How to work with the Splan program. Creating a new Schema library in splan 7

Hello, dear friends on the site " Electronic circuits" This is a review article about sPlan This program is designed for drawing electrical circuit diagrams. The program was developed by the organization " ABACOM" - she also developed the Sprint-Layout program. The program is distributed for a fee (Shareware), price - 50 euros. There is no official Russian version, but the world is not without craftsmen... you can download the program here - “”. Official website - In this article I will try to tell you about the work of this program.

1. New project. The first thing you will see will be a window with a blank “sheet of paper” and a component selection window on the left

To draw a diagram, you simply drag and drop the diagram component on the left onto the sheet on the right. To connect these components, select the function “ line"(6th from the top) - and connect. If you need to enlarge the diagram, then select the function “ scale"(2nd from the bottom) - and click on the sheet - right mouse button - increase, left button - decrease.

To indicate where a component connects, click on the " node"(6th from the bottom) - and press the right key on the place where you want to mark. To insert text, click on the " text"(5th from bottom).

2. Creating a component. The library built into Splan-7 does not have such a large number of components - for example, there are no counters or decoders at all - but it is possible to create your own component. To do this, you just need to draw a component, mark it, select it with the mouse, and in the menu “ Component" (top second from the right) select the item " Create a component from the selected..." - the window " Component properties", where you can customize your component.

After that, in the “Component” menu (second from the right at the top), select “ Copy component(s) to library..." That's all.

3. Save and Export the document. To save a document, click on the floppy disk icon, select a save location and click OK. The document is saved in the format " *.spl7» To export the diagram to an image, click on the top menu: File/Export...

With the development of the electronics industry, the need for rapid design and drawing of various electronic circuits has increased. This problem has arisen in all areas of radio electronics. With the advancement of new computer software capabilities at the beginning of the century, the SPLAN program appeared. The new product was developed by the German company ABAKOM. The SPLAN program (PS) is constantly updated and improved.

Note! Currently, consumers are using the updated version - SPLAN 7.0.

Paid and free versions of Plan

The program is paid. Along with this, there is a free version of PS. It is educational in nature. In practical terms, the product is of little use. The free program does not have functions for saving, printing or exporting files. Separate PS options are used for viewing and printing files - Splan Viewer.

There is no licensed PS in Russian today. On the Internet you can find versions of the Russified version, including a portable version.

Additional Information. Downloading the program costs 40 euros.

The PS uses the capabilities of Windows 2000, XP, NT, and Vista. There are no special requirements for PC configuration.

Advantages of Splan

PS is a very convenient system in which you can efficiently draw and draw electronic circuits and create microcircuits. The most attractive aspects of the PS are the following list:

  • The graphic editor makes it quite easy for almost anyone to draw electrical circuits;
  • A simple and intuitive interface takes a minimum of time to master;
  • Available text editor;
  • Quick compilation of various tables;
  • For drawing circuits, the PS has splan libraries, which combine many electronic components;
  • Library elements are edited and added;
  • The necessary components are dragged with the mouse from the left field into the work area. Nearby is a toolbar with a set of various lines and symbolic shapes;
  • It is possible to create raster images, include inscriptions, etc.;
  • You can number components either manually or automatically. The method is changed by right-clicking in the component properties field. In the same window (Properties) additional attributes are formed;
  • Convenient system for grouping elements and linking them to the grid;
  • Ability to draw oblique lines, unfold components, insert pictures, reformat drawing to jpg.

Splan libraries

The entire electrical circuit of the board is built on the basis of the components. On the left side of the program window there is a component library. It contains a set of symbolic images of circuit elements. Libraries (LB) can be filled with various contents. These are collections of UGO elements, radio components, microcircuit basics, special images, etc.

The Plan program has several functions for setting up libraries:

  1. Increasing partitions;
  2. Renaming pages;
  3. Removing section pages;
  4. Addition of new elements;
  5. Removing unnecessary elements;
  6. Sorting and copying components;
  7. Turning on a new BS;
  8. To select the desired element, simply select the desired list name from the list, which is compiled in alphabetical order;
  9. The required element is dragged from the list into the work field, where the diagram is formed;
  10. To get started, click the mouse button on the blue library field to open a context menu with the above functions.

Creating a new library

If you use the program for a long time, sooner or later there will be a need to create a new library. This can be caused by several reasons:

  • The BS began to occupy a very large volume, which caused a number of inconveniences and difficulties in work;
  • mixing components from different areas of application created in the Plan;
  • placement of part of the library on another medium, etc.

To create a new library proceed as follows:

  • open a new folder in which the BS files will be placed;
  • copy the necessary files from other libraries to the folder;
  • in another case, the folder is kept empty for subsequent replenishment with newly created components;
  • to add a new BS, click on the “Books” icon, a list of libraries appears in the window;
  • select the last line of “Library”;
  • “Create” appears in a new window;

  • after clicking on this inscription, a window for selecting a directory with library files in the “*. lib";
  • Confirm the new folder by clicking OK. The new BS will be added to the list;
  • All that remains is to assign a name to the new library.

Splan version

The developer ABACOM released this version of the PS in 2012. This edition of the software is a consistent successor to the previously created programs Splan 4.0, 5.0. and 6.0. The features of this version simplify the work of creating diagrams. A beginner can master working with this program in a short time. You can download and edit all files created based on older versions. PS contains a standard set of options:

  1. Sheet:
  • properties;

  • new leaf;

In the “Add Sheet” window, the sheet itself and its place among other pages are determined.

  • duplicate;

This option duplicates the created sheet and defines its location.

  • the remaining options do not need explanation.
  1. Form;

Select and edit the sheet format to create a project.

  1. Service;
  2. Options – multi-page menu.

In the parameters, select directories, create or delete libraries, and determine the storage location with an assigned name.

Next, select fonts and grid from the menu. In the “Scale”, horizontal and vertical rulers, style, and color of lines connecting the elements of the diagram are established. Then all the other necessary options are built on three panels.

The process of drawing diagrams itself does not cause any particular difficulties. After several practical sessions with this program, you can begin not only to draw electrical circuits, but also to independently create microcircuit drawings.

ABACOM recently announced the release of a new version of the program - SPLAN 8.0. This significantly increases the ability to create high-quality drawings of electronic systems.


The graphic editor "Splan" is distributed free of charge and is known among radio amateurs, electricians and electrical personnel. It is easy to use, has an intuitive interface and a large library of electronic component templates, which can be expanded with your own designs.

To explain the principles of drawing in the sPlan 7.0 program, we will use a common circuit of an electric lighter, which, from a voltage of 2.4 volts from two batteries, forms a high-voltage spark discharge pulse to ignite the gas.

This design consists of:

    a self-oscillator powered by transistors VT1 and VT21;

    transformer Tr1, which increases their oscillations to approximately 150 volts;

    high-voltage transformer Tr2;

    triggering circuit for thyristor VS1 on transistor VT31, capacitor C4 and resistors R2, R3 and R4.

Schematic diagram of an electric lighter in the sPlan 7.0 program (click on the picture to enlarge):

Tr1 is wound on a ferrite ring magnetic core 16x10x4.5 mm with 10 turns of winding “1” and 650 turns of winding “2”. Tr2 is a regular transformer from the horizontal scanning of old black-and-white small-sized TVs. It creates a high voltage of about 10 kV at the output electrodes. For safety reasons, it is better to use a factory-assembled structure rather than rewinding the coils at home.

Attention! When the power button is turned on, do not touch the electrodes. This lighter works like a stun gun and is dangerous.

sPlan 7.0 window interface

The program is divided into blocks:

    main menu;


    standard panel of main and additional functions;

    a set of drawing tools;


    information panel.

Structure of the sPlan program window:

Before starting to work in the program, pay attention to the information panel located at the very bottom of the window.

Information panel (click on the picture to enlarge):

Here the position of the cursor on the workspace is indicated, the scale of the drawing is set, grid snapping is removed or created with a choice of its functions, angles are limited, the initial style of lines, polygons and the step of rotation of figures are assigned.

To create a drawing, select all the necessary templates from the library and transfer them to a blank sheet of paper. The sequence of actions is shown using the example of a battery cell.

Select the remaining elements in the same way:



    forward and reverse transistor;


The picture below shows the general view of the selected templates in the program window and the sequence of editing one element using the example of a power supply consisting of two 1.2 volt batteries connected in series to a source designated “G1”.

When you first left click on the template, a grid appears to resize it, and when you click the second, you can rotate it. Double-clicking brings up a menu of properties that allow you to change labels, fonts, and line styles.

Using this method, all changes were made to the selected templates, added by copying images of transistors, transformer and resistors to the buffer.

After editing each element, we place them in the plane of the drawing workspace.

Now all that remains is to connect them with lines, as shown in the picture (click on the picture to enlarge).

By left-clicking the mouse manipulator on the “Line” element, we indicate the starting point with the cursor, observing the color information. Move the cursor to the next point and make another click, and then, in the same way, draw a line to the next point. At the end of drawing, double-click and press the “ESC” button on the keyboard.

Dots must be placed at the electrical connections. We make them using the “Circle” element. First, select a template, and then set its size and fill it.

We paste the created figure into all the necessary places via the clipboard. As a result, the drawings resulted in a circuit of the electrical converter shown in the very first picture.

You can insert pictures into the sPlan 7.0 program field. As an example, consider a printed circuit board diagram for our converter.

It will look like this:

As you can see, the sPlan 7.0 program works quite accurately, is easy to draw and allows you to quickly create electrical circuits that can be printed on paper sheets or transferred to electronic media.

Let's talk about such a wonderful program for radio electronics and electricians as Scheme editor Splan 7.0 .

I wonder if any of you still draw electronic circuits by hand. I had to do this kind of work, though a very long time ago, when I was still a schoolboy and computers were only in enterprises or businessmen.

Already when computers were firmly established in our lives, design programs began to appear. The popular ones were AutoCAD and Compass. But the program for drawing electrical and electronic circuits has become truly popular - sPlan-7-rus.

Description of the program - Scheme editor Splan 7.0

I suggest you take a closer look at the program. Its appearance is simple - work elements on the left, work area on the right.

By simply dragging the mouse from the left side, the object is transferred to the work area for changes. It is possible to rotate, resize and assign names.

The program contains entire libraries of components, so you don’t have to invent anything - everything is already there.

The menu on the left is responsible for creating geometric objects, different shapes and inserting text.

All available tools are enough for even the most complex project.

The Splan 7.0 circuit editor has proven itself very well among radio amateurs, as well as electricians, for its simplicity, extensive library of elements, and user-friendly interface. Many people use this program, you can use it too.

The sPlan program is a simple and convenient tool for drawing electrical diagrams on a computer screen. The sPlan program has a Russified version and is deservedly popular among radio amateurs.

Good afternoon, dear radio amateurs!
Welcome to the website ““

There are many versions sPlan programs(), but we will look at the operation of this program using the example version sPlan 7.0, which does not require installation on your computer, just download it, unzip it and you can immediately get to work.

(2.6 MiB, 19,332 hits)

After downloading and unzipping the program, double-click on the program launch icon and look at the screen.

Below is a screenshot of the running program in the electrical circuit editing mode:

By the way, you can view any picture in enlarged form by clicking on it. This is what the running program window looks like. This window can be divided into several functional parts:

1st part: window for drawing electrical circuits:

This window is a field with a grid in the form of lines or dots, or without them at all, and two rulers - horizontal and vertical (in millimeters).

Part 2: window of the library of radioelements and related components:

Library selection. Here you can select the standard or your library of radio elements, or other libraries, also created by you or downloaded from the Internet.

Selecting radio elements from a category. Here a specific radio element is selected (in this case, an n-p-n or p-n-p transistor, etc.).

Number of columns when displaying elements– in this case, 2 columns (no comment required).

Displaying descriptions of radio elements. When this option is enabled, a brief description of them (if any) will be displayed under the radio elements.

Move to the next category– the same as choosing a category of radio elements.

3rd part: main menu:

♦ file: standard set of options:
- create
– open
- save
– template (selection of parameters of the sheet on which the diagram will be drawn)
– upload an image (in BMP or JPEG format)
– export
- clipboard
- seal
All options are standard for any program and do not require any special comments

♦ edit:
- cancel
- repeat
- cut
– copy
- insert
– duplicate
- repeat
Also a completely standard set of options that does not require comments

- sheet:
- properties

Here you select the sheet format, its name and an extended description.

– new sheet:

Here a new sheet is added and its place among all sheets in the project.


Here an existing sheet is duplicated and its place among the other sheets is indicated.

– the remaining options do not require explanation.

— form: here you select or edit the form of the sheet on which the project will be developed; sample forms can be viewed by selecting the “open form” option. No special explanation required.

— service: also a fairly standard set of options that are very easy to understand.

- options:
- Main settings. Multi-page menu:

Main parameters. No special explanation required. But, of course, you can experiment in the future.

The following menu is directories:

Where drawings, forms will be saved and where graphics will be exported.

The next menu is libraries:

Here you can configure the following parameters: create a library, delete a library, give it a name, specify the storage location for the library.

The following menu fonts:

Here you can tell the program what font you will use by default.

Of the remaining options, let's consider two more - grid and scale:

Net. Here the default grid view is set on the diagram drawing field.

Scale. Default settings for the horizontal and vertical rulers of the diagram drawing field.

Default line styles:

Here you select the style of lines that connect components, and create new elements.

Default polygon styles:

Here you select the outline and fill styles of polygonal shapes.

♦ component: this section is the creation of a new radio element, we will look at it a little later.

4th part: three panels for working with electrical circuits

♦ first panel (top):

♦ second panel (side):

♦ third panel (bottom):

Well, finally, we looked at what the program consists of and the purpose of its panels and buttons. Now let's move on to the practical part - drawing an electrical circuit.

We will take as a basis the circuit of a simple power supply:

To draw this circuit, we need: a transformer, a diode bridge (or 4 separate rectifier diodes), three electrolytic capacitors, one non-electrolytic capacitor, two 0.5 W resistances, one variable resistance, two separate diodes, a KREN type voltage stabilizer chip and an LED . Select all the necessary elements in the library window and place them in the diagram drawing window:

This is approximately how you should get the picture. You probably noticed that when you drag and drop elements, they are automatically numbered, which is, in principle, very convenient. When selecting elements in the library, we did not find two elements - a variable resistor and a KREN type microcircuit, so we will have to create them ourselves. First, let's create a variable resistor. To do this, use the “components” option in the main menu. Expanding the option we will see the following choice: create a component from the selection, split component, copy component to library and inscriptions, that is, we have no choice to create a new component. A new component can be created using some other one as a basis. Let's select another constant resistor from the library without power marking. Double-click on the resistor and get to the element editing menu:

We fill in the corresponding sections of the menu: designation – leave it as R; nominal - set 5.1 K (as per the diagram); description – variable resistor. Next, click the “editor” button and go to the menu for editing the appearance of the element:

In the top menu, select the “grid” option and set the grid value to 1 mm (recommended). Next, in the left menu, select the “line” option and draw an arrow to the center of the resistor (drawing order: select the point where the line will begin, left-click, draw the line in the desired direction and the desired length, left-click, right-click):

A new component called a variable resistor is ready. Select the “component editor” menu and in it the “save and exit” option. At the same time, we will again return to the circuit drawing menu, where we will see the resistor we edited:

Now we need to save the created component in the library. In the library, select and open the resistors category, right-click on the variable resistor, a menu appears in which we select the very last line “copy components to the library. At the very end, our component should appear in the library:

By the way, if you enter the cursor into the library area and right-click, a menu will appear through which you can create an element from scratch. But it is more convenient to create a new one by editing an element.

A little about left clicks. One click – selecting an element, a second click – switching the element to rotation mode, two quick clicks – switching to editing mode.

Now let's create a microcircuit. Let's take the variable resistor we created as a basis. Select it with one click, then in the main menu select the “duplicate” option (the “x2″ icon), install the second variable resistor in an empty space and with two clicks on it we go into editing mode. Fill in the fields: designation - DA, in the nominal column - name of the microcircuit - KR142EN12, description - voltage stabilizer. And then by pressing the editor button we switch to element drawing mode. We remove the antennae from the arrow, stretch the body, select the entire element, rotate it 90 degrees, and move the “designation” and “denomination” to the place we need. Next to the legs of the resulting element we insert the inscriptions IN, OUT, GND (or numbers 2,8,17, indicating the pins of the microcircuit) and we get something like this:

Further - component editor And save and exit. We get a new element in the diagram drawing window:

Naturally, it may look different for you. Now let’s create a new category in the library for our microcircuit, for example – “microcircuit stabilizers”. To do this, enter the cursor into the library field and right-click. In the menu that appears, select the option “create a new library section”, a new section with a blank field will appear. Right-click on the newly created element and in the menu that appears, select the option “copy components to library”. And the first component will appear in our new section:

Now let's move on to the most important thing - drawing the diagram. To do this, first, we compose the future diagram by arranging the details on the drawing field. We get something like this:

The next step is to write down the values ​​of the radio components (resistors, capacitors, diodes), and also expand the capacitor C3 - plus side up and expand the names of resistors R2 and R3 and diode D2. Let's consider the procedure for resistor R3. (At the same time, we’ll change the numbering order of the resistors). Two clicks on resistor R3 go to editing mode. In the designation we put R1, uncheck the auto-numbering column, set the denomination to 15K (as per the diagram), press the editor button, go to the element drawing mode.

Here we rotate the “designation” and “nominal” by 90 degrees and set the resistor to the right of the body (one click – selection, the second click switches to the element rotation mode), and we get this view:

After that, click the “green checkmark” and return to the program. The resistor now looks like this on the diagram:

We do the same with the rest of the radio elements, and we get the following picture:

And finally, the last stage. In the left panel, select the “line” option and use it to draw lines, connecting radio components in accordance with the diagram. It is recommended to make the power lines first. After all the connections have been made, select the “node” option in the left panel and place points at the intersections of the lines where they should be connected according to the diagram. The output we get is something like this:

Next, using the options in the left panel, we apply the appropriate labels. Then save the created diagram to your folder. You can also bring your scheme to a more civilized look. To do this, in the main menu, select “form” and in it the option “open form”. In the window that appears, select the form we need and get the following picture:

We fill out the fields in the lower right corner, print it out and present it to the experts.

This concludes the description of the program. If anyone has questions, or found errors, inaccuracies, or typos, please report them in the comments.