How to disable the mouse magnet on the middle edge using multiple monitors? What should you not do? What anti-theft devices are currently used in Russia?

The smallest and most portable mechanically activated one that does not require electricity to operate!

Attention! There are more powerful and correspondingly more expensive magnets of this type. If you are interested, write to Us.

Properties switchable magnet:

* The field is screened on all sides
* When turned off, will not cause any harm cell phones, no payment cards or anything. other electronics
*Maximum weight holding (under ideal conditions): 16-20 kg
* The magnet field can be smoothly adjusted by holding and slowly turning the handle.
* total height: 44.1 mm
* zone of influence magnetic field on: 56 mm by 16 mm
* Can be used as a portable, permanently switched one, or can be mounted on a standard wooden board (¾ inch), on a table, etc. (by drilling a 25 mm hole with a forstner drill), and screwed with two screws.
* Resistance of the switchable magnet to shear on the surface: up to 7 kg
* Switchable magnet weight: 100 g
* Has 2 holes with which a switchable magnet can be attached to the board for its further fixation on metal surfaces.

When We wrote about magnets with a programmed (complex) magnetic field pattern, it seemed that all types of magnets had already been invented and described, and that it would not be easy to come up with anything else.

I remember thinking how cool it would be to shield the magnet, or have a magnet that could be turned on and off and could run on electricity.

The idea was that you could carry a magnet, for example, in a backpack, and its field would not be too strong to damage electronic devices.

And I didn’t even think then that they would create a magnet that could be turned off and on mechanically without any external sources energy.



* the magnet can be installed in a hard-to-reach place where a regular magnet is impossible or very difficult to use.
* The magnet can be turned on and off not manually, but, for example, mechanically (by removing the switching lever and connecting, for example, to equipment servos)
* When the magnet is turned off, it screens its field. This means that when turned off it is harmless to electronic devices(By at least those placed under the magnet).
* The magnet is more compact than most other switchable magnet models.
* This switchable magnet can be used to safely, quietly and reusably secure, unfix boards, etc. to metal. surfaces.

The operating principle of this miniature but powerful switchable magnet:

One magnet is located above the other. The magnets are puck-shaped and magnetized diametrically.

The handle of the device rotates the upper magnet 180 degrees in one direction or the other. When turned off, the magnets are positioned like this. that the lower magnet, for example, will have north on the left and south on the right, and the upper magnet will have south on the left and north on the right.

As a result of this arrangement of two magnets, their fields close to each other as if in a ring, pass through the metal case, but do not exit through the case.

When turned on, the north and south of both magnets are one above the other. Thus, both magnets form, as it were, one powerful magnet. The field of this magnet moves in a different direction, no longer closes in a circle, but penetrates through the magnet housing.

I previously wrote that if a magnet is leaned against a metal surface with two fields (diametric magnetization), then the adhesion force will be higher than when the surface is exposed to only one polarity of the magnet.

Iron-containing substances are said to increase the magnetic field. I noticed several years ago that the magnetic field seems to be distributed over the iron object to which the magnet is attached. Those. if a piece of iron is attached to a magnet, which absorbs the magnetic field onto itself, then you can notice that on other sides of the same magnet, its field has become weaker. The field seemed to go into the iron object.

This is precisely the effect that occurs in the design switchable magnet, but in the off position. When the poles are combined (in the on state), the iron case plays the role of an amplifier and conductor of the magnetic field.

Thank you if you are still reading. We have not conducted any experiments with such a magnet, since we are still waiting for its arrival. We will definitely update this article as soon as there is new information. Among some reviews about the device, it was stated that when turned off, the magnet does not even attract paper clips!

If this in the off state will not be able to attract anything heavier than a paper clip to any of its parts, then believe me, in the off state it can be considered absolutely safe for electronic devices.

Sellers and security guards in supermarkets cannot keep track of everyone. To prevent theft, owners of retail outlets have made their task easier.

Special frames at the entrance and exit are installed almost everywhere. How do they work and why do they beep even if nothing has been stolen?

What is “anti-theft” anyway?

"Antikrazhka"“anti-theft” is a system in self-service stores that prevents goods from being taken away for free. The visible (and audible!) part of it is the gate at the exit or in the checkout area. Stores have the right to install such systems in accordance with Appendix 4 to the decision of the SCRF of May 7, 2007 N07-20-03-001.

Anti-theft gates include an antenna and a receiver. The antenna sends a signal of a certain frequency to the receiver, and a detection zone is created.

If a tag is placed in this zone, it distorts the signal in a certain way. The receiver detects this and sends a command that activates the acoustic warning system.

The frame itself will not cause any harm; it only informs about the removal of the goods. On the cash register side, the gates are screened to reduce the number of false positives.

The gate can be connected to security cameras. As soon as the frame is triggered, recording starts.

What anti-theft devices are currently used in Russia?

There are three main types of anti-theft systems: electromagnetic, acoustomagnetic and radio frequency. Accordingly, the sensors they detect are different.

1. Electromagnetic anti-theft systems

The receiver and emitter of electromagnetic systems are installed on two different racks. They create a strong electromagnetic field with a frequency of 10 Hz to 20 kHz. The polarity of the field changes twice during a full cycle.

Tags for electromagnetic systems include several stripes on a sticker made of paper. One of the strips has a magnetostrictive effect. When it finds itself in a magnetic field, it acquires the properties of a nonlinear element. As a result, harmonics of operating frequencies appear in the magnetic field.

The remaining (one or more) strips in the tag are made of ferromagnetic. If such a strip is magnetized, it will neutralize magnetostrictive neighbor effect.

If you rub such a tag on a magnetic surface, it will deactivate. That's why your purchases are carried out on a magnetic platform!

The disadvantage of the system is that not only the cashier can magnetize and deactivate the tag. But the solution is suitable for preventing theft of metal products.

2. Acoustomagnetic security systems

Or “Why are there strange things at the exit of the store?”.

U acoustomagnetic tags the strip with magnetostrictive properties is not fixed and performs free mechanical vibrations.

As a rule, the frames at the output of stores operate at a frequency of 58 kHz. If an acoustomagnetic tag is placed in an alternating magnetic field between the transmitter and receiver, it will begin to vibrate at the frequency of the field.

The maximum amplitude of vibration is achieved if the frequency of the field (external) coincides with the resonant frequency of the strip (58 kHz).

The acoustomagnetic tag continues to vibrate for some time after it leaves the external field and creates its own magnetic field. If the receiver picks up the tag field, it means that they are trying to illegally remove the goods from the store.

To activate such a tag, you need it magnetize in a certain way - in compliance with the desired direction of the field and its intensity. And to deactivate the tag, it needs to be demagnetized.

An ordinary permanent magnet will not help here. A device is needed that generates a strong alternating magnetic field with decreasing intensity.

3. RF protection systems

RFID tag includes oscillatory circuit – capacitor and inductor. The detection system at the store exit interacts with it.

To deactivate the RF tag, you need to perform an electrical breakdown of the capacitor. To do this, the tag is placed in a strong magnetic field of the desired frequency (usually 8.2 MHz).

If the tag is torn or a piece of metal (large coin, etc.) is pressed against it, the frame may not detect it. Therefore, where possible, reusable seal tags are installed, which are stronger and cannot be removed without special devices.

4. RFID tags

RFID– a special type of radio frequency tags. Such tags are used not only on goods in stores, but also for travel. public transport Moscow, key cards for hotels and so on.

The RFID tag has antenna and microchip. The antenna picks up electromagnetic waves reader or transmitter, and then converts them into a signal or uses them to power the chip.

RFID tags are not deactivated. After the sale, they only change the information in it - install new status goods. You may not even know that there is a mark on the product, and sometimes it is quite difficult to remove it (for example, from inside the spine of a book).

In theory, RFID tags allow you to be tracked. Based on the information in the tag, you can often understand how much the item costs, who gave it to you (by linking the tag data with the card data that was used to pay for the purchase), etc. Of course, for now this is more theory than practice, at least in relation to tags in stores.

Typically these systems are used in combinations

Clothing and shoe stores, as well as hypermarkets, usually use acoustomagnetic and radio frequency systems. They are more sensitive than electromagnetic ones and react to flexible sticker tags and hard removable seals, which are often glued to alcohol, jars of red caviar, etc.

Often, for such systems, sensors are developed for certain types of goods: products in bags and blisters, glasses, cigarette blocks, razors.

The most advanced systems include a function metal magnetic detection. They will not allow you to bring the same neodymium magnet into the store. Yes, and they will react to a foil bag.

Interesting fact: at the exit from stores with such systems, you can “beep” if, for example, you have a laptop in your backpack. Inside the hard HDD A neodymium magnet is installed, and the frame is triggered by it.

How then do they steal from stores?

Does not exist electronic systems, which cannot be hacked and deceived. Shoplifters (people who regularly steal food and things from stores) generously share their secrets on special forums.

The most common options are magnetic pullers in hands, foil bags and jammers. The first ones work in the same way as pullers at checkout counters: they deactivate tags using a magnetic field. A fairly large magnet has the same properties.

But in good systems there are samarium magnets. They are effective, but quite expensive. The average shoplifter simply does not have the money for such a magnet, and it will take a long time to pay for itself.

Therefore, neodymium magnets are most often used hard drives. But they do not always work, because not only magnetic properties matter, but also the type of marks used, the shape of the magnets, their polarity and location in factory pullers. A neodymium magnet is not suitable for removing an acoustomagnetic tag, nor is it suitable for a radio frequency one.

Foil bags (booster bags) reflect the signal from the tag inside themselves. As a result, the tag does not work on the frame.

They even put foil under the lining of Louis Vuitton bags so that security doesn't suspect anything. But it is possible to calculate booster bags. Firstly, they are heavier than regular bags, because there can be up to 30 layers of foil under the lining. Secondly, bag owners often behave suspiciously.

Jammers generate white noise and are suitable for RFID tag systems. However, it’s also not easy with them. For example, if the jammer field is placed at the wrong angle, it will not work.

Want to try? Very in vain

Don’t think that if you follow the advice of shoplifters and make a booster bag, you won’t be found out. First, there are cameras and people watching the footage. If you regularly hang out in the same store, you may be recognized on your next visit, detained until the police arrive and presented with camera footage.

Secondly, if you were not grabbed by the hand at the time of the theft, then retribution may await you at the exit from the store or shopping center. The seller or security guard, seeing the theft, passes on the information. This is done in order to identify not only the thief, but also the accomplices to whom he transfers the stolen goods.

There are also funny situations. For example, when a magnet lying in the back pocket of jeans with an attractive force of 30 kg suddenly sticks to metal surfaces at the checkout with a roar. After something like this, it’s definitely not possible to escape unnoticed...)

Why then don’t the frames catch on their own?

It would seem logical: catch the thief, make the security guard's job easier! But frames relatively often have false positives.

Most often, frames squeak for no reason in the morning and evening, especially in those stores that are located in shopping centers and residential buildings. The thing is that in the morning and evening the load on the power grid increases sharply. As a result, impulse noise increases, which the frame can confuse with the signal of the tag on the product.

It happens that the frame is triggered by tags from another store, especially RFID. If you don’t immediately cut off labels from clothes, you’ve probably encountered this more than once. The system simply does not see the required status of the product or detects a non-demagnetized tag, so it is indignant.

Neodyms have a very strong attractive force to each other and to metal surfaces, so during operation it is important to know how to disconnect a neodymium magnet. To avoid sticking together, they should be stored separately and always wrapped in cloth. When transporting, pack in special containers made of polystyrene foam and durable cardboard. The distance between products should be at least 50-60 cm and at least 30 cm from the metal surface and other metal objects. If you decide to buy such neodymium, then you should carefully study the safety precautions and rules for transporting this product.

If this happens and the purchased alloy products stick together or join something else, then there are several ways to unstick neodymium magnets.

  • A humane way to tear a neodymium magnet from another similar one is a wooden table, a wooden blade and thick gloves so as not to damage your hands. The products should be placed on the edge of the table so that one of them hangs down and the other remains on the tabletop. With protected hands, otherwise you can be seriously injured, you need to hold the magnets and use a wooden blade to press firmly on the one that is hanging down. Please note: it will take a lot of effort! When reducing the resistance between the products, immediately insert a wooden blade between them, otherwise your efforts will be in vain.
  • There is another option to disconnect neodymium magnets. Clamp one of them in a vice, fixing it securely, and try to move the second with a wooden blade. This option is safer, since the vice holds the magnet tightly, preventing it from jumping out and injuring a person.
  • When deciding how to separate neodymium magnets, you can take a wooden board and cut a hole in it to the size of the neodymium. Place the product in this hole and use some kind of lever (not metal) to try to push off the stuck magnet.
  • If a magnet is stuck to metal, it will be very difficult to remove it from there. But the question still remains, how to remove a neodymium magnet? Here a “comrade” like himself can help, that is, an example that is the same or more powerful. Important! Some kind of spacer is required between the neodymiums. This can be a very thick fabric or a bag folded in several layers or a thick leather wallet. Connect the magnets through the gasket and pull towards you. You need to be careful here, otherwise you can get injured.

What should you not do?

Please pay attention to safety precautions before disengaging neodymium magnets. You cannot expose products to aggressive influences, this destroys their abilities and turns them into just a piece of metal.

  • You cannot heat alloy products because their properties are lost.
  • Sawing, drilling, soldering, welding is strictly unacceptable; this can be dangerous not only for neodymium, but also for humans.
  • Metal objects such as screwdrivers, nails, hammers and others should not be used during operation; they can easily damage the magnet.

Remember, not all means are always good!

Let's return to the issue of disabling the services that the MTS operator provides to its subscribers. After all, sometimes we notice that MTS withdraws too much money, and here we need to think about how to disable services that we do not need.

How to disable the Money to order service from MTS

This service is valid for MTS Ukraine subscribers. It will allow you to stay online if your account suddenly runs out of money. By connecting it, the subscriber is provided with a service package equivalent to the services mobile operator with the available amount of 20 UAH. on account. But the service has a certain validity period.

Here's what you need to know about this option:

  1. Its cost is 3 UAH.
  2. To connect it, you need to send any SMS message to number 5010.
  3. To check a new additional account, you need to dial the combination *101*10#.

As for disabling the service, it is not required. The next time you top up your account, 20 UAH will be automatically withdrawn from it, and the service will end. If necessary, the option can be ordered again.

How to disable the “Magnet for money” service of MTS

And this is a service activated by subscribers in the MTS-Info menu. Often, subscribers, after activating this option, decide to turn it off, because they don’t expect much benefit from it, and they don’t really want to pay 3.04 rubles every day for a subscription. To disconnect, you need to call the operator at 0890 ext. 0, and request disconnection.

How to activate and deactivate the Promised payment service on MTS

And this is a version of the option from MTS Russia, which allows subscribers to forget about the fact that they urgently need to top up their account. It will be beneficial in some ways:

  • There is neither a communication shop nor a terminal for making payments nearby;
  • You have no desire or opportunity to leave home, work or school to top up your account.

But if you use this option, replenishing your account will become available to you anywhere directly from your cell phone.

Connection is carried out as follows (optional):

  1. Dial code *111*123#.
  2. Using the Internet Assistant, where you need to follow the links “Payment” => “Promised payment”.
  3. Making a call to number 1113.

The service will not require disconnection, and the debt will be repaid at the next replenishment. As for the cost, it is as follows:

  • Completely free when paying less than 30 rubles;
  • 7 rubles per payment, in case of payment from 30 rubles inclusive.

How to disable the “In Full Trust” service from MTS

This option is suitable for you if you:

  • Forget to top up your account and are afraid that one day inopportune moment, the ability to make calls will be blocked;
  • Do you prefer to pay the tariff only once a month;
  • You don’t have free time to control and monitor your subscriber account.

This service will allow you to stay in touch even if your account has a negative indicator. Your limit quota is 300 rubles.

If you use the service consistently for six months, the quota will increase by 50% of your service costs cellular communications.

To connect to the service, you, as always, can use several options, including using the Internet assistant, calling the operator, and dialing the combination *111*32#.

To disable this option, use the same options except for the USSD code. Here it will be *111*2118#. In addition, you can send an SMS message to number 111. In the body of the letter you must indicate “21180”.

Finally, it is worth noting that this service is also often called “Credit of Trust”, and if you were wondering how to disable it, then the algorithm of actions in in this case similar.

If instructions on how to disable the service you need are not in this material, then read the first or third part, perhaps it is there that it is described how to do this.