How to connect an alarm clock service by phone number. Social alarm clock "Budist" changed its business model and became paid

Especially for those who have trouble waking up in the morning, I’ll tell you today about online service e, which became the leader of views in 2011 according to .

Buddhist– one of the most unexpected and original Internet projects of this year! What’s especially nice is that its idea was not copied from any foreign analogues (which is very common), but belongs to our compatriot Grachik Adzhamyan.

According to the author of the idea, he very often overslept important events. Once Grachik noticed that he wakes up best if someone calls him on the phone. unknown number. Such a call could be from potential client, which quickly brought him to his senses and forced him to instantly collect his thoughts)). This prompted Grachik to be very unusual idea, which has no analogues in the world.

Buddhist is... The idea is brilliantly simple: there is a group of “sleepyheads” (they like to sleep longer and have trouble waking up) and a group of “Budists” (they get up early and are ready to wake up others). Robot Budya connects them with each other in the desire to help each other)).

How does a Buddhist work?

By going to the social alarm clock website, you leave a request to wake you up at certain time. At the appointed hour, a Buddhist calls you on your phone and wakes you up as he sees fit. It all depends only on his imagination and sense of humor: if he wants, he will read a poem or sing a song, if he wants, he will arrange a funny prank for you or tell you, if he wants, he will whisper tender and affectionate words or come up with something else)). For example, he will give a lecture about )). In any case, a sea of ​​positive emotions and an unforgettable awakening are guaranteed!

If you don’t believe me, read the reviews of service users on the pages of the social alarm clock. Almost everyone is completely delighted with how they were woken up and is looking forward to the next morning and a new stranger (new stranger). Moreover, many have already managed to tie a bunch in this way virtual dating and even found your soulmate! Wonderful, useful and mega-positive service!

Social alarm settings and options

Now I’ll tell you what options are available in the social alarm clock. You can set a maximum of two alarms per day. Indicate your region (to correctly determine the time zone), phone number and name. What’s especially nice is that you can specify which gender of Buddhist you want to be awakened by: a guy or a girl (a mega-useful option!).

Sony settings

At the appointed time, a Buddhist or, if one is not found, a social alarm clock robot calls you, and with pleasant words makes you wake up. At the same time, your phone number remains completely confidential - all calls are made through the PBX of this online service.

If you want to wake up others (be a Buddhist), indicate at what time it is convenient for you to do this, call the number of the social alarm clock, the robot Wake up picks up a sleepyhead for you and connects you. All calls from mobile phones are free of charge throughout Russia. You can also subscribe to to be aware of who is in this moment I really need your help to wake up.

Buddhist Page

I don’t know about your friends, but I really like online services like this, based on the fact that people help each other. They connect us into one whole and give us the opportunity to give each other positive emotions and a positive mood.

If you liked this wonderful online service, please click the social networking buttons under the article and recommend it to your friends and acquaintances. Let's help this idea become popular!

It’s seven in the morning, I’m about to go to work, but I went to bed a few hours ago – the alarm clock rings vilely, then again and again, but all in vain: you can’t wake up the sleepyhead, and being late is guaranteed. Or the alarm clock managed to reach the recipient, but at what cost: morning sleep is interrupted, the mood is sad and the person sadly trudges to brush his teeth.

Common situation? I suspect that yes - there is hardly a single capable inhabitant of planet Earth who has not encountered such a problem. Since the invention of such a concept as “time”, humanity has only been struggling with this very time - and the problem of getting up early in the morning (especially on Monday, especially after an active Sunday) faces people at the level of the most important everyday issues.

It’s not for nothing that it is believed that as the day begins, so it ends; Scientists have long proven that a successful awakening predetermines further development day. It’s one thing to wake up in a bad mood and spend the next 12 hours in this mode, causing trouble for yourself and others, and quite another thing to wake up in good spirits, with the determination to move mountains today.

Many figures from various industries have been trying to solve the problem for decades, but a solution has already been found - moreover, by Russian specialists who created an entire social network called.

If you tell a stranger the essence of this application, he will probably twirl his finger at his temple. What our compatriots came up with is very different from the usual framework; It’s not for nothing that there are no analogues of “Budist” in the whole world.

The functions of the applications, available for, as well as devices on the mobile platform, boil down to the fact that Russian-speaking people around the world call each other and, in fact, wake each other up. Yes, yes, living people, like you and me. Everything is very simple - leave a request, where you write when you need to be woken up (you can do it several times a day) and indicate your phone number. And wait for the call - it will definitely happen; even if there is no live user, all the “lifting” work will be performed by the automatic robot “Budya”. However, rarely does anyone manage to hear it - there are plenty of “Budists” (as those who call here are called) and “Son” (those who need a call); Over the course of its one-year existence, the service has already accumulated a million active users.

Of course, the idea is amazing, but it seems that something very serious can come out of “Budist” - at one time Chatroulette was also looked at as wild fun. After all, the application gives priceless things - live, friendly communication. The same one required charge positive, which is so necessary for a person who wakes up early in the morning. After using Budist for a week, it’s unclear how I even lived before - listening to these disgusting crackling alarm clocks. It’s another thing to start the day with a cheerful conversation about everything - those who call are, as a rule, very cheerful and determined to get the “sleepyhead” out of the soft bed. Of course, the user can participate both as a “Buddhist” and as a “Sony”; to be the subject and object of an action. Honestly, waking someone up is much more responsible than listening to persistent admonitions to get out of bed: whether a person goes about his business today or continues to sleep peacefully depends on you. But the joy from communication and awareness of a useful activity is much higher.

Thanks to live communication, “Budist” reveals itself from a different, very unexpected side. The thing is that the program often connects people of the opposite sex and similar age (not least because the program is used by people of approximately the same age category). It is clear that in such situations, “Budist” instantly acquires shades of what is called “dating service” - young people call each other, get to know each other, find out names and places of residence. With a fortunate combination of circumstances, a random call turns into serious relationship– you can already find a couple of such stories in the service’s guest book.

Recently, it has become possible to record a conversation and post it on the developers’ website page - honestly, some are definitely worth listening to. Someone asks riddles, someone reads poetry, someone simply puts them in a positive mood; It’s gratifying that there are so many cheerful people in our country - and “Budist” helps them bring joy to the masses.

If you are tormented by some issues of anonymity (for example, you don’t want to give out your phone number to just anyone), then don’t worry - the application keeps everything secret. The same recording of a conversation cannot be posted without the consent of both participants; The phone number is strictly confidential - well, unless you say so yourself. Various side effects, such as when the caller may not be completely adequate, are stopped instantly: for swearing they give a temporary ban, and for anything more serious - a lifetime blocking of the account. Thus, people with deviant behavior are eliminated immediately - and this is very good. The application is distributed free of charge and remains free until the end - it’s not even free-to-play; They don't ask for money here under any circumstances. Calls, applications - all this is done without financial investment.

Even if we put aside any patriotic emotions, I really want him to shoot - and so far everything is going towards this. The service has already collected a number of mentions in major media (Afisha, Forbes, all kinds of regional television), and the developers went to Silicon Valley with a presentation: they say everyone liked it. Work on the English version is in full swing and it seems that we are witnessing a rare phenomenon when a Russian development creates a trend - and not vice versa.

The Budist service, through which users could order wake-up calls, is changing its business model. When the project was launched, it was completely free, but now you will have to pay 99 rubles per month to use the system. This was reported in a statement on the company's website.

The innovations came into force in May 2014. In the text on behalf of the founder of the project, Hrachik Adzhamyan, on the website, the introduction of a fee for using the service is explained by the fact that “to ensure free calls It turned out to be not so simple.” In order to keep the service free, the company essentially had to pay for each call itself. According to Ajamyan, “all conceivable and inconceivable means” were spent on this.

You can still wake up sleepyheads for free. Also, you will be able to wake up once for free to a Buddhist call. But in order to wake up with our service every day, you will need to purchase the “Budist+” package.

The duration of conversations organized through the Budist service is limited to two minutes. Users paid package will be able to communicate for five minutes. In addition, the price of the “Budist+” package includes calls from paid robots of the service, which, for example, can wake people up with the voices of stars or read out horoscopes.

The editors of the CPU turned to Hrachik Adzhamyan, who is now in the USA, with a request to comment on the changes:

Hrachik AdzhamyanFounder of the service "Budist"

Budist is ripe for international expansion, both from a product perspective and from a business model testing perspective.

The project makes constantly growing revenue, but is still unprofitable in Russia. At the same time, with exactly the same indicators in the USA, we would already be profitable. The reason is the cost of telephony. In the US, a minute of user conversation will cost us 5 times less, which automatically makes the project profitable, even if we do not take into account that the US has a higher paying audience.

Thus, we decided that it was time to throw all our energy and money into capturing the global market. To do this, we transferred Budist to a state in which the project will practically stop using up the team’s funds and resources. Using our three-year experience of working on Budist, we completely rethought the product and designed the Wakie service from scratch (as the project is called outside Russia), abandoning 70% of the functionality of Budist and adding several new solutions.

The Budist service has been operating since April 2011. During this time, more than 30 million wake-up calls were made through the site. In May 2014, Hrachik Ajamyan announced the launch of the English version of the project - the Wakie application. According to him, the start of work in the United States is scheduled for late May - early June of this year, and later it is planned to enter the markets of Canada, Great Britain, Singapore and Hong Kong.

"Budist" is a portfolio project of the Leta Capital fund. In mid-2012, it was announced that during the A round the project received more than $2 million with an approximate company valuation of $9 million. The startup has repeatedly become the winner of prestigious awards and competitions - the Runet Prize and Startup Monthly in Silicon Valley, and also received grant as part of the Start Fellows project by Yuri Milner and Pavel Durov.

In January 2014, another project from LETA Capital’s portfolio, the startup Displair, announced a change in strategy. The company's management decided to refocus from developing interactive aerial displays with a gesture recognition system to licensing existing technologies.

There is never a good morning. And even breakfast doesn’t really help anyone here. And the worst thing that happens almost every morning is the sudden ringing of the alarm clock. Agree that getting up of your own free will, or at least at the gentle request of someone else, is much more pleasant. But who could wake you up and cheer you up?

Today we will talk about the Budist application, which many have probably known for a long time. Of course, the application itself will not be able to do all of the above, but it can find those who can do it. Believe me, there are a lot of good people in this world. By the way, the application is available all over the world.

You will never oversleep. If suddenly a person doesn’t call you, then a robot will call you and will definitely wake you up.

By the way, about 50,000 people wake each other up every day, and in total one million users are registered in the application. Some of them are Sonya, some are Buddhist. Who you will be is up to you to choose. Personally, I would probably become a sleepyhead. Unfortunately, I can barely force myself to stand up, let alone other people.

In order to start working with the application, you will need to indicate your number mobile phone. You don’t have to worry about the confidentiality of this information; there are no problems with that. A phone number is needed so that the system can call you. All calls are completely anonymous and free.

After you enter your number, you will receive a confirmation code via SMS. If you still haven’t received the treasured message, you can ask for a voice code. The machine will call you and dictate the four digits of the activation code.

In fact, “Budist” is not just a “live” alarm clock. "Buddhist" is a real social network for those who wake up and for those who are woken up. Even your profile page will indicate how many times you were woken up and how many times you were woken up.

In the very first tab there is a list of sleepyheads, it only shows forward. From here you can choose a convenient time and sign up to wake someone up. If there is someone to wake up, the application will organize for you “ back call”so that you don’t pay for communication and will connect you with one of the sleepyheads.

All conversations between Buddhists and Sleepyheads are recorded, and a rating is subsequently compiled from them.

You can set your own alarm clock for any time you need. The only limitation is the time step, which is 5 minutes. That is, setting an alarm clock, for example, at 7:57 will not work: either 7:55 or 8:00 - choose.

If you have any questions (and, of course, it’s simply impossible to talk about everything), then most likely you will find the answers to them in the application itself. In the profile section there is a subsection with help. It contains not only answers to the most popular questions, but also advice for both sleepyheads and Buddhists.

Well, for an even better acquaintance with “Budist” you can visit official application. In addition, the site allows you to view user profiles and see who you have talked to. Soon such an opportunity will appear in mobile application.

"Budist" is not just a social alarm clock or some kind of technology. “Buddhist” is your mood for the coming day. Moreover, with the help of "Budist" you can make new acquaintances, if, of course, your interlocutor wants the same. Agree that nothing can make your day more beautiful than another person. The person who gently wakes you up will wish Have a good day, and at the same time talk to you about something interesting.

The main thing is don’t be shy. All calls are anonymous, so if you want to meet someone, then meet them. “Budist” is an entire social network that consists of those who like to sleep and don’t like to wake up.

Overall, Budist is the best, fun and unique alarm clock. An alarm clock that can make your morning good and joyful. And it’s possible that you won’t even wait until they wake you up, but will jump out of your warm bed early to wake up some sleepy person. It's worth noting that unlike all other alarm clocks, Budist doesn't need to be on all the time to work.

Name: Buddhist - social alarm clock
Publisher/Developer: LLC
Price: For free
In-App Purchases: No

The Budist service, through which users could order wake-up calls, is changing its business model. When the project was launched, it was completely free, but now you will have to pay 99 rubles per month to use the system. This was reported in a statement on the company's website.

The innovations came into force in May 2014. In the text on behalf of the founder of the project, Grachik Adzhamyan, on the website, the introduction of a fee for using the service is explained by the fact that “it turned out to be not so easy to provide free calls.” In order to keep the service free, the company essentially had to pay for each call itself. According to Ajamyan, “all conceivable and inconceivable means” were spent on this.

You can still wake up sleepyheads for free. Also, you will be able to wake up once for free to a Buddhist call. But in order to wake up with our service every day, you will need to purchase the “Budist+” package.

The duration of conversations organized through the Budist service is limited to two minutes. Users of the paid package will be able to communicate for five minutes. In addition, the price of the “Budist+” package includes calls from paid robots of the service, which, for example, can wake people up with the voices of stars or read out horoscopes.

The editors of the CPU turned to Hrachik Adzhamyan, who is now in the USA, with a request to comment on the changes:

Hrachik AdzhamyanFounder of the service "Budist"

Budist is ripe for international expansion, both from a product perspective and from a business model testing perspective.

The project makes constantly growing revenue, but is still unprofitable in Russia. At the same time, with exactly the same indicators in the USA, we would already be profitable. The reason is the cost of telephony. In the US, a minute of user conversation will cost us 5 times less, which automatically makes the project profitable, even if we do not take into account that the US has a higher paying audience.

Thus, we decided that it was time to throw all our energy and money into capturing the global market. To do this, we transferred Budist to a state in which the project will practically stop using up the team’s funds and resources. Using our three-year experience of working on Budist, we completely rethought the product and designed the Wakie service from scratch (as the project is called outside Russia), abandoning 70% of the functionality of Budist and adding several new solutions.

The Budist service has been operating since April 2011. During this time, more than 30 million wake-up calls were made through the site. In May 2014, Hrachik Ajamyan announced the launch of the English version of the project - the Wakie application. According to him, the start of work in the United States is scheduled for late May - early June of this year, and later it is planned to enter the markets of Canada, Great Britain, Singapore and Hong Kong.

"Budist" is a portfolio project of the Leta Capital fund. In mid-2012, it was announced that during the A round the project received more than $2 million with an approximate company valuation of $9 million. The startup has repeatedly become the winner of prestigious awards and competitions - the Runet Prize and Startup Monthly in Silicon Valley, and also received grant as part of the Start Fellows project by Yuri Milner and Pavel Durov.

In January 2014, another project from LETA Capital’s portfolio, the startup Displair, announced a change in strategy. The company's management decided to refocus from developing interactive aerial displays with a gesture recognition system to licensing existing technologies.