How to completely remove iTunes from a Windows computer. Additional uninstallation tools

Last week I started wondering if a mini-epidemic had hit iTunes installations. Three times, within short intervals, someone contacted me and asked the same question: how to uninstall iTunes and its entire media library so that you can reinstall the program as if for the first time.

They all used panels Windows management to uninstall iTunes and the program seemed to be uninstalled, but when they installed new copy, their old library was still there.

Removing all traces of iTunes in anticipation of creating a completely new media library is not so easy. This requires removing several others Apple programs in a certain order. The whole process took me about 30 minutes on a Windows 7 PC that had about 2,500 songs in its media library.

On Mac OS X, uninstalling iTunes is even more difficult. The 16-step tutorial on iClarified explains the process, but as comments after the tutorial indicate, some iTunes remnants may persist after completing these steps.

If you don't have iOS devices linked to iTunes, Apple recommends uninstalling and reinstalling Apple services Mobile Device, as described on the Apple support site.

Since all three people who contacted me were interested in updating iTunes on a Windows PC, I'll focus on that platform here.

Uninstalling Apple Software.
Start in Programs and Features in Control Panel. Fast way access the section - press the key combination Windows-E, which will open an Explorer window with the “Uninstall or change a program” button at the very top.

Apple support identifies five programs that should be removed in the following order:
Apple Software Update
Apple Mobile Device Support
Apple Application Support

When I tested the instructions I also had to remove the panel iCloud management(which is listed simply as "iCloud" under Programs and Features).

After removing six Apple programs, restart your computer and make sure the following folders have been removed (if they are still present, delete them):

C:\Program Files\Bonjour
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\
C:\Program Files\Itunes\
C:\Program Files\doc\

Note that in the 64-bit version of Windows, the root folder is named "\Program Files (x86)".

Once you are sure that the folders have been deleted, restart your computer and then install latest version iTunes.

In my new installation iTunes still has some ghosts of past recordings; when selecting these recordings, the error “the program cannot find the file” appears. To get rid of phantom tracks I pressed the combination Ctrl-A to select all entries, and then Delete.

In , arising from iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, it's not always iOS's fault. Quite often, iTunes is responsible for them, the operation of which has failed. In such cases, it is necessary to reinstall iTunes, the correct implementation of which is far from an obvious process. We described in detail how to properly reinstall iTunes on a Windows computer in this instruction.

Remove installed version of iTunes

In most cases, problems with reinstalling iTunes arise due to the removal of components previous version utilities in the wrong order. Moreover, many users limit themselves to deleting only the program itself, and additional components, which are often associated with the error, are left on the computer. This, of course, cannot be done.

You must remove iTunes components in the following strict order:

  • iTunes.
  • Apple Software Update.
  • Apple Mobile Device Support.
  • Bonjour.
  • Apple Application Support (32-bit).
  • Apple Application Support (64-bit).

The uninstallation itself is performed in the add/remove program menu in the computer control panel.

Check if everything has been deleted

After removing all iTunes components, you need to make sure that all files old version utilities have been removed from the computer. Although such a check is not mandatory, it is recommended. Only in this case will you eliminate any possibility of an error occurring during installation new version iTunes.

  • Check your Program Files folder. If it still contains folders iTunes, Bonjour And iPod, delete them.
  • Check the Program Files\Common Files\Apple folder. If it still contains folders Mobile Device Support, Apple Application Support And CoreFP, delete them.

If your computer has 32-bit Windows version, instead of the Program Files folder, the directory of the old version of iTunes must be searched in the folder Program Files (x86).

Restart your computer and install the latest version of iTunes

After permanently uninstalling iTunes, restart your computer. Then download the latest from Apple's official website iTunes version and install it on your PC. The installation process is not difficult - you just need to follow the instructions in the installation file.

iTunes is a cross-platform media player that is designed not only to play audio and video materials, but also to download content from Apple store, creating backup iPhone copies and iPad. However, if Mac program works relatively quickly and without any errors, then on computers with the operating system Windows iTunes works unstable. Users often notice that software takes a long time to start up, it slow work and the appearance of errors.

Uninstalling iTunes via Control Panel

Installed with iTunes on a Windows 7 PC various components. Among them, it is worth highlighting Apple Application Support, Apple Software Update, Apple Mobile Device Support and Bonjour. These components are responsible for updating software, connecting devices and synchronizing them.

You can uninstall iTunes through the “Control Panel”, “Programs and Features” section, but ONLY in a certain sequence. It is prohibited to change the order of software removal, as this may cause undesirable consequences. The sequence is as follows:

  • iTunes;
  • Apple Software Update;
  • Apple Mobile Device Support;
  • Bonjour;
  • Apple Application Support (32-bit);
  • Apple Application Support (64-bit).

If iTunes has two versions of Apple Application Support installed on your computer, Apple programs), then be sure to delete both.

After uninstalling the program, you should restart your PC.

Removing iTunes manually

To manually remove iTunes from a computer running Windows 7, you should end all software processes, remove the program itself and its components, and clean the registry. Therefore, let's consider step by step instructions removing the player.

  • We complete the processes. To do this, click “Ctrl+Alt+Del” and select “Launch Task Manager” or click right click mouse on panel Windows tasks and select the desired action.

  • Depending on what programs are running on the PC, these are the services that will be displayed. Therefore, it is worth initially closing all Apple programs and deselecting all tasks and processes in the Task Manager.

  • In addition to the process shown in the screenshot, it is necessary to terminate “exe”, “AppleMobileDeviceService.exe”, “iTunesHelper.exe”.

  • Or, as an option, in order not to click all the processes in a row, you can right-click and select “End process tree”, and then confirm the selected action.

At the second stage, we remove the program and components through the Control Panel, as described above. The main thing is not to violate the deletion sequence.

After deleting, go to drive C and delete the following folders:

  • C:\Program Files\Common FilesApple\
  • C:\Program Files\iTunes\
  • C:\Program Files\iPod\
  • C:\Program Files\QuickTime\
  • C:\Windows\System32\QuickTime\
  • C:\Windows\System32\QuickTimeVR\
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple\
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple Inc\
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\

At the third stage, you need to clean the system registry. Before performing this operation, you should make a backup copy of the registry.

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “regedit”.

  • The Registry Editor will open. Click “Edit”, “Find”.

  • Enter “iTunes” into the search bar. Click “Find Next”.

  • All values ​​that relate to this program should be deleted. To do this, right-click on the section and select “Delete”.

  • After removal, you should reboot the system.

Important! If you are not sure of your actions, you should download CCleaner and remove iTunes and registry values ​​with it.

To learn how to remove program components, watch the video:

Comrades, beginners iPhone users, iPad and iPod, I welcome you to the waves of the site project. Today we will find out - how to delete music from iTunes. There are several ways to remove music from this program. We will delete all the music at once, but we will also help those who want to delete only some songs. Deleting a song from iTunes is also very easy.

The program has a section called Music, this is where all previously downloaded music compositions are stored. By the way, music is added to iTunes in almost the same way, although it is not necessary to install QuickTime. In order to get to the Music section, in the left top corner iTunes programs Press context menu Library and select Music (as in the image above). For those who use the left one even easier, select the Music section in it and see the entire music collection, which we will now remove a little.

How to Delete All Music from iTunes

If you decide to completely update your music collection, take and delete all the music from iTunes, then keep the two fastest ways:

Method 1. To use this method of deleting all music or individual albums, turn on sorting by albums (Album tab, right above the music).

  • Use the mouse cursor to select all albums (or some, while holding the Ctrl button)
  • Right-click on the selected albums and select – Delete

Method 2. The second method of deleting all music can be used while in any music tab of the iTunes program - Songs, Albums, Genres, and so on.

Using the first or second method of deleting music, iTunes will display the following:

Are you sure you want to remove selected items from your iTunes library?
These objects will also be deleted from any iPod devices, iPhone or iPad synced with your iTunes library.

Select the button – Delete objects, and goodbye music. Even a child can delete music from iTunes, we’ve sorted that out, now we’re trying to delete individual songs from iTunes.

How to Delete a Song from iTunes

If you do not want to delete your entire music library, but want to remove only some annoying songs from iTunes, then choose one of two methods:

1. If you sort your music in iTunes by albums, then delete songs like this:

  • Click on the album with the annoying song
  • Select a song, if you want to select several songs, then hold Ctrl
  • On one of the selected songs, right-click – Delete

One or more songs are removed from the album you selected in iTunes.

2. For those who do not sort music by albums, but simply throw a bunch of music into iTunes, we offer the following method for deleting individual songs:

As in the case of deleting all music, iTunes will ask you again:

Are you sure you want to remove selected songs from your iTunes library?
These songs will also be removed from any iPod, iPhone, or iPad that is synced to your iTunes library.

Since we no longer need these songs, click - Delete songs, and iTunes programs erases them from its library. Well, everyone has sorted out individual songs and all the music, delete for good measure, but know that by deleting a song (or all music) from iTunes, the music file is not deleted from the computer, so if you no longer need any song or album , then delete them hard drive your computer.

If you have forgotten where your songs are on your computer, then before deleting you can look at the path: in iTunes, right-click on the song, select - Information, in the window that appears, in the Browse tab at the very bottom the path where you can find the music file is indicated .

All owners mobile devices from Apple time From time to time they encounter problems when using. Not rare this program does not work correctly and produces various errors. To solve this problem, it is often recommended to completely remove iTunes from your computer and reinstall it from scratch.

But, complete removal iTunes is not that simple task. The fact is that other Apple programs are installed along with iTunes and you need to remove them all separately. Now we will tell you how to completely remove iTunes computer governed by operating system Windows 7 or Windows 10.

Step No. 1. Finish the work iTunes processes and Apple.

So that nothing gets in the way uninstalling iTunes It is advisable to start this procedure by completing the processes. To do this, you need to open the Task Manager (for example, by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-ESC) and go to the Processes tab (if you have Windows 7) or the Details tab (if you have Windows 10).

Next you need to study the list running processes and complete everything related to the iTunes program or product Apple. Most likely, you will find processes such as AppleMobileDeviceHelper.exe, AppleMobileDeviceService.exe, iTunesHelper.exe, iPodService. Feel free to complete all these processes. To do this, right-click on the process and select “Finish” or “Cancel”.

More detailed information about processes that belong software Apple companies can be read.

Step No. 2. Uninstall iTunes through the Windows Control Panel.

Once the process is complete, you can begin uninstalling iTunes. To do this, you need to open the Windows Control Panel. If you have Windows 7, then you can use Start to do this.

In Windows 10, everything is no longer so simple. Here you will need to press the combination Windows-R keys and execute the "control" command.

After opening the Control Panel, you need to go to the “Uninstall programs” section.

As a result, you should see a list of all installed programs. To quickly find all Apple programs, use search bar in the upper right corner of the window. Enter the query “Apple” and the system will show programs that relate to this company. Most likely, you will have 5 or 6 programs installed, these are: Apple Mobile Device Support, Apple Software Update, iTunes, Bonjour and Apple Program Support (or Apple Application Support).

In order to completely remove iTunes from your computer, you need to remove all these programs. This is done very simply, right-click on the program, select the “Uninstall” option and follow the installer’s instructions.

After completing the removal of one program, we move on to the next and so on until everything is deleted.

Step No. 3. Delete the files remaining after iTunes.

In order to completely remove iTunes from your computer, you need to additionally clean the folders from files that might remain there. To do this, manually open the following folders and check if there are any files there.

  • C:\Program Files\Bonjour
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\CoreFP
  • C:\Program Files\iTunes\
  • C:\Program Files\iPod\
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple\
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple Inc\
  • C:\Users\Username\Music\iTunes (folder with iTunes library, if you want to keep the contents of the library, then delete this folder no need)

If we manage to find something, feel free to delete it. Once completed, restart your computer and you are done, you have completely removed iTunes from your computer.