How to organize a webinar - complete instructions. Useful and valuable content

A webinar is a seminar or conference held via the Internet. Participating in a webinar is convenient: you can connect to the event from anywhere there is Internet access.

What do you need to participate in the webinar?

To participate in the webinar, you need a computer, smartphone or tablet with Internet access. Internet speed directly affects how well you can see and hear the presenter during the webinar. Therefore, we recommend using the Internet with a speed of 512 kbit/s.

To reduce the likelihood of crashes and freezes during an online seminar, it is better to pause or stop downloading files from the Internet. We also recommend temporarily turning off all applications that may affect your connection speed: Skype, torrents and others.

How to join a webinar?

Step 1

5-10 minutes before the start of the webinar, follow the link you received from the webinar organizer.

Step 2

In the “First and Last Name” line, enter your name. In the “E-mail” line, indicate email address. In the “Room Password” column, enter the password received from the host.

Step 3

After entering all the data, click on the “Login” button.

You can also log in to the webinar using your account. social network Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter or other specified. To do this, click on the desired icon. Then special service Social entrance authorization will request access to your account. After entering the webinar, you can close access to the service.

Login to the webinar from the mobile application

To enter the webinar with mobile device, open the invitation link in mobile browser. In the window that appears, enter the link that you received from the webinar organizers. Then enter your details.

During the webinar

After entering the webinar, you become a full participant in the event.

On the left side of the window you will see 2 buttons - “Ask a question” and “Ask to speak.” The first button allows you to send a personal message to the presenter. Press the “Request the floor” button if you want to go on air.

Next is the chat where you can communicate with the presenter and other webinar participants. The presentation or other materials broadcast by the presenter are displayed in the center. On the right side of the window you can see a list of all participants.

Please note that you should be respectful of the presenter and other participants during the online seminar. Otherwise, the webinar organizers may remove you from the room.

What to do if technical problems arise?

If the connection to the webinar is interrupted and the video and sound are frozen, then re-enter the webinar room. To do this, refresh the browser tab again and enter your data.

If you cannot enter the room, cannot hear the presenter, or are experiencing other technical difficulties, please complete a system check. To do this, go to

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The tests carried out did not reveal any serious side effects when taking the medication, so you can safely buy dapoxetine in our pharmacy and enjoy a rich sex life. However, if the dosage is exceeded, headaches, nausea leading to vomiting, pain in the abdominal cavity and rapid heartbeat may occur. In this case, you need to contact your treating specialist.

Below are the main contraindications in which you should refrain from using Dapoxetine: 1. Individual intolerance to lactose or other components of the medication. 2. Severe liver pathologies (cirrhosis). 3. Heart rhythm disturbances, heart failure.

The stimulant should not be combined with the following drugs: 1. Antidepressants. 2. Psychostimulants intended for the treatment of schizophrenia and other mental disorders. 3. Medicines intended for the treatment of migraine. 4. Drugs containing lithium. 5. Preparations based on St. John's wort. 6. Strong painkillers (Tramadol). If your doctor has prescribed you one of the above medications, you must complete the course of treatment, and only after two weeks you will be able to take Dapoxetine without fear for your health. After you have finished taking this stimulant, you should refrain from taking the following medications for one week: 1. Drugs for the treatment of fungal pathologies. 2. Medicines intended for the treatment of HIV infection (ritonavir). 3. Antidepressants. If you are taking any strong medications at the same time, be sure to consult your doctor before purchasing Dapoxetine. Another one useful recommendation: Before taking the pill, measure your blood pressure and make sure it is normal. Is there a difference between generic dapoxetine and the original drug? Some people are still convinced that a generic drug is a fake that does not deserve attention. However, it is not. Manufacturers develop a generic dapoxetine based on the composition of the original drug; only the color of the tablets and packaging design may differ. That is why the effectiveness of the generic is no worse than the effectiveness of the original Dapoxetine, and its cost is much lower.

The shelf life of the stimulator is three years, and it is recommended to store it in a cool and dark place out of reach of children. Do not use the drug after this period, otherwise its effectiveness will be in question. Thus, generic Dapoxetine will give you a vibrant sex life and long-lasting sexual intercourse that can completely satisfy your partner! You can purchase this drug in our pharmacy at an affordable price. To order, call us by phone and indicate exactly how many tablets you would like to buy. We provide prompt delivery by courier or by mail, the timing depends on your locality.

The best medicine in the world cannot be bought with money.

You are not obligated to come to the events, but every participant should read what is written below

Hello friends

You know, if many years ago they told me that a complete refusal of food for a period of 5 or more days would contribute to the enormous improvement and strengthening of my body, as well as psychological hardening and strengthening, I might have twisted it at my temple.
Or maybe not, rushing to study this topic, as I did a little over a year ago.

In any case, I see the cult of food everywhere. My father and my grandparents raised me in the tradition that food is almost the most important thing in life, you need to eat more and tastier, eat and you will be a healthy and strong child, and you will be happy. If someone saw me hungry, they immediately tried to feed me.

When I grew up and at the age of 15 I began to get involved in strength sports, I was already influenced in this regard by other sources, such as sports publics, in which here and there they shouted - “DON’T YOU EAT? YOU WILL DIE FROM CATABOLISM, YOU WILL NOT GROW!” True, it is no longer in length, but in breadth.

By the way, I remember that during my first fast I had a lot of insights on the topic of eating behavior and food addiction. I even once shared one of them with you, as a result of which this story gained a crazy number of views and likes.

Now I can’t imagine my life without long-term fasting (5-10 days) every 4-6 months, as well as daily fasting every 2 weeks. Why, I LOVE STARVING, you would know what pleasure I get from this and what huge benefits I get as a result.

What motivates me to completely give up food for 7 or more days every few months?

I am driven by the invaluable benefits and miracles that smart fasting can do for my body and mind.

I really can’t call it anything other than “miracles.” Because I don’t know a better cure or prevention than high-quality, competent fasting. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

What is especially valuable to me is what I saw in the effect of fasting on the human hormonal system. For example, the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems, which determine our levels of dopamine and serotonin, which, in their time, determine the quality of our life and sense of self.

It is important, however, to mention that no matter how beneficial fasting can be, it can also be dangerous if done incorrectly. In such a simple, but at the same time difficult matter, there are a lot of nuances. And they concern not only the correctness of the process itself - the sequence of actions, the nuances of entering and exiting hunger, the procedures that need to be followed during fasting. They also concern the psychological mood, the very attitude towards the process, the understanding of what is happening to you.

I was lucky, and on my Path I met people who taught me to do it correctly, with absolute health benefits, deriving an incredible amount of benefit from this event. In the process, as I said, I made a lot of my own discoveries regarding positive influence on the hormonal system, supplemented the knowledge with his own practical experience.

And I’ve been dreaming of sharing this with you for a year now, because this is simply incredibly valuable knowledge, and the benefits that you can get from the fasting process are simply... Amazing, I don’t know how to say this without resorting to profanity.

Now - very briefly, very concisely, I will list SOME of the benefits that every person receives by fasting correctly and efficiently.

Total cleansing of the entire body. First of all, cleansing and renewing the lymphatic system, which is a kind of “sewage system of the body.” Our condition, mood, and sense of self depend on the state of lymph. In addition, the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, blood vessels - EVERYTHING! After fasting you feel reborn. An indescribable feeling of health and energy.

The most powerful regeneration. Fasting is the only way to launch regeneration processes to their fullest. Moreover, the regeneration of each individual cell. This will affect both the complete healing of all internal organs and your appearance. If you have any skin defects, such as stretch marks, acne (pimples), acne scars, scars - all this is delayed at a terrible inexorable speed with each day of hunger.

Fasting - the most powerful way rejuvenation Even when I first went hungry at the age of 19, I began to look significantly younger and healthier, everyone noted this. Moreover, note that it is younger, not younger. This is great.

The intestines begin to work like new, the process of assimilation of nutrients from food occurs with full efficiency. The lion's share of people have problems with this, hence, by the way, the weak effect of taking certain supplements. For example, a man uses zinc to increase testosterone levels, but its absorption leaves much to be desired, which is sometimes confirmed by tests (the level of zinc in the body remains at the same low level, despite the fact that a good dose of zinc from a dietary supplement is regularly consumed.

The enzymatic system begins to work 100%, food is digested quickly and easily, the feeling of heaviness and drowsiness after meals disappears.

Renewal of the gastrointestinal microflora, which determines your eating behavior. Can't stop eating sweets, buns and other crap that prevents you from looking good and getting in good physical shape? After hunger, you will look at these things through purple glasses (you will not care), you will be more impartial about food, appealing first of all with reasonable arguments in favor of this or that product.

A point that will make many people's hair stand on end. Fasting allows you to grow high-quality muscle mass. Of course, nothing will grow from hunger itself. But the changes that will happen to you after will allow your body to gain more meat as it should. After each fast, when I go into a mass-gaining cycle, my muscles begin to literally burst at the seams from stiffness and fullness.

And yes... Muscles are NOT lost due to hunger. I will explain this too.

During the fasting process, the causes that suppress the synthesis of serotonin are eliminated. Accordingly, after almost every fasting session, your constant level of serotonin becomes higher and higher. Serotonin = positive perception of reality, optimism, colors of life, feeling of self-recognition.

The same thing happens with dopamine, although the mechanism is completely different.

Multiple strengthening of immunity. After I started fasting, I never got sick AT ALL. Nothing.

Normalization of blood pressure.

Complete cure chronic form prostatitis, as well as nasty things like “candida”, “ureaplasma”, “chlamydia” and other fungal infections.

Any measures that you take in terms of enhancing hormonal levels after high-quality hunger will be many times more effective, since the sensitivity of all receptors to hormones and neurotransmitters is an order of magnitude higher.

I still kept silent about the mass of psychological effects. Just look at the feeling that you have become a real superman after you have fasted for 10 days, while leading an active social and sports life (I train on a fast every day and recommend it to everyone).

I have not even listed half of the effects that high-quality fasting promises. I can personally confirm that I have experienced all these things myself, each of these effects. Except perhaps for the cure of the chronic form of prostatitis, since I didn’t have it - there was only a slight stagnation. But before my eyes, 4 people were cured of it. Apparently, they forgot that this is an incurable disease and you need to spend your whole life on antibiotics.

The day after tomorrow, December 17, I will give a FREE theoretical webinar in which I will tell you everything about hunger. I'll name full list changes that happen to you (like what I wrote above, only 3 times longer), and most importantly, I will explain the mechanisms themselves, why it works this way, due to what each of the metamorphoses occurs.

And a little later, on December 24, next Sunday, I will conduct a practical webinar on this topic,
revealing all the subtleties and nuances of proper fasting, where for 2-3 hours I will share with you the correct technique various types fasting. We will touch on water fasting, dry fasting, long and short fasting, in what cases which one should be used, how to enter and exit correctly, how to approach the process of fasting correctly, what additional procedures can be carried out to greatly enhance the effect... It will be unforgettable.
And most importantly, you will not make the mistakes that I made at one time, and that almost everyone makes when they start practicing hunger.

And I want to share this knowledge at a ridiculous price. The value you should invest is 1000 rubles, damn it!

But! Only for the fastest.
Let's agree this way: 1 day, 1 day, until the free webinar on the theory of fasting takes place, after which you will no longer have the choice “to fast or not to fast,” because after hearing, leaving such a tool aside is easy highest degree stubbornness, the cost is exactly that - 1000 rubles.

Well, if you make a payment AFTER the theoretical webinar, the cost will already be 1,500 rubles.

He said it as if it was a significant difference... There is almost no difference, but still 500 rubles will not be superfluous. You can use them to buy, for example, celery for a week in order to be charged with androsterone to the core...

So, if you don’t like pulling the cat by the balls, then show determination right now, write to me in a personal message with the tag #Power of Fasting, I will send you the details, you pay 1000 rubles and get on the list of participants.

If you like to pull the cat by the balls and don’t fully believe in the power of fasting, wait for the theoretical webinar the day after tomorrow (December 17), listen, draw conclusions, and if you decide to try it, pay 1,500 rubles. Or twist your finger at your temple and leave. Denial and skepticism without personal experience- quite a skate large quantity people, as I could see.

I will announce a free webinar tomorrow. The link will be posted in the group, everyone will be able to get there.

And the closed practical webinar will only be available via a link that I will personally send you in a personal message before the webinar itself.

If you are ready to come to a practical webinar on fasting, write in a private message and ask for details with the tag. The price of the event for you will be 1000 rubles. And be sure to come to the theoretical event on December 17 at 19:00.

If you’re not ready yet, then just come to the theory and draw conclusions based on what you hear about whether to go or not to go. From December 18, the price will already be 1,500 rubles. In the same way, you write to me in a personal message with the same tag and ask for details.

Go for it! Starve

Marketers are unanimous in their opinion that webinars are the most effective marketing tool for conducting modern internet business. It is known that webinars can be successfully used in almost any area of ​​information and traditional business for the purpose of building a team of partners, training employees, promoting a brand, products/services, etc.

In order for the webinar to give the desired result, you must first of all properly prepare for it. First, let's define what a webinar is.

A webinar is a seminar conducted exclusively through modern internet technologies in an interactive format. Both private webinar rooms and paid ones can be used to conduct webinars. professional platforms. The use of a particular tool depends primarily on the purposes of the webinar, the audience and the capabilities of the organizer.

The most budget are private webinar or chat rooms, Google tools+ for conducting webinars. But the free platforms include:

Paid platforms provide wider organizational and user functionality. The most famous webinar platforms are:

The cost of services for organizing and conducting webinars on paid platforms depends on the number of participants, the time of the online seminar, and also on how often the organizer plans to hold webinars.

Key benefits of webinars

Let's look at the main advantages of online seminars and why it is so important to use them when conducting business ?

  • low level of costs for organizing and conducting webinars compared to traditional seminars (there is no rental of premises and equipment, there is no need to hold a buffet or banquet);
  • accessibility and mobility (there is no need to travel to another city/country, there are no additional costs for visiting such events);
  • saving time and effort (1-2 days are enough to organize a webinar);
  • wider functionality, both for the organizer and for the audience (interactive communication, the ability to ask and answer questions in the workflow, absence of distractions, the ability to create a webinar recording for further presentation target audience);

So, let's look at the basic steps you need to take to organize a successful and effective webinar.

1. Preparing the target audience of the webinar

On at this stage It is worth deciding on the theme, date and time of the future event. The organizer needs to make sure that the target audience knows about the upcoming event. Prepare information about the content of the webinar, its organizers and speakers, and the main benefits that the audience will receive from participating in this event. If you plan to conduct a paid webinar, then it is worth informing about its cost, payment options and other technical issues.

2. Technical preparation for the event

Experts advise starting preparation for the webinar at least 2 weeks in advance. During this time, it is necessary to prepare materials for the online seminar, select a platform and create Accounts to enter, prepare and send out an invitation to this event, draw up a preliminary list of participants.

Depending on the number of participants, the organizer must send out reminders 7, 4 and 1 day before the event. The letter must contain information about the title and topic of the webinar, the date and time of the webinar, instructions on how to go to the webinar room, as well as its technical setup(sound, screen, microphone). Each email must include an active link to go to the webinar room.

3. Monitoring the effectiveness of the webinar

At this stage, the organizer determines an effective control system over the webinar. The evaluation criteria directly depend on the main goals of the event. So if you are planning to hold a free webinar to attract attention to your paid webinar, in this case the result will be a preliminary list of participants for the paid product. If you conduct a webinar for the purpose of recruiting for your team, the result is the number of people willing to become your partners.

4. Testing

Before each webinar, experts recommend conducting special testing to check technical readiness for holding this type of event (checking the convenience and speed of entering the room, sound and video quality, ease of turning on the microphone and chat functionality, the ability to make a high-quality recording of the entire webinar, etc.).

5. Useful and valuable content

Particular attention should be paid to the usefulness and quality of the information that will be presented to the target audience at the webinar. The overall success of the entire event depends on this. It does not matter in what format the webinar will be held, and whether it is paid or free, the audience should receive only useful, valuable and high-quality information.

In addition, it is worth taking care of preparing handouts that can be useful to listeners both during the webinar and after it.

6. Prepared speaker

The webinar speaker must meet the basic requirements:

  • be sociable and self-confident (have clear diction and good style, have stable emotional preparation);
  • study the topic and text of your report well;
  • be able to interact with the audience (correctly answer questions, initiate discussion of the report)

Often, in addition to the main speaker, a second speaker or assistant may be involved to conduct a successful webinar. If an assistant is involved, his main task is to provide prompt answers to questions from the audience in the working chat of the webinar room. This is especially useful when the presenter is focused solely on presenting the working information of the webinar, and the assistant provides interaction with the audience and eliminates various technical problems.

As you can see, organizing and conducting a successful and effective webinar will not be difficult, but this issue should be approached with special responsibility. Webinar is the most popular modern marketing tool impact on the target audience.