How to choose the right queries for Yandex Direct. Keyword masks

About selection keywords Many articles have been written for Direct and Adwords, but they all have one drawback in common. They talk about everything and nothing in particular. I decided to fix this and write detailed instructions on compilation semantic core For contextual advertising . Get ready for a long and very detailed manual, after which you can assemble everything yourself targeted queries to display your search advertising.

How search engines understand keywords

Let's start with the basics. What are keywords in general and how do search engines understand them? Keywords are the phrases for which you want your ads to appear in advertising. search results Yandex, Google and their brothers. In other words, if you want to show advertising in Yandex to those who are looking for kitchens to order, then you need to use the keyword kitchens to order. It couldn't be simpler.

But we must not forget that search engines are robots that do not understand Russian speech in the form we are accustomed to. For example, Yandex by default misses all conjunctions and prepositions. Those. if you decide to show your ads for the keyword shown in the example abovekitchens to order Yandex will see this keyword in its own way, it misses the preposition on, i.e. in fact, you will show your ad for the keyword order a kitchen.

In addition, neither Yandex nor Google take into account the order of words in a key phrase. And if, for example, you want to show ads based on a keywordtickets St. Petersburg Moscow, then your ads will be shown if the user requests in search engines tickets Moscow St. Petersburg- Do you understand? And these are just 2 examples of how search engines understand user requests. In order to show your ads exactly for the user requests you want, you need to use the ones I wrote about earlier.

Is it possible to automatically select keywords?

You may have heard more than once that there are some magic programs, which will automatically and without your participation assemble a semantic core in a matter of minutes. But miracles do not happen, and even if you entrust the selection of keywords to a specialist, you will still need to participate in this process, because no specialist can understand the business as well as you, its leader.

Of course, what you read below will greatly facilitate your work on collecting the semantic core for contextual advertising; you will spend tens of times less time than if you did it without instructions, but you will still have to work with your hands and head. Now let's talk about the stages of keyword selection.

Stages of keyword selection Direct and Adwords

The selection of keywords is divided into 3 stages: collecting the basis of the semantic core (or keyword masks), collecting keywords by masks, grouping keywords and negative words for an advertising campaign.

First, let's understand the terms.

The basis of the semantic core(another name is keyword masks) - this is a list of one-, two-, or three-word queries that users can use to name your product or service. These are the words that can describe your product.

In our example with kitchens, this iskitchen, kitchen set, kitchen furniture, kitchen furniture, etc..

Selection of keyword masks

At this stage, you need to use all your imagination, all the knowledge about your product, find out everything you can about your product from your competitors, and also ask Yandex and Google.

Where you will order all the masks is your own business. Some people make mind maps, others use a notepad, personally I prefer to collect masks in an Excel spreadsheet.

How to search for keyword masks? The very first thing is to write down all possible names of your product or service. Afterwards you can go to Yandex Wordstat, one by one enter the key masks already found in your head and add to the list those that you see in right column“queries similar to.”

Here's what it looks like in practice:

Everything that is sent to the basis of the semantic core is highlighted in red. We don't need everything in the left column yet. Because our task now is to maximally expand the list of options for how people can search for our service. And the left column contains all the keywords that already have our mask. In our example, they all contain the phrase “infrared floor”. Such queries are called nested queries. Those. they are nested in our keyword mask.

You can also go to the search engines themselves and look at their tips.

And be sure to look at competitors’ websites, you’ll probably find a lot of new masks.

Grouping Keyword Masks

You need to understand that if you have an online store with a huge number of products, then your file with keyword masks will be huge. And it’s better to immediately divide it into groups, according to the structure of your site. For example, for each section of the site new Excel a file, inside of which there will be different subsections or products in different tabs.

But even if you have a simple one-page website, I still recommend grouping masks according to common semantic features. For example, separately all the masks that relate to Yandex Direct, separately all the masks that relate to Google Adwords, and separately everything that concerns simply contextual advertising. What is it for? Firstly, it will save us time on sorting keywords, and secondly, it will significantly save your time writing ads in the future.

Selection of nested keyword queries

Here you have a choice: automation or manual work. You can use the program Key Collector, which will collect all subqueries for you, or you can use the tool Estimating the budget of an advertising campaign from Yandex, in which everything can be done manually. So it’s up to you to decide: save time or money. I’ll show you how this works using the example of an advertising campaign budget estimation tool from Yandex.

So, for each of our masks, we need to collect everything that is in the left column of Yandex Wordstat. To do this, open the budget estimation tool and immediately uncheck 2 checkboxes at the bottom. This is a very important point.

Then insert the first mask, we have a “warm floor” and pressRecalculate

Yandex calculates the budget forecast for a given keyword, but that’s not what we need. We need to pull out all queries from the left column of Yandex Wordstat. To do this, under the word “warm floor”, clickPick up

And we get Yandex Wordstat results. Where we just need to check off everything contained in the left column:

Then go down and pressAdd

All ticked keywords will be included in the budget estimation tool. Be sure to always check that after each addition you have a tick Phrases

And you will need to return to the page where you checked the keywords and go to the second page of the Yandex Wordstat results:

There we again tick all the phrases, clickAdd, we check that the keywords have been added to the budget estimation tool and the Phrases checkbox is checked, we return to the selection page again and go to the third page. We repeat these operations until you reach frequency values ​​of 20-10. I usually only use lower-frequency phrases if the niche is very narrow and there are very few higher-frequency keywords.

When all subqueries for the first mask are collected, they need to be added to our Excel file. To do this, either export all the keywords to a file, or copy and paste them into Excel:

Repeat all the above steps for each keyword mask. This way you can simply a huge number keywords. But you need to understand that so far our list contains both target and non-target words. And here comes the sorting stage, when we separate the wheat from the chaff.

Keyword sorting

The easiest way to sort is in Key program Collector, in addition, you can use various macros for Excel, which are abundant on the Internet. But I'll show you how you can sort through all the keywords pretty quickly using the regular functions built into Excel.

So, we have a huge sheet of keywords in which we first need to find all the hot keywords. Hot- these are the keywords in which the user clearly expresses interest in purchasing the product. Usually such keywords containbuy, delivery, order, price, city name, etc.

How to quickly find all hot keys in our file? Conditional formatting will help us.

What should be done.

Select the entire column A. Open conditional formatting - rules for selecting cells - the text contains:

Enter the first hot keyword marker buy, I only recommend using such markers without endings, i.e. buy

Click ok, and all the keywords that contain buy are highlighted in red:

And set up a sorting in which all cells specified color will be at the top:

Immediately see if they are all targeted for you. If some of the keys are non-targeted, immediately transfer them to a separate tab, where we will subsequently collect . And cut out all hot target keywords and transfer them to a separate tab, where we will collect only hot keywords. And repeat this operation for all hot key markers.

In the same way, we can very quickly remove from the list all non-target requests that we know for sure. For example with words reviews, photos, videos, DIY, etc.

In addition, in this way you can divide the keywords among the pages of the site. For example, select from all hot electric, water, infrared, film, etc. and divide them by different tabs our file. Where each section of the site will have its own tab with keywords.

After you have collected all the hot and main non-target keywords in separate tabs, all you have to do is highlight the warm keywords and negative keywords. The easiest way to do this is with the two-finger method.

Sorting keywords using the two-finger method

How this method works. It's simple. You accept that all the remaining keys that are target for you are number 1, and all non-target keys are number 2. And in column B, you put 1 or 2 in front of each keyword.

Then sort column B in ascending order. Important point, when sorting, be sure to select automatically expand the allocated range, otherwise the sorting will only happen inside column B

And all your keywords will line up in order. First there will be target keys - these are your remaining warm ones. And behind them, non-target keys are your remaining negative words.

Accordingly, you move the warm ones to a separate tab, and add the negative words to the tab with the negative words.

It would seem that's it. But no. You also need to select individual non-target words from all your phrases with minus words. So that you get a tab not with phrases, but with in separate words, which can be used in an advertising campaign.

Selecting the negative word

In order to select individual non-target words from phrases, you can use the tool Word Counter. You need to insert all the phrases with minus words into it, and the counting rhyme will break all these phrases into separate words.

Paste these words into Excel and use the two-finger method again. Where 1 are the target words for us, and 2 are non-target words.

Again, sort in ascending order, and all words with the number 2 are your minus words that can be used for an advertising campaign.

That's all. As a result, you should get a huge Excel file with tabs for hot keywords, warm keywords and negative keywords that you can already use to write ads.

Keyword selection - summary

You must understand that this is just an algorithm that you can adjust to suit yourself. You can automate some manual operations using parsers and macros for Excel. You can optimize some operations for your niche; for example, you may have hot keywords with completely different markers. Use the keyword selection algorithm described above, but don’t forget to use your head and think about how this can be applied in your specific case.

If you have any questions, welcome to the comments.



Compiling the correct semantic core is one of the main tasks SEO optimization. Independent selection of keywords of the semantic core is difficult to implement without analytical and statistical services that collect information on the search queries of Internet users.

17 keyword selection services for Russian-language sites

And it is done to optimize the site for certain search engines. For this purpose, query statistics stored in the database of search engines and services are used.

Yandex keyword selection


A free service for selecting and analyzing search queries made in Yandex.

Yandex advanced search

Advanced search allows you to analyze results by low frequency queries in Yandex. Compiling an extended semantic core from search phrases of 3-4 words.

Yandex Direct

Clarification of search query competition by advertising phrases used in advertising on Yandex.

Yandex Webmaster

Correction of the semantic core: identification popular queries published site.

Google AdWords


Keyword selection and analysis search traffic in the Google search engine. Analysis for registered users only. Selective analysis of requests by country.

Google advanced search

Refinement of results for search queries in advanced search.

Rambler statistics on search queries

Statistics of search queries made in the Rambler search engine. Disadvantage: query statistics are rarely updated.

Multifunctional service for website optimization and search engine results analysis. One of the tools: Selection of phrases of the semantic core. The selection cost is 3 rubles per request. The number of selected phrases is unlimited.

Another multifunctional service for webmasters. Registration is required to operate. Word analysis and selection tools are available for 14 free days. Next, for selecting keywords, pay 50 kopecks per request from the service database (20,000 results) and 1 ruble from the Yandex database.

Megaindex keyword selection

Megaindex service is a multidisciplinary service for website analysis and promotion. One of best services selection of keywords.

Keywords are selected after registration and adding a project (site). The tool is free. In addition to the selection of phrases of the semantic core, analysis of the site’s visibility in search results for queries (2) and analysis of thematic queries (3).

Provigator, search phrase competition analysis

Competitor analysis by search phrase. Can be used for indirect analysis of the competitiveness of search queries.

Keywordtool service

Shows analysis by search query and key phrase for this query in Google search engines, including separately on, Bing, YouTube. The selection of phrases and keywords is free, however, query statistics, CPC (cost per click in advertising) and the level of competition of a phrase in Google are only available in a paid version. service

A free service that has a tool for selecting phrases and semantic core words for search engines Yandex and Google. There is an analysis of the geography of requests.

Google Search Trends

Service of popularity of search queries for a month, a year by sections and countries. Shows only queries made on Google.

Service Mutagen

Keyword selection service for Runet sites. In addition to selection key phrases indicates the degree of competition between phrases. Eat mass check keys.

To check, you need to register and top up your balance by 1 ruble.

Rush Analytics service

A good service for site analysis, keyword selection, query clustering.

Grouping requests

Free service for clustering (grouping) search queries.


17 keyword selection services: seolib

Multidisciplinary service for website optimization and analysis. One of the services: free selection of 25 keywords per day from one IP address.

Hello, blog visitors!

As you understand, my articles will be in the form of lessons dedicated to one or another Internet marketing tool. In this lesson we will look at this the most important stage contextual advertising settings, such as selection of Yandex Direct keywords (). This is very important process which you need to approach very focused, because if you collect the wrong requests, you doom advertising campaign to collapse, and put your wallet on a cruel diet.

Okay, let's get to work!

Keyword grouping.

A keyword or phrase (search query) is a word or phrase that makes search system understands which pages or sites should be shown in the search results.

Let's start selecting Yandex Direct keywords with the question of grouping. The fact is that each request has its own frequency of impressions. For example, “iphone 6s” has 233,334 impressions per month, that is, approximately 233,334 people request something in Yandex with the name of the smartphone. There are “keys” with a lower frequency of impressions per month, up to 1 impression.

So, queries are divided according to the frequency of impressions into three groups:

  1. High frequency (HF). Have a frequency of 2000 impressions per month or more;
  2. Mid-frequency (MF). Frequency - from 500 to 2000 impressions per month;
  3. Low frequency (LF). Frequency - 1 to 500 impressions per month.

Each group of requests will bring you traffic of different quality. So HF will bring you a lot of traffic, but it is not a fact that it will be of high quality. MF queries are the most common in all niches (topics); advertisers receive the bulk of their traffic from them. Low frequency queries also bring in the majority of high quality traffic.

But you don’t need to focus only on frequency. The fact is that key phrases are divided into three groups according to the likelihood of purchase by “temperature”:

  1. Cold. Probability of purchase is low;
  2. Warm. The probability of purchase is average;
  3. Hot. The probability of purchase is high;

Let's look at each group.


The “hot” ones include search queries, containing so-called selling prefixes: buy, price, cheap, to order and the like. For example:

  • buy iphone 6s;
  • buy a case for iphone 6s;
  • iphone 6s price;

That is, when using “hot” requests, the likelihood of a sale increases significantly. The person who asked such a key phrase is already ready to buy and is searching, comparing various options, where it is more profitable for him to make a purchase.


They define a user as interested in purchasing a product, but not yet ready. “Warm” requests contain clarifying phrases, for example:

  • iPhone 6s in Moscow;
  • what is the price iphone case 6;
  • where to buy iphone 6s;

They will give you the main traffic. For the most part, “warm” queries have a frequency of 500 to 2000 impressions per month (IM), and the number of impressions per month is not small.


The probability of purchase, as I wrote above, is low, that’s why they are cold. It may seem to you that you shouldn’t use such “keywords”; few people will buy anyway. But he will buy it. “Cold” requests have a high frequency of impressions per month, which means they will bring quite a bit of traffic, it’s up to the site. As he sells, so will they buy.

Example of cold requests:

  • iPhone 6s;
  • cases for smartphones;
  • smartphone display;

How to collect keywords?

Let's start selecting keywords. This can be done in two ways: manual and automatic. Learn more about each method right now. Let's start with manual.

Manual selection of words in Yandex is carried out in the Wordstat service (

This method is quite simple, and, most importantly, free. Google has its own similar tool, but it is more functional.

How to work in Wordstat?

Step 1. Keyword masks.

A keyword is a keyword or phrase that describes your niche, product or service.

The mask should consist of 1 - 2 words.

For example, the word "iphone 6s" is a mask. Just enter it in the line and see all the requests, then add them to the list.

Step 2. Collect all the key phrases you need.

Now just collect all the keywords that you think can bring you profit and quality traffic.

On this screen I have highlighted those search queries that can bring us profit.

Advice: See the small rectangle on the left? So, this is an add-on to the browser - Yandex Wordstat Assistant. Link:

This add-on greatly facilitates the selection of Yandex Direct keywords. Just click on the plus signs, then click on the copy icon in the add-on block:

After adding a request, a minus appears in place of the plus sign, by clicking on which you can delete the unnecessary one.

This is how words are selected manually for Yandex Direct.

Automatic collection method.

You can also automatically select keywords for Yandex Direct using parser programs. The most popular parsers: (paid parser, 1700 rubles), Magadan (free), Slovoeb (free).

Naturally, KeyCollector has extensive capabilities (), but free analogues significantly inferior to it in functionality and speed of operation.

When working with the parser, you just need to enter masks, start the process and wait. Then it checks what the parser has collected and that’s it.

Today I will show you how to work with the Sloboeb parser.

Parsing in Slovoeb.

1) First of all, we need to create an account in Yandex for parsing. The fact is that Yandex blocks accounts that vehemently send requests for information. I think there will be no problems with this;

2) Now you need to enter the password and login for your new Yandex account in Slovoeb. Go to settings, click on this icon:

3) Then go to the tab Yandex Direct(1). In the Yandex account settings field, enter your login and password (2). Enter the data like this: [email protected]:password. Save. Be sure to put a colon between your username and password.

4) Create a new project

5) Then you need to enter masks and start collecting requests. To do this, click on this button.

Let's start collecting

6) We are waiting for the collection to end. Here you can see the frequency for a particular request.

7) Now you need to download all queries into an Excel file. To do this, click on the export button, it is located here:

The file will be in csv format.

Great! Now you can automatically select Yandex Direct keywords.

Selection of keywords in Slovoeb using several masks.

To do this, follow the 5th paragraph of the instructions above.

1) We hammer several masks into the window. Check the box “Do not add a phrase if it is already in other groups” (1). Click on the group distribution button (2).

2) We begin collecting search queries.

Then do everything as described in the instructions above.

Collection of negative keywords.

A necessary step in collecting keywords is collecting the so-called . Without collecting negative keywords, you doom your advertising campaign to failure, since sooner or later the traffic becomes so polluted that the advertising results in only losses.

Today you learned how to select Yandex Direct keywords manually and in an automatic way. We also learned how keywords are divided. I hope you found this lesson useful.

In the next lesson, we will look at programs that will help you save several thousand rubles and make your advertising more effective.

See you!

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The correct selection of Yandex.Direct keywords is the key to successful and profitable advertising that brings high-quality traffic and, as a result, profit. How to choose the right “keys”? What are “minus phrases”? And what is the difference between manual word selection and automatic selection? We'll tell you in the article.

How contextual advertising keywords are grouped

A keyword (phrase) is a query by which the system finds the necessary data and displays it in the results..

Key phrases allow you to briefly describe the activities of the page and bring target customers to the site who will definitely be interested in the advertised objects. All words are grouped according to three criteria:

  • frequency;
  • temperature
  • number of words.

Each of them affects the quality and quantity of traffic, as well as the success of the advertising campaign.


Each search query corresponds to a certain frequency, for example, the key “Dog food” has an indicator of 328,951 views per month. This means that 328,951 users entered this query into the system and were looking for something with this phrase. There are also keys with fewer impressions, down to one.

Thus, requests can be divided into three groups according to the number of impressions:

  • low frequency – from 1 to 500;
  • mid-frequency – from 501 to 2000;
  • high-frequency – from 2001.

As for traffic, the indicators vary depending on the frequency:

  • high frequency – a large number of low quality traffic;
  • mid-frequency – optimal amount of traffic good quality. (It is the middle requests that most Yandex.Direct advertisers use);
  • low frequency – low amount of traffic of the highest quality.


However, you should not judge the value of a key based solely on the number of requests. There is another factor that indicates the likelihood of a purchase - “temperature”.

Hot keys. These are words that indicate a high probability of purchase. Such requests are accompanied by selling prefixes: “price”, “order”, “buy”, etc.

For example, take our query “dog food”. It will become hot in the following combinations:

  • cheap dog food;
  • dog food price;
  • buy dog ​​food.

Why does the likelihood of buying food increase? It’s simple: by clicking on such a request, a person has already set a goal - to buy a product, which means that when he gets to an advertisement with the appropriate key, he will be able to find what he is looking for.

Warm keys. These are some indicator words that check potential client, find out details about him and his preferences . For example:

  • dog food in St. Petersburg;
  • where to buy premium dog food;
  • how much does dog food cost?

Here the person has not yet decided whether to buy food for him or not. However, he is interested, which means that advertising with a similar key will help guide the user and turn ordinary interest into a purchase.

The selection of keywords for Yandex.Direct is mainly based on warm queries that provide the advertiser with useful traffic.

Cold keys. Simple phrases without target prefixes. These are queries with a low probability of purchase and may not seem worthwhile to use. But that's not true. The fact is that such keys have the most high frequency, which means they attract more users who see the advertisement and go to the site.

  • dog food;
  • Shepherd food;
  • premium dog food.

Word count

  • basic queries (a phrase of two words that clearly explain the essence of the advertisement);
  • nested queries (basic keys supplemented with qualifying words).

Let's assume that you are selling smartphones, in which case the following queries will be considered basic:

  • buy a smartphone;
  • smartphone Voronezh;
  • new phone, etc.

Nested queries:

  • smartphone buy cheap online store;
  • smartphone at a discount Voronezh;
  • iPhone X with delivery in Moscow, etc.

Selection of words for contextual advertising

This is a painstaking procedure that requires maximum concentration on detail. One missed request can ruin the entire advertising campaign, but, on the contrary, careful development will allow you to achieve your goals.

Process Features:

  1. Search queries must reflect the subject of the ad.
  2. The case of letters and the order in which words are written in the key do not matter.
  3. The total maximum number of characters in a request cannot exceed 4096 characters.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to synonyms by which the client can search for the required product (For example: food - treat - food, etc.)

Finally, we come to the most interesting part of the article - the description of the selection of words for Yandex.Direct. Conventionally, the process can be divided into manual and automatic. Let's look at each of them.

Manual selection of words Yandex.Direct

There are two options for selecting search queries without using special programs: undeniable advantages. The first is efficiency, and the second is that you don’t have to pay for the selection process itself. Of course, you will need to spend an invaluable resource - time, but the result is worth it.

We'll tell you how to quickly type about 100 key phrases for Yandex.Direct using a table. We used Excel.

Algorithm of actions:

Attention! The location should only be provided if the business requires it. For example, a regional online store or delivery service.

Now you have ready-made diagram, combining words in which you will get the initial mass of queries.

Another manual method finding words for advertising - working on basic phrases in the keyword selection service for Yandex.Direct. This is the most common and reliable option that will allow you to receive high-quality traffic.

Algorithm for working in Wordstat:

  1. Go to the website and enter the base key in the selection line.

First of all, you will need a set of keys that best characterizes the essence of the advertisement. For example, the key “dog food” is basic, based on it we will consider the work process.

2. You will see a list of queries that users use in conjunction with the given key. Your task is to choose the phrases that are most suitable in meaning and quality.

We have highlighted the best requests, in our opinion, that will bring profit to the store.

3. Next, you can click on any selected key and a list of “hot” phrases that can be used in advertising will open in front of you. The action must be performed for each, in your opinion, high-quality key.

We clicked on the key “buy dog ​​food” and received the following list:

This type of selection of key queries requires a significant amount of time, and when developing queries, it is important to rely on the characteristics of the business and customer needs.

Automatic word selection

For those who want to save time, and maybe even nerves, we have developed special programs– parsers that allow you to quickly and effortlessly select the best keys for an advertising campaign.

The way all services work is to automatically process the basic phrase. Your task is to indicate necessary request and set the settings, the rest of the process takes place without user intervention.

Most popular program for selecting keys is KeyCollector. This is a paid parser, but its functions ensure the selection of the highest quality key phrases, which you only need to select from the list of proposed ones and include in the advertising text.

Important! If key queries intersect in the selection, you need to add negative words to them. What it is? Let's look further.

Selection of negative phrases Yandex.Direct

Negative wordsThese are words that allow you to refine your search and show ads only to target consumers.

To describe the term more clearly, let's give an example:
You are launching an advertising campaign for an online store selling luxury floor tiles. Yours the target audience- These are wealthy people who are planning or are in the process of renovation. Their need is to buy high-quality, exclusive tiles. They are not interested in the market option that their neighbor has. Yours advertising company built on the phrase “buy tiles”. And if you don’t use negative keywords, then your ad will be seen based on the following keywords: buy cheap tiles; inexpensive tiles; chocolate bar; third grade tiles. etc.

From this example, there are several benefits of negative keywords:

  • reduction of non-target transitions. You will pay for each transition, and if you forget to create a list of stop words, you will have to pay for useless transitions that do not generate income;
  • increase in click-through rate. This will result in a lower cost per click.

This is why it is important not to forget about safe words. Let's look at a few simple options.

Using Wordstat

Who is suitable for excluding words using Wordstat:

  • for those who have a lot of free time manual search and entering stop words;
  • for those who launch just one advertising campaign.

If the selection of negative keywords is necessary for several keywords at once, the process of working in Wordstat may be delayed.


This quick way selection of negative keywords, which is done in Direct itself. Big advantage The method lies in the fact that you do not have to look for safe words yourself and decline them in your mind. The system automatically calculates morphology and provides full list negative phrases.
To get started, you need to create an ad in Direct, then the system itself will offer to refine your search.

You can use the refinement function not only after creating an ad, but also in the “Budget Forecast” section. This is possible if you know at least an approximate set of stop words.In this case, you can more accurately calculate your budget and save on advertising.

For the campaign

Stop words for a campaign should take into account all ad groups and cut off untargeted clicks on the ad.

If you are creating a campaign for ceramic mugs, you should exclude metal, wood and clay ones. Even if they are presented in the catalog of your IM.

You can add negative keywords before presenting your ad to users.

In order to study stop words, go to the “Unified list of negative phrases” section.

For a group

This set of phrases will allow you to exclude untargeted clicks for each specific ad.

You can add stop words in the “Group Settings” section.

Or in the group editing functionality, if stop words were not added before the launch of the advertising campaign.

For the key query

The big advantage of Yandex.Direct is that you can specify the key itself; this function is not available, for example, in Google.

We talked about how to choose the right words for advertising and found out why stop phrases are needed. We hope that the information presented will help you create an effective advertising campaign and receive maximum profit after the first advertisement.

Keywords are search queries of Yandex users.

For the Yandex.Direct test, it is better to use only hot keywords with a clear purchasing need. You need to prepare for the gathering - make a list of masks.

1. Keyword masks

Masks are general queries that include keywords. An example of a mask and its occurrences in the word selection service -

To collect masks, you need to make a list of thematic words. I do this in the program xmind, but it can also be done in Excel. Basic functions enough and they are free.

Example brainstorming in xmind:

Filling a map in xmind:

Materials for the video:

  • selling supplements - .

Let's continue. When the map is ready, you need to multiply its components. The meaning is:

  1. we need primary masks that characterize the product and can be selling ones - “buy wallpaper”, “sale wallpaper”
  2. and secondary, any word from the card categories, for example - “liquid”, “children’s”, “kitchen”
  3. by multiplying the 1st and 2nd we obtain the main masks; we will use them to collect the semantic core.

Here is a video on multiplying masks:

Multiplication services:

The masks are ready, now we need to get the keywords - collect the semantics. More on this below.

2. Collecting keywords

The long way— enter each mask into and copy queries from statistics. Please note that there will be up to 40 pages of statistics for each mask. Wordstat instructions:

Fast way— buy Key Collector on the official website, it itself collects keywords from Wordstat. Collector instructions:

3. Removing duplicates

The keywords have been collected, now they need to be checked for duplicates. I’ll tell you how to do this in the key-collector program...


4. Sorting keywords

I already wrote that Yandex.Direct needs to be tested on hot keywords.

If a person does not leave a request for “apartment renovation,” then the request “tools for apartment renovation” is unlikely to change anything. Keywords need to be sorted into hot, warm and cold.

Sorting video:

5. Cross track

To prevent keywords from intersecting and creating competition for each other, you need to minus them.

Video about the backing track:

Backing track service:


You should have a list of keywords on hand - save it, we will need it later. If something seems unclear, write in the comments.