How to use Adobe CC Photoshop. How to use Photoshop if you don't know anything about the program

Here is a series of lessons that teach you how to use graphical Photoshop editor- an incredibly popular and indispensable tool in web design, with the help of which not only buttons, banners and logos, but even entire layouts are created for the site. The design of almost any website you visited was originally drawn in Photoshop, so knowledge of this program will definitely be useful for the webmaster, although the skills of image processing and creating your own drawings to a simple user PCs won't be harmed either. Digitizing photographs, retouching old photographs, creating postcards and collages - this is only the beginning of a long list of useful actions that the editor allows you to perform, and a series of lessons will help you get used to it.

Add this page to your bookmarks so you don’t lose the table of contents and consistently study article after article, learning more and more new techniques for working in Photoshop.

But what will you learn in these lessons?

  • 1 Getting started in Photoshop - quick selection and fill

    Here you will get acquainted with the program interface, find out what the main interface elements are for, learn how to create documents and save them, and master selecting areas on the canvas. Also from the lesson you will understand how to fill areas with color, and you will understand the principles of working with the program. After mastering the information, you will learn to perform simple steps and you can independently explore other editor tools.

  • 2 Layers and text

    All Photoshop images are built on layers. This is why editing in the program is so convenient. The lesson will tell you what layers are, why they are needed and how to work with them. In addition, it describes techniques for creating and processing inscriptions, as well as moving objects located on the canvas. After completing this lesson, processing multilayer documents will not be a problem for you.

  • 3 Filters

    You will get acquainted with a huge library of picture-changing scripts. The editor's filters can not only give the finished image a particular effect, but even create new objects and frame the photo.

  • 4 Working with images

    The article provides the basics for processing existing graphic files. Editing several images at once, moving objects from one picture to another, changing sizes and removing unnecessary parts - this is just an incomplete list of lesson topics.

  • 5 Transformation

    The lesson will teach you how to scale image elements, change proportions, tilt, distort and deform them

  • 6 Drawing - brush and pencil

    The first in a series of articles talking about tools for creating your own masterpieces. A long time ago Computer techologies have evolved to the point that they can simulate drawing on paper. You will learn to create using a virtual pencil and brush - sketches and watercolor paintings can now be easily drawn and distributed on electronic media, making an unlimited number of copies and without worrying about the safety of your work.

  • 7 Drawing - shapes

    Creating objects by hand is one thing, but accuracy and speed are sometimes paramount. The lesson talks about tools with which you can create perfectly smooth images in just a few clicks. geometric figures specified sizes. From a simple square to an ellipse, a star, and even a musical note, the article covers everything.

  • 8 Drawing - outlines and bitmaps

    You will remember once and for all how a vector differs from a raster, what the pros and cons of both approaches are, and you will also learn why shape contours are needed in Photoshop and what the pixel mode does.

  • 9 Drawing - Pen tool

    Continuing to work with contours, we study the tools of the Pen group. Purpose, method of application, description of parameters, and as a result you will learn to draw atypical contours and create complex geometric objects.

  • 10 Drawing - Magnetic pen tool

    The Magnetic mode of the Freehand tool has become so popular that it is called the Magnetic Pen, although there is no such separate tool in Photoshop. What this function allows you to do, why users love it so much and how it will help you personally - read the article.

  • 11 Image Retouching Tools

    To use these editor functions for the Internet, you don’t need to be a layout designer, a designer, a webmaster, or anyone at all. It is enough to be an active user social networks. How to make your face more beautiful, remove moles and freckles? How to process an old scanned photo so that the colors become brighter, and scratches, stains and specks of dust are not so noticeable? How to carefully cut an object, move it or clone it? Where is the tool that will help you remove the red-eye effect from a photograph in just a couple of minutes? Find answers to these and other questions in the article.

  • 12 Image correction tools

    You already know so much that learning new tools is not a problem. All I had to do was make a review describing the possibilities to improve the quality of pictures - lighten where it is too dark, darken where it is overexposed, blur and add sharpness, mix and smear colors. All in all, Additional Information How else to make an image better is waiting for you in the lesson.

    The pinnacle of creativity for the web is drawing website templates. When you have mastered most of the tools and have enough skills to draw dividers with shapes, buttons for menus, logos, and beautiful inscriptions, nothing prevents you from creating a good, complex layout. The article explains what it consists of standard template, describes the principle of creation, and also teaches how to cut the layout using tools previously unfamiliar to you.

  • Having paid attention to each of the lessons, analyzing practical examples and by experimenting on your own, as you master the course you will go from beginner to advanced user Photoshop programs and you can go deeper into it yourself by going to new level mastery, and a strong and reliable foundation laid by a series of our articles will help you in this.

Adobe is known to all users who have even a vague understanding of working with images and photographs. This is due to the fact that this company is the creator legendary program Photoshop. Today, this application is the de facto standard in the world of professional designers and artists.

The capabilities of the person who works in it are limited only by his own skill. However, not all users are real luminaries: how to work in Photoshop CS6? There are special video tutorials for beginners, but not everyone has time to watch them. Well, let's try to shed some light on this issue.

Let us immediately warn you that it is simply impossible to squeeze into this article even a couple of percent of the amount of information that would be appropriate in in this case. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to only the most superficial introduction to the topic and will reveal the basic concepts that will be useful to you when mastering the Photoshop CS6 program.


Layer is the main constant you'll have to deal with. By the way, what is this? In this case, a layer is understood as a separate image that has its own boundaries, clearly delineated from other parts of the picture.

Why are such layers needed? This is very important question. The fact is that it is thanks to them that it is possible to carry out operations on almost every part of the image, without affecting the entire picture as a whole. In fact, an image in Photoshop can be represented as a giant mosaic, for each puzzle in which transparency, color, and other parameters are separately set.

Since it is impossible to work in Photoshop CS6 (for beginners the program may seem very complicated, but in reality everything is not so scary) without the mentioned tool, we recommend that you master the basics and consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice. Taking the first steps in this matter is very simple. To do this, open any image, go to the “Layer” tab, select “Create a new layer”.

Change something in the image. Then follow the above path again, creating a second layer. Also draw something on it. Then go to the same tab again, select the “Merge Layers” command. This is roughly how all the main work in the program is done.

As for the interface, “Photoshop CS6” in Russian appeared not so long ago. If you are looking for tips on working on the Internet, they often offer instructions on English language. Keep this in mind!

"Hot keys", or Hotkeys

When using Photoshop regularly, it is very important to remember the most frequently used hotkey combinations. It’s almost impossible to keep all of them in your head all the time, but the most commonly used combinations are essential to know. The fact is that the combinations practically do not change in different versions program, so it will take much less time to master the new release.

So let's look at the most simple options. When you press CTRL+N, it opens new document. It is much easier to press a hotkey than to use the main menu with a mouse. In addition, it will be useful to use the CTRL+O combination, as it allows you to open a dialog box with a choice of files to open. The CTRL+K keys are useful, they open the main program settings. Surely many users know that the combination CTRL+Z cancels last action. This works in Photoshop too.

Layer Keys

But in this program, working with layers is much more important, so you should remember at least some of the hotkeys associated with this term. So, to create a new level, press SHIFT+CTRL+N. After this, a dialog box with the settings of the newly created layer will immediately open. The F7 button is also important, as it opens the palette settings. For quick transition on the layer up you need to press ALT+]. To move one layer down, use SHIFT+ALT+].

If you want to go to the lowest level, then you need to use the combination SHIFT+ALT+ [. If you need to set the current layer as the main one, press SHIFT+CTRL+]. Merging layers (which we talked about at the very beginning) is done using the CTRL + E buttons. As you can see, hotkeys are extremely important because they save a lot of time.

Using hotkeys when working with filters

Working with filters is quite complicated and time-consuming. Therefore, using hotkeys in this process is also important. Moreover, there are not so many basic combinations. So, if you want to repeat the last used filter with its default settings, press CTRL+F. If you need the same filter, but with open settings, use the keys CTRL+ALT+F.

Not sure how to reset all dialog box settings? Just press ALT together with the ESC key. The value of this combination is that it works in exactly the same way in all dialog boxes with settings.

Choosing brushes!

None of the masters or novice users of Photoshop can fully work without the most common tool, the Brush. Today we will try to choose it for work, having learned about ways to adjust the parameters. Using one or another option, you can create a shape that is ideal for your work, dynamically change the size, select dispersion, texture, as well as the degree of pressure and transparency.

First you need to activate the “Brushes” tool for “Photoshop CS6” by pressing the “B” key. Click on the icon we need, where you can adjust all the parameters. You need to press the F5 key on your keyboard or use the “Window” menu, where you can go to the “Brushes” item. It must be said that the menu has enough settings, the main ones of which we will consider.

Before choosing a suitable tool, you need to choose the shape of its imprint. It all depends on the type of work you do. The same can be said about the diameter. There are a lot of options! However, when training, it is recommended to choose simple shapes brush and the average diameter of its print. It should be noted that you can quickly change the last parameter using the “[” (decrease the diameter) or “]” (increase it) keys.

Using the slider called “Hardness” you can adjust the center of rigidity of the tool. To put it simply, with the selected indicator “0” you will get a soft brush. The “Opacity” tab, as you might guess from the name, helps you set a parameter that is often used when retouching photos.

What else should you pay attention to before working in Photoshop CS6? For beginners, it would be a good idea to look at the work of experienced artists and photographers: you can clearly see how and under what conditions it is best to use basic techniques, such as retouching or aging a photograph.

Often, when choosing a brush, its color plays an important role. There is a button on the toolbar (at the very bottom) that allows you to adjust this parameter. It should be noted that when selecting, the active color is the one in which the top square is painted.

Other principles for choosing a brush

However, the choice of brush for Photoshop CS6 is not limited to these parameters. For example, quite often there is a need to change the angle of inclination, which is achieved by adjusting the settings in the dialog box of the same name (if you remember, it is called up by pressing the F5 key). Here you can increase the size of the tool and also change its inclination.

It should be noted that when choosing brushes of an unusual shape (butterfly, star, leaves), it is necessary to set a sufficient interval, since otherwise the image may turn into a graphic “porridge”. Experimenting with various parameters, over time you will learn to set the optimal ones for each type of work, using hundreds of parameters available in the program.

Naturally, you won’t be able to master Photoshop right away, in one sitting. Program in Russian - best option for beginners, since you can always read help by pressing F1.


Plugins (also called external modules) are additional filters that plug into Photoshop. However, this can also be called some additional software modules, expanding the functionality of the application. At their core, plugins for Photoshop CS6 are small additional programs, running inside the main software package.

In Photoshop, they are most often used for advanced imitation of drawing methods; they are often used to reduce noise and improve sharpness; with their help, you can automatically set the focus on some object located in the photograph.

Plugins are most often developed only for a specific Photoshop version, which often creates a lot of difficulties when migrating to a new release. However, they are very good in that each user will be able to create a unique set of tools suitable specifically for their purposes. In general, Photoshop CS6 is the most suitable option for beginners, since it is more visual and contains more tools by default.

Thus, it is better to focus on the “advanced filters” option. They are also capable of changing the processed image, they can distort it or remove noise and adjust the sharpness correctly.

To install the plugin, you need to download its file from the Internet and then move it to the “Photoshop/Plug-Ins” directory. However, some “serious” applications often have own file installations. In this case, their installation is extremely simplified: you just need to start the process and follow the instructions. When the installation is complete, the new filters will appear in the program (you may need to restart it).

So, we looked at how to work in Photoshop CS6. For beginners, the information presented is still enough; you need to consolidate your knowledge in practice, and then comprehend all the intricacies of the process.

Some plugins for Photoshop

Let's take a closer look at the purpose of some “helpers” for Adobe Photoshop. For example, the very popular ICOFormat add-on is specially created for saving especially small images up to 200x200 px using the standard .ico extension.

Genuine Fractals Pro can enlarge an image without losing quality. The Blow Up and AKVIS Magnifier add-ons can be used for the same purpose.

The AKVIS Chameleon plugin is ideal for: It allows you to automatically adjust inserted fragments to the color of the main image. In addition, it somewhat blurs the sharp edges, making the collages more “alive”.

In conclusion…

It should be noted that plugins can be distributed not only separately, but also in the form of large thematic packages. Most processes can be significantly accelerated with their help. However, you need to remember that success in using plugins will only come to those who understand the principle of their operation and can do all these operations manually!

These are the short lessons of Photoshop CS6. Master the program in practice, by trial and error - this is the best option.

As promised, today we're talking about about such a wonderful graphics editor as Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop - almost everyone has used it. However, to really master this program, in addition to brains, you will need time and perseverance, because there are so many opportunities. Meet Photoshop, the most versatile graphics editor.

Adobe Photoshop by far the most popular program for working with images. It was originally created for work in the field of printing and preparing images for printing. Now it is actively used in the following areas:

  • Web design
  • Cinematography
  • Television
  • Design
  • Drawing
  • Printing
  • CG art

Photoshop was originally a raster graphics editor; now it provides a lot of opportunities for working with both raster and vector graphics. Despite its wide capabilities, the program is closely related to other image processing tools. There is a whole line of products - Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere. It also interacts with programs from other developers.

History of Adobe Photoshop

The father of the founder of Photoshop is Thomas Knoll. While a student at the University of Michigan, this “bright mind” developed a prototype program called “Display” in 1987. Success was not long in coming, and a year later Adobe Systems bought the rights to the program. Noll was retained as a developer, and Adobe Photoshop 1.0 was released in 1990.

System requirements

The latest version of the program is Adobe Photoshop CC (2015.5.0), released in 2016. To install it on your machine, you will need a processor with clock frequency not lower than 2.2 GHz, minimum 2 Gigabytes random access memory(recommended 8 GB), minimum 2.1 GB free space on your hard drive. The screen resolution must be at least 1024x768 (recommended - 1280x800). Photoshop is available for Mac OS X and Windows platforms.

The latest versions of Photoshop are simpler and more intuitive clear interface in addition to added features and improved capabilities. Starting from version CS4, it is possible to work with 3D files.

The program also provides for working with video. Photoshop is a popular tool for creating GIF animation.

What image formats does Photoshop work with?

As we have already said, Photoshop was originally a processing tool raster images. IN currently the program supports most raster formats(JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PSD), as well as some vector formats images (WMF). At the same time, the main Photoshop format (PSD) is compatible with many other graphic editors. FS supports color models such as RGB, LAB, Duotone, Multichannel, CMYK.

There are extended versions of the program that work with 3D files in the U3D, 3DS, OBJ, KMZ and DAE formats, as well as with the most common video formats.

Adobe Photoshop Features

Program functions Photoshop is truly diverse . Photoshop is both a powerful darkroom and a means of creating digital images. Using a set of basic tools such as Paintbrush, Airbrush, Pen and Pencil, you can draw and color images. All of these tools allow you to customize a number of parameters: stroke width, degree of blurring of edges, hardness and softness.

When working with images, FS makes it possible to work with layers. You can create montages and collages from several images, editing each as a separate, independent layer.

Adobe Photoshop program interface

Let's take a quick look at the main functionality. As you can see, on the right is the toolbar, on the left is the palette area, on top is the control panel, just below is the options panel, and in the middle is the workspace.

Control Panel provides access to main menu commands and interface control. Toolbar contains all the tools that can be used to edit an image. Options panel displays which tool is selected to work in this moment. The palettes area contains all the tools for manipulating the image. For those who want to navigate the program seriously, we advise you to take a textbook and gradually study what this or that command is needed for.

Disadvantages of the programAdobe Photoshop

The disadvantages of FS include the difficulty of mastering it for a novice user and the high cost of the product. Also note that Photoshop is not supported by Linux OS. Such negative aspects are very relative, so despite this, FS remains the leader in the graphics editor market.

Here are some examples of Photoshop capabilities. In skillful hands, this program simply works wonders. From editing finished photos to creating complex images from scratch. Here, for example, is retouching a photo in Photoshop. It was - it became. A few manipulations – and the result is obvious.

And here is the processing of a studio photograph, carried out using FS.

If you have a rich imagination, Photoshop will be an excellent assistant in realizing your wildest ideas. Here, for example, are the amazing works of photographer Erik Johanson. What do you think he uses to create his masterpieces? Of course, primarily thanks to imagination. But what would the implementation of these ideas look like if there were no Photoshop in the world?

Adobe Photoshop from scratch to god level

After we got acquainted with the interface, many will ask where to start directly studying the program itself? Photoshop luminaries advise: move from simple to complex. Start by learning the basic functions of Photoshop, and be consistent in learning them.

And finally, dear friends, advice from our experienced authors for all occasions: less words, more action. It doesn’t matter if you want to master Adobe Photoshop from scratch, dream of learning to play the guitar, or want to be the god of quantum mechanics - take it and do it instead of dreaming. This is the only way to achieve results. Do and remember that highly qualified specialists in their fields are ready to assist you quality help in any field of knowledge.


Many people want to look much cooler in their photos than they look in reality. Photogenicity, “presence in the frame” are rare qualities. But thanks modern programs image processing, almost anyone can have a small personal portfolio in which “their loved one” can be seen in the image of a Hollywood movie star. Today's best image editing software is Adobe Photoshop CS6. How to use photoshop cs6?

The main tools of the program that you will have to master properly if you decide to actively use Photoshop cs6 can be divided into the following groups:

1. Selection tools. The allocation is made different ways. For example, the lasso tool selects entire areas of an image at once. The “feather” acts precisely and requires careful movements, perseverance, and painstakingness.

2. “Drawing” tools. Something similar can be found in a wide variety of editors, including the standard Paint. “Eraser”, “Brush”, “Pencil”, “Spray”, etc.

3. Correction tools. This includes all kinds of effects, means of changing sharpness, brightness, contrast, gamma, etc.


4. Additional tools. This includes everything that was not included in the previous groups: changing the volume, typing, filling and much, much more. Despite the availability, this program refers to professional software and contains great amount functions and a wide range of tools.

You can learn to use Photoshop cs6 tolerably on your own, but you will have to take the matter seriously and devote a lot of time to it. “Trial and error” is always good when mastering almost any program. But it is foolish to neglect the advice of professionals. Initial refusal to study reference information and a lazy reluctance to familiarize yourself with basic publicly available free courses is the most common mistake of all beginners.

To master the program thoroughly, you can use video lessons. Here you will find a wonderful free course, whose author (or commentator) accessible language, using clear example, explains, .

If it's easier for you to accept text information, .

Anyway, detailed information about how to use photoshop cs6 in open access- a lot. Choose!

Hello colleagues! Few people do not know about such a program as Photoshop, but few people know how to use it. But indeed, Photoshop is a program that has truly limitless possibilities. It contains many instruments, effects, various functions, and the list hardly ends there. Let's look at exactly what features the Photoshop program contains?

— Changing this or that picture. You can add sharpening, effects, apply color correction, and many other possibilities for working with images are provided by Photoshop. If the photo is old, black and white, you can add colors; There are defects in the photo - you can get rid of them using.

How to use Photoshop - main panel

- Layers

In truth, this is a very useful thing in Photoshop. After all, when you create a particular work, you often use a lot of images, texts, and other things, and if you place them on different layers, you can change the location (change which one is on top of others). You can also assign effects to layers - strokes, shadows, and so on, and if the images are on different layers, then these kinds of effects will be different everywhere.

You can add some zest to the text using a variety of Photoshop styles. You can add unusual strokes, patterns, gradients, shadows - in just a couple of clicks.

— Supports different formats

The variety of supported formats in Photoshop is simply amazing. Whether it is a graphic or 3D format, the program will open and you can create the project you need. This is one of the important advantages of Photoshop.

— Variety of Photoshop filters

Filters sometimes help to make some aspects of work in one click. For example, you can take blur. Blur - there is such a tool in the panel, and some people use it and blur the entire image. But you have to do it and do it, and it’s necessary to adjust the intensity and so on. However, the filter could make the blur happen in an instant. Eat different types blurs in Photoshop, and to taste - you can certainly find them.

As an example - blur filter

— Ability to work with GIF files, including their creation, directly in Photoshop. It's a troublesome task, but sometimes useful. Many people wonder how to make a GIF with a picture and text, or from some fragment of a video - this is also possible in Photoshop. Of course, making a gif is not a matter of minutes, but adding different effects and other Photoshop tricks - you can make incredible gif animation, which is nowhere to be found.

— “Save for Web...”

Few people know what it is and why such a service is available in Photoshop. And this is not at all strange, because few people are used to saving images for the Internet in this way. But here you can prepare and save an image specifically for placement on web pages. This way you can save the image for the most part without losing quality in Photoshop. When saving, you can choose the format, save quality indicator, and much more.

— Abundance of Photoshop tools

Side panel with tools - it helps out more than once, and this is the basis of working with Photoshop. On this panel you can find different kinds selection (from a standard rectangle to magic wand), brushes, erasers, geometric shapes, etc.

To be honest, this is the bare minimum of what Photoshop can do. After all, the program is limitless, and, therefore, its capabilities are the same. If you start studying Photoshop as much as possible, you can find completely different effects and functions.

What is the reason for the abundance of Photoshop possibilities? The Photoshop program has been created for a long time and is updated periodically. Specialists working on the update are trying to improve the program by introducing new elements that also need to be studied. There are many specialists, so there are many ideas.

To learn how to work in Photoshop, you first need to superficially understand what is there. In other words, know work environment- part of the panels.

“Styles” panel - adding assembled effects that look harmonious. In other words, style is a ready-made combination of certain effects. And “Correction” is a change in brightness, contrast and the like.

The “Color” and “Swatches” panel is responsible for ready-made colors, changing shades, and brightness.

To people who do not know how to use Photoshop, at first glance, it may indeed seem that working in this program is very difficult and literally impossible. But that's not true. Top panel Photoshop tools resemble the standard ones found in most programs. Scrolling through them, you can see many familiar and understandable things.

Something incomprehensible - like deepening the study of Photoshop. Try it and you’ll find out what it’s like. And if there is no desire, then this fragment may well remain unstudied. The basics of using Photoshop are explained in the article. You will always find what you need, because Photoshop resembles others graphics programs, however, has its own characteristics and additional features.

Photoshop - useful program. Some people need it for work, others for study. There are many reasons to learn Photoshop. But such knowledge will not harm. The program is universal, which means it is often useful. Now you know how to use Photoshop, if only because the program itself is very interesting.