How to connect messages. MTS short message service review

In addition to basic communication services, MTS provides its users with the ability to exchange instant SMS text messages. Despite the rapid development of Internet technologies and the emergence of various messenger services or other communication applications, the SMS function is still in great demand among subscribers. After all, such conversations do not require access to network space. Today we will look at how to connect the service short messages on MTS.

Description of SMS Short Message Service

This service is standard for all operators mobile communications. It is compatible with all current offers and contracts. The idea is to communicate by sending text-filled emails. Typically, this type of correspondence does not have a high price tag. The cost depends on what is installed on the SIM card tariff plan, as well as from the region and locality. On average, one shipment does not exceed two rubles. It is difficult to imagine modern reality without SMS. Most tariffs and services are managed by them.

This service has several limitations and frameworks:

  1. You can write 160 characters in one message, including spaces during transliteration encoding.
  2. If you send letters in Cyrillic, the length will be 70 characters.
  3. If the specified norm is exceeded, the SMS will be divided into several parts according to size.
  4. Each specific part will be charged separately, according to the standard tariff schedule of the current contract.
  5. If you add to the text additional investment(photo, image), the letter takes on a different look and is called MMS. Accordingly, the cost increases sharply.
  6. Everyone entering the territory Russian Federation completely free.

To send a message to television systems, you will need to open it in the settings of your mobile device the corresponding tab. It is usually displayed in the form of a letter and is located on the main screen of the phone. If you go to this section, the correspondence history will be displayed in front of you. If on specific model If there is a filter, you can easily find a specific letter. Now correspondence is displayed in the form of chats; opening one of them, you will see the history of communication with a specific interlocutor. To create a new one, just click on the plus sign. Specify phone number recipient and type the text content. Don't forget to control the number of characters, it changes in real time as you type. Click “Submit” to complete. If your account has a positive balance, the procedure will be successful.

How to activate the SMS service

According to standard this service installed by default on all SIM cards. It does not require additional activation. But this rule doesn't always work.

If you have problems connecting to the service, contact any subscriber service office of your provider. You can find such an establishment in any locality. You can also call the MTS support service at 0890.

Operators are ready to help you at any time. Voice your problem to a specialist, after which they will send you automatic settings.

Attention! Common problem occurs due to overload of the smartphone’s internal memory. For this reason, you will not be able to receive incoming notifications. Clean from time to time.

Setting up SMS on your phone

There are often situations when it is necessary to set up correspondence, otherwise you will not be able to send letters. To do this, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Open the settings tab of your mobile device.
  2. In the Applications menu, find the SMS/MMS section.
  3. IN open window find the SMS center item.
  4. A field will appear in which you must enter unique number -+79168999100.
  5. Some models require Extra options: transmission channel type – GSM, storage – maximum, type – standard.
  6. If your device has two SIM card slots, provide information for each separately.
  7. Save your changes.

This technique corresponds to a system based on Android. For other device manufacturers and models, the procedure may be changed. This is due to the fact that each company has the right to modify the main menu at its own discretion. If the manual method does not suit you, you can order automatic settings through the subscriber’s personal account. They will be sent to your number as a message. For the changes to take effect, you must reboot the system.

If you decide to completely refuse all incoming and outgoing notifications, simply erase all the settings.

Features of using the service

This service is available to all subscribers, which allows you to send letters to all directions, to all operators. If you are outside the network coverage area, the communication channel is blocked and you will not be able to continue correspondence. MTS subscribers are able to send SMS through the official website. This method is ideal if you do not have your mobile device at hand. You are given 140 characters. Indicate your phone number and recipient contact information. Confirm your identity (robot verification) and click submit. The interlocutor will receive a letter from your number. Money for using the service will also be debited from your balance, according to the standard tariff of the established contract.

In addition, it is possible to write via personal account subscriber The process is not much different. You just have to register and log in to the Internet assistant.

Message encoding

The user is able to send and receive letters in different language layouts and encodings. For Russia, the standard is Latin and Cyrillic. If your phone supports another language other than Russian, when typing text, you can change the dialing parameters by clicking on the corresponding button on the switched on virtual keyboard. Moreover, the service allows you to send latin characters in a larger volume than the Cyrillic alphabet - 160 versus 70.

Message retention period

The sending process is as follows: after typing a letter, it is sent through the SMS center to another subscriber. But if on this moment the user on the other end of the line is out of network coverage or his phone is turned off, the letter you wrote does not disappear. It is stored in the service buffer, external memory provider. Once the user becomes available, the upload will complete. Such instant alerts can remain in a buffer zone for up to three days, after which they are simply deleted.

The duration and storage time after receipt is not limited in any way by the operator. Problems can only arise with the amount of internal memory. SMS can be located in the SIM card library; it can contain no more than 30 pieces. Therefore, you should change the place in the settings of your mobile device to internal memory or external storage. You should be aware that if the memory is full, you will not be able to receive incoming messages.

Delivery report

If you want to be aware of the status of your sent letter and know its status, then activate the reception report function. It can be installed in standard settings SIM cards in cell phone. Location may vary on all models. Go to the SMS/MMS settings and find the corresponding item. Move the slider to active state. Now, as soon as the subscriber receives the text message, you will receive a notification about successful delivery.

You will be able to request a report of one specific SMS. To do this, enter several characters *!#symbols in the filling before the text. Moreover, the function of the same name must be disabled in the smartphone settings. This service is one-time only and is valid for one shipment only.

SMS flash

This is an unusual way to write regular messages. After successful sending, the text will automatically appear on the recipient’s screen, either as a running line or as a continuous line. Unfortunately, this type of SMS is instantly deleted as soon as the user presses one of the keys on their device. They are not saved to the smartphone’s memory or SIM card.

Delayed delivery

In order not to forget to congratulate friends or relatives, write an SMS in advance. When a certain hour arrives, your cell phone will automatically send the parcel. This is done like this: type the special attachment “* DEFFER n # text”. "n" is a time interval, hours. For example, *DEFFER5#……. – your letter will be sent in five hours. Thanks to the short message service, the recipient will receive congratulations on time.

SMS package offers

  1. Send a letter without filling to the combination 0890.
  2. Enter short USSD command *113*374# .

MTS company offers its consumers great amount options providing packages free SMS. There are one-time offers for a one-time payment, as well as permanent basis behind subscription fee. Let's take a closer look at all the names:

Free emails do not apply to short numbers and landline phones. Balances do not carry over to the next billing period. If you want to communicate unlimitedly, then activate the “Unlimited SMS” service. For a subscription fee of 10 rubles per day, all your outgoing messages will be completely free within the network, and in all other directions 30 SMS per day are offered. To activate, dial the combination *111*2230#.

SMS is unique way communications with users throughout the country and the world. Your words will instantly reach the recipient, just connect SMS to MTS if for some reason the function does not work for you. Today you learned how to do this quickly and easily.

Despite the fact that the era of instant messengers has long arrived, text messages are still afloat. Unfortunately, they are not always used for good, and very often become a real spam tool used to send advertisements. In addition, there are services such as content services that may charge subscribers mobile operators additional fee. Today we will talk about how you can block such unwanted SMS messages, sending and receiving them.

Banning SMS content from MTS

Additional content from MTS is all those information services that offer the distribution of information that is interesting to subscribers. So, for example, today users can connect mailings interesting games and applications, sports and financial news, jokes and anecdotes, ringtones and videos. All this, of course, may be of interest to a certain audience. modern subscribers, however, when they remember or learn that such content services are offered for a fee, questions about their need immediately disappear.

Unfortunately, it is very easy to connect such services, and you can do it accidentally. This is why the ban on sending outgoing SMS to MTS short numbers is so important for customers of this operator.

In MTS, the ban on sending outgoing SMS to short numbers is activated using a USSD combination *984# , in your personal account on the operator’s website or in the application for smartphones and tablets “My MTS”. MTS subscribers can view current information about connected subscriptions and their costs using the USSD command *152# .

After this you can make a call to the number 0890 and disable those subscriptions that you do not need, or that you did not connect/connected by accident.

Return to use additional content services is very simple - you need to reconnect them through the content offering website .

Video instruction

Prohibition of receiving information messages

In addition to the content of services, attention should also be paid to advertising information messages, which often come from MTS and are more than intrusive. It is precisely because of such abundant spam that many subscribers do not notice important messages or messages about connecting content subscriptions - after all, the operator’s clients simply stop paying attention to what they don’t need advertising information.

Fortunately, MTS specialists still have a conscience, which is why they are implementing additional and completely free service, thanks to the connection of which you can completely prohibit the reception of information messages (both text and multimedia).

How to enable SMS ban on MTS

  • In the personal account system “My MTS”;
  • Using USSD request *111*374# .

However, it is possible that you will need to take it again in the future. information messages, or you are not satisfied with the condition under which the ability to receive messages sent from the operator’s website is limited. Fortunately, it is also possible to remove the ban on SMS from MTS.

All actions to connect and disconnect the SMS ban service are offered to subscribers completely free of charge.

The abbreviation SMS stands for Short Message Service, which translates as short message service. This is the most popular technology today, which has an undeniable advantage: the ability to exchange information at any time and anywhere.

The service allows network subscribers to exchange text messages with each other containing up to 160 characters when using translit encoding and up to 70 characters when using Cyrillic encoding. If an SMS message exceeds the specified number of characters, it is split into several messages, each of which cannot exceed 157 or 67 characters, respectively, and each message is charged separately.

How to connect?

The service does not require a connection. But, in order to be able to send text messages, you must:

  1. In your mobile phone enter the number of the short message center +375 29 7770000 ;

    You can receive messages without entering this number. This number entered using the menu of your telephone (see the instructions for the telephone).
    The entered number is stored in the SIM card memory, so you do not have to repeat the entry procedure when changing the device.

  2. Type the message text;
  3. Enter the phone number to which the message will be sent.

    The phone number to which the message is sent must be entered in international format, for example: +375 29 xxxxxxxx, +375 33 xxxxxxxx.

Depending on the phone model, the sent or received message is stored either on the SIM card or in the phone memory. The SIM card memory allows you to store from 10 to 30 messages. The phone will let you know when a new message arrives sound signal and the corresponding symbol on the display.

Encoding of received messages

By default, you are given the ability to receive and send SMS messages in the Cyrillic alphabet (Russian language). If your mobile phone does not support displaying text in Russian, you need to send an SMS message with the text On to the number 7770000, and then to set the “translit” encoding, send an SMS message with the text Eng to number 402. To return the “Cyrillic” encoding, you must send an SMS with the text Rus to number 402.

Message retention period

The short text message you send from your mobile phone is sent to Service center short messages (SMSC) and is sent to the subscriber at the number specified by the sender. If the recipient's phone is turned off, the message is placed in the SMSC buffer and stored there until the recipient turns on the mobile phone. The maximum time a short text message can be stored in the SMSC buffer is 72 hours (3 days).

Delivery report

In order to receive delivery reports for sent SMS messages, you must activate the appropriate setting on your phone. Also, to receive a delivery report, it is possible to specify before the text of the SMS message special team*!#message text (in this case, the delivery report in the phone must be turned off). This command works only for the SMS message in the text of which it was indicated.

SMS flash

SMS flash is the ability to send a message that is displayed in an unusual way on the mobile phone screen: as a creeping line or as text directly on the display. This message is not saved in the phone's memory and disappears from the screen as soon as you use any of the phone's functions. In order to send a flash SMS to an MTS subscriber, you need to form the message text as follows: *FLASH#message text. It is important that the * symbol is at the very beginning of the message, otherwise the SMS center will perceive it as the text part of the message and send it as a regular SMS.

Delayed delivery

In order to use sending an SMS message with delayed delivery, you need to form the message text as follows: *DEFER n#message text, where n is the number of hours for which you want to delay delivery. Thus, for example, you can prepare and send a congratulation in advance, which will be delivered to the recipient after a specified amount of time.

The fact of sending an SMS message is charged at the rate in effect at the time of sending.

International access

Delivery of SMS messages in the networks of other operators is possible only if you have roaming agreements with these operators!

You will not be able to receive a text message if the memory is full. Therefore, it is recommended to erase read messages.

It is not uncommon for subscribers mobile operator MTS is faced with a problem sending messages. As a rule, this situation arises when you purchase a new phone and it lacks the proper settings. In this article we will answer your questions about setting up SMS. Use our tips and you will always be able to send and receive messages.

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

You can also always read up-to-date and reliable information on the official MTS website. There is no point in turning to any other resources, since the information located there may be outdated.

How to activate messages on an MTS phone

There are two main ways to connect SMS. So, more details about each of them.

  1. Find the “Settings” item in your phone’s menu and from all the options offered there, find “SMS”. Next you will see the “SMS Center” tab. In a certain field you will need to enter the number +79168999100. If you want to activate the option called “SMS-Extra”, then enter the number - 79168960220. After completing everything necessary actions, you will need to restart your phone for the settings to work.
  2. The second option to solve the problem is to contact the so-called Internet assistant. To do this, you will need to go to your MTS personal account. Next, find the “My Number” tab and then select the “Settings” tab. There you should see the “Send settings” button, after clicking on it, you will receive a notification with the SMS settings. They will need to be preserved.

How to turn off messages on an MTS phone

Sometimes it happens that the subscriber wants to turn off reception text messages to avoid receiving messages from annoying users. This is exactly what we will talk about in this paragraph. There are several options that will allow you to disable receiving messages; we suggest you familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

  1. You can stop receiving messages on your phone by activating the “Content Blocking” option. This service can be used temporarily, since when you activate it, you will disable the ability to receive any data on your mobile number.
  2. You can disable the text message by contacting the MTS operator. Qualified specialists will definitely help you solve this problem.
  3. If you want to disable paid messages, in other words, subscriptions, then you can read information on this issue on the company’s official website or read our other articles, where we have already provided information on this issue.
IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.

Quite often, subscribers of the mobile operator MTS have problems with sending text messages, since they do not have the correct data settings for the SMS Center. As you know, in order to connect a mobile phone to the main Network, you need to configure certain parameters. If you need to enter correct settings to your mobile phone, you can always visit the official website of the MTS company and read all the necessary information there.

Setting up a mobile phone to send messages to MTS:

To set up SMS sending, you need to read the information provided below. There are two options for setting up this service: manual and automatic. You can choose the option that is most suitable for you, in any case the result will be the same, both in the first and in the second case.

  1. You can set up sending text messages using a special “Internet Assistant”. To do this, you should go to your MTS personal account. If you are registered on the site, you must save your login and password required to log in. Once you have entered your account, you need to carry out an authentication session, then go to the “my number” menu and then click settings. From the list provided, select "SMS settings on your mobile phone". After all the steps taken, a message will be sent to your phone, which you will need to save by pressing the “ok” button. The final stage is to reboot the phone, after which, that's it necessary settings will be activated.
  2. To set up text messaging manually, you need to go to the phone menu, find the “SMS settings” tab, where you will need to enter the SMS Center number, as follows - “+79168999100”. If you want to activate the special "SMS Extra" option, enter the number "79168960220". In both cases, you need to reboot the phone after the steps taken to finally activate the settings.
  3. You can install the so-called transliteration system, which allows you to enter 140 characters in one message for the Latin alphabet.
  4. If you need to block the receipt of SMS from a specific MTS user, use the “Ban content” option. Detailed information you can read on the company's official website.
If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

What to do if the Internet does not work on MTS

There are several ways to connect to the Internet.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.