How to connect a regular computer (PC) to a Wi-Fi network? Set up your Internet connection. How to connect a wireless router

How to set up a wi-fi router without a cable?

    In principle, I don’t see a problem with this. As I understand it, the network connection does not work on the laptop, but Wi-Fi works.

    You can connect to any router via Wi-Fi if it has factory (basic) settings. The connection data must be stuck (or stamped) on the router itself (on the back/bottom side). Most often it says:

    IP -

    Username - admin

    Password - admin

    That is, you need to connect to the access point (there will be no password) and type this IP in the browser, then enter the username and password (admin) and configure the router.

    If the router has already been configured once, then it must be reset to factory settings using the Reset button. Look for it in the same place as the sticker; you can press the button using a paper clip.

    First you need to understand whether this is possible with this type of Router. Why exactly this, but simply because many manufacturers have wifi functions turned off by default.

    Open the booklet (instructions;.pdf) for the router and look for the following:

    1. The IP of the router in your case is (192.168.01 or sometimes it is written in back side Router on a sticker.
    2. The administrator name admin and the password in your case is missing (very often admin, admin is simply admin in the password line is empty).
    3. We need the default name of the Router in your case DIR300 (usually it matches the name of the Router).
    4. Need to prepare wifi setup on a laptop (depending on the OS), the settings must be entered manually, select in the network settings, wireless connection, wifi, in the wireless settings card type tc/ip protocol manually register static ip any after 1, for example (IP Addres), network mask (Subnet Mask), gateway address (Gatewai), first DNS address You can register or the one provided by the provider. Save and exit.

    We turn on the laptop and wifi on it and look for our Router among the available connections (a characteristic sign of it will be an indication of an unsecure network in the place of the encryption type).

    If you see this, then half the job is done, if not, then you need to reset the Router’s settings and try again to find it in available networks.

    If you see a prompt to enter your name and password, then everything worked out.

    Next, the settings are as per the instructions of the Internet service provider, regarding the settings of the WAN section. And the end of the setup itself wifi connections(change the name, encryption type settings, as in the Router instructions.

Best ways: How to connect a WiFi router to a computer

The question of how to connect a wi-fi router to a computer is asked by users when they want to use the Internet throughout the apartment and have free access to the wi-fi network from several devices. In addition, they are interested in how many computers can be connected.

Installing and connecting a router is a simple process, which, however, requires careful adherence to the algorithm of actions.

Router installation

Installing a router can be done in two ways:

  • via wireless network;
  • using a twisted pair (a special wire that usually comes with the device).

The second method is less preferable. In order to make a connection, three main components are required:

  1. Actually a wi-fi router;
  2. A desktop computer or laptop with an installed network card;
  3. Network cable.

Before purchasing a router, it is recommended to study the parameters own computers and other devices, since not all routers are compatible with all computers. Moreover, the older the laptop and/or software, the more difficult it is to find a compatible router.

ASUS routers are considered one of the most universal. ZyXEL also has good characteristics. Also, before purchasing, check the signal range of the device.

If you need a wi-fi router only to use the Internet from your phone or tablet at home, then these are quite suitable for you inexpensive models routers designed for 4–6 devices.

However, still pay attention to how many computers can be connected to the network at the same time.

Router connection diagram

Advice! Special requirements The device should be presented if you plan to create a powerful local home network for storing data. Also, when choosing, it is worth checking what speeds the device supports; they must be gigabyte. Otherwise, working on the Internet will become very difficult.

Wired connection

Connecting a router using twisted pair is quite simple, but with such a connection its operation becomes much more complicated.

In particular, you will not be able to move the computer away from it more than a certain distance. Therefore, this option is not applicable for laptops. But it may be a good solution if you have a desktop computer.

This wi-fi connection has its advantages. For example, it is believed that in this way the Internet causes fewer interruptions during operation.

  • First, connect an Internet cable to the router. Find the WAN port on the back of the device and plug the cable into it. Then take the network cable and connect it to the router into the Ethernet port, and the other end into the corresponding port on the computer.

Connecting the router to the computer

  • Set up your router. Open any browser and enter the device's IP address in the address bar. The address must be in the format The true IP of the router can be found on the sticker on the bottom or in technical documentation to the equipment.

Entering the IP address of the device in the address bar

After the IP is registered, the setup program will require you to enter your login and password. Then you can change the password for convenience. After this, the main wired network settings menu opens.

Important! If you are using wired connection, then pay attention to the number of connectors in the router. How many there are - so many computers you can connect to the device.

Wireless connection

If you intend to connect a wi-fi router wirelessly, then you will have to set up the connection in two stages. The first of them is the actual settings, and the second is work on network security.

  • In the router menu, open the “Wi-Fi” tab, and there find a tab called “ Manual setting parameters". The names of the tabs may vary depending on the type of router, but their meaning is usually obvious.

Manual wireless network setup

  • In the main settings we find the SSID field. We write the network name in it. This is the name that you will see when connecting to the Internet from any device. Set the correct region in which the wi-fi network will work. Next, you need to select a channel for data transmission. It is better to leave the one indicated initially. However, over time it can be changed if problems arise with access to the Internet.

Enter the network name

  • Choose wi-fi standards. It is advisable to leave the mixed ones installed by default. Now choose how many network users can connect several computers to it at the same time. If the number of users should not be limited, select “0”.

Choosing wifi standards

  • Go to the “Security” or “Security Settings” tab. In the field at the top, select the type of protection. WPA2-PSK will do. Enter the password in the “Key” field. Such measures will protect you from hacking and from those who like to use the Internet at someone else’s expense. Only someone who knows the password can connect the device to the network.

Setting up wireless security

The advantage of this method is that you can use the Internet throughout the apartment. And, in addition, only with this type can you connect the second, third and more computers located far from the device.

Setting up a wired network

Connecting a wired network is a little easier, it doesn’t require as much extra work with security parameters, how much data entry that is not always at hand. Go to the “Network” tab in the router menu, and from there to the “Connections” tab.

Fill in the blank fields, if any. If all fields are filled in, confirm your selection.

Go to the “IP Settings” tab. Here you need to indicate LAN network address and subnet mask. This data must be specified in the contract for the provision of services by the provider. However, sometimes this data is not provided. In this case, you can call the provider's customer support.

There you will be required to provide this information. Confirm your selection by clicking the “Save” or “OK” button.

Setting up a wired network

A wired network, although more secure, is not very convenient and does not allow you to connect the Internet to a second or even several computers. However, the choice of connection type depends solely on the user's needs.

How to connect a router to a computer

In order to connect the router to the computer, you need to connect a blue cable to one of the four blue sections. In the computer settings, the connection is configured in the Network and Sharing Center.


How to wirelessly connect a PC to a wifi router

Wireless technologies, indeed, much more convenient than bulky and ever-tangling cables. A desktop PC can also work from a wireless network connected through a router. Create such a structure home network, in which no wires are needed, is not at all difficult. To do this, you just need to equip your desktop computer with a Wi-Fi adapter. There are many such devices being produced now and they are quite cheap. Adapters can be either external, powered from a USB port, or internal, which are inserted into the corresponding connector motherboard.

The only one technical flaw The problem with such devices is that in practice they provide Internet connection speeds slightly lower than those declared by the provider. In this regard, a cable connection looks more advantageous. External Wi-Fi adapters connected via USB are not much different in appearance from regular flash drive, and the physical dimensions are almost the same. They look something like this:

Internal network cards are perhaps the best and higher-speed option. They are connected via a PCI or PCI-E 1X interface (one long, the other short), which requires opening the cover system unit. In principle, there should be no problems adding such a device to the motherboard yourself. The network cards of this sample look like this:

After installing the equipment (external or integrated - it doesn’t matter, they work on the same principle) you need to insert into optical drive a disk with drivers and a network access management utility, which is included in the kit. After installing these software components, a corresponding shortcut will appear on the desktop, and the device will automatically search for wireless networks within its range.

All you have to do is click on Wi-Fi icon in the notification area, select own network and enter the access password. The connection will happen automatically. This procedure can be performed in another way. Double click open the network management manager that appears on the installation desktop of the corresponding software. Here go to the “Site Survey” tab, which is translated into Russian as a list of networks available for connection. And here to choose required connection. The result will be similar to the first option.

How to Connect a Computer to WiFi: Step-by-Step Guide

Almost everything modern gadgets can be connected to wifi networks. This makes it possible to use the convenience of the Internet at high speed almost everywhere. There is an opinion that this only applies small devices, such as a tablet, phone or laptop (printer, camera, etc.). Many users are interested in the question of how to connect a computer to wifi, is it difficult, and what devices may be needed for this.

A stationary computer is called stationary because it means connecting all communications to it through various wires to a “permanent place of residence.” The PC can be moved in the future to another location, but this requires a major revision of cable routes, location of sockets, etc.

New recent years became the advent of wireless networks, thanks to which even a PC can be connected to the Internet via wifi technologies.

Below we will figure out what is needed for this, and in what order it is recommended to connect desktop computer to the Internet “wirelessly”.

The outline of the article will be like this:

Necessary equipment:

  • External wifi receivers;
  • Internal;
  • Router.

Installing devices on a computer and setting them up:

  • External receiver;
  • Interior;
  • Router.

Necessary equipment

Since the PC in most cases is deprived of the ability to find wireless network and connect with them, you must first take care of acquiring equipment that will give him such privileges. Let us consider in detail how it happens.

External wifi receivers

Such devices look very similar to a large flash drive: they are small gadgets with a USB plug at one end (see Fig. 1). In addition, they may have a small antenna to increase the “collected” signal.

Fig.1 External adapter (network card) Wifi from Tp-Link.

This device for connecting a PC to a wireless network is quite inexpensive (can be purchased for 10-20 USD). After purchasing, all you have to do is connect it to your computer via USB, install it from the included driver disk, make the simplest settings and connect to wifi. We will consider all these operations in detail after we get acquainted with another type of wireless network adapters.

Internal (built-in) wifi receivers

Their name comes from the fact that they are built inside the PC system unit. To connect to the “motherboard” use PCI interface, through which they are connected to special connector.

rice. 2 Internal wifi receiver (adapter).

These devices differ little in price from external ones, and installing them on a computer also does not take much time and should not cause any particular difficulties.

So which type of adapter should you choose? External or internal?

  • The external one can be quickly disconnected and connected to another PC;
  • The internal receiver will not take up free place on the table; in addition, it is less susceptible to damage, since it cannot be touched by the user.

The choice is yours.

Router (router)

A wifi receiver can connect a computer to the network only if it can “reach” it. In other words, the signal source - the router - must be within range.

Fig.3 Router TP-LINK AC1750

It receives a signal from the provider via an Ethernet cable, passes it through itself and “distributes” it to wireless devices (including a computer). Routers are more versatile and easier to use than access points. They allow you to simultaneously connect several gadgets (laptop, tablet, smartphone, PC...) to one network.

Connecting equipment

We move on to the promised description of the process of installing a Wi-Fi receiver for a desktop computer.

External wireless network adapter - installation and configuration

As an example, let’s take the TP-LINK TL-WN721N receiver model, which has proven itself to be a reliable receiver. It can be purchased for 13-18 USD, and it is ideal for Windows 7. In addition, it supports all types of data encryption, and has the ability quick creation connections. Maximum speed signal reception - 150 Mbit/sec.

rice. 4 External network card wifi TP-LINK TL-WN721N.

Step 1

We take the device out of the box and carefully examine the package, which should include:

  • The receiver itself;
  • USB cable (can be connected through it and used as an extension cord when searching for a better signal);
  • Instructions in several languages;
  • Driver disk.

Step 2

We connect the adapter to the PC directly, or through an extension cord (it can strengthen the signal, acting as an additional antenna) to a USB port. Next, ignore any messages about the successful installation of device drivers. You need to install them yourself from a special disk that we found in the receiver box.

Step 3

Insert the driver disk into the computer, and then launch the installation wizard. In the program that opens, select our model and click “Install driver and utility” (see Fig. 5)

Fig.6 Dialog window of the installer program.

During the installation process, the following messages may appear (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8):

rice. 7 Notification on a 32-bit system that the utility cannot be installed. This is not scary, so feel free to click “Yes”.

rice. 8 System Windows security 7 may warn about an unknown driver manufacturer. This is also not critical, click “Install anyway...”

After a minute or two, the process will end, and you will find such an icon on the taskbar (see Fig. 9). It signals that the receiver is ready to connect the computer to wifi.

rice. 9 Icon indicating the presence of wireless networks within the range of the receiver.

Step 4

Now that the adapter is ready to connect the Internet to the computer, all you have to do is click on that icon and select suitable network wifi

fig.10 Selection the desired network in the list of available connections.

And then enter the password (security key) and click OK.

Fig. 11 Specifying the network security key (password).

All. Your computer is now connected to the network via external receiver wifi You can start using the Internet.

Now let's move on to the next chapter of the article.

Installing the Internal Wireless Network Adapter

Step 1

For example, let's take the TP-Link TL-WN751ND model (approximate price - $15).

We take the device out of the box and unscrew the antenna if it is connected to the module (Fig. 12), since with it it will not be possible to install it in the system unit.

Fig. 12 Separating the antenna from the network adapter (by unscrewing).

Step 2

Open the cover of the system unit and look for a slot for the wifi module on motherboard(one of the PCI slots through which you can connect a Wi-Fi receiver is usually located below, under sound card) (see Fig. 13)

Fig. 13 Slot for adapter on the computer motherboard.

We connect and, after screwing the antenna back, we get something like this:

Fig.14 Ready for configuration built-in wifi module at your workplace.

Step 3

Settings internal map wifi is no different from setting up an external one: first you need to “install” the drivers, then find a network and connect your computer to it. We discussed these steps in detail in the previous chapter.

Installing and configuring the router

For example, let's look at the process on the TP-Link TL-WR841N model.

Fig. 15 TP-Link TL-WR841N.

Step 1

First you need to connect the router to the computer through which it will be configured. Figure 16 shows the connectors through which the router is installed (blue - for power supply; red - for the Internet cable entering the apartment; green - for connecting to the main PC, from where the network will be managed).

Fig. 16 back side of the router with connectors.

Step 2

We go to the web interface of the router.

Fig. 17 entering the IP address to enter the router settings.

To do this, in the browser, in the address bar, enter the router’s IP address with the http:// prefix (as in Fig. 17). This “set” of numbers varies. It can be read where it is indicated by the manufacturer in 99% of cases - on back cover devices.

Step 3

Enter the username/password pair. In 90% of cases this is admin/admin.

Step 4

Once in the settings, look for the “Network” tab, and in it “WAN”. Here you need to specify the network type. To determine which connection is suitable in your case, you can consult with your provider. Click “Save” and move on.

Step 5

Go to “MAC Clone” (in the same place, in “Network”) and click on “Clone MAC Address", after which we save the changes again (save).

Step 6

We go to “Wireles” > “Wireless Settings”, where we enter all the values ​​as shown in the figure below. The only thing you can think of is the name of the network and indicate your real region. Don't forget to save.

Step 7

Now go to the “Security” tab. Indicate the encryption type and its algorithm as in the screenshot (you can simply fill in everything in the same way as in the figure above). And, most importantly, come up with your own password for the created network.

Save all changes again and complete the router installation by rebooting. To do this, look for the “System Tools” > “Reboot” tab, in which we click the only “reboot” button.

This completes the router setup process. Now you can connect to the computer on which you installed the wifi receiver wireless Internet. You need to go through that PC to “Available connections” (as stated above), select the created network and connect to it.

Wireless networks are so ingrained in our Everyday life, that it is already difficult for many to imagine it without Wi-Fi networks. This standard is used in almost all devices - from personal computers to video surveillance systems. Now many in the family have their own personal computer, as well as a smartphone, eBook and other gadgets whose operation depends on the Internet. Therefore, Wi-Fi routers, or as some call them routers, are now available in almost every apartment.

With the development of IT technologies, routers can be configured from any device

Many people already know how to set up their Wi-Fi devices; to do this, just connect them and the computer to the LAN connectors and complete the settings according to the manual, which is almost always included. But what can you do if electronic computer not at hand? In this article we will look at how you can set up a router from a phone or tablet when you don’t have a PC or laptop at hand.

Before you start setting up your router, you must, of course, turn it on. We connect the power adapter to an electrical outlet and connect the main Internet cable to the WAN router connector, usually it is highlighted in blue.

Next, you need to reset the device settings to factory settings. It doesn’t matter whether you bought a new one in a store or have already used it before, you need to do this, because if it was already connected and configured, then it could have saved parameters that are not suitable for your network. To reset the settings, you need to find a small hole in the back of the device, next to which there will be the inscription “Reset”, inside of which there is a button. Take something sharp like a needle or pin and press while holding this button for a while. After about 10 seconds indicator lights on the router should blink, and it will reboot and restore the factory settings.

Connecting the phone to the router

If you reset the settings to default, then there will be no password for your device’s Wi-Fi network, it will be public. Go to your phone's settings, turn on Wi-Fi and find your network in the list of wireless networks. It may have a standard name, which will contain the name of the company that manufactured the device, and this network should also have the best signal level. If you doubt that this is exactly the network of your router, then try turning the device off and on, and on the phone your network should disappear from the list and then appear again. Click on “connect”, and if the connection is successful, the network status will be displayed at the top of your gadget’s screen in the form of an icon indicating that Wi-Fi is active.

Setting up the router

The process of setting up the device via phone is the same as in the case of using a computer or laptop. To configure, open any web browser installed on your phone, for example, google chrome, and in address bar enter the standard address for all gadgets or, click on the “Go” button. In the window that opens, 2 empty fields will appear, where we will need to indicate the login and code to access the admin panel of the router. Since we reset all the settings to standard, this data will also be standard, most often specified name user admin and password admin. If this data does not suit you, look at the bottom of the device itself or in the instructions, all this should be written there. Once you have entered these details, you should be taken to the router's web interface itself.

Actually, setting up the router itself consists of three steps.

Setting up an Internet connection

The main step is to specify the parameters of your provider; in the router’s admin panel, these settings are most often made in the WAN tab. Here you need to specify the type of connection to world wide web(for example, PPPoE, the most commonly used in Russia), as well as the username and password of the provider. This login and password pair was given to you upon connection. Try to find your contract that was given to you when you connected to the Internet, everything should be written in it. After specifying these settings, save them. You can also try to perform automatic step-by-step configuration of the device; some devices can do everything automatically, as well as determine the type of network through which your router connects to the provider. IN in this case All you have to do is indicate your username and password.

Setting up Wi-Fi

If you don’t want strangers to use your wireless network, thereby reducing your Internet connection speed, then you can set up Wi-Fi by setting a password for it. Then access to global network Only those to whom you tell this password will be able to receive it through your router.

Go to the Wireless admin panel section, and in the line Wireless Network Name - specify the name for your wireless network. By specifying the name of the Wi-Fi network, it will be easier for you to navigate when connecting other devices. Next, go to the Wireless Security tab and specify security settings. Select the recommended WPA/WPA2 as the security type, and in the Password field, enter your access code, consisting of at least eight characters. Don't overthink it complex password, because in the future you may have to enter it on your other gadgets, and this will create unnecessary difficulties for you when connecting.

Changing the password for the admin panel

To ensure that no one can change your options, even if you have access to Wi-Fi, you can protect your admin panel by changing the standard login and password pair to your own, more complex ones. Depending on the router manufacturer, these settings may be stored in different tabs, for example, System tools, having found the desired tab, look for the password parameter. Here you need to set your name and password. After the above, the device must be rebooted so that it turns on with the new options. After the reboot, open the list of Wi-Fi networks on your phone and find the network name that you specified during setup; you will also need to enter your new data. If everything is done correctly, the phone will automatically connect to the Internet. To check this, you can try going to any resource on the global network.

So we learned how you can easily set up a router without even having a computer or laptop at hand. In general, the setup procedure is almost the same as when operating a PC. If you have previously tried to configure a router from a PC or laptop, then doing it from your phone will not be difficult at all.

For a very long time, I was going to write this instruction, but it still didn’t work out. And now, the long-awaited moment has finally arrived.

In this article, I will tell you and show everything in detail in pictures how to set up a Wi-Fi router without a computer. Having only the router itself and the tablet. Well, or a smartphone. Moreover, it does not matter what operating system your tablet (smartphone) runs on. It could be Android, iOS, or Windows Phone. Can be configured from iPad or iPhone.

I was often asked in the comments whether it is possible to set up a router with only a phone or tablet. What to do if there is no computer, laptop, netbook, etc. in the house. It’s not difficult to imagine a case when you don’t have a computer, but there are many mobile devices that can connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. And you decided to buy a router to distribute the Internet to your devices.

But here a problem arises: “How can I configure this router if I don’t have a laptop. For example, there is only a tablet. Where can I find instructions, and is it even possible to do this?” Yes, you can. I'll tell you now. You can, of course, borrow a laptop, for example from friends, and configure it according to these instructions “ “. But this is not at all necessary.

What do we need?

We need the router itself, and some kind of mobile device that can connect to a wireless network. From which we will carry out the configuration. Well, the Internet should be in your home, I think this is understandable.

I checked everything and everything works. I will show the whole process using the same router as an example Tp-Link WR841N, and tablet ASUS MeMO Pad FHD 10, which runs on Android. You may have another device, such as a smartphone. It’s just much more convenient on a tablet due to the larger screen.

As for the router itself, it can be anyone, not necessarily Tp-Link. If you have, for example, Asus, D-Link, ZyXEL, etc., then only the control panel will be different. And so, in general, everything will be the same as in this instruction.

Preparation: connecting the router

First of all, I recommend doing a full reset on your router. It doesn’t matter whether it’s new from the store or has already worked somewhere, the settings need to be cleared. Perhaps it has already been configured, and we do not need any old settings. Because of them, many problems can arise. Therefore, look at the article ““, and do as it is written there. Done? Great, let's continue. If something doesn’t work out, we continue the same way, let’s hope that there are no settings that we don’t need.

We screw the antennas to the router (if they are removable), then connect the power cable and plug it into the outlet. We connect to the blue WAN connector network cable, Internet. Which the provider brought to your home (it would be good to be sure that the Internet is working and paid for. Otherwise, problems may arise during the setup process, and you will think that the router or the setup method is to blame).

Connected, the indicators blinked, everything is fine. If, after connecting to the network, the indicators on the router do not light up, then it is possible that it is turned off by a button, which may be on the body of the router itself. Check it out.

Now we pick up a tablet, smartphone, phone (whatever you have), and move on to the next point of our instructions.

Let's start setting up the router from the tablet

By default, Wi-Fi protection is not installed and your network is open. Now we will connect the tablet to it (this is in my case, when I write the tablet further, I will have to enter the device from which we are setting up).

Go to the network connections settings (we need to turn on Wi-Fi).

Here, attention! It will have a standard name and will be open. It is important to choose our network. If in doubt, simply unplug your router (turn Wi-Fi off and on on the device itself) and see if the network disappears. If yes, then this means this is your network, select it.

A window will appear. Just click Connect.

If everything is fine, the status “ Connected“, and an icon with network divisions will appear at the top.

That's it, our tablet is connected to our wireless network. You can start setting up.

Setting up a router via a browser on a tablet

These parameters must be set on the tab Network - WAN. Against WAN Connection Type select the required technology. And based on a certain technology, we set all the necessary parameters: name, login, static IP, or DNS.

Then, when all the settings are specified and checked, press the button Save to save settings.

Please pay attention Special attention, the settings I wrote about above. As I said, they are the most important.

Opposite the point Wireless Network Name, set the name of your Wi-Fi network (write only in English letters, numbers can be used). This name will appear on all devices.

Against Region, indicate the country where you live.

If a window appears, just click Ok.

Installing protection on a wireless network

Open the item Wireless - Wireless Security.

Choose WPA/WPA2 - Personal(Recommended).

Opposite the point PSK Password create and write down a password. This will be used to connect to your Wi-Fi. Use English letters and numbers. Make your password at least 8 characters long. Stick to letter case, it matters.

Be sure to write down the password on a piece of paper and put it in a safe place so as not to forget. Otherwise, you will have to reset all settings and configure again.

Changing the password to access settings

We need to change the standard admin and admin, which are used to enter the router settings. So that no one but us can access the settings.

Go to the tab System Tools - Password.

Set a standard username and password. And below, enter your new data. I left the username as admin, I came up with my own password.

Write down this password so you don’t forget it.

After pressing the button Save, a window will appear again asking for your login and password. You need to indicate the new data (which you indicated above) and click on the button To come in.

We will be taken to the control panel again.

For example, or may arise. I also wrote about this.


It was a huge article, a lot of screenshots, but there was no other way. I tried to make the article as clear and simple as possible.

As you can see, you can configure the router without a computer, but simply from a mobile phone or tablet. I think you can even set it up from a TV. And there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to follow the instructions and check the settings that you specify, so that there are no problems later.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, I will be happy to hear them in the comments!

So, you wanted wireless Internet on your devices, bought Wi-Fi router, but don't know what to do with it. Otherwise, you would hardly have come across this article. This instruction for beginners will tell you in detail and with pictures how to connect a router so that the Internet is available both via wire and Wi-Fi on all devices where it is required.

Regardless of what brand your router is: Asus, D-Link, Zyxel, TP-Link or any other, this guide will be suitable for connecting it. Let's take a closer look at the connection regular Wi-Fi router, as well as a wireless ADSL router.

What is a Wi-Fi router (wireless router) and how does it work

First, I’ll briefly tell you how the router works. This knowledge will most likely allow you to avoid making common mistakes.

When you simply connect to the Internet from a computer, depending on what provider you have, it happens like this:

  • A high-speed connection PPPoE, L2TP or other is launched to access the Internet
  • There is no need to launch anything, the Internet is available as soon as you turn on the computer

The second case can be implemented in different ways: this is either a connection with a dynamic IP, or the Internet via an ADSL modem in which the connection parameters are already configured.

At using Wi-Fi router, this device itself connects to the Internet with the required parameters, i.e., relatively speaking, it acts as a “computer” that is connected to the Internet. And the routing capability allows the router to “distribute” this connection to other devices, both over wires and using a Wi-FI wireless network. Thus, all devices connected to the router receive data from it (including from the Internet) via the local network, while only the router itself is “physically” connected to the Internet and has its own IP address there.

I wanted to explain so that everything would be clear, but in my opinion, I just confused it. Okay, let's read on. Some also ask: do you need to pay for Internet via Wi-Fi? I answer: no, you pay for the same access and at the same tariff that you used before, only if you yourself have not changed the tariff or connected Additional services(for example, television).

And the last thing in the preface: some people, when asking the question of how to connect a Wi-Fi router, mean “make everything work.” In fact, we call this “router setup”, which is required in order to enter the provider’s connection parameters “inside” the router, which would allow it to connect to the Internet.

Connecting a wireless router (Wi-Fi router)

In order to connect a Wi-Fi router, no special skills are required. On the back panel of almost any wireless router there is one input to which the Internet provider cable is connected (usually it is labeled Internet or WAN, and is also highlighted in color) and from zero to several LAN ports, which are used to connect a desktop PC, set-top box, SmartTV and other devices using wires. Most household Wi-Fi routers have four such connectors.

Connecting the router

So here is the answer to how to connect the router:

  1. Connect the provider cable to the WAN or Internet port
  2. Connect one of the LAN ports to the computer's network card connector
  3. Plug the router into a power outlet; if it has a button to turn it on and off, click “Turn On.”

Start setting up your router - this is what you need to do to get it working. You can find setup instructions for many router models and for most Russian providers on the page.

Note: the router can be configured without a wired connection, using only a Wi-Fi wireless network, however, I would not recommend this to a novice user, because after changing some settings it may turn out that reconnection When using a wireless network, errors will occur that can be solved very simply, but if you lack experience, they can fray your nerves.

You can connect an ADSL router in the same way, the essence does not change. Only instead of WAN or Internet needed the port will be signed by Line (most likely). Here it only needs to be noted that people who purchase ADSL Wi-Fi The router often already has a modem and does not know how to organize the connection. But in fact, everything is very simple: a modem is no longer needed - the router also plays the role of a modem. All that is required is to configure this router to connect. Unfortunately, there are no guides for setting up ADSL routers on my website; I can recommend using the resource for these purposes.

At the end of the summer, I transferred the entire Internet in my house to a wireless basis, and in this note I would like to tell you what device I used for this. Perhaps this information will be useful to you, because... I spent a decent amount of time choosing a router, which you can save.

So, the hero of this note will be a device called ASUS WL-500W.

This wireless router, and this is what it looks like:

At my house it works according to the following scheme:

Those. the entire Internet accesses the house via the Acorp Sprinter@ADSL LAN420M ADSL modem,

which through regular network interface RJ-45 connects to the router, which, in turn, distributes the Internet to the entire house via Wi-Fi with very good signal strength.

This allows you to enjoy Internet access anywhere in the house and eliminates "kilometers" of wires, and also allows you to connect to the Internet various devices without a computer - for example, the same Sony PlayStation 3 console or other newfangled devices that use the Network for various purposes.

Another feature of this router is that it supports the most new standard Wi-Fi is the so-called n-draft, which has throughput up to 300 Mbps, which in terms of megabytes will be about 30-40 MB per second! The standard itself has not yet been fully approved, but the manufacturer promises a painless firmware update after the standard is finally approved.

In addition, the router has 2 USB 2.0 slots into which you can connect a flash drive or external hard disk that will be accessible to all users. A kind of FTP server at your home. I haven't implemented this functionality yet.

In general, I liked the router, it works without failures, and has a good signal level. I recommend.

More detailed information(what chips were used, how to configure, etc.) for ASUS WL500W you can find.

If the power of the router is not enough for stable Wi-Fi coverage of an apartment, home or office, there is a need for additional devices. There are three ways to enhance weak signal main router: install additional antenna, repeater or another router. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages; let’s take a closer look at the third option.

How to set up a router

To configure the router, connect a computer or other device with a web browser installed to it:

  • You can connect your computer with a cable by connecting network card PC with a free LAN port of the router;
  • You can connect to the router via a wireless Wi-Fi network using a laptop, tablet or smartphone.

By default, the wireless network is assigned a name (SSID) identical to the name of the router model, and access to the distributed Wi-Fi network is not protected by a password.

After establishing a connection with the router, open it on your computer or connected wireless device web browser and type the router's IP address in the address bar. For example, for TP-LINK router the address will be as follows:

Illustrations taken from Settings TP-LINK router TL-WR 1045, other manufacturers' control panel looks different, but general principles, abbreviations and terms will be the same.

Entering the router's IP address in the browser's address bar will open access to the control panel

The correct IP address, login and password required to log into the control panel are indicated on the plate attached to the bottom of the router.

The IP address, login and password of the control panel are indicated on the nameplate on the bottom of the router

The login and password indicated on the sign apply only to the control panel, but not to the wireless network distributed by the router. After entering your login and password, you will see main screen, which displays information about the device status and provides access to menu items for setting modes.

Do not change the factory settings of the router unless necessary. After making changes to the router settings, reboot the device.

Video: setting up a Wi-Fi router

Two ways to connect routers

Routers are connected to one local network either by cable or by wireless channel. It is recommended to use devices from the same manufacturer.

Cable connection

Cable " twisted pair"(UTP cable) is laid between the main and additional routers. In the main router, the cable is connected to the LAN socket, and in the additional router - to the WAN socket (this socket is highlighted in color and is sometimes called Internet). With this connection, the additional router will be for the main one network device, and the main one for the additional one will act as a provider, distributing the Internet and providing a dynamic IP address.

Before installing an additional router, consider how the cable will be laid and carefully measure the length of the future cable channel. When purchasing a cable, buy one meter longer than measured cable channel, and ask the seller to immediately crimp the ends of the cable into the connectors. If the cable channel runs outside the premises and is exposed to natural influences, then purchase a cable with a reinforced sheath.

Advantages of the method:

  • reliability and stability cable connection;
  • easy setup of both routers;
  • The installation location of the additional router is not limited by the wireless coverage area of ​​the main router.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • the need to purchase and lay cables;
  • When moving the router, the cable will have to be moved to a new location.

Configuring routers when connected by cable

If main router If you are already configured to work with the provider and have no complaints about the work, you do not need to change anything in the settings.

Make sure that the DHCP function in the main router is enabled to automatically distribute IP addresses on the local network. The start and end IP addresses do not need to be changed.

Setting up an additional router

It is recommended to immediately reset any changes made to the router settings to those preset by the manufacturer. To do this, turn on the router, find on the back panel Reset button, press and hold for 5–7 seconds. To protect against accidental reset of settings, the button is hidden inside the case and can be pressed through the hole using a needle or an unbent paper clip.

An example of the location of the reset button on the back panel of the router: the button is hidden inside, only the hole for pressing is visible

In the additional router, two settings are checked and set:

Making changes to the additional router’s own IP address allows you to avoid conflicts of identical addresses on the same network

After changing the router's IP address, to re-access the control panel, enter the new address in the browser's address bar.

There is a cable connection option in which the cable is connected to the LAN port of an additional router. This option requires complex setup and does not provide any advantages over a WAN port connection.

Wi-Fi connection

Advantages of the method:

  • does not require physical connection of routers with a cable;
  • makes it easy to move if necessary additional router.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • relative complexity of setup;
  • slowdown in wireless network speed.

The main router receives Internet from the provider and distributes it via the wireless network LAN1; the additional router receives the Internet wirelessly from the main router and distributes it via the LAN2 wireless network

Configuring routers when connecting via Wi-Fi

When two routers are connected on a local network via a wireless channel, a “bridge” connection is used, in English Wireless Distribution System (WDS), designed specifically to expand Wi-Fi coverage area.

Understanding Bridged Connectivity (WDS)

When installing this type of connection, the main router operates in standard mode, and the additional one performs the function Wi-Fi booster, receiving and distributing the signal further.

To connect routers in bridge mode, you need to establish a permanent (fixed) communication channel between them and specify the physical addresses of the connected devices in the settings. To set up a “bridge”, both routers are turned on, the main router is configured in advance for the provider, receives and distributes the Internet, and the settings of the additional router are pre-set to the factory settings by pressing the Reset button.

Configuring the main router for WDS mode

Mode automatic selection We change the broadcast channel to a fixed channel mode (for example, to the 11th channel).

Installation fixed number channel prevents the router from automatically scanning the air and selecting the least loaded channel. Therefore, if other wireless networks are operating nearby, you may have to manually experimentally select the least loaded channel or use special program to search for a free channel. The channel number must be changed simultaneously on both routers - the main and additional ones.

Setting up an additional router for WDS mode

On home page In the router control panel, the “WDS Status” line should display “working.” This means that the additional router has connected to the main router and is distributing the Internet.

Video: how to make a Wi-Fi network between routers (WDS)

Creating a complex network requires knowledge and experience. If you are confident in your abilities, use our instructions. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to ask for help.