, the original will remain, and the modified copy with a new name will be recorded in the specified directory. To do this you need:

  • In “File”, click “Save As”;
  • Enter the name of the document;
  • Specify format;
  • Select a location and click OK.

Saving as a template

To prevent changes to the original data record, but make another file based on it, make a template:

  1. Open the desired text;
  2. Go to "File";
  3. Click “Save As”;
  4. Select "This PC" and location;
  5. Enter the title of the text;
  6. Select the "Template" format;
  7. Save.

This way you can use a Word document as a source when creating a new one. To do this, open a text editor and click "New" - "Create from existing".

How to burn to CD

In order to write text from Word to optical media, need to:

  1. Place the media in the drive for recording;
  2. Select one of the options - “Recordable CD” or “Rewritable” (the second allows you to repeatedly record and erase information);
  3. Click “Start” - “Computer” and click on the arrow next to this item;
  4. A list of available drives will expand;
  5. Transfer certain media files to the one you select;
  6. Click “Burn disc” and “How USB flash drive"or "With a CD/DVD player" - depends on the desired requirements;
  7. Make a name for the disc;
  8. Next, do everything according to the instructions on the screen.

Tips for burning text to CD:

  • Do not try to fit more data onto the media than is allowed. The capacity of the disk is indicated on the packaging (and sometimes on the disk itself). If the media files are large, it is better to save them to a DVD with the ability to record and rewrite. True, not all Windows versions work with DVD copying. You will have to use special programs.
  • Make sure there is enough space on the media to create the temporary media files needed for correct entry. Standard disk in Windows requires up to 700 MB, faster ones - up to 1 GB.
  • After the copying procedure is complete, check the media to ensure that the data was transferred and saved.

How to save to USB drive

This recording option is needed when you need to transfer text to Word - especially if the other device does not have access to the Internet. To do this you need:

  1. Insert the USB device into the port;
  2. Click "File";
  3. Select "Save As";
  4. Select “Computer” or double-click on “USB drive” in “Devices with removable media”;
  5. Enter the title of the document;
  6. Click "Save".

How to record with remote access

Recording data on the Internet - convenient way store data since it can be accessed in different places. It is enough that the computers are connected to the network. To do this you need:

  1. Open file";
  2. Click “Save As”;
  3. Select a network folder;
  4. If it is synchronized with your computer, indicate it in the list in the “Computer” area;
  5. You can also start typing the folder name in "File Name" and press Enter;
  6. Enter the name of the file you want to record it with and click “Save.”

How to save to SharePoint


  1. Open file";
  2. Click “Save”, send and select “Save to SharePoint”;
  3. Select a location for recording, click “Save As”;
  4. Confirm the entry in the dialog box.

How to write to OneDrive


  1. Open file";
  2. Click “Save to website”;
  3. Click “Login” and log in using Windows Live ID, click “OK”;
  4. Select the OneDrive folder, click “Save As”;
  5. Enter a file name and make a recording.

The document will become available in OneDrive. You can grant other users viewing or editing rights. To do this, share the folder link with them.

How to make it open in older versions of Word

The ".docx" format, which is the basic format in modern versions Microsoft Office, cannot be used in Word 2003 and earlier programs. It can only be opened if a special compatibility pack is installed. In order to avoid downloads, just write the text in “.doc”. However, in this case, formatting applied using Word tools 2010 and newer. In order to write to “.doc”, you need:

  1. Open file";
  2. Select “Save As”;
  3. Enter the file name, click “Save”;
  4. In the drop-down list, specify the extension “Word 97-2003 Document” and change to “.doc”;
  5. Enter the document name and confirm.

How to record in an alternative format

If you need to record data for users who may open and edit it on computers with other capabilities, you can choose an alternative extension. This also allows you to regulate the functionality of the file itself - for example, make it unchangeable. Most often used:

  1. PDF and XPS to restrict editing and allow viewing only;
  2. Web page extension for viewing text in a browser;
  3. TXT, RTF, ODT and DOC - for working on computers or in programs with limited functionality.

How to write to PDF or XPS

These formats are the most accessible and popular for limiting editing. The recipient of the document will only be able to view the content. To make this setting, you need:

  1. Open file";
  2. Select “Save As”;
  3. Enter the name of the text in the appropriate field;
  4. In the file type selection list, select PDF or XPS;
  5. If viewing will only be online, you can reduce the size - click “Minimum size”;
  6. If you need to partially record text, include recorded edits, file properties, or create hyperlinks, select the appropriate items in “Options”;
  7. Confirm the changes.

How to save as a web page

This option is suitable for reading in a browser. It doesn't transfer text layout. You can record it either as a regular HTML page or as a document that combines all media files (MHTML). For this:

  1. Click "File";
  2. Select "Save As";
  3. When publishing, find the server name and click on it once;
  4. Enter the file name;
  5. In the “Type” field, specify “Web page” or an alternative - “in one file”;
  6. Confirm the changes.

Saving in simple formats

This option is needed in order to write text in a simple extension that can be “read” by almost all editing programs. The simplest one is ".txt". You can also select ".rtf", ".odt" and ".wps". It is important to note that using them may result in formatting and layout being lost. Use extensions only when the text itself is important, not its properties. For this:

  1. Open "File";
  2. Select "Save As";
  3. Enter the name of the text;
  4. Select the media file type - one of the ones described above;
  5. Confirm the changes.

How to save progress if Word freezes

Often, especially on “weak” computers, problems with programs occur. Failure of Word may result in you losing data entered into Lately. There are three ways to try to recover text after a program or computer crashes:

  • Call the task manager (Ctrl + Alt + Delete) and “End task” Word. Most likely, the system will ask whether to record the changes. The document will open again in a few minutes and will include the latest data.
  • If the work session was terminated incorrectly, you can find the data in the temporary folder C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Temp. This includes copies of documents that were not recorded properly. So, even when you turn off the computer, there is a chance to return the text.
  • Put your PC into Sleep Mode. After this, “wake up” him. The method helps against freezing.

Autosave Word

This option works in the program by default - the document is recorded every 10 minutes. However, when working with an important document, it is better to make sure that there is no risk and check the box next to the autosave function. Additionally, you can change the interval. The function is needed for computers that are often turned off - this way you will not lose the text that you entered before the next time of recording. To enable and configure:

  1. Click “File” - “Options” - “Save”;
  2. Make sure that the checkbox next to “Auto-save” is checked;
  3. Set the desired progress recording interval;
  4. Click OK.

To remove autosave, follow the same path and uncheck the box in the menu.

Bottom line

Recording progress is one of the main functions when working with text. Word allows you not only to record progress, but to do it in one of many formats and fundamentally different services.

Traveling through the vast expanses of the Internet, we find many useful information. Sometimes you want to save instructions or a recipe on your computer so that you can print it out on paper. Many novice users wonder: " How to save a page from the Internet to your computer?"

Saving text information from the site

Let's look at one way to save text information from any website to your computer.

The simplest option:

  1. highlight required fragment text;
  2. copy it;
  3. paste into a text editor (for example, or );
  4. save the text document.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

1. Select the desired piece of text

Selection is carried out with the mouse as follows: place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the selected fragment. Click left button mouse and holding it move the cursor over the text. The text will begin to highlight. Release the left mouse button after selecting the desired area. If the selection fails, repeat it again.

2. Copy the selected fragment

To copy you need to click right click mouse on the selected fragment to bring up the context menu. Now from this menu we left-click on the command Copy. You won't notice anything on the screen, but the selected text and pictures will be copied to your computer's memory (clipboard).

3. Paste into a text editor.

To paste into a text editor, you must first launch it. IN Windows system there is one that we will use to save text document. Launch it from the menu Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> WordPad. After launch, a blank white sheet will appear, on which we will paste the copied text. To do this, point with the mouse cursor at the insertion location and right-click. IN context menu select an item Insert and left click.

All text will be inserted; if this does not happen, it means you did step two incorrectly.

4. Save the text document

After all the necessary text has been copied, you need to save it on your computer. To do this in the menu File select a team Save. Now we need to specify the name of our document and the location to save it.

Easy way

To save a page from the Internet to your computer and view it offline, in modern browsers there is a special function. Right-click on the page and select the command from the context menu Save as..

Thus, in specified folder the page and folder (with the same name) will be saved with graphic elements(pictures from the page).

How to save text from a secure site?

On the Internet you can find sites with copy protection, and the above method does not work. What to do in this case? If you only need text information, then save the page as a test file with the extension TXT. And then we view it using Notepad. Or rather, let's do it this way. In the browser menu File select a team Save as


At the usual computer mouse two keys. One under forefinger, the other is under average. If you're confused about which key to press when, remember: To tell the computer what to do, use your index finger. To show him that you are smarter and know that he is hiding something from you, use the middle one.

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Best regards, Sergey Fomin.

PS: Interesting Facts about printing books in a modern printing house

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Doc is an obsolete format text files. Previously, it was actively used by all users of the popular text editor Microsoft Word(). However, the developers of this program changed in 2007 this format on docx. Many users have updated their software to new version, but there are still those who in their work prefer the old version, which new format does not recognize. What should you do if you write text in new program, but will they view it in the old one?


  1. For users of Microsoft Word 2003 or later old version given software Saving documents in doc format will not cause any difficulties. If the text was typed manually in a new document, then you need to follow the standard saving procedure: open the “File” menu and click the “Save” or “Save As” command. In the latter case, you will need to specify the location for the new file and enter its name, and then click the “Save” button. If you used an editor to open a text document in a different format, for example, txt, then you need to do the following:
  1. Users who use Microsoft Word 2007 and newer versions can save documents in doc format, but some text formatting may be lost. To save a document in this format, you need to type text in a new editor document or open an existing document and run the following commands:

3. Word text editor supports great amount text formats, such as: html, xml, txt, rtf, wps and many others. All these formats can be converted to doc format or docx (in new versions of the editor). To do this, you need to open one of these documents and follow the steps described in the previous paragraphs. In the “File type” field, you must specify the desired format.

Video: Saving in .docx and .doc formats in Word 2007 (28/40)

Created or edited by you the text document must be saved on your hard drive or floppy disk, otherwise any changes you make to the text will be lost. Data can also be saved on the server.

The first time you save a new document, the program will ask you to indicate exactly where and under what name the file you created should be saved. The Save Document Custom window appearance in general, it is similar to the Open Document window (see Fig. 4.2), so it makes no sense to show its image here: the principles of working with both windows are almost identical. To display the Save Document window, click on the Save button with the image of a floppy disk in the standard toolbar. Word panels or click the File menu in the program command bar and select Save. It should be remembered that after the first save, when you have already specified the location and name of the document (or if you are not working with a newly created Word document, but are changing an existing one), the program automatically saves it to disk under the old name, writing it to existing file any corrections you made. If you need to save the current document in a different folder or under a different name (for example, to preserve the original, uncorrected version), open the File menu in the command bar and select Save As.

The general sequence of actions in the Save Document window is as follows. Specify the folder or drive where the document will be saved. For example, if you need to write a file to a floppy disk, place it in the drive, click the Folder menu at the top of the window Saving a text document and select Disk 3.5 (A:). If you need to save a file in the My Documents folder, select My Documents from the Folder menu or simply click on the corresponding icon on the left side of the window. In the File name field, enter an arbitrary name for your document; the .doc extension is not necessary - Word will assign it to this file automatically. The name can be written in Latin or Cyrillic, but care must be taken that it does not coincide with any of the names already stored in the current document folder. In the File Type menu located at the bottom of the window, you can select the format of the saved document - the default option is Word Document, that is, a file that can later be opened again in Word for editing, on this or on another computer. If you do not plan to edit this file in other programs, it is better to leave the value of this menu unchanged. All you have to do is click the Save button, and the document will be written to the folder you specified. In the future, in order to save any changes to this document, just click on the button with the image of a floppy disk in the toolbar.

E. Sutotskaya

One of the first skills needed when mastering a computer is the ability to store and then recall information in your PC. Computer science teacher and programmer Elena Sutotskaya talks about how to do this.

Rice. 1. This is what the main menu of the Word editor looks like. If you left-click once on the “File” item, information input/output commands will appear on the screen (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The main commands when saving a document are “Save” and “Save as...” When saving a document for the first time, there is no difference between them. Move the cursor to one or another command and clicking once with the left

Rice. 3. Here the Word editor prompts you to save the document in a folder in "My Documents" under the name Doc1 (or 2, 3...) with doc extension. At the same time, you can see which documents with the same extension already exist in this folder. Left clicking the mouse

Science and life // Illustrations

Rice. 5. After saving the file in the most top line The file name appears in the main menu of the Word editor.

Science and life // Illustrations

Rice. 7. Any of the extensions can be selected by clicking once on the required line. In relation to a text editor, along with the doc extension, the rtf extension is often used. This allows you to use the document in other Windows applications without disturbing

Rice. 8. This is what the tab for setting parameters for the autosave process looks like.

Rice. 9. In order for the document to be saved with all the changes and additions made since it was opened, you need to click on the word “Yes”. Clicking the "No" button will return the document to its original form. And the "Cancel" key should be used if you

It is convenient to consider the basic rules for saving a document using the example of the Word text editor in Windows environment(Fig. 1). For this environment, they can be considered universal, since the main menu item "File" is present in any other Windows application in almost the same form. So, having mastered saving a document in Word, you can easily do the same in any other text or graphic editor and when working with spreadsheets.

Preliminary information

Before we get into how to save a document, there are some basic concepts you need to understand.

Everything “collected” on a computer is stored in the form of files. A file is a named area of ​​a disk in which information is stored.

The file name consists of two parts - the actual name and extension, separated by a dot. Sometimes the extension is missing, but usually it is by it that you can find out what type of information is contained in the file, since each application program by default assigns a specific extension to a file. Thus, "DOC" indicates that the document was created in text editor Word, "BMP" - in a graphics editor, for example Paint, "PPT" says that you are dealing with a presentation created in PowerPoint, "XLS" - a sign spreadsheet, "jpg" - graphic document, with which they worked, for example in Photoshop.

Note. When assigning a proper name to a file, try to ensure that it matches the information that is stored in it - this will make it much easier to find it later. For example, "Addressbook" or "Contacts".

The name can be typed in Russian or in any other language installed on this computer, contain numbers, punctuation, excluding quotation marks and special characters.

In addition to files, there are so-called folders - they store information that allows the computer to find the desired file.

My Documents folder

It appears on your computer when you install the software. As a rule, many novice users, and not only them, prefer to store their files in it. This is convenient because it happens by default. But when working with a large amount of varied information, it is more convenient to create “thematic” folders and put files in them. This greatly simplifies the search for information.

Notes 1. The same document can be saved under different names in the same folder, under the same name in different folders and under different names in different folders (as convenient for you).

2. If during the naming process you accidentally erased the extension, do not worry, the computer itself will assign the desired extension to your file.

Note. The same can be done by selecting the icon with the image of a floppy disk on the toolbar and clicking on it once with the left mouse button.

If you are working with a document that has already been saved, then the “Save” and “Save as...” commands work differently. In the first option (“Save”), the document is saved under the same name with all the corrections and additions made to it. In this case, the dialog box does not appear on the screen. (Clicking on the icon with the image of a floppy disk will produce the same result.) In the second option ("Save as..."), the already familiar dialog box will open on the screen (see Fig. 3), where in the "File name" field the name under which you saved the document will be written. By entering a new name there, you will save your document with all the corrections and additions made under a different name.

Other folders

If you want to save the document in another folder, you should select it (and first, of course, create it). To select another folder on any of the drives, you need to left-click once on the black arrow to the right of the “Folder” field. After this, a window will appear where you will see icons and names of disks available on your computer: for example, the “Desktop” icon, the “My Documents” folder, etc. (Fig. 6).


You can also proceed in the reverse order: first change the name, and then select the folder to save.

Changing the extension

To change the file extension, you need to click on the black arrow to the right of the "File type" field. After this, a list of all acceptable for this file extensions (Fig. 7).

Note. To use a document in DOS environment you need to select the line " from the list" DOS text with line breaks" or "DOS Text". But in this case, almost all text formatting will be lost.

Automatic saving of information

For the convenience of saving a document while working, you can set the computer to the so-called autosave mode. It is especially important that information is saved automatically if the power supply to your computer electrical network not very reliable.

To activate the function automatic saving information, you should select the “Tools” item in the main menu, and in it the “Options” sub-item (Fig. 8). On the “Save” tab, select “Automatic Save Every:” and in the field to the right of it, set the time interval between automatically repeating recording of the document you are working on into the computer’s memory. Then, if the document has already been named, there is no need to periodically remind the computer to save the information. He will do it on his own.

One last note. Everything described above is true for anyone Windows applications, the differences will only be in the automatically proposed file name and extension or in which folder is suggested by default.