How to fake a screenshot or don’t believe the beautiful numbers in the picture. Making a screenshot of the receipt

A screenshot (screenshot, English screenshot) is an image obtained by a computer and showing exactly what the user sees on the screen of a monitor or other visual output device (usually without a mouse cursor) at a specific moment in time. Usually this digital image obtained by the operating system or other program at the user's command. Much less often, screenshots are obtained using external device, such as a photo/video camera, or by intercepting a video signal from a computer to a monitor.

Screenshots have important evidentiary value. They are usually used to record the fact that information is posted on the Internet that does not correspond to reality or violates exclusive rights. Screenshots are used when presenting documents and evidence, in particular, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of contractual obligations (for example, failure to fulfill the obligation to promote a site in a search engine).

Presentation of evidence

  • the circumstances on which the parties' arguments are based;
  • presence or absence of a violation;
  • guilt and other circumstances relevant to the case.

Thus, screenshots can act as evidence in court, as well as in proceedings regarding an administrative offense.

In relation to the arbitration process, the use of screenshots as written evidence is regulated by Part 3 of Art. 75 Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Document fragment

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Part 3 art. 75 Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation

Documents received by fax, electronic or other communication, including using the Internet information and telecommunications network, as well as documents signed electronic signature or another analogue of a handwritten signature, are allowed as written evidence in cases and in the manner established by this Code, other federal laws, other regulatory legal acts or an agreement, or determined within the limits of its powers by the Supreme Arbitration Court Russian Federation.

The Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, unlike the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, does not limit the possibility of using screenshots as written evidence only in cases provided for current legislation RF or treaty. By virtue of Part 1 of Art. 71 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court will consider any documents and materials as evidence. Moreover, it does not matter whether they are made digitally or in graphics, or whether they are received by fax, electronic or other communication. The main thing is that they allow us to establish the authenticity of the document.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes that documents are recognized as evidence if the information stated or certified in them is important for the proceedings of the case. They may contain information recorded both in writing and in another form. Documents may include photo and film materials, sound and video recordings, information bases and data banks and other information media (parts 1 and 2 of Article 26.7).

In some cases, the current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of using screenshots. An example is filing a claim in an arbitration court with an appendix to it as one of necessary documents screenshot.

Clause 9, Part 1, Art. 126 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation establishes that a claim filed in court is accompanied by an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs indicating information about the location or place of residence of the plaintiff and defendant or another document confirming this information. However, the law does not specify in what form such an extract should be presented.

At the same time, the resolution of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2011 No. 12 states that another document in the sense of clause 9 of Art. 126 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, there can be a copy of the page of the official website of the tax inspectorate, printed and certified by the signature of the plaintiff or his representative, containing information about the location legal entity and the date of their update.

This approach is also used by lower arbitration courts.

Arbitrage practice

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The court of first instance, having considered that printouts from the tax service website are not official documents confirming the plaintiff’s fulfillment of the requirement of clause 9, part 1, art. 126 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, left the filed claim without progress, and later returned the statement of claim.

The district court overturned the ruling of the previous arbitrators. He indicated that the screenshot confirms the placement of information subject to disclosure. Documented information is information recorded on a tangible medium with details that make it possible to identify such information or its material carrier(Clause 11 Article 2 Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection”). Screenshot printouts meet these requirements. There are no grounds to question the reliability of the information received by the plaintiff through the official website of the tax service and duly certified (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga-Vyatka District dated April 27, 2011 in case No. A82-12456/2010).

Screenshots can be used in other cases, since such a possibility, although not provided for by law, does not contradict it. Screenshots can be used “equally” with other evidence if they meet all established requirements.

Arbitrage practice

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The tax inspectorate assessed additional income tax to the company and brought it to justice. The reason was the lack of documents confirming the costs of acquiring access to information under an agreement on corporate know-how. However, the court declared the tax inspectorate's decision illegal.

In support of its expenses, the company provided screenshots, an agreement, acts of access to corporate information, invoices and payment orders, opinion of Heineken International B.V. that the information is know-how under Dutch law, the testimony of its director that the information was received under e-mail, and the circle of persons entitled to receive it is limited. The courts took into account that the organization had access to information in in electronic format, eliminating the possibility of printing, and that the information obtained improved the quality of the product. The information received helped the company receive awards at exhibitions and reduce its workforce (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Ural District dated August 25, 2010 No. F09-6734/10-S3 in case No. A47-7911/2009).

In another case, a firm was held liable for failing to place World Wide Web sizing information own funds as of specific date. This fact was confirmed by the FFMS department by inspection reports of the company’s website page with a screenshot attached. The court rejected the society’s reference to the fact that screenshots cannot be accepted as proper and reliable evidence as unfounded (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated August 30, 2011 in case No. A70-23/2011).

Screenshots are equally subject to all the requirements for evidence, and first of all, relevancy (the ability for the court to accept only those evidence that is important to it when considering and resolving a case). A screenshot used as evidence in a case must have significance for him, otherwise it cannot be considered evidence.

Arbitrage practice

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The court considered the screenshots submitted by the tax inspectorate to the case file to be inadequate evidence. Screenshots confirmed that the founder of the company was individual, which was the founder of a lot of other organizations. On this basis, the tax inspectorate concluded that the taxpayer had no real business transactions with this company. At the same time, the court indicated that the above argument in itself does not prove the absence of such operations. In addition, the screenshots submitted to the case were not certified (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga-Vyatka District dated September 3, 2007 in case No. A79-7532/2006).

Registration requirements

Screenshots are drawn up and presented in documented form.

Roskomnadzor, responding to violations and abuses in the field of mass media, formats screenshots as evidence as follows. An official with the help standard means operating room Windows systems, internet browser Internet Explorer saves a screenshot (screenshot) containing an Internet media web page on which the information is posted. The screenshot is printed and signed by an official indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and position, as well as the time of signing. The file containing the screenshot is saved on the computer’s hard drive (paragraph 2, clause 3 of the Procedure for sending appeals about the inadmissibility of abuse of freedom of media to the media, the distribution of which is carried out in information and telecommunication networks, including on the Internet (approved. by order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, information technologies And mass communications dated 07/06/2010 No. 420)).

The given rules for the design of screenshots allow you to evaluate them as evidence in the case. Indeed, a simple printout of a screenshot without indicating the date, time, website from which it was taken, without the signature and initials of the artist cannot be considered as proper evidence.

Arbitrage practice

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An agreement was concluded between the organizations for the provision of services for the maintenance of an Internet project, the subject of which was the promotion of the customer’s website: bringing it to the TOP 10 for queries in the search engine Yandex system within 6 months. The customer analyzed the requests and determined that not all positions were displayed. Considering that the services were provided improperly, the customer went to court. He provided screenshots as confirmation.

The court indicated that the photographs presented by the plaintiff do not indicate improper fulfillment by the counterparty of its obligations to promote the site. The plaintiff could not prove that the screenshots belong to the promoted site. Also missing information:

  • about the date and exact time of their compilation;
  • about the person who displayed the image on the screen and printed the screenshot;
  • O software and used computer equipment.

Another significant circumstance, according to the court, is the fact that the situation in search engines changes every second. This means that in order to objectively assess the position of a site on the Internet, it is necessary to provide information about the dynamics for the entire period of validity of the agreement between the parties (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated December 6, 2010 in case No. A56-11028/2010).

So the printed screenshot is:

  • must be certified by the signature of the person who made the printout (indicating the surname and initials);
  • must be sealed (if any);
  • must contain information about the date when the printout was made, as well as an indication of the corresponding website.

In practice, preference is given to screenshots drawn up by notaries in the form of a protocol for inspecting Internet pages.

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Art. 102 Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries (approved by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on February 11, 1993 No. 4462-1)

At the request of interested parties, the notary provides the evidence necessary in the event of a case arising in court or an administrative body, if there are grounds to believe that the provision of evidence will subsequently become impossible or difficult.

Art. 103 of the same document establishes that in order to secure evidence, the notary interrogates witnesses, examines written and material evidence, and appoints an examination. From this article it follows that it is possible to draw up a protocol for inspecting a page on the Internet (decision of the Moscow City Court dated July 1, 2010 in case No. 33-19477). It should contain a description consistent actions by accessing the website (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated November 13, 2008 No. F04-6221/2008(15680-A45-4) in case No. A45-1450/2008-6/17).

Given the nature of the Internet, providing evidence is an urgent matter. Therefore, a notarial protocol can be drawn up without notifying one of the parties or interested parties (ruling of the St. Petersburg City Court dated June 20, 2011 No. 33-9194/2011).

At the same time, from Art. 103 Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries, the possibility of a notary registering a screenshot is not considered as his exclusive prerogative. Any interested party can take a screenshot and present it as evidence.

Moreover, if we are talking about a violation of rights and interests protected by law by information, the fact of placement of which is recorded by a screenshot, then the victim can contact the internal affairs authorities with a statement about the violation of his rights, indicating the information and a link to the site. The police will conduct an inspection and issue a procedural document, which will contain information about the measures taken, including an examination of the materials on the website. This paper can be used as evidence.

A complaint about any information posted on the site can be submitted to Federal service for supervision in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications (Roskomnadzor), which will take a screenshot and make a decision in accordance with the already mentioned order.

Briefly about the main thing

Current legislation does not exclude the possibility of using screenshots as evidence. They are subject to all requirements for written evidence.

A screenshot can be taken either by a notary or in simple written form by the interested party himself (indicating the date and time of the picture; the signature and initials of the person who took it; the website from which it was taken).

When registering a screenshot with a notary, the protocol for inspecting a page on the Internet must contain a description of the sequential steps to access the site. When taking a screenshot in simple written form, you can simultaneously contact law enforcement agencies with complaints about unlawful actions of persons posting information that does not correspond to reality. Procedural documents (decrees, decisions, acts, etc.) received from such bodies can subsequently be used as evidence along with screenshots.


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And so on.) .

One of these frequently asked questions is - what is a screenshot or screenshot (as network regulars often call it). Well, really, if you are on friendly terms with the computer, then how do you know this?

For example, if you have a problem with a program, its developers may ask you to take a screenshot and send it to them. And how to do this, even if it is not clear what it is. Today in this short note I will try to be as detailed as possible (for beginners) explain what a screen is, and how is this miracle possible do it yourself using the operating system or special programs. All this is not difficult at all - you just need to receive the appropriate instructions.

What is a screenshot and why might it be needed?

So let's start with what is a screenshot? Essentially, this is a screenshot (this is how this term is translated into Russian, if we take as a basis the word screenshot, from which it comes). Then we are faced with another task - to find out what is a screenshot? Well, this will be easier. In your daily practice, you come across a lot of screens (television, computer, mobile, etc.). So, a screenshot (screenshot) is an image of what you are in this moment on this very screen you watch.

For example, let's say you play computer game and wanted to capture an interesting moment or series of moments. How to do it? Usually, a combination of hot keys is used for this, and the result (screenshots) can then be viewed in a folder specially designated for this or on the clipboard. The same can be done when watching a movie (you can take screenshots in the form of still frames).

But this is not limited to films and games - you can capture anything. On devices that have their own operating system (computers, laptops, smartphones, etc.), as a rule, there are built-in capabilities for taking screenshots (for example, on a computer or laptop you can click on Print Screen or Alt + PrintScreen, and then search for the photograph taken in ) or you can use third-party extensions (programs) for this.

Let's summarize. What is a screen? This is the image, which contains displaying what you see on the screen computer or gadget. By the way, the snapshot may not contain the entire contents of the screen, but only separate window applications or a separate area of ​​the screen (selected by you when taking the screenshot). For example, this screenshot was taken while writing this article (do you recognize it?):

Many programs for taking screenshots allow you to process this image - add labels, lines, arrows, highlights and so on. This is exactly what I do when I work on articles on this blog, i.e. I add all sorts of things to the screenshots to emphasize what it’s about we're talking about. For example, like this:

Next, the screen can either be saved on your computer or sent to someone by email or via the Internet. For implementation last chance(quickly share screenshots you take with your opponents) there are tons of free programs, which will be discussed below. It’s very convenient - you quickly take a screenshot and immediately receive a link to its file (it is automatically sent to the Internet) to send it to your friend, acquaintance, or to the support service of some annoying program. Screenshots are power.

Do you know which one the easiest way to take screenshots comes to mind for novice computer users? That's right, take a picture of the screen using a phone or camera, and then send the resulting file by mail or via mobile phone. Just business. But believe me, this is not the most The best way, because the final image will have too many artifacts - glare, distortion, darkening, lightening, etc. In general, it's a complete mess. Moreover, you will make yourself look like a lamer (a person who does not know how to use a computer). Do you need it?

So I think it’s not necessary. Therefore, let’s quickly remember what screenshots are, and we learn to do them once or twice using the simplest instructions described below for all occasions. Don’t blame me, but I’ve already written about all this in some detail, and I won’t describe many points, I’ll just give links to my other articles, where all this is in more detail chewed. Agreed? Well, that's great.

How to make this same screen on a computer, laptop or phone?

Oh, it's very simple. The main thing is to understand what a screenshot is, and there are plenty of ways to take one. So, let's take a closer look at everything first for computers and laptops. Let me put all the material in the form of a list to make it easier to perceive:

  1. The most obvious, but not the most convenient way- use the key Print Screen(to take a screenshot of the entire screen) or a combination Alt keys+ PrintScreen (to take a screenshot of only the currently active window in which the cursor is located).

    The screen image itself goes to the clipboard (if you take the next screenshot, the previous one will be deleted from the buffer) and you will need to pull it out from there using any graphic editor installed on your computer (you can use it). In any case, at least you will have a Point. Read all other details here:

  2. IN modern versions Windows starting with Vista has a built-in program called "Scissors"(“Start” - “Programs” - “Accessories” - “Scissors”). What it is? Well, this is already a much more advanced tool than the one described above. simplest option. Here you will have the opportunity to see what you took and, if necessary, add some highlights and inscriptions.

  3. You can install the program on your computer or laptop Snagit, which really costs money. This is what I use to create screenshots, because it is very convenient and functional. If you, like me, need to constantly take and process screenshots, then install it and don’t think about anything, because... this is probably the best option of those existing on the market. Moreover, in RuNet there are no problems with paid programs, when every second person has Photoshop, although it costs a thousand evergreen money.

    What are screenshots made in Snagit? These are masterpieces, all without exception. The program is so simple and convenient that it will not allow anyone to spoil anything.

    It can even be useful when recording webinars. See more details here: .

    Modern phones, and especially smartphones are essentially the same computer, and their OS allow you to do exactly the same as on a computer (create files displaying what you are currently seeing on the screen). For this purpose they are used certain combinations keys, which may vary depending on the model and type of operating system used on the phone.

    The main ones now are operating iOS systems(used on iPad and iPhone) and Android (used by the vast majority of smartphone and tablet manufacturers). Yes, and also on Windows Phone There are phones, but mostly from Nokia. So let's find out for them key combinations for taking screenshots:

    I hope that in this article I was able to clearly explain what a screenshot is in relation to both the computer and mobile phone. And most importantly, you have stopped being afraid of the unknown and have confidently mastered another layer of computer wisdom, which will certainly be useful to you in the future practice of communicating with these “smart” human friends. Adies, amigos.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    Electronic payments have not just become part of our Everyday life - they are actively replacing the inconvenient and outdated method of payment through bank offices and terminals. Online payments allow you not only to quickly transfer and receive funds, but also to borrow money or pay off loans. After all, to pay online, you don’t need to leave your home, wait in line, or find time in your busy schedule to spend it at the bank’s office. What if the payment was made online via ? How to take a screenshot of a check in Sberbank Online? How to save it? We will talk about this in this article.

    Sberbank Online allows you to save a receipt both immediately after the operation and some time after it. Why and what is it - It’s quite clear: to confirm a payment, sometimes you need to present a payment in paper or electronic form.

    How to save a receipt

    After confirming the payment, the inscription “Done”, stylized as a seal, appears on the monitor screen, and under it there is a small button “Print receipt”. After clicking, a window for printing settings appears, even if the printer is connected. There is a “Change” button next to the printer name in case you need to connect another device.

    Then, to save the file correctly, you need to select one of three formats: PDF, FAX, or Microsoft XPS Document writer. Having chosen the one that is convenient for you, save the document using the button at the top of the screen. Now specify the desired folder to save and that's it - your receipt has been saved.

    Save to PDF

    PDF receipts are useful for those users who do not have a printer, but want to save the receipt electronically. In this case, after the document is received, you need to press the “Change” button, and then select “Save as PDF” in the settings. Now all you have to do is come up with a name for the file and choose a place to store it, after which you can dump it onto a flash drive and print it out as soon as possible.

    How to save some time after payment?

    The advantage of paying online is the ability to print a receipt, even if you need it days after payment, and not store a bunch of unnecessary receipts.

    Before printing a document from a week ago, go to the “Transaction History” and find what you are looking for there. Open it and proceed as shown in the screenshots below.

    Item “Operation history”

    Search settings for the required operation

    Receipt printing function

    The procedure for saving a receipt in the memory of a mobile gadget

    • after payment, the “Save Receipt” button appears at the bottom of the screen;
    • when saving a document, the “Sberbank” folder will automatically appear in the gadget’s gallery, and subsequently all receipts will appear there;
    • to save the old payment, look for it in the general list and follow the same procedure.

    The file received in this way can not only be sent by e-mail, but also sent to the recipient by message in any instant messenger or via SMS.

    Let's screen the check

    To copy a check from among those received to Sberbank Online, you need to decide from which device you will do this. Instructions on how to save a screenshot of a payment receipt on a PC and a smartphone will differ, so we’ll consider both options.

    On a desktop PC

    How to copy a screenshot to a PC and download it so that you can print it?

    First, open “Payment History” in personal account Sberbank Online, then:

    If a copy of the payment needs to be provided to officials or an organization, then a screenshot is unlikely to be suitable - you will have to print out a receipt.

    Screenshot on different smartphones or tablets

    There are devices in which you can take a screenshot quickly by pressing just a few special buttons. If your gadget does not have such a function, then you will have to install additional programs.

    List of commands for taking a screenshot depending on the device:

    • iPad or iPhone - after holding down the top and bottom keys at the same time, the screenshot will be taken and saved in the “Camera Roll” album;
    • Android up to version 4.0 - you will have to search and install any program that will allow you to take screenshots;
    • Android 4.0, Huawei, Sony Ericsson Xperia - simultaneously you need to press the “-” and “Power” buttons;
    • Samsung Galaxy - hold down the “Home” and “Back” buttons;
    • Samsung Galaxy S II - press “Block” and “Back” at the same time - the created image will appear in ScreenCapture;
    • HTC Desire S - press “Home” and “Power”, sending the picture to the gallery;
    • Samsung - “Power” and “Back”, the picture will be stored in the ScreenCapture folder.

    Or the results of your own deposits. Also, admins in a number of projects show reports in the form of screenshots.

    But did you know that any screenshot can be faked in just 20 seconds? If not, then sit back, now I’ll tell you how to do it. And yes, I’m not calling for faking screenshots, but just showing how easy it is to be deceived on the Internet :)

    How did I get the idea for this article?

    Lately, I’ve often come across screenshots from all sorts of MLMers and scammers, where they show off thousands of dollar payments and hundreds of active referrals in the first line in order to attract new partners to their structure.

    You look at these would-be barkers and see that they either don’t have a website at all, or it’s already covered in cobwebs - no one has visited the resource for so long. Their personal page on the social network is not popular, their videos on YouTube do not get even hundreds of views, and the only VKontakte group is half empty. And if you find his deposits or payments from a previous project, where for some reason instead of thousands of dollars there are only 2 transactions of 10 bucks each, everything immediately becomes clear - our patient learned to fake screenshots :)


    The point is that anyone modern browser There is a “View page code” function. In each browser the function may have a slightly different name, in mine Google versions Chrome is called "View Code". Thanks to a simple manipulation of this code, you can temporarily change the entire page of the site at your discretion. Without any programming knowledge! Of course, the page will change only in your browser and all changes will be lost when you refresh the page. But is it really important if the screenshot has already been taken :)

    The peculiarity of screenshots from the browser is that they do not leave any traces of forgery and any schoolchild with the words “I decided to make money, my deposit is $20,000,” can slip a fake screen.

    But seriously, in this way you can fake anything: amounts in your wallet, correspondence (on VKontakte, for example), the number of bets won in bookmakers or successful transactions on Forex - any information. Be careful and treat any screenshots with skepticism.

    How to fake a screenshot

    Let’s take my account as an example and play tricks with it. Let me remind you that all screenshots from the article can be enlarged by clicking on them.

    Now you need to click right click mouse over the element you want to change and click “View Code”. In our case, these are numbers on a dollar wallet.

    The page code will appear with the space already allocated. Double-click on this place with the left mouse button, replace the real numbers with fictitious ones and press Enter. The evil plan worked.

    You learned how to fake a screenshot. All that remains is to close source, withdraw a large sum from your wallet and go show off. Just kidding, you shouldn't do that at all :)

    You can also do the same action with each element on the page and this is what you can get in the end:

    By the way, scammers-money changers can send you something similar, showing that they supposedly have enough money in their wallet for exchange, and after the transfer on your part, it will happily evaporate.