How to update your iPhone to the latest version of iOS? Applications cannot be downloaded from the Play Market without WI-FI. Solving problems with Xiaomi Update the application more than 100 MB

On the iPhone, I immediately ran into a problem - the fact is that when using the Internet (or) there are certain restrictions on downloading files. Accordingly, when you try to download a game from the App Store (or a podcast) exceeding 100 megabytes using cellular data, the iPad or iPhone asks to connect to the Wi-Fi network and displays a notification:

This object is larger than 100 MB. Sky Force 2014 requires a Wi-Fi connection to download (unless incremental downloading is available for the content).

Moreover, this limit (or restriction, whichever is more convenient for you) applies only to standard iOS applications. For example, the file manager installed on the iPhone does not show such vagaries.

iPhone: download applications exceeding 100 MB

This method of bypassing the limit was successfully tested on iPhone 7 with iOS 10.3.2

  1. Having turned on Cellular data in the Cellular settings, launch the App Store and look for an application or game over 100 MB, try to Download or Buy
  2. iPhone displays a message about the limitation due to the exceeded file size, click OK
  3. In Settings or turn on - Airplane mode
  4. Go to settings and set the date – April 1, 2017
  5. Continuing to be in airplane mode, we turn it on again.
  6. We turn off Airplane mode and, lo and behold, the application begins to download, we observe the download process on one of the desktops.
  7. We return the date to the present time, otherwise the App Store will stop working and use the application.

Bypass download limits in Podcasts

When trying to download a new music collection (or others) from the application (using the Internet of a cellular operator), the iPhone user also faces the question - How to download a podcast weighing more than 100 MB? After all, here we are notified:

The object is larger than 100 MB. To download “Artem Dmitriev aka CHILL – Best of CHILL Winter 2016 Special Mix”, connect to a Wi-Fi network or use iTunes on your computer.

No, well, of course you can go home, turn on your computer and download gigabytes of podcasts, or use a Wi-Fi hotspot, but in the age of mobile technologies (especially with unlimited mobile internet), turning on your computer is already broken, and there’s no hotspot nearby. That's why we're digging in a little and sharing workarounds. You can also download a file larger than 100 megabytes from iPhone Podcasts:

  • We launch podcasts, go to the Search tab (1) and in the search write the name of the podcast channel (2), we write – Chill and press the Search button
  • We go to our Chill channel (3) and watch the podcast, as soon as you decide, pull out the Control Center, turn on Airplane mode (4), remove the Control Center and press the cloud icon with an arrow (5)
  • Now run Settings - General - Date and time - set the date: March 8, 2017.
  • Turn off and on iPhone
  • Turn off Airplane mode, go to Podcasts, click on the Unplayable section. and at the very top we see how your podcast is downloaded if it exceeds 100 MB.
  • After downloading, set the correct date and time, otherwise you will get acquainted with this one -

Today we were able to download two files exceeding 100 Mb to an iPhone, without the help of a computer or Wi-Fi. We downloaded the game from the App Store, audio materials from the Podcasts application. Happy downloading everyone!

There is one annoying limitation on iPhone and iPad. Using the mobile Internet from the App Store, you cannot download an application whose size exceeds 100 MB. But what to do if there is no access to Wi-Fi, but you need to download the desired application here and now? In this instruction we shared the correct way to bypass the restriction.

How to bypass the limit on downloading applications larger than 100 megabytes

On the iPhone, I immediately ran into a problem - the fact is that when using the Internet (or) there are certain restrictions on downloading files. Accordingly, when trying to download the game from...

Updated: starting from iOS 13, you can download programs/games without any size restrictions! A notification about the size of the downloaded application is displayed, which you can accept and the download will begin! Hooray!

Apple, for reasons unknown to anyone, decided that the 150 megabyte limit on downloading an application, whether updating or installing a new one, is mandatory for everyone.

It’s 2019, many mobile operators (at least in Russia) offer decent Internet packages for mobile devices, and some lucky owners have completely unlimited Internet.

Why and why Apple is introducing a 150 megabyte limit remains a mystery. After all, it would be possible to display a separate option that could either disable this restriction or provide the user with a choice... but this is not the case.

So how can you get around the 150 megabyte limit if you urgently need to download or update something from the Apple Store?

There is an exit. The process of bypassing the limit is very simple and does not even require rebooting the device. Tested on many versions of iOS. Below are instructions for iOS versions below 12.1.4. If you have 12.1.4, scroll further through the text (there are some nuances). The article contains a visual video.

Procedure for iOS version below 12.1.4:

1. Go to the Apple Store and select the application that needs to be installed. Click the appropriate button to install.

2. After the warning about the 150 MB limit appears, click on “ OK" and look for an application on the phone screen, the loading stage of which is " Expectations».

3. Click once on the application icon so that the icon changes from “…”.

The download process will stop immediately, because the size exceeds 150 MB.

4. After this, click 1 more time on the same icon so that it changes from “…” to “ Pause».

6. Go to Settings -> General -> Date and time -> Remove the “Automatic” time setting.

7. Instead of the current date, set the date 1 (one) year later. That is, if your date is 01/20/2019, set it to 01/20/2020.

In fact, you can extend the date to any future period, but I always try to “roll past the current year.”

8. Save (click “ Back», « Back»…).

9. Return to our application, which is in the “ Pause" and click on the icon one more time.

11. After loading, return the date back (you can simply put “ Automatically»).

In this simple way, you can download an application of any size, there are no restrictions.

Personally, I downloaded updates up to 2.5 GB via the mobile Internet 😉

Procedure for version 12.1.4:

The sequence of actions will be almost the same as described above, but with some “nuances”.

If after trying to change the date and continue downloading the application an error appears, then:

1. Click " Not now».

2. Delete the undownloaded application.

3. Change the date back (to the current one).

4. On the settings screen, “refresh” the information that needs to be updated.

5. After a few seconds (we haven’t changed anything), we return to the Apple Store and try to install the application again (according to the diagram above).

6. Then there are 3 options for the development of events:

1. The error is bigger doesn't appear(since we just "updated" the information to Apple) and the application is downloaded.

2. Error appears again, but the process app downloads continues.

In this case, just wait until the download finishes and then close the error.


7. If you have option 3 (again error and won't load application), then

1. In the error window, click “ Settings».

2. Enter your Apple ID password.

4. Return to the application and click on the icon again.

5. The boot process is the same will begin.

8. After successfully downloading the application, change the date back.

In general, that's all: this way you can bypass the 150 MB limit for downloading applications in the AppleStore.

In addition, changing the date to “future” can be useful if you play games on your Apple device that keep track of something (attempts or something else) by time. Changing the date to a future date resets this expectation.

For greater clarity, you can watch the video instructions:

If you have any questions, ask!

Until the release of iOS 11, Apple's mobile OS had a strict restriction on downloading applications from the App Store. Provided that you are using mobile Internet, it was impossible to install a game or application whose size exceeds 100 MB. In iOS 11, this limit was increased to 150 MB. There are no restrictions when downloading over Wi-Fi.

If the specified volume is exceeded, the download will stop and the user will receive an error notification.

Of course, Apple cares about the user and thus tries to prevent accidental downloads and waste of mobile traffic. Unfortunately, this feels like a disservice to users of unlimited 3G/4G tariff plans.

Among the unofficial workarounds, there is a method whose performance has been tested on iOS 10, but has not yet been tested on iOS 11.

How to bypass the 150 MB upload limit in the App Store?

1. Turn off Wi-Fi and start downloading the desired application. Wait for the error to appear and click OK.

2. Open in menu Settings -> Wi-Fi and turn on the wireless network without connecting to access points.

3. Turn on Airplane Mode.

4. Turn off your iOS device and turn it on again.

5. Turn off Airplane mode and wait while the app continues to download.

Every owner sooner or later is faced with the fact that it is time to update the iPhone to the latest version of iOS due to the fact that the old version is outdated, and the new one has advanced features and functions necessary for operation.

It is intended that technology does not stand still and each new version of the operating system complements and improves the previous one, adding clarity of functions and speed of perception. In this article, you will learn how to update your iPhone yourself, so that in the future you will be able to use it correctly and not make mistakes.

Please note that not every iPhone is updated to the latest version of iOS. This is due to the fact that different smartphones have different amounts of memory and the necessary processing capabilities.

If your gadget has a memory of up to 16 GB, then downloading all the updates can be very difficult and there is a risk that when installing the program, a system error may pop up, which will not only disrupt the update installation process, but can also cause the device to freeze, which is extremely difficult to fix . In the worst case, the device will be blocked and you will have to carry out a recovery process, during which all files and data contained in the iPhone will disappear forever.

Today, many are arguing about whether it is worth upgrading a working iPhone to a new version of iOS. Many people complain that after the update, programs work poorly, freeze, annoying inconveniences and disrupting the usual rhythm. However, after weighing all the pros and cons, we still assure you that this is necessary if there are no contraindications for your device. And here's why.

Firstly, the bugs that tormented you so much in the previous version of the iOS system will forever rid you of their presence.

Secondly, by updating the system you will allow the battery to become better, since updated versions are designed to make the battery easier to work with and significantly extend its life, increasing the time for listening to music, watching movies, time spent on the Internet and talk time.

Thirdly, having updated, your iPhone will be charged with new chips from Apple, will receive modernized functionality, and you will be able to save on buying a new device, because you will have almost everything that the new iPhone has for free, just by updating the version of your iOS.

Fourthly, the downloaded updates will protect your iPhone from viruses much more seriously, they will protect you at the highest level from certain threats and from intruders, since the manufacturer incorporates the most advanced technologies into the latest version.

Fifthly, when updated, your smartphone will surprise you with its ease and speed of use, providing quick response and understanding. After all, each update is also a period of cleaning up old files that slow down your work.

Preparatory stage before the update

Therefore, before you update iOS on your iPhone and begin the system update process, check the programs for security by running them through an antivirus. In addition, the antivirus program must be active. The computer's operating system should also be updated to avoid misunderstandings. Finally, you should restart your PC to install the updates you have made.

It is advisable to copy data from the iPhone and temporarily transfer it to a secure iCloud cloud storage for quick and reliable recovery if the iPhone freezes during the update.

If you are going to install the update using a 3G or WI-FI network, then keep in mind that the battery charge must be at least 70%, otherwise the iPhone may discharge at the most inopportune moment, interrupting the update process and harming your device.

Also, take the time to check how much free memory is left on your iPhone and whether the updated software will fit there. If this is not done, then the OS update process may stop, during which the smartphone will be blocked, an error will occur, and all data on it may no longer be restored.

Therefore, in the “Settings” section, select the “General” subsection and go to the “Usage” option, where you will read everything about the memory of your device.

How to update iPhone

In nature and practice, there are two ways to update iSO on an iPhone: using a stable Wi-Fi Internet connection directly on the iPhone itself and using the iTunes program via a computer. Both methods are good, but there are certain differences that need to be taken into account when installing the operating system.

Updating directly on the iPhone is, in principle, convenient, but slow due to the poor speed of the network router. Updating on a computer is faster and more reliable, but it requires a USB cable.

Updating iPhone via WI-FI

To update your iPhone, connect it to a Wi-Fi router or turn on 3G/4G mobile Internet. Make sure your smartphone is plugged in and charging, as the update process can take up to 30-40 minutes. Please note that the update stage should not be interrupted under any pretext. Then open the “Settings” window on your device and select the “General” section, in which activate the “Software Update” command.

The smartphone will definitely find out the existing new versions of the system and offer to install them on the iPhone - “Download and Install”. By agreeing, you confirm your intention by pressing the indicated key and start the process of installing updates. When the step is completed, the iPhone will automatically restart, and when it turns on, you will find the latest version of iOS on it.

Updating iPhone via iTunes

To more confidently update your OS, check your PC for the latest version of iTunes. If it is missing, be sure to download it for free from the official Apple page. Again, remember that interrupting the update process is prohibited.

If everything is ready, then you need to connect your iPhone to your PC via a USB cable. The next step is to activate iTunes and find your smartphone in it. In the first window, the entry “Check for Update” will appear, which means checking for updates (since iTunes is updated, do not click), and then go to the “Download and Install” option, which means downloading and installing the software. After a while, when the update is downloaded in full, the iPhone will turn itself off to reboot and turn on the updated version of iOS.

If you use Apple equipment equipped with an LTE module, and are also the proud owner of unlimited mobile Internet, you have probably come across an unpleasant error more than once: the volume of data downloaded from the AppStore over mobile networks is not infinite. So, in iOS 11 you cannot download more than 150 MB per day, and in the “top ten” and earlier versions it is even less. It is difficult to say where the “legs grow” from such a limitation. In the end, this is our smartphone/tablet, our mobile Internet and it is paid for from our wallet, why Apple decided that it should regulate this parameter is unclear. Another thing is clear. Difficulties are created to be overcome, and today we will do this.

A quick Google and several experiments showed: the solution to the problem lies literally on the surface, even two, relevant for different OS versions.

For iOS 10 and earlier.

  1. Turn off Wi-Fi and start downloading the application using mobile networks.
  2. We see a window with an error, click “OK”
  3. Turn on Wi-Fi, use the “Settings” menu for this;
  4. Turn on airplane mode;
  5. We reboot our Apple device (turn it off and on again);
  6. Disable Airplane mode and wait for applications to continue loading.

Whether it was a bug or a feature is hard to say, but in iOS 11 the developers closed this feature, so users had to find a new way to continue downloading after exceeding the 150 MB limit. And he was found.

For iOS 11

  1. We start downloading the application, wait for an error notification;
  2. Go to Settings - General - Date and time;
  3. Disable automatic date setting and manually select any later one. Even for a day, even for a month, it doesn’t matter;
  4. We return to the desktop and resume the download by tapping on the shortcut of the application being downloaded.
  5. After the download is complete, turn on automatic date setting again.

That's all. As you can see, bypassing the download restriction from the AppStore has become even easier.