How to change operator leaving the old number. How to switch to Tele2 while saving your number

The other day, a friend contacted me with a question about the MNP service. She wanted to transfer the number from SMARTS to MegaFon. I came to the latter’s office in Madagascar, but they refused to accept the application, sending me for a certificate of no debt to SMARTS. This requirement, of course, illegal. Let's look again at what the subscriber needs to do and what the operator is responsible for cellular communications.

On December 1, 2013, the MNP service began operating in Russia. It allows you to change operator mobile communications without changing your phone number. This is very convenient if your number is known a large number people and/or various companies. Bank SMS notification services are also linked to the number, social networks, online stores, etc. Therefore, changing your number will entail a lot of inconvenience.
However, today a little more than 950 thousand numbers have been transferred in the country (0.4% of the total number of active SIM cards).

Basic transfer conditions:
1. You can only transfer federal number. It is impossible to port a landline number.
2. Numbers can be transferred only within one region of Russia.
3. You can transfer numbers no more than once every 60 days.

Additional terms:
1. You should not have any debts to the previous operator. To do this, you just need to check your balance or call the helpline (if other numbers are registered in your name). In any case, your future operator will check this information independently. The number is usually transferred after eight days, so it is advisable to leave a small amount in your old account.
2. The personal data that you provide in the application must match the data that appears with the previous operator. If your number is registered to another person, you can transfer the number in his personal presence or with a notarized power of attorney.

Step 1: write an application
All you need to do is come to the office of the future operator and write an application. It is better to contact your own offices and service centers rather than intermediary companies. Apart from a passport, no certificates or documents are needed. Don't forget to take 100 rubles. They will be added to your phone account and written off a few days after the number is transferred.

Step 2: choose a tariff
After completing the application, you need to select the tariff on which you will be served by the new operator. I recommend choosing it in advance rather than taking the one that is offered to you. In this case, you will receive a SIM card with a temporary number.

Transition period
Now we will have two SIM cards: old and new. And both are working. It is not necessary to use a new SIM card before the transition, but if any services are connected there, money will be debited from you. So I lost 6 rubles in 8 days because of the “Stay informed+” option (Beeline), which connects automatically. Be carefull.

Step 3: receive SMS
Before the transition, you will receive several SMS from your future operator. For example, I received five SMS from Beeline:
1. November 28 (1 day). Your application has been accepted and a number has been assigned to it. It will be useful for communicating with support (if necessary).
2. November 28 (1 day). Your details have been successfully verified.
3. November 28 (1 day). There is no debt to the previous operator.
4. December 2 (day 5). The transition will take place on the night of December 5-6. In fact, the transition occurred only two days later due to unknown reasons technical reasons. I had to call support three times.
5. December 8 (day 11). Congratulations on a successful transfer and a warning that in three days 100 rubles will be debited from the number.

Step 4: change SIM cards
After the transition, your new SIM card with a temporary number will receive your previous number. The old SIM card should stop working. There may be some interruptions in communication for some time.

How to get money back from your previous operator?
There is no automatic method. The only option: personally come to the office of your old operator and write a return application Money. They should be transferred to your bank account.

What to do if you receive a refusal?
It all depends on the reason. If it is not listed, you need to contact help desk your future operator. Main reasons: negative balance, data mismatch, blocked number, etc. If personal data does not match, you will have to find out this information from your current operator. After eliminating the reason for the refusal, you will have to write the application again.

How to find out which operator a particular number belongs to?
Previously, you could find out which operator it belonged to by the first digits of a phone number. Now, for example, when you call an MTS number, you may end up with a call to another operator. Accordingly, you will spend a different amount of money. There are no warnings provided.

Commands for checking number ownership
Beeline: *444*9ххxxxxxxx#
MegaFon: *629*9ххxxxxxxx#
MTS: *916*9ххxxxxxxx#

Are you worried about how to switch to another operator while keeping your number? We hasten to please you, because in Russia this opportunity is already available no matter what operator you have. So, for example, if you have Megafon, you have the opportunity to switch to another operator while maintaining your old number"Megaphone". This article will examine this issue in more detail.

Transition instructions

Before changing operator, you should make sure that there are no payment debts to the current operator. If they exist, clear them, otherwise changing the operator with the ability to save the number will not work. It is also worth considering that the transition is only possible in the region where your SIM is registered.

Familiarize yourself with the main points of the procedure we are considering regarding any operators:

  1. First, you should visit the office of the operator you want to switch to. Don't forget your passport. Note: the office must be in your home region.
  2. Show your passport. Next, you need to fill out an application, the form of which will be given to you at the office. Enter your personal information there, mobile number and information about the current operator.
  3. Now all that remains is to sign the contract as confirmation of the transition to another operator. From this moment on, you will officially be considered a subscriber of another network. Wait for an SMS notification about this.

There you will be given a temporary SIM card, and you will have to wait for the new card to be issued. In this case, you will need to pay for a replacement operator in an amount approximately equal to 100 rubles. Until the new card is issued, you can still use the old and temporary cards.

If we take a Beeline subscriber as an example, he will be concerned about how to change the connection to another operator while keeping the Beeline number. As for the MTS communications user, he will be concerned accordingly with how to switch to another operator while maintaining the MTS number.

Switching to Beeline while keeping the number?

The procedure for switching to Beeline without losing your number is not particularly different from the course of action described above. Visit the operator's office with your passport and fill out an application. Now select the tariff you need and sign an agreement. They will give it to you right away new SIM Beeline with your old number.

The term of transfer to Beeline will be agreed upon when concluding the contract. If not agreed upon immediately, the transition will take place in 8 or more days. In addition, you have the right to indicate in your application the date you want to switch to Beeline.

For example, you have Tele2, and you intend to switch to Beeline, keeping the Tele2 number. Then calmly follow the above.

Maintaining a landline number when changing operators

Let’s say right away that the operator change service does not apply to subscribers of city numbers. Therefore, when you change the operator, they simply issue a different number, and your old one is sold again.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to switch to another operator while keeping your number?”, then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

Desire to change mobile operator visits many Russians. At the same time, it is natural to want to preserve your phone number, which all friends, partners, colleagues know. Despite the fact that many Beeline subscribers are satisfied with the quality of services, there are those who want to change the operator and switch from Beeline to MTS. Possible reasons- a desire to save money on communications, especially if most of your friends use MTS, insufficient coverage in the area (at the dacha, in the village) or bad conditions roaming

So, to switch from Beeline to MTS while keeping the number, there are 2 options

  • From December 1, 2013, you can port your number using the MNP service. On this day, the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the introduction of the “number portability” (MNP) service in Russia came into force and you can now go through the procedure of moving from Beeline to MTS. By October 2014, more than a million Russians had already used this method! The service costs 100 rubles and will take no more than 8 days, while your phone will be available all the time, with the exception of a technical 30-minute gap. General transfer instructions. In the case of switching from MTS to Beeline for individuals, you should proceed as follows:
    • Check that there are no debts on your Beeline account that the SIM card is issued to you, and your passport details have not changed
    • Then you need to contact MTS so that they submit a transfer request (you don’t need to go to Beeline). This can be done at any MTS branch for individuals. You must have your passport and 100 rubles with you to pay for the service.
    • The whole process will take about 15-20 minutes: you fill out the application, choose new tariff and pay for the transition. Based on the results you will receive new SIM card from MTS and the appointed transition date, when it will be enough to change in the phone old SIM card Beeline to the new MTS.
    • If they refuse to call you the exact date transition- demand it or call hotline MTS for MNP issues 8 800 250 8 250!

    However, MNP has a number of limitations:

    • It will be possible to change operators no more often than once every six months
    • You can change the operator only within your region

If this method does not suit you, then you can do the following:

  • Buy a temporary MTS SIM card
  • On Beeline, set up unconditional forwarding to this number from MTS (this is done either through the phone menu or on the Beeline website)
  • Attention! Re-addressing is paid and is charged as outgoing call from your old Beeline number to new number MTS (therefore, on Beeline it is better to change the tariff to one where it is cheaper to call MTS). Besides, Beeline unlike other operators big three charges an additional fee for the very fact of forwarding.
  • This way, you will remain accessible using your old number, and you will make outgoing calls from your MTS SIM card. At the same time, you can simply put the Beeline SIM card on the shelf - forwarding will work in any case.

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Quick response:
How to switch from MTS to Beeline with maximum comfort? Must use information services, allowing you to track the status of your number porting application. For this there are such free services:

  • Subscriber support on issues related to number porting – 8 800 700 40 04 .
  • Checking the status of the request - *444*1# .
  • Identification of the interlocutor's number - *444*subscriber number without 8#.

Step by step method:

Creative advertising works wonders, so after seeing the original videos from the yellow-striped cellular operator, many users began to think about changing their service provider. In December 2013, a bill came into force that allows you to easily change your mobile operator, while maintaining valid number. It is worth noting that previously it was impossible to perform such an action without replacing the SIM card: providers tenaciously held on to their clientele. Currently, the question: “How to switch from MTS to Beeline while keeping the number?” no longer causes difficulties. Operators have significantly simplified this procedure, requiring a minimum package of documents from clients.

Switching from one operator to another while maintaining the number

MTS ( Mobile TeleSystems) offer their subscribers a lot favorable tariffs and options including unlimited Internet. However, some users find it more convenient to use Beeline communications, where there are many interesting offers aimed at improving the quality of communication. To "switch" from one service provider to another, you must follow a certain procedure to maintain your current phone number.

The transition looks like this:

Important! Beeline always takes care of its subscribers, therefore engineering works Connection related issues are usually done at night.

There are alternative options for moving to another network. In particular:

Step by step method
  • purchase a new SIM card from Beeline. However, in this case it will not be possible to keep the previous number;
  • set up redirection of the MTS SIM card to a new Beeline number. This service is provided free of charge, but the provider usually charges each forwarded call at the rates of outgoing calls in the home region;
  • complete the transition online. To do this, just leave an electronic application on the official Beeline website. In the form to fill out, you must indicate the current number, passport details and the address of the company office where the subscriber will receive a new SIM card.

Important! You can order courier delivery of a package of communication services to your home or place of work.


There are a number of nuances that a subscriber needs to know if he decides to change his operator while retaining his data. Violation of the current rules reserves the right of the provider to refuse the service of transferring the user's number to another network. Therefore, the following features must be taken into account:

  1. The user switches to another type of communication by on a paid basis. The cost of the service is 100 rubles. In addition, you will have to pay a 200 ruble guarantee fee, which will be credited to your temporary SIM card account.
  2. The subscriber's number must not have any arrears in payment for cellular services. In addition, blocking personal account at the initiative of the service provider may also serve as grounds for refusal to provide the service.
  3. The agreement applies only to federal license plates.
  4. Changing providers is possible once every 6 months.
  5. The transition from MTS to Beeline is possible only in the region where a valid SIM card is connected.
  6. The user data in the current and newly concluded contracts must be identical.

Important! When transferring a number, technical work is carried out, which carries restrictions on the use of communications and messages. This usually lasts no more than 30 minutes.

Additional features

Application for transition from Beeline

How to switch from MTS to Beeline with maximum comfort? It is necessary to use information services that allow you to track the status of your number porting application. There are the following free services for this:

  • Subscriber support on issues related to number porting – 8 800 700 40 04.
  • Check the status of the request - *444*1#.
  • Identification of the interlocutor's number - *444*subscriber number without 8#.

Important! Calls and requests to service centers for customer support are usually not charged, however, the operator may ask for the request number or personal data of the subscriber.