How to set up Outlook for email. Setting up Outlook for different mail servers

Mail.Ru is another Internet company offering search engine and mailer services. After reading the instructions on how to set up gmail in Outlook, it is easy to understand that there are no difficulties in these manipulations.

By opening the “Adding a new account” tab, you must also fill in all the requested information.

In the “Record Type” line for Mail.Ru mail, select the “IMAP” parameter; accordingly, in the lines of incoming and outgoing correspondence servers, select the parameters and

It remains to go to " Additional settings", where you can find the "Use SSL" option by activating it.

Next to the port of incoming and outgoing servers, indicate numerical indicators. For incoming - 993, and outgoing - 465.

Outlook Express and its settings

Outlook Express is the successful successor to the classic mail application. Initially, it was also part of the Microsoft Office product, but in Lately the developers implemented it into Windows 7 itself.

If you want to know how to set up Outlook Express for Mail.Ru, it is also useful to read the corresponding instructions.

The setup process is not accompanied by difficulties, since you should also open the “Service” tab in the application, go to “Accounts”, select “Mail”, then fill in all the empty lines, indicating the servers for outgoing and incoming correspondence, login and password email box. Finally, traditionally click “Ok” and enjoy the work of the mail application.

So, you can configure Outlook for, on your own without outside help anyone, regardless of their practical experience in owning a PC in general and setting up email programs. It is only important to carefully study the instructions and strictly follow each point.

Most users have been using the mail service from for a long time. And despite the fact that this service has a convenient web interface for working with mail, some users still prefer to work with Outlook. But, in order to be able to work with mail from mail, you need to correctly configure the mail client. And today we will look at how the setup is carried out mail mail ru in Outlook.

In order to add an account in Outlook, you need to go to Account Settings. To do this, go to the “File” menu and in the “Information” section, expand the “Account Settings” list.

Now click on the appropriate command and the “Account Settings” window will open in front of us.

Here we click on the “Create” button and go to the setup wizard account.

Here we choose how to configure your account settings. There are two options to choose from – automatic and manual.

As a rule, the account is configured correctly in automatic mode, so we will consider this method first.

So, leave the switch in the “Account” position Email" and fill in all the fields. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the email address is entered in full. Otherwise, Outlook simply will not be able to pick up the settings.

After filling out all the fields, click the “Next” button and wait until Outlook finishes setting up the entry.

As soon as all the settings have been selected, we will see a corresponding message (see screenshot below), after which we can click the “Finish” button and start receiving and sending letters.

Manual account setup

Although automatic way account settings in most cases allows you to do everything necessary settings, there are also cases when you need to specify parameters manually.

To do this, we will use manual settings.

Set the switch to position " Manual setting or additional server types" and click the "Next" button.

Because the Post service can work with both the IMAP and POP3 protocols, so here we leave the switch in the position in which it is located and move on to the next step.

At this stage, you need to fill out the listed fields.

In the “User Information” section, enter your name and full email address.

Fill out the “Server Information” section as follows:

Select the account type “IMAP” or “POP3” - if you need to set up an account to work using this protocol.

In the “Incoming mail server” field, indicate:, if you selected IMAP as the record type. Accordingly, for POP3 the address will look like this:
The outgoing mail server address will be for both IMAP and POP3.

In the “Login” section, enter your email username and password.

Here you need to specify ports for IMAP (or POP3, depending on the account type) and SMTP servers.

If you are setting up an IMAP account, the port number of this server will be 993, for POP3 it will be 995.

The SMTP server port number in both types will be 465.

After specifying the numbers, click on the “Ok” button to confirm the change in parameters and click “Next” in the “Add account” window.

After this, Outlook will check all the settings and try to connect to the server. If completed successfully, you will see a message indicating that the setup was successful. Otherwise, you need to go back and check all the settings you have made.

Thus, account setup can be done either manually or automatically. The method you choose will depend on whether you need to enter Extra options or not, as well as in cases where it was not possible to automatically select parameters.

Hi all! In many articles, I remind you that you do not forget to subscribe to updates via RSS or to receive new articles by email. Today, I would like to focus your attention on e-mail, namely, on applications for processing E-mail.

As a rule, users, having registered their mail on any service, continue to use it by going to the site and constantly entering their login and password, and if there are almost 3 of them, for example, gmail, yandex,, then this takes up a large part of their free time. Imagine how much time and nerves you will save if you can check all your mail with 3 mouse clicks.

In this article, I want to tell you how to use a program in which you can collect all your mailboxes, from different services, In one place. There are actually a lot of such programs: Outlook, The Bat,Thunderbird etc... The convenience of using such applications is the ability to have access to several mailboxes, and without having to enter a login and password for each of them.

Now, I will show you how to create and configure an E-mail on an email client. As an example I will use the application Outlook, which comes with Microsoft Office.

How to set up Outlook

So, open our email client - Outlook, using the icon on the desktop or in the Start menu. I have it in the Microsoft Office section. A welcome window will appear, where we click “Next”, then Outlook will ask you whether you really want to set up a connection to your email account, or perhaps you just accidentally entered this application. But we are not random guests here, so we mark “Yes” and move on.

In the window automatic settings account, mail can connect and configure itself. But only in cases where you have your own mail server. As a rule, this is practiced in various organizations that have their own network, domain and configured exchange.

Well, you and I will configure everything manually; to do this, mark manual settings at the bottom of the window and move on.

Select " POP protocol or IMAP" and click "Next"

Now we come to the most important window in this setup. Let's start entering account parameters:

  1. Enter the username;
  2. The email address we want to connect;
  3. We set the account type to IMAP, then all our mail will be stored on the server (In POP3, letters are stored locally on the computer);
  4. Incoming mail server, usually the first word is (, – if this work email or from hosting; V online servers The server name looks like or
  5. Outgoing mail server is the same as in incoming ( V online resource x is different: and
  6. Enter the username again, only now with the full domain. I have this.
  7. The last point is our email password.

If you have entered everything, do not rush to click on the “Next” button. Go to “Other Settings” and in the “Outgoing Mail Server” tab, check the “SMTP server requires authentication” checkbox. This is necessary so that we can send mail from our mailbox.

Having seen such a window in front of you, you have successfully configured and connected Mailbox to Outlook.

To check, Outlook sent us a test message, if you received one too, then everything is working.

Setting up a Gmail mailbox (, etc.) in Outlook

I would like to show you more clear example, how the settings window should look when connecting mail with online service. As an example, I took the postal Gmail account. To configure, we repeat all the steps until the window where we begin to enter account parameters.

This is roughly what the settings window should look like when connecting to Google. Basically, the main change is in the incoming and outgoing mail servers.

When connecting other mailboxes from an online resource, we only change the server domain. For example: Incoming mail server:, A outgoing:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in setting up Outlook, the main thing is not to get confused in the outgoing and incoming server. Perhaps not everything will work out the first time, but once you figure it out and try this method tracking your mail, you will realize that it is really very convenient. But if you still have questions about setting up, leave them in the comments. Good luck everyone, bye.

  1. In the window Account Setup

    File → Details and press the button Adding an account.

  2. Select value Manually configure server settings or additional server types and click Next.
  3. Leave a value Internet email default and click Next.
    • E-mail address « [email protected] » );
    • Account type- IMAP;
    • Incoming mail server- ru ;
    • - ru ;

    Attention. ru »

    Other settings.

  4. Go to the tab Outgoing mail server, enable the option and select the value .
    • IMAP server - 993;
    • SMTP server - 465.

    Click OK button.

  5. Add an account
  6. Synchronize the created account with the server to get a list of folders.
  7. Open menu File → Setting up accounts, select an account from the tab Email and click the Change button.
  8. Click the button Other settings and go to the Sent tab.
  9. Set value Save sent items in the following folder on the server and specify the Sent Items folder.
  1. Launch the program and click Next in the welcome window.
  2. In the window Account Setup Microsoft Outlook Leave the default Yes and click Next.

    If you already have an account set up Outlook entry and you want to add another one, open the menu File → Details and press the button Add an account.

  3. Select value Manual configuration or additional server types and click Next.
  4. Select value POP or IMAP protocol and click Next.
  5. Specify following settings account:
    • Name - username (for example, "Alice Little");
    • E-mail address- yours mailing address on Yandex (for example, "alice.the.girl@yandex.„ ru “» );
    • Account type- IMAP;
    • Incoming mail server- " ru »;
    • Outgoing mail server (SMTP)- " ru »;
    • User - your Yandex login;
    • Password - your password on Yandex (or if you have enabled two-factor authentication).

    Attention. If you set up receiving mail from a mailbox like “login@yandex. ru », the login is the part of the address before the “@” sign. If you use, you must specify the full mailbox address as your login.

    Leave the rest of the settings as default and click the button Other settings.

  6. Go to the tab Outgoing mail server, enable the option SMTP server requires authentication and select a value Similar to the server for incoming mail.
  7. Go to the Advanced tab. Select from Use the following encrypted connection type SSL value for IMAP and SMTP server. Specify following parameters:
    • IMAP server - 993;
    • SMTP server - 465.

    Leave the rest of the options as default and click OK.

  8. To complete your account setup, click in the window Change account Next button - your account settings will be checked. If the test is successful, click Finish. If not, make sure all parameters are specified correctly.

Problems with Microsoft Outlook

This step by step guide will help you solve problems related to your email program.

Select an issue:

What message did you receive?

If a message appears about no connection to the server, try logging into Yandex.Mail with the same username and password that you use in the program. Enter your username and password manually, without using those stored in the browser.

Make sure that the protocol you want to use is enabled in the Mail programs settings section.\n

Make sure that in the mail program settings you have accurately specified\\n the following server parameters:\\n \\n \\n

If you are using IMAP

    \\n \\n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \\n
  • port - 993.
  • \\n
    \\n \\n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \\n
  • port - 465.
  • \\n
\\n \\n \\n \\n\\n

\\n \\n \\n \\n

If you are using POP3

\\n \\n \\n Incoming mail \\n \\n

    \\n \\n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \\n
  • port - 995.
  • \\n
\\n \\n \\n \\n Outgoing mail \\n \\n
  • mail server address -;
  • \\n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \\n
  • port - 465.
  • \\n
\\n \\n \\n \\n\\n

\\n \\n \\n \\n\\n

For more information on how to check server settings in different mail programs, see the section.

\\n ")]))\">

Make sure that in your mail program settings you have accurately specified\nthe following server parameters:

If you are using IMAP

  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 993.
  • \n
  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 465.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n\n

\n \n \n \n

If you are using POP3

\n \n \n Incoming mail \n \n

  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 995.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n Outgoing mail \n \n
  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 465.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n\n

\n \n \n \n\n

Encryption of transmitted data.

\n\n ")]))">

Make sure that the protocol you want to use is enabled in the settings section.

Make sure that in the mail program settings you have accurately specified\n the following server parameters:\n \n \n

If you are using IMAP

\n \n \n Incoming mail \n \n

  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 993.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n Outgoing mail \n \n
  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 465.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n\n

\n \n \n \n

If you are using POP3

\n \n \n Incoming mail \n \n

  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 995.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n Outgoing mail \n \n
  • mail server address -;
  • \n
  • connection security - SSL;
  • \n
  • port - 465.
  • \n
\n \n \n \n\n

\n \n \n \n\n

For more information on how to check server settings in different mail programs, see the section Encrypting transmitted data.

\n ")]))">

Make sure that in your mail program settings you have accurately specified the following server parameters:

If you are using IMAP

Incoming mail

  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 993.
Outgoing mail
  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 465.

If you are using POP3

Incoming mail

  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 995.
Outgoing mail
  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 465.

For more information on how to check server settings in different email programs, see the section Encrypting transmitted data.

If the "Authentication required" message appears, "Sender address rejected: Access denied" or “Send auth command first”, authorization on the Yandex SMTP server is disabled in the mail program settings. Make sure the option is enabled User Authentication(for Outlook Express) or SMTP Authentication(for The Bat!).

If a message appears "Sender address rejected: not owned by auth user", the address from which you are trying to send a letter does not match the one under whose login you are authorized on the SMTP server. Make sure that in the mail program settings, the return address is set to exactly the address from which the login is used in the SMTP authorization settings.

If a message appears "Login failure or POP3 disabled", the mail program cannot access the mailbox using the POP3 protocol. Make sure you have entered correct password from the mailbox and in the settings section, access via the POP3 protocol is enabled.

If a message appears "Message rejected under suspicion of SPAM", the contents of your email were recognized by Yandex.Mail as spam. To solve the problem, open Yandex.Mail and send any one letter as a test. This way you will prove to the system that the letters are not being sent by a robot.

Check your computer for viruses using free antivirus programs: CureIt! from Dr.Web and Virus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab.

If your mail program does not accept or send letters, check that your mail program settings are correct, as well as your computer’s Internet connection settings.

If you are using antivirus program, firewall or proxy server, disable them and check if this reproduces the problem.

Read step-by-step instructions to find missing emails. Before starting work .

Select an issue:

When you delete messages, they go to the Deleted Items folder and are stored there for 30 days. During this period you can restore them:

  1. Go to the Deleted Items folder.
  2. Highlight necessary letters.
  3. Click the To Folder button.

If more than a month has passed since they were deleted, it will not be possible to restore the letters - they have been permanently deleted from the Yandex.Mail servers.

If the letters are not in the folder where they should be, then most likely they ended up in another folder, for example in Deleted Items or Spam. If you remember the sender's name or address, part of the text of the letter or the subject, try searching for letters in all the folders in your mailbox.

Have you found the letters?

You can restore letters:

  1. Go to the folder in which the letters were found.
  2. Select the required letters.
  3. Click the To Folder button.
  4. Select from the list the folder where you want to move the letters - for example, Inbox.

Why emails disappear and how to avoid it

The Deleted emails folder is stored for 30 days, and the Spam folder for 10 days. After this, they will be permanently deleted from Yandex servers. Why can emails end up in these folders without your knowledge:

Another user has access to your mailbox

Emails can be deleted by a user who has access to your mailbox: perhaps you forgot to end your session after working on someone else's device. To end your session, click the link in your account menu Log out on all devices. This can also be done on the page - using the link Log out on all computers.

Letters disappear in the mail program

A rule has been configured that deletes or moves letters. Letters disappear in the mail program.

If you use a mail program and delete letters in it, they disappear on . This happens because your program is configured using the IMAP protocol - in this case, the mailbox structure on the service is synchronized with the mailbox structure in the program. To delete messages only in the program, but leave them in Yandex.Mail, you can configure the program using the POP3 protocol, but we recommend not doing this: the messages may not synchronize correctly with the server.

A rule has been configured that deletes or moves emails Indicate authentic ones in Yandex.Passport and link them to your account. Our security system may have found your account suspicious and blocked your mailbox. Most often, this happens due to the fact that the phone number is not attached to the box or the Passport contains a fictitious first and last name. It usually takes a couple of hours to remove the lock.

If you delete letters in your mail program, but they are still in their folders on the Yandex.Mail website, then most likely your mail program is configured using the POP3 protocol. Due to the peculiarities of the POP3 protocol, messages in the mail program may not synchronize correctly with the server. To work with Yandex.Mail, it is recommended to use IMAP protocol. About how to reconfigure mail program from POP3 to IMAP, see Migration from POP3.

If your email program does not display sent emails, then most likely your email program is configured using the POP3 protocol. Due to the peculiarities of the POP3 protocol, messages in the mail program may not synchronize correctly with the server. To work with Yandex.Mail, it is recommended to use the IMAP protocol. To learn how to migrate your email program from POP3 to IMAP, see Migration from POP3.

The report always indicates the reason for non-delivery. About the most common reasons can be read in the article ../web/letter/create.html#troubleshooting__received-report.

If you receive errors about an incorrect certificate when activating SSL encryption in your email program, make sure that your email program and operating system configured correctly:

  • On a computer (without lags and "date from the future"). If installed wrong date, the system erroneously determines that the certificate has not yet expired or has already expired.
  • All installed.
  • Checking HTTPS connections is disabled in your antivirus settings. You can change your antivirus settings according to our instructions for Kaspersky Internet Security and ESET NOD32 Smart Security See the Security Certificate Errors section.

Manually add a certificate to the list of trusted certificates (Windows)

Attention. If you are not sure that you can install the certificate yourself, contact a specialist.

To add a certificate to the list of trusted certificates:

  1. Download the certificate. (If the linked file opens directly in your browser, click CTRL + S and save the file to your computer; there is no need to copy text from the file.)
  2. Open the Start menu.
  3. In the search field, enter certmgr.msc and click Enter key.
  4. In the program window, in the folder tree, click on the folder Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
  5. On the right side of the window, click right click mouse on Certificates and select All tasks → Import.
  6. Click "Next .
  7. Click the Browse button and select the CA.pem file you downloaded earlier. Click Next.
  8. In chapter Certificate store Leave the default settings and click Next.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. (Opt.) In the pop-up dialog, click Agree.
  11. In the folder tree, click on the folder update the program to version 6 or higher. After updating, run the following actions:
    1. In the program menu, select Properties → S/MIME and TLS.
    2. In the block, set the switch to the Internal position.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Try sending a letter. If the certificate error appears again, then in the same block Properties → S/MIME and TLS → Implementing S/MIME and TLS certificates Set the radio button to Microsoft CryptoAPI.
    5. Click OK button..
    6. Unpack the archive.
    7. Run the mailssl.bat file as administrator.
    8. In the mail program settings, turn off SSL and specify the following server parameters:
      • SMTP: server - localhost, port - 25
      • POP3: server - localhost, port - 110
      • IMAP: server - localhost, port - 143

    If the problem persists, try using the recommendations from the articles Trade Management Mail Client and Gmail (following the recommendations, substitute Attention.

    Be sure to enter your username and password manually. If you select authentication similar to the incoming mail server, sending will not work.

Limitation. You can send letters in this way only to addresses serviced by Yandex.Mail (in the domain or to addresses. To mailboxes of other postal services emails will not be sent through this server.

If you recently changed your mailbox password, make sure you also update your mail program settings. If the password in the settings is correct, wait a few hours - the mail program settings may not synchronize with the Yandex server right away.

Write to support service

Probably everyone knows this one. And many people create mailboxes on this service.

But it’s immediately worth noting that many users today use more than one mailbox. And for them sharing, it is best to use special email programs. One such program is the . To use any mailbox in this program, it must be configured.

We will produce Microsoft setup Outlook 2003/2007 for First of all, you will need to go into the email program itself. Next, search and select the item "Service" and in it click on the item "Account Settings".

Next, a window will open in which you will need to click on the item "Create". Then you will need to check the boxes "Exchange Server, POP3, IMAP or HTML" and press the button that says "Further".

After this, a new window will appear in which you need to check the box "Manually configure server settings or additional server types". After this, press again "Further".

Next, a window will appear in which we mark the item "Internet Email" and press again "Further". After this you need to enter your data in the section "User Information". Here you will need to enter your name and your email address. After that go to the menu "Server Information" and enter the following information in it. In field "Account Type" write IMAP in the field "Incoming mail server"- and in the field "Outgoing mail server"-

Next you need to enter the data in the menu "Login". Here you will need to specify the following: "User"- the name of your mailbox, "Password"- the password that is in this moment used in your mailbox.

After this, you will need to update the list of folders in the program. After the update, the list will be similar to the one used in your mailbox.

In principle, this is all that needs to be done to set up a mailbox in Microsoft program Outlook.