How to change data in VK. How to change your VK name to English without administrator verification

Today the social network VKontakte is at the peak of its popularity and in Lately appears a large number of questions about how to change your name on VK (VKontakte). There are already millions of registered users here who like to chat with friends and make new acquaintances. Many people spend the whole day chatting online with friends. Although it is indeed very interesting and exciting, sometimes it is difficult to understand without outside help V various settings. What causes the problem?

Of course, newcomers have the most questions, and one of them is about: “ How to change the name in VK (Vkontakte) without checking with the administrator?". Why does this question arise? It happens that a user registered on a social network under a fictitious name, for example, to look at the pages of his friends. However, over time, a new member of the VKontakte community realized that it is very exciting here and you can spend time with real people. At this moment the thought arises: “How to change the name in a contact to the real one?” This is necessary so that your friends and acquaintances can “identify” you and find you.

on VK (VKontakte)

The social network “VKontakte” allows for the possibility of replacement in own account first or last name without the need for verification by the administrator. You can choose to write in Cyrillic or translit. If you plan to replace it with another version of your own name, and not with a fictitious one, then problems usually do not arise. Questions from the administration begin if your parents have chosen a rare, little-known name for you, then it will take a replacement certain time, because the administrator will personally consider such an application.

Verifying the authenticity of a name and why it was invented in the first place? It is needed so that those registered in VK cannot mislead other people. Some unscrupulous Internet users, under the guise of communication, promote their accounts where, instead of real data, the name of a company, store or tags is written. This way they manage to infiltrate the social network and get on the pages ordinary users VC. Since the beginning of their appearance, social networks have set the goal of communication between real people, and not artificial bots.
Some fans of detective films believe that VK and it similar networks needed to collect personal data about living people for secret or overt intelligence services. The VKontakte network, by checking the authenticity of the name, just wants to protect users from unscrupulous marketers. For those who, in addition to VK, communicate on Instagram, you know that most accounts there have an advertising purpose. If VK took over this network, it would quickly restore order there. It's hard to communicate when you're constantly bombarded with advertising or spam.

Replacing first and last names in VK (in contact):

  • On the right top corner VK page, click on the name of the page owner or you can use direct link.

  • You need to enter new information in the fields and click “ Save».

The VK software update left no chance for pranksters who are planning to register accounts under the names of popular people in art, politics or business. Many of them are protected from counterfeiting by the fact that they have a special label, which is issued after a thorough check by VK technical support.

How to change your name on VK (VKontakte) without administrator verification (2016-2017)

This possibility exists if the name is one of the most common and well-known technical support. Probability quick replacement There is also an option that has already been previously tested by the VK administration.
There is a more sophisticated way to replace a surname. To do this, you need to invite a person with the desired last name as a friend and register him as a family member. If another user does not mind and approves the application, then you can easily change your last name to his.

How to quickly change your name without administrator verification: To do this you should use simple advice: There is no need to choose complex and unusual names. To replace without verification, the most common and familiar options or your own verified previous name are suitable, otherwise you will have to wait for the administrator’s decision.

Replacement with any name: The creators of this opportunity social network after last update excluded. Or rather, the use of tags in your data is prohibited. If you just need a different name, then there are no such problems.

How to change your VK name to English without administrator verification: The question is to replace the usual writing in Cyrillic with an analogue in Latin. The user will not receive any special benefit. If you replace the place of birth in the column with the USA, EU or other countries, the name will automatically change to the Latin equivalent. Previous versions made it possible to independently choose the spelling in Latin and when searching in Cyrillic it was not found. Now search engine goes through everything possible options and finds desired name. Replacing the Cyrillic alphabet with a spelling familiar to many foreigners improves perception when communicating.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated or problematic. To solve the question: How to change the name in VK (Vkontakte) without checking with the administrator? There are several possible solutions and you can completely do without the tedious verification of the name by the social network support. You can also write new personal data in Latin letters.
You independently replaced your personal data with new ones. They may appear immediately after saving or after some time if the administration decides to check them.

How to change the name in VK (contact) if the application is rejected?

Above on the page there are instructions on how to change your name in VK in accordance with

Change username in VK it will not be difficult for you, but only if you want to use your real, not fictitious name. If you have a rare or non-standard name, but a real one, then changing your VKontakte name will take time, because... The application is sent personally to the administrators of the social network.

Why is such name authentication needed? - so that people do not deceive other users of the social network and to weed out advertising accounts, in which tags or the name of a company/organization were written instead of first and last names, due to which such pages easily fell into the search for people on VKontakte and other users saw the pages of bots, not real people.

Conspiracy theorists believe that this was done in order to collect reliable personal information about the population. Most likely VKontakte is simply trying to switch to new level, where quality comes first.

If you use Instagram, then you probably noticed that 80% of accounts there are advertising. Yeah. There would be contact management and only living people would remain. It is very difficult to sift out tons of information from various types of spam and intrusive advertising.

How to change first and last name

Next to the “My Page” button, find the “edit” line. and click on it. Or, if you are already on your personal page, then click the “edit personal information” button under your avatar.

That's all. You have changed your first and last name. New data will appear immediately or after checking those. support.

What to do if your first and last name are not approved by VKontakte? - if you use only reliable data, then write those. support via the “help” button and clarify for what reasons they rejected the application. We recommend that you immediately send a photo of any document that will prove that your name is real. And then suddenly you called yourself “Vladimir Putin”, but in fact you are Vasya Pupkin. By the way, it is now impossible to change the name to Vasily Pupkin. Contact management believes that this name is fictitious and can only be used as a joke.

By the way, it will no longer be possible to pretend to be a star after the latest innovation in VK. The fact is that now there is a check mark above the real pages, which means that this person’s page is real (only given to very popular people, whose information is often falsified).

How to change your name on VK without checking:

Without verification, you can change the name in a contact only if you have a common name or if you previously had this name and it has already been verified. There is also great way, how to change the last name, but not the first name, without verification by the administrator.

You need to find a person with the same last name you want and put him in Family status. If he approves your application, then you can change your last name to his without verification.

How to change your name in VK to any:

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to change your name in VK to whatever comes to mind. This means a ban on using tags in your first and last name. You can still change the name to any popular name.

How to change your name in VK to English:

This refers to how to change the name to translit. It is not clear what the benefit of this is. The first and last name automatically changes to English, i.e. written in transliteration if you put the place of birth in the USA, Europe or other countries.

Previously, you could write your name in transliteration and they couldn’t find you, because they wrote your first and last name in Russian, but now you can even write your name in Russian and find a person with the same name in transliteration.

Therefore, the benefit of changing the name to English will only be for the foreigners themselves, so that people can read their names in transliteration.

How to quickly change your first or last name in a contact

To quickly change it in a contact, and even without checking, you need to choose a name that many users of the social network already have and is already considered normal, or to the name that you previously had.

Otherwise, your changes in first and last name will be checked by those. support.

As you can see, change first and last name VKontakte is not a problem. Difficulties will only arise if you want to change the name to a non-existent and implausible one. For example: The Sock Thief or a parody of Caucasian names and surnames, Roll of Wallpaper, Tub of Slops, Pogrom of Ustoev, and so on. Such names will not pass moderation in VK.

To change your first and last name to any one, you need to try hard in VK. Previously, about two years ago, when there was no system for checking names, you could write absolutely any name and any surname that came to mind. Now you either need to find a person with the same first and last name that you want, or forge documents in Photoshop that will contain the data that you want (horror, don’t do this!).

Of course, it is better if your documents are real. Then you will not have problems with changing your VKontakte name.

Just in case, we have prepared small guides for you on changing your personal data.

Change of first and last name:

Changing your first and last name to English:

Just a few years ago, changing a user’s personal data on the VKontakte social network was quite difficult. If you read the articles and reviews of site participants on this topic, you will see how this process was problematic. The fact is that previously applications to change a surname were reviewed manually. They were checked by ordinary people - moderators, on whom the final decision on changing the last name or first name depended. Therefore, this process dragged on for up to several months. In addition, the user needed to confirm his identity, for which moderators could ask for a scan of a passport, driver’s license or any other identification document. VKontakte participants also received complaints from the administration about changing their last name as a result of marriage or divorce. And quite often, user requests were rejected. And it was possible to change the surname only once a year and only if the application was considered justified. The indignant forum members were extremely dissatisfied with the work of the site and moderators, which they repeatedly made posts in VKontakte groups and other “negotiation platforms” on the Internet.

In 2009, the procedure for changing a surname on the site became “paid”; for it it was necessary to give the collected votes as a deposit, which, after successful registration, were returned to the user’s bonus account.

Nowadays everything has become much simpler. To change your last name or any other personal data - name, date of birth, place of residence, etc. - now it is special page, where the user can enter everything necessary settings and absolutely.

Change your last name - no problem

To begin changing the last name on VKontakte, the user needs to log into his account on the social network. It’s hardly worth explaining how to do this: if you have registered on VKontakte, then there should be no problems logging into your profile.

Once in your account, under your personal photo, find the “Edit Page” link, click on it and go to the settings section. The surname is in the “General” sub-item. Here you can also change name, date of birth, gender, marital status, hometown, add grandparents, children, grandchildren, parents, brothers and sisters. The second line from the top is dedicated to the surname. With help keyboard key Delete or arrow buttons will erase the original text and type a new last name. Below - in the line “Maiden name” - you can write another surname or leave this field empty.

According to the rules of the social network VKontakte, it is customary to indicate real data. They should be written in Russian - this will make it easier for other users to find you on the site. However, it’s up to you to decide whether to follow the recommendations or still show individuality. Therefore, in the “Last Name” column in the editing section of your page, you have the right to write what you consider necessary. You can change your personal data on the site an unlimited number of times. Only after changing your last name or editing other sections, do not forget to click the “Save” button to secure the final version.

How to change your name in VK to English, without checking with the administrator, two ways.

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VKontakte is the most popular Runet. VK is convenient for communication, where you can play games and listen to music. In addition to relaxation and entertainment, the social network is quite convenient for maintaining.

However, with all the advantages of VK, there are some restrictions that users do not like and cause inconvenience. One of these disadvantages is the strict check by the administration of the change of first and last name.

By various reasons a person may need to change his first and last name. Data change does not take place automatic mode, but is sent for review to moderators.

More than half of applications are rejected, sometimes without any indication of the reason for the refusal. A person can spend a lot of time, effort and nerves on correspondence with the administration, trying again and again to change his first and last name.

Things are even worse with the attempt to change the name from Cyrillic to Latin. That is, you do not change the name as such, it remains the same, you just want to write it in English letters, but every time you get rejected.

The thing is that the social network VK was initially designed for a Russian-speaking audience and the profile is filled in with Russian letters of the alphabet. The only exceptions are foreign-language citizens who decide to register on VKontakte. As it is written in VK, they will change the Cyrillic alphabet automatically. This is the rule we will try to use today for our purposes.

Serve in normal mode, such a request for verification by administrators is generally useless. It is not surprising that when faced with such difficulties, a person asks the question - how to change the name in VK to English, without checking with the administrator?

How to change your name in VK to English, methods

I will say frankly that at the time of writing there are two ways to change the alphabet when writing a name, but I cannot guarantee 100% success. Because what works for some does not always work for others. Yes, and in the social network VK there are constantly changes that can affect the described methods and make them useless.

Change name using VPN extension

First of all, download from the online store Chrome extension to change the ID address. The extension we need is called Unlimited Free VPN— Hola for the Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex browser, activate the utility.

  1. Open a browser with the extension installed;
  2. Go to your VK page;
  3. At the top, next to the avatar, click on the checkbox - edit;
  4. Change the country to USA, language to English in all sections, save;
  5. At the bottom of the page, also change the language to English;
  6. Go to your browser settings, to the extensions page;
  7. Find Unlimited Free VPN - Hola in the list, enable the utility;
  8. Go to VK, click on the extension icon at the top, indicate the country USA;
  9. Now go to edit your profile and change your first and last name, writing them in Latin letters.

Your application for a name change will be sent for review by moderators, but, as I wrote above, foreign language users have their spelling changed automatically. this means that your application will be checked by robots, not real people.

They will check that everything indicates that you are a US citizen, live in America, speak only English, and at the same time passionately want to be in VK. Changing your name in VK to English automatically takes from 5 to 30 minutes.

The main thing here is not to miss anything and change the language and country of residence everywhere, not only in your profile but also on the pages of career, education, and so on. Check several times before changing your name.

After changing the name, you can safely disable the extension and return the Russian language in the settings and indicate your real country of residence.

Via Anonymizer Chameleon Mirror

The essence this method almost the same as described above.

  1. Log out of VK on all devices;
  2. Log in and log into VK through the Anonymizer Chameleon Mirror;
  3. Go to edit profile;
  4. Specify the English language in the settings;
  5. Write any first and last name in Latin, robots will check;
  6. Save changes;
  7. Do not close the page for about 4 hours, you can minimize it to tray and go about your business;
  8. Periodically view your page from other people's devices; as soon as the name changes, you can close the Chameleon Mirror Anonymizer.
  9. Login to VK in the usual way and return language settings to its previous state.

Bottom line

As you understand, there are millions of users on the VK social network, and many of them often contact the support service. Living people are not able to cope with such a volume of requests, therefore, many undergo an initial check through automation.

If everything matches the parameters specified in the program, then the application is processed automatically. That is, the program provides that English-speaking users have the right to write their name in Latin letters; the program checks what language is indicated on the page and what country the user is from.

If everything indicates that you are a foreigner, then the program will satisfy your application and the matter will not reach the administration. Thus, you learned how to change your name in VK to English, without checking with the administrator. I hope everything works out for you, good luck and success!

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IN official assistance It is written how to change the name in VK without checking with the administrator, but in reality it is much more difficult to do this. The owners of the social network have significantly tightened the requirements for security purposes and require the indication of real “human” meaning, and not a random set of letters. Therefore, your attempt to change your profile may not be successful.

Why change the data?

The most common reason when users are interested in how to quickly change the name in VK without checking the administrator to any name is the original one. Many people enter for the sake of trial random set symbols, abracadabra, because they are not in the mood to continue working on the social network. In the future, if you want to indicate real data, the functionality of the social network does not allow you to do this.

Often profile changes occur when users unsubscribe or unfollow. It is enough to indicate a different nickname, and you will mislead potential subscribers.

Naturally, it makes sense to change the nickname if the data has changed.

Current methods

There are several options, choose any of the ones below and act!


There is a set of nicknames that allow you to quickly change your name on VK without checking with the administrator in 2018. These include the most common ones. Definitely in Cyrillic! Officially, this is an almost impossible procedure!

Names in VK that change without verification - list:

  • Gleb;
  • Ivan;
  • Daniel;
  • Egor;
  • Nazar;
  • Nikolai;
  • Peter;
  • Stanislav;
  • Olga;
  • Anna;
  • Elena;
  • Dina;
  • Daria;
  • Valeria.

This is by no means a complete list.

Bypass the system

You can often find a description of a method on how to change it through the Opera browser. Let's describe it though modern version social networks may not support such a decision.

  • Open your page in the Opera browser.
  • Go to data editing mode.

  • On the top field with a changeable value, click right button mice.
  • Select "View element code".

  • Find the value of the value field and double-click on it.

  • In place of the highlighted content, enter a new value.

  • Close the area.

  • Tap “Save” on the VK page.

In the app on your phone

In your profile, there is also a way to quickly change your VKontakte name without checking with the administrator on your phone.

  • To do this, click on the menu (three bars in the right corner)

  • Go to your account.

  • Tap the link "Edit".

  • In the top field, try to indicate the names of VKs that pass without verification from those listed above. To save, click the checkmark. If the operation is not successful, you will see a message that the attempt was rejected by the administrator.

Via technical support

All of the above methods for renaming VK without checking with the administrator may not work if your name is unusual. To implement a change if there is indeed legal grounds, you should write to technical support.

  1. If you entered a random set of characters, honestly explain the reason.
  2. Attach a scan of your passport, including if your full name has been changed.
  3. Wait.

Constantly writing with questions is useless, there are thousands of you a day. So you will have to be patient. If you have supporting documentation, your application is unlikely to be rejected.

If administrators refuse, some users help change the name in VK without verification. But you will act at your own peril and risk. We do not recommend giving access to a promoted account. Under your login, attackers can perform a lot of unpleasant actions; at best, they will block you. So such a name change in VK without verification is fraught with unpleasant consequences.