How to check the ping of an Internet connection. What ping is considered good?

Before scrupulously calculating what ping is considered good, it is necessary to understand the very meaning of the concept “ping”. Ping (from the English ping) is the reaction time of an Internet connection: namely, how quickly the client computer, having sent a request, receives a response from the server. Ping is measured in milliseconds (ms).

What does ping depend on?

The ping value depends on many parameters. First of all, it depends on the number of “intermediaries” in the server-client chain, the number of which is proportional to the geographical distance of the server from the client computer.

Another parameter that determines ping is the connection type: connection to network equipment fiber optic provider is preferable to ADSL or 3G channels.

Which ping is better: high or low?

Of course, the lower the ping, the better. After all, Internet speed ping is a delay in the signal between the server and the computer: high ping values ​​can be manifested by “freezing” of network applications, etc.

What should the Internet ping be?

The general rule is: the lower the ping (i.e., the faster the server responds to the client’s request), the better. However, it is impossible to say unambiguously which ping is normal and which is maximum and demanding. The fact is that this parameter is not regulated, and accordingly it is difficult to single out any specific values, since they are not standardized.

In addition, the agreement with the provider only specifies maximum speed data transfer (we recommend that you read the article), however, the minimum threshold is not established or specified. Thus, de jure there is no “nominal” or “minimum” ping value.

However, the following gradation of ping values ​​was obtained using an empirical method:

  • - up to 40 ms - ideal value. This reaction time allows you to comfortably use streaming services (Twitch, live broadcasts on Youtube, etc.), enjoy all popular multiplayer games and access web pages without delays;
  • - 40 - 110 ms is considered normal. Ping allows you to comfortably use Internet resources and is generally acceptable for online games;
  • - 110 - 210 ms - too big ping for multiplayer games, especially for genres in which reaction speed is important (shooters, racing simulators, etc.). To access sites from text information This ping remains normal, but media services will be slow.

A persistent ping value above 300 ms on any server can be considered a symptom of serious problems network connection. This reaction time can be classified as extremely low.

Often users are faced with the need to check ping. For example, if there is a large delay in an online game, at which it becomes uncomfortable to play. In this article we will talk about how to check ping and what it is.

Ping or ping is a term that refers to the time it takes for a packet sent from your computer to travel to the recipient's computer and return. Ping affects the speed of programs working with the local network and the Internet. The lower the ping, the faster programs run. For example, ping affects the speed of loading pages in the browser or the level of comfort in online games. The word “ping” also refers to a program for checking ping.

In order to check ping we need to run command line. To do this, open the Start menu and enter “CMD” into the search. You can read more about this in a separate article.

After the command line is launched, you can proceed to checking the ping. To do this, enter “PING IP” into the command line. Where IP is your IP address to which you need to check the ping. For example, "PING".

You can also check ping not only to an IP address, but also to a domain.

In addition, the ping check can be performed with specific parameters. To do this, you need to enter an additional key at the end of the command. For example “PING –t”. This command will run the ping test indefinitely.

The entire list of additional keys can be viewed by entering simply “PING” into the command line without specifying the address.

Team PING this is probably the most used network utility command line. PING present in all versions of all operating systems network-enabled and simple and convenient means polling a node by name or IP address.

A special control message protocol is used to exchange service and diagnostic information on the network. ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol). Team ping allows you to send a control message like Echo Request(type is 8 and is indicated in the ICMP message header) to the addressed node and interpret the response received from it in a form convenient for analysis. The data field of the sent icmp packet usually contains characters of the English alphabet. In response to such a request, the requested node must send an icmp packet with the same data that was received and the message type Echo Reply(the type code in the ICMP header is 0). If any problem occurs during the exchange of icmp messages, the ping utility will display information to diagnose it.

Command line format:

Ping [-t] [-a] [-n number] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS] [-r number] [-s number] [[-j Node list] | [-k Nodelist]] [-w timeout] finalName


-t- Continuous sending of packages. Keyboard combinations are used to complete and display statistics Ctrl+Break(statistics output and continuation), and Ctrl+C(statistics output and completion).
-a- Determining addresses by host names.
-n number- Number of echo requests sent.
-l size- Size of the data field in bytes of the sent request.
-f- Setting a flag that prohibits packet fragmentation.
-i TTL- Setting the lifetime of the package (the "Time To Live" field).
-v TOS- Specifying the type of service (field "Type Of Service").
-r number- Record a route for a specified number of hops.
-s number- Time stamp for the specified number of transitions.
-j listNodes- Free choice of route from a list of nodes.
-k listNodes- Hard route selection based on a list of nodes.
-w timeout- Maximum time to wait for each response in milliseconds.

Examples of using:

ping echo request to a node with name with default parameters - the number of packets is 4, the length of the data array = 32 bytes.

ping -6 node ping using IPv6 protocol

ping -a perform a ping to determine the name of the terminal node by its address.

ping -s computer- node ping computer from source Used when the computer has several network interfaces.

ping w 5000 ping with a waiting timeout of 5 seconds (default - 4 seconds).

ping -n 5000 -l 1000 site- node polling website 5000 times, in packets with data 1000 bytes long. Acceptable maximum length data - 65500.

ping -n 1 -l 3000 -f ping with packet fragmentation prohibited.

ping -n 1-r 3 send 1 echo request per node with display of the first 3 transitions along the route.

ping -i 5 ping indicating lifetime TTL=5. If more hops along the route are required to reach the end node, the router that interrupted the delivery will respond with the message “The time to live (TTL) has been exceeded while transmitting the packet.”

  • Using PING for step-by-step diagnostics Internet access problems:
  • Generalized connection diagram for a computer (tablet, laptop) home network) with the end node removed can be represented as follows:

    The most common network with IP addresses / is used as the home network. It's about about IPv4 – IP protocol version 4, where 4 bytes are used for addressing. IP addresses It is customary to represent them as decimal byte values ​​separated by dots. Each device on the network must have its own unique address. In addition to the address, the network settings use mask network (subnet mask). The mask has the same format as the address. The combination of address and mask determines the range of addresses that belong to local network- The first and last addresses in the range are not assigned to individual network devices because they are used as the network address and broadcast address. Typically the router address is set to or This is not a mandatory standard, but is used quite often in practice. The one bits of the mask determine the permanent part of the network's IP address, and the zero bits are allocated to individual nodes. Meaning 255 is a byte with its bits set to one. The netmask serves as a means of determining the range of IP addresses belonging to the local network. Devices with such addresses are reachable locally, without using routing. Routing is a way of exchanging data with network devices not belonging to this local network through special device - router(router, router). Routers are specialized computers With several network interfaces and specialized software that ensures the transfer of IP packets between the sender and recipient located in different networks. Several routers may participate in such forwarding, depending on the complexity of the route. A home router is the simplest type of router that forwards packets addressed to external networks to the next router in the provider's network. The next router checks whether the end node's address is reachable locally, and either forwards the data to it or forwards it to the next router according to the route table. This happens until the data reaches the recipient or the packet's lifetime expires.

    The PING command can be used to diagnose individual nodes:

    ping this is the ping of the loopback interface. Should run without errors if installed and in in working condition network software components.

    ping your IP or name- ping to own address or name. Should complete without errors if all IP protocol software is installed and is working properly network adapter.

    ping router IP address- must be executed if it is working properly LAN card computer, the cable or wireless connection used to connect to the router is working, and the router itself is working. In addition, the IP settings must be such that the address of the computer and the router belong to the same subnet. This is usually the case when network settings are performed automatically using the router's DHCP server.

    ping poll the node named If the survey fails, the reason may be not only the lack of communication with the provider’s router, but also the inability to determine the node address due to problems with software name resolution.

    ping poll the node with IP address If polling by address is completed without errors, but polling by name ends with a message about an unknown host, then the problem is in name resolution. The reason may be that the provider's DNS server is not working. In this case, you can try changing it in the settings network connection on public DNS Google servers with addresses and Also, the problem may be caused poor quality connection with the provider, which is accompanied by too big time response and packet loss.

    ping -t perform ping before pressing the CTRL+C combination. When you press CTRL+Break, statistics are displayed and the node polling continues.

    Ping -n 1000 -l 500 - ping 1000 times using messages 500 bytes long. Pinging with standard length packets of 32 bytes can be performed without errors, but with long ones - with errors, which is typical for wireless connections at low signal levels in conditions of intense interference.

    Ping -n 1 -r 9 -w 1000 - perform ping 1 time (switch -n 1), issue a route for the first 9 hops (-r 9), wait for a response 1 second (1000ms)

    As a result of executing this command, the route trace is also displayed:

    Exchange of packages with with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from number of bytes=32 time=36ms TTL=54
    Route: -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

    Ping statistics for

    Packets: sent = 1, received = 1, lost = 0
    (0% loss)
    Approximate round trip time in ms:
    Minimum = 36ms, Maximum = 36ms, Average = 36ms

    IN in this example, a chain of 9 routers is built between the sender and recipient of the packets. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in the version of the utility ping.exe for Windows, the number of transitions can take a value from 1 to 9. In cases where this value is not enough, the command is used tracert

    The absence of an echo response is not always a sign of a problem, since sometimes, for security reasons, some hosts are configured to ignore echo requests sent by PING. An example would be the node and some routers in small ISP networks.

    Using PING in batch files.

    Often, the PING command is used to organize delays in batch files. The loopback interface is pinged indicating desired value packet counter specified by parameter -n. Echo requests are sent at intervals of 1 second, and the response on the loopback interface arrives almost instantly, so the delay will be approximately equal to the counter minus one:

    ping -n 11 delay of 10 seconds.

    The PING command is used in batch files to determine the availability of IP addresses. Since the survey result is not reflected in any way in the ERRORLEVEL variable, instead of analyzing it, a search for certain characteristics is used in the PING standard output data. If you look closely at the messages of the ping.exe program when polling an accessible and inaccessible node, you will notice that they differ significantly

    ping 456.0.0.1- ping to a non-existent address

    The response to such a command may differ from the specific version of the utility, and may be something like this

    The ping failed to find host 456.0.0.1. Check the hostname and try again.

    ping ping to the node address

    Response to ping of an accessible node:

    Exchange of packages with of 32 bytes:
    Reply from number of bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=55

    Thus, to solve the problem of determining the availability of a node in batch file, it is enough to analyze the characteristic words in the output of ping.exe upon a successful response. Most typical in in this case presence of a word TTL. It is never encountered when an error occurs and consists only of characters from the English alphabet. To search for "TTL" in the results of ping.exe, it is most convenient to chain its execution with the command to search for a string of characters FIND.EXE(ping and find pipeline). If the text is found by the FIND command, then the value of the ERRORLEVEL variable will be equal to 0

    ping -n 1 COMPUTER | find /I "TTL" > nul
    if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto LIVE
    ECHO computer is not available
    unavailable state routine
    :LIVE - start of the subroutine for processing the node's availability status

    In more simple version you can use the commands:

    PING |find "TTL=" && ECHO Yandex pingable- the ECHO command is executed if the ERRORLEVEL value set by FIND is 0, i.e. the node responds to ping.

    PING Server64 |find "TTL=" || ECHO Server64 not pingable- the ECHO command is executed if the ERRORLEVEL value set by FIND is not equal to 0, i.e. node Server64 did not respond to ping.

    Checking your Internet connection for stability is not at all difficult. All you need is one team and time, the more the better.

    I ask you not to confuse the speed of data reception and transmission with the stable operation of the connection. This different concepts. Speed ​​in a completely different way. There are specialized online resources for this purpose.

    All users know that a fast and stable Internet connection is necessary for comfortable viewing of dynamic content and downloading files large volumes, as well as playing online games. Especially for games!

    For loading large files, if there is a possibility of a possible connection failure, it is recommended to use loader programs with the ability to reload. But during the game, if a break occurs, you either crash from the mission or wait for the Internet connection to be restored with a “frozen” picture, while team members continue to play.

    A simple speed test won't tell you anything in this case. It will only take a snapshot of your channel in this moment.

    To control stable work it is necessary to ping the network for an extended period of time. If you get a bad final result, this will be a serious reason for analysis.

    The good news is that you don't need a third party software for monitoring. The Command Line and the correct command will suffice.

    So, if you suspect that your Internet channel is not stable, I recommend doing the following test. Let's get started?!


    Open Command Prompt (you can without administrative rights), give the following command:

    Ping -t

    and press Enter key.

    This command will send Google queries( You can use the address of another server, for example the one you want to connect to. Google DNS given as an example. You'll start getting a new answer every second, so let the team work for as long as possible.

    You will see serious errors immediately. But others will need to be analyzed. If you decide to stop the statistics collection process, press the combination Ctrl keys+ C on your keyboard. The final report will be displayed below.

    You need to check how many packets were lost. Ideally there should be none. Then how big is the difference between minimum time reception and transmission and maximum. Huge time difference and a large number of lost packets - this clearly indicates problems.

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    Our lives are so short that we want to spend as little time as possible on some activities. Standing in line, waiting for the bus, washing dishes - all these are routine activities that cannot be avoided. The same can be said about loading sites, since any person wants to quickly access information and not wait a moment:

    If the speed does not suit us, then we want to be able to take some measures, and in order to do this, we need to have sufficient information about the problem that has arisen. One of the diagnostic methods is to check the ping. What ping is and what factors influence it will be discussed in this article.

    What is it and why should you check it?

    When the term “ping” is used, it primarily refers to a parameter for assessing the quality of an Internet connection. Pinging means checking the speed at which data packets are sent to and returned from the server. The number of sent and received packets is also checked.

    Ping testing can be done out of curiosity or for the purpose of collecting statistical information. However, most often users think about the speed of access to the server in cases where some problems arise. Let's list some unpleasant situations in which it is useful to check your ping.

    • Low page loading speed;
    • Periodic loss of connection to the Internet;
    • If you are watching your favorite TV series online, and the video is constantly slowing down, then it’s time to think about how to check your Internet ping.

    Diagnostics can be carried out not only in cases where there are problems, but also to collect important information.

    • When choosing game server. For many people, online entertainment is great way relax, and some games even bring real income, so it’s very great importance has ping. How to check the server's performance before real problems arise? – Ping again and again;
    • Choosing a hosting. When there is a need to place your own project, The World Wide Web is great amount possibilities, and the ordinary user really wants to do right choice, but doesn't know how. Finding out your ping to a site that provides hosting services is one of the options, because if the chosen hosting provider has problems with access to its own information resource, then what can we say about yours;
    • If you are the owner of a website that is visited by people from all over the world, then it will be useful for you to have information on how to find out the ping to your information resource from residents of, for example, Brazil or Australia.

    Thus, to a common question: “ Why is high ping bad?"You can give a short answer - " Because it's slow».

    How to check the ping of the Internet (server)?

    Before checking the ping to the server, you need to decide on the main question: “ Are we going to test ourselves or others?" The answer to this question also determines the method by which the diagnosis will be carried out. If we are interested own computer, then you need to perform the following sequence of actions.

    • Press “Win ​​+ R" and enter cmd in the field that appears:

    • Click "OK". Now we see the command line, in it we enter ping command, press the space bar and enter the website address:
    • Press “Enter" and get all the information:

    As you can see, not a single packet was lost, and the waiting time was quite acceptable. It is worth noting that for optical fiber the value is up to 100 milliseconds - good indicator, and you will not notice any delays in loading the page. Values ​​up to 150 milliseconds are also not critical, but if the ping is higher, then this problem should be addressed.

    Another way is to use ping services on the Internet. You can check availability using sites like these. information resource and wait times for users around the world. Below are several similar services.

    • This site uses a program to ping users from different parts of the world. Globe. That is, you receive data about access to the server from different computers Worldwide:

    All you need to do is enter the site address, check the boxes and press “Enter”. The results are as follows:

    • allows you to get information about the site, as well as check the connection to it by finding out the ping. The service provides services free of charge.

    • This service allows you to find out the status of the host and domain. After checking, it displays the following information:

    What does ping depend on?

    If you think about what affects ping, you can highlight the following factors:

    • Physical distance from the computer to the server. If you, being in Russia, are trying to reach the Caribbean islands, then you will have to knock loudly and for a long time;
    • Congestion of the Internet connection channel. Everything is simple here: many simultaneously running online applications contribute to an increase in ping;
    • Equipment used. In this case, the ping value depends on both the quality hardware, both your computer and remote servers. The type of Internet connection is also important: direct connection (cable from provider to consumer), wireless ( WiFi) and use of the modem will be provided different speed data transmission ( the modem in this case compares unfavorably).

    How to reduce ping on the Internet?

    If you enter the query “how to make ping less” in any search engine, the results will be full of advice from gamers, because for them this is an urgent problem that requires effective solutions. Let us highlight recommendations that are generally suitable for reducing ping.

    • If you want to minimize the ping value for visitors to your information resource, then you need to carefully analyze target audience, indicating the zone of the approximate geographical location of these people, and select a hosting whose servers are located in the center of this zone;
    • To reduce your own ping, you need to take measures to unload the Internet channel ( close Internet applications that are currently unnecessary);
    • Disk defragmentation is another option for reducing ping. The speed of your applications depends not only on the hardware of your computer. Programs run faster if the files they access are sequential in memory;
    • Choose an Internet provider with best quality service;
    • Use a proxy server. However this method is fraught with the loss of some information packets.

    In conclusion, it is worth noting once again that ping is the most important parameter, which allows you to determine the quality of your Internet connection, and every self-respecting webmaster should pay attention to it.

