How to change the name in imessage. IMessage: messages come from the sender's email, not a phone number

Often the owners Apple gadgets the question arises about how to change your number on FaceTime. The need for this will arise in case of changing the SIM card and activation. When you return it back, using the application will become impossible without re-authorization. But there may be other situations when you need to perform this action.

Before moving on to the main part of the instructions, make sure that you have saved data from the currentApple ID. After all, in the process you will need to re-authorize your account on the device.

Changing data in FaceTime

All operations will be carried out in the system settings. First, open the “Messages” section, “Send/Receive” item. Next, click on your own Apple ID and de-authorize. Now go to “Messages” again and move the iMessage slider to the left position.

Go back to the iOS options menu. FaceTime section. Tap your Apple ID again and then Sign Out. Log in to your account again. Next, turn off the FaceTime option slider. Now from the main settings window, open the “Phone” tab. Make sure that the information in the “My number” column is correct. If this is not the case, then change them to the required ones.


Now reset network settings. The corresponding function is located in “General - Reset”. But keep in mind that you will have to re-enter your Wi-Fi and VPN keys. All you have to do is restart your iPhone. When the device finally boots up, FaceTime is activated under the phone you need.

Greetings! Today’s article is from the series “every smartphone owner should know this from Apple" I would even say, I simply have to. Why? Because to be able to change correctly account Apple ID or iCloud in iPhone can be useful to you almost always. And even if you don’t need it now, you will need it someday... Believe my little personal experience. Believe me, believe me, it won’t hurt! :)

In general, as a rule, for the time being the user does not even think about this operation. After all, the smartphone works? Works! Are there any problems? Apparently not! Then why bother with any settings at all? But nothing lasts forever and things can happen different cases. Which? There are plenty of examples.

  • Selling the device.
  • Buying a new or not new gadget.
  • Someone knows your Apple ID, password, iCloud - a sure way to protect yourself, completely change your account.
  • Just start iPhone life from scratch:)

In general, it is clear that this is the right thing to do. So let's learn to completely get out of being tied to iPhone credentials Apple ID and iCloud records, and log in with new data. Forward!:)

Important! It is necessary to understand that for those people who for some reason do not know (do not remember) the password and login of the identifier, this method won't work, they should do .

How to change iCloud on iPhone

Since iCloud is a more important account (here is the Find My iPhone function, etc.), let's start with it. Briefly point by point:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. We are looking for an item iCloud menu and we go into it.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and see the “Exit” line.
  4. Click and see the first warning: “If you log out of your account, all Photo Stream photos and iCloud Drive stored in iCloud will be deleted from this iPhone." What does it mean? This means that when changing your account iCloud recordings, the above data associated with it will be deleted from the iPhone. No need to worry, they will remain in the “cloud” itself and can be accessed from the website We agree with this.
  5. The second warning pops up - “Everything will be deleted from the iPhone.” iCloud Notes" Relevant for those who have used the notes application and with cloud storage, computer, etc. Again, you need to understand that they are not deleted entirely; access to them will remain through the site.
  6. Another question is “What do you want to do with calendars, Safari data, contacts and reminders?” I choose to leave the iPhone on this one. If something happens, you can delete them yourself later.
  7. We are asked to enter the iCloud password - we do it. That's it, we're signed out of this iPhone.
  8. We enter new data - iCloud has been changed.

2 ways to change Apple ID

Now you can change the second identifier on your iPhone - Apple ID. There are two ways here:

  • In the case when you have already logged out of iCloud (how to do this is written above), then you can simply and then it will be completely new and clean “like from the factory.” Naturally, there will be no information left on it! Next, just accounting Apple entry ID and indicate it directly.
  • Or change Apple ID through the menu. What’s convenient is that in this case all games, applications, music, ringtones, etc. will remain on the device. downloaded using a previous account.

How to do it?

As you can see, all manipulations occur exclusively in the settings and do not take much time.

Despite the fact that I tried to describe in as much detail as possible the process of replacing accounts on an iPhone, it may well be that something remains unclear. Maybe? Certainly! Therefore, do not be shy and write your questions in the comments - I will try to answer everyone.

P.S.S. Okay, you can do it without “likes” - I’m just kidding :) Although, frankly speaking, I would be very pleased to see such activity from you. Thank you!

You've probably noticed that sometimes a message from a user Apple technology comes to your iPad or Mac with Email . It gets to the point of being comical: a person with whom you communicate at work, who occupies a high-ranking position in some institution, writes you an SMS warning that he will not be able to make it to the meeting on time, but messages arrive from an email like [email protected] or even worse, [email protected] . And it may be impossible to identify the sender.

Why is this happening?

Activation of iMessage occurs in two stages:

    1. You enter your Apple ID and password to log in to the Apple services system.
    2. Your phone (and we recommend activating iMessage from it for the first time) sends an SMS message to Apple servers and waits for a positive response.

Your consent to sending international SMS

The first step is for Apple to know that you want to use their iMessage service with this Apple ID. If you have agreed to the company's rules and entered your email address and password correctly, the service will be activated. At first, sending messages via the Internet became possible only with Apple ID(your email).

At the second stage, after receiving an SMS response from Apple servers(you and I don’t see this, the phone does everything “in the background”, and international SMS can be tracked in the details taken from the operator cellular communications) is “linked” to your Apple ID phone number SIM card installed in the device. If everything went correctly, then messages begin to be sent correctly, using your phone number as the sender ID.

When everything is set up correctly

At the second stage, various types of errors are possible, which your phone will not inform you, you need to monitor this yourself:

  • There may not be enough funds in the number's balance to send international SMS;
  • The cellular operator may disable the ability to send both all SMS and international ones in particular;
  • A message may be sent by your phone, but no response is received;
  • No network (must have both internet access and cellular network)

You will see the message “Waiting for activation...” under the iMessage enabled toggle switch. The first three to five minutes are normal; the phone performs a number of actions “in the background.” If this period is extended, most likely some error has occurred.

At the “Waiting for activation...” stage, it is possible to send iMessage only from the email on the right. If everything freezes at this stage, there will be problems

Consequence of error iMessage activation will be the title of this article: messages from you will come from your email, and not telephone number.

How to deal with this?

If the problem is relevant to you, it should be solved step by step.

    1. Turn off iMessage for everyone your devices. On a computer this is done in the settings of the Messages program, on iOS devices in Settings -> Messages.
    2. Make sure that all devices have All operating system updates. For iMessage to work correctly, Mac OS version 10.8 is required on computers and iOS 6 on smartphones and tablets. Update yourself. If this is not possible, then accept the absence of iMessage.
    3. Activate iMessage on your phone. To do this, open Settings -> Messages, move the toggle switch iMessage V active state and enter your Apple ID and password. Be sure to wait until the “Waiting for activation...” message in the message settings disappears and you can set the phone number in the “Send/Receive” field.

We move the toggle switch to the active state and enter a couple of Apples ID/password

    1. Go to the “Send/Receive” settings in your phone’s message settings and uncheck the boxes everyone email addresses. Leave only phone number.

The settings for all iOS devices are approximately the same; they are shown for clarity correct settings iPad

  1. Repeat steps 3–4 on all iOS devices.
  2. Turn on iMessage on your Mac. To do this, open the Messages settings and enter your Apple ID and password. In the “Your address or number for messages” field, uncheck the checkboxes opposite everyone email addresses, leave only phone number.

Enter Apple ID and password


The account is enabled

Everything is included and configured correctly

If you encounter difficulties while following this simple instruction (the phone number does not appear as a sender ID on your iPad or on your Mac, for example), it’s not a problem. You should patiently repeat the adjustment until you achieve desired result. Sometimes, after successfully activating iMessage on your phone, you need to try to activate the service on your iPod three times in a row. And on a computer it is impossible to link a phone number until you activate iMessage again on the same iPhone. There was even a case when we needed intentionally include as sender ID E-mail address on all devices, send test messages and return the active phone number to its place. In rare cases, it is necessary to contact the cellular operator and remove all restrictions on receiving/sending SMS messages, and sometimes change the SIM card. The problem is that if for everyone If your iMessage settings are not brought to one common denominator, then there is no point in using this technology and it is easier to abandon it.

After reading the entire article, you may have a question: “What is all the fuss about and why is the author so persistently demanding that you turn off all email?” It's simple. Once you remove the SIM card from your phone, correct work iMessage will be broken. This happens infrequently and not in 100% of cases. But it happens. If you follow our advice, then in the worst case you you can't send iMessage and your message will be sent through the cellular operator's channels as SMS. If we ignore our experience, there is a risk of encountering the same problem that this post is dedicated to.

After such agony iMessage settings they will work perfectly and you will forget about these instructions until the moment when one of the devices has to be replaced. If you replace a device with a newer one, you may need to repeat the procedure for one or all devices. However, as iMessage exists today, the technology is much more better than that one that was a year ago.

A little unnecessary history after the fact

In the operating room Mac system OS X Lion, you could install the beta version of Apple's iMessage and start sending messages to users of Apple technology via the Internet, for free (from Macs to phones). With the release of iOS 5, iMessage officially entered the world of smartphones, players and tablets from Apple. Published in the summer of 2012 operating system Mac OS X Mountain Lion messages have moved from beta testing to full-fledged working condition on Mac computers. And only with the update mobile iOS Before the sixth version of iMessage, it has finally become possible to use it simultaneously from laptops, tablets, smartphones and players, as the number of failures in their operation has rapidly approached zero. However, if you like this service and plan to use it, you should “play” by the rules assigned by Apple.

1.General conditions

1.1. This Policy determines the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals(hereinafter referred to as the User), which may be received by our company when the User uses this site.

1.2. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure adequate protection of personal information that the User provides about himself independently when using this Site to purchase goods/services from unauthorized access and disclosure.

1.3. Relations related to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information provided by the User are governed by this Policy and current legislation Russian Federation.

1.4. By leaving his data on the Site and using this Site, the User expresses his full agreement with the terms of this Policy.

1.5. If the User does not agree with the terms of this Policy, use of this Site must be immediately discontinued.

2. Purposes of collecting, processing and storing information provided by users of the Site

2.1. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Our company processes the User’s personal data for the purposes of: - communicating with the User, sending transactional letters to the User at the time of receiving an application from the form on the Site, sending notifications and requests to the User.

3. Conditions for processing personal information provided by the User and its transfer to third parties

3.1. Our company accepts everything necessary measures to protect the User’s personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction.

3.2. Our company provides access to the User’s personal data only to those employees who need this information to ensure the functioning of the Site and provide Services/sell goods to the User.

3.3. Our company has the right to use the information provided by the User, including personal data, in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Disclosure of information provided by the User can only be made in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Terms of use of this Site

4.1. When using the Site, the user confirms that: - he is familiar with this Policy, agrees with it and assumes the rights and obligations specified in it.

4.2. Our company does not verify the accuracy of the information received (collected) about Users.

5. Within the framework of this Policy, under “ personal information User" means:

5.1. Data provided by the User independently when using this Site, including but not limited to: first name, last name, gender, number mobile phone and/or email address, city of residence, home address.

Allows you to send and receive text and multimedia messages. However, instead prime number phone, it uses your email address and only works with others Apple devices such as: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch and Mac.

Before you can start using messages to send texts, photos, videos, voice notes, locations, and contact cards, you need to set up iMessage on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

If you set up your iPhone with using iCloud, perhaps iMessage was activated along with it. If this doesn't happen, or if you ever need reactivation, read this article to the end.

If you need to create a new Apple ID, go to the website to create one. Otherwise, use your current login credentials.

1. Open "Settings" on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Click "Messages".

3. Switch "iMessage" to position "OFF" and wait for it to activate.

Afterwards, a message will appear "Waiting for activation", this phase usually lasts only a few seconds, but there are times when the activation of the application extends up to 24 hours. You may also encounter unpleasant problems.

Once iMessage is activated, you can send and receive text and multimedia messages to other Apple users!

How to Add Multiple Email Addresses to iMessage on iPhone and iPad

If you have additional email addresses you want to associate with iMessage, be it iCloud/Me/Mac/Gmail/Yahoo or Hotmail accounts, those are easy to set up too.

1.Open "Settings"

2. Scroll down the menu

3. Click "Messages"

4. Then click "Sending and receiving"

5. Click « Add another email..."

6. Enter the email address you want to add, also you can start a conversation with new users.

You'll get email asking you to confirm that you have access to the email account you entered. Once you do this, you can start sending iMessages from your newly added address!

How to enable or disable message reading in iMessage for iPhone or iPad

Read messages to let your contacts see if you've viewed their iMessages.

1. Open « Settings" on your iPhone or iPad

2. Click "Messages"

3. Now turn on or off message reading depending on your preference

Toggle on and off works with iOS 5, but iOS 10 introduces a new option that lets you turn reading on or off on a case-by-case basis. Also, if you do not always have access to the Internet, activate the “ ” function.

This way, you can disable message reading visibility for all users and enable it for specific ones. To do this you will need.

  • Open a conversation with the user.
  • Click "Details" in the upper right corner.
  • switch to "Send message readings" and press "Ready".

How to turn message previews on or off in iMessage for iPhone and iPad

By default, iOS will show a sneak peek of your iMessage (or SMS) on the Lock screen and Home screen. However, if you prefer your notification to show only the sender's name, you can easily customize the app settings "Messages" to do this you will need:

1. Open "Settings" on your iPhone or iPad

2. Press "Notifications"

3. Tap on "Messages"

4. Move the slider " On a locked screen» to position "ON" to disable it (on older versions there may be a different inscription).

Now if you receive an incoming text message(SMS), MMS or iMessage, only the recipients' name will be displayed on the home screen and the message content will be hidden. What to do, if ?

macOS High Sierra

Setting up to use Messages on a Mac is very similar to what you need to do on an iPhone. Opening the application for the first time will result in reuse your Apple ID that you plan to use.

1. Launch messages from a folder "Desktop" or "Applications"

2. Enter your email address and Apple password ID. If you are using two-step or two-factor authentication for your Apple ID, enter your verification code.

3. Click "Messages" on the menu bar and select "Settings"

4. Go to the tab "Accounts"

5. Select the phone number and email addresses you want to access.

6. Choose what phone number or email address people will see when you start a new conversation.

Once you set up your account, you'll be able to send and receive iMessages from your iPhone and Mac.

How to Set Up Messages in iCloud for macOS High Sierra

Messages in iCloud keeps your messages in sync between your Mac and your iOS devices, and also allow you to download your messages when setting up a new device.

You will need to sync your iPhone and Mac through your account. Be sure to register both devices with the same email address to make this process as easy as possible—this means you'll use the same Apple ID for both.

1. Open « iMessage"

2. Click "Messages" in the menu bar

3. Click "Settings"

4. Go to the tab "Accounts"

5. Click on your account "iMessage"

6. Check the box "Enable Messages in iCloud"

7. Click the button "Sync Now"

In this simple way, device synchronization is enabled, but there is one caveat - iOS 11 or higher must be installed on the iPhone or iPad.

You'll need to make sure that iCloud Messages is enabled in iOS 11 so that it can sync messages between your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

1. Open "Settings"

2. Tap "Apple ID"

3. Click "iCloud"

4. Make sure the slider next to the message is in the position "ON".

5. Afterwards, return to "Settings".

6. Click " Messages».

7. Click " Sync now" to instantly sync your messages to iCloud.

How to send more than just text in iMessage?

Apple recently expanded its messaging capabilities by adding the ability to send more than just text in a message. In the Messages app, if you tap a heart with two fingers, you can now draw a message to a friend. It's really cool way express your feelings by drawing a heart or your disappointment by drawing a frowning face.

You can also press the "A" button to send animated GIFs, music, or other stickers you've purchased through App Store. The #images section contains animated GIFs that come with the iPad. There are enough options there that you can express almost any emotion.